Remembrance day in australia lesson plan 9 grade excel

Сабақ жоспары

Материал жайлы қысқаша түсінік:

Remembrance day in Australia, 9-grade
Lesson plan

9.S3 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics
9.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
9.W6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics


Жаманкөзова Ажар Бейілқызы


0 Ақпан 2022

#Шет тілі

#Сабақ жоспары

#9 сынып








Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Материал ұнаса әріптестеріңізбен бөлісіңіз

Сізге пайдалы материалдар.

Сіздің материалыңыз дайындалуда!

Дайын болған соң
почтаңызға жіберіледі.

Уақытыңызды құр өткізбей, біздің


қатысып Диплом алыңыз

Пәнді таңдау

Материал жүктеу үшін:

Сіздің уақытыңызды үнемдеу үшін, біз материалды бірден электронды поштаңызға жібереміз.

Материалды жүктеу

План урока


Spotlght 9. Module

Across the curriculum. Remembrance


развивать навыки чтения и приемы работы с текстом, совершенствовать умения
аудирования диалогической и монологической речи.

развивать память, мышление, речь

воспитывать коллективизм, взаимопомощь


интегрирование в группу сверстников и строить продуктивные взаимодействия;
строить диалогические и монологические контекстные высказывания

адекватно и самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия и вносить
в него необходимые коррективы

осуществлять расширенный поиск информации с использованием ресурсов библиотеки
и Интернета

развитие познавательного интересаи
воспитание уважительного отношения к другим странам; развитие навыков коллективной
учебной деятельности, умение работать в группе

План урока

Организация класса и совместная разработка плана урока

Развитие навыков чтения и приемов работы с текстом

Совершенствование умений диалогической речи

Совершенствование умений монологической речи

Развитие навыков аудирования

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

Ход урока

Организация класса и совместная выработка плана урока

we deal with reading and talking. Let’s make a plan of our lesson.

Развитие навыков чтения и признаков работы с текстом

Lets practice in reading.

хоровая фонетическая разминка, чтение слов к разделу

выполнение упр. 5,6 стр. 22;

изучение теоретической врезки и выполнение упр. 3, стр.22

выполнение упр. 4, стр. 22

Совершенствование умений диалогической речи.

think you are ready to discuss facts about Remembrance Day with your partner.
Use the speech pattern: I would like to tell you that… .

Совершенствование  умений монологической речи.

Answer my questions.

Is there a special day to remember war veterans in our country?

When do we have this day? How do we name this day?

Who do we remember on Victory Day?

Did Russia take part in WW1?

Do we have a special day to remember soldiers who were killed in WW1?

Do we need a special day to commemorate them?

Развитие навыков аудирования

listen to the WW1 songs.

прослушивание песен;

разучивание понравившейся песни.

Подведение итогов уроков. Рефлексия. Запись домашнего задания.


At the lesson I liked:

-working alone

-working in pairs

-working in groups

-listening task

-grammar and vocabulary task

answering questions

speaking task

I do this task better than the others:

-listening task

-grammar and vocabulary task

speaking task

I have to practise more my

-listening skills

-grammar and vocabulary skills

speaking skills

Now I feel:


-quite happy

-rather energetic



b) запись домашнего

написать личное письмо другу о том, что узнал на уроке и своем
отношении к этому.


  1. Урок английского языка по теме «Across the curriculum.Remembrance Day». 9-й класс
  2. Презентация к уроку
  3. Ходурока
  4. Remembrance Day in the classroom
  5. Remembrance Day in the classroom
  6. Урок английского языка по теме «Across the curriculum.Remembrance Day». 9-й класс
  7. Презентация к уроку
  8. Ходурока

Урок английского языка по теме «Across the curriculum.Remembrance Day». 9-й класс

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

Учащиеся заранее переводят текст на стр. 23 учебника.

Цель: to revise “Holidays” vocabulary.


  • развитие умений использовать тематическую лексику и активный грамматический материал в новой ситуации общения;
  • развитие умений прогнозировать содержание текста (ознакомительное и поисковое чтение);
  • развитие навыков употребления в речи тематической лексики;
  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи слов , значения которых представляют трудность для российских школьников.

Оборудование: презентация в PowerPoint, раздаточный материал, картинки (см. Приложение)


-Hello, pupils. Nice to meet you. I hope you are Ok. Let’s begin our lesson.

I. Warm-up.

Well, give me letters, please.


Students guess the word.

Ok, today we’ll speak about holidays.

II. Your homework was translating the text. Well, let’s check it.

Проверка домашнего задания. Учащиеся переводят читают и переводят текст. Презентацию (см.Приложение) можно показать до проверки домашнего задания, можно и после.

III. Ok, you know about Remembrance Day holiday but there are a lot of other holidays in the world. You can see three pictures at the blackboard. Try to guess what holidays are on these pictures. (см. Приложение)

Certainly, these are Easter, Christmas and Remembrance Day.

Now I divide you for three teams.(Учитель делит команды на команды, чертит на доске таблицу для начисления очков, за каждый верный ответ команда получает смайлик см. Приложение)

You have English words at the right side of the blackboard and their Russian equivalents at the left side. Try to match them.

Sweets Иисус Христос
Christmas tree Цветы
Turkey Ветераны
Display fireworks Воскреснуть
Carol Пасха
Wreath День Памяти
The End of the World War Пасхальный кролик
War songs Пасхальные яйца
Parade Конфеты
Flowers Конец Мировой войны
Veterans Идти в церковь
To go to church Рождество
Jesus Christ Показ фейерверков
To raise from the dead Венок
Easter Bunny Индейка
Remembrance Day Санта Клаус
Christmas Военные песни
Easter Пудинг
Easter eggs Гимн
Pudding Парад
Santa Claus Рождественская елка

Now each team chooses some words and phrases which are connected with this team’s Holiday. (До этого задания учитель распределяет Пасху, Рождество и День Памяти по этим трем командам)

Team 1.Team 2.Team 3.

(Учащиеся берут слова из прошлого задания и прикрепляют их к своему празднику)

Now I give you menu and you should organize a party for your holiday. Youhave £20. (Учитель раздает три разных меню для трех разных праздников. Учащиеся должны составить программу, уложившись в 20 фунтов. Необходимо, чтобы обязательно была включена атрибутика данного праздника, при этом, чтобы никто из гостей не остался голодным). Меню в приложении.

Учитель вызывает к доске по одному представителю от каждой команды и прикрепляет к их спинам слова с названиями этих трех праздников. Причем ребята не знают, какой праздник на их спине. Участники каждой команды должны назвать как можно больше слов, связанных с этим праздником, чтобы стоящий смог догадаться о каком празднике идет речь. Если он угадывает, данная команда получает очки. В этом задании идет отработка произношения тематической лексики урока.

IV. Учитель подводит итого, подсчитывает очки по количеству набранных смайликов. Кстати, я забирала по одному смайлику за каждый неверный ответ.


Remembrance Day in the classroom

Remembrance Day in the classroom

The 11th of November, Remembrance Day, falls on a Monday this year. While students may be familiar with the eleventh hour’s minute of silence and the sight of poppy lapel pins, Remembrance Day is often given only a passing mention in the classroom in comparison to the focus that Anzac Day receives. Take the opportunity this year to help students understand that Remembrance Day is also an important time to reflect on and be thankful for Australian soldiers past and present.

What is the difference between Anzac Day and Remembrance Day?

Anzac Day, celebrated on 25 April, marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during World War I. At dawn on 25 April 1915, these forces landed on the shores of Gallipoli. That date has since become synonymous with Australian and New Zealand soldiers, and both countries use it to commemorate and thank all those who have served their nation.

Three and a half years later, on 11 November 1918, the Western Front fell silent. That morning, an armistice had been signed to cease the fighting. Although World War I would not officially end until 28 June the following year with the Treaty of Versailles, 11 November was seen as the beginning of the end. The date calls for reflection and gratitude for all those who lost their lives on the battlefield in numerous countries, including Australia, the UK, Canada and South Africa. While initially used to commemorate WWI alone, Remembrance Day has since come to represent fallen soldiers from all conflicts. The red poppy is used as the symbol of Remembrance Day across the world.

Where does the red poppy come from?

The famous poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae is not merely referencing the poppy as a remembrance flower—it is the inspiration for that meaning itself. After McCrae wrote the piece, it found its way into the hands of Moina Michael, an American who found the poem so powerful that she vowed to always wear a red poppy to remember those who had died in the field. She soon began selling fabric poppies to raise funds for veterans. Eventually her symbol spread across the world and became associated with 11 November.

How can I bring Remembrance Day into the classroom?

Thanks to its ties with Australian history, Remembrance Day creates the opportunity for many cross-curricular classroom activities to be employed. In particular, the activities below can give your class the chance to discuss history, geography, English and the arts. Given the subject matter, some activities will suit older students better than younger ones.

1. Lesson starter: What is Remembrance Day?

A great way to start class is with this short, easy-to-follow video by Behind the News. Share this with your students to give a basic but engaging background to Remembrance Day (in case they’re unfamiliar with its history). Just like the children do at the end of the video, invite students to say if Remembrance Day means anything to them personally.

2. The eleventh hour’s minute silence

Make sure to remind everyone about the minute of silence that is observed at 11 am. You can turn this reminder into a class discussion about respect—why do we stay silent during that time? What might it be good to reflect on during that minute? Who are we remembering on this day?

3. A classroom poppy flower

This simple activity requires a sheet of red card for every student and a large circle of black card to make the centre of the flower for the whole class.

If you’re wearing a poppy for the day, show it to the class. If not, show a picture of a poppy on an interactive whiteboard instead. Explain that wearing poppies is one of the ways we ‘remember’ and show our gratitude on Remembrance Day. Ask the class to think about what they’re grateful for, especially in Australia. Next, hand out sheets of red card and ask students to make outlines of their hand. Inside the handprint, they can write the list of things they thought of. Once finished, each student cuts out their handprint. You can stick these around the black circle of card to make a remembrance poppy display for class.

Download a free poppy craft template here.

4. Read In Flanders Field

For older students, introduce the lesson by reading In Flanders Fields aloud. Invite the class to discuss the poem. What kind of scene does it represent? Why might this poem have become so famous when it was shared with the world?

Afterwards, type ‘Flanders Fields’ into an online image search to show students fields of poppies. Ask them to write a short passage about what being at the field might have been like for a soldier in World War I, using both the poem and photos as inspiration.

5. Where is Flanders?

Place an interactive map on the classroom’s smartboard. Make sure you pick one that gives you the ability to zoom in and out. Start off showing the Flanders region and slowly zoom out. Ask students to try to figure out which country it’s in. As you zoom further out, eventually show where Australia is in comparison and how far away the Australian soldiers were. Ask students to discuss how far away they think that is, and how soldiers might have travelled that distance during the 1910s.

Alternatively, students can perform their own online searches and map exploration to answer these questions.

6. Making poppies

A more artistic activity is for students to make their own poppies following this tutorial. The only necessary equipment is tissue paper and pipe-cleaners. If you add safety pins, the students can use their creations as their own remembrance flowers for the day.


Урок английского языка по теме «Across the curriculum.Remembrance Day». 9-й класс

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

Учащиеся заранее переводят текст на стр. 23 учебника.

Цель: to revise “Holidays” vocabulary.


  • развитие умений использовать тематическую лексику и активный грамматический материал в новой ситуации общения;
  • развитие умений прогнозировать содержание текста (ознакомительное и поисковое чтение);
  • развитие навыков употребления в речи тематической лексики;
  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи слов , значения которых представляют трудность для российских школьников.

Оборудование: презентация в PowerPoint, раздаточный материал, картинки (см. Приложение)


-Hello, pupils. Nice to meet you. I hope you are Ok. Let’s begin our lesson.

I. Warm-up.

Well, give me letters, please.


Students guess the word.

Ok, today we’ll speak about holidays.

II. Your homework was translating the text. Well, let’s check it.

Проверка домашнего задания. Учащиеся переводят читают и переводят текст. Презентацию (см.Приложение) можно показать до проверки домашнего задания, можно и после.

III. Ok, you know about Remembrance Day holiday but there are a lot of other holidays in the world. You can see three pictures at the blackboard. Try to guess what holidays are on these pictures. (см. Приложение)

Certainly, these are Easter, Christmas and Remembrance Day.

Now I divide you for three teams.(Учитель делит команды на команды, чертит на доске таблицу для начисления очков, за каждый верный ответ команда получает смайлик см. Приложение)

You have English words at the right side of the blackboard and their Russian equivalents at the left side. Try to match them.

Sweets Иисус Христос
Christmas tree Цветы
Turkey Ветераны
Display fireworks Воскреснуть
Carol Пасха
Wreath День Памяти
The End of the World War Пасхальный кролик
War songs Пасхальные яйца
Parade Конфеты
Flowers Конец Мировой войны
Veterans Идти в церковь
To go to church Рождество
Jesus Christ Показ фейерверков
To raise from the dead Венок
Easter Bunny Индейка
Remembrance Day Санта Клаус
Christmas Военные песни
Easter Пудинг
Easter eggs Гимн
Pudding Парад
Santa Claus Рождественская елка

Now each team chooses some words and phrases which are connected with this team’s Holiday. (До этого задания учитель распределяет Пасху, Рождество и День Памяти по этим трем командам)

Team 1.Team 2.Team 3.

(Учащиеся берут слова из прошлого задания и прикрепляют их к своему празднику)

Now I give you menu and you should organize a party for your holiday. Youhave £20. (Учитель раздает три разных меню для трех разных праздников. Учащиеся должны составить программу, уложившись в 20 фунтов. Необходимо, чтобы обязательно была включена атрибутика данного праздника, при этом, чтобы никто из гостей не остался голодным). Меню в приложении.

Учитель вызывает к доске по одному представителю от каждой команды и прикрепляет к их спинам слова с названиями этих трех праздников. Причем ребята не знают, какой праздник на их спине. Участники каждой команды должны назвать как можно больше слов, связанных с этим праздником, чтобы стоящий смог догадаться о каком празднике идет речь. Если он угадывает, данная команда получает очки. В этом задании идет отработка произношения тематической лексики урока.

IV. Учитель подводит итого, подсчитывает очки по количеству набранных смайликов. Кстати, я забирала по одному смайлику за каждый неверный ответ.


  • Wednesday 02 October 2019

The 11th of November, Remembrance Day, falls on a Monday this year. While students may be familiar with the eleventh hour’s minute of silence and the sight of poppy lapel pins, Remembrance Day is often given only a passing mention in the classroom in comparison to the focus that Anzac Day receives. Take the opportunity this year to help students understand that Remembrance Day is also an important time to reflect on and be thankful for Australian soldiers past and present.

What is the difference between Anzac Day and Remembrance Day?

Anzac Day, celebrated on 25 April, marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during World War I. At dawn on 25 April 1915, these forces landed on the shores of Gallipoli. That date has since become synonymous with Australian and New Zealand soldiers, and both countries use it to commemorate and thank all those who have served their nation.

Three and a half years later, on 11 November 1918, the Western Front fell silent. That morning, an armistice had been signed to cease the fighting. Although World War I would not officially end until 28 June the following year with the Treaty of Versailles, 11 November was seen as the beginning of the end. The date calls for reflection and gratitude for all those who lost their lives on the battlefield in numerous countries, including Australia, the UK, Canada and South Africa. While initially used to commemorate WWI alone, Remembrance Day has since come to represent fallen soldiers from all conflicts. The red poppy is used as the symbol of Remembrance Day across the world.

Where does the red poppy come from?

The famous poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae is not merely referencing the poppy as a remembrance flower—it is the inspiration for that meaning itself. After McCrae wrote the piece, it found its way into the hands of Moina Michael, an American who found the poem so powerful that she vowed to always wear a red poppy to remember those who had died in the field. She soon began selling fabric poppies to raise funds for veterans. Eventually her symbol spread across the world and became associated with 11 November.

How can I bring Remembrance Day into the classroom?

Thanks to its ties with Australian history, Remembrance Day creates the opportunity for many cross-curricular classroom activities to be employed. In particular, the activities below can give your class the chance to discuss history, geography, English and the arts. Given the subject matter, some activities will suit older students better than younger ones.

1. Lesson starter: What is Remembrance Day?

A great way to start class is with this short, easy-to-follow video by Behind the News. Share this with your students to give a basic but engaging background to Remembrance Day (in case they’re unfamiliar with its history). Just like the children do at the end of the video, invite students to say if Remembrance Day means anything to them personally.

2. The eleventh hour’s minute silence

Make sure to remind everyone about the minute of silence that is observed at 11 am. You can turn this reminder into a class discussion about respect—why do we stay silent during that time? What might it be good to reflect on during that minute? Who are we remembering on this day?

3. A classroom poppy flower

This simple activity requires a sheet of red card for every student and a large circle of black card to make the centre of the flower for the whole class.

If you’re wearing a poppy for the day, show it to the class. If not, show a picture of a poppy on an interactive whiteboard instead. Explain that wearing poppies is one of the ways we ‘remember’ and show our gratitude on Remembrance Day. Ask the class to think about what they’re grateful for, especially in Australia. Next, hand out sheets of red card and ask students to make outlines of their hand. Inside the handprint, they can write the list of things they thought of. Once finished, each student cuts out their handprint. You can stick these around the black circle of card to make a remembrance poppy display for class.

Download a free poppy craft template here.

4. Read In Flanders Field

For older students, introduce the lesson by reading In Flanders Fields aloud. Invite the class to discuss the poem. What kind of scene does it represent? Why might this poem have become so famous when it was shared with the world?

Afterwards, type ‘Flanders Fields’ into an online image search to show students fields of poppies. Ask them to write a short passage about what being at the field might have been like for a soldier in World War I, using both the poem and photos as inspiration.

5. Where is Flanders?

Place an interactive map on the classroom’s smartboard. Make sure you pick one that gives you the ability to zoom in and out. Start off showing the Flanders region and slowly zoom out. Ask students to try to figure out which country it’s in. As you zoom further out, eventually show where Australia is in comparison and how far away the Australian soldiers were. Ask students to discuss how far away they think that is, and how soldiers might have travelled that distance during the 1910s.

Alternatively, students can perform their own online searches and map exploration to answer these questions.

6. Making poppies

A more artistic activity is for students to make their own poppies following this tutorial. The only necessary equipment is tissue paper and pipe-cleaners. If you add safety pins, the students can use their creations as their own remembrance flowers for the day.

How will you be commemorating Remembrance Day in your classroom?
We’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
  • Australian War Memorial. (2018). Origins of Remembrance Day. Retrieved from
  • Australian War Memorial. (2019). The Anzac Day tradition. Retrieved from
  • Bolger, R. (2017, November 11). Remembrance Day eclipsed by Anzac Day in Australia’s consciousness, says war historian. SBS News. Retrieved from
  • Pruit, S. (2018, November 9). The WWI origins of the poppy as a remembrance symbol. History. Retrieved from
  • Remembrance Day

Учащиеся заранее переводят текст на стр. 23 учебника.

Цель: to revise “Holidays” vocabulary.


  • развитие умений использовать тематическую лексику и активный грамматический материал в новой ситуации общения;
  • развитие умений прогнозировать содержание текста (ознакомительное и поисковое чтение);
  • развитие навыков употребления в речи тематической лексики;
  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи слов , значения которых представляют трудность для российских школьников.

Оборудование: презентация в PowerPoint, раздаточный материал, картинки (см. Приложение)


-Hello, pupils. Nice to meet you. I hope you are Ok. Let’s begin our lesson.

I. Warm-up.

Well, give me letters, please.

   H     O      L      I      D      A      Y      S  

Students guess the word.

Ok, today we’ll speak about holidays.

II. Your homework was translating the text. Well, let’s check it.

Проверка домашнего задания. Учащиеся переводят читают и переводят текст. Презентацию (см.Приложение) можно показать до проверки домашнего задания, можно и после.

III. Ok, you know about Remembrance Day holiday but there are a lot of other holidays in the world. You can see three pictures at the blackboard. Try to guess what holidays are on these pictures. (см. Приложение)

Certainly, these are Easter, Christmas and Remembrance Day.

Now I divide you for three teams.(Учитель делит команды на команды, чертит на доске таблицу для начисления очков, за каждый верный ответ команда получает смайлик см. Приложение)

Task 1.

You have English words at the right side of the blackboard and their Russian equivalents at the left side. Try to match them.

Sweets Иисус Христос
Christmas tree Цветы
Turkey Ветераны
Display fireworks Воскреснуть
Carol Пасха
Wreath День Памяти
The End of the World War Пасхальный кролик
War songs Пасхальные яйца
Parade Конфеты
Flowers Конец Мировой войны
Veterans Идти в церковь
To go to church Рождество
Jesus Christ Показ фейерверков
To raise from the dead Венок
Easter Bunny Индейка
Remembrance Day Санта Клаус
Christmas Военные песни
Easter Пудинг
Easter eggs Гимн
Pudding Парад
Santa Claus Рождественская елка

(см. Приложение)

Task 2.

Now each team chooses some words and phrases which are connected with this team’s Holiday. (До этого задания учитель распределяет Пасху, Рождество и День Памяти по этим трем командам)

Team 1.Team 2.Team 3.


(Учащиеся берут слова из прошлого задания и прикрепляют их к своему празднику)

Task 3.

Now I give you menu and you should organize a party for your holiday. Youhave £20. (Учитель раздает три разных меню для трех разных праздников. Учащиеся должны составить программу, уложившись в 20 фунтов. Необходимо, чтобы обязательно была включена атрибутика данного праздника, при этом, чтобы никто из гостей не остался голодным). Меню в приложении.

Task 4.

Учитель вызывает к доске по одному представителю от каждой команды и прикрепляет к их спинам слова с названиями этих трех праздников. Причем ребята не знают, какой праздник на их спине. Участники каждой команды должны назвать как можно больше слов, связанных с этим праздником, чтобы стоящий смог догадаться о каком празднике идет речь. Если он угадывает, данная команда получает очки. В этом задании идет отработка произношения тематической лексики урока.

IV. Учитель подводит итого, подсчитывает очки по количеству набранных смайликов. Кстати, я забирала по одному смайлику за каждый неверный ответ.



Презентация к уроку в 9 классе
УМК “Spotlight”
Module 1.
Across the curriculum
“Remembrance Day”
(День памяти)


What events are
important to
remember every


What day is it?
When does it take
Where is it?
Who takes part?
What is the symbol of
this day?


1. Read the text
2. EX. 3





Remember to do – не забыть
сделать что-то
Remind somebody to do –
напомнить кому-то сделать что-то
Memorise something – запоминать,
заучивать что-то


What day is it?
Remembrance day
(Poppy Day)
When does it take
place? Why?
11 am, on the 11 of
Where is it?
in Britain


Who takes part?
The Royal family,
the Royal army,
top politicions,
veterans, people
What is the
symbol of this day?
The poppy


Why is a red
poppy the symbol
of this day?
Only these flowers
grew on the battle
fields after the war
What services take
place on


What happens on
— Attend a special
— Lay wreaths
— 2-minute silence


Why does this day
take place?
— To remember
millions who died
in the war for
their country


On 11 th of November
To remember the millions who died in World
War I
= Poppy Day
Poppy is a symbol
Poppies look like blood
Parades for everyone
Veterans lay wreaths
2-minute silence
Traditional wartime songs



Remembrance Day



Red Poppy is the symbol of Remembrance




Morning of November 11 is the laying of wreaths at war memorials around the country. Queen
Elizabeth II in mourning attire takes place in front of the Cenotaph, a monument to the soldiers
who fell in the First World War. Behind her, in uniform, lined up senior members of the Royal
Family, as well as members of the British government. From the first stroke of Big Ben Field gun
will fire, signifying the beginning of a 2-minute silence. The second shot to break the silence and
opens the ceremony of laying wreaths of red poppies, the traditional colors of memory. Queen
lays a wreath at the first.


In the process of participating elementary school
students. For them it was a kind of a lesson in courage.


Ends with a solemn parade of the service in the church.


This holiday is also celebrated in Australia, Kenya, India, Bermuda, Barbados,
Canada, and France.

Concepts to be taught:
1. War is a DISASTER (Not a game, or a heroic adventure)
2. War is a PREVENTABLE disaster.

More about this lesson plan:

Materials Needed: Computer paper
—Felt pens
—Prepared charts in big letters & numbers showing all the key
facts & figures. These are taped near the time line as they
are mentioned & left there (Unlike ‘now you see it, now you don’t’
film & overhead projector images) Low tech is often best.

Author: David Morgan

Source: ©

Related lessons:

  1. In Flanders Fields Poem And Remembrance Day Poppies
  2. Thanksgiving Lesson Plan
  3. Thanksgiving Acrostic Poem Lesson Plan
  4. Insects and Spiders Lesson Plan
  5. Bugs! Lesson Plan

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