Read the word in transcription write them down with letters

9. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters



Northern Ireland




10. Write down the numbers in words

Example: 109 — a (one) hundread and nine

106 — a (one) hundred and six

138 — a (one) hundred and thirty eight

202 — two hundred and two

534 — five hundred and thirty four

1007 — a (one) thousand and seven

1012 — a (one) thousand and twelve

509 — five hundred and nine

100,000 — a (one) hundred thousand

1,000,000 — a (one) million

11. Translate from Russian into English

1. Look at the map! The United Kingdom consists of four countries.

2. Have you ever been to an ancient castle?

3. The climate in Great Britain is very changeable.

4. The English language is the language of international communication, isn`t it?

5. It was difficult for me to understand his speech.

12. Fill in the table

With «the» Without «the»
the Russian Federation, the USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland Asia, Sydney, Amsterdam, Paris, South America, Russia, Australia, Egypt, Oxford, Africa, Europe, Omsk, Canada, Moscow, India

13. Look at the map. Write down the parts of the United Kingdom and their capitals

Рабочая тетрадь №1 Enjoy English 6 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева - Section 2. What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland? - 1

14. Colour the pictures then label and match them

Рабочая тетрадь №1 Enjoy English 6 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева - Section 2. What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland? - 2

1 — b

2 — c

3 — a

4 — d

15. Complete the sentences

1. Britain consists of four countries.

2. The capitals are London, Edinburg, Belfest and Cardiff.

3. The official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.

4. The climate changeable in Great Britain.

5. The English language is an official language of the United Kingdom.

Сохраните или поделитесь с одноклассниками:

Read the words in transcription. Write them using letters:













Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 7 класс Биболетова. SECTION 3. People speak English all over the world. Номер №27


Перевод задания
Прочтите слова в транскрипции. Напишите их буквами:














[wʌn] – won, one

[ˈaʊə] – hour, our

[hɪə] – here, hear

[raɪt] – write, right

[θru:] – through, threw

[tu:] – too, two

[aɪ] – eye, I

[ðeə] – there, their

[si:] – see, sea

[pi:s] – piece, peace

[nəʊ] – now, know

[wi:k] – week, weak

Перевод ответа

[wʌn] −
выиграл, один

[ˈaʊə] −
час, наш

[hɪə] −
здесь, слушай

[raɪt] −
писать, правильный

[θru:] −
через, бросил

[tu:] –
тоже, два

[aɪ] −
глаз, я

[ðeə] –
там, их

[si:] −
видеть, море

[pi: s] −
кусок, мир

[nəʊ] –
теперь, знать

[wi: k] −
неделя, слабый

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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  • Read the word in transcription and then check
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