Real time one word or two

Can you name each word as being one word (A) or two words (B), per Merriam-Webster Dictionary?

Last Updated

Feb 16, 2017

Words A or B?
A) Blackjack OR B) Black jack
A) Icecream OR B) Ice cream
A) Bookstore OR B) Book store
A) Questionmark OR B) Question mark
A) Mousetrap OR B) Mouse trap
A) Meatloaf OR B) Meat loaf
A) Homerun OR B) Home run
A) Cellphone OR B) Cell phone
A) Eggroll OR B) Egg roll
A) Drillpress OR B) Drill press
A) Coldcuts OR B) Cold cuts
A) Girlfriend OR B) Girl friend
A) Videogame OR B) Video game
A) Shoelace OR B) Shoe lace
A) Schoolbook OR B) School book
A) Backyard OR B) Back yard
A) Coffeemaker OR B) Coffee maker
A) Truckstop OR B) Truck stop
A) Sunscreen OR B) Sun screen
A) Speakeasy OR B) Speak easy
A) Greenhouse OR B) Green house
A) Healthcare OR B) Health care
A) Toolshed OR B) Tool shed
A) Postoffice OR B) Post office
A) Miniskirt OR B) Mini skirt
Words A or B?
A) Stockmarket OR B) Stock market
A) Paperback OR B) Paper back
A) Teacup OR B) Tea cup
A) Hairpiece OR B) Hair piece
A) Polevault OR B) Pole vault
A) Springtime OR B) Spring time
A) Windowshade OR B) Window shade
A) Sportscar OR B) Sports car
A) Racehorse OR B) Race horse
A) Airfield OR B) Air field
A) Waterbed OR B) Water bed
A) Skyscraper OR B) Sky scraper
A) Ratrace OR B) Rat race
A) Motionpicture OR B) Motion picture
A) Matchstick OR B) Match stick
A) Slipknot OR B) Slip knot
A) Hairspray OR B) Hair spray
A) Bookkeeper OR B) Book keeper
A) Rocksalt OR B) Rock salt
A) Squaredance OR B) Square dance
A) Diningroom OR B) Dining room
A) Lipstick OR B) Lip stick
A) Bestseller OR B) Best seller
A) Quicksand OR B) Quick sand
A) Boardgame OR B) Board game

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Asked by: Jada Schinner

Score: 4.7/5
(75 votes)

The reason is quite simple—the generally accepted rule is that a compound word is always treated as a single word. For instance, the compound adjective «real-time» is a different word than «real time.» … So, once compound words are closed or hyphenated, they are counted as one word.

What is the rule on hyphenated words?

When you connect words with the hyphen, you make it clear to readers that the words work together as a unit of meaning. … Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out.

Does it count as one word or two?

The word, «it’s» is one word, but would be counted as two words because if not contracted, you would have two separate words. To circle the words, however, «it’s» would be one word and would be circled.

Is Wordcount one word?

The word count is the number of words in a document or passage of text. Word counting may be needed when a text is required to stay within certain numbers of words. … When converting character counts to words, a measure of 5 or 6 characters to a word is generally used for English.

What words are not counted in word count?

Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc). The list of references, appendices and footnotes2 are NOT included in the word count unless it is clearly stated in the coursework instructions that the module is an exception to this rule.

36 related questions found

How many pages is 2000 words?

Answer: 2,000 words is 4 pages single-spaced or 8 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 2,000 words include college essays, operating manuals, and longer form blog posts. It will take approximately 7 minutes to read 2,000 words.

Is contractions 1 or 2 words?

Contracted words count as the number of words they would be if they were not contracted. For example, isn’t, didn’t, I’m, I’ll are counted as two words (replacing is not, did not, I am, I will). Where the contraction replaces one word (e.g. can’t for cannot), it is counted as one word.

Is should’ve one word?

Writing could’ve and should’ve is standard, even if the spellcheckers say differently. The contractions just emphasize the pronunciation of the words.

Is Semantic a real word?

Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikós, «significant») is the study of meaning, reference, or truth. The term can be used to refer to subfields of several distinct disciplines, including philosophy, linguistics and computer science.

What happens if you say hyphen 5 times?

It looks like saying “Hyphen” five times crashes the iOS launcher, bringing you to the home screen. … 1 — perhaps the bug was introduced in a recent version of iOS. Verdict: Fact. Saying “hyphen” five times using voice input crashes your iPhone, but there’s no need to worry; nothing else happens in the process.

What is a hyphenated word?

The hyphen ‐ is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. Son-in-law is an example of a hyphenated word.

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

Examples of hyphenated compound words include:

  • two-fold.
  • check-in.
  • merry-go-round.
  • father-in-law.
  • seventy-two.
  • long-term.
  • up-to-date.
  • mother-in-law.

What are semantic words?

Semantics is a branch of linguistics that looks at the meanings of words and language, including the symbolic use of language. It also refers to the multiple meanings of words as well. Two terms that are related to semantics are connotation and denotation. … Denotation includes the literal definition of the word.

What are the two types of semantics?

Semantics is the study of meaning. There are two types of meaning: conceptual meaning and associative meaning. The conceptual meaning of the word sea is something that is large, filled with saltwater, and so on.

What is should’ve short for?

short form of should have: You should’ve come to the party last night, Manya. More examples. You should’ve seen Charlie dancing! I should’ve got there earlier.

Is Couldve a word?

Could of is a common misspelling of the verb phrase could have. Most native English speakers use the contraction could’ve in everyday speech. This pronunciation omits the stressed H sound that differentiates have from of in the slurred familiarity of spoken English.

Is should’ve proper English?

Should’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘should have‘, especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

Is Don’t considered one word?

A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two words. Words like can’t (can + not), don’t (do + not), and I’ve (I + have) are all contractions. People use contractions in both speaking and writing.

Is syntactically a correct word?

According to the rules of syntax. The sentence was syntactically correct, but made no sense.

Are contractions a word?

A contraction is a shortened form of a word (or group of words) that omits certain letters or sounds. … The most common contractions are made up of verbs, auxiliaries, or modals attached to other words: He would=He’d. I have=I’ve. They are=They’re.

Can you write a 10 page paper in one night?

Writing a 10- or 20-page research paper in one night is not easy, so there are bound to be mistakes and typos. The best way to catch these mistakes is to follow these tips: Take a break before you edit so you can come back to the page with somewhat fresh eyes and a clearer head.

What is 1500 words in pages?

Answer: 1,500 words is 3 pages single-spaced or 6 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 1,500 words are short-form news articles, medium length blog posts, and short pieces of journalism. It will take approximately 5 minutes to read 1,500 words.

How many pages is 50000 words?

A standard typed manuscript page (i.e. what you type, before it’s a book page), with 12pt font and one inch margins is about 300 words. A 50,000 word manuscript is about 165 pages.

What is pragmatics example?

Pragmatics is the study of how words are used, or the study of signs and symbols. An example of pragmatics is how the same word can have different meanings in different settings. An example of pragmatics is the study of how people react to different symbols.

Real-time, with a hyphen, is an adjective describing something in which results, feedback, or statistical data follow input with no noticeable delay. The word is increasingly spelled realtime, and this may eventually become the standard spelling if people continue to find the adjective useful. For now, though, the hyphenated form is preferred.

What’s the Difference Between Real Time and Real-Time?

Both real time and real-time are used in technology. They go all the way back to the early 19th century when there was a need to reference philosophy and logic. After some time, science and technology started having more dominance over the words.

We often hear the phrase real-time data in computers and technology. It means someone obtains the transmitted data and makes it available instantly. We’re talking about microseconds, something that the older technology could not do. 

But the difference between the two words lies not only in spelling but also in meaning and parts of speech.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, real time is a noun that means the actual time during which something takes place.

Cambridge Dictionary states that real-time is an adjective that means communicated or presented at the same time as it happens.

It’s understandable why many get confused between the two. They have similar meanings but different styles and placements. When you watch the news, and the reporter is updating on the television, these are real-time updates. Or you can say the reporter is updating in real time.

Statistics on Real Time and Real-Time

Below is a graph of real time’s and real-time’s use throughout the years.

real time vs real time

This information does not imply that the more commonly used term is the correct term. Real time and real-time have different uses despite their similar meanings. The graph only shows the trend in the usage of both words throughout the years. 

The two terms rose in popularity as technology became more advanced. The process of receiving transmitted data without pause is also called “reactive computing” since the program guarantees real-time constraints.

These programs use time simulations to continue running as they mirror what would happen in real life. Video games are an example of programs that run in simulated real time.

What is a Compound Adjective?

A compound adjective is made of two or more adjectives to modify a noun or a pronoun. Like single adjectives, they can also answer questions such as “what kind?” But you can distinguish them from single-word adjectives through the use of hyphens.

If real-time is a compound adjective, does that mean real time is not an adjective anymore? Exactly. If there is no hyphen, it’s not an adjective. Instead, it’s a noun phrase. Or it can be an adverbial phrase if you add the preposition in before it. 

What’s the Point of a Hyphen?

The point of hyphenated compound adjectives is to show that it’s a single adjective. Take the phrase real-time telemedicine for example. Here, hyphens join the words real and time to show that it’s one adjective modifying the noun telemedicine. 

Suppose you say real time telemedicine, the meaning changes. Without the hyphen, the phrase might mean time telemedicine that is real. Real time medicine becomes an open compound noun modified by the adjective real.

How to Know When to Use a Hyphen

Most of the time, you’ll know that a hyphen is needed if there’s a noun after it–for example:

  • Real-time information.
  • Real-time consultation.
  • Real-time noise cancellation. 

But there are also trickier moments where there is no noun before the compound adjective. In this case, you should analyze the sentence. Ask yourself, is real-time supposed to describe a noun or pronoun in this sentence? Here’s an example:

  • The software provides updates that are real-time.

In this sentence, real-time describes the direct object updates. But if this is too complicated for you, just say, “The software provides updates in real time.” It also sounds more appropriate!

Real Time as a Noun Phrase

Real time as a noun phrase means real is an adjective, while time is a noun–for example:

  • We haven’t spent real time together since you came home.

Real time is not a compound adjective because it does not modify any noun. It’s also not an adverbial phrase because it does not describe an action. Instead, it’s the direct object for the verb have spent. It’s a direct object because it answers the question, “haven’t spent what?” 

The noun phrase usually refers to intimate time (together). It implies that we often spend so much time with other people yet never genuinely bond with them. 

For example, a couple might be living together in one apartment. But they don’t eat meals together or talk to one another. In other words, they don’t spend real time together.

What is an Adverbial Phrase?

An adverbial phrase is made of more than one word that functions as an adverb. And an adverb modifies a verb, adjective, clause, or sentence. Real time is not an adverbial phrase, but in real time is. Take a look at this example:

  • I prefer Twitter because the handlers update in real time through threads.

In this sentence, the adverbial phrase in real time describes the verb update.

Examples of Real Time in a Sentence

Millions of New Yorkers will be floored to know that a new HTML5 webapp called will soon track subways in real time. [Gizmodo]

She says it is effective because it involves active problem-solving in real time and students are engaged. [Herald Sun]

Now, Transurban is obliged to adjust the tolls in real time to keep traffic in the express lanes moving at an average minimum speed of 45 mph. [Washington Post]

Examples of Real-Time in a Sentence

Public transit commuters have less interest in real-time digital social interactions with fellow commuters. [New York Times]

Within the next few years, rapid and real-time surveillance of pathogens is expected to become standard practice. [Guardian]

He says that Twitter’s system is engineered for real-time search and distribution, not archive search and distribution. [TechCruch]

Bottom Line

The English language can be confusing, but learning the difference between real time and real-time will enhance your grammar skills. Remember that the hyphenated version is a compound adjective, while the other is a noun phrase. Add in before the phrase, and you’ll get an adverbial expression such as everyday vs. every day. 

level 1

Depends on syntax.

«The TV show ’24’ takes place in real time.»

«My favorite TV show is the real-time action series ’24’.»

In the latter case real-time modifies the object of a sentence rather than in the former case where it serves as the object itself. Because in the latter case it is in fact a compound modifier, it requires a hyphen.

level 2

What’s the object in the latter sentence? Is it ’24’? If it is why isn’t action seried hyphenated too? Or is ‘action series ’24’ the object? But I don’t see how it can be because action series is saying something aboutn’24. The subject is ‘my favourite tv show’ the verb is ‘is’, but i don’t really know what the rest of the words are.

level 1

I’d use «real-time», but in a few years it will probably be obselete. Did you know that we used to have the words «to-morrow» and «stair-case»? Eventually the hyphen will be long gone and forgotten, so use whichever one you feel like (y)

level 2

Your examples use a hyphen to form a compound noun, while real-time is only hyphenated when it’s a compound modifier. It would be an error to write «takes place in real-time».

level 2

It wasn’t too long ago that we were all checking our e-mail.

level 1

Here’s Google’s survey of published sources exploring the issue. The executive summary is that «real-time» is tops followed by «real time» and «realtime» brings up the rear.

It’s interesting to note that it was 1964 when «real-time» took the lead from «real time». This confirms the general trend of two words —> hyphenated words —> one word. I would expect this to become one word as well.

So it comes down to your disposition:

Reactionary: real time

Conservative: real-time

Progressive: realtime

level 2

The hyphen depends on whether the phrase is used as a modifier or a noun (as /u/citricbuoyancy explained). You’ll need a more sophisticated tool than Google to search for only occurrences where it’s used as a modifier.


So far only one British dictionary besides Wiktionary lists the one-word form bathtime, and a few others list a hyphenated form. It would seem reasonable when compared to bedtime, which is one word, but dictionaries just do not list it.

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The general rule of thumb for most words like this is: When one word complements the other and both are only one syllable, they can be properly spelled as one word, classtime—very much similar to classmate and classroom, which nobody questions as one word.

Yes, it is one word, with a hyphen (-) in between ‘real’ and

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Games for Days

Here is the list, all of the games, tools, compilations, and variations we’ve catalogued, with more being added all the time!

Original Wordle
Word Games
Multiple Words
Not Daily
Not Words
Music & Media

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Basic Wordling

Original Wordle, and sites related to playing the original.


The game that started the craze, now owned and hosted by the New York Times. Six guesses to find the same five-letter word each day as the rest of the world.


After doing Wordle, evaluate your guesses and see what the NYT WordleBot would have done.


After you’ve solved a Wordle, analyze your guesses and see what Scoredle would have done.


Enter your guess results and get possible words and statistical analysis


Enter in your letters by colored result and get a list of possible words.

Wordle Solver

Solve wordles step-by-step from a fixed list of starting words.


Aggregates Wordle squares shared on Twitter (on Glitch)

Save My Wordle

Create an account and save your Wordle scores by text message

Word Game

Create challenges for friends and strangers, with stats and leaderboard!

Wordle Group

Create a group to track your scores and compete with friends!

Fix My Wordle

Move your stats and streak to a new computer or device, or restore them after an error (use with caution!)


Solving Wordle by emoji alone (evaluate solution grids)


Enter the colors of the solution grid to find words that match the possibilities.


Paste in your Wordle result to convert it to a golf score (par is always 4)


Guess the daily word from clues on the alphabet and keyboard.


Replay all Wordles from the start and track your scores.


Create your own miniature Wordle website, just by signing up and setting up your words.


Tool to find possible words, suggest guesses, and track your results

Wordle Replay

Replay the Wordle from a date in the past, and get some word suggestions to practice with.

Wordle Sketch

Color in the grid and provide a word to see guesses that match

NOTE: This is literally the game’s instructions, you could come up with a better description if you can.


Enter your letters and colors, and we’ll give you a hint.


A game like wordle but with 5 guess and each turn, a word related to the main word is shown

The Same But Different

Games with a similar playstyle as Wordle, with slight tweaks


Use five-letter words to gather information about a six-letter word.
Your five-letter guesses will have a space in them.


Find a six-letter word in six guesses.


Guess the word of unknown length (size 5-8).


Guess the secret word which is always between entered words in alphabetical order. Clues tell you which word is closer to secret word.


Wordle but every word has a 🅱 (which is a wild card, not a «B»).


Guess the punchline to the joke, with Wordle-style clues


Find a five-letter word in five guesses.


Guess the word of the day with clues that change color from day to day.

Instant Wordle

Find the hidden word in one guess, from the two provided clues.

Is That Even a Word? le

Wordle, but the solution is any 5-letter word that the New York Times does not include in their word list

Killer Wordle

Guess the word by gettingfrom clues only about letters that are in the correct position


Six letters, seven guesses


Hourly wordle competitions on the blockchain network, where you can win ETH for playing!


Play like Wordle, but every possible guess is a potential answer (no matter how obscure)!


Plays just like the wordle we know, but guesses don’t have to be real words!


Wordle in a world where the letter E doesn’t exist


Wordle, but all guesses and the answer must have at least 1 repeated letter


Words with kid-friendly vocabularies


The letters guessed on the «incognito» squares of each row will not give any clues about the secret word.


Guess a 4-,5-,6- and 7-letter word with 20 total guesses



Wordle with words you haven’t heard of.


Find ALL the words that fit the given Wordle pattern.


Guess a new six-letter word twice a day

Wordle 6

Find a six-letter word in six guesses.

Wordle Junior

Kid-friendly version with four-letter words and seven attempts


Find a six-letter word in six guesses.


Words with five letters after vowels have been removed

Multiple Words

Play more than one word at a time with the same clues


Two words at once with one set of guesses! Play the daily word or unlimited free play.


Play two words at the same time


Good things come in threes, like secret words.


Guess three words at the same time


Three not enough? Try four words at once!


Find four words with same guesses, but all the words are connected by a daily theme!


Guess five 5-letter words in a grid, one word at a time.


Why stop at four when you can play eight words at the same time?


Find eight words with 13 guesses.


Play multiple boards on the same screen with the same clues (and a novel interface for switching them)


Play sixteen words at the same time with the same clues.


Find 32 words with 37 guesses; only five to spare!


Play one hundred words at the same time with the same clues.


Play through 1000 words, because why not?


You have 2314 guesses to get all 2314 words correct.


Wordleⁿ for a chosen value of n.


Actually, why don’t you just choose how many words you want to solve together?


Choose how many words you want to solve


Use clues to find two words with common letters.


Solve two related, intersecting words at the same time.


Guess 2 normal words and 2 words written backwards all at the same time.


Solve six words in two dimensions.


Daily wordlelike crossword. Solve three five letter words with color feedback.

Attack of the Clones

Enhancements on or copies of the original without changing the game


Create your own or play a random Wordle.


Daily word puzzle with a varied word length each day!


Daily word and difficulty setting (for number of guesses allowed)


Wordle clone with unlimited, daily, and head-to-head (soon) game modes


Play with Scrabble dictionary and option to exclude repeating letters.


Unlimited random play with stat tracking

hello wordl

A clean remake of Wordle, with the option of unlimited free play and varying word lengths.


Get a new word every hour instead of every day. Also has a nifty AI solver.


Unlimited play with random words


Unlimited play with variable word length (up to 52-letter words!)


Three daily words with different difficulties

NGage Wordle

Wordle for Nokia N-Gage, playable with a web-based emulator.

Online Lingo

Named for the 80s game show that inspired Wordle, a simple clone with a fun game interface


Open-source clone that made many of these other games possible!


Solve a number of puzzles as quickly as you can!


Clean clone with five- or six-letter option

Word Game

Unlimited words, variable difficulty and word length.


Wordle clone with variable word length and social challenge features.


Unlimited words, variable word length. custom puzzle option.

Wordle Game

Fully-featured version with multiple languages, different vocabulary levels (including kids), and word lengths.

Wordle Unlimited

Unlimited random wordles, plus share a link to a custom or random wordle game to your friends


Daily, hourly, or infinite gameplay.

Word Master

Simple Wordle clone with unlimited random words


Wordle with unlimited play, the ability to create your own, saved stats, and more.


Open-source Wordle clone


Unlimited play with shareable seed values.

Jokes and Spoofs

Games and sites that are not intended to be taken seriously


Generate random solving grids to share, without actually solving anything


One letter. Six guesses. How lucky are you?



Eee eeeee E ee ee eee eeee eee ee ee eee eeeeeee eeee.


Wordle but the answer is always FOXES


like wordle but the word is always horse


90% of the times the answer is JEFFGOLDBLUM, 10% of the times it is a random 12 letters word.


Can you guess the letter? You only have 26 tries.


A remake of Wordle for people who are «lucky».


«Spin» words that match the clues, slot machine style, and try to get the target word.

More Like Guidelines

Changing the rules of the game


Wordle but backwards, score the AI’s guesses (starting from the word of the day).


Guess the word of the day from clues about the placement of each letter in the alphabet.


Guess the word with alphabetical clues without getting too many incorrect letters.


Break the given word into smaller words.


Unscramble each word to reveal the next letter, then unscramble a new word!


Anti-wordle, play in hard mode and try to avoid getting the word as long as you can!


Guess the word with hints about how close to the target each letter of your guesses are in the alphabet.


Earn as many points as you can with unique letters and avoiding the red ones.


Earn as many points as you can without guessing the avoid word.


Fill the grid with words that fit the given pattern.


Guess the missing word from the given sentence.


Blockables is a daily word game combining aspects of crosswords, Boggle, and Wheel of Fortune. Can you find the 25-letter secret phrase?


Solve multiple wordle puzzles to reveal the hidden text from a classic novel.


Change one word into another, one letter at a time


Find the word encrypted in the Caesar cipher


Solve the puzzle with as few revealed letters as possible (inspired by Wheel of Fortune and Wordle).


Change one given word into another, one letter at a time. New puzzles every day!


Change one letter at a time to find words matching all the clues, against the clock!


Get the daily word with one clue and one guess.


Find the word from the preset clues within the time limit.


Concludle takes games of trivia, guessing, and quickplay and merges them together.


Find the word with colored clues to your guesses —but each line will have one incorrect clue!


Find the secret word based on similarity using Stanford’s NLP Project, GloVe. Inspired by Semantle.

Crissle Crossle

Find the word of the day when each clue has interference from another word.

Cross Wordle

Build a crossword by connecting all the given letters on the board.


Crossword mashup with varied word lengths and Wordle-style clues.


Find the words to fill in the given hard-mode Wordle solution grid


Guess the word with a DALL-E generated image of the answer and only 4 guesses.


Play like Wordle, but try to take as many guesses as possible.


Guess the word with a limited number of clues and its definition.


Guess the word with hints about how where in the alphabet each letter of your guesses is, relative to the letters in the secret word.


Find a secret word of unknown length using word differences.


Find the hidden word with clues about similarity to your guesses in both spelling and semantic meaning.


Find words that match the clue colors for a given solution


Get hints for as many letters per word as the number of guesses you have made


You are given the answer and you’re trying to take as many guesses as possible (follows hard mode+/superhard mode rules).

Fast Four

Change one letter at a time from the word of the day to make as long a chain as you can within the time limit!


Guess the word from Google search autocompletion results (from GoogleFeud)


Find the hidden word with wordle-like clues — but every row of clues has one lie!


Five Lives

Survive the duel by not guessing the word, neat retro videogame interface.


Find the word of the day by uncovering letters in the word-find search grid with your guesses!

Four Word Grid

Rearrange the letters to make four words that intersect in both directions.


Navigate to the goal word by changing one letter at a time.



Guess a five-letter word, one letter at a time (hangman-style). Each incorrect guess gives you an extra word to solve!


Find the hidden word with a different rule applied to each guess!


Solve a series of words where the previous solutions are the starting guesses.


Arrange the given letters into a crossword-style grid of valid words.


Place the given letters on a Scrabble-like board to make the highest score you can.


Find the word as it grows in size!


Guess what… Mastermind again.

Hocus Focus

Race the clock to reveal an image and find the target area.


Solve a series of words using previous solutions as clues.


Guess the word of the day with Mastermind-style clues.


See how many continuous words you can play, using each answer as the first guess for the next puzzle!


Guess the word from a redacted definition and a blurred, AI-generation image of the target word.


Find the word of the day by alphabetical search.

It’s a SYN

Use the given letters and guess them on the squares to solve a crossword-like word grid.
You are given a word which is either a synonym or an antonym of the words in the grid.

Joined Words

Find the compound word from clues to its pieces.


Get clues about whether the letters in the secret word are in the same keyboard row as the letters of your guesses.


Use all 12 tiles to make words that cross.


Get the highest score you can by finding unique five-letter words to fit the patterns.


Guess the word of the day one letter at a time (hangman-style).


Use the given letters to make words with limited uses per letter.


Figure out a word with 5 clues that are words that form another word when put before or after the answer word, the length of the word and the starting letter.


Connect to Spotify and guess one of your own top songs based on part of its lyrics.


Find a word with wordlelike clues that matches a certain color pattern (five green is not the goal!)


One column will always have lying clues.


Guess the word of the day with Mastermind-style clues


Spooky Hangman mashup where each incorrect letter brings you closer to death!


Guess the song based on still frames of its music video

Name That Ride

Guess the car as quickly as possible while an image is revealed.


Guess the trending news word of the day from the given choices


Find the word based on various clues


Find the word that adds up to the target number alphanumerically (A=1, B=2…)


Finish a partially solved, adversarial puzzle with a limited number of guesses.


Guess the word spelled out in Pig Latin.


Make a guess and get clues — but the clues are always lying.


Try to guess all four words by arranging letters around the grid.


Guess the phrase of the day by picking letters (Wheel/hangman style)!


Match a colored guess pattern from a given clue word.



Semantic search, with a nifty visualization of how close you are.


Guess the hidden word from pixel-based clues for each letter!


Crossword with bonus Wordle-style word.


Guess the daily word in 6 tries with a shape-based clue


Get clues about where on the keyboard the letters of your guesses are relative to those of the secret word.


Find the word with Mastermind-style clues about how many letters (but not which ones) match the solution.


Drag and drop to solve five different words based on the theme of the day.


Quantum version of Wordle (uses entangled word-pairs)


Find the anagram of the given letters with wordle-like clues.


Guess the most obscure word that matches your clues.


Recursive wordle, solve the layers of the mystery.


Guess the words that were used in the provided game grid.


Find the hidden word with colored clues, without knowing what the colors represent!

Reveal Word

Find the secret word by uncovering parts of its letters.


Try to make 10 guesses without placing any letter in the same position as the hidden word.


Find the missing words to fill in the given solution grid.


Enter words but avoid the same-letter position of the word of the day!

Rhyme Time

Guess the three rhyming words with wordle-eqsue clues.


Solve the daily riddle with wordlelike clues!


Find a secret word with a certain Scrabble score


Find words that fit the wordle-style pattern of at least one of the rows.


Find the hidden word as you select which type of clue to receive for each guess.


Find the secret word based on semantic similarity to your guesses.

Semantle Junior

Find the target words based on semantic similarity to your guesses, with an easier word list than original Semantle.


Find the secret word semantically in 20 guesses


Guesses and solutions are five-letter words with a letter shifted 1–3 steps in the alphabet!


Use the letters of the day as many times as you can to come up with a set of words


Guess the ten-letter word, one five-letter half at a time!


Find as many words in the Boggle-style grid as you can, with useful hints as you proceed.


Swap letters in the grid to make 10 words

Squaredle Maker

Create a Squaredle and see what words result (tool for designing, not actually playable)


Hardcore variant. You’re only told how many letters from your guess are present in the answer, and whether they’re in the right place.


All information must be used, to take as many guesses as possible.


Swap letters on the grid to form words (10 swaps to make 3 words).


Place the given syllables to form answers for each of the daily questions.


Figure out what the clue symbols mean in order to find the word! Daily, unlimited, and shareable custom game modes.


Guess thirty words in a row as fast as you can.


Guess the word that matches the given theme with only four guesses!


Find the daily word with clues from vertically-entered guesses.


Guess the daily word from clues about how high each letter can «climb» in the alphabet.


Drag-and-drop word game on a pre-filled grid.


Find the hidden word based on how «warm» each letter is in the alphabet.


«Weave» one word into another one in the fewest steps.

Weird Wordle

Wordle with a twist, and the twist is always changing!



Figure out the word with a werewolf tile that might be lying to you.


Guess where a five letter word appears among ten blank spaces, using up to seven guesses

Wikipedia Speedruns

Click links to navigate Wikipedia from a given article to the specified target article.


Figure out the word from clues that don’t tell you which letter positions they refer to.


Find the daily word as it changes after each guess!

Word Frenzy

Find words from the given letters. Take too long and you lose a letter to work with!

Word Huddle

Guess the phrase of the day by revealing one letter at a time.


Figure out the secret word with clues that are provided for you.

Word Lie

Make your guesses but some clues will be lying to you about the solution.


Find the word in eight guesses with clues that do not tell you what letters they refer to.

Word Bord

Drag rows and columns of letters to create words.


A seven letter word is hidden in a six-row grid. Choose letters to find the word in eight attempts.


Create a word chain by changing one letter at a time.

Wordle Peaks

Find the hidden word with clues based on how high each letter is in the alphabet.

Wordle Squared

Fill in the crossword grid with Wordle-style hints. with an automatic hint grid.


Lock in your five-letter words to use up all of the given letters.


Use Mastermind-style clues to deduce four words


Guess the word of the day, using clues and word similarity.


Find the daily eight-letter word comprised of two overlapping five-letter words

Worwordle +

Find the daily seven-letter word comprised of two overlapping five-letter words


Find a six-letter word from a cloud of potential letters


Find two non-overlapping words with clues about letters in both words at the same time.


Word ladder game where you can change 1 or 2 letters at a time.
NOTE: Don’t turn on hard mode, it doesn’t work properly.

At Your Own Pace

Wordle-esque games that do not have a single daily word to find


Solve two words by playing letters in a 5 x 5 grid.


Adversarial variant of Wordle, Absurdle actively chooses solutions to try and stump you by keeping as many different solutions as possible.


Find the hidden word of unknown length.


Decode the word from a clue where each letter is offset alphabetically.


Find the word when your only clues are the left/right direction of misplaced letters.


Wordle in reverse, think up a word to stump the game!


Evil Wordle

Another adversarial game which chooses the pattern that makes the solution most difficult.


Type into the browser window and get colored wordle clues in the favicon! Only works on desktop browsers that support favicon updates.


Guess the movie from image sections of a frame from the film (currently archive mode only).

Flappy Birdle

Type letters to keep the bird flying while solving as many words as you can!

Gram Jam

Swap letters on the grid to make words and earn points, wordfind-style.

High Score Day

Guess the video game based on screenshot frames from the game (currently archive mode only).


Wordle-like puzzle game with rules you have to figure out as you play.


Find the word, one letter at a time (hangman style).


Chase and corner a word when only the last three guesses are considered.


Find as many words as you can before time runs out!


Connect two words, changing one letter at a time, using only real words.


Try to guess as many words as you can in a certain amount of time.


«Instant Wordle» with streak counter and a unique retro-game interface.


Guess the words that prompted the AI-generated DALL-E images.

Worldle Unlimited

Find the country from its shape and distance from your guesses — in unlimited mode!


Play with —or against— friends (or strangers)


Guess a word given by a friend — or the bot — using non-position-specific (Mastermind style) clues.

Custom Wordle

Make up your own puzzle with a word of any length to share, with multiple language dictionaries (or none).


Sign up with a mobile number to save your scores via text message to share and compete with friends.


Play against friends or up to 100 strangers, with classic or sprint game modes.


Create and share your own challenges with varying word lengths.

Another site to make and share your own puzzle.

Semantle Battle

Choose a secret, your opponent chooses a secret. The first user to solve wins!


Play Wordle, battle-royale style!


Play Wordle with strangers or with your friends! Play with the classic settings of the Wordle you know and love, or create some chaos with 15-letter words on expert difficulty.


Compete against online opponents to solve the same word in as few guesses as you can.

word / off

Exchange guess words and challenge your friends!


One word per week, one guess per day. Challenge yourself against the most popular guesses from the community.


Word Hoot

Play online with your own account or with multiplayer room options

Wordle Cup

Competitive Wordle where speed is king.


Wordle clone with varying word length and difficulty options, with shareable created puzzles

Wordle Off

Play a puzzle cooperatively or competitively with a friend.

Wordle Off

Play with friends or family with a shared session!

Wordle with Friends

Create a puzzle with your own word to share with friends, along with an optional clue.


Create custom Wordles with many options for customization and personalization

Wordle Vs

Create a room and play Wordle against your friends!

Word Race

Fast-paced race against a random opponent.


Play with or against friends, with time trial option.


Enter your name, select a word, send the link to your friend, start dueling


Play a puzzle cooperatively or competitively with a friend.


Play a puzzle and challenge a friend to do it better.

Not Just Words

Symbols, codes, songs, and other things that are not words


Guess the actor based on details (year, genre, rating) of movies in their filmography.

Guess the album by a portion of the cover art.


Guess the anime from a blurred image.


Appraisle is a daily real estate game where you guess the listing price of a property within 10% of the actual value.


Guess the artist from sections of multiple paintings.


Guess the artist from pictures of their work.


Phonemic Wordle for Australian English (HCE system)


Guess the daily bird from a close-up portion of a picture.


Clear the path to let a block escape in the fewest moves possible.


Find the best next chess move for each player from the given position.


Find the four-letter bird branding code.


Guess the sequence of bug emoji


Guess the opening sequence of a chess game (both sides)!


Find the best chess move sequence for both players from a given position.


Guess the four-note chord in four tries or fewer.


Put the historical events in chronological order within three tries.


Guess the movie based on frames from the film.


Guess the movie by flipping tiles to reveal a frame from the film.


Guess the hexadecimal color code in 6 tries.


Mix the correct colors together to match the target color.


Match the colour by RGB decimal values.

Commander Codex

Guess the Magic: The Gathering commander based on details and attributes (from EDHREC).


Find the target Minecraft recipe with colored clues to its ingredients


Guess the cheese from a section of an image


Guess which French politicians support which proposals.

Daily Squirdle

Guess the Pokémon, but instead of letters in the name, clues are based on their game stats!


Narrow down the year for an event that happened on this date in history.


Guess as many words of today’s words as possible given their dictionary definitions.


Guess the prompts that were used for the AI-generated image.


Guess the dog breed based on its silhouette and attributes.


Figure out the secret rules to fill in the dungeon.


Guess the secret movie or book title from rebus-style emoji clues.


Guess the emoji, as five-character unicode codes


Guess the sequence of five emoji with wordle-like clues.


Guess the Twitch Emote from a blurred image.


Guess the movie from the emojis


Wordle, but with Eurovision Song Contest song titles. Contains words from many languages.


Rank the items in the factle with five tries.


Guess the movie based on the given clues.


Guess the daily actor based on degrees of separation from the actors you guess.


Guess a footballer by their team, number, position, and rating

Guess the video game by its cover art.


Guess the game based on a decreasingly pixelated image from the game.


Test your knowledge of F1 racing in a Wordle-style quiz.


A phonemic version of Wordle


Guess the color of the day by its hex code!


Guess the hex code of the daily color with wordle-like clues


Guess the color of the day by its hex code!


Connect one actor to another in as few steps as possible.


Find the words that make up the culturetag with the given initials.


JavaScript library names


Discover the mystery animal with the sillhouete


Learn something new with a daily higher/lower guessing game.


Connect the colored dots without crossing lines, with three daily puzzles!


Guess the country where the picture of the day was taken.


Guess the brand name for the logo by revealing as few pieces of the image as you can.


Guess the League of Legends champions


Guess the famous person from a pixelated image


Guess the song from portions of its lyrics.


Guess the daily word or phrase one letter at a time, Hangman style.

Missing 11

Guess the starting 11 lineup, wordle-style.


English words written in Morse code.


Find the movie with a new screenshot for each guess.

Movlie — 1970s

Find the 70s movie with a new screenshot for each guess.

Movlie — 1980s

Find the 80s movie with a new screenshot for each guess.

Movlie — 1990s

Find the 90s movie with a new screenshot for each guess.


Find a secret trip in the Hong Kong subway system.


Solve a murder mystery deduction puzzle.


Guess the notes of the chord in the proper order and register.


Guess the Netflix poster from an obscured image within the time limit.


Guess the Overwatch League player based on their stats, country, division, etc.


Memorize the cards for the day, then collect them in pairs.


Memorize and follow the path through the squares. New puzzle every day.


Guess the target peptide (a random 5-mer staring with «M»)


Guess a word spelled from five elements of the periodic table.


Guess the six-letter words spelled with flag emoji as two-letter codes.

Pixel Movie

Guess the movie from a pixelated image of its poster.


Guess the top answers from a survey

Poker Handle 2

Guess the poker hand from colored clues to your guesses.


Guess the poker hand with clues based on card position and hand rank.


A Daily Texas Holdem Puzzle


Guess the release year of the given movies, shows, books, or games


Guess the film based on a decreasingly pixelated image of its movie poster.


Answer the pun of the day in as few letter hints as you can.


Quantum variant where the guesses are quantum equations.


Score as high as you can with five daily quiz questions.


Guess the movie or TV show for the given quote


Guess the rank of the gameplay clip from one of several video games


Guess the topic of a heavily redacted Wikipedia article


Find a secret trip in the London Underground.


Guess the color based on the given hex code!


Choose the shape that matches the colors of the rotating target.


Connect two actors with six or fewer movies


Guess the famous song from the lyrics presented.


Find a secret trip in the NYC subway system.


Find the best chess move sequence for both players from a given position.


Guess the country by its exports


Guess the animal poop from its PICTURE (you’ve been warned).



Guess the frame position and colors of a jumping turtle


Guess the sequence of the Turnip Boy characters, guided by rules you must figure out!


There are only 2 kinds of people in this world…


Guess the daily unlock pattern of five dots in six tries.


The solution will be a UNLOCODE flagged as having an Airport, Port and Road Terminal.


Guess the reference of a given Bible verse.


Guess the word based on its pronunciation as represented by the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)


Guess the movie based on trivia facts


Guess the NFL player by team, age, jersey number, and other stats.


Guess words based on the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Who Are Ya

Guess the European footballer from an image and details such as team, age, and position.


Guess the celebrity by uncovering the fewest tiles.


Wordle for UK RNAV waypoints


Guess the year for the three historical events each day.

Music & Media

Games with music, audio, video, and other media as clues


Guess the song by listening to audio snippets.


The music-guessing game in several flavors!


Find the daily word played in morse code, starting fast and getting slower


Guess the 5 note melody based on a small snippet. Has easy and hard mode.


Guess the movie from as few frames as possible


Guess the movie of the day by watching the whole thing in one second.

Anime Heardle

Guess the anime from audio snippets of its opening or closing theme song.


Guess the Blackpink song from audio snippets.


Guess The Classic Crime song from audio snippets.


Guess the song from the decade of your choice!


Guess the movie from short video clips.


Guess the Selena Gomez song from audio snippets.

KK Heardle

Guess the K.K. Slider song from the intro in as few tries as possible


Guess the original song of the day by listening to a lo-fi cover.


Guess the Paramore song from audio snippets.

RHCP Heardle

Guess the Red Hot Chili Peppers song from audio snippets.

Sonic Heardle

Guess the Sonic the Hedgehog song from an audio snippet.


Guess the Taylor Swift song, one second snippet at a time.


Guess the movie or TV show theme song from audio snippets.


Guess the song from audio snippets — played in reverse!

Numbers and Math

Put your math skills to use


Insert numbers into the equation to achieve the given result

Daily 25

Your goal is to use each of the five given numbers exactly once to create an expression which equals the target.


Guess the arithmetic expression for the given result.


Guess the 5-digit integer in six tries. Daily and Unlimited play modes available.


Guess the exact addition or subtraction in five tries.


Find a hidden math equation that equals a given value.


Instead of finding a word, why not an arithmetic equation? Nerdle is a Wordle-esque number game with several variations.


Make equations with all of the given values, and your own results, to achieve the target number.


Try to get to the target number, using various operations, in the fewest steps possible. Has a hard mode and past puzzle archives.


Find the arithmetic equation in six guesses.


Guess the five-digit number with Wordle-style clues about each digit and overall high/low clues.


Use each digit once to fill in the grid with the target equations.


Use the given numbers to make valid additions


Find a five-digit prime number.


Use the number tiles to reach the target sum.


Six tries to find the hidden equation for the given result value


Guess the 3-digit number with mathematical hints from your guesses.


Guess an integer between 0 and 1000 based on p-adic distance

Geography Games

Test your knowledge of the world


Guess the country where a city is located


Find the city based on direction and distance from your guesses.


Guess the weather forecast in a random city every day


Find the country of the day by following the clues.


Guess the flag of the country based on similarity (as a percentage) to the flag of your guess.


Guess the flag based off distance clues from the other guesses.


Guess the flag of a country or territory (with image clues showing similarity to the flag you guessed).


Guess the country for the given flag, with clues about size and position relative to the countries you guess.


Guess the flag based off distance clues from the other guesses.


Guess the hidden flag based on similarity to the flags you guess.


Guess the right flag in the grid by eliminating one color at a time.


Guess the flag with a new portion of the flag revealing after each guess.


Guess the flag with one color revealed at a time.


Guess the country of the day based on population, government, and other attributes.


Find the mystery country with guesses colored based on how close they are to the mystery country.



Guess the island based on its shape or aerial view.


Guess the landmark based on a portion of an image.


Find a station on the London Underground


Guess the US state or territory


Find the path between two given countries


Guess the UK local authority by its shape with distance clues


Work out your destination from five photographs of a city.


Use streetview and directed guesses to figure out your location (Geoguessr and Worldle had a baby?).


Identify the country where the daily picture was taken

WhereTaken (US)

Identify the US state or territory where the daily picture was taken


Guess the country as in Globle, but with an outline of the shape of the target country.

Words With a Theme

Play like Wordle but all of the answers have a related topic


Adoptle highlights a pet that is available for adoption each day. Guess today’s adoptable pet’s name to see who’s waiting to steal your heart.


Words related to the Bard (of Avon) by ShakespearGeek


Beer brands and related words.


Five-letter cyclists’ surnames.


Birds and bird-related words.


Guess the famous blond in six tries or less.


Wordle for book lovers! Now with optional hints.


Choral themed parody of Wordle


Words related to the motor world, car models, and manufacturers.


Words related to comics and comic books.


Guess the cricket-related word or cricketer’s name in 6 tries.



Words related to Indian food and culture


DOD / military acronyms. See if you know POTUS from your NORAD and the AWACS!


Words, places, or Americanisms related to the USA.


From the Fantasy Footballers, [American] football-related words and names.


Words related to the stars and outer space.


Multiple daily puzzles related to Singapore: MRT/LRT stations, shopping malls, schools, and parks.


Countries and capitals of the world


Five-letter names of countries, cities, rivers, and other geographical locations.


NHL and hockey-related words


Game of Thrones words, places, and characters


More words from the Wizarding World, by HogwartsIsHere.


A daily word game with an Indian Touch


Jew-ish words, ranging from English to Hebrew to Yiddish to Aramaic and everything in between.


Just like the original, but all of the five-letter solutions are dirty («lewd») words.


Guess the basketball-related word or basketball player’s name.


Guess the mammal from the given details and letter clues.


Guess the Mario game title by combining words like «Mario», «Wario» and «Super».


Wordle but all the words are gross


Magic: The Gathering words (requires free moxfield account)


Math-related words and names


Anime/gaming characters


Daily food-centered word puzzle


Plants, herbs, fungi, and related words.


NBA Player guessing game


The «yassification» of Wordle, challenge your LGBTQQIA2+ vocabulary.


Radio-themed words (for World Radio Day)


SEO-related words of varying length for a unique challenge.

Shield Wordle

Words and characters related to Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


More dirty words, but with a more natural (?) four-letter length


Wordle for Swifties, all of the solutions are related to Taylor Swift.


Wordle for Autostraddle fans


Guess the label of a randomly chosen image from ImageNet-Sketch dataset in 6 tries.


MLB player guessing game


Words revolving around Weezer and their songs.


First names (North American version)


Wordle for POSIX commands and API libraries


Country and global city names


Play with words themed around K-pop band BTS, complete with purple tiles.


Kanye West and related words.


Other sites with compiled lists of Wordle-like games


The Wordleverse, collection of wordlelike games with tools, stats, and more!


A database for all known Wordle spin-offs and variations


Compilation of Heardle-like games


Categorized collection of Wordle-like games


Get a link to a random wordlelike game.

Randomle Bot

Get a random worlde-style game delivered to you every day by text message

Visit the site and be transported to a random Wordlelike!


List of «all the __rdles» with pictures.

What Wordle?

Visit the Wordle-like game of the day, or find a random one!


List of wordlelikes in different languages

There is an open source library by Oscat that has the
REAL_TO_DW function which is written the same way as TimvH’s example.

There is a lot of good stuff in the library

Another way I have done this is with overlapping marker addresses.

   MyReal AT %MW0: REAL;
   MyBytes AT %MW0: ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE;

Because both variables above are declared at the same marker address, you can write to MyReal with a real value and then send the array MyBytes to the modbus function as an array of byte values.

You must make sure that your slave will understand that the real value is packed into 4 bytes. Also, I have had to use trial and error to determine which Word or Byte swapping the Modbus devices use. You may need to change the order of the byte elements so that the slave will understand them.

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