Read the words look them up and then study the word combinations express

Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание задания[править | править код]

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and sentences to show how to use them.

  • a candle: a tall candle, a beautiful candle, to blow out a candle. When do you use candles? Try to blow out all the candles on your birthday cake. The game is not worth the candle.
  • a candlestick: : unusual candlesticks. On the table there were three candles in tall candlesticks.
  • light: daylight, sunlight, moonlight, candlelight, in the light of. The sun gives us heat and light. I could see very little in the light of my candles.
  • a light/lights: a burning light, the lights of the city, to turn on/off the light. She went into her daughter’s room and turned on the light. There was a bright light in the middle of the ceiling.
  • light (adj): 1. (not heavy) She wore only a light dress and sandals. Stone is heavy, but paper is light. 2. (not dark) Wake up! It’s light already. What a nice and light classroom! Do you prefer light colours for your summer clothes?
  • to light (lit, lit/lighted, lighted) (v): Let’s light a candle and put it in the middle of the table. Suddenly all the lights on the New Year tree lit up.
  • cheerful: a cheerful smile, a cheerful look, a cheerful place, cheerful colours. ‘Cheerful’ means happy and joyful.
  • cheerfully: to say sth cheerfully, to laugh cheerfully. She smiled cheerfully at everybody. He greeted us cheerfully.
  • to pull: to pull hard, to pull the door, to pull out a tooth, to pull sb’s hair, to pull sth out of the river. The horse was pulling the heavy sledge along the road. The little boy pulled the toy train along behind her.
  • to push: to push a button, to push the door, to push the doorbell, to push one’s way through. I pushed the button that locked the door. The children were pushing each other into the water. I pushed my way through the crowd of people.
  • to struggle: to struggle with sb, to struggle for independence, to struggle to do sth. I’m afraid I’m not ready yet, I’m still struggling with the last sentence. Are the people on the screen struggling for the revolver?
  • a struggle: in the struggle, the struggle for life. What do you know about the struggle of Russian people during the Second World War? Reading is a struggle for some children.
  • to wind (v): to wind a toy, to wind a clock/a watch. The river winds through the town. Does the road wind through the wood? It was cold so she wound a scarf round her neck. Don’t forget to wind the alarm clock before you go to bed. To unwind.
  • winding (adj): a winding river. It was fun to walk together along the winding path among the trees.
  • to share (v): to share sth with sb. Do you share your bedroom with your sister? Share this bag of sweets with your friends.
  • to regret (regretted) (v): ‘To regret’ means to feel sorry. Does John regret that he was rude to Jane?
  • regretful (adj): a regretful look, a regretful smile, to be regretful about sth. I’m very regretful about what happened.
  • regretfully (adv): He looked at me regretfully and shook his head.
  • to bounce (v): to bounce a ball, to bounce from one thing to another. The ball bounced to my right and I couldn’t catch it. He bounced the ball before throwing it into the basket. He bounced from one film to another trying to see all he could.
  • bouncy (adj): A person or animal that is bouncy has lots of energy and is very lively and enthusiastic. The puppies looked healthy and bouncy.
  • to knock (v): to knock on/at a door or a window. In the middle of the night somebody knocked on the window.
  • a bowl (n): a big bowl, a salad bowl, a cereal bowl, a bowl of fruit. I need a big bowl to mix the salad. His breakfast consisted of a bowl of cornflakes and a cheese sandwich.
  • close (adj): 1. a close friend, a close relative, to be close by, to be close to sth. She did not have many close friends. The church is close to the shop. The shop was quite close by so it didn’t take us long to get there. 2. Why don’t you keep this dictionary close at hand? You may find it helpful.
  • to repair (v): to repair a house, to repair a car, to repair a radio. Can you repair my watch?
  • firm (adj): a firm bed, a firm decision, firm views. I don’t think that chair is firm enough to stand on. Do you prefer to sleep on a firm bed or on a soft one? Is it your firm decision to leave tonight? Their views on politics are firm.
  • firmly (adv): Could you close the door firmly? Hold me firmly by the hand.

Перевод задания[править | править код]

Прочитайте слова, найдите их и изучите словосочетания и предложения, чтобы показать, как их использовать.

  • свеча: высокая свеча, красивая свеча, задуть свечу. Когда вы используете свечи? Попробуйте задуть все свечи на вашем праздничном торте. Игра не стоит свеч.
  • подсвечник: необычные подсвечники. На столе стояли три свечи в высоких подсвечниках.
  • свет: дневной свет, солнечный свет, лунный свет, свет свечей, при свете. Солнце дает нам тепло и свет. Я видел очень мало в свете моих свечей.
  • свет / огни: горящий свет, огни города, чтобы включить / выключить свет. Она вошла в комнату дочери и включила свет. Был яркий свет в середине потолка.
  • легкий (прил.): 1. (не тяжелый) Она носила только легкое платье и сандалии. Камень тяжелый, а бумага легкая. 2. (не темно) Проснись! Уже светло. Какой хороший и легкий класс! Вы предпочитаете светлые цвета для своей летней одежды?
  • зажечь (горит, горит / горел(а)) (v): давайте зажжем свечу и поставим ее посередине стола. Внезапно все огни на новогодней елке загорелись.
  • веселый: веселая улыбка, веселый взгляд, веселое место, веселые краски. «Веселый» означает счастливый и радостный.
  • весело говорить весело, смеяться весело. Она весело улыбнулась всем. Он приветствовал нас весело.
  • вытащить: вытащить, вытащить дверь, вырвать зуб, вырвать у кого-то волосы, вытащить кого-нибудь из реки. Лошадь тащила тяжелые сани по дороге. Маленький мальчик потянул за собой игрушечный поезд.
  • толкать: нажимать на кнопку, толкать дверь, толкать дверной звонок, пробиваться сквозь него. Я нажал кнопку, которая заперла дверь. Дети толкали друг друга в воду. Я протолкнулся через толпу людей.
  • бороться: бороться с кем-то, бороться за независимость, бороться, чтобы делать что-либо. Боюсь, я еще не готов, я все еще борюсь с последним предложением. Люди на экране борются за револьвер?
  • борьба: в борьбе, борьба за жизнь. Что вы знаете о борьбе русского народа во время Второй мировой войны? Чтение — это борьба для некоторых детей.
  • заводить (v): заводить игрушку, заводить часы / часы. Река вьется по городу. Дорога вьется через лес? Было холодно, поэтому она накинула шарф на шею. Не забудьте заводить будильник перед сном. Чтобы расслабиться.
  • извилистый (прил.): извилистая река. Было весело гулять по извилистой тропинке среди деревьев.
  • поделиться (v): поделиться чем-то с sb. Вы делите свою спальню со своей сестрой? Поделитесь этой сумкой сладостей с друзьями.
  • сожалеть (сожалеть) (v): «сожалеть» значит жалеть. Джон сожалеет, что он был груб с Джейн?
  • сожаление (прил.): сожаление, печальная улыбка, сожаление по поводу чего-либо. Я очень сожалею о том, что случилось.
  • с сожалением: он с сожалением посмотрел на меня и покачал головой.
  • отскочить (v): отскочить мяч, отскочить от одного к другому. Мяч отскочил справа от меня, и я не смог его поймать. Он отскочил мяч, прежде чем бросить его в корзину. Он отскочил от одного фильма к другому, пытаясь увидеть все, что мог.
  • бодрый (прил.): бодрый человек или животное обладает большой энергией и очень живой и восторженный. Щенки выглядели здоровыми и бодрыми.
  • стучать (v): стучать в / в дверь или окно. Посреди ночи кто-то постучал в окно.
  • миска (n): большая миска, салатница, миска с хлопьями, миска с фруктами. Мне нужна большая миска, чтобы смешать салат. Его завтрак состоял из миски кукурузных хлопьев и бутерброда с сыром.
  • близкий (прил.): 1. близкий друг, близкий родственник, чтобы быть рядом, чтобы быть рядом с кем-то. У нее не было много близких друзей. Церковь находится рядом с магазином. Магазин был довольно близко, поэтому нам не потребовалось много времени, чтобы добраться туда. 2. Почему вы не держите этот словарь под рукой? Вы можете найти это полезным.
  • отремонтировать (v): отремонтировать дом, починить машину, починить радио. Вы можете починить мои часы?
  • твёрдый (прил.): твердая кровать, твёрдое решение, твёрдые взгляды. Я не думаю, что этот стул достаточно тверд, чтобы стоять на нем. Вы предпочитаете спать на твердой или мягкой кровати? Это твое твердое решение уехать сегодня вечером? Их взгляды на политику тверды.
  • плотно (нареч.): Не могли бы вы плотно закрыть дверь? Держи меня крепко за руку.

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Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

future career

do you want to be when you grow up? We have heard this question many times
during our school years. Perhaps, it was difficult for us to give a definite
answer earlier. But now we understand that the time to choose our future profession
has come. Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions
of school-leavers. Many roads are open before us: technical schools, colleges
and universities. Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were
farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of different
kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. No wonder that it is not
an easy thing to make the right choice.

When choosing a future career, we should consider different
factors. In my opinion, money is one of the most important factors when you
make a choice. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs. For example, a
businessman, a president or a film star, are highly paid jobs. A worker, a
doctor or an engineer, are low-paid jobs. I think everybody wants to earn as
much money as possible. Training, promotional prospects and conditions should
be also taken into account.

On the other hand, it’s good when you get satisfaction from your
job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests. In
my opinion, a job should be interesting and socially important. Some jobs are
considered to be more suitable for men and others for women. For example, the
professions of secretary or nurse are more suitable for women. A lifeguard or a
pilot are more likely the jobs for men. You should also decide whether you want
to work indoors or outdoors.

To make the right choice, you should take into account your traits
of character. It goes without saying that to become a good doctor you must be
patient, caring and kind. Teacher’s work requires love for children, profound
knowledge of subjects, and the ability to explain. A secretary has to be
efficient and careful in order to do her work quickly and accurately.
Salespeople need to be friendly and persuasive, to get people buy their

There are so many people who influence us in choosing our
occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in our choices.

My father works for an international company as a managing
director. It is a highly paid job and it offers a lot of opportunities. You can
travel abroad and meet different people. My father is a friendly person and he
is easy to talk to. He thinks that I must choose my future profession according
to my taste and preferences. I respect him and I want to become a businessman,

I have always been interested in economics and I am good at Maths.
I have an aptitude for working with people, and I think I’m rather
communicative and have good social skills. I have good analytical abilities and
I am good at problem-solving. Besides, I am good at English. English has become
the standard language for all kinds of international business communications.
To know English today is absolutely necessary for every businessman.  To
become a successful businessman you should know a lot. So after finishing
school I want to enter the university and to study marketing or management.
Management deals mainly with people. A manager is a person who directly
supervises people in an organization. Managers spend a great deal of time
communicating, coordinating and making decisions affecting the daily operations
of their organization. Almost everything, a manager does, involves decisions,
and in decision-making there is always uncertainty and risk. So managing is a
very interesting, but difficult, job.

Marketing deals with market research and commercial activity in
general. It involves analyzing business situations, evaluating market
opportunities, developing market strategies and controlling their implementation.
It is important for a specialist in marketing to be flexible and prepared to
make adjustments where necessary, as it is unlikely that any marketing plan
will succeed exactly as planned.

I haven’t decided yet what to study. But I still
have time to think and to choose.

1. Read and guess what the underlined words mean. Look these words up to make
sure you have guessed right:

sister grew up in the countryside.

works as a carpenter. He repairs things that are made of wood.

A butcher is a person whose job is
to sell meat and sometimes also to kill animals for meat.

makes bread and cakes. He is a baker.

school I have a choice to enter the university or to work.

rainbow appears in the sky when rain and sun come together.

influences on people.

A lifeguard is a person who saves
people’s lives.

republic of Brazil became independent from Portugal in 1822.

10)       Either
today or tomorrow is fine for me. Do you have a preference?

2: Read the words, look them up and then study the word combinations and
sentences to know how to use them:

To earn (v): to earn money, to
earn 400 dollars a week, to earn one’s living. To earn means to get
money for doing work. Working at school she earned 800 pounds a month.

Suitable (adj): a suitable flat, to
be suitable for something. Do you think she is suitable for living there? Such
flats are not suitable for large families.

Low-paid (adj): A worker, a doctor or an engineer are low-paid jobs.

A trait (n): a
particular quality in someone’s character (character/personality traits).

Patient (adj): someone who is
patient is able to wait for a long time. A teacher should be very patient.

Persuasive (adj): good at making
people agree to do or believe what you want (a persuasive argument, case).

To evaluate (v): to evaluate a
picture, a work, a beauty. Our study is always evaluated.

An adjustment (n): a change in
something that makes it better, more accurate, or more effective. We’ll see how
this schedule works; then we’ll make adjustments as necessary.

Ex 3: Think and answer the
questions with the help of the text:

What types of jobs were popular earlier?

What factors we should consider when we choose a future career?

What jobs are considered to be highly paid and low-paid?

Should a job suit your interest or not? Explain why.

What jobs are considered to be suitable for men? And for women?

How do you think what traits of character a manager must have?

Who influences us in choosing our occupation? Did your parents influence
on your choice to be a manager?

Where does the narrator’s father work? What opportunities can this
work offer?

Who is a manager? What he does?

10)       What is marketing? What problems does it involve?

Ex 4. Look through the text and
complete the sentences:

Finishing school is the beginning of…

You should also decide…

It goes without saying…

Teacher’s work requires love for children,…

He thinks that I must choose…

I have an aptitude for working with people,…

Management deals…

Almost everything, a manager does,…

Marketing deals…

It is important for a specialist in marketing…

Ex 5. Say: “True” or “False”:

When you finish school you should think about your future career.

Centuries ago there were a lot of different professions and jobs.

A doctor, a worker, an engineer are highly-paid jobs.

Parents and friends influence on our choices.

If you are a secretary you have to be efficient and careful.

German has become the standard language for all kinds of
international business communications.

A good teacher should be flexible and prepared to make adjustments
where it is necessary.

Ex 6. Give English equivalents
for the following words and word combinations:

начало самостоятельной жизни

выпускник школы




не удивительно

сделать правильный выбор

подготовка (обучение)

принимать во внимание


удовлетворение от

соответствовать интересам


черты характера

само собой разумеется


глубокие знания предмета

умелый (подготовленный)


влиять на

предоставлять различные возможности

выбирать профессию в соответствии вкусам и предпочтениям

я умею решать проблемы

иметь дело с

контролировать (заведовать)

принимать решение

выполнение (осуществление)



Look at the pictures. Say what parts of England they show and describe this areas.

Look at the pictures. Say what parts of England they show and describe this areas.

  Work in pairs.  Read and guess what the underlined words mean.   1)That was an official  ceremony and all the  ladies were wearing long dresses. 2)What is the Queen's official residence in London? 3)What is the main avenue of the city? 4)Have you ever seen any procession in which the Queen of Britain took part? 5)Public processions are important events of the city life. 6)Cheburashka is a famous character of many children's cartoons in Russia. 7)Queens and kings are monarchs . 8)Men are often interested in politics  . 9)Who can control that? 10)A throne  is a seat where monarchs sit during official ceremonies. 11)Have you read any tragedies by William Shakespeare? 12)He is not fond of classical music. 13)Britain was a great empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Work in pairs. Read and guess what the underlined words mean.

1)That was an official ceremony and all the ladies were wearing long dresses.

2)What is the Queen’s official residence in London?

3)What is the main avenue of the city?

4)Have you ever seen any procession in which the Queen of Britain took part?

5)Public processions are important events of the city life.

6)Cheburashka is a famous character of many children’s cartoons in Russia.

7)Queens and kings are monarchs .

8)Men are often interested in politics .

9)Who can control that?

10)A throne is a seat where monarchs sit during official ceremonies.

11)Have you read any tragedies by William Shakespeare?

12)He is not fond of classical music.

13)Britain was a great empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and  sentences to know how to use them.   to own  (v): to own a house, to own a factory, to own a pet. This house is mine; I own it. Who owns this land? a crown  (n): to wear the crown, a crown of gold. A crown is the head dress of gold worn by a king or a queen. Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies. to crown  (v): to be crowned. Where was Queen Elizabeth II crowned? to reign  [rein] (v): to reign over/in the country, the reigning monarch. In Britain the monarch reigns but has no real power. reign  (л): the longest reign in history. What do you know about the reign of King Henry VIII? The reign of a king or queen is the time during which he or she rules.  to defeat  (v): to defeat the enemy, to defeat the army, to be defeated. The Spanish fleet was defeated by Admiral Nelson in the battle of Trafalgar. undefeated : King Arthur and his men were undefeated. defeat  (n): Six wins and three defeats for the team. I never think about the possibility of defeat.

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

  • to own (v): to own a house, to own a factory, to own a pet.
  • This house is mine; I own it. Who owns this land?
  • a crown (n): to wear the crown, a crown of gold. A crown
  • is the head dress of gold worn by a king or a queen. Kings and
  • queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.
  • to crown (v): to be crowned. Where was Queen Elizabeth II crowned?
  • to reign [rein] (v): to reign over/in the country, the reigning
  • monarch. In Britain the monarch reigns but has no real
  • power.
  • reign (л): the longest reign in history. What do you know about the
  • reign of King Henry VIII? The reign of a king or queen is the
  • time during which he or she rules.
  • to defeat (v): to defeat the enemy, to defeat the army, to be
  • defeated. The Spanish fleet was defeated by Admiral Nelson in the
  • battle of Trafalgar.
  • undefeated : King Arthur and his men were undefeated.
  • defeat (n): Six wins and three defeats for the team. I never think
  • about the possibility of defeat.

to remind  (v): to remind smb. of sth., to remind smb. to do sth. Do I have to remind you about it again? Remind me to answer that letter. He reminds me of his brother. This song reminds us of France.That reminds me I must give some milk to the cat. to touch  (v) : to touch sth. Don't touch the kettle: it's very hot. One of the branches was just touching the water. Touch wood. Some people say

  • to remind (v): to remind smb. of sth., to remind smb.
  • to do sth. Do I have to remind you about it again? Remind me
  • to answer that letter. He reminds me of his brother. This song
  • reminds us of France.That reminds me I must give some milk to the cat.
  • to touch (v) : to touch sth. Don’t touch the kettle: it’s very hot.
  • One of the branches was just touching the water. Touch wood.
  • Some people say «Touch wood», and often touch a piece of wood,
  • not to have bad luck,
  • touching (adj): a touching story, a touching film. How
  • touching!
  • a reason (n ): reasons, the only reason, an important reason,
  • a bad reason for sth. Give me your reasons for going there. The
  • reason why I’m late is that I missed the bus. We have a good
  • reason to believe that he is lying. We aren’t going for the simple
  • reason that we have no time.

Work in groups of four.  Make up word combinations with the new words and use them in sentences of your own (at least 10 sentences). Use the words from the word box. to own to defeat to touch to remind of  house  enemy  meeting  army  water  team  cottage  palace baby  farm  words holidays  fleet  wood  ground  feet

Work in groups of four. Make up word combinations with the new words and use them in sentences of your own (at least 10 sentences). Use the words from the word box.

to own to defeat to touch

to remind of

house enemy meeting army water team cottage palace baby farm words holidays fleet wood ground feet

Complete the sentences with the new words  1. There are several ... why we can't do that. 2. You can see royal ... in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver and stones and look so beautiful. 3. This photo always ... me of the happy days I spent in Greece. 4. Who is the main ... in

Complete the sentences with the new words

  • 1. There are several … why we can’t do that.
  • 2. You can see royal … in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver and stones and look so beautiful.
  • 3. This photo always … me of the happy days I spent in Greece.
  • 4. Who is the main … in «Cinderella»?
  • 5. I am not interested in … but my father is.
  • 6. Who … this bit of land?
  • 7. Windsor Castle [‘winza ‘kasl] is the summer … of the Queen. 8. My aunt often goes to concerts of … music.
  • 9. In Britain the Queen … but does not rule.
  • 10. The old lady’s fingers … the girl’s hair.
  • 1 1. When we lost the game last Friday we all felt that it was a terrible … . 12. The … home of the British Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street.

Translate into English 1 Какой дворец является официальной резиденцией королевы? 2 Где расположен лондонский зоопарк? 3 Кто правил Англией в конце 16 века? 4 Почему король Генрих 8 был одним из выдающихся монархов Британии? 5 Чьё правление было самым долгим в истории Англии? 6 Когда королева Елизавета II взошла на престол( come to the throne) ? 7 Королева Елизавета II - внучка королевы Виктории, не так ли?

Translate into English

1 Какой дворец является официальной резиденцией королевы?

2 Где расположен лондонский зоопарк?

3 Кто правил Англией в конце 16 века?

4 Почему король Генрих 8 был одним из выдающихся монархов Британии?

5 Чьё правление было самым долгим в истории Англии?

6 Когда королева Елизавета II взошла на престол( come to the throne) ?

7 Королева Елизавета II — внучка королевы Виктории, не так ли?

Ask your friends questions about the royal family, find out: how many members there are in the Windsor family if all her children are married how many grandchildren the Queen has got who the Queen is married to if the Queen has any brothers or sisters who the Queen's eldest child is who the youngest child is who Prince William and Prince Henry's parents are who can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth.

Ask your friends questions about the royal family, find out:

  • how many members there are in the Windsor family
  • if all her children are married
  • how many grandchildren the Queen has got
  • who the Queen is married to
  • if the Queen has any brothers or sisters
  • who the Queen’s eldest child is
  • who the youngest child is
  • who Prince William and Prince Henry’s parents are
  • who can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth.

Look at the map of London, find the places you know, say where they are situated and what you know about them.

Look at the map of London, find the places you know, say where they are situated and what you know about them.

a) Read and guess what the underlined words man.

1. Most of the farmland [‘fmnflaend] in England is in the southeast.
2. mm [‘grazslaandz] are good for sheep to feed on.
3. There are few 11mm [’walldlaendz] left in Britain. Most of them are in the north. In the USA people can enjoy the beauty of wild America in parks, forests and wildlands.

4. Our W [,grclt’graandpcsrents] are our grandparents’ parents.
5. A canoe [ke’nuz] is an Indian boat.

6. Siberia is famous for its endless [‘cndlls] forests.
7. Rivers are used as m [‘wo:tewelz].

b) Look these words up In your vocabulary to make sure that you have
guessed right.

® Read the words, look them up and then study the word combinations and
sentences to know now to use them.

mighty [‘malti] (adj): a mighty nation, a mighty army,a mighty king, a mighty empire. The Atlantic is a mighty ocean.

to rise [ralz], rose, risen (v): The River Volga rises in the Valdai Hills. The Angara rises in Lake Baikal. The Nile rises in Lake Victoria.

to stretch [stretfl (v): to stretch out one’s arm, to stretch the rope, to stretch one’s legs. The forests stretched for miles. The valley stretched away into the distance as far as the eye could see. She got out of bed and stretched. He stretched out his arm to try and get the apple. I decided to stretch my legs after dinner. The wicked chil-
dren stretched the rope across the path.

a shore [fez] (n): a sea shore, shores of a lake, on the shore of the ocean, to walk along the shore. It is difficult to walk on such a rocky shore. She sells seashells on the seashore. We could see some tall trees on the other shore of the lake.

a beach [biztfl (n): a sandy beach, a beach ball, a beach chair.
They went down to the beach for a swim. We sat on the beach and ate our sandwiches. Some of the beaches are badly littered.

a desert [‘dezet] (n): The Sahara Desert. a hot desert wind,desert areas, a desert island. Do you know where the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert and the Kara-Kum Desert are situated? Robinson Crusoe lived for many years on a desert island.

a chain [tj’em] (n): a chain of mountains, a gold chain. She always wears a gold chain round her neck. Could you show the main mountain chains on the map of America?

an attraction [e’traekfn] (n): The Tower of London is a great attraction for tourists. The cinema has little attraction for some people.

a skyscraper [‘skaxskrcnpe] (n): a tall skyscraper. New York is a city of skyscrapers. Are there any skyscrapers in Moscow?

mixture [‘mikstj’a] (n): a bottle of cough mixture. I listened to his story with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

to melt [melt] (v): The sun melted the snow. His heart melted when he saw the crying girl. These chocolates really melt in your mouth.

a melting pot:‘ America has been a melting pot since its beginnings.

Read the words, word combinations and sentences.

Frosty, wear, mittens, trousers, degree, old−fashioned, T−shirt, zero, pyjamas, nightie.


To wear nice clothes, above zero, to put on the fur cap, below zero, to snow heavily, in frosty weather, a trouser suit, not fashionable anymore, to throw snowballs, a neat new dress.


Don’t forget to wash your T−shirt.

Do you wear gloves or mittens?

Shopping for clothes is one of Jane’s favourite pastimes.

It’s frosty today: five degrees below zero.

Look at the beautiful snowflakes falling to the ground.

Sue looked old−fashioned in her old fur coat and fur cap.

I like it when men wear ties.

It’s raining heavily, put on your raincoat or take an umbrella.

Kate often wears T−shirts, jeans and trainers.

Her clothes never look boring.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Five. II. Reading. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Прочитайте слова, словосочетания и предложения.
Морозный, носить (одежду), варежки, брюки, градус, старомодный, футболка, ноль, пижама, ночная рубашка.
Носить красивую одежду выше нуля, надевать меховую шапку, ниже нуля, сильно идет снег, в морозную погоду, брючный костюм, уже не модный, бросать снежки, аккуратное новое платье.
Не забудьте постирать свою футболку.
Вы носите перчатки или варежки?
Покупки одежды − одно из любимых занятий Джейн.
Сегодня морозно: пять градусов ниже нуля.
Посмотрите на красивые снежинки, падающие на землю.
Сью выглядела старомодно в своей старой шубе и меховой шапке.
Мне нравится, когда мужчины носят галстуки.
Идет сильный дождь, надень плащ или возьми зонтик.
Кейт часто носит футболки, джинсы и кроссовки.
Ее одежда никогда не выглядит скучной.

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