Read the word after the speaker matched


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Moscow: Its Past and Present


Match the words in the left and right columns.

a.  Moscow State University

b.  theArbat

с    Petrovsky Passage

d.  the Tretyakov Gallery

e.   the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

f.  the Bolshoi

g.  Luzhniki.

h. Metropol

i.   Praga

j.   Pushkinsky

  1. department store
  2. theatre
  3. stadium
  4. cinema
  5. educational institution
  6. restaurant
  7. hotel
  8. museum
  9. monument
  10. street

In pairs perform a dialogue using the following questions

Are you a Muscovite? Where do you live?

What places of interest do you know in Moscow?

What do you know about… {Yuri Dolgorukiy, the Kremlin, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts etc)?

What Moscow attractions are described?

1.It was the World’s tallest structure from 1967 to 1975 (surpassed by the Canadian CN Tower in 1976). Its height is 540 m, and it contains 3,544 stairs. It was constructed to mark the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. It is named after the district of Moscow in which it is located.

2.It was opened in 1939 to present the various achievements of the Soviet national economy. By 1989 the Exhibition had 82 pavilions. Each pavilion was dedicated to a particular industry or a field: space, education, radio-electronics, culture etc

1. Grammar The Past Simple Простое прошедшее время


yesterday, on Sunday, last week/month/year, a week/month/year ago,  in 2001






























did not







Конструкция used to + инфинитив используется для описания действий, привычек, состояний, которые происходили регулярно или существовали в прошлом, но более не происходят и не существуют.

There used to be a cinema in the town. — Раньше в этом городе был кинотеатр.

George used to be the best student, but now Lena is the best. — Раньше лучшим студентом был Георгий, а теперь — Лена.

Did you use to drive to work? — Ты раньше ездил на работу на машине?

Study the table and explain the rule.




play — played,

study — studied,

clean — cleaned,

peel — peeled

dance — danced,

work — worked,

stop — stopped,

 pass — passed,

watch — watched,

wash — washed,

laugh — laughed,

 fix — fixed

want — wanted, need — needed

translate — translated, move — moved, lie — lied

stop — stopped, plan — planned, admit — admitted

occur — occurred, stir — stirred, refer — referred

cry — cried, worry — worried

travel — travelled, cancel — cancelled, counsel — counseled

Put the verbs in the correct past form.

  1. She (to open) the door and (to come) into the room.
  2. We (to travel) a lot last year.
  3. Peter (to have) a birthday party last week and we (to enjoy) it very much.
  4. Children (to go) to Gorky Park and (to spend) the whole day there.
  5. Chekhov (to be) a great master of short stories and (to write) a lot of them.
  6. Our football players (to win) this match with a great score.
  7. Two years ago my brother (to finish) school and (to enter) Moscow State University.
  8. He (to read) the book with pleasure and (to return) it to me yesterday.
  9. How Muscovites (to look) like a century ago?
  10. In the 15th century Moscow (to become) the most powerful of the Russian city-states.

2.Pronunciation TRACK 20.

Read the words after the speaker

Matched, watched, patched, washed, pushed, stirred, occurred, referred, danced, showed, allowed, counselled, bought, thought, said, hung, sang, heard, hurt, ate, drew, grew.


        Muscovite — москвич

        to be governed — управляться

        city council — городской совет

        mayor — мэр 

        borough — округ

        hub — средоточие

        network — сеть

        civilian — гражданский

       to adjoin — примыкать, граничить 

      marketplace — рыночная площадь

        spot — место

        popular assembly — народное собрание

        cathedral — собор

        liberator — освободитель

       Grand Duke — великий князь

       to occur — случаться

       offensive — наступление

       virtually — практически

       to host — принимать (гостей)

       to launch — запускать, начинать

Moscow: Forever Young and Beautiful

Alexander is a Muscovite and he knows a lot about the history of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia and of the Moscow region. It is the administrative centre of the Central district. It is situated on the Moscow River. Moscow is Russia’s largest city and the leading economic and cultural centre. Moscow is governed by a city council and a mayor and is divided into boroughs. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin, a walled city

in itself. Its walls represent the city limits as of the late 15th century. The hub of

the Russian railway network, Moscow is also a port and has several civilian and

military airports.

Adjoining the Kremlin in the east there is Red Square. It originally was a marketplace and a meeting spot for popular assemblies. Red Square is still used as a parade ground and for demonstrations. One of the most wonderful examples of Russian architecture is St Basil’s Cathedral. In front of the cathedral there stands a monument to the liberators Minin and Pozharskiy.

The village of Moscow was first mentioned in the Russian Chronicles in 1147. And this year it was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy In the 15th century Moscow became the capital of the Russian national state, and in 1547 Grand Duke Ivan IV became the first Tsar.

Built largely of wood until the 19th century, Moscow suffered from numerous fires. The most well-known of them occurred during Napoleon’s occupation in 1812. Rebuilt, Moscow developed as a major textile and metallurgical centre. During the 19th and early 20th centuries it was the principal centre of the labour movement and social democracy.

During World War II, Moscow was the goal of the German offensive. Although the German columns were stopped only about 40 km from the city’s centre, Moscow suffered virtually no war damage.

The city hosted the Olympic Games in 1980.

In the 1990s the city began to attract foreign investment and became increasingly westernized. Many reconstruction projects were launched. Nowadays Moscow is even more beautiful with its modern cafes, shops and offices of European standard.

Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.   

  1. Moscow is governed by a mayor.
  2. Moscow has several ports.
  3. Minin and Pozharskiy founded Moscow in 1147.
  4. The monument to Yuri Dolgorukiy stands in Red Square.
  5. St Basil’s Cathedral is located within the territory of the Kremlin.
  6. The first Russian Tsar was Ivan the Terrible.
  7. In the 15th century Moscow became the capital of the Russian Federation.
  8. During World War II Moscow was occupied by the German troops.
  9. Moscow suffered from numerous fires. The most known of them occurred during World War II.
  10. In the 1980s many reconstruction projects were launched.


Surf the Internet and write about one of the Moscow attractions.


Complete the following sentences with the words from the box

reserve, partners, online reservation,

accommodation, wishes and means, approach,

tourist, luxurious, discounted rates, business

If you are to visit Moscow as a……….or on…………….., or you are planning to meet your………… Moscow and need…………….., we are glad to offer you a Moscow hotel reservation at…………………… You can…………………..a hotel of any level — from tourist class to 5-star……………… It is an easy…………………………with individual………………………to every client. If you are undecided about which hotel to stay in, we will recommend you something according to your……………….., trying to make the best possible choice for you.

Put the verbs in the correct form.

  1. Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy (to want) to celebrate some successful negotiations and was looking for a place to celebrate a feast. The place (to happen) to be Moscow.
  2. In 1237 the Mongols (to burn) the city to ashes.
  3. In 1328 Moscow (to earn) the status of capital of the Russian region.
  4. In 1571 the Mongols (to attack) the city again and (to burn) it completely.
  5. A severe plague (to ruin) the dry in 1654. It (to kill) a lot of inhabitants.
  6. In 1712 Moscow (to lose) its capital status to St Petersburg.
  7. In 1812 the war with Napoleon (to lead) to big fires in Moscow destroying almost everything.
  8. On 12th March, 1918 the City of Moscow (to become) the capital of Soviet Russia.
  9. When the USSR (to divide) in the year 1991, the city (to continue) to be the capital of Russia.
  10. Moscow (to celebrate) its 850 Anniversary in 1997 and today (to be) one of the more respected cities in the world.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the population of
the UK?

2. What is the area of the UK?

3. How many islands does the
UK consist of?

4. What are the main parts of
the UK and their capitals?

5. What is the official name
of the UK?

6. What separates the country
from the continent?

7. How big is the USA?

8. Where is the capital of the
USA situated?

9. What oceans is the USA
washed by?

10. What is the geographical
position of the Republic of Ireland?

11. What is the capital of the
Republic of Ireland?

12. What are the two parts of
the island?

13. What is Ireland rich in?

14. What kind of state is

15. How many provinces and
territories does Canada consist of?

16. What is the territory of

17. What are the largest
cities of Australia?

18. Is Australia rich in
mineral resources?

19. What islands does New
Zealand consist of?

20. Name the main natural
resources of New Zealand.

3. Speech exercises.

the geographical position of some English-speaking countries.

Guess the
name of the country described in the paragraphs.

(1) It is the world’s largest
island and the smallest continent. Its area is about the same as that
of the USA (without Alaska). It is washed by the Pacific and Indian

(2) It is the world’s second
largest coun­try. It has six time zones, ten provinces and two
national languages (English and French). It has more lakes and rivers
than any other country. Three quarters of the country are
uninhabited: there are still wild and lonely areas where you can see
polar bears and wolves.

4. Find English equivalents in the text.

территорию, ост­ровное государство,
население, крупней­шие города,
квадратные километры, состоять из
островов, грани­чить с, пра­вительство,
омываться океаном, быть разделенным на
штаты, к западу от Европы, прекрасные
озера, возвышенность, низменность, быть
богатым рудой, кораблестроение, член
Содружества, добывать минералы, различные
части страны, независимое государство,
гористая страна, железная руда.


1. Read after the speaker:

British, Edward Tylor, the
British Association for the Advancement of Science

2. Pay attention to the following words and word-combinations:

Acquisition, efficient,
advancement, exhaustive, advertiser, inspire, ample, intricately,
anthropologist, inventory, apparent, involve, aspiration, major,
association, manual, awareness, observation, behaviour, patterned,
committee, significant, component, socially, consciousness,
threshold, creative, value.

What is Culture?

The word culture can be used
in two senses: to mean the whole way of life of a definite group of
people; and to mean the arts, learning, and all creative efforts. The
second meaning is usually referred to as “high culture.”

The modern definition of
culture was first proposed by the nineteenth-century British
anthropologist, Edward Tylor, who defined it as socially patterned
human thought and behaviour.

The first inventory of
categories was undertaken in 1872 by a committee of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science, which was assisted by
Tylor. The committee prepared an anthropological field manual that
listed seventy-six culture topics. The most exhaustive list was first
published in 1938 and is still used as a guide.

Culture involves at least
three components: what people think, what they do, and the material
products they produce. Thus, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge,
and values are parts of culture.

Culture can be defined as
ideas, customs, skills, arts, tools, aspirations, and attitudes,
which characterize a given group of people in a given period of time.
It is a system of integrated patterns, most of which remain below the
threshold of consciousness, yet all of which influence human
behaviour. Culture is the context within which we exist, think, feel,
and relate to others. It is the “glue” that binds a group of
people together.

A language is a part of
culture and culture is a part of a language; the two are intricately
interwoven, so one cannot separate the two without losing the
significance of either language or culture. It is apparent that
culture, as an ingrained set of behaviour and models of perception,
becomes highly important in the learning of a second language. The
acquisition of a second language is also the acquisition of a second
culture. Both linguists and anthropologists bear ample testimony to
this observation.

Culture – beliefs,
attitudes, aspirations, pragmatic designs and fantasies, actions and
reactions – is studied by advertisers all over the world.
Advertisers try to
find ways that might inspire people of a given culture to buy a
product of one manufacturer rather than of another. Although the
great role of the language used in advertisements is undeniable, the
knowledge of cultural concepts is quite a significant factor, too.
Cultural awareness of advertisers can make advertising campaigns more
efficient, bringing major practical results.
























порог, преддверие



сложно, запутанно

значение, смысл


осознание, понимание



показание, признак




Tasks for the discussion:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Listening — Task 2

Study skills
Навыки обучения

Multiple Matching
Множественное Совпадение

In this part of the exam, there are five monologues and six statements before you listen and underline the key words. Listen for words that mean the same as the words you have underlined — the exact words will not be in the recording. Try to think of why the speaker is talking: to describe or explain something or to give some other kind of information.

В этой части экзамена есть пять монологов и шесть утверждений, прежде чем вы прослушаете их и подчеркнёте ключевые слова. Послушайте слова, которые означают то же самое, что и подчеркнутые вами слова — в записи этих слов не будет. Постарайтесь подумать, почему говорящий говорит: чтобы описать или объяснить что-то или дать какую-то другую информацию.

Preparing for the task
Подготовка к выполнению задания

Упражнение 1, с. 22

1. Read sentences 1-3 and look at the underlined words. Then, read sentences A-C and match them with sentences 1-3. Which words helped you decide? — Прочитайте предложения 1-3 и посмотрите на подчёркнутые слова. Затем прочитайте предложения A-C и сопоставьте их с предложениями 1-3. Какие слова помогли вам принять решение?

1 C The speaker complains about his neighbour.
Говорящий жалуется на своего соседа. (ongoing rock concert, can’t stand)

2 A The speaker gives directions.
Говорящий даёт указания. (turn left, walk straight down)

3 B The speaker express concern over a relative.
Говорящий выражает беспокойство по поводу родственника. (worried, grandpa’s health)

A Turn left and walk straight down. You’ll see the bank in the next block.

Поверните налево и идите прямо вниз. Вы увидите банк в следующем квартале.

B I’m so worried about grandpa’s health.
Я так беспокоюсь о здоровье дедушки.

C It’s like living next to an ongoing rock concert, I can’t stand it!

Это как жить рядом с непрекращающимся рок-концертом, я не могу этого выносить!

Упражнение 2, с. 22

2. You will hear 5 speakers, A, B, C, D, and E, twice. Match each speaker with a statement below (1-6). You can only use each statement once. There is one extra statement. — Вы дважды услышите 5 ораторов, A, B, C, D и E. Соотнесите каждого выступающего с приведённым ниже утверждением (1-6). Вы можете использовать каждое утверждение только один раз. Есть одно дополнительное утверждение. 

1 The speaker says there is not much chance of locating more survivors.

Оратор говорит, что шансов найти новых выживших немного.

2 The speaker says the people were not ready to face such a disaster.

Оратор говорит, что народ не был готов к такой катастрофе. 

The speaker suggests using alternative means of transport.

Оратор предлагает использовать альтернативные виды транспорта.

4 The speaker says more earthquake victims might be found alive.

Оратор говорит, что ещё больше жертв землетрясения могут быть найдены живыми.

5 The speaker describes the destruction caused by a hurricane.

Оратор описывает разрушения, вызванные ураганом.

6 The speaker cautions people to stay inside.

Оратор предупреждает людей оставаться внутри.

Speaker 1
Rescue teams worked through the night trying to get to anyone trapped beneath the rubble after Tuesday’s violent tremors in Jakarta yesterday. Five people, including a four-month-old baby, were pulled out alive. The area continued to suffer mild aftershocks although none led to any further damage. Better weather has helped the teams after Tuesday night’s heavy rain and they are optimistic about finding more survivors over the next hours and days.

Говорящий 1
Спасательные команды работали всю ночь, пытаясь добраться до тех, кто оказался в ловушке под обломками после вчерашних сильных подземных толчков во вторник в Джакарте. Пять человек, включая четырёхмесячного ребёнка, были вытащены живыми. Этот район продолжал испытывать слабые подземные толчки, хотя ни один из них не привёл к каким-либо дальнейшим разрушениям. Улучшившаяся погода помогла командам после сильного дождя во вторник вечером, и они с оптимизмом смотрят на то, что в ближайшие часы и дни удастся найти ещё больше выживших.

Speaker 2
Flights are being cancelled all over Europe as the ash cloud is drifting down from the north. That’s going to cause huge problems for people going on holiday, but the authorities say there’s nothing they can do and it’s just a matter of waiting until the skies are clear again. There is no danger to residents in towns and cities close to the eruption, but citizens are advised to go out only if absolutely necessary and close all windows.

Говорящий 2
Рейсы отменяются по всей Европе из-за того, что облако пепла опускается с севера. Это создаст огромные проблемы для людей, отправляющихся в отпуск, но власти говорят, что они ничего не могут сделать, и остаётся только ждать, пока небо снова не прояснится. В городах и посёлках, близких к извержению, нет никакой опасности для жителей, но гражданам рекомендуется выходить на улицу только в случае крайней необходимости и закрывать все окна.

Speaker 3
Many residents in the tiny village of Brevington woke this morning to find streets and homes under 35 cm of water. Heavy rains over the previous few days caused the river to burst its banks unexpectedly for the first time in over a century. Shop and home owners were not prepared and cleaning up the damage could cost them over half a million pounds. The waters are still rising, but conditions are expected to improve later in the day.

Говорящий 3
Многие жители крошечной деревни Бревингтон проснулись сегодня утром и обнаружили, что улицы и дома находятся под 35-сантиметровым слоем воды. Проливные дожди, прошедшие в предыдущие несколько дней, привели к тому, что река неожиданно вышла из берегов впервые за более чем столетие. Владельцы магазинов и домов не были готовы, и устранение ущерба могло обойтись им более чем в полмиллиона фунтов стерлингов. Уровень воды всё ещё поднимается, но ожидается, что позже в тот же день условия улучшатся.

Speaker 4
Three skiers were still missing last night after a huge avalanche in the French Alps. Tom Haverley, an experienced ski instructor in the Three Valleys area, said yesterday that visitors to that area had been warned of the high chance of avalanches and the missing skiers should not have risked skiing there. Rescue workers are doing everything they can to find the skiers, but hope for their safety is fading.

Говорящий 4
Три лыжника всё ещё числятся пропавшими без вести прошлой ночью после схода огромной лавины во французских Альпах. Том Хаверли, опытный инструктор по лыжным гонкам в районе Трёх долин, вчера сказал, что посетители этого района были предупреждены о высокой вероятности схода лавин, и пропавшим лыжникам не следовало рисковать кататься там на лыжах. Спасатели делают все возможное, чтобы найти лыжников, но надежда на их безопасность тает.

Speaker 5
Last night’s high winds reached 128 km per hour in some areas, causing extensive damage to property. Passengers on the 192 bus in Stockley were lucky to be alive after a falling tree crashed onto the roof, throwing passengers from their seats. Amazingly, no one was  eriously hurt in the accident although several people were taken to hospital suffering from shock. 

Говорящий 5
Сильный ветер прошлой ночью в некоторых районах достигал 128 км в час, причинив значительный материальный ущерб. Пассажирам автобуса 192 в Стокли повезло остаться в живых после того, как падающее дерево обрушилось на крышу, выбросив пассажиров со своих мест. Удивительно, но в результате аварии никто серьёзно не пострадал, хотя несколько человек были доставлены в больницу в состоянии шока.

Reading — Task 2

Study skills
Навыки обучения

True/False/Not statements
Верно/Не верно/Не сказано

Read the text quickly to get the gist of it. Then, read the each statement carefully, underlining the key words. The order of the questions is the same as the order in which the pieces of information are presented in the text. Find the part of the text that contains the information appearing in the question. Decide if the statement is true or false. If there is not enough information for you to decide, the answer is not stated.

Быстро прочтите текст, чтобы понять его суть. Затем внимательно прочитайте каждое утверждение, подчёркивая ключевые слова. Порядок вопросов такой же, как и порядок, в котором фрагменты информации представлены в тексте. Найдите ту часть текста, которая содержит информацию, содержащуюся в вопросе. Решите, является ли это утверждение истинным или ложным. Если вам недостаточно информации для принятия решения, ответ не указывается.

Preparing for the task
Подготовка к выполнению задания

Упражнение 3, с. 22

3. Read the statements, paying attention to the underlined key words. Then, read the extract from a text and decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). Say whiich woords/phrases in the text that helped you decide. — Прочитайте утверждения, обращая внимание на подчёркнутые ключевые слова. Затем прочитайте отрывок из текста и решите, являются ли утверждения T (истинными), F (ложными) или NS (неутверждёнными). Скажите, какие слова/фразы в тексте помогли вам принять решение. 

A The broadcast showing medical tests on an alien was shown in the late 1940s. F

(In 1995, one of the biggest broadcasting networks in the USA aired a programme showing a team of scientists examning what was said to be the body of an extraterrestrial being.)

Передача, показывающая медицинские тесты инопланетянина, была показана в конце 1940-х годов.

(В 1995 году одна из крупнейших вещательных сетей США выпустила в эфир программу, в которой группа ученых исследовала то, что, как утверждалось, было телом внеземного существа.)

B The footage was filmed in New Mexico. NS
Отснятый материал был снят в Нью-Мексико.

C Later, it was announced that the whole story had been a lie. T

(one of the people … publicly admitted that the whole story had indeed been made up. )

Позже было объявлено, что вся эта история была ложью.

(один из людей … публично признал, что вся эта история действительно была выдумана)

In 1995, one of the biggest broadcasting networks in the USA aired a programme showing a team of scientists examning what was said to be the body of an extraterrestrial being. The footage supposedly dated back to 1947 and showed doctors carrying out medical tests on a creature that had landed on Roswell, New Mexico from another planet. It was shown in 33 countries around the world. Even when it first went on the air, many people suspected this was nothing more than a trick. It was not until 2006, however, when one of the people involved in the making of the programme publicly admitted that the whole story had indeed been made up. 

В 1995 году одна из крупнейших телерадиовещательных сетей США выпустила в эфир программу, в которой группа учёных исследовала то, что, как говорили, было телом внеземного существа. Видеозапись предположительно датируется 1947 годом и показывает, как врачи проводят медицинские тесты на существе, которое приземлилось в Розуэлле, штат Нью-Мексико, с другой планеты. Фильм был показан в 33 странах по всему миру. Даже когда он впервые вышел в эфир, многие люди подозревали, что это не более чем уловка. Однако только в 2006 году один из людей, участвовавших в создании программы, публично признал, что вся эта история действительно была выдумана.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 8 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 8 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 8 класс


3 S 10 Listen again and match a statement
with each speaker.
A The speaker thinks this activity will help them
with their job.
B The speaker feels that they’ll never be perfect
at this activity
C The speaker likes this activity because it’s
a break from routine.,
D The speaker uses this activity to make other
people happy.
E The speaker says this activity is great,
however you
Speaker 1:
Speaker 4:
Speaker 2:
Speaker 5:
Speaker 3:​

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