Reading of the word well in the sentence

Starting a sentence with well isn’t something that you’ll find yourself often doing. “Well” is mainly used to talk about someone’s wellbeing, which doesn’t make sense if we throw it in at the start. However, this article will look at when “well” works at the beginning of a sentence.

You can start a sentence with “well,” but it’s mainly only used in this way as a filler. Therefore, “well” can only start a sentence when you’re writing the spoken word. There are no times where “well” works at the start of a sentence without being a filler.

Can You Start A Sentence With "Well"?

Just because you have to use “well” as a filler doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. There are plenty of times in writing where filler words are useful to us. Some of the most important include:

  • Creative writing
  • Transcription
  • Quoting in journals

In these cases, it might be beneficial to include filler words like “well” to show people’s hesitancy in answering a question or that they had to think harder before saying something.

“Well” works similarly at the start of a sentence to words like “oh” and “uh.”

What Does “Well” Mean At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

At the beginning of a sentence, “well” means that we need a little extra time to think before giving an answer. We often say it to show surprise or doubt in our own knowledge, and people can use that against us.

The definition of “well,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “used to introduce something you are going to say, often to show surprise, doubt, slight disagreement, or anger, or to continue a story.”

There are plenty of filler words in English that we might write when we’re trying to show someone is doubtful of something. They’re so prevalent that dictionaries often officially recognize them as filler words (or exclamations).

There are no other times when “well” works at the beginning of a sentence besides a filler or exclamation, making it much easier for you to understand how it might work.

Examples Of How To Use “Well” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

Some examples might help you to understand what we mean by “well” being a filler word. It’s not often you’ll come across a situation where “well” will work for you in your writing unless you consistently write in creative prose.

  1. Well, it would be hard for me to establish a reason for doing this.
  2. Well, I don’t think you quite understand my predicament.
  3. Well, if I could answer that question, I definitely would.
  4. Well, you shouldn’t be here, so if you could just leave, that would be great.
  5. Well, wouldn’t you like to know the answer to that?
  6. Well, would you care for some more wine?
  7. Well? I’m waiting for your answer!
  8. Well, well, well, what have we here?
  9. Well, I must be going now, but it was a pleasure to see you as always.
  10. Well, you’ve got the wrong idea, but I appreciate the sentiment.
  11. Well, you’re not quite as sharp as you think you are then.
  12. Well, if you must know, I wasn’t alone yesterday.

“Well” is a filler word when we start a sentence with it. People say it to give themselves time to think about what comes next. We often write it when we’re trying to recreate the spoken word, which means it’s common to use with speech or quotation marks.

It’s also fairly common for the phrase “well, well, well” to be used. It works in much the same way as one “well” would, but it’s supposed to show disappointment and predictability in whatever happened.

It’s common for old-fashioned police movies and shows to use “well, well, well” as a phrase, especially in the UK. They would use it to show that the policemen aren’t surprised that they caught the criminals in the act, and there isn’t much that the criminal can do to stop it from happening.

In all of the above examples, if we remove “well,” the sentences will still make sense. This shows you what we mean by a filler word, and we’ll reiterate by including one more example:

  • Well, I should probably leave you to it!
  • I should probably leave you to it!

As you can see, “well” is used in the first sentence to show a bit of doubt or evaluation before making the statement. It’s best to avoid using “well” in any capacity like this with formal writing. It works best casually or creatively.

Where Should I Place The Comma When Using “Well” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

Punctuation can be a challenge when you’re learning new sentence structures and ideas. Luckily, learning to punctuate “well” at the beginning of a sentence couldn’t be easier.

A comma always comes directly after “well” when we use it as a filler at the start of a sentence. That’s because it’s an extra word that adds no meaning to the overall sentence and can easily be dropped as an independent clause.

“Well” is a filler word, making it redundant and useless for most sentences. It still works really well in creative cases or in situations where you want to show someone is doubtful or hesitant, but otherwise, it’s not great to include in your writing.

Since “well” isn’t a necessary clause, we always include a comma straight after it to indicate that it’s removable.

  • Well, if it isn’t my best friend.
  • Well, I can’t say I didn’t tell you so.
  • Well, you must be new here.
  • Well, well, well, what have we here?

Alternatives To Starting A Sentence With “Well”

Finally, some alternatives might help you understand a little more about using “well” as an exclamation. Since it’s a filler word, we’ll only include other filler words as synonyms here to make sure you know what you can replace it with.

  • Oh
  • Uh
  • Um
  • Erm
  • Hm
  • Let me think
  • Err
  • Bear with me
  • Give me a minute
  • Like
  • So

These synonyms all work well at the start of a sentence to give someone a chance to catch up with their thinking.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Подборка по базе: CAE Reading and Use of English Practice Test 2 Printable — EngEx, Outside Reading.docx, IELTS READING TEST 1.pdf, My country Reading for pleasure..docx, Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему _ Reading for Pleasur, IELTS Reading Test 1.pdf, 2. Official Reading Test with Answers (2).pdf, 3. Official Reading Test with Answers (2).pdf, IELTS READING TEST with ANSWERS.pdf, Unit 1 Lesson 4 Reading 1.pdf

Тема урока: Combination of assimilating vowels. Reading of the word “well” in the sentence. Reading prepositions in the end of intonation group.

Дисциплина: Практическая фонетика


Тип урока: практический

Descriptor: for «5» you should do all given tasks yourself without mistakes

for «4» you can have 3-4 grammar or vocabulary mistakes

if you copy sentences and answers from internet or someone you will have «3»

Task 1: Learn the rule of Combination of assimilating vowels. Give the examples of combination.

Task 2: Write the rules of Combination of assimilating vowels here in English, Russian, Kazakh

Task 3: Learn the rule of Reading of the word “well” in the sentence.

Task 4: Write words consisting of prepositions in the end of intonation group.

The tendency to assimilative vowel change, characteristic of later PG and of the OG languages, accounts for many modifications of vowels in Early OE. Under the influence of succeeding and preceding consonants some Early OE monophthongs developed into diphthongs. If a front vowel stood before a velar consonant there developed a short glide between them, as the organs of speech prepared themselves for the transition from one sound to the other. The glide, together with the original monophthong formed a diphthong.

The front vowels [i], [e] and the newly developed [æ], changed into diphthongs with a back glide when they stood before [h], before long (doubled) [ll] or [l] plus another consonant, and before [r] plus other consonants, e.g.: [e]>[eo] in OE deorc, NE dark. The change is known as breaking or fracture. Breaking is dated in Early OE, for in OE texts we find the process already completed: yet it must have taken place later than the vowel changes described above as the new vowel [æ], which appeared some time during the 5th c., could be subjected to breaking under the conditions described.

Breaking produced a new set of vowels in OE – the short diphthongs [ea] and [eo]; they could enter the system as counterparts of the long [ea:], [eo:], which had developed from PG prototypes.

Breaking was unevenly spread among the OE dialects: it was more characteristic of West Saxon than of the Anglian dialects (Mercian and Northumbrian); consequently, in many words, which contain a short diphthong in West Saxon, Anglian dialects have a short monophthong, cf. WS tealde, Mercian talde (NE told).

Diphthongisation of vowels could also be caused by preceding consonants: a glide arose after * palatal consonants as a sort of transition to the succeeding vowel.

After the palatal consonants [k‘], [sk‘] and [j] short and long [e] and [æ] turned into diphthongs with a more front close vowel as their first element, e.g. Early OE *scæmu>OE sceamu (NE shame). In the resulting diphthong the initial [i] or [e] must have been unstressed but later the stress shifted to the first element, which turned into the nucleus of the diphthong, to conform with the structure of OE diphthongs (all of them were falling diphthongs). This process known as «diphthongisation after palatal consonants» occurred some time in the 6th c.

Breaking and diphthongisation are the main sources of short diphthongs in OE. They are of special interest to the historians of English, for OE short diphthongs have no parallels in other OG languages and constitute a specifically OE feature.

The status of short diphthongs in the OE vowel system has aroused much discussion and controversy. On the one hand, short diphthongs are always phonetically conditioned as the)’ are found only in certain phonetic environments and appear as positional allophones of respective monophthongs (namely, of those vowels from which they have originated). On the other hand, however, they are similar in quality to the long diphthongs, and their phonemic status is supported by the symmetrical arrangement of the vowel system. Their very growth can be accounted for by the urge of the system to have all its empty positions filled. However, their phonemic status cannot be confirmed by the contrast of minimal pairs: [ea], [æ], [a] as well as [eo] and [e] occur only in complementary distribution, never in identical phonetic conditions to distinguish morphemes; they also occur as variants in different dialects. On these grounds it seems likely that short diphthongs, together with other vowels, make up sets of allophones representing certain phonemes: [a, æ, ea] and [e, eo]. Perhaps the rise of short diphthongs merely reveals a tendency to a symmetrical arrangement of diphthongs in the vowel system, which was never fully realised at the phonemic level.

Тенденция к ассимилятивным изменениям гласных, характерная для более поздних PG и языков OG, объясняет многие модификации гласных в раннем OE. Под влиянием последующих и предшествующих согласных некоторые монофтонги Раннего др.-э. Превратились в дифтонги. Если перед велярным согласным стоял гласный переднего ряда, между ними возникало короткое скольжение, поскольку органы речи готовились к переходу от одного звука к другому. Скольжение вместе с оригинальным монофтонгом образовало дифтонг.

Передние гласные [i], [e] и недавно появившиеся [æ] превратились в дифтонги с обратным скольжением, когда они стояли перед [h], вскоре (удвоились) [ll] или [l] плюс другой согласный, и перед [r] плюс другие согласные, например: [e]> [eo] в др.-англ. deorc, NE dark. Это изменение называется разрывом или переломом. Разрыв датируется ранним OE, поскольку в текстах OE мы находим процесс уже завершенным: но он должен был иметь место позже, чем изменения гласных, описанные выше, поскольку новая гласная [æ], которая появилась некоторое время в 5-м веке, могла подвергаться разрушению при описанных условиях.

При разбиении образовался новый набор гласных в др.-анг. — короткие дифтонги [ea] и [eo]; они могли войти в систему как аналоги длинных [ea:], [eo:], которые были разработаны на основе прототипов PG.

Брейкинг был неравномерно распределен среди диалектов OE: он был более характерен для западных саксонских, чем для английских диалектов (мерсийский и нортумбрийский); следовательно, во многих словах, которые содержат короткий дифтонг в Западном Саксоне, в английских диалектах есть короткий монофтонг, ср. WS tealde, Mercian talde (NE сказал).

Дифтонгизация гласных также могла быть вызвана предшествующими согласными: после * небных согласных возникало скольжение как своего рода переход к следующей гласной.

После небных согласных [k ‘], [sk‘] и [j] короткий и длинный [e] и [æ] превратились в дифтонги с более близкой передней гласной в качестве первого элемента, например Раннее др.-англ. Scæmu> др. В получившемся дифтонге начальная буква [i] или [e] должна была быть безударной, но позже напряжение сместилось на первый элемент, который превратился в ядро дифтонга, чтобы соответствовать структуре дифтонгов оригинального происхождения (все они падали. дифтонги). Этот процесс, известный как «дифтонгизация по небным согласным», произошел где-то в VI в.

Ломание и дифтонгизация — основные источники коротких дифтонгов в англ. Они представляют особый интерес для историков английского языка, поскольку короткие дифтонги OE не имеют аналогов в других языках OE и представляют собой особенность OE.

Статус коротких дифтонгов в системе гласных OE вызвал много дискуссий и споров. С одной стороны, короткие дифтонги всегда фонетически обусловлены, так как) ‘встречаются только в определенных фонетических средах и появляются как позиционные аллофоны соответствующих монофтонгов (а именно, тех гласных, от которых они произошли). С другой стороны, однако, по качеству они похожи на длинные дифтонги, а их фонематический статус поддерживается симметричным расположением системы гласных. Сам их рост можно объяснить стремлением системы заполнить все свои пустые позиции. Однако их фонематический статус не может быть подтвержден контрастом минимальных пар: [ea], [[], [a], а также [eo] и [e] встречаются только в дополнительном распределении, а не в идентичных фонетических условиях для различения морфем. ; они также встречаются как варианты в разных диалектах. На этом основании кажется вероятным, что короткие дифтонги вместе с другими гласными образуют наборы аллофонов, представляющие определенные фонемы: [a, æ, ea] и [e, eo]. Возможно, появление коротких дифтонгов просто свидетельствует о тенденции к симметричному расположению дифтонгов в системе гласных, которая никогда не была полностью реализована на фонематическом уровне.

Кейінгі PG және OG тілдеріне тән ассимилативті дауысты өзгерістерге деген ұмтылыс OE-дің басындағы көптеген дауысты модификацияларды түсіндіреді. Кейінгі және алдыңғы дауыссыздардың әсерінен ерте ОЭ-нің кейбір монофтонгтары. Дифтонгтарға айналды. Егер дауысты дауыссыздың алдында алдыңғы дауысты дыбыс болса, сөйлеу мүшелері бір дыбыстан екінші дыбысқа ауысуға дайындалғандықтан, олардың арасында қысқа сырғу пайда болды. Слайд бастапқы монофтонгпен бірге дифтонгты құрады.

Алдыңғы дауыстылар [i], [e] және жаңадан енгізілген [h] [h] -дан бұрын артқы дифтонгтарға айналды, көп ұзамай (екі еселенді) [ll] немесе [l] және тағы бір дауыссыз дыбыстар, ал [r] алдында плюс басқа дауыссыздар, мысалы: OE ішіндегі [e]> [eo]. deorc, NE қараңғы. Бұл өзгеріс жарылу немесе сыну деп аталады. Алшақтық OE-дің алғашқы кезеңдерінен басталады, өйткені OE мәтіндеріндегідей, біз қазірдің өзінде процесті аяқтадық: бірақ бұл жоғарыда сипатталған дауысты өзгерістерден кешірек болуы керек, өйткені V ғасырда біраз уақыт пайда болған жаңа дауысты [[] дауысқа ұшырауы мүмкін. сипатталған шарттарда.

Бөлінудің нәтижесінде OE дауыстылардың жаңа жиынтығы пайда болды. — қысқа дифтонгтар [ea] және [eo]; олар жүйеге PG прототиптерінен жасалған ұзын [ea:], [eo:] аналогтары ретінде ене алды.

Breaking OE диалектілері арасында біркелкі таралмаған: бұл Батыс диалектілеріне қарағанда ағылшын диалектілеріне (Мерсиан және Нортумбрия) қарағанда жиі кездескен; сондықтан Батыс Саксонда қысқа дифтонгты қамтитын көптеген сөздерде ағылшын диалектілерінде қысқа монофтон бар, мысалы. WS шайыр, Mercian talde (NE айтты).

Дауысты дифтонгизацияға алдыңғы дауыссыздар да себеп болуы мүмкін: * палатальды дауыссыздардан кейін слип келесі дауыстыға ауысудың өзіндік түрі ретінде пайда болды.

Палатальды дауыссыздардан кейін [k ’], [sk’] және [j] қысқа және ұзын, [e] және [æ] дифтонгтарға айналады, олар бірінші элемент ретінде алдыңғы дауыстыға жақын, мысалы, OE-дің басында. Scæmu> басқалары. Алынған дифтонгте бастапқы [i] немесе [e] кернеусіз болуы керек еді, бірақ кейінірек кернеу бірінші элементке ауысты, ол дифтон ядросына айналды, бастапқы шыққан дифтонгтардың құрылымына сәйкес келеді (олардың барлығы құлап түсті. Дифтонгтар) … «Палатальды дифтонгизация» деп аталатын бұл процесс 6 ғасырда болған.

Breaking және дифтонгизация — ағылшын тіліндегі қысқа дифтонгтардың негізгі көзі. Олар ағылшын тілінің тарихшыларын ерекше қызықтырады, өйткені қысқа дифтонгтар OE басқа ОЕ тілдерінде аналогы жоқ және OE-нің ерекшелігі болып табылады.

OE дауысты жүйесіндегі қысқа дифтонгтардың мәртебесі көптеген пікірталастар мен қайшылықтарды тудырды. Бір жағынан, қысқа дифтонгтар әрдайым фонетикалық шарттылыққа ие, өйткені) ‘белгілі бір фонетикалық ортада ғана кездеседі және сәйкес монофтондардың позициялық аллофондары ретінде пайда болады (атап айтқанда, олар шыққан дауысты дыбыстар). Екінші жағынан, бірақ олар сапасы жағынан ұзын дифтонгтарға ұқсас және олардың фонематикалық мәртебесі дауысты жүйенің симметриялы орналасуымен қамтамасыз етілген. Олардың өсуін өзі жүйенің өзінің барлық бос орындарын толтыруға деген ұмтылысымен түсіндіруге болады. Алайда олардың фонематикалық мәртебесін минималды жұптардың қарама-қарсылығымен растау мүмкін емес: [ea], [[], [a], сондай-ақ [eo] және [e] морфемаларды ажырату үшін бірдей фонетикалық жағдайларда емес, тек комплементарлы таралу кезінде пайда болады. ; олар әртүрлі диалектілерде вариант ретінде де кездеседі. Осы негізде қысқа дифтонгтар басқа дауысты дыбыстармен бірге белгілі фонемаларды білдіретін аллофондар жиынтығын құрайтын сияқты: [a, æ, ea] және [e, eo]. Мүмкін қысқа дифтонгтардың пайда болуы дауыстық жүйеде дифтонгтардың симметриялы орналасу тенденциясын білдіреді, ол фонематикалық деңгейде ешқашан толық орындалмаған.

Sentence Examples

With an image size of 4 by 3 inches, it evokes the distinctive whorls of fingerprints as well as the terraced topography of a rugged landscape.

Online journal developers are well advised to take printing format and readability of printouts into consideration.

I can only hope she was kept well supplied with all the little comforts she missed.

The newspaper published two other pieces connected to the visit that I thought were well worth a read.

Britain has an age-old tradition of Euro scepticism that goes back to well before the Second World War.

Wooden furniture units were the hottest items on the list, and were valued for their good looks as well as their utilitarian value.

Like all lawyers, they are required to act as officers of the court as well as advocates.

White-headed Woodpeckers forage for insects on trunks and limbs as well as in clusters of needles.

She loved art, travel, and parties, and read widely in Russian and French as well as English.

The women well remember the regular job of filling lamps and trimming the wicks.

Good is an adjective while well is an adverb answering the question how. Sometimes well also functions as an adjective pertaining to health.

You did a good job.
Good describes job, which is a noun, so good is an adjective.

You did the job well.
Well is an adverb describing how the job was performed.

I feel well.
Well is an adjective describing I.

Good vs. Well Rules

Rule: With the four senses—look, smell, taste, feel—discern if these words are being used actively to decide whether to follow them with good or well. (Hear is always used actively.)

You smell good today.
Good describes you, not how you sniff with your nose.

You smell well for someone with a cold.
You are sniffing actively with your nose here so use the adverb.

She looks good for a 75-year-old grandmother.
She is not looking actively with eyes so use the adjective.

Rule: When referring to health, always use well.

I do not feel well today.
You do not look well.

Rule: When describing someone’s emotional state, use good.

Example: He doesn’t feel good about having cheated.

So, how should you answer the question, “How are you?” If you think someone is asking about your physical well-being, answer, “I feel well,” or “I don’t feel well.” If someone is asking about your emotional state, answer, “I feel good,” or “I don’t feel good.

good vs. well

Please see our post How Are You—Good, Well, or Fine?, which provides more discussion and helpful examples.

Pop Quiz
1. She jogged very good/well for her age.
2. She had a good/well time yesterday.
3. With a high fever, it is unlikely he will feel good/well enough to play basketball tomorrow.
4. Those glasses look good/well on you.

Pop Quiz Answers

1. She jogged very well for her age.
2. She had a good time yesterday.
3. With a high fever, it is unlikely he will feel well enough to play basketball tomorrow.
4. Those glasses look good on you.

Are you ready for the quiz?

Good vs. Well Quiz


If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the «Comment» box at the bottom of this page.


UNIT 101. Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/ fast/ late,
hard/ hardly)


Good/ well

Good is an adjective.
The adverb is well:

Your English is good.                  but             You speak English well.

Susan is a good pianist.               but             Susan plays the piano well.

We use well (not good) with past participles (dressed/known etc.):





Gary’s father is a well-known writer.

But well is also an adjective with the meaning ‘in good

‘How are you today?’ ‘I’m very
well, thanks.’



These words are both adjectives and



Darren is a very fast runner.

Kate is a hard worker.

I was late

Lately = recently:

Have you seen Tom lately?

Darren can run very fast.

Kate works hard. (not works hardly)

I got up late this morning.



Hardly = very
little, almost not. Study these examples:

Sarah wasn’t very friendly at
the party. She hardly
spoke to me.

(=she spoke to me very little,
almost not at all)

We’ve only met once or twice.
We hardly know each

Hard and hardly are different.

He tried hard to find a job, but he had no luck. (= he tried a
lot, with a lot of effort)

I’m not surprised he didn’t
find a job. He hardly
tried. (=he tried very little)

can hardly

do something= it’s very difficult for me, almost impossible:

Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it. (= it is
almost impossible to read it)

My leg was hurting. I could hardly walk.


You can use hardly+ any/anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere

A: How much money have we got?

B: Hardly any. (=very little, almost none)

These two cameras are very
similar. There’s hardly any
difference between them

The exam results were very
bad. Hardly anybody in our
class passed. (=very few students passed)

Note that you can say:

She said hardly anything.                    or                   She hardly said anything.

We’ve got hardly any money.            or                             We’ve hardly
got any money.

almost never:

I’m nearly always at home in
the evenings. I hardly ever
go out.

Hardly also means
‘certainly not’. For example:

It’s hardly surprising that you’re tired. You haven’t slept
for three days. (= it’s certainly not surprising)

The situation is serious, but
it’s hardly a crisis. (= it’s
certainly not a crisis)



Put in good or well.


I play tennis but I’m not very
____good. _______


Your exam results were very _________________.

You did _________________ in
your exams.

The weather was _________________
while we were away.

I didn’t sleep _________________
last night.





Lucy speaks German _________________.
She’s _________________ at languages.

Our new business isn’t doing
very _________________ at the moment.

I like your hat. lt looks _________________
on you.

I’ve met her a few times, but
I don’t know her _________________.





Complete these sentences using well + the following words:









The children were very good.
They were _____ well-behaved.


I’m surprised you haven’t
heard of her. She is quite ____________.

Our neighbours’ garden is neat
and tidy. It is very ____________.

I enjoyed the book you lent
me. It’s a great story and it’s very ____________.

Tanya knows a lot about many
things. She is very ____________.





Mark’s clothes are always
smart. He is always ____________.

Jane has a lot of
responsibility in her job, but she isn’t very____________.



Are the underlined words right or wrong? Correct them where


I’m tired because I’ve been
working hard.

_____ OK________


I tried hard to remember her name, but I couldn’t.

This coat is practically
unused. I’ve hardly worn

Laura is a good tennis player.
She hits the ball hardly.







Don’t walk so fast! I can’t keep up with

I had plenty of time, so I was
walking slow.





Complete the sentences. Use hardly+ the following verbs
(in the correct form):









Scott and Tracy have only met
once before. They _____hardly know
each other.


You’re speaking very quietly.
I can ____________ you.

I’m very tired this morning. I
____________ last night.

We were so shocked when we
heard the news, we could ____________.

Kate was very quiet this
evening. She ____________ a word.





You look the same now as you
looked 15 years ago. You’ve ____________.

I met David a few days ago. I
hadn’t seen him for a long time and he looks very different now. I ____________



Complete these sentences with hardly+


I’ll have to go shopping.
There’s _____ hardly
to eat.


It was a very warm day and
there was ____________________ wind.


‘Do you know much about
computers?’ ‘No, ____________________

The hotel was almost empty.
There was ____________________ staying there.

I listen to the radio a lot,
but I ____________________ watch television.

Our new boss is not very
popular. ____________________ likes her.





It was very crowded in the
room. There was ____________________ to sit.

We used to be good friends,
but we ____________________ see each other now.

It was nice driving this
morning. There was ____________________ traffic.

I hate this town. There’s ____________________
to do and ____________________ to go.





контрольная работа



1.      Underline
the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to

a)      to kill              b)
to break
                  c) to fight

1.      tolerant

patient b) kind           c) ambitious

2.      threat

bullyingb) argument   c) warning

3.      awful

terribleb) hard           c) exciting.

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

Тепло и мокро.

Прохладно и сыро.

и солнечно

3.      Choose
the word which best completes the sentence.

1.      A
modern spaceship was … 3 days ago.

a)   taken               b)
flown          c) launched

2.      Where
is she doing her research … this serious problem?

a)   of                    b)
            c) in

3.      The
hurricane did a lot of … to the town.

a)   damage           b)
disasters      c) problems

4.      The
famous actor was shaking … laugh.

with                 b) from            c) to

4.      Choose the correct

1.      He … at the table
the whole evening yesterday.

a)    was sitting        
b) sit                  c)  sat

2.      I …  my home­work
the whole evening yesterday.

a)     did                
b) were doing      c) was doing

3.      He ….his work by
that time.

a)    finished           b)
was finishing    c) had finished

4.      … Australia is the
smallest continent in the world.

a)      —                      b)
a                  c) the

5.      … UK is one of the
world’s smallest country.

a)     —                     b)
a                  c) the

6.      My parents make me
… work hard at school.

a)      to                    b)

Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

I … (be) you, I … (visit) the old man.

the girl… (lay) the table, her aunt …not (be) angry with her.

3.      Ann … (behave)
well if you … (take) her to the party.

the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop”

said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”

student apologized: “I’m very sorry for coming so late.”

6.      The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space.

I’m sure that he’ll succeed in politics. He is bright and …

On July 4th, 1776 the American colonies declared their …from

EXPLORE          Have
you read his article about space …?

аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки)

класс 2014-2015 уч. год


1.      Underline
the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to

b)      to kill         b)
to break
      c) to fight


a) to be out of luck b)
to hurt       c) to be in trouble


a) to save               
b) to protect  c) to help


a) patient               
b) kind           c) ambitious

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

1. Холодно и снежно.

2. Тепло и солнечно.

3. Дождливо и сыро.

  1. Choose
    the word which best completes the sentence. Underline the word you have

sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

take                 b)
solve           c) explore

famous actor was shaking … laugh.

with                 b)
from            c) to

is the little girl crying?” – “She has dropped her cup and … it”.

broke               b)
brought       c) destroyed

was … hurt during the earthquake.

quickly            b)
badly          c) well

  1. Choose
    the correct answer.

… computer games from two till three yesterday.

a) played              b)
playing             c) were playing

I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking.

a) came                b)
come                 c) was coming

…  the floor in our flat yesterday.

a)  to wash           b)
washed    c) were washed.

4.      The capital of …
USA is Washington.

a) the                    b) —                  c)

5.      … Tokyo is the
largest city in the world.

a) the                    b) —                  c)

6.      Why did she asked
you … come?

a) to                      b)

  1. Complete
    the sentences, using Conditionals.

the teenager … (collect) his thoughts, he … (win) the competition.

… (stay) out of trouble, if you … (learn) German,

she … (ring) me up, I … (tell) her the news.

  1. Use
    the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

mother advised her daughter: “Use less make-up, or you will look silly.”

son said to his mother: “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favourite vase.”

boy invited his friend: “Hey, will you come to my birthday party?”

  1. The
    word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form
    a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

Now you are the …of this wonderful house.

Our country is proud of these … people.

The 4th of July is the … Independence Day of the United States.

аттестация по английскому языку (1 пересдача, май)

2014-2015 уч. год

1.      Underline the word
with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to destroy

c)   to kill               b)
to break
                  c) to fight


a)      to ask        b) 
to disagree     c) to trouble

2.      a disaster

a)      danger       b)
trouble            c) to trouble

3.      misty

a)      stormy       b)
foggy              c) rainy

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

1. Морозно и солнечно.

2. Облачно и влажно.

3. Ветрено и снежно.

the story and fill in the words in the appropriate forms.

1.    The hurricane did
a lot of … to the town.

a)   damage                 
b) disasters                  c) problems

2.    A National park is
a place protected from industrial and urban ….

b) achievement           c) development

3. A modern
spaceship was … 3 days ago.

taken                       b) flown                      c) launched

4. The young … has
received a small grant to continue his exploration.

 a) researcher             b)
exploration             c) nature

Choose the correct answer.

… his work by that time.

a) finished              b) was
finishing       c) had finished

… you … at 7 p.m. yesterday?

a) did …do             b) were
…doing       c) had .. done

many countries … they … by that time?

a) did …visit           b) were …
visiting  c) had … visited

highest mountain in the world is mount  … Everest.

a) the               b) —                 
c) a

unusual town is situated near … Lake Onega.


          b) a                  c) the

doesn’t want me …  go to the party.


          b) to

Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

we … not (rely) on him, we … not (be) late.

aunt … not (be) angry with her, if the girl … (lay) the table in time,

I … (be) you, I … (continue) the exploration.

Use the given verbs and write the following in the
reported speech.

wanted to know: “How did you get here tonight?”

said: “I phoned you at 5 but you were not at home.”

3.   “We
may buy a car next year”, said my grandpa.

The word in capitals above each of the following
sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

It was a very … journey.

It’s a … day, isn’t it?

SUCCESS      Our
country is proud of this … people.

аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача — сентябрь)

2014-2015 уч. год

1.      Underline the word
with the same or similar meaning.

to destroy

d)      to kill  b) to
  c) to fight

1.      research

a)    an experiment             b)
an achievement      c) an exploration

2.      mad

a)    ambitious                    b)
clever                     c) crazy

3.      to argue

a)    ask                              b) 
to disagree             c) to trouble

2.      Translate
Russian into English.

Облачно и холодно.

Тепло и влажно.

Дождливо и ветрено.

  1. Read
    the story and fill in the words.

frightened,  threatening,  fight

A boy, a bit
younger than Jason, came up to the bridge to cross it.  “Hey! It’s my bridge,”
said Jason in a (1) _____voice. “If you want to cross it, give me your pocket
money.” He was not a bully, he just wanted to see if the boy would pay.

The boy was (2)
_____ . He looked around, but there was nobody to (3) ____ him. He was afraid
to (4) ____ with the bully, and turned his pockets inside out. The boy looked
hurt and unhappy  and Jason felt uneasy about it  but took the money.

  1. Choose
    the correct answer.

1.      He …troubled

a)    looked         
b)  is looking        c)  had looked

2.      They … football
from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. yesterday.

a)    played          
b) were playing    c)  had played

3.      Where … you …your
summer holidays?

a)    did… spend  b)
were spending  c) had … spent

4.      … Bahamas are a
group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

а) —           b)
the              c) a

5.  Mr James lives
in country not far from … London.

a) the        b) —                  c) a

6.  Julia wanted
her parents … allow her to get a Saturday job.

a) to         b) —

5.      Complete the
sentences, using Conditionals.

1.      If he … (feel)
bad, he … (stay) in bed.

2.      If I … (be) you, I
… (visit) the old man.

3.      What … (do) if you
… (win) 500 dollars?

6.      Use the given
verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

elderly lady thanked the boy: “Thank you very much for helping with my

boy offered to his classmate: “I can help you.”

asked: “Are you a good reader?”

7.      The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space.

1.    THREAT       He
has got the third … letter from the stranger.

2.    PROTECT     The
young woman didn’t know where to look for … .

3.    USE             
When the young people first came to Ireland, they weren’t … to cold weather.


аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)


  1. 1)

2) a

3) a

  1. 1)
    It is warm and wet.

2) It is cool and humid.

3) It is snowy and sunny.

  1. 1)

2) b

3) a

4) a

  1. 1)

2) c

3) c

4) a

5) c

6) b

  1. 1)
    If I were you, I would visit the old man.

2) If the girl had laid the table, her
aunt would not have been angry with her.

3) Ann would behave well if you took her
to the party.

  1. 1)
    She surprised that somebody had stolen her bag in the shop.

He said that he couldn’t move the piano alone.

            3) The
student apologized for coming so late.

  1. 1)

2) independence

3) exploration


аттестация по английскому языку (в основные сроки). 8 класс)


  1. 1. b

2. b

3. a

  1. 1.
    It’s cold and snowy

2. It’s  warm and sunny

3. It’s rainy and humid

  1. 1.

2. a

3. a

4. b

  1. 1.

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

  1. 1.
    If the teenager had collected his thoughts, he would have won the

2. If you had learned (learnt) German, you would have
stayed out of trouble.

3. If she rang me up, I would tell her the news.

  1. 1.
    The mother advised her daughter to use less make-up.

2. The son said to his mother that he had broken her
favourite vase.

3. The boy invited his friend to his birthday party.

  1. 1.

2. successful

3. national


аттестация по английскому языку (1я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1)

2) b

3) b

  1. 1)
    It is icy and sunny.

2) It is cloudy and humid.

3) It is windy and snowy.

  1. 1)

2) c

3) c

4) a

  1. 1)

2) b

3) c

4) b

5) a

6) b

  1. 1)
    If we had not relied on him, we would not have been late.

2) Her aunt would not have been angry with her, if the
girl had laid the table in time.

3) If I were you, I would continue the exploration.

  1. 1)
    He wanted to know how I had got there that night.

2) She said (that) she had phoned me at 5, but I had
not been at home.

3) My grandpa said (that) we might buy a car the
following year.

  1. 1)

2) lovely

3) successful (self-made).


аттестация по английскому языку (2я пересдача). 8 класс)

  1. 1. c

2. c

3. b

  1. 1.
    It’s cloudy and cold

2. It’s  warm and humid

3. It’s rainy and windy

  1. 1.

2. frightened

3. defend

4. fight

  1. 1.

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

  1. 1.
    If he felt bad, he would stay in bed.

2. If I were you, I would visit the old man.

3. What would you do if you won 500 dollars?

  1. 1.
    The elderly lady thanked the boy for helping with her luggage.

2. The boy offered his help to his classmate.

3. She asked me if I was a good reader?

  1. 1.

2. protection

3. used

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Do you know how to build a sentence in English? In this lesson, you will learn the basic parts of a simple sentence, or independent clause. Knowing this will make it easier to understand any sentence in written English. Understanding how these different parts of a sentence work together to form meaning will help you write better in English. The knowledge in this lesson is essential for any ‘Independent User’ or ‘Proficient User’ of English.

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