Reduce words in word

Регулировка интервалов между словами в MS Word


Как уменьшить расстояние между словами в Ворде

При скачивании документов из интернета и последующем их открытии в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Office Word зачастую возникают разного рода проблемы с форматированием текста, одна из которых – слишком большие промежутки между словами, буквами или строками.

Интервалы между словами

Сталкиваясь с проблемой чересчур крупных интервалов между отдельными словами, в первую очередь необходимо выяснить причину данной ситуации, после чего – устранить ее.

Причина 1: выравнивание по ширине

Настройку выравнивания текста в редакторе MS Word можно осуществить тремя способами: по левому краю, по центру, по правому краю и по ширине. В случае, если установлено выравнивание по ширине, программа будет растягивать текст в строках таким образом, чтобы положение первого символа в первом слове первой строки документа находилось ровно над положением первого символа первого слова второй строки, и так до конца документа (точно так же, по аналогии, последние символы).

Все это может привести к образованию непривычно больших расстояний между словами, причем зачастую непостоянных. Если ваша проблема вызвана именно этим, установите другое выравнивание (например, по левому краю), нажав Ctrl+L, либо соответствующую кнопку, показанную на скриншоте (располагающуюся в разделе «Абзац» пункта «Главная»).

Выравнивание по левому краю в MS Word

Причина 2: знаки разделения

Распространены случаи, когда в качестве знаков разделения слов в документе вместо стандартного пробела используются другие символы, например, знаки табуляции. Размер этих символов зачастую отличается от пробела, из-за чего и возникают слишком большие промежутки между словами.

Проверить, какие знаки используются для разделения слов, можно одновременно нажав кнопки Ctrl+*, или же специальную кнопку раздела «Абзац» вкладки «Главная».

Включить отображение всех знаков в MS Word

Включение данного режима отобразит все непечатные символы в документе, а обычный пробел в этом случае будет отображаться в виде маленькой точки посреди строки. Если же у вас видны другие символы между словами, например, горизонтальные стрелки, знаки градуса (полый кружок вверху строки) и проч., значит проблема именно в этом.

Отображение непечатаемых символов в MS Word

Исправить данную ситуацию во всем документе можно достаточно просто, использовав стандартные инструменты MS Word. Для начала нажмите сочетание клавиш Ctrl+H (или щелкните по кнопке «Заменить» в разделе «Редактирование» вкладки «Главная».

Инструмент Заменить в MS Word

Скопируйте в буфер обмена (выделением и последующим нажатием Ctrl+C или же ПКМ — Копировать) символ, который необходимо заменить на пробел, и вставьте в поле «Найти». Важно: не отключайте режим отображения непечатных символов, копировать надо именно «градус», «стрелку» и т.д. В поле «Заменить на» просто напечатайте пробел с клавиатуры и нажмите кнопку «Заменить все». После этого знак, введенный в поле «Найти», будет заменен на простой пробел по всему документу.

Найти и заменить в MS Word

Помимо неправильных знаков разделения, может выясниться, что между словами просто стоит два пробела (это будет видно по двум точкам в режиме отображения непечатных символов). В таком случае проделайте точно такие же действия с инструментом «Найти и заменить», только в поле «Найти» скопируйте (или напечатайте) два пробела.

Интервалы между знаками

Если в форматировании документа изменены настройки интервалов между отдельными символами, текст будет отображаться некорректно. Существует несколько причин данной проблемы и, соответственно, несколько решений.

Причина 1: разреженный/уплотненный интервал

В MS Word можно настроить дополнительный параметр интервала между всеми символами. Для этого сначала необходимо выделить текст, к которому будут применяться изменения, а затем нажать Ctrl+D, или же на маленькую стрелочку в разделе «Шрифт» вкладки «Главная».

Настройки шрифта в MS Word

В появившемся окне выберите вкладку «Дополнительно», где сможете увидеть настройку «Интервал». Существует 3 варианта: обычный, разреженный и уплотненный. Для стандартного интервала между символами следует выбрать вариант «обычный». В нижней части этого же окна вы сможете увидеть образец того, как будет выглядеть текст с уплотненным или разреженным интервалом.

Установка межзнакового интервала в MS Word

Причина 2: кернинг

Нетипичное расстояние между символами текста может быть также обусловлено включенной настройкой кернинга знаков. Под кернингом понимают регулирование интервала между двумя знаками.

Проверить эту настройку можно в том же окне, которое рассматривалось в прошлом пункте: «Главная»«Шрифт»«Дополнительно», или же Ctrl+D. Если стоит галочка перед соответствующей надписью – снимите ее.

Установка кернинга в MS Word

Причина 3: масштабирование

Кроме всего вышеперечисленного, некорректное отображение текста может быть вызвано включенным масштабированием текста по горизонтали, из-за чего символы сжимаются или растягиваются.

Все в той же вкладке «Дополнительно» окна «Шрифт» (Ctrl+D) найдите параметр «Масштаб» и убедитесь, что установлено значение 100%. Снизу, в окне «Образец» можно также наблюдать возможные варианты отображения текста.

Установка масштаба в MS Word

Интервалы между строками

Еще одним важным параметром форматирования документа является межстрочный интервал. Для его настройки выделите нужный текст, нажмите на кнопку «Интервал» в категории «Абзац» вкладки «Главная» и выберите числовое значение необходимого интервала. Кроме того, здесь можно включить/выключить автодобавление интервала до или после абзаца.

Выбор межстрочного интервала в MS Word

Если же нужного вам значения в списке нет, нажмите на «Другие варианты межстрочных интервалов…». Откроется окно «Абзац», где вы сможете точно настроить все параметры интервалов между строками.

Детальная настройка межстрочного интервала в MS Word

Таким образом, проделав все вышеуказанные манипуляции, можно с легкостью навести порядок в форматировании любого документа, имеющего проблемы с расстояниями между словами или символами.

Расскажи друзьям в социальных сетях

10 Tricks to Reduce Your Word Count in Academic Writing

  1. Delete “The” You can often omit the word “the” from your text without losing any meaning.
  2. Erase “That”
  3. Remove Adverbs and Adjectives.
  4. Use Shorter Words.
  5. Trim Wordy Phrases.
  6. Choose Active Voice.
  7. Revise Needless Transitions.
  8. Eliminate Conjunctions.


  • 1 Is there an app to reduce word count?
  • 2 How do you reduce a word by 100 words?
  • 3 How do I reduce word count without reducing content?
  • 4 How can I reduce my word count online for free?
  • 5 Does Grammarly reduce word count?
  • 6 How do you cut text?
  • 7 How can I make my essay look shorter?
  • 8 How do I cut a line in Word?
  • 9 What does 2000 words look like?
  • 10 How do I condense my writing?
  • 11 How do you reduce word count in a story?
  • 12 How big is a 250 word essay?
  • 13 How many pages is 500 words double-spaced 12?
  • 14 How many words is a 5 minute speech?
  • 15 How do you condense paper?
  • 16 How do I shorten the page count?
  • 17 How do you shorten a page?
  • 18 Is just a filler word?
  • 19 Why is my writing so wordy?
  • 20 Why should one write clearly?

Is there an app to reduce word count?

Edit Counter allows you to put in a finished first draft and see whether you increase or decrease your word count while editing. The tool is easy to use. Simply paste your writing into the text area, and then hit the “Start Over” button on the top right of the tool.

How do you reduce a word by 100 words?

10 Tricks to Reduce Your Word Count in Academic Writing

  1. Delete “The” You can often omit the word “the” from your text without losing any meaning.
  2. Erase “That”
  3. Remove Adverbs and Adjectives.
  4. Use Shorter Words.
  5. Trim Wordy Phrases.
  6. Choose Active Voice.
  7. Revise Needless Transitions.
  8. Eliminate Conjunctions.

How do I reduce word count without reducing content?

Perhaps one day you’ll even find the task of reducing your word count to be an enjoyable challenge!

  1. Look for redundancies.
  2. Delete the v word.
  3. Delete other words that aren’t pulling their weight.
  4. Look for the prepositions.
  5. Keep an eye out for multi-word phrases.
  6. Watch out for the use of what and there as subjects.

How can I reduce my word count online for free?

Free Online Automatic Text Summarization Tool

  1. Type or paste your text into the box.
  2. Drag the slider, or enter a number in the box, to set the percentage of text to keep in the summary. %
  3. Click the Summarize! button.
  4. Read your summarized text. If you would like a different summary, repeat Step 2.

Does Grammarly reduce word count?

Grammarly’s tautology check helps you cut redundant words and leaves you with stronger, more direct sentences.

How do you cut text?

Right-click the selected text and choose Cut or Copy. Use the key shortcut Ctrl + X to cut or use Ctrl + C to copy. On Mac, use Command + X or Command + C.

How can I make my essay look shorter?

You can use these six tricks to create the illusion of shorter writing.

  1. Break big chunks of text into smaller ones.
  2. Break long sentences into short ones.
  3. Take some content offstage.
  4. Label information rather than writing unlabeled paragraphs.
  5. Group your long lists into logical chunks.

How do I cut a line in Word?

Apply or remove single-line strikethrough formatting

  1. Select the text that you want to format.
  2. Go to Home > Strikethrough.

What does 2000 words look like?

Answer: 2,000 words is 4 pages single-spaced or 8 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 2,000 words include college essays, operating manuals, and longer form blog posts.A 2,000 word count will create about 4 pages single-spaced or 8 pages double-spaced when using normal margins (1″) and 12 pt.

How do I condense my writing?

10 tips for more concise writing

  1. Start sentences with the subject.
  2. Use the active verb.
  3. Get rid of adverbs and reduce your adjectives.
  4. Use the shortest form of the word.
  5. Use the shortest form of a phrase.
  6. Keep your sentences to 25-30 words.
  7. Keep your paragraphs to 250-300 words.
  8. Don’t refer back.

How do you reduce word count in a story?

You can make structural changes to your writing that will reduce your word count:

  1. Cut unnecessary adverbs. These are usually the –ly words.
  2. Cut most adjectives. Sometimes we describe something for the sake of it.
  3. Strengthen descriptions.
  4. Use contractions.
  5. Remove conjunctions.
  6. Cut unnecessary words.

How big is a 250 word essay?

Answer: 250 words is 0.5 pages single-spaced or 1 page double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 250 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy.

How many pages is 500 words double-spaced 12?

2 pages
A 500 word count will create about 1 page single-spaced or 2 pages double-spaced when using normal margins (1″) and 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font.

How many words is a 5 minute speech?

750 words
How many words in a 5-minute speech? There are 750 words in a 5-minute speech.

How do you condense paper?

Here are five simple tips for trimming your stories without destroying content.

  1. Circle or highlight all adverbs. Take them out.
  2. Look for a single word or short phrase followed by a comma.
  3. Delete helping verbs.
  4. Delete to be verbs.
  5. Turn some nouns into verbs: “I concluded” is better than “I came to the conclusion.”

How do I shorten the page count?

Here are some useful hints that will help you reduce pages.

  1. Look for paragraphs with only one or two words on the last line.
  2. Allow sentence fragments as Headlines.
  3. Change stand-alone Headlines to run-in heads.
  4. If the RFP doesn’t specify a maximum number of lines per page, consider reducing the leading of the paragraph.

How do you shorten a page?

If you’re referring to only one page, use the abbreviation p. and if there are multiple pages, use pp. This is how you can abbreviate the word page and pages. However, it’s advisable not to use abbreviations unnecessarily.

Is just a filler word?

Filler words can be almost any word, but ten of the more common ones include the following: Just.“Just” isn’t a required word most of the time; it’s more often added to effect a version of “quite.” So.

Why is my writing so wordy?

It happens when a writer, either intentionally or unintentionally, uses far too many words or unnecessarily complex or abstract words. Wordiness can seriously detract from the coherency and quality of your writing and frustrate your readers.

Why should one write clearly?

Writing clearly and concisely means choosing your words deliberately and precisely, constructing your sentences carefully to eliminate deadwood, and using grammar properly. By writing clearly and concisely, you will get straight to your point in a way your audience can easily comprehend.


What’s the simplest way to remove duplicate words and phrases in MS Word documents?

For example, when writing long documents, or writing a report during the week, it’s easy to get ‘snowblind’ and end up repeating text without knowing it.

Luckily there is a way to check that these repetitions don’t creep into your document. To find places where you may have repeating words, follow these steps:

  1. From the Edit menu, select Find and then open the Replace tab.
  2. In the Find box, enter the word you want to check.
  3. In the Replace box, type ^& (press shift 6 to get the ^ character). This tells MS Word to find the word but not to replace it.   avoid-repeating-words.JPG
  4. Click Replace All.

The results tell you how many times the word has been used.

level 1

Unfortunately, I think, you’ll have to wait for a few more decades before competent robot line editors are feasible for anything but the most technical and formulaic texts. What wordrake does you can achieve yourself on a single pass (and, better yet, while writing) following simple guidelines. Unless you’re writing art fiction, you can do just fine with what your English teacher has taught you and do a more efficient job thant even the most «advanced» modern algorithm. If you don’t have the time, hire an editor.

level 1

No tool will be as good as reading through it yourself. Are you really going to rely on technology and assume it wouldn’t remove any words or passages you’d rather have stayed in? You’re taking twice as long otherwise. Once to have a program run through your writing and then once to read through it to see if it still makes sense.

level 2

Well, wordrake doesn’t quite work like that. Certainly you have to go again through the parts it corrects, but if does find patterns and unnecessary words they I had not before.

level 1

· 6 yr. agoPublished Author — Challenges of the Gods

I use ProWritingAid. It’s not exactly what you want, but it identifies overused words, adverbs, sticky sentences, etc. As with any software, you can’t blindly trust it.

level 1

Control F — type «ly».

I am a chronic abuser of adverbs and this helps shave a ton off my work. Do it for other things if you want.

  1. ❓ Why Use the Tool?
  2. 🧮 How Long Should a Paper Be?
  3. ✂️ How to Reduce a Text: Best Tips
  4. 🔗 References

❓ Text Reducer: Why Use It?

Academic writing is all about instructions and discipline in their observance. Each genre within its framework always has a standard structure and volume.

Sometimes, the result exceeds the required word count, and you have to shorten it. But as most students postpone their homework to the last, they have no time to work on its shortening. Thus, they end up deleting some paragraphs and ruin the logic. It also happens that a section or chapter takes a disproportionate share of text.

Our text reducer is designed especially for such situations.

All you need to do is:

  • Preset the desired number of sentences in the final version;
  • Let the tool do all the nasty job for you.

Besides, you can use the same software as a summary generator.

🧮 How Long Should Academic Papers Be?

Before describing what can be deleted without thinking, consider the ultimate purpose. Below, you’ll find the main genres of academic papers and their estimated length.

High School Essay

The standard length of a high school essay is 300 to 1000 words. The suggested word count is not just about the size – it is a complexity barometer. The length sets the boundaries for your argument. For instance, a short 300-word essay needs a focused topic and a brief list of ideas. A more extended variant would allow for a broader approach and a more complicated argumentation.

Distribute the words in a 1000-word essay according to the following scheme:

  • Introduction – 100-200 words;
  • Main body – 700-800 words;
    • Each paragraph in a 5-paragraph essay – about 250 words;
  • Conclusion – 100-200 words.

Research Paper

Graduate and undergraduate study levels will require you to prepare term papers and academic reports. A standard research paper can take about 5000-6000 words. Still, the exact length and the availability of specific sections (see below) depend on the discipline and teacher’s requirements.

  • Title page (50-100 words): include the title, author’s name, and affiliation.
  • Abstract (up to 250 words but usually much shorter than that): overview the research project.
  • Introduction (about 500 words): explain why the topic is worth studying and identify the unresolved issues. Include a thesis statement (1 or two sentences) presenting your research intentions and hypotheses.
  • Methodology (500 to 1000 words): present the methods you have employed to perform the research.
  • Findings (as much as necessary to present the results but within the required word count)
  • Discussion (up to 1000 words): point out the implications of the findings and suggest the directions for future research.
  • Bibliography (usually limited by the number of items, not by the word count).
  • Tables and figures (their length does not count in the overall sum).

Book Review

A book review is typically between 1000 and 1500 words but depends on the purpose and format. There’s a world of difference between a review of a fictional and a scientific book. But in both cases, the aim is to help the reader form an initial impression of the work. For a more detailed word count explanation, address this structure:

  • Introduction (150 words);
  • Author’s qualifications (100 words);
  • Presentation of the sources (applicable to a scientific book: 200 words);
  • Critique (unlimited but within the maximum word count);
  • Conclusion (150 words).


A Master’s thesis is up to 40,000 words, and a Ph.D. dissertation is about 80,000 words. But their components are relatively the same. Here’s an example of word count distribution for a thesis or dissertation.

  • Introduction (5% of the total): you can slightly extend it to 10%.
  • Literature review (5-10% of the paper): if you incorporate this section into the introduction chapter, increase the word count accordingly.
  • Methods (20% of the total).
  • Results (50% of the text): you can increase or decrease the methods and results sections in proportion to each other.
  • Discussion (15% of the total).

The remaining sections (bibliography and appendices) don’t count for the overall paper length.

✂️ How to Reduce a Text: Best Tips

Reduction of your final word count is always an unpleasant thing to do:

  1. There is a hazard of losing the essence of your writing.
  2. You might delete something that makes the text unique and beautiful.
  3. Deleting every word means you wrote them in vain (and wasted your time).

Check the following assignment details before spotting the things your text could do without. Thus, does the overall paper length comprise:

  • The list of references;
  • The footnotes;
  • The abstract.

If they do count and your writing is still too long to be submitted, here’s how you can resolve the issue.

Tip #1: Shorten the introduction and conclusion

The introduction and conclusion are essential but not the principal parts of an academic paper. Their function is to summarize, not repeat what will or has been said in the main body.

Look through the introduction for any details covered later on and delete them.

Read the conclusion, making sure there are no “new” ideas you haven’t discussed before.

Tip #2: Delete the Chapter-Linking Passages

Many people have a habit of writing a mini-summary at the end of each section and “reminding” them about it in the next one. This practice is redundant and wastes your time and word count.

Make the closing paragraphs as short as possible. The readers remember what they’ve just read, so a brief recall of the critical points will suffice to make your argument clear.

Tip #3: Make the Style More Straightforward

A research paper or essay is not a literary contest work. It is about conveying your ideas and substantiating them. The person reviewing your text most likely won’t read into it but quickly scan it through. Your purpose is to put your thoughts on paper with the minimum words. This is how you can do this without prejudice to the contents.

Look for Redundancies

This category includes:

  • Sequences of synonyms (“The text is unnecessary and redundant”);
  • Unnecessary epithets (“a good example”: would you include a bad one in your writing? “A difficult dilemma”: are there easy dilemmas?);
  • Frequently repeated adverbs (“even,” “just,” “so,” and “too” rank among student’s favorites);
  • Explanatory phrases (“bring to an end” equals “finish”);
  • Self-repeating passages.

Don’t be afraid to lose some nuances for the benefit of brevity. Besides, if you delete words from a sentence, and it remains relatively the same, those words are redundant.

Simplify the Sentences

Feel free to split all the complex sentences united with “and” or “but.” First, you’ll get rid of some useless words. Second, the readability of your text will only benefit from it.

Get Rid of Prepositions

The English language allows you to express many things in multiple ways. You can equally say “a school of Fine Arts” and “Fine Arts school.” It will become much easier to read when your text is unloaded from prepositions.

You Can Do without Auxiliary Verbs

Although they make your writing more “polite,” you’ll be surprised how much space they take. Your paper will look great without all those “might” and “could.” Just write what you mean without tentativeness.

Tip #4: Apply a Text Minimizer Tool

Under time pressure, you won’t be able to dedicate yourself to refining the already completed text. Try using our sentence reducer for hard-to-read passages. If you need to shorten the entire paper online, this text reducer is at your service free of charge.

🔗 References

  1. How long can the academic paper be? – Quora
  2. Term Paper Guidelines Length Content Style
  3. How to shorten an article before submitting to a journal
  4. 8 Ways to Reduce the Word Count for Your Research Paper
  5. The Ultimate Guide to the 5-Paragraph Essay – ThoughtCo

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