Read the words and word combinations and translate them into russian

Read and translate the words and word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 5. Let’s Save the Earth, Our Home. Номер №74


Перевод задания
Читайте и переведите слова и словосочетания. Используйте их в своих предложениях.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

энергия − источник энергии, природная / солнечная / волновая энергия, биомасса / геотермальная энергия
электричество − создавать электричество; электричество на ископаемом топливе; электростанция, электроэнергия
мощность, энергия − солнечная энергия; гидроэнергетика; электроэнергия
технология − возобновляемые технологии; экологически чистые / зеленые технологии
зеленый − зеленые технологии / продукты / материалы
1. Biomass is a renewable energy because it contains energy which comes from the Sun.
2. Solar power is light and heat from the Sun.
3. A truly ‘smart house’ uses only green energy.

Перевод ответа
1. Биомасса − это возобновляемая энергия, поскольку она содержит энергию, исходящую от Солнца.
2. Солнечная энергия − это свет и тепло Солнца.
3. По−настоящему «умный дом» использует только зеленую энергию.

I. Read the word combinations and translate them into Russian

transport people and cargo, orbital velocity, Earth’s surface, liquid
hydrogen, liquid oxygen, to exhaust the propellants, for reuse, a
winged orbiter, cargo bay, to put into service, cosmic objects,
entire system, to jettison the boosters, a replacement orbiter, for
assembly, astronaut crew, to release the tank, to disintegrate on
reentering the atmosphere.

II. Make up the word combinations

1. winged

2. orbital

3. reusable


5. weightless

6. solid

7. pressurized

8. orbiting

9. booster





d) tank







III. Fill in the missing words (jettisoned, liftoff, thrust, unpowered, an external tank, returned)

1. At …
the entire system weighs 2 million kilograms.

2. The U.S.
space shuttle consists of three major components: a winged orbiter, …
and a pair of strap-on booster rockets.

3. During
launch the boosters and the orbiter’s main engines produce about
31,000 kilonewtons of … .

4. After liftoff the boosters
are … and are … to Earth by parachute for reuse.

5. The orbiter makes an …
descent and landing similar to a glider.

IV. Find synonyms in the list of words

major, to meet, cargo, to
transport, load, main, to rendezvous, launch, team, to lift off,
entire, to reach, to fly off, crew, whole, liftoff, to attain, to

V. Find antonyms in the list of words

expendable, to jettison, to increase, completely, vertically, to
return, internal, to lift off, reusable, to land, horizontally,
external, to keep, to leave, to reduce.

VI. Agree or disagree with the following statements

Space shuttle is not designed to
transport people and cargo to and from orbiting spacecraft.

2. At liftoff the entire
system weighs 2 million kilograms.

3. After
the boosters are jettisoned about two minutes after liftoff, they
don’t return to Earth.

4. Space shuttle combines the
features of an expendable rocket launcher and a glider.

5. Since the invention of
space shuttle the high cost of spaceflight was reduced.

VII. Match the questions with the answers

1. When
was shuttle used for the first time?

happened in 1986.

2. Who
developed space shuttle?

was done by NASA.

3. When
did the first big accident happen?

lifts off vertically.

4. What
does shuttle do like an expendable rocket launcher?

happened in 1981.

5. What
does shuttle do like a glider?

makes an unpowered descent.

VIII. Answer the questions

1. What is
a space shuttle?

2. What does it consist of?

3. What happens during the

4. Can you describe the
process of flight?

5. What is
space shuttle used for?

6. Which
purpose was shuttle designed for?

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communicate with people (общаться с людьми)
communicate with each other (общаться друг с другом)
means of communication (средства связи) by means of (с помощью) mean (означать что-либо)
What do you mean? (Что ты имеешь в виду?)
The dark clouds mean rain. (Темные тучи к дождю.)
telephone (звонит по телефону)
to ring up smb / place (звонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to phone smb / place (звонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to call up smb / place (позвонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to talk / speak to smb over / on the telephone (разговаривать / говорить кем-то по / на связи)
phone (телефон, звонить по телефону)
What’s your phone number? (Какой у тебя номер?)
а phone card (телефонная карта)
а phone box (телефонная будка)

1. It is very important to communicate with people (Очень важно общаться с людьми).
2. I did this job by means of my talents (Я сделал эту работу используя весь мой талант).
3. — Look at the sky (Посмотри на небо).
— What do you mean? (Что ты имеешь ввиду?)
— The dark clouds mean rain (Темные облака означают к дождю).
4. Danny, wait a minute, please. I am speaking over the phone (Дени, подожди минутку, пожалуйста. Я разговариваю по телефону).

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