Нужно ответить на вопросы, помогите пожалуйста) TEXT 3. POLICE AROUND THE WORLD In many countries, particularly those with a federal system of government, there may be several police organizations, each serving different levels of government and enforcing different parts of the applicable law. The United States has a highly decentralized and fragmented system of law enforcement, with over 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies. Other countries, such as Chile, Israel, and Austria, use a centralized system of policing. Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization, with 186 member countries. Created in 1923, it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime Interpol aims to facilitate international police co-operation even where diplomatic relations do not exist between particular countries. Action is taken within the limits of existing laws in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Interpol’s constitution prohibits ‘any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.’ Interpol has signed co-operation agreements with the United Nations. Interpol seeks to forge ties with all international bodies, governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations whose mission to fight crime and protect the public’s safety. These collaborations occur formally, through the signing of co-operation agreements and adoption of international conventions, and more informally, through Interpol’s participation in international symposia, conferences and working groups, and vice versa. Most countries are members of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), established to detect and fight trans-national crime and provide for international co-operation and co-ordination of other police activities. Interpol does not conduct investigations nor arrests by itself, but only serves as a central point for information on crime, suspects and criminals. A police officer has one of the most important jobs in the world: to serve and protect the people. While they are fighting crime and handling emergencies they probably come across many English speakers. Some may commit crimes, while others may be victims of crime. In both cases, they need to ask and answer questions in English. Their job may also require them to speak to English witnesses. Time can be a key factor in solving a 9 crime or saving a life. They cannot always wait for an interpreter. They should learn vocabulary and phrases that will be useful when they encounter English speakers. Read the text and answer the questions: 1. What is meant by decentralized and fragmented system of law enforcement? 2. What does Interpol stand for? 3. What are its functions? 4. Why do policemen need English? 5. Combine the following words with the word “police“ and translate collocations into Russian: constable, dog, force, officer, state, station, duty, action, authority, custody, evidence, inquiry
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контрольная:THE HISTORY OF POLICE FORCES BRAINSTORM The word POLICE means, generally, the arrangements made in all civilised countries to ensure that the inhabitants keep the peace and obey the law. The word also denotes the force of peace officers (or police) employed for this purpose. Which of the actions above can be performed by a POLICE OFFICER? Sort out the odd words. Explain your choice. • to apprehend • to safeguard • to defend in court • to plead guilty • to convict • to search • to detain • to seize • to imprison • to sentence • to investigate • to
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The word POLICE means, generally, the arrangements made in all civilised countries to ensure that the inhabitants keep the peace and obey the law. The word also denotes the force of peace officers (or police) employed for this purpose.
Which of the actions above can be performed by a POLICE OFFICER? Sort out the odd words. Explain your choice.
• to apprehend • to safeguard
• to defend in court • to plead guilty
• to convict • to search
• to detain • to seize
• to imprison • to sentence
• to investigate • to take into custody
• to lock up
TASK I. Read the text and translate the sentences given in bold type in writing:
From the History of Police Forces
Police is the agency of a community or government that is responsible for maintaining public order and preventing and detecting crime. The basic police mission —preserving order by enforcing rules of conduct or laws — was the same in ancient societies as it is in the contemporary sophisticated urban environments.
The conception of the police force as a protective and law enforcement organisation developed from the use of military bodies as guardians of the peace, such as the Praetorian Guard — bodyguard of the ancient Roman emperors. The Romans achieved a high level of law enforcement, which remained in effect until the dccline of the empire and the onset of the Middle Ages.
During the Middle Ages, policing authority was the responsibility of local nobles on their individual estates. Each noble generally appointed an official, known as a constable, to carry out the law. The constable’s duties included keeping the peace and arresting and guarding criminals. For many decades constables were unpaid citizens who took turns at the job, which became increasingly burdensome and unpopular. By the mid-16,h century, wealthy citizens often resorted to paying deputies to assume their turns as constables; as this practice became widespread, the quality of the constables declined drastically.
Police forces developed throughout the centuries, taking various forms. In France during the 17й1 century King Louis XIV maintained a small central police organisation consisting of some forty inspectors who, with the help of numerous paid informants, supplied the government with details about the conduct of private individuals. The king could then exercise the kind of justice he saw fit. This system continued during the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI. After the French Revolution, two separate police bodies were set up, one to handle ordinary duties and the other to deal with political crimes.
In 1663 the city of London began paying watchmen (generally old men who were unable to find other work) to guard the streets at night. Until the end of the 18,h century, the watchmen — as inefficient as they were — along with a few constables, remained the only form of policing in the city.
The inability of watchmen and constables to curb lawlessness, particularly in London, led to a demand for a more effective force to deal with criminals and to protect the population. After much deliberation in Parliament, the British statesman Sir Robert Peel in 1829 established the London Metropolitan Police, which became the world’s first modem organised police force.
The force was guided by the concept of crime prevention as a primary police objective; it also embodied the belief that such a force should depend on the consent and cooperation of the public, and the idea that police constables were to be civil and courteous to the people. The Metropolitan Police force was well organised and disciplined and, after an initial period of public skepticism, became the model for other police forces in Great Britain. Several years later the Royal Irish Constabulary was formed, and Australia, India, and Canada soon established similar organisations. Other countries followed, impressed by the success of the plan, until nations throughout the world had adopted police systems based on the British model. The development of the British police system is especially
significant because the pattern that emerged had great influence on the style of policing in almost all industrial societies.
In the U.S., the first full-time organised police departments were formed in New York City in 1845 and shortly thereafter in Boston, not only in response to crime but also to control unrest. The American police adopted many British methods, but at times they became involved in local politics. The British police, on the other hand, have traditionally depended on loyalty to the law, rather than to elected public officials, as the source of their authority and independence.
TASK 2. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the basic police mission?
2. How did the police force as law enforcement organisation arise and develop?
3. Why did the quality of the constables in England decline?
4. How were policing functions performed in France?
5. What was the form of policing London in the 17th century?
6. Why was there a need for a more effective force to deal with criminals in England?
7. What factors brought about the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force?
8. What principles were the British police guided by?
9. Why did the Metropolitan Police Force become the model for other police forces in Britain and abroad?
10. Why is the development of the British police system especially significant?
TASK 3. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
1. дебаты в парламенте
2. обеспечивать соблюдение правил поведения
3. основная задача полиции (2)
4. оставаться в силе
5. платный осведомитель
6. нести полицейскую службу
7. предупреждение преступности
8. раскрывать преступления
9. сдерживать рост преступности
10. следить за соблюдением законов
11. постоянно действующая организация
12. полицейские структуры
13. обеспечение правопорядка
14. блюститель порядка
TASK 4. Find in the texts above the expressions containing the words “law” and “order”. Continue the following lists. Add more expressions using a. dictionary:
— to maintain public order
The British Police
The British police officer is a well-known figure to anyone who has visited Britain or who has seen British films. Policemen are to be seen in towns and cities keeping law and order, either walking in pairs down the streets (“walking the beat”) or driving specially marked police cars. Once known as ‘panda cars’ because of their distinctive markings, these are now often jokingly referred to as ‘jam sandwiches’ because of the pink fluorescent stripe running horizontally around the bodywork. In the past, policemen were often known as ‘bobbies’ after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police force. Nowadays, common nicknames include ‘the cops’, ‘the fuzz’, ‘the pigs’, and ‘the Old Bill’ (particularly in London). Few people realise, however, that the police in Britain are organised very differently from many other countries.
Most countries, for example, have a national police force which is controlled by central Government. Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central Government’s Home Office. Instead, there is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. Each has a police authority — a committee of local county councillors and magistrates.
The forces co-operate with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another’s area unless they are asked to give
assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime. A Chief Constable (the most senior police officer of a force) may sometimes ask for the assistance of London’s police force, based at New Scotland Yard — known simply as “the Yard”.
In most countries the police carry guns. In Britain, however, this is extremely unusual. Policemen do not, as a rule, carry firearms in their day-to-day work, though certain specialist units are trained to do so and can be called upon to help the regular police force in situations where firearms are involved, e.g. terrorist incidents, armed robberies, etc. The only policemen who routinely carry weapons are those assigned to guard politicians and diplomats, or special officers who patrol airports.
In certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate.
All members of the police must have gained a certain level of academic qualifications at school and undergone a period of intensive training. Like in the army, there are a number of ranks: after the Chief Constable comes the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. The police are helped by a number of Special Constables — members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week.
Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Members of CIDs are detectives, and they do not wear uniforms. The other uniformed people you see in British towns are traffic wardens. Their job is to make sure that drivers obey the parking regulations. They have no other powers — it is the police who are responsible for controlling offences like speeding,’careless driving and drunken driving.
The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property. One of their main functions is, of course, apprehending criminals and would-be criminals.
TASK 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was the founder of the British police?
2. What does ‘walking the beat’ mean?
3. Why are British police cars called ‘jam-sandwich’ cars in colloquial speech?
4. Is there a single police force, organised by central government?
5. What is the major difference in police organisation between Britain and some other countries?
6. When do British police forces co-operate with each other?
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are the people who work for the governmental department established
to enforce the law, prevent and detect crimes, catch criminals and
check that people obey the law,
maintain peace, safety, and order of the community.
police have many functions. Though they mainly deal with criminal
law, they may also enforce judgments made in civil courts. As well as
gathering evidence, the police have wide powers to arrest, search and
question people suspected of crimes and to control the actions of
members of the public during demonstrations and meetings. The mere
presence of the police deters people from committing crimes.
is no national police force in Britain. All police employees work for
one of the fifty two separate forces which each have responsibility
for a particular geographical area. Originally, these were set up
locally. The central government inspects them and influence senior
appointments within them. In return, it provides about half of the
money to run them. The other half comes from local government.
exception to this system is the Metropolitan Police Force which
polices Greater London. The “Met” is under the direct control of
central government. It also performs certain national police
functions such as the registration of all crimes and criminals in
England and Wales and of the missing persons register. New Scotland
Yard is the famous building which is the headquarters of its Criminal
Investigation Department (CID).
police still do not carry guns (although all police stations have a
store of weapons).
police are not, of course, above the law. When they arrest a suspect,
they have to follow certain procedures. For example, unless they
obtain special permission, they are not allowed to detain a person
for more than twenty-four hours without formally charging that person
with having committed a crime.
I. Read the text and answer the following questions:
are police? -
was police established for? -
functions do the police have? -
does the mere presence of the police deter people from? -
there the national police force in Britain? -
many police forces are there in the UK? -
institution inspects the police forces? -
are the police forces financed? -
did you learn about the Metropolitan Police Force? -
functions does the Metropolitan Police Force perform? -
is New Scotland Yard? -
weapon do British police carry? -
should the police behave when they arrest a suspect?
II. Read the text and decide if the following statements are True,
False or No information.
are the people who work for the governmental department. -
was established to enforce the law, prevent and detect crimes, catch
criminals and check that people obey the law,
maintain peace, safety, and order of the community.
police are mainly concerned with criminal law, and they may not
enforce judgments made in civil courts. -
police employees work for one of the fifty seven separate forces
which each have responsibility for a particular geographical area. -
central government inspects them and has influence senior
appointments within them. -
you carry a knife to protect yourself or make yourself feel safer
but don’t intend to use it then you are committing a crime, the
police may arrest you. -
“Met” is under the direct control of the local government. -
Metropolitan Police Force doesn’t perform any national police
functions. -
expanding Metropolitan Police were given new
headquarters at Great Scotland
in 1875. -
police still do not carry guns (although all police stations have a
store of weapons). -
police are above the law, when they arrest a suspect, they don’t
have to follow certain procedures. -
the police obtain special permission, they are not allowed to detain
a person for more than twenty-four hours without formally charging
that person with having committed a crime.
Find English equivalents in the text.
была учреждена, чтобы проводить закон
в жизнь, предотвращать и раскрывать
преступления, следить за тем, чтобы
люди повиновались закону, а также
поддерживать всеобщий мир, безопасность
и порядок в обществе. -
в основном имеет дело с уголовным
правом, она может также приводить в
исполнение решения, принятые в гражданских
судах. -
только присутствие полицейских
удерживает людей от совершения
преступлений. -
отдельных подразделений полиции
отвечают за определенные участки
территории. -
exception to this system is the Metropolitan Police Force which
polices Greater London. Исключением
является подразделение Лондонской
полиции, которое охраняет порядок в
Большом Лондоне. -
Лондонской полиции регистрирует все
преступления и всех преступников в
Англии и Уэльсе, а также
книгу учета всех пропавших людей.
в Британии все еще не носят оружия, хотя
в каждом отделении полиции есть склад
оружия. -
Скотланд-Ярд – известное здание, которое
является штаб-квартирой Отдела Уголовных
Расследований. -
полицейские арестовывают подозреваемого,
они должны придерживаться определенной
процедуры ареста.
IV. Mind the English words and phrases with their Russian
1. |
1. |
2. |
2. судебное |
3. |
3. |
4. |
4. |
5. |
5. |
6. |
6. |
7. |
7. |
8. |
8. |
9. |
9. |
10. |
10. |
11. |
11. |
12. |
12. |
13. |
13. |
14. |
14. |
15. |
15. |
16. |
16. |
17. |
проверять |
18. |
18. |
19. |
19. |
V. Find the English equivalents for the words and
word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.
преступления -
преступления -
преступления -
всеобщий мир, безопасность и порядок
в обществе -
в исполнение судебное решение -
доказательства -
преступников -
людей -
подозреваемые в совершении преступления -
людей от совершения преступлений -
Лондонской полиции -
порядок в Большом Лондоне -
Отдела Уголовных Расследований -
под стражей в течение 24 часов -
в совершении преступления
VI. Complete the following sentences.
are the people who … -
was established to …
police mainly deal with … -
police have wide powers … -
mere presence of the … -
police employees work for … -
exception to this system is the Metropolitan Police Force which … -
Metropolitan Police Force performs certain national police functions
such as … the registration of all crimes and criminals in England
and Wales and of the missing persons register. -
Scotland Yard is … -
the police obtain special permission, they are not allowed …
Will you tell us about Police in Britain, please?
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Английский язык для 7-го класса |
Предмет: | Английский язык |
Класс: | 7 класс |
Автор учебника: | Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. |
Год издания: | 2016 |
Издательство: | |
Кол-во заданий: | |
Кол-во упражнений: | 541 |
Мы в социальных сетях |
Телеграм • ВКонтакте |
Данное упражнение относится к шестому разделу учебника (Unit 6 The Pleasure of Reading) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса (страница 130). В этом задании необходимо использовать определённый или неопределённый артикль. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.
Описание задания и ответ[править | править код]
Answer the questions to practise the new words (Ответ выделен жирным шрифтом)).
- When can people be pop-eyed? – When their eyes are popped.
- Is it a compliment to be called a ‘chatterbox’? – No, it isn’t.
- Can you name the usual containers for milk, lemonade, jam, sugar, cream and flour? – Bottles, tins, bags.
- What word is missing here: tiny — small — regular in size — big — huge?
- What is the title of Mark Twain’s book about Tom Sawyer? – Adventures
- What usually makes a room cosy? – Furniture.
- Have you ever spoiled a dish? How did it happen? – Yes, I have. I forgot to turn off the oven on time.
- Who are the members of your household? – My mother, my step-father, my sister and a cat.
- Who do the police usually search for? – Criminals, thieves.
- Why do you have to keep a watchful eye on the milk when you boil it? – It can run over.
- What do we call young boys and girls who are under twenty? – A teenager.
- Who is the best storyteller in your class? – The teacher is.
- What happened to Cinderella when the magic spell was broken? – Her new beautiful dress was turned into an old one, the coach was turned into a pumpkin.
- How are goods transported from Europe to America? – By plane or by sea.
- When do people pick fruit and vegetables in the place where you live? – At the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.
- Which is better: to devour books or to read them slowly and carefully? Does it depend onWhen can people be pop-eyed? – In my opinion, It’s better to devour books. Certainly, It depends on a book. Sometimes you should read more slowly and carefully. It happens when you need to understand and remember much information and this information will be very useful in you future.
Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]
Ответе на вопросы, чтобы практиковать новые слова (Ответ выделен жирным шрифтом).
- Когда у людей могут быть глаза? — Когда их глаза вылезают.
- Называть болтуном — это комплимент? — Нет, не так.
- Можете ли вы назвать обычные емкости для молока, лимонада, джема, сахара, сливок и муки? — Бутылки, банки, пакеты.
- Какого слова здесь не хватает: крошечный — маленький — нормальный по размеру — большой — огромный?
- Как называется книга Марка Твена о Томе Сойере? — Приключения
- Что обычно делает комнату уютной? — Мебель.
- Вы когда-нибудь испортили блюдо? Как это случилось? — Да. Я забыл вовремя выключить духовку.
- Кто члены вашей семьи? — Мама, отчим, сестра и кот.
- Кого обычно ищет полиция? — Преступники, воры.
- Почему нужно внимательно следить за молоком, когда его кипятят? — Может наехать.
- Как мы называем мальчиков и девочек младше двадцати лет? — Подросток.
- Кто лучший рассказчик в вашем классе? — Учитель есть.
- Что случилось с Золушкой, когда магическое заклинание было разрушено? — Ее новое красивое платье превратили в старое, карету превратили в тыкву.
- Как доставляются товары из Европы в Америку? — Самолетом или морем.
- Когда люди собирают фрукты и овощи в том месте, где вы живете? — В конце лета или в начале осени.
- Что лучше: пожирать книги или читать медленно и внимательно? Зависит ли это от того, когда у людей могут выскочить глаза? — На мой взгляд, лучше книги пожрать. Конечно, это зависит от книги. Иногда следует читать медленнее и внимательнее. Это случается, когда вам нужно понять и запомнить много информации, и эта информация будет вам очень полезна в будущем.
Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]
Тексты для обязательного чтения и перевода
Read and retell the text
Our police was created by the working people to protect their rights. The officers of our police have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the Great Patriotic War as well as in the years of peaceful construction.
The main aim of police has always been to maintain public order, to protect state and personal property and safeguard the rights of our citizens. Nowadays great attention in the work of police is paid to prevention of crime, to its suppression. But if a crime has been committed, the police officers are to solve the crime as quickly as possible. To fulfil these tasks the organs of internal affairs are composed of different departments.
The Criminal Detection Department is one of the most complicated police services.’The main responsibility of the officer of the Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to locate and apprehend him. In many cases the detective must trace a fugitive who is hiding.
The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The final test of a criminal investigation is in presentation of evidence in court. Corpus delicti must be established, the defendant must be identified and associated with the crime scene. The investigator must also provide competent witnesses.
Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don’t want to live an honest life The responsibility of the officers of this Department is to reveal the criminal activity of those who commit embezzlement and other economic crimes, bring them to justice.
The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and, safety on the roads.
The Transport Police maintains law and order on the railway, air lines and water ways of the country.
The Juvenile Inspection handles «difficult» juveniles and their careless parents. They also do much work to prevent juvenile delinquency.
A new service for the fight against organized crime has been created in our police. Organized crime operates on fear, bribery and force. Police officers of organized crime department are devoting their efforts to collect sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice.
Some new words to the text:
to create | [kri’eit] | – творить, создавать | |
to protect | [prOtekt] | – защищать, ограждать | |
to commit | [kO’mI:t] | – совершать | |
to commit a crime | – совершать преступление | ||
to detect | [di’tekt] | – разыскивать, обнаруживать | |
to locate | [lou’keit] | – определять местонахождение | |
to trace | [treis] | – следить, выслеживать | |
fugitive | [‘fju:Gitiv] | – беглец | |
to hide | [haid] | – прятаться, скрываться | |
to prove | [pru:v] | – доказывать | |
guilt | [gilt] | – вина, виновность | |
innocence | [‘inosns] | – невиновность | |
defendant | [difendqnt] | – ответчик, обвиняемый, подсудимый | |
to identify | [ai’dentifai] | – опознавать, устанавливать личность, идентифицировать | |
to associate | [q’souSieit] | – | |
to reveal | [ri’vi:l] | – 1)раскрывать, показывать; 2) признаваться, выдавать | |
embezzlement | [im’bezlmqnt] | – растрата, присвоение денежных средств | |
to bring smb. to justice – | привлечь кого-либо к суду | ||
to rehabilitate | [«ri:q’biliteit] | – исправлять, перевоспитывать | |
bribery | [brqibqri] | – взяточничество | |
Questions to the text
1. What is our police created for?
2. How did the police work during the history of its existence?
3. What is the aim of police activity?
4. What departments is police composed of?
5. What is the main responsibility of the Criminal Detection Department?
6. What are the duties of the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department?
missing person | [‘misiN’pq:sn] | – пропавший без вести |
bank frauds | [bxnk frO:dz] | – банковские махинации |
embezzlement | [im’bezlmqnt] | – растрата, присвоение денежных средств |
moral offence | [‘mOrql q’fens] | – моральные преступления |
forgery | [‘fO:Gqri] | – подделка документов, фальшивка |
counterfeit | [‘kquntqfait] | – поддельный, подложный, фальшивый |
records department | [‘rekOd di’pa:tmqnt] | – регистрационный отдел, архив |
fingerprint | [‘fingqprint] | – отпечаток пальца |
Read and retell the text
Crime prevention is one of the main present-day social problems throughout the world. Crime prevention is an effort to decrease and overcome crime. It is an attempt to eliminate the causes of crime, the common mission of law enforcement agencies and society to develop morally in the right direction not only law-abiding citizens but also suspects and criminals. The two very important aspects of the problem are — crime prevention by effective law enforcement and crime prevention as a moral problem.
The government of our country is paying great attention to the problem of crime prevention. The public and the organs standing on guard of law and order are using every opportunity to prevent crime and recidivism. The worker of the police is not a scientist working in a quiet and isolated laboratory. His laboratory is a whole city with all of its people and all of their needs. That’s why crime prevention problem is one of the main tasks of legal education. Future workers of the organs of the Interior are learning to use special means, methods and forms of crime prevention and crime solution. They are learning to obtain information for law enforcement agencies, to patrol streets, to examine a crime scene properly, to search for and collect evidence, to establish corpus delicti, to solve crimes quickly and accurately and to detect and apprehend a criminal, fear of immediate arrest, conviction and punishment being an efficient crime- prevention factor for potential criminals. But the central aspect of the solution of this problem is to be a moral approach requiring extra skills for police officers. That’s why our own future Sherlock Holmeses are dealing with human relations problems. They are learning to establish contacts with the public, they are supervising difficult teenagers and potential criminals, an intelligent, disciplined police officer with high morality standard being in himself an effective crime prevention instrument.
Special crime prevention divisions of the Police are functioning now in close cooperation with the Public in private residences, schools, transportation systems and commercial areas, the Public-Police crime prevention centres being one of the forms of our crime prevention programme. Public order squads or «people’s druzhinniks» are also taking part in this process now. They are patrolling streets at night combatting petty offences.
Prevention of juvenile delinquency is one of the important police and public tasks too. The police personnel of the inspection and commissions for the affairs of minors of executive committees are paying special attention to the juveniles of «problem» families rendering them the necessary assistance. They are to view their life and behavior using such means as persuasion, control, supervision, social and individual influence and law enforcement trying to turn them onto the right track.
Street crime prevention, traffic safety, combatting drug trafficking and organized crime are also the matters of police concern.
The police and the public are combining their efforts in the struggle against alcoholism since the drunk driver is causing thousands of injuries and needless deaths.
The police together with social organizations are constantly seeking the best forms and methods of crime prevention, explanation of the law to the citizens playing an important part.
The efforts to prevent crime were not unsuccessful in our society. However we are planning to do much more.
Questions to the text.
1. What is crime prevention?
2. What are the two aspects of the problem?
3. Is our government working much at this problem?
4. Are future workers of the Police dealing with this problem?
5. How are they preparing to solve this problem?
6. What are they doing?
7. What are the main aspects of crime prevention work for the police and the public?
8. What problems are the public order squads dealing with?
throughout | [Tru:’aut] | через, по всему |
decrease | [di:’kri:s] | уменьшать |
overcome | [«ouvq’kAm] | преодолеть, победить |
cause n, v | [kO:z] | дело, причина, причинять |
law-abiding | [‘lO:q’baidiN] | соблюдающий закон |
government | [‘gAvqmqnt] | правительство |
law and order | правопорядок | |
opportunity | [«Opq’tju:niti] | возможность |
properly | [‘prOpqli] | должным образом |
fear | [fiq] | страх |
conviction | [kqn’vikSqn] | осуждение, обвинение |
punishment | [‘pAniSmqnt] | наказание |
approach | [q’prouC] | подход |
require | [ri’kwaiq] | требовать |
human relations | [‘hju:mqn] | человеческие отношения |
close cooperation | [‘klous kou»Opq’reiSqn ] | тесное взаимодействие |
Public-Police crime prevention centres | [‘sqntq] | пункты охраны общественного порядка |
public order squads | [skwOdz] | дружинники |
combat n, v | [‘kOmbqt] | бороться |
petty | [‘peti] | мелкий |
offence | [q’fens] | преступление, правонарушение |
offender | [q’fendq] | правонарушитель, преступник |
minor | [‘maimq] | несовершеннолетний, подросток |
executive | [ig’zekjutiv] | исполнительный |
traffic | [‘trxfik] | движение; торговля |
render | [‘rendq] | оказывать |
behaviour | [bi’heivjq] | поведение |
persuasion | [pq’sweiZqn] | убеждение |
supervision | [«sju:pq’viZOn] | наблюдение, надзор |
influence | [‘influqns] | влияние |
try | [trai] | пытаться |
turn | [tq:n] | направлять, повернуть |
matter | [‘mxtq] | дело |
concern | [kqn’sq:n] | интерес |
drunk | [drANk] | пьяный |
injury | [‘inGqri] | вред |
constantly | [‘kOnstqntli] | постоянно |
seek | [sl:k] | искать |
explanation | [«eksplq’neiSn] | разъяснение, объяснение |
success | [sqk’ses] | успех |
use | [ju:z] | применять, использовать |
special means, methods and forms of crime solution | [‘speSql] [‘mi:nz][‘meTqdz] [sq’lu:Sqn] | специальные средства, методы и формы предотвращения преступлений (paскрытия преступлений) — (crime solution) |
investigate, examine, search, observe, inspect, survey a crime scene | [sq:’vei] |
осматривать место пришествия |
collect (lift) evidence | [‘evidqns] | собирать (изымать) доказательства |
apprehend a criminal | [«xpri’hend] | задерживать преступника |
establish corpus delicti | [‘kO:pqs dl:’liktai] | установить состав преступления |
juvenile, teenager | [‘dZu:vinail] [‘ti:neiGq] | подросток, несовершеннолетний |
deal with | [‘di:l wiD] | обращаться, иметь дело с чем-либо, рассматривать вопрос |
establish contact | устанавливать контакт | |
solve a crime quickly and accurately | [sOlv] [‘xkjuritli] | раскрывать преступление быстро и полно |
patrol streets | [pq’troul] | патрулировать улицы |
traffic law enforcement | [in’fO:smqnt] | дорожный надзор |
supervise | [‘sju:pqvaiz] | осуществлять шефство, надзор, наблюдение |
traffic regulations rules | [,regju’leiSqnz] | правила уличного движения |
to obtain (get) information | получать сведения информацию |
Read and retell the text
Interpol is-an international corporation founded in 1923 as a service organization devoted to coordinating actions against international criminals. Its clients are 174 agencies throughout the world. This organization is not under the control or supervision of any government.
Interpol is a recognized intergovernmental police force whose task is to hunt down the international criminal. A multinational force, much like the United Nations, Interpol is made up of police of the Free World and a bona fide law enforcement agency in its own right. Among the first to fight international terrorism and sky-jackings, Interpol still leads the war on narcotics, assists a number of nations in the continuing search for wanted Nazi war criminals. One of the most highly respected groups in the world, Interpol, like any other police force is under governmental control to safeguard the basic rights of every citizen. It operates according to a strict code of behavior and adheres to the highest ethical standards.
Interpol has never been recognized or established by any international charter or treaty and has no police powers. Because of Interpol’s cooperation with the UN particularly in the area of drugs, Interpol was recognized as an intergovernmental organization. .
Interpol members are, for the most part, police and not governmental representatives, although certain governments have sent observers from their military, intelligence, customs, post office, and immigration departments.
Interpol does not have powers of arrest or any investigative rights. Its function is to disseminate information. Today 80 percent of the permanent staff is French. Interpol is much like any large corporation with bureaus in various countries and with representatives from these offices also stationed at the main office. Information is exchanged between the many national bureaus, but the police forces themselves are subject to the laws and policies of their respective nations.
Interpol is divided into four main bodies the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat and the National Central Bureaus.
The General Assembly is composed of the delegates from each member country. It is «the Supreme Authority». The General Assembly controls the policy of the organization.
The Executive Committee is a nine-member board made-up of the president, two vice-presidents, and six delegates chosen by the General Assembly.
The General Secretariat, the permanent body, located in Lion, is Interpol’s business division. It contains the «permanent departments» four of which specialize in certain crimes: one handles murder, burglary, assault, larceny, car theft, and missing persons; another deals with bank frauds and other types of embezzlement; a third, with drug traffic and morals offenses; and a fourth deals with forgery and counterfeiting.
Other divisions are the general records department, where files are kept, and a special records department, where fingerprints and other methods of identification are used.
The National Central Bureaus are the Interpol offices in various countries. Each NCB is empowered to communicate directly with and exchange information with any other NCB.
Some new words to the text:
to recognize | [‘rekqgnaiz] | узнавать, признавать |
to hunt down | [hAnt daun] | выследить, поймать |
bona fide | [«bqunq’faidi] | добросовестный, настоящий |
sky-jacking | [skai’GxkiN] | воздушный пират |
wonted | [wOntid] | разыскивается |
to safeguard | [‘seifga:d] | гарантировать, защищать |
to adhere | [qd’hiq] | придерживаться, оставаться верным (принципам и т. д.) |
charter | [CRtq] | хартия, устав (ООН) |
treaty | [‘tri:ti] | (международный) договор, соглашения |
representative | [«repri’zentqtiv] | представитель, депутат палаты представителей |
observer | [‘qbzq:vq] | наблюдатель |
intelligence | [in’teliGqns] | разведывательная служба, разведка |
customs | [‘kAstqmz] | таможня, таможенная пошлина |
to dissiminate | [‘di’simineit] | распространять |
permanent | [‘pq:mqnqnt] | постоянный |
bureaus | [bjuq’rou] | бюро, офис |
to subject | [sqb’Gekt] | подчинять, покорять (to) |
murder | [‘mq:dq] | тяжкое убийство |
burglary | [‘bq:glqri] | кража со взломом |
assault | [q’sO:lt] | нападение, словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием |
larceny | [‘lRsni] | кража, воровство |
car theft | [kR Teft] | угон автомобиля |
Text №1
1. Some new words to the text:
Boundary граница
Significant важный, значительный, существенный
Contribution вклад, содействие
Target цель
To mean означать
To conduct investigation проводить расследование
Tool орудие, инструмент
Customs таможня
To overcome преодолеть
Request просьба, запрос
Fulfillment выполнение
2. Read and translate the text and answer the following questions:
1. What is Europol?
2. When did it start its work?
3. What is the aim of Europol?
4. What international crimes does Europol fight against?
5. Does Europol any executive powers? What does it mean?
6. What can you say about structure of this organization?
7. Is there any difference between Europol and Interpol? What are their roles in the fight against organized crime?
Nowadays, there are no boundaries for organized criminal groups. Because of modern technology and enormous resources, these groups are illegally active worldwide. In fact, organized crime represents a threat to the structure and values of our democratic systems affecting European citizens’ security and freedom.
Europol is the European Union law enforcement organization that handles criminal intelligence. Its aim is to improve the effectiveness and cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States in preventing and combating such international organised crimes as: illicit drug trafficking; weapons smuggling; illicit immigration network; terrorism, forgery of money (counterfeiting of the Euro) and other means of payment; trafficking in human beings including child pornography; illicit vehicle trafficking; money-laundering. In addition, other main priorities for Europol include crimes against persons, financial crime, computer crime and cyber crime. In short, the mission of Europol is to make a significant contribution to the European Union’s law enforcement action against crime with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations.
Europol (the name is a contraction of European Police Office) is the European Union’s criminal intelligence agency. The agency started limited operations on January 3, 1994, as the Europol Drugs Unit (EDU). In 1998 the Europol Convection was ratified by all the member states and came into force in October. Europol became fully operational on July 1, 1999.
It is a support service for the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. Europol has no executive powers. This means that Europol officials are not entitled to conduct investigations in the member states or to arrest suspects. In providing support, Europol with its tools – information exchange, intelligence analysis, expertise and training – can contribute to the executive measures carried out by the relevant national authorities.
Europol is a multi – disciplinary agency, comprising not only regular police officers but staff members from the member states’ law enforcement agencies: customs, immigration services, border and financial police, etc. Europol helps to overcome the language barriers in international police cooperation. Any law enforcement officer from a member state can address a request to their Europol National Unit (ENU) in her / his mother tongue and receive the answer back in this language.
Three different levels of cooperation are possible: the first one is technical cooperation. The next step is strategic cooperation aimed at exchanging general trends in organized crime and how to fight it. The top level of cooperation includes the exchange of personal data and requires the fulfillment of Europol’s standards in the field of data protection and data security.
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Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What does the name of our planet mean?
2. What makes the Earth the brightest planet in the solar system?
3. Where is most of the Earth’s water located?
4. Why do we have an additional winter day every four years? What do we call a year containing 366 days?
5. Is Earth Day an international holiday?
6. What do people usually do on Earth Day? Do you and your classmates celebrate this holiday? Why?
7. What do the following numbers in the text stand for: 4, 22, 29, 192, 365?
Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. “Nice to Meet You, Dear Earth”. Номер №41
Перевод задания
Прочитайте текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.
1. Что означает название нашей планеты?
2. Что делает Землю самой яркой планетой Солнечной системы?
3. Где находится большая часть воды на Земле?
4. Почему каждые четыре года у нас есть дополнительный зимний день? Как мы называем год, содержащий 366 дней?
5. Является ли День Земли международным праздником?
6. Что обычно делают люди в День Земли? Вы и ваши одноклассники отмечаете этот праздник? Почему?
7. Что означают в тексте следующие числа: 4, 22, 29, 192, 365?
1. The word Earth came from the AngloSaxon word erda which means ground or land.
2. The Earth is the brightest planet in the solar system because a large amount of sunlight is reflected by the water on the planet.
3. Most of the Earth’s water is located in the oceans. The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the planet.
4. It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days to move round the Sun. As we don’t count an extra quarter of the day at the end of a year, we have an additional day every four years, 29th February. These years are called leap years.
5. Nowadays people from over 192 countries show their love and care for the planet on Earth Day.
6. People plant trees, pick up roadside trash and take part in ‘green’ projects on Earth Day. Thousands of different activities and celebrations to honour our home planet are held all over the world. My classmates don’t celebrate this holiday because it’s not really popular in our city.
7. 4 − There are four large oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.
22 − In 1970, on the 22nd of April, people started to celebrate Earth Day.
29 − As we don’t count an extra quarter of the day at the end of a year, we have an additional day every four years, 29th February.
192 − Nowadays people from over 192 countries show their love and care for the planet on Earth Day.
365 − It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days to move round the Sun.
Перевод ответа
1. Слово Земля произошло от англосаксонского слова erda, что означает земля или суша.
2. Земля − самая яркая планета в солнечной системе, потому что большое количество солнечного света отражается водой на планете.
3. Большая часть воды на Земле находится в океанах. Океаны содержат 97% всей воды на планете.
4. Земля совершает оборот вокруг Солнца за 365 с четвертью дня. Поскольку мы не учитываем дополнительную четверть дня в конце года, у нас есть дополнительный день каждые четыре года, 29 февраля. Эти годы называют високосными.
5. Сегодня люди из более чем 192 стран мира демонстрируют свою любовь и заботу о планете в День Земли.
6. В День Земли люди сажают деревья, собирают мусор на обочинах дорог и принимают участие в «зеленых» проектах. Тысячи различных мероприятий и праздников в честь нашей родной планеты проводятся по всему миру. Мои одноклассники не отмечают этот праздник, потому что он не особо популярен в нашем городе.
7. 4 − На Земле четыре больших океана: Тихий, Атлантический, Индийский и Арктический.
22 − В 1970 году, 22−го апреля, люди начали отмечать День Земли.
29 − Поскольку мы не учитываем дополнительную четверть дня в конце года, у нас есть дополнительный день каждые четыре года, 29 февраля.
192 − Сегодня в день Земли люди из более 192 стран показывают свою любовь и заботу о планете.
365 − Земле требуется 365 и четверть дня, чтобы обойти Солнце.