Refer the words and word combinations to the four seasons have a picnic pick flowers

Monday, the eighth of February


1. Refer the words and word combinations to the four seasons.

have a picnic, pick flowers, go camping, be on the beach, play in the snow, wear a raincoat, sit on the balcony, rake leaves, go swimming, go ski/boarding, wear warm clothes, make a snowman, pick berries and mushrooms, sit by the fireplace, play golf.

Winter: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Spring: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Summer: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Autumn: ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. Fill in the missing words describing weather and clothes.

sun have to hot rains cool rainy cold warm colours take wear red shoes best scarf feet clothes

Today is Monday. It is the beginning of spring. The flowers start to boom and the 1) … shines almost every day. I have to go to school and I don’t know what to wear. In the morning it is a little 2) … because the temperatures are low. Then later in the day, it is sunny and 3) … . So I have to take a jacket and then I 4) … it off when it gets warm. Sometimes it 5) … and I have to wear my red raincoat. When it doesn’t rain I take a jacket. In the spring my fingers and nose are always 6) … in the morning.

In winter it is very 7) … . It is snowy and rainy all the time. I have a lot of clothes- my blue hat on my head, my black 8) … around my neck, my red coat around my body and my thick grey socks on my 9) … . Then, on top of my thick socks, I 10) … my grey boots. I look like a penguin with all these 11) … . I hate it! It makes me look funny. But I am warm.

Summer is the 12) … because it is 13) … and sunny. I only wear T-shirt and shorts on my legs. My T-shirts are in all 14) … -purple, green, black, blue, yellow, orange, red, grey, white, brown, pink and even multicoloured ones. On my feet I wear my blue sandals or light, white socks with my red and blue sports 15) … .

Then in autumn it gets cloudy and 16) … again. I 17) … wear my coat and jacket again. I don’t like it because then later it is winter and I look like a penguin again.

I Choose the right option.

  1. There _____ a lot of people in the cinema last Sunday. The film was super!

  1. were b) was c) weren’t

  1. Where _____ Sam yesterday? – We _____ together at the zoo.

  1. Were b) was c) wasn’t

  1. It rained yesterday and I stayed ___ home.

  1. In b) — c) at

  1. I’m waiting for you ___ the bus stop.

  1. On b) at c) in

  1. He got up late yesterday, so he ___ any breakfast.

  1. didn’t has b) didn’t had c) didn’t have

  1. You ___ touch the paintings in the Arts Gallery.

  1. must b) can c) mustn’t

  1. The Adventure Park is great! Let’s go ___ a roller coaster!

  1. by b) on c) in

  1. Can you tell me where the internet café is? – Walk down the street. It’s ___your left.

  1. on b) to c) at

  1. Where ____ at the weekend?

  1. you went b) did you go c) did you went

  1. The new cinema is ____ the corner of Park Street and Green Street.

  1. In b) at c) on

II Read the definitions and complete with the words from the box

Umbrella, rainbow, raincoat, beach, season, January, clouds, snow, winter, sun, wing

  1. They can be grey or white in the sky. _________________

  2. It has got seven colours. You can see it after the rain. ___________

  3. You can see it in the sky during the day. _______________

  4. This is frozen water that comes from clouds usually in winter ____________

  5. You can fly your kite where / when there is a lot of it. ____________

  6. The season when it snows. ____________

  7. The month when we celebrate the New Year Day. _________

  8. We put it on when it is raining. ____________

  9. We usually take it with us on rainy days. ____________

  10. We go there on holiday to swim and sunbathe. __________

III Refer the words and word combination to the four seasons.

Have a picnic, pick flowers, go camping, be on the beach, play in the snow, wear a raincoat, sit on the balcony, rake leaves, go swimming, go ski / boarding, wear warm clothes, make a snowman, pick berries and mushrooms, sit by the fireplace, play golf





IV Match the titles to the season description.

  1. Winter B. Spring C. Summer D. Autumn E Seasons

  1. What happens: it gets colder; days get shorter; Indian summer comes; leaves have beautiful colours; birds migrate to warm countries; it rains a lot; school starts.

  2. What happens: school finishes; holidays start; days get longer; there grow a lot of vegetables and fruit; it is often hot

What we can do: go on holidays; go to the beach; sunbathe and swim; have a picnic; go diving; eat ice cream; go camping.

  1. What happens: the snow melts; nature awakens from its winter sleep; the first flowers appear; snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils; birds come back from the south; new animals are born

What we can do: plant seeds; work in the garden; fall in love

  1. What happens: the first frosts come; rivers and lakes are frozen; there is Christmas and New Year

What we can do: make a snowman; play snowballs; go skiing and skating

V Match the beginning (1-9) and the endings of the sentences/phrases (a-i)

  1. It’s raining.

  2. When it rains…

  3. When it’s hot…

  4. The sun is shining!

  5. When it’s very cold…

  6. Look, it’s snowing!

  7. It’s summer in the picture.

  8. Look out of the window! It’s very cold.

  9. When it’s foggy…

  1. we take an umbrella.

  2. Let’s go swimming!

  3. we put on warm jackets.

  4. Put on your raincoat.

  5. The children are wearing warm scarves and gloves.

  6. my Dad doesn’t drive.

  7. The girl is picking flowers.

  8. Let’s make a snowman!

  9. we go swimming

VI Match the opposites describing seasons and clothes.

  1. Long a) wrong

  2. Heavy b) hot

  3. Cold c) wet

  4. Tight d) short

  5. Dry e) light

  6. High f) loose

  7. New g) low

  8. Right h) old

VII Open the brackets to complete the text using the right form of the verb.

Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?

Tom: Yes, I ____________ (look) for a present for my aunt.

Shop assistant: What ___________ (you/ have) in mind?

Tom: I’m not sure. I _____________ (think), something warm for winter.

Shop assistant: What about a scarf? _____________ she (wear) scarves?

Tom: Yes, she does. I ___________ (like) the idea.

Shop assistant: Any particular colour?

Tom: A blue one, please. Blue _________ (be) my aunt’s favourite.

Shop assistant: Here you are.

Tom: I really like it. How much _________ (be) it?

Shop assistant: That __________ (be) 28 €.

Tom: Here you are and thank you so much for your help.

Shop assistant: Thank you! Have a nice day!

VIII Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words.

Hi, Friends!

I’m Peter from Hungary. I just want to talk about autumn in my country.

School __________ on the __________ of September. ( START, ONE)

___________ are happy to see their friends again. (CHILD). It’s often

____________ at the beginning of autumn. (SUN). And it is a rich season because

____________ (TREE) are full of fruit. But in October and November it’s usually

Cold and __________ (WIND). It rains a lot. The ____________ (LEAF) of the trees

Fall down. I don’t like rainy days.

What about autumn in _____________ country? (YOU).


                              Методическая  разработка

«Тренировочные  упражнения для  сдачи ОГЭ по 
английскому  языку»


учитель английского      языка:

Марупова М.Х.      

                                                    Рассмотрено на ПМО

      учителей  английского языка   

                Протокол  №

От                2022 г.

Руководитель ПМО

                                                        Егорова Г.Ф.


Заместитель  директора по УВР

 Алимбаева М.А.

Директор  ФГКОУ «СОЩ
№6»                                 Турсунова  М.Т.

Предлагаемые задания  представляют  собой 
практические  упражнения по  курсу углубленного  изучения  английского языка в
5-7 классов по учебно-методическим  комплектам: Верещагина И.В. Афанасьева О.В,
Михеевой И.В.  Данные  упражнения  ориентированы на  работу  в  российских 
общеобразовательных  учреждениях и школ с  изучением  английского  языка для 
подготовки ОГЭ,  а  также  помогут сформировать элементарные коммуникативные 
умения  на  иностранном  языке в  четырех видах  речевой деятельности ( речевые
умения,  аудирование, чтение и письменная речь). Задания  составлены с 
необходимостью  контроля за уровнем  развития ключевых компетенции учащихся, за
уровнем достижения ими не только предметных, но и личностных,  метапредметных
результатов, уровнем сформированности универсальных учебных действий.

Пояснительная  записка.

Методическая  разработка направлена для  определения
уровня иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и для развитие умений чтения, письма,
лексико-грамматических навыков как основы речевых умений. Они не  только 
решают задачу тренировки установленных форматов экзаменационных заданий, но и
служат развитию жизненно важных универсальных учебных действий. Так, задания по
чтению в формате
установление соответствий между текстами частями текста и заголовкам-шаги в
развитии умений смыслового чтения- одного из важнейших метапредметных умений.
Заполнение пропусков в тексте-диалоге-умение использовать языковые средства и
правила речевого и неречевого поведения в соответствии с нормами, принятыми в
странах изучаемого языка.


1. Расширение арсенала заданий в формате
государственной итоговой аттестации по изучаемому предмету за курс основной
школы, которые помогут обеспечить более последовательную, постепенную, глубокую
подготовку к экзамену.

2. Мотивировать учащихся на овладение  умениями
правильно писать и читать,  умения правильно использовать словарный запас,
ознакомить учеников с основными видами чтения текста и алгоритмом выбора
лучшего в зависимости от выполняемого задания, а также практика, повторения и
самопроверки своих навыков и умений.

3. Формировать личность способную самостоятельно
работать, рационально организовывая свой труд в классе и  дома.



Формирование лексико-грамматических
навыков и умений, расширение словарного запаса посредством языковой догадки.

Формирование интереса учащихся к изучению
иностранного языка через коммуникативный и лингвострановедческий компоненты.


Развитие навыков диалогической и
монологической письменной речи учащихся.

Развитие памяти, мышления, воображения.

Развитие самостоятельной, познавательной


Содействовать воспитанию культуры общения,
потребности в самовоспитании.

Ожидаемый учебный результат.

Планируется развитие предметных, метопредметных и
личностных результатов.

Планируемые предметные результаты:

в чтении:  умение читать аутентичные тексты,
умение оценить полученную информацию, решат задачу тренировки установленных
форматов экзаменационных заданий;

в письме: развитие орфографических умений
при  изучении новых
лингвестических единиц, образование
дериватов от данных слов, развитие языковой и контекстуальной догадки по

Планируемые метапредметные результаты:

— умение адекватно и осознанно использовать письменные
и устные навыки, в соответствии с задачей коммуникации, при выполнении
определенных заданий ОГЭ.

Освоение универсальных  учебных действий

-личностные УДД:
умение взаимодействовать с окружающей средой; формирование умения ставить
учебные цели и  определить мотивы для их достижения;

регулятивные УДД : умение работать
самостоятельно, умение ставить и распределять учебные и познавательные задачи,
умение оценивать и контролировать свои работы;

познавательные УДД: умение к самообразованию,
к дальнейшему развития своих полученных знаний, умение поиска и 
выделения необходимой  информации, умение решения поставленной  задачи;

-коммуникативные УДД: умение 
использовать  письменные речевые средства , отработка навыков и умений
грамматических материалов для выполнения заданий.

Планируемые личностные  результаты:

Освоение основных образовательных

уважительного отношения к  истории, культуре, толерантности.

Формирование ответственного отношения к учению.

Структура методической  разработки.

Методическая разработка состоит из практических
упражнений  для закрепления знаний по английскому языку для 5-7 классов.

1.     Тестовые
задания для 5 класса. (  чтения, лексико-грамматические задания и письмо )

2.     Тестовые
задания для 6 класса. (чтение, лексико-грамматические здания, письмо )

3.     Тестовые
задания для 7 класса. ( чтение, лексико-грамматические задания, письмо) .


1.     Пояснительная

2.     Цели
методической разработки.

3.     Задачи
методической  разработки.

4.     Ожидаемый
учебный  результат.

5.     Структура
методической разработки.

6.     Использованные 



I .Read the text. Underline the
correct words in the sentences below.

Hi Ann! How are  you? My name is Alex
and I’m 9 years old. I go to Yellow school. My favourite  subject is Math. I
also like History and English. My favourite  day at school is Friday. I have
History, English and PE on this day. Well, that’s about it.

Please write soon and tell me about
your school.

Bye for now.


1.Alex is 8/9 years old.

2.He goes to Yellow/ Green House School.

3.His  favourite subject is History/

4.His  favourite day at  school is Monday/

5.He  wants to know about the school/
family of Ann.

II.  Fill in the gaps to  complete
the dialogue.

Max: Hi,
I’m Max.

Alex: Hello,
I’m Alex.

Max: Nice
to …… you, Alex. Where are you…….?

Alex: I’m
from Moscow, Russia. Are you from England?

. How ….. are you, Alex?

I,m twelve…… old. I’m at …… school. What about you?

Max: I,m

III.  Read the text and mark the 
statements True(T),False(F), Not Stated(NS).

Kay and Gerda are a sister and a 
brother. The Snow Queen is beautiful but evil. Her castle of ice is in the far
North. When the Snow queen takes Kay away, Gerda goes to  find him.On the way
she meets the Prince and Princess. They are very friendly to Gerda. They give
her warm clothes and a golden carriage. The Little Robber Girl gives her
reindeer to take Gerda to  Lapland. It’s  very cold in the Snow Queen’s castle
. Gerda is brave, she saves Kay.They are happy again.

1.Gerda and Kay are friends.

2.The Snow Queen is  very kind.

3.One day the Snow Queen comes and takes
Kay away.

4.Gerda feels unhappy and cries a lot
about Kay.

5.The Little Robber Girl is very kind to

6.Gerda meets the reindeer in the  forest.

7.Gerda  finds her brother in the Snow
Queen’s ice castle.

IV.  Read the  text and fill in the
gaps with the words from the  box to complete the text. One word is extra.









a)    Lily
went to  Spain last autumn with her……. .They stayed in the new hotel. The…..
was very old. It had ……. floors. Their room was on the …. Floor . There was a
….. under the  hotel. There  was a ……. on the second floor, they enjoyed it
when it was hot. The  restaurant was on the first floor. There was a very
nice………, so they could have breakfast outside if they wanted.

b)    Read
the  text  again and mark the statements True, False, Not Stated.

was on holiday with her friends.

2.Lily spend a lot of
time with her granny.

3.Their hotel  was big 
and new.

4.There were ten  rooms 
in  their  hotel.

5.There was  a  swimming
pool under   their  hotel.

6.They like  to  swim in
hot  weather.

7.The restaurant was very

8.There was a  garden
near the  hotel.

9.They  sometimes had
meals in the garden.


Match the  verbs to the 
room/ places.

1.     Take
off coats                     a) a living room

2.     Keep
a car                            b) kitchen

3.     Have
dinner                         c) bathroom

4.     Watch
TV                              d) bedroom

5.     Cook                                      
e) hall   

6.     Wash                                     
f) dinning room

7.     Water
flowers                      g}garage

8.     Sleep 
                                    h) garden

Read the  sentences and fill in the
gaps 1-8 transforming capitalized words.

How do you  spell your ……….. name?                                      ITALY

Sam  and  Mike like  their English…………. Very much.         TEACH

Mike  wrote the ……..  letter.                                                   

Mary has got a ………… dictionary.                                         

many……… stamps have you got in your collection.   FRANCE

nice gloves are a birthday present for me.         THIS

are  proud of our new picture………. .                              COLLECT

Me granny told us that there was no school  there.               BE

Read  the  sentences and
fill in the gaps 1-8 transforming capitalized words.

name is Peter and this is my house. I live in England, so it’s a typical……. (1)
house. It has got  two floors-the ground floor                                ENGLAND

the ……………(2) floor. The  house is big because there  are         ONE

in our family. We have the basement where we        CHILD

the ……..(4) machine, the drying machine and old stuff.           WASH

also have a lovely  garden, with many green spaces, flowers and a small…….. (5)
pool. I love my house! It is very comfortable                SWIM


Match the adjectives to
the definitions.

Friendly                     a)
and kind towards other people

b)  good learning and understanding things

c) making a lot  noise

d) acting like a   friend

                  e) behaving in a
way that shows you  care about        

other  people and want to  help them

  f) making  people laugh

g) behaving badly

h) very  good

V.         Match  the  words from
the  columns.

1.     As
wise as                              a) mule

2.     As
busy as                              b) mouse

3.     As
playful as                          c) a snail

4.     As
proud as                            d) an ox

5.     As
stubborn as                      e) a bee

6.     As
strong as                            f) a kitten

7.     As
quiet as                               g) a peacock

8.     As
slow  as                               h) an owl   

Match the questions (1-9)
to the answers  (a-i)  


1.     Do
hyenas live in groups?                         a) It’s like very loud

2.     Where
do they  live?                                  b) Like strange cats.

3.     What
do they look like?                            c) Up to 25 centimetres long.

4.     How
much do they weigh?                      d) in Africa .

5.     How
long are they?                                 e) Animals, like zebras and
antelopes .

6.     How
long is their tail ?                           f) Yes, of 10 to 50 animals.

7.     When
do hyenas start to hunt ?          g) About 1.5 metres long.

8.     What
sound do they make when hunting?     h) 40-80 kg.

9.     What
do they  eat?                                I) in the  evening.


VII.  1.  You’ve got an e-mail from
your English pen friend. Write him a letter and answer his three questions.
Write 50-60 words.

Hi! I’m Liz and this is my lovely cat
– Sunny. His name is Sunny because it is very small l, red with dark
brown stripes on his back, paws and face. It’s so funny! His face is very
beautiful. His eyes are green. He is only two years old. His favourite place
for  sleeping is an armchair. He likes to play and I often play with him.

What pets have you got?   What are
their names? Are you friends with your pets?

Write me soon.

Take care,


2.You’re going to write to your pen
friend about your favourite animal. Answer three questions. What is it? Where
does it live? What does it look like? Write 50-60 words.



1. Read the text and mark
the  statements True(T),False ( F), Not Stated (NT).

really liked the camp. Every day was different. They went to the forest and
watched  the  birds. The  weather kept  fine, so they swam in the lake and lay
in the sun  a lot. It  seldom  rained and they had  to  water  the  plants in 
the garden every  morning, but Kate enjoyed it. She  had  some very  good 
friends there. One  of  them played the  guitar and sang  very  well. In the 
evenings they  sometimes made a fire, sat around it and  sang  together.
Sometimes they got up early in  the  morning and  watched the  sunrise.

1.     Kate
didn’t like the  camp.

2.     They
liked to  go to the  forest.

3.     The
weather  was nice and they swam and lay in the sun.

4.     Kate
liked to  water  flowers and she always helped do it.

5.     She
had a  good  friends.

6.     They 
made  a  fire in the  forest and sang songs.

7.     The 
children didn’t like to  watch the sunrise.

Match the  titles to  the  hotel
descriptions. One title  is extra.

The  Green  Park Hotel.

The Golden Beach Hotel.

The Great Mount Hotel

The Air Wings Hote

1.     The 
hotel is right on the  beach. All rooms have their own bathroom, phone and TV.
They also have a large bed, a sofa and two armchairs, and a large balcony.
There are 60  rooms on five floors, and four lifts. The  hotel has  three 
restaurants and two swimming pools.

2.     The
hotel is in the city centre.  It has 25 rooms on four floors. There isn’t a
lift. The rooms are small, but they have big windows, and there is a desk and a
chair, and a radio. There are two bathrooms on every  floor, and there’s a TV
room next to the restaurant,  on the ground floor. There is an old park around
the  hotel.

3.     The 
hotel is near the airport, about 10 km from the city. It has 120  rooms on
seven floors, and six lifts. There’s a restaurant and a  swimming pool. The 
rooms aren’t very large, but all have bathrooms, and some rooms have small
balconies. There is a phone, TV and radio in every room.

Read the text  again and match the
a-g to the text 1-3. Which
hotel are the people staying at?

A)   We
have a balcony, but it isn’t very big.

B)   Our
room has a TV, but not a radio.

C)   The
hotel’s near all the big shops.

D)  The
restaurants in our hotel are very good.

E)   The
rooms are  very large.

F)   Our
room is on the six floor.

G)  There
isn’t a toilet or a shower in our room.

Read the text and fill in
the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra.

result, many places, mountain, melt, flooding, climate, planet, animals, 
produce, trees,  atmosphere, cut down, changes, protection, generally.

Text Green House  Effect.

warming is the………. Of the green house effect.It causes the rise of temperatures
in……… , the weather changes and extreme weather events become more frequent.
The ……  glaciers and the arctic ice will……., that will mean extensive……… in the
north. We can face disastrous  changes in ….. . What is the role of plants on
the ….. ? People and …… breathe  in oxygen and  breath out carbon dioxide. We
……. carbon dioxide when we burn things………. Take this gas from the air, and
produce oxygen, thus they help to restore natural balance in the …………. . People
had ……. and burnt big areas of rainforest. The climate in different parts ….. a
little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our fragile planet
which needs…… .

Read and complete the
sentences using the given words.

mammals, species, insects, creature, habitat ,cure, extinct, cardboard,

are ………… animals.

The blue poppy is an unusual…………..of poppies.

………. Generally have six or four legs.

..……….. are animals that feed their young
with milk.

A……. is a place where a certain animal or
plant is usually found.

We used……… boxes to carry out books.

Did you  …….. Kate in the list?

.Some illnesses are very difficult to…….


Read the definitions and 
complete with the words. One word is extra

rainbow, raincoat, beach, season, January, clouds, snow, winter, sun, wind

They can be grey or white in the sky
……… .

It has got seven colours. You can see
it after the rain……… .

 You can see it in the sky during the

 This is  frozen water that comes
from  clouds usually in  winter……

You can  fly your kite where/when
there is a lot of it…….

The  seasons when it snows………….

Refer the words and word 
combinations to the four seasons.





a picnic, pick flowers, go  camping, be on the beach, play  in the snow, wear a
raincoat, sit on the balcony, rake leaves, go  swimming, go ski boarding, wear
warm clothes, make a snowman, pick berries and mushrooms, sit by the fireplace,
play golf.

Match the  beginnings
(1-9) and the endings of the sentences/ phrases (a-i) .

1. It’s raining.                                      
a)   We go swimming

2. When it’s
We take an umbrella

3. When it’s hot                  
                c) We put on warm jacket

4. The sun is shining!                
         d ) Let’s go swimming

5. When it’s very cold…              
)   Put on  your raincoat

6. Look, it’s snowing!                   
    f) the children are wearing warm 

7. It’s summer in the
My Dad doesn’t drive

8. Look out   of the window! It’s
very cold.      
h ) The girl is picking

9. When it’s foggy…….                                       
  I) we go swimming 

IV . Fill in the gaps transforming
capitalized words. 

Hello everyone!  I’m Rita from  Russia
and I …….. to tell you about                   GO

Four seasons in mu country. Winter is
usually very cold. The temperature…. FALL 

It often snows and there ……….. stormy
winds. It is good to sit inside by         BE

 the fire when the cold wind ……
outside. There are usually hard frosts.       BLOW

Many people like winter because of
winter sports. They like……,sledging,   SKATE

……, snowboarding, etc. I like spring
a lot because after the long cold, wet   SKI

and… Days it is warm again. You can
see… spring flowers every —          FOG ,LOVE

where. Sometimes it’s …. and ….. but
most of the time is warm           RAIN, WIND

and……. . My favourite  season is
summer. It’s very hot in July                SUN

and August. There …. Lots of fruit in
summer. ………… prefer the            BE, CHILD

summer to all other seasons because
there is no school and we can take our holidays.


.You’re going to write an
E-mail to your English- speaking pen friend about your favourite place for
holidays in different seasons. Answer the three questions. What is the place?
What’s the  weather like there? What do you usually do there? Write 50-65 words.



Fill in the missing sentences to complete
the dialogue. One sentence is extra.

1.Scotland is situated to the north
of England.


3.It is famous for bagpipes and

4. The scenery is flat.

5. It’s a meadow.

6. I think we can go there some

Hello my friend!  What do you know about 
Scotland ?

Oh yes. —————————— .
Great! You know a lot.

I think that the capital of the country is
London. Oh no! It’s capital is——————.And it’s symbol is a thistle.
I know that Mr. Adams was born there.

I know that Scotland is famous for—————.
Yes, it’s true. Can you say what scenery the country has? ——————. I
know that Robert Burns, the famous port lived there.

What is a filed which has grass and
flowers growing in it? May be it is ——————. I see you know many 
things about this country.

Match the  titles to the
texts. One title is extra.

A.    One
of the famous cities in the world.

B.    Main
ports and airports.

C.    The
garden of England.

D.   Western
part of the country.

E.    Industrial

F.    Famous
for its romantic past.

1. London is the world’s seventh
biggest city.  

2.  When people travel to Britain by
sea or air they usually arrive in the Southeast, for this is where the main
passenger ports and airports are. The principle cities in the Southeast are
London and some historical cities: Windsor, Dover, and Brighton.  

3. The country of Kent is called the
garden of England.

4. The Southwest used to be famous
for its pirates. The romantic past makes it a popular place for artists,
writers and holidaymakers. Some remarkable historical places are also there.
Because it’s the most westerly point of Great Britain.

Cambridge is famous for its
University and fine historic buildings.

5. The most industrial cities are
Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool and Birmingham.

6. Stratford –apon –Avon is famous
for being the birthplace of great William Shakespeare.

Read the text and choose
the right item.

comes and Halloween quickly approaches. This holiday is an old Celtic
tradition. In is the time when people gather the harvest. Legends say that the
worlds of the living and the dead come close during this time. The spirits of
the dead, fairies, witches and goblins have a celebration in the night. The
children spend time preparing for Halloween. They take pumpkins and carve(
jack-o- lanterns (
out of them. They listen to the stories of the mischievous goblin that sneaks
into homes and puts salt in the sugar bowls, opens all the windows and hides
everyone’s clothes. The children learn that people use the jack-o-lanterns to
scare off the mischievous goblins: they place them at the doorsteps and in the
windows! On the day of the festival, classrooms in England are magically
transformed and there are a lot of jack-o-lanterns. The children are surprised
to find a witch at school. The witch tells them stories. The children come in
simple home made costumes. They welcome adventure, mystery, beauty, magic, and

1.     English
people celebrate Halloween in ….   

spring b) summer c) autumn

                 2. It is
celebrated in October when ……….

                    a) witches come
to our houses

                    b) the harvest is

                     c) dead spirits
talk to us

                 3. People believe
that they can meet….. that day.

                  a) old neighbours 
b) pumpkin lanterns   c)dead spirits

                 4. The  symbol of
Halloween is ……….

                  a) a turkey b) a
pumpkin  c) an  apple

                 5. Children usually
make….. out of pumpkins.

                  A) pies  b) seeds 
c) lanterns

                6. Goblins behave
badly as they …………….

     a) come into houses b)used  salt
instead of sugar  c) change the place of things

                7. Children like this
holiday because they can ………..

                 a) dress up  b)put
on costumes  c) eat tasty things


Match the words from the
two columns.

1.     Win                   
         to see me

2.     Come                          
the football match

3.     Go
in for                      regularly

4.     Do
homework            sports

5.     Bake                            
ague park

6.      Take
to the                a cake

7.     Phone                         

8.     Be                                
in the evening

9.     Help                             
with Maths

10.  Miss                            
bad marks

11.  Get                              
classes  at  school

 Match the  words and
their definitions (a-h)

1.     Celebration

2.      Competition

3.     Decoration

4.     Festival

5.     Gift

6.     Party

7.     Shopping

8.     Takeaway

a)     The
food you buy at a café to eat at home

b)    A
party to show that the occasion is special

c)     Something
nice that you put on yourself or in the  room to make it look attractive

d)    A
social event at which people meet to  celebrate something or have fun

e)     Something
that you give as a present

f)       The
activity when people try to be more successful than others

g)    The
list of things you are going to  buy

h)    A
series of performances that is organized at the same place and time

Put the verb in the
correct form to complete the  text

afternoon I …….. (go) to the park with my Mum and Dad. The
weather…….(be) great, it……….(be) sunny, so we….. (go) walking.
There ……..(be) a lot of kids in the park. There……(be) very
many rides there. I……. (enjoy) the roller coaster most of all.
All the kids…… (have)
fun. At midday we
a picnic  on the grass. There…..(be) a man
standing under the tree. He….. ( have) a kite in his
hand. But he…..(not/fly) it. I…….( want) to stay until
late in the evening. But at 6.30 it………. (start) to get cold, so we…..
to go home.


You have got an E-mail
from your English pen friend. Write him a letter and answer his three
questions. Write 60-75 words.

         Dear Misha!

Last weekend I went to London with my
parents. We spent two days in a hotel in Baker Street. The hotel was small but
very nice. On Saturday we went to the ZOO in Regent’s park. On Sunday we went
shopping for toys in Hamleys. It is the world largest toy shop!  It’s my
favourite in London. We bought two model cars for my collection.

 What is you  favourite  shop?  Where
it is? When were you there?

Take care,


You are got an E-mail
from your friend. Write him a letter and answer his three questions. Write him
a letter and answer his three questions. Write 60-75 words.

….. I can’t meet you at 10. I’m going
to see a dentist. I’ve got toothache. See you at the pool  after dinner.

What would you like to do? How is
your sunburn? Did the lotion help?

Answer soon,


Использованные источники

1.     О.В.
Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева . Учебник и рабочая тетрадь «
5 (для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей)

2.     О.
В. Афанасьева , И. В. Михеева . Учебник и рабочая тетрадь «Английский язык» 6 (
для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий,

3.     О.В.
Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. Учебник « Английский язык» 7 ( для школ с
углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей)

4.     Учебное
пособие для общеобразовательных  организаций.  Москва просвещение. 2019 г «
Тренировочные  упражнения  для подготовки к ОГЭ (ГИА)»

урока по английскому языку в 5 классе

урока: «Year after year»

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели  урока:

— Активизация лексических единиц темы в речи.

— Создание условий для совершенствования
монологической и диалогической речи у учащихся.

— Выработка умений самостоятельно применять знания в
комплексе, в новых условиях;

-Развитие креативного мышления.

Задачи урока:

формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при
работе в группе, воспитание у учащихся любви к природе, воспитание таких
качеств, как доброта, чуткость, терпение;

Развивающая – развитие
познавательного интереса у учащихся, развитие мышления и воображения, развитие
самостоятельности, творческих способностей, умение проводить исследовательскую
работу, использовать разные источники знаний, умение работать  в коллективе;

Обучающая – совершенствование
навыков практического владения лексикой по теме; с
навыков аудирования, чтения, диалогической и монологической речи,
совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.


Организационный момент (приветствие)

Good morning, dear pupils!

are you?

the way, is anybody out of the class?

2. Постановка цели и задач урока

        The poem is written on the blackboard. Read and guess the  topic
of our lesson.

is green.

is bright.

is yellow.

is white.

Who wants to read this poem? (один
ученик читает в сопровождении музыки Шопена «Времена года»).

Who will
tell me what we are going to talk about today?

Yes, you
are absolutely right! And to be exact, the topic of our lesson is «A year
after year».

 (записать тему урока на доске).

3.  Речевая разминка (в формате игры «In the circle»)

1.     What
seasons do you know?

2.     What
winter months do you know?

3.     What
spring months do you know?

4.     What
summer months do you know?

5.     What
autumn months do you know?

6.     What
can we do during this or that season? Some phrases from collection of ex-s
will help us raise up the sentences. Let’s look at your collection of
at p. 73. 

the word combinations to the 4 seasons. You have about 3 minutes to do this

7.     What
can we do in winter?

8.     What
can we do in summer?

9.     What
can we do in autumn?

10. What can we do
in spring?

11. What is your
favourite season? Why?

(My favourite season is … because  I can…)

4. Фонетическая зарядка (Песня «We
can have a picnic

the way, when can we have a picnic?

let’s imagine that it’s summer now and let’s sing the song «We can have a

5. Работа по учебнику (с. 86 упр. 1,2)

Look! There is a picture of people doing different activities.
How many boys are there?

-How many girls are there?

What are they doing? Some word combinations will help us do
this task. First, let’s pronounce them. So, what are the people in picture A
doing? (+B, C, D)

What is the weather like in each picture? Let’s define. Take
your pencils and match the sentences to the pictures. Let’s check.

6. Динамическая

7. Работа с текстом (с. 86 упр. 4)

Look at the text at p. 87. Where can you see it: in a
magazine, in a newspaper, or on a computer screen?

 — How many people are online?

— What are their names?

— Listen to the text and find out where the people are?


(Gus is in Scotland.

Nemo is in Australia.

Amelia is in Switzerland).

Развитие техники чтения

Прочитать по ролям и ответить на вопросы из
упр. 5.

12.   Развитие диалогической речи (с. 87 упр. 7)

When you want to discuss the
weather you may use  the following structures given in ex. 7 p. 87.

(1 прочитать за учителем

So, what’s the weather like in
London now?

 прочитать диалог –

 составить свой о Лондоне
с сайта

(дать время на
составление устно и прослушать 2 пары)

13.   Рефлексия
(Подведение итогов с использованием приема “синквейн”)

What’s your favourite  season? How is the weather?







тему 1 словом

2описать тему 2 прилагательными

3описать тему 3 глаголами

4дайте фразу или предложение из 4 слов. Выразите ваше отношение
к теме или ваши чувства.

5 повторение сути (1 СЛОВО)


11 Инструктаж по выполнению д.з. и рефлексия

Open your diary books and write down your homework for tomorrow :

7a – в словарь; WB: с. 53; составить чат с соседом по образцу
(3-4 реплики)

Well done, boys! You have
worked hard today.

Конец урока.       – All right,
good-bye then, boys!

                                        Have a nice day!

Use the phrases in the list to ask and answer as in the example.

• go skiing

• watch TV

• go camping

• have a picnic

• make a snowman

• read a book

• play in the snow

Задание рисунок 1
1. (go skiing?)

A: Are they going skiing?

B: No, they aren’t. They are playing in the snow.

Задание рисунок 2
2. (make a snowman?)
Задание рисунок 3
3. (watch TV?)
Задание рисунок 4
4. (go camping?)
Задание рисунок 5
5. (read a book?)
Задание рисунок 6
6. (have a picnic?)
Задание рисунок 7
7. (play in the snow?)

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7c It`s fun!. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Используйте фразы из списка, чтобы задать вопрос и ответить, как в примере.
• кататься на лыжах
• смотреть телевизор
• пойти в поход
• устроить пикник
• делать снеговика
• читать книгу
• играть в снегу
1. (кататься на лыжах?)

Они катаются на лыжах?
В: Нет. Они играют в снегу.
2. (лепить снеговика?)
3. (смотреть телевизор?)
4. (пойти в поход?)
5. (читать книгу?)
6. (устраивать пикник?)
7. (играть в снегу?)

1. (go skiing?)

A: Are they going skiing?

B: No, they aren’t. They are playing in the snow.

2. (make a snowman?)

A: Are they making a snowman?

B: No, they aren’t. They are going camping.

3. (watch TV?)

A: Is she watching TV?

B: No, she isn’t. She is reading a book.

4. (go camping?)

A: Are they going camping?

B: No, they aren’t. They are having a picnic.

5. (read a book?)

A: Are they reading a book?

B: No, they aren’t. They are making a snowman.

6. (have a picnic?)

A: Is she having a picnic?

B: No, she isn’t. She is watching TV.

7. (play in the snow?)

A: Are they playing in the snow?

B: No, they aren’t. They are going skiing.

Перевод ответа
1. (кататься на лыжах?)

Они катаются на лыжах?
В: Нет. Они играют в снегу.
2. (лепить снеговика?)
А: Они лепят снеговика?
В: Нет. Они идут в поход.
3. (смотреть телевизор?)

Она смотрит телевизор?
В: Нет. Она читает книгу.
4. (пойти в поход?)

Они собираются в поход?
В: Нет. У них пикник.
5. (читать книгу?)

Они читают книгу?
В: Нет. Они делают снеговика.
6. (устраивать пикник?)

Она на пикнике?
В: Нет. Она смотрит телевизор.
7. (играть в снегу?)

Они играют в снегу?
В: Нет. Они идут кататься на лыжах.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:

А вот еще интересные статьи:

  • Reading strategies for word meaning
  • Record notes in word
  • Refer the words and word combinations to the four seasons 5 класс have a picnic
  • Record keeping one word
  • Reading sight word phrases

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