Read the word for today

Give God all the glory

Give God all the glory

‘Your right hand and strong arm…helped them.’

Did you hear about the frog that was running out of water, so he asked two birds to transport him to a nearby pond? He convinced each of them to carry one end of a stick in their beak while he bit down on the centre and held on. It was a sight to behold: two birds, one stick, and a frog in the middle. They were making progress until a cow in a pasture looked up, saw the trio passing overhead, and asked, ‘Who thought of that?’ At that point the frog couldn’t resist. Pride prevailed over prudence, and as he plummeted to earth, he yelled, ‘It was meeee…!’

Don’t make the same error. ‘Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall’ (Proverbs 16:18 NLT). Why are you good at doing what you do? For your own comfort? To save for your retirement? To bolster your self-esteem? No, these are all bonuses, not the main reason. You’re good at what you do – for God’s sake. It’s about Him, not you! Read and ponder these words in your heart: ‘Wealth and honour come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand…at your discretion people are made great and given strength’ (1 Chronicles 29:12 NLT).

Recalling the victories, blessings, and successes Israel had experienced, David reminds us: ‘They did not conquer…with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm…that helped them, for you loved them’ (Psalm 44:3 NLT). Keep in mind that the blessings you enjoy every day are yours only because God favoured and smiled on you. That’s the truth!

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Copyright © Bob and Debby Gass. Used by permission. 

The UCB Word For Today

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Daily Devotions from author’s Bob and Debby Gass.

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

About The Devotional

The Word for Today is a daily devotional that has swept the world over the last 10 years.  It is not intended to be an in depth daily Bible study but rather a daily reading that deals with the issues we all face from a Biblical perspective.

There’s something incredibly impacting about those words… ‘The Word for Today’. People around the world would seem to agree. The late author Bob Gass (1944-2019) wrote this unique devotional for a many years – even writing enough content to extend well after his journey to glory – and it is available via all UCB affiliated radio stations around the world. 

Read for a moment what people have been saying:

‘I was encouraged by the Word 4U 2day to become a Christian and I used the back page to help me, it was the best decision I have ever made.’

‘It’s great to wake up and read it each morning, it kick starts my day with a boost!  It also helps me to do things differently from the normal choices or actions which I would have previously taken.’

‘This evening I tuned into the wordismusic website, I think it’s really good and you play some amazing songs. UCB is a great organisation, I have been encouraging my friends to read the Word 4U 2day. At school we often talk about our thoughts on the daily reading and some of our non Christian friends want to know what it is and why we read it. Once we get started they wish they’d never asked!’ 

‘So thank you for changing my life.  God Bless you all.’

MZ – Aged 15 United Kingdom – sent by email

…”UCB is a great organisation, I have been encouraging my friends to read the Word 4U 2day. At school we often talk about our thoughts on the daily reading”

What’s inside


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Scripture reading plan to take you through the Bible in a year


Connecting you to other local media resources for further discipleship


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People’s stories of God at work in their lives through UCB and The Word for Today.

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam volupest, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.

About the author.

Robert (Bob) Gass (1944-2019) was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His father died when he was 12 and his mother was left to rear him, his brother Neil and sister Ruth on a government pension. His mother was very influential on his life, encouraging him to attend church as often as possible. ‘She came into the Kingdom at a hundred miles an hour,’ Bob says, ‘and never slowed down.’ By the time he was 12, his heroes were not movie stars or sports celebrities but men and women of God. At this time, Bob gave his life to Christ.

He preached his first sermon at 13, writing it out in a school exercise book. As he began, so he has continued – even today, Bob writes out each reading for The Word for Today longhand in a yellow legal pad. He was fortunate as a teenager to have Gordon Magee as his mentor who offered, when he moved from Ireland to the United States, to pay for Bob’s passage to America. A few weeks before his eighteenth birthday, Bob arrived in Houston with two sermons in a briefcase and 25 cents in his pocket. Magee asked his friends across the US to give Bob opportunities to preach and for many years gave him constructive criticism of his sermons.

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Wordle can sometimes prove a tough challenge for players to figure out the 5-letter word in six tries or less.

The daily brainteaser may provide a color-coded system to assist users, but even then it’s not always obvious what the answer is. That’s when a hint or two might be needed, and where Newsweek comes in.

Newsweek has collated several clues to today’s Wordle as well as the answer itself. Simply scroll down to see what they are.

The History of ‘Wordle’

Wordle was originally created by software engineer Josh Wardle for him and his partner. He then made it available to the general public in October 2021.

Once available, the game became a global hit and reached a peak of over 45 million users a day after starting with just 90 active players.

It is now so popular it’s inspired a number of other daily puzzles such as the math-based Nerdle and the music guessing game Heardle.

In January 2022, Wardle sold the game to The New York Times Company for an undisclosed seven-figure sum, and the puzzle moved over to the publication’s platform in February.

The graph below, provided by Statista, shows Wordle‘s rise in popularity when Wardle originally owned the game.

Wordle Use Stats

Wordle #297 Hints for Tuesday, April 12

As always, Newsweek has put together five clues that will help players come up with the correct word for today’s Wordle.

Some hints are more revealing than others, this is particularly true of the later ones, so users can read them all or stop at the point where they feel most confident in what the answer could be.

If you wish to guess the word without too much assistance simply read the first few clues before trying your hand at today’s Wordle.

  • Hint #1: «Ouija» is the best starting word for Tuesday, April 12 as it will reveal the two vowels in Wordle #297.
  • Hint #2: The UK, Belgium, and Monaco all have today’s Wordle in common, in fact there are 12 countries around the globe with it.
  • Hint #3: The U.S. does not have a family like Wordle #297, though dynasties like the Kennedys and the Rockerfellers are often seen as the American equivalent.
  • Hint #4: Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are considered these alongside their respective husbands Prince Harry and Prince William.
  • Hint #5: Merriam-Webster defines Wordle #297 as someone «of kingly ancestry» or «of, relating to, or subject to the crown.»

Wordle #297 Answer for Tuesday, April 12.

The answer to Wordle on Tuesday, April 12 is «royal.»

Everyday Wordle refreshes at 7 p.m. ET, at which point the next word will be made available for players to have a go at solving.

Those who need something to keep preoccupied while they wait can try out these similar word-based puzzles until Wordle has refreshed.

Correction 04.12.2022 6.45 a.m. ET: This article was updated to correct the date in the headline.

The answer to «Wordle» on Tuesday, April 12 is «royal.»
The New York Times

Renungan Hari Ini (The Word for Today) online edition is available in the following translations English, Indonesian and Tetun.

The printed edition of Renungan Hari Ini is available in Indonesian only.


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