Really in spanish word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I think people really respond to this kind of real-life drama.

Creo que la gente realmente responde a este tipo de drama verdadero.

Nothing in this world is really mine, not even myself.

Nada en este mundo es realmente mío, ni siquiera yo mismo.

It’s supposed to be, you know, really romantic.

Se supone que va a ser, ya sabes, realmente romántico.

It really offended me, so something had to be done.

Esto realmente me ofendía, así que, había que hacer algo.

I’m stuck between them and they really hate each other.

Estoy atrapado entre ellos y realmente se odian el uno al otro.

Nobody will ever really understand what I went through except her.

Nadie entiende realmente por lo que tuve que pasar, excepto ella.

Well, she’s not really into that kind of stuff.

Bueno, a ella realmente no le gustan ese tipo de cosas.

Like what really happened at your parents’ the other night.

Como lo que realmente les pasó a tus padres la otra noche.

Sinners like him never have the courage to be really successful.

Los pecadores como él nunca tienen el valor de ser realmente exitosos.

There’s really no need for archaic things like cable anymore.

Ya no hay realmente ninguna necesidad de cosas arcaicas como el cable.

There was nothing really moving besides all the cameras installed outside.

No había nada realmente moviéndose además de todas las cámaras instalada fuera.

The question is whether those in remission are really disease free.

La pregunta es si aquellos en remisión están realmente libres de enfermedad.

This really brought home to me how this outbreak impacts families.

Esto me hizo comprender realmente cómo este brote impacta a las familias.

Compared to what awaits you here, this is really nothing.

Comparado con lo que les espera, esto realmente no es nada.

And nobody else really did in the «rock world»…

Y nadie realmente lo hizo en el «mundo del rock» …

In this guy’s case, them voices were really there.

En el caso de este hombre, las voces realmente estaban ahí.

At that point, he was really just looking after you.

En ese momento, él era realmente el que cuidaba de ti.

Actually you’re saving me from eating A really soggy sandwich.

En realidad, me estás salvando de comer un sándwich realmente desabrido.

And a phenomenal woman who’s taught me what really matters.

Y una mujer fenomenal… que me enseñó lo que realmente importa.

It really was the most aggressive mechanism for advancing an army.

Realmente era el mecanismo más agresivo para el avance de un ejército.

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Regionalisms from Spain


An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired).


1. (very)

a. muy

I had a really good time with you last weekend.La pasé muy bien contigo el fin de semana pasado.

b. de verdad

Tana French’s books are really good. You should read them.Los libros de Tana French son buenos de verdad. Deberías leerlos.

2. (truly)

a. de verdad

You’re right; he really does look a lot like Humphrey Bogart.Tienes razón; de verdad se parece a Humphrey Bogart.

b. realmente

It really was unexpected.Realmente fue inesperado.

c. en verdad

I really don’t know what you’re talking about.En verdad no sé de qué estás hablando.

An interjection is a short utterance that expresses emotion, hesitation, or protest (e.g. Wow!).


3. (expressing surprise)

a. de verdad

You’re going to have another slice of pizza? Really?¿De verdad vas a comer otro pedazo más de pizza?

b. en serio

You got into Harvard? Really? Congratulations!¿Te aceptaron en Harvard? ¿En serio? ¡Enhorabuena!

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An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or other adverbs (e.g. to run quickly, very tired).


2. (very)

a. realmente, verdaderamente

is it really true?¿es eso verdad or cierto?

really?¿de verdad?, ¿en serio?

this is really not all that badesto no está pero que nada mal

Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited

really [ˈrɪəlɪ]


1 (as intensifier) (very)

it’s really ugly es feísimo; es feo de verdad; a really good film una película buenísima or verdaderamente buena; you really must see it no puedes perdértelo; I really ought to go de verdad que me tengo que ir; I’m very sorry, I really am lo siento mucho, de veras; I really don’t know de verdad que no lo sé; this time we’re really done for esta vez sí que la hemos hecho (informal); esta vez la hemos hecho de verdad (informal)

he really is an idiot I’m really very cross with you I know her really well that was very good, I really enjoyed that to be really [something] it would be really something if we won there was a private jet waiting for us — now that was really something it is really something when a Filipino from an oppressed society is able to stand and say `this is enough»

2 (genuinely)

I don’t really know en realidad no lo sé; what really happened? ¿qué fue lo que pasó en realidad or realmente?; has he really gone? ¿de verdad que or es cierto que se ha ido?; she’s quite pretty really la verdad es que es bastante guapa

it doesn’t really matter do you really expect me to believe that? he only really started going out with girls at college I don’t think that’s very fair really some of these programmes are very interesting, really he doesn’t really speak Chinese, does he? she didn’t really love him

«would you like to go?» — «not really» —¿te gustaría ir? —la verdad es que no mucho


really?: «he left an hour ago» — «really?» (expressing doubt) —se marchó hace una hora —¿de verdad? or —¿de veras?; «I was in Mexico last month» — «really?» (expressing interest) —estuve en Méjico el mes pasado —¿ah sí?; «she’s getting divorced again» — «really!» (in surprise, disbelief) —se va a divorciar otra vez —¡no me digas!; I’m fine, really (in assurance) estoy bien, de verdad; (well) really! (in disapproval) ¡de verdad!; (well) really! it’s too bad of him ¡pero bueno! or ¡de verdad!, vaya una forma de comportarse la suya

(well) really, whatever next! (well) really, Mr Riss, I expected better of you

Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


not really

en realidad no

I really like you

me gustas mucho

I really like

me gusta mucho

really good

muy bueno

muy bien

it was really fun

fue muy divertido

I really appreciate it

lo agradezco mucho

Do you really mean it?

¿Lo dices en serio?

really like

gustar mucho

I really love the bracelet

me encanta la pulsera

no, not really

no, en realidad no

really nice

muy simpático

I really miss you

te echo mucho de menos

I really like it

de verdad me gusta

I really enjoyed it

me gustó mucho

it was really good

fue muy bueno

I really love you

de verdad te amo

I really want

realmente quiero

really bad

muy malo


I am really sorry

lo siento mucho

I really enjoyed

realmente disfruté

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
really adv (in fact, truly) realmente adv
    de verdad loc adv
    de veras loc adv
  The present really will surprise her.
  El regalo realmente la sorprenderá.
  Este regalo la va a sorprender de verdad.
really adv (very) muy adv
   (informal) sí que [+ indicativo] expr
    la verdad es que [+ indicativo] expr
   (con superlativos)
  She is really pretty.
  Ella es muy bonita.
  ¡Sí que es bonita!
  La verdad es que es muy bonita.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Esas computadoras son carísimas.
really interj (expressing indignation) ¡en verdad! loc interj
    ¡de verdad! loc interj
  Well, really! How rude!
  ¡En verdad! Qué grosero.
  ¡De verdad! Qué grosero.
really interj (can that be true?) ¿de verdad? loc interj
    ¿en serio? loc interj
    ¿de veras? loc interj
  You’re pregnant? Really?
  ¿Estás embarazada? ¿De verdad?
  ¿Estás embarazada? ¿En serio?

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
not really expr (not in a major sense) no mucho expr
not really expr (what was just said is not true) no está bien expr
really boring adj (not at all interesting) mortalmente aburrido loc adj
    aburrido hasta la saciedad loc adj
  This movie’s really boring. I think I’ll read a book instead.
  Esta película es mortalmente aburrida, mejor voy a leer un libro.
   (ES, coloquial) coñazo nm
  Esta película es un coñazo, mejor voy a leer un libro.
   (AR, coloquial) un plomo, un plomazo art + nm
  Esta película es un plomo, mejor voy a leer un libro.

If you really scour the countryside, you can get more complete texts.

Mientras que si se recorre el pa�s, podremos encontrar textos m�s completos.

The re-establishment of export subsidies reinforces inadmissible dumping regarding third

countries which never really stopped1.

La reinstauraci�n de las ayudas a la exportaci�n refuerza un dumping

inadmisible que nunca ha parado1 frente a […]

los terceros pa�ses.

It is not really a true feat, […]

but neither is it the result of pure chance but of methodical work over the years.

En realidad es una verdadera proeza, […]

pero que no es fruto de la casualidad, sino de un trabajo met�dico de a�os.

The issue with the medical home is, how it can be done in

a way thats really going to serve […]

the needs of the patient best,» Goodson said.

La cuesti�n del hogar m�dico radica en c�mo se puede hacer

de manera que satisfaga mejor las necesidades […]

de los pacientes», apunt� Goodson.

How is it possible that with so many really interesting news features taking place here, only such an irrelevant thing is published?

�C�mo es posible que con tantas cosas de verdadero inter�s noticioso que est�n pasando aqu�, solo se destaque un hecho tan irrelevante?

I really enjoy listening to music, it keeps me active every day.

La m�sica es lo que m�s me gusta y la que me ayuda a mantenerme activo.

Some may ask

whether we can really expect this Conference […]

to make a difference.

Habr� quienes se

pregunten si de verdad podemos esperar […]

que esta Conferencia suponga una diferencia.

Don’t use

a tumble drier unless you really need to.

No uses una

secadora a menos que realmente haga falta.

Depending on how much confidence there was in your overall system, people start to really flee the currency because they see the government losing control.

Seg�n la confianza que se tenga en el sistema general, la gente empieza a huir de esa moneda porque se da cuenta de que el gobierno est� perdiendo las riendas.

The restructuring of large state-owned enterprises and public

utilities, which has not yet really started, represents […]

a major challenge for economic policies in the future.

La reestructuraci�n de las grandes empresas estatales y los

servicios p�blicos, que en realidad todav�a no ha empezado, […]

sigue representando un importante


desaf�o para las pol�ticas econ�micas del futuro.

It was really their growth and enthusiasm […]

that led to me to open this place.

Fue realmente su desarrollo y entusiasmo […]

lo que me impuls� a abrir este lugar».

However, a number of projects — and activities

under them — do not really measure up to the […]

regionality criteria and might as well


have been implemented at the national level.

No obstante, varios proyectos y actividades relacionadas con

�stos no cumplen realmente los criterios […]

de regionalidad y podr�an haberse ejecutado a nivel nacional.

In fact, Sara and I speak a different language that no one else really understands.

De hecho, Sara y yo hablamos un idioma distinto en el que solo nosotras nos entendemos.

And I think a centralized state always has a tendency to treat


them all in a very equal way while federalism gives us the possibility of

finding solutions really adapted to each canton.

Creo que un Estado centralizado siempre tiende a tratar a todo el mundo de la


misma manera, mientras que un Estado federal nos ofrece la posibilidad de

encontrar soluciones bien adaptadas a cada cant�n.

We really must get rid of that […]


Realmente tenemos que librarnos […]

de esa aparici�n.

But what to do when the group size is really important?

�Pero que hacer cuando el tama�o del grupo es importante?

However, they believe that these two views should


be completed by a territory-based

approach to aid if we really want to break with […]

existing culture and introduce a new


culture that will improve the efficacy of aid.

Consideran, sin embargo, que estas dos visiones deben ser


completadas por un enfoque territorial de la

ayuda, si se quiere realmente una ruptura, un cambio […]

de cultura que mejore la eficacia de la ayuda.

Snow never

hardens and is really only best used […]

on fixed layouts.

La nieve nunca

endurece, y es mejor usarlo sobre paisajes fijos.

With a tricycle you can really fly round the […]


Con el triciclo se pueden tomar con toda rapidez […]

las curvas.

Are we, in fact, really measuring the consequences […]

for human health of water pollution caused by waste rinsing water containing detergents?

�Estamos midiendo realmente las consecuencias […]

para la salud humana de la contaminaci�n del agua provocada por el agua de


enjuagado residual que contiene detergentes?

For them to see that in me

makes me feel really good.

Que ellos vean eso en m�

hace que me sienta muy bien.

The best way to defend our nation,

and to defend what we really care about, is to distribute […]

the weight more evenly.

La mejor manera de defender a nuestra

naci�n, y defender lo que realmente queremos, es distribuir […]

el peso m�s uniformemente.

That, speaking on my group’s

behalf, is what I really would urge you to […]


Eso, hablando en nombre de mi

Grupo, es lo que verdaderamente le insto a que […]

nos proporcione.

If this is true — and it really is it is only […]

logical that the mood for independence should increase.

Si es as� -y realmente es as�- tiene toda […]

la l�gica que se incremente el sentimiento independentista.

Yet the consequences of these upheavals, over-hastily


encapsulated in the term «globalization», have not been adequately measured,

accurately foreseen or really brought under control.

Sin embargo, las consecuencias de estas conmociones, que resume apresuradamente


el t�rmino «mundializaci�n», no son adecuadamente medidas, ni

anticipadas con precisi�n ni realmente sometidas a control.

Compared to that flexibility, Belgians are really chained to their watches and schedules.

Contrasta con esta flexibilidad, la obsesi�n de los belgas con sus horarios y planificaciones.

Its really important that […]

the child knows they have support, not just someone telling them what to do.

Es muy importante que el ni�o […]

sepa que tiene apoyo, no simplemente alguien que le dice lo que tiene que hacer».

As laws got ever more complicated, though, only a few experts knew who was responsible for what and who really had to foot the bill.

Sin embargo, conforme las leyes se complicaban, s�lo algunos expertos sab�an qui�n era responsable de qu� y cu�les eran los gastos que deb�a cubrir cada uno.

My duty stay in Geneva

has been brief but really rewarding to me in […]

many respects.

Mi misi�n en Ginebra

ha sido breve pero muy gratificante en muchos […]


Iran is really trying to solve as much as we can.

El Ir�n trata de hacer todo lo posible por buscar una soluci�n.

1. verdaderamente

Ese vestido la queda verdaderamente bien.

¡Se cree verdaderamente el ombligo del mundo!

Al pensar que mañana voy al trabajo, verdaderamente me deprimo.

Algo en su cara me recordaba verdaderamente a un viejo novio mío.

El mar estaba verdaderamente calmo.

Es verdaderamente lamentable.

Estudios ingleses sobre el uso de los móviles por los jóvenes muestran situaciones verdaderamente preocupantes, donde un chico de seis a veinte años cada día envía de media diecinueve mensajes, recibe quince y hace nueve llamadas.

¡Cristo resucitó, aleluya! — ¡Verdaderamente resucitó, aleluya!

Verdaderamente, eres un caso perdido.

¡Verdaderamente no tienes cojones para no traducir mi frase!

Ha hecho una cosa verdaderamente estúpida.

El aroma del perfume verdaderamente me embriagó.

Spanish word «really»(verdaderamente) occurs in sets:

Intensificadores y mitigadores en inglés
Expresar Opiniones — Expressing Opinions
nuevas palabras

icon forward

We are really looking forward to working with Professor Muntarbhorn over the coming years.


context icon

Tenemos muchas ganas de trabajar con el profesor Muntarbhorn en los próximos años.


I’m really looking forward to it and I think it’s a great opportunity.


context icon

Tengo muchas ganas y creo que es una oportunidad.


And you see, only vitginsare really eligible for human sacrifice.

context icon

Y sólo las vírgenes son aptas para los sacrificios humanos.

So which issues do you really need to focus on first?


context icon

Entonces,¿cuáles son las cuestiones en las que necesitas enfocarte primero?


We really wanted to know this little piece of paradise!


context icon

Teníamos muchas ganas de conocer este pedacito de paraíso!


You never really meant to give any of us perfection.

context icon

Nunca fue tu intención dar perfección a ninguno de nosotros.

context icon

No fue tan genial.

Was that sound, really that irritating?

context icon

¿Tan molesto era ese sonido?

But truth be told, the majority aren’t, not really.

context icon

Pero la verdad sea dicha, la mayoría no lo son.

context icon

No era música disco.

Is it true? Are your services really free of charge?

context icon

¿Es cierto que sus servicios son gratis?

Okay, I… I really don’t wanna put you out.

context icon

Vale, realmente… no quiero causarte molestias.

I really loved the performance, where Lui sang!!


context icon

Algo que me encanto fue el performance, en donde el mismo diseñador canto!!


It really is a… A…? A priority.

context icon

context icon

context icon

¿Realmente conseguí un papel en esa película?

Do you really think you’re an impartial judge?

Not really a home, just a place.

context icon

No era un hogar era un lugar.

context icon

Just really hard saying goodbye.

context icon

Solo fue difícil decir adiós.

I really don’t know how to thank you.

Do you really want me to do that»thing»?

context icon

Don’t tell me he really managed to get it out.

context icon

No me digas que fue capaz de sacarlo todo.

Alexander’s not really capable of keeping a secret from me.

context icon

Alexander no era capaz de ocultarme un secreto.

context icon

Really… is that what the new Sheriff told you?

context icon

Realmente… eso es lo que te ha dicho el nuevo sheriff?

context icon

Entonces fue Hassan quien lo mató.

I will bet you that’s really her boyfriend or something.

Results: 201087,
Time: 0.0919

Overall, the artworks feel really lively.

They can really almost coach themselves.

That first photo looks really impressive!

The Spot fight was really cool.

Really excellent condition except for nose.

The competition was strong, really strong.

You have really lovely posts here.

Jubilee pendant really glistens with gold!

You are really hot Angad Bedi!

But it’s really not that easy!





If you’d like to say the word “really” as a question in Spanish, you would say, “¿De verdad?” Looking to use “really” in a different context than as a question? Other adverbial forms include “realmente”, “en realidad”, “en el fondo”, and more. It all comes down to what you’re hoping to express.

Getting down the nuances of Spanish can definitely feel intimidating to new learners. Fortunately, becoming comfortable with the language tends to feel more manageable once you pick up the basics, especially those who speak a related language like English, French, or Italian. Like Spanish, these languages each come directly out of Latin or have been heavily influenced by it. This is why you’ll find English words like “tourist” that sound remarkably similar in French (touriste), Italian (turista), and Spanish (turista). In addition to the thousands of similar vocabulary words, you’ll find that Spanish also has a clear and simple system of pronunciation—completely unlike French and English, where spelling and pronunciation can seem almost unrelated.

Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion® methodology teaches you the language, not just the words. What makes it so effective is that we prepare you to use your new language in your everyday life. So, it’s not just about the features, but what you’re able to do because of them. That way, you’ll be ready to handle situations with ease and confidence.

Learn Spanish Words and Phrases

Many individuals decide to learn Spanish because they encounter the language in their everyday life. This comes as no surprise, as Spanish is spoken throughout the U.S., and is featured prominently in music, TV, movies, and restaurant fare. Others make the decision to learn Spanish because they have plans to volunteer, vacation, or do business in one of the 20 countries around the globe in which Spanish is the official language. So, whether your reason is for business or pleasure, you’ll be off to a great start by first learning very basic words and how to pronounce them. Taking this step is important in moving towards understanding how the Spanish language is used in everyday situations—by 437 million Spanish speakers around the world.

Too often, new language learners get sidetracked by trying to memorize long lists of Spanish words and phrases. Then, they become frustrated when they find that they are unable to understand or speak in Spanish. That’s why it’s so important that you focus on learning to understand and pronounce basic commonly used Spanish words and phrases. This approach to learning the language will allow you to comfortably engage in conversation in Spanish with locals.

Of note, the Spanish language has a few characteristics that can make proper pronunciation a bit challenging for new learners. One notable example is the pronunciation of the Spanish letter r. In Spanish, the letter r is pronounced differently than the letter is pronounced in Engish, and may take some practice for new learners. The distinct sound of the letter r in Spanish is made by tapping the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, about a third of the way back in your mouth. Some language experts suggest that new learners practice the Spanish r by forming the “tt” sound, as heard in the English word butter.

Developing the skills to properly pronounce Spanish requires that you receive immediate and precise feedback on your pronunciation efforts. This immediate and specific feedback will allow you to make timely corrections to your pronunciation. From there, you can practice speaking.

Rosetta Stone’s patented TruAccent™ speech-recognition engine helps you get the pronunciation right in a snap. This proprietary technology instantly compares your voice to native and non-native speakers, so you get real-time feedback for the most accurate pronunciation. It’s also adjustable, which allows you to fine-tune your accent. TruAccent is a powerful tool for helping you learn and speak the Spanish language.

After beginning learners have acquired basic Spanish words, short phrases, and their correct pronunciation, they will be able to make the natural transition to learning the longer Spanish phrases that make up much of everyday, real-world conversation. Rosetta Stone’s brief, 10-minute Spanish language lessons are designed to help you learn in just this way—first teaching the basics, then longer phrases. And every Rosetta Stone lesson emphasizes proper pronunciation, to help you learn to comfortably understand and confidently speak Spanish.

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The best part? You don’t have to choose between app or desktop. Both come with your subscription and sync, so you can switch between devices seamlessly.

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