Rearrange the word to make questions


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    3. Rearrange the words to make questions.

    1. are family how in many people there your?

    2. are names their what?

    3. are how old they?

    4. born parents were where your?

    5. family in is person the who youngest your?

    3. Rearrange the words to make questions.

    1. do do friends with what you your?

    2. being like do other people with you?

    3. cities do friends have in other you?

    4. away do from how much home spend time you?

    5. do have kind of parents relationship what with you your?

    Задать свой вопрос

    1 ответ

    2019-10-01 17:16:47















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    5 Rearrange the words to make questions and sentences.
    1 dishes / do / do / how / often / the / you/?
    2 do/ you / what / usually / Saturdays / on / do/?
    3 never / Saturdays / 1 / on / work.
    4 make / always / the / morning / in / the / bed /I.
    5 up / you / often / morning / get / in / do / early /
    the /?
    6 rubbish / 1 / the / out / rarely / take.
    7 Saturday / the /do / on / morning / you / shopping /
    sometimes / do /?


    Светило науки — 202 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

    1. How often do you do dishes?
    2. What do you usually do on Saturdays?
    3. I never work on Saturdays.
    4. I always make the bed in the morning.
    5. Do you often get up early in the morning?
    6. I rarely take out rubbish.
    7. Do you sometimes do shopping on Saturday morning?

    Rearange the words to make questions
    1. fees, course, the, much, are, how?
    2. activities, any, are, social, there?
    3. do, friends, do, with, what, you, your?
    4. being, like, do, other, people, with, you?
    5. cities, do, friends, have, in, other, you?
    6. are , family , how, in, many, people, there, your?
    7. are, names, their, what?
    8. are, how, old, they?
    9. are, hobbies, their, what?
    10. born, parents, were, where, your?

    Эвелина Савдитина

    Вопрос задан 25 сентября 2019 в

    Английский язык,  


    • Комментариев (0)




    3е задание:

    1. How many people are there in your family?

    2. What are their names?

    3. How old are they?

    4. Where were your parents born?

    5. Who is the youngest person in your family?

    4ое задание:

    1. What do you do with your friends?

    2. Do you like being with other people?

    3. Do you have friends in other cities?

    4. How much time do you spend home away?

    5. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?

    Good Luck!


    Rearrange the words to make a question. СОСТАВИТЬ ПРАВИЛЬНО ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ.
    1) plane? safe by travel Can you.
    2) travel? When do passengers.
    3) fast? is transport What.

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