Read the text and then write the correct from of the word in capitals

Task 2 (5 points).
Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.
Example: 0 __beautifully__ BEAUTY

We all have some preferences when we choose our friends. For
some people intelligence is not 1.___________ IMPORTANCE
They appreciate things like patience or responsibility. Others are attracted by the 2._______________ of a person or the self-confidence he or she has. APPEAR
Whatever the criteria may be, one thing is for sure. A good relationship will make a 3.__________________ in your life. DIFFERENT
It’ll make you feel better. It’s nice to share your 4.____________
or disappointment with your friend. EXCITE
5.___________________ is one of the best things in the world. FRIEND
ЕСЛИ НУЖНО,ТО ВОТ ПЕРЕВОД:R EAD текста , а затем написать правильную форму слова в БУКВАХ , чтобы завершить пробела.

Пример : 0 __ красиво __ КРАСОТА

У всех нас есть какие-то предпочтения при выборе друзей. За

у некоторых людей интеллект не 1 .___________


Они ценят такие вещи, как терпение и ответственность. Других привлекают 2 ._______________ человека или его уверенность в себе.


Какими бы ни были критерии, одно можно сказать наверняка. Хорошие отношения сделают 3 __________________ в вашей жизни.


От этого тебе станет легче. Приятно поделиться своими 4 .____________

или разочарование в друге.


5 .___________________ — одна из лучших вещей в мире.



Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.

Прочитайте текст и образуйте правильную форму слова, чтобы закончить текст.

The National Maritime Museum is set in the (31)…….

Surroundings of Greenwich park.

1) BEAUTY Within the complex of the museum there is a wide (32)….

Of objects, displays and paintings.

2) VARY The collections relate to the shipping, astronomy and (33)…… The museum tells the story of 3) NAVIGATE figures of great (34)….

To 4) IMPORTANT Britain’s history, such as Lord Nelson and captain James Cook.

Galleries and exhibitions are often updated to bring back into view (35)….

5) DIFFER parts of the huge hidden collections of the museum which is (36)….

All over the country.

6) FAME This visit will be an (37)….



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8 класс


I. Read the texts about the sightseeing of Los
Angeles and for questions
1-5 mark the correct letter (A-F). There is one
extra letter.
(5 баллов)

A Shopping

B Entertainment

C Celebrities

D Places to visit

E Eating out

F Accommodation

Los Angeles is the second largest city in
America. It’s also home to film stars, sunny weather, tall buildings and heavy
traffic. The hotels in LA are more expensive than those in many other American
cities, but they clean and safe.

There are many interesting places that
you can visit, like Venice Beach with its street performers or Universal
Studios to see how they make films. Children can visit the Children’s Museum-
one of the most exciting museums in the world.

There are famous restaurants you can eat
at, like the Buffalo Club, a place packed with celebrities, or Musso and
Frank’s Hollywood’s oldest restaurant. For the most delicious Mexican dishes
eat at the Border Grill.

You can buy cheap fashionable clothes on Melrose Avenue. Do you want designer clothes? Then go to the expensive shops on Rodeo
Drive. A visit there is always unforgettable.

The nightlife is exciting on the
Sunset, an area in Hollywood with famous clubs. There you can enjoy rock ’n
roll music. LA is a modern city with something for everyone. It’s noisy and
crowded, but it’s also fascinating.

II. Read the article about the history of coffee drinking
and circle the correct answer, a, b or c. (6

for Coffee

The story of coffee drinking
is one of the greatest and most fascinating in history. Millions of coffee
drinkers worldwide cannot imagine life without a cup of aromatic coffee in the
morning. Coffee is a natural stimulant which makes us feel more awake and ready
to concentrate.

The qualities of mocca, as coffee was once known, were
first discovered in Ethiopia more than one thousand years ago. However, it was
not Africans but Turks and Arabs who actively encouraged coffee drinking. The
habit of coffee drinking quickly spread throughout the Arab world, where coffee
won a reputation as the wine of Islam.

Coffee was first grown in Yemen.
It was popular with Turks who served the drink to visiting Italian merchants.
In 1615 traders from Venice brought coffee to Europe, where it was originally
sold as a medicine. By the end of the sixteenth century coffee was drunk in
major European cities from Paris to London. Now, around the world there are
different methods of preparing coffee, for example, in Turkey coffee is
traditionally boiled three times while Italians are the inventors of espresso
and cappuccino.

We drink coffee because of
its aroma, taste and stimulating effect. However, extensive consumption of
coffee may be harmful to our health, for instance, it may increase one’s blood
pressure or make one’s heart beat irregularly. Fortunately, new brands of
coffee have been appearing on the market recently. As they do not contain
substances harmful to health, many people will not have to give up their
coffee-drinking habits.

6 Coffee was discovered…

a. in Europe.

b. in Africa.

c. in Asia.

7 Coffee drinking was
popularized by…

a. the

b. the

c. the Turks.

8 Coffee was first

a. in

b. in

c. in Yemen.

9 In Europe, coffee was popular as…

a. a

b. the
wine of Islam.

c. a natural stimulant.

By the end of the sixteenth century people drank coffee…

a. in
northern Europe.

b. in
the most important European cities.

c. in Paris and London

New brands of coffee…

a. are
as harmful as the original mocca.

b. are
less harmful than regular coffee.

c. may
influence our concentration ability.

USE OF ENGLISH (26 баллов)

Task 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form.


Spy 007 (1. to begin)
working for British Secret Service in 1953 when Ian Fleming first (2. to
about him in Casino Royale. Fleming (3. to be) now
dead, but the spy still (4. to live) on. The first film (5. to be)
Dr N0 in 1962 and since then he (6. to appear) in over twenty
films. The Cold War (7. to finish) and Bond’s enemies (8. not to be)
the Russians now, but there (9. to be) still plenty of bad people out
there! Columbia, the film’s producer, recently (10. to finish) filming
his latest adventures.


Choose the right variant and fill
in the blanks. (7

People started travelling many centuries ago. At first
human tribes travelled from place to place in (11) _______ for food and
better habitat. At that time people travelled only (12) _______ foot.
These people (13) _______ from one place to another instead of setting
in one place. They were called Nomads. Later they (14) _______ to make
boats, ferries and canoes and used them to go down the rivers across lakes or
even seas. Nomads travelled (15) _______ horsebacks, together with their
animals (deer, sheep, horses). (16) _______centuries ago, some of the
Nomads began to plant corn and vegetables. We know that among these were (17)
_______ American Indians.

11 a) look b) search c) find

12 a) by b) at

13 a) drove b)
moved c) rode

14 a) learned
b) studied c) taught

15 a) by b) at
c) on

16 a) many b)
much c) more

17 a) north b)
North c) Northern

Task 3. Read the
text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete

the gaps. (9 баллов)

in the USA

There are many holidays in the USA.

(18)_____ people like holidays very much. AMERICA

The word “holiday” for them is a synonym

to “(19) _______”. One of the most popular CELEBRATE

holidays in the USA is the (20) _______ Day.

It is widely celebrated all over the country.

In big cities you can see (21) ____________ INTEREST


Many (22)_______ come to watch the parade TOUR

In Seattle, Washington. Different (23) ______ ORGANIZE

take part in it. The fire brigades in full dress,

with polished fire engines (24) _______ open USUAL

the parade. Then there are marching bands

from the local schools and universities

playing (25) ________ music. In the evening, PATRIOT

people like to watch (26)________ fireworks. WONDER

WRITING (6 баллов)

When you were on your summer
holiday in Spain you made friends with a girl from Australia.

Write a letter to your pen
friend in Great Britain describing the personality and the appearance of your
new friend as well as how you spent time together. (
You should write 120


      Итого баллов:

Подписи членов жюри:


READING                                           II. GRAMMAR IN USE


Всероссийская  олимпиада  школьников. Школьный этап. 2014-2015 уч.год

Английский язык. Задания для участника 7-8 классы

Время  выполнения– 60 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 43 балла

                 LISTENING -10 балов


Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Emma took her exams yesterday.
  2. Emma’s mother lives in Oxford.
  3. Her parents do not live together.
  4. Emma has got a brother and a sister.
  5. Her brother is twelve years younger than Emma.
  6. Emma’s brother likes to play football.
  7. He doesn’t go to school yet.
  8. Emma’s father lives in Edinburgh.
  9. They often spend holidays together with their father.
  10. Emma is fond of pop music.

READING- 6 баллов

Read the article about the history of coffee drinking and circle the correct answer, a, b or c.

Time for coffee

The story of coffee drinking is one of the greatest and most fascinating in history. Millions of coffee drinkers worldwide cannot imagine life without a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning. Coffee is a natural stimulant which makes us feel more awake, alert and ready to concentrate.

The qualities of mocca, as coffee was once known, were first discovered in Ethiopia more than one thousand years ago. However, it was not Africans but Turks and Arabs who actively encouraged coffee drinking. The habit of coffee drinking quickly spread throughout the Arab world, where coffee won a reputation as the wine of Islam.

Coffee was first grown in Yemen. It was popular with Turks who served the drink to visiting Italian merchants. In 1615 traders from Venice brought coffee to Europe, where it was originally sold as a medicine. By the end of the sixteenth century coffee was drunk in major European cities from Paris to London. Now, around the world there are different methods of preparing coffee, for example, in Turkey coffee is traditionally boiled three times while Italians are the inventors of espresso and cappuccino.

We drink coffee because of its aroma, taste and stimulating effect. However, extensive consumption of coffee may be harmful to our health, for instance, it may increase one’s blood pressure or make one’s heart beat irregularly. Fortunately, new brands of coffee have been appearing on the market recently. As they do not contain substances harmful to health, many people will not have to give up their coffee-drinking habits.

1 Coffee was discovered

a in Europe.

b in Africa.

c in Asia.

2 Coffee drinking was  popularized  by

a the Ethiopians.

b the Italians.

c the Turks.

3 Coffee was first grown

a in Italy.

b in Turkey.

c in Yemen.

4 In Europe, coffee was popular as

a a medicine.

b the wine of Islam.

c a natural stimulant.

5 By the end of the sixteenth century people drank coffee

a in northern Europe.

b in the most important European cities.

c in Paris and London only.

6 New brands of coffee

a are as harmful as the original mocca.

b are less harmful than regular coffee.

c may influence our concentration ability.

USE OF ENGLISH -14 баллов

Task 1  

Choose the right variant

1.  I __________ 50 years old in 2030.

A is                 B am                 C will be         D am being

2 There aren’t __________ students in the class today.

A much         B some         C many         D none

3 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ green apples please?

A a few         B less                 C a bit                 D a little

4 Sorry, we have __________ green apples.

A no                 B none         C any                 D nothing

5 Sorry, I __________ here on Thursday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is                 B ’m                C ’ll be         D won’t be

6 __________ my brothers live in the U.S.A.

A Neither         B Both         C Any                 D None

7 When it rains we __________ inside.

A go                 B went         C are going           D goes

8 What __________ you do if there is a blackout?

A shall         B will                 C are                   D have

9 If you throw a stone into the water, it __________.

A sinks         B sank         C sunk                 D is sinking

Task 2    

Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.

Example: 0 __beautifully__ 


I have a Dutch friend who speaks English (0)… . I have                                        BEAUTY 

always wondered how the Dutch manage to learn languages so (1) … .               SUCCESS

The Dutch, like the Germans, often speak English (2) …                                      WELL 

than some native speakers or at least they seem

to speak the language more  (3) …                                                                        CORRECT

than some English people. If you want to speak English  (4) …                          FLUENCY

with a reasonable accent, you should listen to tapes as  frequently as possible.

There are no magic solutions but you  (5) …                                                         SIMPLICITY

have to work hard at the new language.

WRITING -13 баллов

Write a description of a sports event you have seen recently. Look at the options below and choose one event. Divide your text into paragraphs.


a  football match         a car race          a swimming competition            a dance tournament


  • where the event took place;
  • who took part in it and how they looked;
  • when it started;
  • who went with you to see it;
  • how you liked the event;
  • what you did at the event;
  • when and how the event finished;
  • how you got home.

Useful  linking  words:  before, after, when, as soon as, later, firstly, while, after that, suddenly, next, then, finally, in the end.          

 Write about 90-100 words

При оценке Вашего письменного  сообщения будут учитываться следующие критерии:

решение коммуникативной задачи, наличие ответов на все поставленные в задании вопросы, использование  не менее 4-х  предложенных слов-связок (максимум 4 балла);

-организация текста,  последовательность изложения (максимум 2 балла);

-правильное лексическое оформление письменной  речи (максимум 2 балла);

-правильное использование грамматики (максимум 3 балла);

-соблюдение правил орфографии (максимум 2 балла).



Общее количество баллов_____________

LISTENING-10 баллов











READING-6 баллов







USE OF ENGLISH-14 баллов

Task 1                         Task 2                                                                    















WRITING- 13 баллов

Write about 90-100 words


Общее количество слов_______________________

Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. Прочитайте текст и образуйте правильную форму слова, чтобы закончить текст.
The National Maritime Museum
is set in the (31)…….surroundings of Greenwich park. 1) BEAUTY
Within the complex of the museum there is a wide
(32)…..of objects, displays and paintings. 2) VARY
The collections relate to the shipping,
astronomy and (33)…… The museum tells the story of 3) NAVIGATE
figures of great (34)… 4) IMPORTANT
Britain’s history, such as Lord Nelson and
captain James Cook. Galleries and exhibitions are
often updated to bring back into view (35)…. 5) DIFFER
parts of the huge hidden collections of the
museum which is (36)….. all over the country. 6) FAME
This visit will be an (37)….. experience. 7) FORGET

Ответ оставил Гость

31 beautiful
32 variety
33 navigation
34 importance
35 different
36 famous
37 unforgettable

38 Well be having lunch, when the father returns (comes back) from work.
39 I suddenly remembered that I had left my keys at home.
40 He said that he knew three foreign languages.
41 This book is much spoken about.
42 What film are you talking about?
43 If the weather doesnt change, well stay in Kaliningrad.

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  • Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in capitals
  • Read the text and look carefully at each line if a line has a word
  • Read the text and find the following words and word combinations
  • Read the text and find out the english equivalents of the following word combinations
  • Read the text and fill the gaps with the correct form of the word