Read the text below and choose the word that fits best for each space

Задания, которые можно выполнить по грамматике и лексике на этой странице в виде интерактивных тестов с подведением результатов, выполнялись московскими школьниками в сентябре 2021 года. Это был школьный этап Всероссийской олимпиады, который в других регионах часто проводится позже. Стоит потренироваться, хотя задания будут, конечно другие.

Если вам понравится такой формат, зайдите также на страницы с тестами по аудированию и чтению или на главную страницу раздела Олимпиады, чтобы выбрать необходимые тестовые материалы. 

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.

Use only one word in each space.


The Yeti or Abonninable Snow man is the legendary wild man of(38).


This creature(39).

Been sighted in America.


It is known as Bigfoot.

The Yeti is a large, ape — like creature(41).

Reddish brown hair covering its body.

Authorities disagree as(42).

Whether it really exists or not and a lot ol the physical evidence(e.

G. footprints(43).

The snow.

Photographs) have been proved to(44).

Been cases of misidentifi cation or outright hoaxes.

Some experts believe(45).

The Yeti may(46).

A descendant of(47).

Extinct Neanderthal man.


Think it is undiscovered species ol ape.

The most far — fetched theory is that(50).

Is an alien.

На этой странице находится ответ на вопрос Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space?, из категории
Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 10 — 11 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
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Задания и ответы школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников 2022-2023 учебного года по Английскому языку 7-8 класс Москве 77 регион

Listen to part of a city tour around Moscow and decide whether the statements (1 –5) are TRUE, FALSE or this information is not provided in the text – NOT STATED – according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice. Now you have 15 seconds to read the sentences.

Прослушать аудиозапись в отдельной вкладке — основная ссылка для прослушивания аудиофайла.

Прослушать аудиозапись на youtube — дополнительная ссылка. Рекомендуем использовать её, если не работает основная ссылка.

1. There are few old buildings in Ostozhenka street today.
2. The house where Ivan Turgenev’s mother lived is one of the few houses that were lucky to survive the great fire of Moscow in 1812.
3. Ivan Turgenev was an only child.
4. What Ivan Turgenev is describing in his short story “Mumu” really happened.
5. As soon as Ivan Turgenev died, his mother’s house became a

Read the text below and do the tasks after it.
Открыть текст в отдельной вкладке
Archie and Mr. Walsh

A. (1) Mr. Walsh has a true best friend. (2) His name is Archie, and he is a dog. (3) Archie has always helped Mr. Walsh, but one day he saved his owner’s life.
B. (4) Mr. Walsh was about seventy years old. (5) He lived all alone on a farm outside of town. (6) Most people didn’t know him well. (7) He liked to be alone, and people thought he was unfriendly. (8) He was very strong and worked very hard to grow and harvest his crops. (9) He grew the largest tomatoes in the county. (10) During a very busy season, he would hire me after school to help around the farm. (11) He always told me that I was the son he never had. (12) I have no brothers or sisters, I’m an only child in my family. (13) Archie helped, too. (14) Mr. Walsh loved his pet.
C. (15) One day Mr. Walsh decided he started loading his truck before I got to the farm. (16) He tried lifting a very heavy crate of tomatoes. (17) He felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell to the ground. (18) Archie ran to the gas station near the farm and barked. (19) Frank, the gas station worker, thought the dog had gone wild. (20) The dog began pulling and biting at Frank’s pants. (21) Archie then ran to Frank’s jeep and leaped into the back seat. (22) Frank finally understood that something was wrong. (23) He drove back to the farm and found Mr. Walsh on the ground. (24) Frank immediately took Mr. Walsh to the hospital.
D. (25) Mr. Walsh was lucky. (26) He had suffered a heart attack, but thanks to Archie and Frank, he was all right.
E. (27) After Mr. Walsh had recuperated, he had a big party and invited the entire town. (28) Everyone came to honor Archie and Frank. (29) But something else happened at the party, too. (30) People finally realized that Mr. Walsh was not unfriendly after all.

Task 1
Guess the meaning of the following words from the text and connect them to their meanings. There are two meanings that you will not have to use.
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gone wild
the top part of the human body
became healthy again
became crazy
a wooden open box used especially to transport fragile goods
plants, such as grain, fruit or vegetables grown in large amounts
returned home
a large, strong box with a secure lid used for keeping possessions or moving them from one place to another

Task 2

In which paragraph can we find some information about the following?

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1. The kind of a car Mr. Walsh had
2. The name of Mr. Walsh’s illness
3. Mr. Walsh’s character
4. The celebration that Mr. Walsh organized
5. Who Mr. Walsh’s best friend was
6. What Mr. Walsh grew on his farm
7. Frank’s job

Task 3
Choose the best answer:

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1. From the story you can guess that the author
does not like to work on a farm.
likes Mr. Walsh as a person.
thinks that Mr. Walsh should stop working.
thinks that Mr. Walsh should be more friendly.
2. If the author added a sentence to the end of paragraph D, which of the following would be best?
I hope to work on Mr. Walsh’s farm this summer, too.
Mr. Walsh learned how to farm from his father.
Mr. Walsh was able to return to farm work in a few weeks.
It is easy for me to lift the heavy crates of tomatoes.

3. How many sons did Mr. Walsh have?
This information is not stated in the text.

4. Who is the author of this story?
Mr. Walsh’s son.
Archie’s owner.
A gas station worker.
Mr. Walsh’s worker.

5. What change should be made in sentence 15 to make it grammatically correct?
Change started to would start
Change got to get
Change decided to had decided
Nothing needs to be changed

6. Which sentence does not belong in paragraph B?
Sentence 6
Sentence 8
Sentence 9
Sentence 12

Task 4

В каждое поле ответа впишите слова без точек, запятых и других лишних знаков. Ответы с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!

In which country did this story happen?

Write four words that helped you understand which country it was.

Task 1

Read the text below and choose the word that fits best for each space. The first one is done for you.
Example answer:


Giraffes are the tallest living animals. (0)Most adult giraffes are (1) Выбрать enough to look into second-story windows. Their long necks help them get leaves and fruit that no (2) animal can reach. (3) see how a giraffe’s life begins. Before giving birth, a female giraffe searches for (4) Выбрать safe place. Both the baby, or calf, and the mother, or cow (5) Выбрать in a great deal of danger right after the birth. More (6) Выбрать half of all baby giraffes (7) Выбрать by lions, cheetahs, or hyenas minutes after they are born.  The new baby (8) Выбрать about 130 pounds and is 6 feet tall. The baby can run and jump 10 hours after it is born, but it (9) Выбрать outrun an enemy. The mother hides the calf in tall grass. Then she goes to search (10) Выбрать food. The baby is safe (11) Выбрать it stays still. The cow returns to nurse (12) Выбрать baby. The calf stays (13) Выбрать for about a month. After a month the mother and baby join (14) Выбрать a group of four or five other cows with their calves. The calves stay together (15) Выбрать their mothers gather food. (16) Выбрать one mother stays with (17) Выбрать . The cows return (18)Выбрать  night to protect the calves. The calves stay in this group until they are about a year old. By the time they are a year old, the giraffes are 10 to 12 feet tall. They can outrn all of their enemies (19) Выбрать the cheetah. The giraffes rarely attack (20) Выбрать an animal larger than themselves. They continue to grow until they are 7 or 8 years old. Adults are between 14 and 18 feet tall. 
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Task 2

An eponym is a person, place or thing after whom or which someone or something is or is believed to be named. This is a task about eponyms. You are given two groups of definitions. On the left they describe geographical places and people. On the right they describe words that originated from the names of these geographical places and people.
You need to connect these definitions in such a way, that they correspond correctly.

Выберите нужную позицию в левом поле, кликнув по ней, затем кликните в правом поле по выбранной Вами позиции (протянется линия). Если хотите изменить ответ, нажмите на точку в любом из полей (линия исчезнет, и вы сможете провести новую).

There is an example done for you:

Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!

A country in Central America
In Greek mythology, a Titan that had to hold up the heavens or sky on his shoulders
A city in Ireland
A British aristocrat that loved eating while playing cards
An officer in the British Army who commanded the Light Brigade during the Crimean War
A Scottish chemist and inventor
A big country in East Asia
A British politician and military leader during the Napoleonic wars who served twice as Prime Minister and was also famous for his style in clothes
An island in the English Channel.
A Russian ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th century
Two pieces of bread with food such as cheese, salad, or meat between them
Clay of high quality that is shaped and then heated to make it hard, or objects made from this, such as cups and plates
A coat that does not allow rain through
A piece of wool or cotton clothing that is worn on the upper part of the body and has sleeves but no opening at the front
A waterproof boot that covers the foot and the lower part of the leg, usually reaching almost up to the knee
A man’s hat made from straw and usually worn in hot weather
A sweet cold dish consisting of a meringue with a layer of fruit and cream on top
A piece of clothing usually made from wool that covers the upper part of the body and the arms, fastening at the front with buttons and usually worn over other clothes
A book of maps
A humorous poem with five lines that often begins with “There was…”
Ответ можно сохранять несколько раз

Below you will need to write the required word.

В каждое поле ответа впишите слова без точек, запятых и других лишних знаков. Ответы с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!

Example answer:
Traditional Russian craft – painting on wooden plates, spoons and bowls using red, black and golden colours.

Two pieces of bread with food such as cheese, salad, or meat between them
Clay of high quality that is shaped and then heated to make it hard, or objects made from this, such as cups and plates
A coat that does not allow rain through
A piece of wool or cotton clothing that is worn on the upper part of the body and has sleeves but no opening at the front
A waterproof boot that covers the foot and the lower part of the leg, usually reaching almost up to the knee
A man’s hat made from straw and usually worn in hot weather
A sweet cold dish consisting of a meringue with a layer of fruit and cream on top
A piece of clothing usually made from wool that covers the upper part of the body and the arms, fastening at the front with buttons and usually worn over other clothes
A book of maps
A humorous poem with five lines that often begins with “There was…”

Use of English B2 for all exams

UNIT 1 Section 1 (E)

Examination Practice

A Read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, (1)
______________ what keeps modern economic life functioning. Yet, throughout
history, money, in whatever form, has provided people
(2)________________________ the ability to buy (3)_________________________
sell goods. Thousands of years (4)________________________ , civilisations
(5)_________________________ to rely on the barter system as a way of
exchanging goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for
another. This meant that the two parties involved had to (6)________________________
an agreement as to what they thought their products were worth. Items such (7)________________________
wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as money at one time or
another. It was not until much later that humans came up
(8)________________________ the idea of money in the form of metal coins.
So why (9)________________________ the barter system come to an end? The answer
is simple. Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. Since then,
the use of coins has become widespread. It has made commerce simpler and
has given countries an opportunity (10)________________________ development
by doing business with other countries further afield, which they (11)________________________
never done business with before. In recent years, paper money has become
more common all over the world, as it is easier to use. It (12)________________________
not be long, however, before plastic cards take over completely, replacing coins
and paper money.

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a
sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You
must use between two and five words, including the word given.


We last went abroad a long
time ago.


We______________________ .a
long time.


When did they start living
in the suburbs?


How ______________________ in
the suburbs?


It’s the first time she has
ever had problems with the authorities,


with the authorities before.


When Carl was young, he went
to a holiday camp every summer,


When Carl was young, he____________________________
a holiday camp every summer.


After the earthquake, the
government supplied food and medicine to the homeless,


After the earthquake, the
government____________________________________ food and medicine.


Lucy hasn’t visited me since


last__________________________________________________________in February.


How long has he had this


How long__________________________________________________________this


I haven’t caught a cold for


I last_________ .ages ago.





























have not been abroad for


long have
they been living


has never had trouble


used to go to


provided the homeless with


time Lucy
visited me was


is it since he bought


came down
with a cold

B. Read the text below. Choose from (A—I) the one which best fits each space (8—14). There are two choices you do not need to use.

A the domestic and foreign policy B cultural heritage C to everyone in the country
D a sovereign and independ­ent democratic E freedoms and duties of citizens
F the Fundamental law of Ukraine G independence and territorial integrity
H be elected for more than I the right to the free expression of views and beliefs
On June 28, 1996 the Verkliovna Rada adopted…8…, its Constitution.
The Constitution establishes the coun­try’s political system, assures rights, ……9……., and is the basis for its law.
According to the Constitution Ukraine is ….10…, social, legal state. Ukraine is a republic. The state Ianguage is Ukrainian. The State symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag, the State Emblem and the Statenthem of Ukraine.
The Constitution assures human and civil rights, freedoms and duties. It states that every person has…………11………. every person has freedom of thought and speech. The Constitution guarantees the right to life, personal inviolability. The right of private property is inviolability.
According to the Constitution ……12….is protected by law. No person may damage the environment.
The duty of citizens is to respect the state’s symbols to defend the Mother­land its……..13……..
The Constitution outlines the activities of the Verkhovna Rada Its main func­tion is making laws. The Constitution specifics the power and obligations of the President — the head of the State. The highest body of the executive pow­er is the Cabinet of Ministers. It carries cut ….14……. of the State. The Constitution outlines the activities of the judicial powder too. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles The day of its adoption is a state holiday — the Day of Constitution of Ukraine.

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  • Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space robinson crusoe
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