Replace the underlined phrases with correct forms of word

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.

get up to      go in for      go through with      live up to

put up with      run out of      sign up for

1   We ………………………… money two days after we arrived!

2   He’s so annoying. How do you ………………………… him?

3   Personally, I don’t ………………………… dangerous sports.

4   She wasn’t brave enough to ………………………… the plan.

5   At the hotel reception, you can ………………………… some really interesting excursions.

6   What did you ………………………… on holiday?

7   Part 2 of the trilogy could never ………………………… Part 1.


1 ran out of   2 put up with   3 go in for   4 go through with

5 sign up for   6 get up to   7 live up to

2. Complete the plot summary of the film Big with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.

catch up with      fit in with      get away with      get on with

get up      go back      make up      walk out on


At a travelling carnival, twelve-year-old Josh Baskin is embarrassed when he is too small for one of the rides. He puts a coin in a fortune-telling machine, which tells him to make a wish – so Josh wishes he was big. When he 1……………………… the next morning, he notices that his wish has come true: he is an adult, although still a child inside. His mother thinks he is a burglar, so he has to leave home. He tries to 2……………………… to the carnival, but it has left town.

On his own, Josh needs money, so he finds a job at a toy company. He doesn’t really have the skills he needs for work, but he 3……………………… it because he loves toys. In fact, he does well at work, but he finds it difficult to 4……………………… the other adults there. The only person he really 5……………………… is a female colleague called Susan Lawrence.

One day, Josh’s friend Billy tells him that the carnival is back in town. Josh 6……………………… Susan in the middle of an important meeting at work. When she 7……………………… him, he is at the fortune-telling machine. Finally, she realises that he did not 8……………………… the story about being a child. The two say goodbye before Josh puts another coin in the machine and becomes a child again.


1 gets up   2 go back   3 gets away with   4 fit in with

5 gets on with   6 walks out on   7 catches up with

8 make up

3. Complete the sentences with one or two prepositions below.

away      back      for      for      in      in      on      to      up      up      up

 Look ……………………… his address on the internet.

 It was so dark inside the cave that he was afraid to go ………………………

 I’ve always looked ……………………… my grandmother; she’s a brave and intelligent person.

 He’s very reliable; he never goes ……………………… a promise.

 I like sport, but I don’t really go ……………………… martial arts.

 The beach was fantastic. It made ……………………… the hotel, which wasn’t great.

 The police saw the burglar, but he still managed to get ………………………


1 up   2 in   3 up to   4 back on   5 in for   6 up for   7 away


When you come across a new phrasal verb, write down examples to show whether it is separable or inseparable. For example, ‘come across’ is inseparable:

I came across a new verb today.

I came across it today.

However, ‘write down’ is separable:

I wrote down two examples.

I wrote them down.

4. Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined object with a pronoun (him, her, it, them, etc.).

 She likes my friends and tries to get on with my friends.

     She likes my friends and tries to ………………………………………………………

 I don’t know where the restaurant is. Let’s look up the location on the internet.

     I don’t know where the restaurant is. Let’s ………………………………………………………

 They’d planned the robbery carefully, but didn’t go through with the plan.

      They’d planned the robbery carefully, but ………………………………………………………

 We haven’t eaten here before; we just came across the restaurant while we were walking around town.

      We haven’t eaten here before; we just came across ………………………………………………………

 He’s always so rude. I don’t think I can put up with his rudeness much longer.

     He’s always so rude. I don’t think I can put up with ………………………………………………………

 I knew the answer, but I didn’t have time to write down the answer.

     I knew the answer, but I didn’t have time ………………………………………………………

 The flight was terrible, but the holiday made up for the journey.

      The flight was terrible, but the holiday ………………………………………………………


1 get on with them   2 look it up   3 didn’t go through with it

4 came across it   5 put up with it   6 to write it down   7 made up for it

Extra exercises

1. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.

catch up with      fit in with      get on with      go through with

live up to      put up with      run out of      sign up for      walk out on

1   Connor didn’t fulfil his parents’ expectations and failed to get a place at university.


2   After her father abandoned his job, the family moved house.


3   That child doesn’t behave like the rest of the class because he prefers to play on his own.


4   When Amy agreed to do a job as a waitress, she didn’t think it would be such hard work.


5   My brother is always making ambitious plans, but he never completes them.


6   He’ll never succeed in reaching the other runners because he’s much slower than they are.


7   I couldn’t tolerate the heat any longer, so I went out and bought a fan.


8   She couldn’t finish the exam because she had used all of the time.


9   My little brother and I don’t have a good relationship with each other.



1 live up to   2 walked out on   3 fit in with

4 signed up for   5 goes through with   6 catch up with

7 put up with   8 run out of   9 get on with

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the correct verb in brackets. Include a pronoun where necessary.

 The room was full, so he needed to take a deep breath before he …………………………….. . (go in / go in for)

2   The teacher didn’t notice that we hadn’t done the homework. We …………………………….. . (get away / get away with)

3   The starter wasn’t very tasty, but the main course …………………………….. . It was delicious! (make up / make up for)

 I didn’t answer the phone because I …………………………….. yet. (get up / get up to)

 If you don’t understand a word, …………………………….. in the dictionary. (look up / look up to)

 If you make a promise, you shouldn’t …………………………….. . (go back / go back on)


1 went in   2 got away with it   3 made up for it

4 hadn’t got up   5 look it up   6 go back on it





The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment, or,
especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a
recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them;
they join the company.


Applying for
a job

Fred is a van
driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations
vacant pages of his local newspaper, where a local supermarket was
advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He applied for the
job by completing an application form and sending it in.


Selection procedures

Dagmar Schmidt is the head
of recruitment at a German telecommunications company. She talks about
the selection process, the methods that the company uses to recruit

‘We advertise in national
newspaper. We look at the backgrounds of applicants: their experience of
different jobs and their educational qualifications. We don’t ask for
handwritten letters of application as people usually apply by email;
handwriting analysis belongs to the 19th century.



Complete the crossword. Use appropriate forms of words from A, B and
C opposite.


I phoned to check on my application, but they said they’d already
___________ someone. (9)

6. This job is so important,
I think we need to  ___________
someone. (8)

8. The selection process has
lasted three months, but we’re going to ___________ someone next week.


Now divide
the words in 3.1 into two groups:

1. what a
company personnel department does.

2. what a
person looking for work does.


Replace the underlined phrases
with correct forms of words and expressions from A, B and C opposite.

Fred had already (1) refused
two job offers when he went for (2) a discussion to see if he was
for the job. they looked at his driving licence and
contacted (3) previous employers Fred had mentioned in his application.
A few days later, the supermarket (4) asked him if he would like the
and Fred (5) said yes.


A. Match the underlined phrasal verbs in sentences 1-10 to the more formal words a-j.

 I’ll try to talk her round.

 Can you sort out this problem?

 Don’t put off making a decision.

 I love to make up short stories.

 Could you set up a meeting?

 I really look up to my Uncle George.

 How do you put up with that terrible noise all the time?

 I need to work out how much money I’ll need.

 Please don’t let me down again.

10   Please carry on writing until I tell you to stop.

a   respect, admire

b   postpone, delay


d   solve, tidy

e   tolerate


g   disappoint

h   persuade


 invent, create


1 h   2 d   3 b   4 j   5 c   6 a   7 e   8 f   9 g   10 i

B. Decide on the best place to put the adverb, A or B. If both are possible, write A/B.

1   We were going to go out, but we ended [A] staying at home and watching a film [B]. (up)


2   You shouldn’t let her get away [A] being so rude to you [B]. (with)


3   I want to find [A] who took my bike [B]. (out)


4   My files are in a terrible mess. Could you help me sort [A] them [B]? (out)


5   Do you think he’ll carry [A] his promise to buy her a new car [B]? (out)


6   I’m really sorry for letting [A] you all [B]. (down)


7   Paul really looks down [A] me [B]. He thinks he’s something special! (on)


8   I’m very busy so I had to put [A] the meeting I had arranged with our American suppliers [B]. (off)


9   We’re having a barbecue tonight – can you help me to set [A] it [B]? (up)


10   You shouldn’t believe her. She’s always making [A] stories [B]. (up)



1 A   2 A   3 A   4 B   5 A   6 B   7 A   8 A   9 B   10 A/B

C. Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings.

1   We should stop talking and get

2   If you like, I’ll pick

3   She promised to help, but then she backed

4   When I told the truth, I came

5   I don’t mind where we go. I’ll go

6   I need to come

7   We thought it’d be a great match, but it didn’t really live

8   He spent all his money on a new car and ended

9   When you go bird-watching, try to blend

10   I thought my story was terrible, but it turned

a   out of it when she saw how much work there was.

b   along with whatever everyone else wants.

 up to our expectations.

d   up with nothing left to buy clothes.

e   you up from the party.

 out that everyone else liked it.

g   up with a great title for my story. Any suggestions?

h   on with some work.

  in with the trees by wearing brown or green clothes.

 in for a lot of criticism from my friends, but I’m glad I did it.


1 h   2 e   3 a   4 j   5 b   6 g   7 c   8 d   9 i   10 f

D. Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.

be down to     be off     be off     be on about     be out

be up     be up to     be up to

1   I’m afraid she isn’t at home at the moment. Can I take a message?

2   Some people think she’s been lucky, but I know her success is because of her hard work.

3   I had to throw away those yoghurts because they weren’t fresh.

4   She’s always talking about her holidays … it’s so boring!

5   Where are you going to? You need to stay and help us.

6   What’s the matter with Lucy? She looks really sad.

7   I don’t mind what you bring. It’s your decision.

8   Here come the boys now – they look as if they’ve been doing no good.


1 ‘out   2 is down to   3 were off

4 is (’s) always on about   5 are you off

6 is (’s) up   7 is fs) up to you   8 been up to

E. Complete the phrasal verb in each sentence, using one or two words.

1   You need to hurry ………………. if you don’t want to be late.

2   My cousin picked ………………. English while he was working in a hotel in London.

3   My auntie found a valuable old painting when she was sorting ………………. her cupboards.

4   She didn’t get ………………. her parents very well, so she moved into her own flat instead.

5   I didn’t plan on staying at the party for long, but I ended ………………. staying until midnight.

6   I really don’t understand what you’re going ………………. . Start again, from the beginning.

7   She was very angry but she calmed ………………. when I said I was sorry.

8   I feel much healthier since I gave ………………. eating chocolate.

9   I’m really looking ………………. my holiday.

10   I ran ………………. money, so I had to borrow some from Jake.


1 up   2 up   3 out   4 on with   5 up   6 on about

7 down   8 up   9 forward to   10 out of

F. Check that you know the meanings of the eight verbs in the table. Then tick (✓) the boxes to show possible phrasal verbs (e.g. run up, run down, etc.). Use your imagination – they won’t all be in a dictionary.











push something

chase something

kick something

throw something

Now choose six phrasal verbs ending with different adverbs and write sentences in your notebook.

Example:   Last week someone stole my handbag and then ran off with it.

G. Circle the correct option.

1   There weren’t enough people for us to hold the meeting, so we had to ………… .

      a put off

      b put off it

      c put it off

2   We need to ………… .

      a come up with a plan

      b come up a plan with

      c come a plan up with

3   She kept on ………… at us until we decided to go and play somewhere else.

      a to shout

      b shouting

      c shout

4   A: What time do you want us to be there?   B: It’s ………… you.

      a on about

      b down to

      c up to

5   I thought Anna had been causing trouble, but it ………… that she hadn’t done anything.

      a turned out

      b pointed out

      c ended up


1 c   2 a   3 b   4 c   5 a

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Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: kinderap868


Автор ответа: svetafinchenko



1 get through to

2 break up-  

3 speak up…

4 call back

5 hang up

6 pick up

7 cut off

8 run out of


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