Read the text below and choose the correct word for each gap

Wimbledon is 1) the most important sporting event of the British summer. Since the first tournament was played in 1877 in front of just 2) a few hundred spectators, the competition has become a global sporting event attended by over half a million people and watched on television by millions. 3) Although the Wimbledon tennis championship has been in existence for just over a century, the sport of tennis has a long history. 4) Most experts agree that the modern game has its origins in a courtyard ball game played by French monks in the 11th century.
It is definitely 5) worth taking part in tennis championships. The Wimbledon champion, Roger 6) Federer’s total prize money has amounted to nearly $17,000,000 since 1998.
7) Despite the fact that Wimbledon has traditionally been dominated by Americans and Europeans, players from many other countries are looking forward 8) to winning the tournament.
Уимблдон является самым важным спортивным событием британского лета. Поскольку первый турнир был проведен в 1877 году перед несколькими сотнями зрителей, конкурс стал глобальным спортивным событием, в котором приняли участие более полумиллиона человек и смотрели по телевизору миллионы. Хотя Уимблдонский теннисный чемпионат существует уже более века, у тенниса долгая история. Большинство экспертов согласны с тем, что современная игра берет свое начало в игре в мяч во дворе французских монахов в 11 веке.
Определенно стоит принять участие в теннисных чемпионатах. Общий призовой фонд Роджера Федерера, чемпиона Уимблдона, составляет почти 17 000 000 долларов США с 1998 года. Несмотря на то, что в Уимблдоне традиционно доминируют американцы и европейцы, игроки из многих других стран с нетерпением ждут победы в турнире.

Ребят помогите пожалуйста ,срочно!!!Дам 28 баллов
2. Read the text below and choose the correct word f
or each gap.
It was a hot summer day and Henry and his wife were
sitting in their garden. «I 1) …
you on a
weekend break next week,» Henry announced as he pour
ed his wife some orange juice. «This
time next Saturday, you and I 2) … lunch in downtow
n New York! I have booked the tickets.
The flight 3) … at 9:30 in the morning and 4) …
at midday. I’m sure we 5) … a taxi to take us to
the hotel with no problem.» «What a lovely surprise!»
replied his wife. «I just hope you 6) …
from Thursday afternoon 7) … we go away.» «Why?» ask
ed Henry. «What 8) … on
Thursday?» «You 9) … to the dentist to have your wisd
om teeth out, my dear,» laughed his
will have taken
will take
’m taking
will be having
will have
are having
will be leaving
will to leave
will to arrive
will have arrived
will find
is going to find
are finding
will have
will be recovering
are recovering
by the time
by then
is happening
is to happen
are going
will have gone
will go

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 
Школьный этап

Выполните лексико-грамматические упражнения 1 и 2. Ниже дана таблица, куда надо впечатать буквы с выбранными ответами. В первом задании выбор из 4 английских букв A,B,C или D, во втором из трех. Результат увидите общий за оба задания. 

Task 1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each gap. 
Great inventions are ideas that can sometimes change the world. The invention of the radio has brought (1) ___ places closer together, and the car has made it possible to (2) ___ a long way. An invention might also be a better way of doing something – for example, a tool (3) ___ make a job easier, or a new farming method. Many inventions, like musical instruments or sports equipment, have made life more comfortable and enjoyable. The range of inventions is enormous.
Not (4)___ good idea leads to immediate (5) ___ , however. (6)___ the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci wrote down his idea for chains (7) ___ were able to drive machines – but the technology to (8) ___ these chains did not (9) ___ then. This shows that a great invention may be unworkable (10) ___ a future development makes it possible.
1. A far B absent C other D distant
2. A reach B travel C transport D arrive
3. A for B with C to D of
4. A every B any C all D each
5. A prize B success C winner D victory
6. A Between B At C During D Since
7. A what B who C which D where
8. A produce B promote C record D put
9. A last B exist C happen D continue
10. A if B while C until D when

Task 2. Read the gapped sentences below (11-15) and choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap.

11. When I go to a theatre, I like ____ smart clothes.
A wear B wearing C am wearing
12. In my country, young people wear ___ jeans.
A a tight B tights C tight
13. My best friend can paint colourful pictures.
A colourful B colour C coloured
14. I first ___ my best friend when I started primary school.
A was meeting B have met C met
15. My new school ___ three years ago.
A built B was built C has been built

заданий для учащихся 7-8 классов


Time: 10

. Listen to the radio interview
about theme parks and choose True or False for sentences 1-5.

Andy Wells has written a guide to theme parks around the
world.                             True       False

2. Cedar Point in Ohio has
life-sized moving dinosaurs.                                                
True       False

3. On a wingcoaster the track is
next to you, not under you.                                            True      

4. At the Islands of Adventure in
Florida you can meet Harry Potter.                              True      

5. The “place to watch” for theme
parks is Japan.                                                            
True      False


. Listen to the radio interview
again and choose the right option to complete sentences 6-10.

6. Magic
Kingdom at Disney World in Florida has

A)  the
largest area          B)  the most rides         C)  the biggest number of

7. Cedar Point in Ohio is introducing

A)  a new
rollercoaster    B) more frightening     C) animatronic dinosaurs

8. Andy thinks a wingcoaster is
___________ than a normal rollercoaster.

A) more
relaxing               B)  more frightening    C)  more exciting

9. Andy thinks the tour of Hogwarts
School is

A) better
for young children      B)  really well done     C)  just a way of selling
magic sweets

10. China will soon have

A)  the
world’s biggest dinosaur tour     B)  the world’s biggest zoo       C) the
world’s tallest Ferris wheel

Transfer your
answers to the answer sheet.


You are
going to read
text about blogger’s memories of the 2012 London Olympics

Posted by Helen Nolan on 10 September,
2012 at 21:25:

It’s all over! I’ve been
writing my blog from London every day during the Olympics and the Paralympics
and this is my final post to look back on a wonderful couple of months. Here
are some of the things that were the most memorable for me:

Opening Ceremony

This set the scene for the
Games with an amazing show featuring music, dancing, historical figures,
fireworks and British humour. A huge number of volunteers practised for months
to make everything perfect. The best moment was when the old lady in Buckingham
Palace turned round and showed that she was neither a lookalike nor an actor
but Her Majesty the Queen. The next best bit was when she jumped out of a
helicopter with James Bond (although I think that actually was an actor!).

Team GB

I was very proud of our team as
we kept on winning medals and finished in third position in the medal table,
which is truly a great result for Great Britain. There were so many incredible
sportsmen and women. The ones that stand out for me are Mo Farah, the
Somalian-born Londoner who won the 10,000 and 5,000 metres with the whole
stadium going crazy, Jessica Ennis, the popular super-athlete from Sheffield
who won the heptathlon, and Nicola Adams who won the first female boxing medal
in Olympic history for Britain.

Olympic Stadium crowd

Although the crowd cheered on
the British, there was lots of support for athletes of other nationalities too
like the wonderful Usain Bolt, from Jamaica, who won the 100 and 200 metres
sprint to become the fastest man alive. There was also Oscar Pistorius of South
Africa who was the first disabled person to compete in the Olympics. He went on
to win two gold medals and a silver in the Paralympics.


I have really enjoyed being
able to watch sports which are not normally shown on television. Before the
Olympics I didn’t expect to love watching judo or find myself screaming at the
television during a game of wheelchair tennis, but I really got into them. I
didn’t know anything about goal ball before the Paralympics but it became one
of my favourite sports.

organisation and the atmosphere

It took seven years
of planning and 70,000 volunteers to make everything go well. Many people have
said that the organization was not as perfect as that of the Beijing Games, but
there was a much better atmosphere which spread out through the whole city. The
volunteers were always friendly and helpful and Londoners even began talking to
each other, and visitors, on the underground trains!

. Match
the sportsperson with their sporting achievements and write A–E next to the
number 1–5

Farah                   A. became the first Brtitish woman to win a boxing
medal in the Olympics.

Ennis              B. became the first disabled person to compete in the

Nicola Adams            C. won a gold medal in the heptathlon.

4……. Usain
Bolt                  D. won gold in the 5,000 and 10,000 metres.

5……. Oscar
Pistorius           E. won both the 100 and 200 metres sprint.

. Read the
text again and choose the write answer to the questions( 6-10 )

6. How
long did the Olympics and Paralympics last?

A. two
months                B. two weeks                  C. seven years

7. What
does the blogger think was the best thing during the opening ceremony?

A. the
British humour                 B. the volunteers            C. the Queen’s

8. How
does the blogger feel about the British athletes’ performance?

disappointed                           B. surprised                    C. proud

9. Which
of these British athletes was born in a foreign country?

A. Jessica
Ennis                       B. Mo Farah                      C. Nicola Adams

10. Which
sport was completely new to the blogger?

wheelchair tennis                B. goalball                         C. judo

Transfer your answers to the ANSWER


Task 1. Read the text below
and choose the correct word for each gap ( 1-10 )

Great inventions are ideas that can sometimes change the
world. The invention of the radio has brought (1) ___ places closer together,
and the car has made it possible to (2) ___ a long way. An invention might also
be a better way of doing something – for example, a tool (3) ___ make a job
easier, or a new farming method. Many inventions, like musical instruments or
sports equipment, have made life more comfortable and enjoyable. The range of
inventions is enormous.

Not (4)___ good idea leads to immediate (5) ___ , however. (6)___ the
15th century, Leonardo da Vinci wrote down his idea for chains (7) ___ were
able to drive machines – but the technology to (8) ___ these chains did not (9)
___ then. This shows that a great invention may be unworkable (10) ___ a future
development makes it possible.

1. A far                       B absent                     C
other                       D distant

2. A reach                   B travel                      C
transport                 D arrive

3. A for                       B with                        C
to                            D of

4. A every                   B any                         C all                           D

5. A prize                    B success                   C
winner                    D victory

6. A Between              B In                           C
During                    D Since

7. A what                    B who                        C
which                     D where

8. A produce               B promote                  C
record                    D put

9. A last                      B exist                        C
happen                   D continue

10. A if                       B while                       C
until                       D when

Match the Russian, American and UK holidays (11-20) in 
column 1 with their dates ( A-J ) in column 2

11  Presidents’ Day

A.   17 March

12   St Patrick’s Day

B.    Third Monday in

13   International
Duties Memorial Day

C.   8  March

14  International
Women`s Day

D.   22  August

15   National Flag Day
in Russia

E.    4  November

16   Navy Day

F.    12  June

17   Russia Day

G.    26 December

18   The USA Independence Day

H.   4 July

19   Boxing Day

I.     15  February

20   Unity Day in Russia

J.     Last Sunday of


You are going to write an
to your school magazine about sports events in your
the format and the style of article writing. In your article you should

—  a title

 — an

— why the
event is interesting for you

 — why
sports events are important for people and society

—  a

150–180 words (the words in the title are not counted).



KEYS ( 7-8)


1.  TRUE

2.  TRUE

3.  TRUE

4.  TRUE


6.  C

7.  A

8.  C

9.  B

10. C


11. D

12. C

13. A

14. E

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. C

19. B

20.  B


1. D

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. I

14. C

15. D

16. J

17. F

18. H

19. G

20. E

Олимпиада по английскому языку. Школьный этап. 7-8 классы


Task 1. Look at the sentences below about the people who have visited Antarctica. Read the text and decide if each sentence is true or false according to the text. If it is true, choose A on your Answer Sheet. If it is false, choose B on your Answer Sheet.

1. Sara Wheeler went to Antarctica to do some scientific research.

A True B False

2. Sara Wheeler was surprised by how few artists have travelled to Antarctica.

A True B False

3. Philip Hughes was one of many artists to have paintings on display at the ‘Antarctica’ exhibition.

A True B False

4. By 1975, Hughes realised that he needed to find other locations for his work.

A True B False

5. Sara Wheeler particularly liked the fact that Antarctica is so different from other places on earth.

A True B False

6. One of Hughes’s paintings brought back happy memories of Antarctica for Sara Wheeler.

A True B False

7. Hughes had to wear gloves whenever he drew a picture outdoors in Antarctica.

A True B False

8. Hughes completed the paintings ‘Christmas Day at Rothera’ outdoors.

A True B False

9. Hughes found it challenging to paint mainly in white.

A True B False

10. Hughes missed having his mobile phone in Antarctica.

A True B False


Journalist Sara Wheeler writes about her meeting with the artist Philip Hughes and the discussion they had about their experiences in Antarctica.

Antarctica has had a powerful effect on both explorers and scientists. In 1994 I discovered why, when I spent seven months there collecting material for a travel book. I have often thought the amazing emptiness of this region would attract the interest of many landscape painters and yet, throughout history, only a small number have actually been there.

In 2003, one of them, the 67-year-old painter Philip Hughes, opened a one-man show in London called simply ‘Antarctica’. Until 1975, Hughes’s paintings were mostly of the South Downs in England, but at this point, Hughes decided he wanted to paint more distant lands. First, he travelled to South America. Then in 2001, he spent five weeks in Antarctica, dividing his time between Rothera, a British research centre on Adelaide Island, and a science camp up on the West Antarctic ice sheet.

Antarctica simply isn’t like anywhere else on this planet and for me this was the best thing about my visit. It is one-and-a-half times bigger than the United States but it is very peaceful. It also never gets dark. When I went to Hughes’s show, we looked at his paintings together. He explained, ‘I was just amazed by the beauty of Antarctica. It didn’t matter that our nearest neighbours were 800 kilometres away.’

The temperatures can be extreme. At my camp they reached -115°C and at times I felt terrible. But back in England, looking at Hughes’s painting ‘Leonie Island at Midnight’, I remembered what Antarctica was like when a storm ended. It was as if the world was new. Then I wondered why I came back. Hughes was there in summer, and the temperatures were around zero. He could draw in these conditions but if it got colder, he needed to wear gloves. The picture ‘Christmas Day at Rothera’ was drawn on paper while Hughes sat on the ice. He didn’t put paint on it until later when he went inside, a common technique with Hughes. Although there are colours in Antarctica, most of the continent is white. ‘The technical difficulty involved in painting there,’ explained Hughes, ‘was working in white. When I used even a little blue and green, I had to work very carefully.’

I asked Hughes why he went to Antarctica. ‘Today, people are controlled by things like mobile phones and email. I had to get away from this. You only become aware of the absence, say, of planes overhead, when there aren’t any. When it’s only you and the natural world, you completely understand its power.’

Task 2. Five people (11-15) all want to buy a book for children. There are descriptions of eight books below (A-H). Decide which book would be the most suitable for these people to buy. You won’t need some of the books. For questions 11-15, write the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.

11. Gina wants a book for her nephew who is interested in nature. He’s always asking questions about the world around him and Gina thinks he’s ready to start learning a few simple facts.

12. Bruno is looking for the book his daughter will enjoy reading and which will also help with a project she is doing at school. She has to describe an important event from the past.

13. Edita’s son loves animals and she would like to buy him a book with beautiful pictures and a strong message about the need to respect the environment.

14. Tony wants to buy a novel for his teenage sister. She likes stories that are true to life and that show people in difficult situations.

15. Lydia is looking for a book about animals for her granddaughter, who cannot read yet. She wants a book with several stories in it, and some attractive pictures.


A I Wonder Why

The wonders of science come alive for children in this delightful book. As well as enjoying the lovely pictures, they will also learn about how plants grow, see how different birds care for their young and discover some interesting information about insects.

B Basic Technology

A love of knowledge begins early with this colourful reference book. Find out interesting facts and learn about important inventions in the last century. If you know a child who asks questions like ‘What make a car go?’, then this is the book for you.

C Painting History

This is a beautiful book showing famous paintings through history. Each painting is described in detail, including simple facts about the people shown in them and their lives. Children are invited to look more closely at the pictures and to try some of techniques themselves.

D The Hunter

In this exciting story, wonderfully illustrated by a famous wildlife artist, Jamina finds a baby elephant whose mother was killed by hunters. Looking for help, she travels back through the African bush and is able to enjoy the nature all around her. Her journey teaches her the importance of doing all we can to save and protect our world.

E Forest tales

This book is a collection of seven well-known animal stories from different cultures around the world. They are particularly suitable for reading aloud and would make good bedtime stories. Each story is about six pages long with bright and colourful pictures on every page.

F Journey to the Past

Lying ill in bed, Lucien knows he is not like other boys. In this imaginative story he finds out just how different he is. He discovers that he has the power to transport his mind through space and time. This amazing novel will appeal to those who read to escape from the real world.

G Time Travellers

This very interesting set of stories shows what life was really like for people at certain points in history – the building of the Eiffel Tower, the sinking of the Titanic, the first moon landing. Written as diaries, these stories are historically accurate.

H Joanna’s Search

Joanna was brought up by her aunt and uncle and has never known her parents. At 14, she decides to try and find the answers to the questions that she has always asked herself – ‘Who am I?’, ‘Where do I come from?’ The novel tells the moving yet funny story of Joanna’s search for her identity.


Task 1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each gap. For questions 1-10 mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.


Great inventions are ideas that can sometimes change the world. The invention of the radio has brought (1) ___ places closer together, and the car has made it possible to (2) ___ a long way. An invention might also be a better way of doing something – for example, a tool (3) ___ make a job easier, or a new farming method. Many inventions, like musical instruments or sports equipment, have made life more comfortable and enjoyable. The range of inventions is enormous.

Not (4)___ good idea leads to immediate (5) ___ , however. (6)___ the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci wrote down his idea for chains (7) ___ were able to drive machines – but the technology to (8) ___ these chains did not (9) ___ then. This shows that a great invention may be unworkable (10) ___ a future development makes it possible.

1. A far B absent C other D distant

2. A reach B travel C transport D arrive

3. A for B with C to D of

4. A every B any C all D each

5. A prize B success C winner D victory

6. A Between B At C During D Since

7. A what B who C which D where

8. A produce B promote C record D put

9. A last B exist C happen D continue

10.A if B while C until D when

Task 2. Read the gapped sentences below (11-15) and choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap. Mark the correct letters on your Answer Sheet.

11. When I go to a theatre, I like ____ smart clothes.

A wear B wearing C am wearing

12. In my country, young people wear ___ jeans.

A a tight B tights C tight

13. My best friend can paint colourful pictures.

A colourful B colour C coloured

14. I first ___ my best friend when I started primary school.

A was meeting B have met C met

15. My new school ___ three years ago.

A built B was built C has been built


Imagine that you are going to watch a good movie in the cinema soon. Write an e-mail letter to your friend and ask her/him to join you. Do not write down the address.

Do not forget to write about:

 the date and the name of the cinema you are going to visit

 why you want to go there and why you have chosen this movie

 the programme of your visit

You should write about 100-120 words.

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  • Read the text and underline the correct word there are
  • Read the text and type in 1 word the first letter is given oscar wilde
  • Read the text and translate the underlined word combinations
  • Read the text and then write the correct from of the word in capitals
  • Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in capitals