Read these words make up word

Read these words . Make up word combinations with them. once a week once twice three times four times a day a week a month a year every every day week weekend month saturday b) Look at the pictures in exercise 1.Listen to the survey questions . compare your answers and report the results to the class l tidy my room twice a week but misha tidies his room once a week b)) Now tell a classmate how often you do thece things after school.помогите срочно надо


Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи

Прочитайте эти слова. Составьте словосочетания с ними. один раз в неделю один раз в два раза три раза четыре раза в день в неделю в месяц в год каждый каждый день недели в выходные дни месяца суббота б) Посмотрите на фотографии в упражнении 1. Ответь на вопросы обследования. сравните свои ответы и сообщить о результатах в класс л прибрать свою комнату два раза в неделю, но миша убирает свою комнату несколько раз в неделю б)) А теперь скажите одноклассника, как часто вы делаете thece вещи после школы.


r every every day week weekend month saturday b) Look at the pictures in exercise 1.Listen to the survey questions . compare your answers and report the results to the class l tidy my room twice a week but misha tidies his room once a week b)) Now tell a classmate how often you do thece things after school.помогите срочно надо

1 ответ:



Прочитайте эти слова. Составьте словосочетания с ними. один раз в неделю один раз в два раза три раза четыре раза в день в неделю в месяц в год каждый каждый день недели в выходные дни месяца суббота б) Посмотрите на фотографии в упражнении 1. Ответь на вопросы обследования. сравните свои ответы и сообщить о результатах в класс л прибрать свою комнату два раза в неделю, но миша убирает свою комнату несколько раз в неделю б)) А теперь скажите одноклассника, как часто вы делаете thece вещи после школы.

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The state Tretyakov gallery is one of the largest art museums in Russia and the world, named for the founder of the merchant and Maecenas Pavel Tretyakov. To collect a painting by P. Tretyakov began in 1850, and after 17 years, opened a gallery, the meeting which numbered about two thousand works of fine art and a few sculptures. In 1893, previously sent to Moscow as a gift the collection became known as the Moscow city gallery of Tretyakov and kept the money bequeathed by the founders. In 1918 the Tretyakov Gallery was nationalized and became «state property RSFRS», the first Directors, it became an art critic and artist I. Grabar, and then the architect A. Shchusev. When they grew up, the Museum has been added several new buildings, actively developed new exposure. During the great Patriotic war, all the paintings and sculptures were taken to Novosibirsk and Molotov. The evacuation lasted more than a year, but on may 17, 1945 the exhibition was re-opened to residents and guests of Moscow. The state Tretyakov gallery In the next decade, the Museum is continuously growing and today it consists of Gallery on Krymsky Val Gallery in Lavrushinsky lane, the house-Museum of V. M. Vasnetsov, the Temple of SV. Nicholas in Tolmachi and others branches. The Museum’s collections include works of art of XI-XXI, which includes painting, sculpture, graphics. Best known works stored in the Museum, are considered icons of XI-XVII centuries, and especially among them a valuable face of the Vladimir mother of God, Rublev’s «Trinity» and the icons written by Dionysius, and Theophanes the Greek, Simon Ushakov. The basis of the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery — Russian art, much of which dates to the second half of the XIX century. In the collection presents works by Kramskoy, Perov, Vasnetsov, Savrasov, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin, Vereshchagin, and other famous Russian artists. In the XX century, the Gallery was enriched with works by Vrubel, Levitan, Serov, Malevich, Roerich and Benois. In the Soviet period in the expositions appeared Deineka, Brodsky, Kukryniksy, Nesterov and others. In addition to paintings the Museum houses and exhibits works Antokolskio, Mukhina, Shadr, Konenkova and other famous sculptors. The state Tretyakov gallery is currently the Tretyakov gallery is developing new displays and exhibitions, actively cooperating with many museums in the world and in Russia by providing collections for temporary exhibitions, conducts restoration and research work, to replenish funds, develops cultural and educational programs, participates in major Museum, film and music festivals. The Tretyakov gallery in 1995, was recognized as one of the most valuable objects of culture for its activities in the field of conservation of works of art and the popularization of Museum values

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139 просмотров

A)Read these words. Make up word combinations with them.

Английский язык


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I read the words and make combinations

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I read the words and make combinations

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A)Read these words. Make up word combinations with them.

Английский язык


08 Май, 18

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08 Май, 18

I read the words and make combinations

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