ежедневный, повседневный, ежедневно, ежедневная газета
прилагательное ↓
- ежедневный, каждодневный; повседневный
- спец. суточный
daily allowance — воен. суточное довольствие
daily details — амер. воен. суточный наряд
daily range — метеор. суточная амплитуда
- текущий
daily inspection — тех. текущий /профилактический/ осмотр
- (Daily) Дейли (в названиях газет)
Daily Telegraph — Дейли Телеграф
- дневной
daily and nightly draughts — дневная и ночная доза лекарства
daily bread — хлеб насущный
to earn /to gain/ one’s daily bread — зарабатывать на хлеб (насущный); добывать средства к существованию
daily dozen — разг. ежедневная зарядка, гимнастика
наречие ↓
- ежедневно; каждый день
the train runs daily — поезд ходит ежедневно
- всегда, постоянно
to happen daily — происходить постоянно
- ежедневная газета
- разг. приходящая прислуга
Мои примеры
the city’s two largest dailies — две крупнейшие ежедневные газеты города
the editor of the Daily Telegraph — редактор газеты «Daily Telegraph»
He was closely involved in monitoring daily progress. — Он принимал активное участие в ежедневном контроле прогресса.
daily bulletin — ежедневная сводка
daily average — среднесуточный
daily output — суточная выработка
daily increments to our knowledge — ежедневное возрастание наших знаний
daily lottery — ежедневная лотерея
food, fuel and other daily necessities — еда, топливо и другие предметы первой необходимости
the daily number — выпуск газеты, выходящий ежедневно
daily periodicity — суточная периодичность
daily prayer — ежедневная молитва
daily time sheet — график суточной загрузки
Примеры с переводом
The zoo is open daily.
Зоопарк работает ежедневно.
She phoned the hospital daily.
Она звонила в больницу каждый день.
I always buy a daily newspaper.
Я всегда покупаю ежедневную газету.
The garden needs watering daily.
Сад /огород/ нужно поливать ежедневно /каждый день/.
They repaired daily to the park.
Они каждый день собирались в парке
The program is aired daily.
Эта программа выходит ежедневно.
Worship services are held daily.
Богослужения проводятся ежедневно.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
…the punctual delivery of the daily mail…
…a daily grind that would outwear anybody…
…took his daily swill of the foul-tasting medicine…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): daily
мн. ч.(plural): dailies
- a newspaper that is published every day
- every day; without missing a day
he stops by daily
- gradually and progressively
- of or belonging to or occurring every day (syn: day-to-day)
daily routine
a daily paper
- appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions (syn: casual, everyday)
Extra examples
It has changed every aspect of daily life.
I started eating healthier and added exercise to my daily routine.
There’s not enough water to meet the daily needs of the city’s people.
She reads the daily paper each morning.
Their average daily wage is only five dollars.
She had been taking more than the recommended daily dose of the medicine.
…hired a daily to come in each morning to cook and clean…
She phoned the hospital daily.
The zoo is open daily.
Daily Telegraph
There has been little if any change in her daily routine.
The newspaper is published daily.
The stores will be open daily except Sundays.
…the store is open daily except Sundays…
She did stretching exercises before her daily run.
Word forms
singular: daily
plural: dailies
Тема My day во многих английских учебниках звучит как Daily routine. Название говорит само за себя: что-то скучное и неинтересное. Как подать тему о «рутине» увлекательно и ярко? Хотим предложить вам десять интересных заданий для введения и отработки этого материала в интерактивном формате, который поможет завладеть вниманием учеников.
Первое, что нужно сделать — помочь ученикам выучить новые выражения по теме “My Day”. Лексика запоминается быстрее, если предложить ученикам словарные игры.
1. Игры на Wordwall
Эти игры помогут выучить буквенные образы новых слов и выражений.
- Ссылка на игру Daily routine
- Ссылка на игру Daily life
2. Игры на базе Memory
Такие игры направлены на тренировку правильного произношения новых слов и выражений. Например, в игру “Memory” можно играть на ресурсе Learning Apps. Слова на карточках озвучиваются: поиграв в такую игру, ученик скоро запомнит, как правильно называть новые слова и фразы.
- Ссылка на игру
3. День любимого персонажа
В этой игре предстоит описать обычный день интересного героя (например, Рапунцель).
4. Спиннер или кубик
В этой игре мы предлагаем ученикам вспомнить десять слов и выражений по теме (важно, чтобы ребята сами составили этот список) и записываем их на доске.
Далее ученики работают в командах или индивидуально: по очереди бросают кубик или раскручивают спиннер.
- Ссылка на игру
С выражением, на которое указал кубик или спиннер, нужно составить предложение о себе или своей семье.
Предлагаем также идеи из статей:
5. Guess who I am!
Ученики работают в парах. Один загадывает карточку и рассказывает своему партнеру о дне своего героя. Второй участник должен угадать имя героя.
Имена на карточках можно заменить на интересных ученикам героев.
6. Небылица
В эту игру интереснее играть в группе от трех человек. Если это офлайн-урок, то ответы удобнее записывать на листе бумаги.
Участники отвечают на вопросы из списка. После того, как участник ответит, он сгибает край листа так, чтобы следующий ученик не видел его ответ.
7. Особенный день
Ученик должен выбрать карточку и рассказать про свой обычный распорядок в тот праздничный день, который на ней указан. Это могут быть любые популярные праздники:
- New Year Day (the 1st of January)
- New Year Eve (The 31st of December)
- Birthday
- Sunday
- Summer holidays
- Winter holidays, etc.
8. True/False
Преподаватель читает предложения, а ученик должен сказать, соответствует ли это утверждение его распорядку дня (True/False). Задача ученика — ответить на наибольшее количество предложений за 1 минуту. Это может быть соревнование нескольких учеников или индивидуальное задание.
9. Табу (секретное слово)
Перед началом игры мы выбираем слово, например, elephant. Далее ученик самостоятельно или по заданию педагога (или заданию в карточке) узнает слово, которое будет табу. Задача второго ученика — с помощью вопросов догадаться, что скрывается за секретным словом.
Игра будет интереснее, если дать ученикам ограниченное количество времени (1 или 2 минуты).
10. Before and after
Сначала ученик выбирает для себя одно из слов “before” или “after” и называет его. После этого он должен выбрать карточку и составить предложение. Примеры карточек:
Такие простые задания позволят ученикам быстро и увлекательно овладеть новой темой. Интересных вам уроков!
Предлагаю вам материал по теме РАСПОРЯДОК ДНЯ на английском языке. В статье вы найдете упражнения на лексику по теме «Распорядок дня», тексты по чтению на эту же тему, а также упражнения на повторение Present Simple, ведь именно это время, как правило отрабатывается на уроках, посвященных теме DAILY ROUTINE.
Содержание статьи:
- Лексические упражнения по теме РАСПОРЯДОК ДНЯ
- Грамматические упражнения по теме Daily Routine + Present Simple
- Упражнение по чтению по теме Распорядок дня (Daily Routine)
- Подготовка к устному высказыванию на английском по теме MY DAILY ROUTINE
- Ответы к упражнениям
Лексические упражнения по теме РАСПОРЯДОК ДНЯ на английском языке
Exercise 1. Вставьте слова get / go / have / come / iron / watch / buy / do / listen / take / read, так чтобы получились фразы, при помощи которых можно описать свой распорядок дня на английском, переведите получившиеся фразы.
1. ______________ the laundry 2. _______________ up 3. _______________ dinner 4. _______________ to bed 5. _______________ TV 6. _______________ home 7. _______________ breakfast 8. _______________ to work |
9. _______________ a book 10. _______________ to music 11. _______________ a shower 12. _______________ shopping 13. _______________ a newspaper 14. _______________ the clothes 15. _______________ dressed 16. _______________ lunch |
Exercise 2. Распределите предложения, описывающие распорядок дня с профессиями людей. Первое предложение уже сделано 😉
- I work in a hospital.
- I speak with people from different countries.
- I speak three languages.
- I sell things.
- I work in a shop.
- I help sick people.
- I translate things.
- I work in a newspaper office.
- I work with doctors.
- I look after money.
- I write a lot.
Exercise 3. Прочитайте и переведите фразы, описывающие распорядок дня. Заполните данными фразами таблицу.
I do this every day |
I often do this |
I rarely do this |
I never do this |
- wake up
- get up
- leave school
- have lunch
- make the bed
- have dinner
- read an interesting book
- read a comic
- sleep well all night
- work hard
- listen to music
- do (my) homework
- read a magazine
- go shopping
- do the morning exercises
- watch TV
- have a shower
- wash (my) face
- brush (my) teeth
- get dressed
- have breakfast
- go to school
- come home
- play with (my) brother
- read a newspaper
Exercise 4. Поставьте фразы из первой колонки предыдущего упражнения в хронологическом порядке, то есть в порядке того, как вы делаете это в течение дня. Начните с wake up!
Грамматические упражнения по теме Daily Routine + Present Simple
Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple.
Roberto (1) __________ (start) his day at 8.00. He (2) __________ (have) breakfast in the kitchen with all the family. Roberto (3) __________ (like) orange juice, toast and milk. He always (4) __________ (have) an apple. After breakfast Roberto (5) __________ (make) his bed and (6) __________ (tidy) up his bedroom. He (7) __________ (get) ready for lessons. He mustn’t be late, as mother (8) __________ (be) very strict.
At 9.00 the Hanson kids (9) __________ (start) their lessons. At midday they (10) __________ (have) lunch. Then it’s sport time: they (11) __________ (love) playing basketball, in-line staking and skate-boarding.
Roberto and his brothers (12) __________ (not/have) dinner with their parents as their father is always late. Their mother (13) __________ (not/like) it very much. So, at weekends they (14) __________ (be) always together.
Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple.
Mary (1) __________ (wake) up at 7.00. Then she (2) __________ (get) up at 7.30 and she (3) __________ (go) to the bathroom. She (4) __________ (have) a shower, (5) __________ (brush) her teeth and (6) __________ (comb) her hair. Afterwards she (7) __________ (have) breakfast. Ten minutes later she (8) __________ (take) her bag, (9) __________ (kiss) her mother and (10) __________ (catch) a bus to school with her friend Diana. They (11) __________ (start) school at 9.00. They (12) __________ (not/have) lunch at the school canteen. At three o’clock they (13) __________ (return) home.
In the afternoon, she (14) __________ (study) her lessons and (15) __________ (ride) her bicycle. In the evening she (16) __________ (help) her mother prepare the dinner. After dinner she (17) __________ (watch) TV, her mother (18) __________ (read) a magazine and her father (19) __________ (go) to bed earlier since he (20) __________ (be) always the first in the family to get up.
Больше упражнений на Present Simple можно найти в этой статье
READING COMPREHENSION по теме Распорядок дня (Daily Routine)
Exercise 1. Read the text twice.
Greg’s Daily Routine
Greg is an American boy. He lives in Arlington, Texas. He lives with his family in a modern house. He is eleven years old and he has got an older brother, Alex, and a younger sister, Emma.
He starts his day at about half past six. He gets up, goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth and get dressed. Then he has breakfast and at a quarter to seven he leaves home and catches the bus to school.
Classes begin at half past seven. He usually has lunch at the school canteen at half past twelve. After school, at a quarter past five, he goes home. There he does his school homework and when he finishes it he helps his Mum laying the table. At half past seven the family dines together.
Greg is a very helpful boy, so he helps his mother cleaning up everything after dinner.
He usually watches TV for a while after dinner and at about ten o’clock the most he brushes his teeth again, puts on his Spider Man pajamas and goes to bed. His parents always kiss him good night before he gets asleep. Greg is a very happy boy!
Exercise 2. True or False.
- Greg is an American boy.
- Greg lives in a modern flat.
- Greg is eleven years old.
- Greg has got two brothers.
- Greg wakes up at eight o’clock.
- Greg walks to school.
- Greg classes begin at half past eight.
- Greg and his family have dinner at half past seven.
Exercise 3. Match the antonyms
modern older starts leaves begin together helpful happy |
enters alone end old-fashioned unhappy younger finishes unhelpful |
Exercise 4. Answer the questions
- Where does Greg live?
- What’s his sister’s name?
- What time does he wake up?
- Does he have breakfast at home?
- What time does he leave home?
- Where does he have lunch?
- When does he return home?
- Does he do his homework at school or at home?
- Is he a helpful boy?
Exercise 5. What about you? What’s your daily routine like?
Упражнение 1. Используя следующие карточки, расскажите о распорядке дня Джейми, Мелани, Анны, Джессики и Паула.
1 Расскажите о распорядке дня Джейми.
2 Расскажите о распорядке дня Мелани.
3 Расскажите о распорядке дня Анны
4 Расскажите о распорядке дня Джессики.5 Расскажите о распорядке дня Паула.
Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы
- What time do you get up?
- Where do you have breakfast?
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon?
- What time do you have lunch?
- What do you do in the afternoon?
- When do you do your homework?
- Do you have a shower before going to bed?
- Do you watch TV at night?
- What is your favorite TV programme?
- What time do you go to bed?
Упражнение 3. Используя карточку, расскажите о своем распорядке дня на английском.
Ответы к упражнениям по теме Распорядок дня на английском.
Упражнение 1.
Do the laundry Get up Have dinner Go to bed Watch TV Come home Have breakfast Go/ come to work Read a book Listen to music Take a shower Do / go shopping Read a newspaper Iron the clothes Get dressed Have lunch |
Стирать Вставай Обедать Идти спать Смотреть телевизор Возвращаться домой Завтракать Идти / приходить на работу Читать книгу Слушай музыку Принимать душ Ходить по магазинам Читать газету Гладить одежду Одеваться Oбедать |
Упражнение 2.
NURSE: 1, 6, 9,
Упражнение 3 и Упражнение 4 – ваши собственные ответы
Упражнение 1
1 starts, 2 has, 3 likes, 4 has, 5 makes, 6 tidies, 7 gets, 8 is, 9 start, 10 have, 11 love, 12 don’t have, 13 doesn’t like, 14 are
Упражнение 2
1 wakes, 2 gets, 3 goes, 4 takes, 5 brushes, 6 combs, 7 has, 8 takes, 9 kisses, 10 catches, 11 start, 12 don’t, 13 return, 14 studies, 15 rides, 16 helps, 17 watches, 18 reads, 19 goes, 20 is
Упражнение 2
1 True, 2 False, 3 True, 4 False, 5 False, 6 False, 7 False, 8 True
Упражнение 3
Modern — old-fashioned
Older — younger
Starts — finishes
Leaves — enters
Begin — end
Together — alone
Helpful — unhelpful
Happy — unhappy
Упражнение 4
1) He lives in Arlington, Texas. // He lives in a modern house.
2) His sister’s name is Emma.
3) He wakes up at about half past six.
4) Yes, he does. He has breakfast at home.
5) He leaves home at a quarter to seven.
6) He usually has lunch at the school canteen
7) He returns home at a quarter past five
He does his homework at home.
9) Yes, he is.
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Week 11, Day 2
Reading the Word
Matthew 6:7-8, NLT
When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. 8Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!
Setting the Scene
After discussing hypocrisy, Jesus next pointed to the practices of “other religions” and highlighted another truth about prayer. To “babble on and on” is to repeat the same words over and over, like a magic incantation. Many pagan worshipers believed that saying certain words and phrases and repeating them often would help them get through to their gods.
Jesus wasn’t belittling prayer or even the idea of being persistent in prayer, something that he would later encourage his disciples to do (Luke 18:1-8). And the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples has been repeated by church congregations and individual believers for twenty centuries. Instead, Jesus condemned the shallow repetition of words by those who don’t have a personal relationship with God and who are not thinking about what they are saying. Prayer isn’t magic, like waving a wand and saying “Abracadabra,” and God doesn’t offer secret formulas for us to use. Prayer is communication, one person talking to another. As this passage shows us, God is more interested in our hearts (our focus and motives) than our words. He wants us to approach him with openness, honesty, and sincerity, engaging our minds and emotions.
Getting Personal
How can your prayers be more open and honest?
How can you be more focused on God and aware of him as you pray? “
Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” How should that truth affect the way your pray?
Believers should come to God as to their loving Father, sincerely bringing specific needs. This statement that “the Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him” doesn’t excuse believers from praying; it’s just that we don’t have to spend a long time reciting our needs. God doesn’t need our prayers, but he wants our prayers and knows that we need them.
God knows you outside and in: thoughts, feelings, relationships, conflicts, dreams, anxieties, hopes, and needs. As your loving Father, he cares about you, his child. And as his child, you can approach your Father at any time and anywhere, coming boldly into his presence (Hebrews 4:16). Open your heart to him.
Talking to God
Focusing on the person and character of Christ will help you communicate in prayer in a more natural, person-to-person way. Begin your prayer time today by directing your focus on God, praising him for aspects of his character that you have recognized or learned.
Veerman, David R. (2011-08-25). Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom from the Life of Jesus (Bible Nlt) (Kindle Locations 2238-2267). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Daily productivity is actually low due to low radiation levels and a cool growing season.
Only symptoms with significant impact on daily activities contributed as diagnostic criteria.
Daily fecundity (number of nymphs produced per adult per day) varied with time for both aphid species and in each experiment (fig. 2).
Microscopical examination of the blood was performed on an almost daily basis.
After treatment, patients were examined daily for 21 days, and follow-up examinations were performed at 3 and 6 months.
Nucleated settlement would have placed the inhabitants of a farm in close daily proximity.
All patients received 60 mg oral pseudoephedrine twice daily as outpatients.
Such items are precisely what historians need to obtain a better and more concrete image of daily life.
Through the 1970s archaeologists debated and refined their understanding of significance through hands-on practical applications in their daily work.
Thereafter, numbers of spring migrants were counted and removed daily.
The framework allows point models to be run over space using time sequences of interpolated, continuous daily maximum and minimum temperatures.
Foraging frequency was positively correlated with minimum daily temperatures and very few foragers were observed in winter.
Geranium fruits were collected daily, since their ripe fruits or seeds are released from the parent plant.
Since the study involved retrospective thought, the respondents were required to have adequate cognitive capacity for daily social functioning.
Not even those students contemplating a career in music felt that daily practice was necessary to maintain standards.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Daily routines are the the series of things that one does in daily basis. The routines are mostly done in a fixed order. These routines are also called as “every day life” or “daily life”.
- Daily schedule is a list of plans, events or tasks with the times at which something should be done.
- Chores are boring or tedious routines that are required, particularly a household one.
- Not all the daily activities are tedious, they can be enjoyable, as well.
Table of Contents
- ⬤ Pictures of daily routines with pronunciations
- ⬤ Word list of daily routines
- ⬤ Flashcards exercise
- ⬤ Flip the card game
- ⬤ Example sentences
- ⬤ Asking questions about daily routines
- ⬤ Reading passage about daily routines
- ⬤ Images of daily routines vocabulary to download and share
- ⬤ Picture quiz
- ⬤ Listening test with pictures
- ⬤ Writing test with pictures
- ⬤ Spelling test
- ⬤ Worksheets about daily routines to download as PDF and image
⬤ Pictures of daily routines with pronunciations
Below are some of the pictures of daily activities. You can tap on the images to listen to the pronunciations.
The browser you are using does not support HTML5 audio playback. Sorry.
⬤ Word list of daily routines
- wake up
- get up
- eat breakfast
- drink coffee
- read the newspaper
- have lunch
- go to school
- start work
- finish work
- ride the bus
- drive a car
- buy something
- come home
- use a computer
- send e-mail
- listen to music
- change clothes
- cook dinner
- wash the dishes
- watch television
- study English
- do homework
- help my mother
- call a friend
- play games
- clean my room
- take a shower
- brush my teeth
- go to bed
- sleep
❯❯ Types of sports vocabulary
❯❯ Free time activities vocabulary
⬤ Flashcards exercise
Tap on the cards to see the names of the daily routines.
⬤ Flip the card game
Tap on any card and guess the meaning of it in your native language.
⬤ Example sentences
- I get up early every day.
- I wash my face and I get dressed.
- I have breakfast with my family.
- I get on the school bus.
- I have 6 classes a day.
- I have lunch at school canteen.
- I get back home after school.
- I start doing my homework at 7 PM.
- I have dinner at 7 PM.
- I spend time with my family.
- I go to bed at 10 PM.
- She sleeps late.
- I don’t drink fruit juice for breakfast.
- I listen to music after the dinner.
- We drink tea together.
- Ali wakes up early.
- She doesn’t go to school by bus.
- Hugo watches a movie.
- He has a shower after work.
- Luis goes to the pool every day.
- I get up at 7 o’clock, but my wife gets up at 8 o’clock.
- After breakfast, I brush my teeth.
⬤ Asking questions about daily routines
- Do you play games after school? – Yes, I play games after school.
- Do you get up early on Saturdays? – No, I don’t get up early on Saturdays.
- What time do you get up? – I get up at about 7 AM.
- What time does Mark go to work? – He goes to work at half past seven.
- Do you brush your teeth every day? – Yes, I do.
- Who goes to work by car? – William goes to work by car.
- How do you go to school? – I go to school by bus.
- Does Emily go out with her friends? – Yes, she does.
- What do they have for breakfast? – They have cheese, olives and omelette for breakfast.
- What time does Harry go to school? – He goes to school at 7 AM.
⬤ Reading passage about daily routines
My Daily Routine
My name is Daniel. I am a policeman. I get up early in the morning and I wash my face. After that, I have my breakfast. Then, I wear my uniform. I start work at 8 AM. It is a hard work. My friends and I are on the streets of the city. In the evening I get back home and have a shower. Before having dinner, I play with my children. I spend some time with my family after dinner. Sometimes we drink tea together. I need to have a rest after a day of hard work and I go to bed at 11 PM.
⬤ Picture quiz
When you see an image of a daily routine, select the appropriate option from the list. You get 10 points from every correct answer.
⬤ Listening test with pictures
Play the audio and select the relevant image of the daily routine from the list.
⬤ Writing test with pictures
Start the test and write the name of the daily routine into the input box.
⬤ Spelling test
Start the test and play the audio. Then type the daily routine into the input box.
⬤ Worksheets about daily routines to download as PDF and image
Here are pdf and jpg image worksheets about daily routines vocabulary. You can download, use, and share these printable ESL worksheets.
• Daily routines flashcards worksheet |
• Daily routines activity worksheet |
• Daily routines word scramble game worksheet |
• Daily routines word search puzzle worksheet |
External resource links:
You can jump to daily routines category page to find extra activities and games in this website by clicking here. However, there are some external links that may help you. You can click here to watch a video about daily routines. This and this are word matching games to learn daily routines. You can find a pdf document of flashcards exercise here or worksheet here. You may want to read some articles about this topic for personal development. First, you can read “How to Have a Daily Routine” here or “Powerful Daily Routine Examples” here.