Read the website and choose the best word for each space her his their

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: nishkamilla



Автор ответа: Soleil79



1 his

2 lets

3 each other

4 makes

5 cash

6 join

7 afford

8 fill in

9 monthly

10. wait for


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Перевод задания
Прочтите письмо и выберите лучшее слово A, B или C для каждого места.
Привет, спасибо за например, ваш адрес электронной почты. Приятно знать, что у тебя все хорошо. Я хочу рассказать 41) _ о своей семье. 42) _ маму зовут Кейт, она учительница. Мой папа, Майк, актер, и его фильмы великолепны. У меня один брат. Его зовут Пол и 43) _ крутой. Моей лучшей подруге Эллен он очень нравится. Мои бабушка и дедушка особенные. 44) _ люблю их. 45) _ смешить меня своими забавными историями.
Расскажите мне о своей семье в следующем электронном письме.
С любовью,

A. you

B. your

C. our


A. them

B. me

C. you


A. My

B. Me

C. Our


A. him

B. he

C. his


A. I

B. You

C. It


A. Their

B. Them

C. They

41 – C, 42 – A, 43 – B, 44 – A, 45 – C.


Hi, thanks for
your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell 41) you about my family. 42) My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and his films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and 43) he is cool. My best friend, Ellen, really likes him. My grandma and grandpa are special. 44) I love them. 45) They make me laugh with their funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email.



Перевод ответа
Привет, спасибо за твое письмо. Приятно знать, что у тебя все хорошо. Я хочу рассказать 41) вам о своей семье. 42) Мою маму зовут Кейт, она учительница. Мой папа, Майк, актер, и его фильмы великолепны. У меня один брат. Его зовут Пол и 43) он классный. Моей лучшей подруге Эллен он очень нравится. Мои бабушка и дедушка особенные. 44) Я люблю их. 45) Они смешат меня своими забавными историями.
Расскажите мне о своей семье в следующем электронном письме.
С любовью,

Bad days


a. Read the title and look at the picture. What do you think the story might be about? Read and check.

Wonderdog Pulls Owner from Car Crash

Endal the wonderdog, already named Dog of the Millennium and Biggest Dog on Earth, made national news headlines again yesterday after a car hit his owner’s wheelchair outside a hotel.

In 1991, Allen Parton was sitting outside the hotel when the speeding car threw him from his chair and knocked him out. While he was unconscious, Endal rolled him over with his teeth into the recovery position. After this, he got a blanket from his bag and covered him with it! The dog then got Allen’s mobile phone out of his bag and held the phone up to his face. Finally, he ran back to the hotel and barked until people came out to help. Allen didn’t know that Endal could do any of these things!

Mr Parton was disabled from a tragic accident. For years now, Endal has been everything to him; his best friend, his banker, his travel agent, his home help and many other things. «He even buys the ticket on the bus

and collects it from the machine, says Allen. ‘He has helped me in so many ways.

b. Read the article and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

Endal made the headlines again when

A a hotel worker hit his owner.

B his owner was in an accident.

C he became Brightest Dog on Earth.

When the accident happened, Allen

A was just arriving at a hotel.

B was sitting outside a hotel.

C was at a dog show.

3 The first thing Endal did after the accident was

A roll Allen over and cover him with a blanket.

B run back to the hotel and get help.

C get Allen’s mobile phone from his bag.

4 Endal is important to Allen because

A he buys his ticket on the bus.

B he’s a very friendly dog.

C he helps him with many things.

  • 0

G Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space. Saturday, 14th January I had e.g. agreat day! I 46) up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met Larry and George at the port 47) ………….nine and we left for Little Island. The Sea was calm and the trip only took 48) ………… hour. When we arrived, we went 49)……………. and then we had a picnic on the beach. 50)…………. the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There were 51)………… strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool! When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decide to leave the island but 52)…………. the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) …………………. afraid but it was also fun. It 54)…………….. us two hours get back but we arrived safely. When I got home, mum was very 55) but I told her that I had had a really great day! 46 A get B woke C stood 51 A lots B a lot of C lot of 47 A at B on C in 52 A then B when C and 48 A the B a C an 53 A was B were C are 49 A swam B swimming C swim 54 A took B made C had 50 A On B At C In 55 A worrying B worry C worried

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

46) B
47) A
48) C
49) B
50) C
51) B
52) A
53) B
54) A
55) C

  • Комментариев (0)

Помогите пожалуйста. Срочноооо!!!!!
I. Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.
Hi. Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests.
During the week, I 1) ……. my homework in the evenings and 2) ……. that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.
3) ……. the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 4) ……. the cinema with friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 5) ……. I go cycling.
Tell me what you like doing in your next email.
e.g. A you B your C our
1. A make B do C study 4. A at B in C to
2. A after B then C when 5. A sometimes B never C always
3. A in B At C For
II. Match the words. (составить словосочетания)
1. brush A dressed
2. do B a shower
3. get C to music
4. go out D sports
5. have E my teeth
6. listen F around the house
7. play G the Net
8. talk H my homework
9. help I on the phone
10. surf J with friends
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form. (поставить глаголы в Present Simple)
1. She ………. (wash) her hair three times a week.
2. My little brother often ………. (cry) at night.
3. Paul and Jack ………. (meet) every Friday.
4. He ………. (not/play) football very often.
5) Bob ……….. (go) to the cinema on Sundays.
IV. Underline the correct word.-выбрать подходящее слово
1. I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.
2. On Sundays we have lunch and after that/when we go shopping.
3. She gets dressed when/before she has her breakfast.
4. I wake up when/then my alarm clock rings.
Everyday English
V. Match the questions to the responses.( e.g-пример!)
e.g. Shall we say nine at my place? E A Sounds great!
1. How are you? …. B No, I’m afraid not.
2. Are you free tomorrow? …. C How about next Friday?
3. When would you like to meet? …. D I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.
4. How about going to the cinema? …. E Sure. See you later.
5. Would you like to come to dinner tonight? …. F Fine, and you?

Автор: Гость

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