Read the text and choose the correct word 3 класс

Read the text and choose the right words.
by Dylan

My hero is Shrek. He is very funny. He’s got a
1) big / small head and 2) brown / blue eyes. Look at his ears! They’re very long! Shrek has got 3) big / small hands and feet, too. He’s fantastic!
Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык STARLIGHT 3 класс (часть 1) Баранова. MODULE 3. Lesson 5. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Прочтите текст и выберите нужные слова.
автор: Дилан
Мой герой − Шрек. Он очень смешной. У него 1) большая / маленькая голова и 2) карие / голубые глаза. Посмотри на его уши! Они очень длинные! У Шрека еще 3) большие / маленькие руки и ноги. Он фантастический!

by Dylan

My hero is Shrek. He is very funny. He’s got a
1) big / small head and 2) brown / blue eyes. Look at his ears! They’re very long! Shrek has got 3) big / small hands and feet, too. He’s fantastic!

Перевод ответа
автор: Дилан
Мой герой − Шрек. Он очень смешной. У него 1) большая / маленькая голова и 2) карие / голубые глаза. Посмотри на его уши! Они очень длинные! У Шрека еще 3) большие / маленькие руки и ноги. Он фантастический!

Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
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Здравствуйте , помогите пожалуйста сделать данное задание по английскому языку, умоляю вас пожалуйста и заранее я вам очень сильно благодарен!!! На завтра
нужно и надо!!!
Task 1
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.For each question.
1-10 , mark the correct letter A, B,C or D.
When the Spanish explorer Cortez 0-A- Mexico in the sixteenth century , he found the people there using a drink they __1__ chocolate.It tasted quite strong __2__ it had pepper in it.To __ 3__ it taste better , the Spanish added sugar to it.When chocolate first came to Europe in the seventeenth century , people started to drink it with milk , __4__ of water.Nowadays , tonnes of chocolate and cacao are __5__ to factories , where they are turned __6__ many popular sweets and cakes.
__7__ chocolate and cacao come from the fruit of cacao tree.Cacao trees __8__ only be grown in hot countries , as they need a warm climate.Cacao is an American plant , __9__ still grows wild in the northern part of South America.Countries in Central and South America were the first to grow it , but today Africa __10__ the world with the most of chocolate.
Choose one letter A,B,C or D
Example 0 A.reached , B.arrived , , D.went.
1. A.announced , B.told , C.called , D.declared.
2. A.while , B.because , , D.whether.
3. A.let , B.cause , C.allow , D.make.
4.A.apart , B.except , C.rather . D.instead.
5. A.delivered , B.directed , C.prepared , D.produced.
6. A.down , B.into , , D.over.
7. A.Both , B.Every , C.Either , D.Each.
8. A.ought , B.can . C.have , D.might.
9. A.what , B.which , C.who , D.whose.
10. A.brings , B.fetches , ,

Ответ оставил Гость

1.C +
2.B +
3.D +
4.D +
5.A +
6.B +
7.D — скорее всего ( мечусь между D и B )
8.D или A, тут по смыслу практически равноправно
9.B +
10.C +

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Read the text below and choose the correct word (1-10) for each space.
School’s Conservation Club
Over the last five years, more and more students from the school have been taking part
environmental projects, such as tree planting and improving the
… more that
school grounds. But, no matter how much we do, there’s 1) ……………..
can be done to improve the place 2)
……………. we live.
This year students from the Conservation Club plan to work with local people to make a
garden near the school. As Paula, a sixth-year student, says: ‘No-one
wants to live in an unattractive 4).
these areas 5)
If we work together, we can turn
……….. time in.’
This kind of local action is not just about the 7).
to know 8)…..
……….. It also helps people get
neighbours, and it can help build stronger communities. If
******* ………
you care about the state of your town, and you are interested in taking part in the project,
please don’t 9)
to contact the school for further 10).
0 A at
1 A always
2 A what
3 A company
4 A area
5 A in
6 A giving
8 Aits
9 A hesitate
10 A lists
A environment
spaces that we can enjoy 6).
B in
B forever
B which
B society
B part
B spending
B conditions
B her
B debate
B items
C where
C field
C to
C paying
C wobble
C facts
D over
D ever
D who
D colony
D portion
D up
D making
D climate
D their
D linger
D details

School life
Some aspects of school life date back to the nineteenth century. One example is the school assembly, a meeting of the whole school every morning before classes. Another is school uniform, which is still very common — about 1) 50 percent of pupils in England wear school uniform.
The school day in both primary and secondary schools is fixed — the first lesson begins at 9.15 a.m. and classes end at 2) 3.30 p.m. every day. Classes on Saturdays are very unusual.
Compared with many countries, pupils in Britain specialise quite early. Pupils study many subjects until the age of fourteen, but then they usually study only three subjects during the last 3) two years of school.
Sport is an important part of school life. P.E. is compulsory. Typically boys play football or rugby in winter and cricket in spring; and girls usually do aerobics or play 4) netball.
Britain was one of the last countries to use corporal punishment in schools (it only became illegal in 1985). Nowadays teachers can punish their students with lines or detention, which means that students have to 5) stay after school.
Школьная жизнь
Некоторые аспекты школьной жизни относятся к девятнадцатому веку. Одним из примеров является сбор школы, собрание всей школы каждое утро перед занятиями. Другим примером является школьная форма, которая до сих пор очень распространена — 50 процентов учащихся в Англии носят школьную форму.
Учебный день в начальных и средних школах является фиксированным — первый урок начинается в 9.15 утра и заканчиваются в 3.30 каждый день. Занятия по субботам очень необычны.
По сравнению со многими странами, ученики в Великобритании специализируются довольно рано. Ученики изучают много предметов в возрасте до четырнадцати лет, но потом они обычно изучают только три предмета в течение последних двух школьных лет.
Спорт является важной частью школьной жизни. Физкультура является обязательным предметом. Как правило, мальчики играют в футбол или регби в зимний период и в крикет весной; а девочки, как правило, занимаются аэробикой или играют в нетбол.
Великобритания была одной из последних стран в области использования телесных наказаний в школах (это стало незаконным только в 1985 году). В настоящее время учителя могут наказывать своих студентов с помощью письменного наказания (строки – пишут одно предложение по 50-100 раз) или задержания, это значит, что студенты должны остаться после школы.

Read the text and choose the correct words

Local boy to climb Everest
Nathan Short is a sixth-form student at Pittville Community School, here in Cheltenham. But by August next year, Nathan (1)will have left / will be leaving school far behind him. He (2) won’t have hung / won’t be hanging out with his friends in town next summer either − he (3)will be camping / camps in a tent 5,000 metres up Mount Everest! By then, his body (4)will have got / will get used to the freezing temperatures and high altitude, and his team (5)waits / will be waiting for the right time to start climbing to the top of the mountain. If everything (6)goes / will have gone well, Nathan and five friends (7)are then / will then try to reach the top of Mount Everest.
‘The weather changes all the time on Everest,’ Nathan told us, ‘so a lot depends on the weather. We (8)may / will have to wait for weeks before we can climb to the top, or we (9)could start / will have started climbing in July − we just don’t know. But I’m (10)doubt / fairly sure that by the end of August we (11)will have reached / will be reaching the top of the mountain − or failed.’ One thing is certain: everyone in Cheltenham (12)may follow / will be following his trip closely.

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