Read the text and find out the english equivalents of the following word combinations

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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53 Прочтите тексты и найдите английские эквиваленты следующих комбинаций слов:

прямой ответ

средства коммуникации находиться на связи

бродить по Интернету

с другой стороны

становиться зависимым

делиться информацией

быть разборчивым

виртуальный мир

язык жестов (тела)


Прямой ответ — direct answer

Средства коммуникации — means of communication

Находиться на связи — keep in touch

Бродить по Интернету — search in the Internet

С другой стороны — on the other hand

Становиться зависимым — become independent

Делиться информацией — share information

Быть разборчивым — be selective

Виртуальный мир — virtual world

Язык жестов (тела) — body language

53 Read the texts and find out the English equivalents of the following word combinations:
прямой ответ
средства коммуникации находиться на связи
бродить по Интернету
с другой стороны
становиться зависимым
делиться информацией
быть разборчивым
виртуальный мир
язык жестов (тела)

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 8 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Решебник ГДЗ Enjoy English», которая была написана автором/авторами: Биболетова. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

Task-1 Read the text. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
Кондитерская; бакалейно-гастрономический магазин; мясной магазин; крупы; мука; домашняя птица; огурцы; свекла; капуста; большой выбор мяса; магазин с самообслуживанием; прилавок; продавец; покупатель.

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery.
In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.
Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.
The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change

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Главная » Английский язык » Fain the text and read out english equivalents of these words and word combinations 1) жить в условиях города 2) решать проблемы окружающей среды 3) угрожать жизни людей, подвергать жизнь людей опасности 4) загрязнение водной среды 5) загрязнение

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста выполнить задания с помощью текста
текст :
The United States of America
The United States of America covers the central part of North Amer­ ica. Besides, Alaska and Hawaii belong to the USA. Its territory is about 9,328,000 square kilometers. The population of the United States
is about 265 million people. The climate
is different from state to state
due to the large size of the country. It is
mostly temperate, but tropical
in Hawaii and Florida, and arctic in Alaska.

The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlan­
tic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the
east. It borders on Canada in
the north and on Mexico in the south. The most important rivers in the USA are the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Ohio, and the Hudson River. The main mountain chains are the Cordillera in the west and the
Appalachian Mountains in the east. Between these two mountain chains
the central lowlands, called the prairie. To the
north of
the country,
the border with Canada, the Great Lakes are situated. They include
Lake Superior, the Lake Ontario, the Lake
Eire, the
Lake Huron
and the Lake Michigan. Natural resources include nickel, lead, silver, petroleum, natural gas, iron and others.
Present-dayAmerican history began in 1607, when colonizers estab­ lished the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. Further on during the 17th century the settlers from Europe came to the new lands. They struggled Native Americans and drove them away from rich land to reservations. At first thirteen British colonies were established on the eastern coast. In 1775 the colonies began their strug­ gle for independence and succeeded in 1783. This was how the United States came into being.
In 1861 the Civil War broke out. It is usually referred to as the war between the South and the North. Its aim was to give freedom to black slaves who previously could be bought or sold. Slavery was abolished in 1865, but the discrimination of the black population remained until the 1960s. The influence of the USA was growing during the 19th—20thcenturies until by the beginning of the 21st century it became the lead­ ing power. It dominates the economy and political life of the world.
The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises fifty states, including Alaska and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia, where the capital of the country is situated. The largest state is Alaska, and the smallest is Rhode Island. Each state has its own legislature. Head of State is the President. Washington, DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country, the seat of the government. The President is elected every four years.
1) Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:
занимает центральную часть; отличается … из-за;умеренный; граничит с … ; основные горные цепи; называемые; современная история; поселенцы; начали борьбу за независимость; рабство было отменено; законодательство
2)Complete the following sentences:
1.The USA covers … .
2.The territory of the USA is … .
3.The population of the USA is … .
4.The climate in the United States … due to the large size of the
5. The USA is washed by … .
6.The main mountain chains are … .
7.The Great Lakes are situated … .
8.Present-dayAmerican history began in … .
9.The Civil War broke out in … .
10.The largest state is … .
11.Head of State is … .
12.The capital of the country is … .
3)26. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form.
1.The seas (surround) Great Britain are not deep.
2.The USA (surround) by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
3.Many rivers in the USA (connect) by the canals.
4.The road (connect) these cities is very important.
5.The USA has a highly (develop) industry.

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