Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations 8 класс

Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations.

a) comes from the Greek

b) red, blue and green

c) important international sports event

d) Winter Olympic Games

e) are always colourful

f) Paralympic flag has

The Paralympic Games

The Paralympic Games are an (
1) …, where athletes with a physical disability compete. There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games. They follow the Summer and (2) … .

The Paralympics began in
1948. They didn’t have this name then. That year the first sports event for disabled athletes took place. A small group of the British World War veterans competed with each other. In 1952 some Dutch veterans joined in the competitions. In 1960 in Rome 400 disabled athletes took part in the

Summer Paralympic Games. In the Paralympic Games in Sochi the number of athletes was
555 from 45 countries.

The word Paralympic (
3) … word para which means “similar”. The (4) … the Paralympic symbol on it. There are three colours (5) … . These are the colours we can find on the flags of different nations. The opening and the closing ceremonies (6) … .
Задание рисунок 1

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 10. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Прочтите текст и дополните его следующими словосочетаниями.

происходит от греческого

красный, синий и зеленый

важное международное спортивное событие

Зимние Олимпийские игры

всегда красочны

Паралимпийский флаг имеет
Паралимпийские игры
Паралимпийские игры − это (1) …, где соревнуются спортсмены с ограниченными физическими возможностями. Есть Зимние и Летние Паралимпийские игры. Они следуют за Летними и (2) … .
Паралимпийские игры начались в 1948 году. Тогда у них не было такого названия. В этом году состоялось первое спортивное мероприятие для спортсменов−инвалидов. Небольшая группа британских ветеранов мировой войны соревновалась между собой. В 1952 году к соревнованиям присоединились голландские ветераны. В 1960 году в Риме 400 атлетов−инвалидов приняли участие в соревнованиях.
Летние Паралимпийские игры. На Паралимпийских играх в Сочи приняли участие 555 спортсменов из 45 стран.
Слово Паралимпийский (3) … слово пара, что означает «похожий». (4) … Паралимпийский символ на нем. Там есть три цвета (5) … . Это цвета, которые мы можем встретить на флагах разных стран. Церемонии открытия и закрытия (6) … .

1 − c, 2 − d, 3 − a, 4 − f, 5 − b, 6 − e.
The Paralympic Games

The Paralympic Games are an (
1) important international sports event, where athletes with a physical disability compete. There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games. They follow the Summer and (2) Winter Olympic Games.

The Paralympics began in
1948. They didn’t have this name then. That year the first sports event for disabled athletes took place. A small group of the British World War veterans competed with each other. In 1952 some Dutch veterans joined in the competitions. In 1960 in Rome 400 disabled athletes took part in the

Summer Paralympic Games. In the Paralympic Games in Sochi the number of athletes was
555 from 45 countries.

The word Paralympic (
3) comes from the Greek word para which means “similar”. The (4) Paralympic flag has the Paralympic symbol on it. There are three colours (5) red, blue and green. These are the colours we can find on the flags of different nations. The opening and the closing ceremonies (6) are always colourful.

Перевод ответа
Паралимпийские игры
Паралимпийские игры − это (1) важное международное спортивное мероприятие, в котором соревнуются спортсмены с ограниченными физическими возможностями. Есть Зимние и Летние Паралимпийские игры. Они следуют за Летними и (2) Зимними Олимпийскими играми.
Паралимпийские игры начались в 1948 году. Тогда у них не было такого названия. В этом году состоялось первое спортивное мероприятие для спортсменов−инвалидов. Небольшая группа британских ветеранов мировой войны соревновалась между собой. В 1952 году к соревнованиям присоединились голландские ветераны. В 1960 году в Риме 400 атлетов−инвалидов приняли участие в соревнованиях.
Летние Паралимпийские игры. На Паралимпийских играх в Сочи приняли участие 555 спортсменов из 45 стран.
Слово Паралимпийский (3) происходит от греческого слова пара, что означает «похожий». (4) Паралимпийский флаг имеет паралимпийский символ. Там есть три цвета (5) красный, синий и зеленый. Это цвета, которые мы можем встретить на флагах разных стран. Церемонии открытия и закрытия (6) всегда красочны.

ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова — Rainbow English — Учебник. Часть 1Unit 1 – Step 10 – 2

  • Учебник. Часть 1
  • Unit 1
  • Step 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Учебник. Часть 1»

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations.
Прочтите текст и дополните его следующими словосочетаниями.
a) comes from the Greek
происходит от греческого
b) red, blue and green
красный, синий и зеленый
c) important international sports event
важное международное спортивное событие
d) Winter Olympic Games
Зимние Олимпийские игры
e) are always colourful
всегда красочны
f) Paralympic flag has
Паралимпийский флаг имеет

Назад к содержанию

Ответ на Unit 1, Step 10, Номер 2 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 1, Step 10, Номер 2 по учебнику Английский язык. 8 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)


2 Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations.
a) comes from the Greek
b) red, blue and green
c) important international sports event
d) Winter Olympic Games
e) are always colourful
f) Paralympic flag has

The Paralympic Games
The Paralympic Games are an (1) important international sports event, where athletes with a physical disability compete. There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games. They follow the Summer and (2) Winter Olympic Games. The Paralympics began in 1948. They didn’t have this name then. That year the first sports event for disabled athletes took place. A small group of the British World War veterans competed with each other. In 1952 some Dutch veterans joined in the competitions. In I960 in Rome 400 disabled athletes took part in the Summer Paralympic Games. In the year 2005 there were already 3,900 sportsmen from 146 countries. In the Paralympic Games in Sochi the number of athletes was 555 from 45 countries. The word Paralympic (3) comes from the Greek word para which means “similar”. The (4) Paralympic flag has the Paralympic symbol on it. There are three colours (5) red, blue and green. These are the colours we can find on the flags of different nations. The opening and the closing ceremonies (6) are always colourful.

Решение 1

Подробное решение


Белый фонпереписывать в тетрадь

Цветной фонтеория и пояснения

Фото подробного решения: Unit 1, Step 10, Номер 2 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

Популярные решебники

Ваше сообщение отправлено
и скоро будет рассмотрено

Контрольная работа

Вариант 1.

1.      Read the text and
complete it with the following word combinations.

            a) comes from the Icelandic

            b) snowy winters

            c) you think that ski races

            d) could ski very well

            e) is a modern sport

            f) hunting to forests or mountains

Did Skiing Begin

You may think the
skiing 1)_________ , but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling
that man    knows. The word itself  2)________word which means “snowshoe”, or
“piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age,
and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)_________ and made
skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900
years old that shows a ski runner.

Skiing as a sport
began in Norway. This northern country always had  4)________and there was much
snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get
about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)_______, they used skis when
they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ________
are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know
that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

2.      Choose the right
words to complete the sentences.

1)There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew).
2) Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily. 3) If you are not
trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful). 4) When Jim saw
Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless). 5) The pupils
ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn.

3.   Circle the right variant to complete the sentences.

When we lived in a sports camp we (used to swim/had swum) a lot.

He said he had worn a different (sport/sports) suit before.

Their team joined (—/in) the competition a bit

John has been (doing/going) sports for ten years.

When we returned, they (disappeared/had disappeared).

Willy (had/had had) lunch when I came into the dining room.

I (knew/had known) everything before she (called/had called) me.

8.       The
soup was tasteless and Jack (was still eating/had already eaten) it when Rose
ran into the kitchen.

4.    Complete the
sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect

1)When I (come)
into the kitchen and (want) to help my sister she already (wash) the dishes.

2) When I (come) to the airport Sarah already (take) a
taxi. 3) After Mary (win) the race, she (become) famous. 4) Bill said he (have)
an advantage over his opponent as he (train) a lot.

Вариант 2.

1.      Read the text and
complete it with the following word combinations.

            a) comes from the Icelandic

            b) snowy winters

            c) you think that ski races

            d) could ski very well

            e) is a modern sport

            f) hunting to forests or mountains

Did Skiing Begin

You may think the
skiing 1)_________ , but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling
that man    knows. The word itself  2)________word which means “snowshoe”, or
“piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age,
and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)_________ and made
skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900
years old that shows a ski runner.

Skiing as a sport
began in Norway. This northern country always had  4)________and there was much
snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get
about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)_______, they used skis when
they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ________
are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know
that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

2.      Choose the right
words to complete the sentences.

1) There are great (climatic/climate)
changes in this region. 2) Your answer is not quite full Peter. (What
else/where else) can you add to it. 3) The students lost their way in the
forest but fortunately they ended  (up/in) at the camp. 4) Mark was
(excited/exciting) about going abroad. 5) To know three foreign languages is a
great (advantage/disadvantage).

3.    Circle the right variant to complete the sentences.

1. The
new office (team/crew) has been working successfully.

2. The
ancient Olympics had only one competition
— a running (race/sport).

3. I had
done my flat (at/by) 5 o’clock.

4. The
game ended (in/with) a draw.

5. By
the time we (arrived/had arrived), our friends (did/had done) all the job.

6. The
Robinsons (drove/had driven) home by bed time.

7. The
teenagers (washed/had washed) their bikes by the time their class (began/had

8. At 3
o’clock yesterday Kelly (was doing/had done) her shopping.

4.    Complete the
sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect

1) When I (see) Andrew yesterday, he already (return)
the day before. 2) The match (end) in a draw by 9 p.m. 3) Susan (fell)
discomfort on the plane because she (not fly) before. 4) The Smiths (build) a
new cottage by the end of summer.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

(учебник Афанасьевой О.В. “Rainbow English”)  Unit 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

I. Listening

1. Listen and complete the sentences

            1) Basketball ….

            a) is an old traditional game

            b) is an old Indian game

            c) is an old game that appeared thanks to one person

            2) The “father” of the game was ….

            a) Canadian   b) British  c) American

            3) Naismith was ….

            a) a school teacher  b) a student  c) a trainer

            4) The new game of basketball appeared in ….

            a) 1981  b) 1891  c) 1819

            5) For basketball rules Naismith used the rules of ….

            a) football

            b) a traditional Indian game

            c) both football and Indian game

II. Reading

2. Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations.

            a) comes from the Icelandic

            b) snowy winters

            c) you think that ski races

            d) could ski very well

            e) is a modern sport

            f) hunting to forests or mountains

How Did Skiing Begin?

You may think the skiing 1)_________, but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling that man    knows. The word itself  2)________word which means “snowshoe”, or “piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age, and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)_________ and made skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900 years old that shows a ski runner.

Skiing as a sport began in Norway. This northern country always had  4)________and there was much snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)_______, they used skis when they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ________ are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

III. Use of English

3. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1)There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew). 2) Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily. 3) If you are not trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful). 4) When Jim saw Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless). 5) The pupils ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn. 6) There are great (climatic/climate) changes in this region. 7) Your answer is not quite full Peter. (What else/where else) can you add to it. 8) The students lost their way in the forest but fortunately they ended  (up/in) at the camp. 9) Mark was (excited/exciting) about going abroad. 10) To know three foreign languages is a great (advantage/disadvantage).

4. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect

1)When I (come) into the kitchen and (want) to help my sister she already (wash) the dishes.

2) When I (come) to the airport Sarah already (take) a taxi. 3) After Mary (win) the race, she (become) famous. 4) Bill said he (have) an advantage over his opponent as he (train) a lot. 5) When I (see) Andrew yesterday, he already (return) the day before. 6) The match (end) in a draw by 9 p.m. 7) Susan (fell) discomfort on the plane because she (not fly) before. 8) The Smiths (build) a new cottage by the end of summer.

IV. Writing

5. Write these in English.

1)Кричать (звать) на помощь; 2) что-нибудь еще; 3) спортивное оборудование; 4) выиграть приз; 5) улыбаться кому-либо; 6) конец месяца; 7) иметь преимущество; 8) благородная профессия; 9) человек чести; 10) война и мир;

V. Speaking

6. Speak about sport in your life. You can mention:

  • the sports you like;
  • the sports you did or are doing
  • what you prefer to do in different seasons;
  • sport in your school;
  • why is sport important to you.

Аудиозапись 18 к упражнению 1

Basketball is one of the most popular games in the world and especially in the United States of America where it first appeared. Millions of spectators watch every important national and international game in this country.

It may be interesting to know that basketball didn’t develop slowly over the centuries as some old traditional games did. We can say for sure where and when it appeared.

The man who first thought of this game and who made up its rules lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. He taught physical education at the Springfield training school. He was a Canadian, his name was Naismith. Once in the year 1891, Mr Naismith decided to make his lessons more interesting for his students and he thought that they needed a new indoor game. For this new game he used the rules of an old Indian game together with the rules of British football.

When the teacher first asked his students to play the new game, he put on the walls two old wooden baskets. To score a goal a player had to get the ball into the basket. That’s why Naismith gave the new game the name of basketball.

Nowadays practically every nation of the world plays basketball. They often say that it is an international game.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе по 1 разделу «Sport and outdoor activities»»

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