Read the text and answer the question write only one word text

Read the texts and answer the questions . Write A , B , or C. A Billy Elliot Stephen Daldry’s first feature film is set in the north — east of England during the Ininer’s strike of 1984. A motherless boy , Billy Elliot , from a mining village , takes up dancing against the wishes of his father and elder brother . Regrettably , the depiction of the working classes of that time is rather stereotypical . The heart of the film , however , is in relationship that Billy strikes up with his dance teacher . Mrs Wilkinson is a soul who finds as much genuine pleasure in the talent and hope of this 11 — year — old as she does in the discipline and support that she provides for him . B Bend it like Beckham Football’s uncommon ability to bring a nation together is celebrated in this sweet , positive youth movie . Set in modern — day London , the film tells the story of Tess , whose two greatest loves in life are David Beckham and kicking a ball about . Unfortunately , her family cling to traditional Asian values , and while they’re willing to tolerate her fanaticism the very idea of their daughter joining a local girls ‘ team makes them angry . Actresses Paraminder Nagra and Keira Knightly both have personalities , but credit should also go to the writer and director for getting the balance right between humor and pathos , sporting and romantic action C Cinema Paradiso A successful movie director in his 40s , Salvatore returns home to Sicily after hearing of the death of Alfredo , the ex — projectionist at the village cinema . Most of the film is a flashback to Salvatore’s World War II childhood and adolescence when , obsessed by movies , he is befriended by the wise Alfredo . Their bond is one that contains many highlights and tragedies and shapes the way for Salvatore to move out of his run — down village to pursue a dream .
Which film …
1 . is not set in the UK ?
2. was difficult to film ?
3. is set in the 21 » century
4. are about young people who have ambitions that their parents don’t support ? takes place over two different periods of time ?

Страница 87

[Gus] Hi, guys! I’m in an internet cafe. It’s raining heavily outside. I’m fed up with this weather. It’s raining all the time. — Привет, ребята! Я в интернет-кафе. Наружи сильный дождь. Я уже сыт по горло такой погодой. Дождь идет все время.
[Nemo] I don’t know how you can live in Scotland. There are nicer places to go to study. — Я не знаю, как ты вообще живешь в Шотландии. Есть более приятные места, куда поехать учиться.
[Gus] Scotland’s great. It’s the winter I don’t like. It’s grey almost every day. I hate winter. — Шотландия прекрасна. Вот только зиму не люблю. Серая хмарь почти целый день. Ненавижу зиму.
[Amelia] Hey! You think that’s bad! It’s freezing here in Switzerland. It’s snowing again. There is so much snow sometimes that I can’t even go out. — Эй! Ты думаешь там плохо! В Швейцарии вообще замерзнуть можно. Опять идет снег. Здесь так много снега, иногда я даже не могу выйти наружу.
[Gus] That’s not my kind of place, then. — Ну это место точно не для меня.
[Nemo] It’s summer here in Australia and I’m having a great time. I’m sitting on the balcony at the moment and it is very, very hot. I love the summer. — А у нас в Австралии лето и я прекрасно провожу время. Я сейчас сижу на балконе — очень, очень жарко. Я люблю лето.
[Amelia] You are lucky. — Счастливчик.
[Nemo] I am. Anyway, how are things going for you? — Ага. В любом случае, как у вас идут дела?

b) Look at the text. How many people are online? Where are they? Listen and read to find out. — Посмотрите на текст. Сколько человек онлайн? Где они? Послушайте и прочитайте, чтобы узнать.


There are three people online. Gus is in Scotland. Nemo is in Australia. Amelia is in Switzerland. — Онлайн сейчас три человека. Гус — в Шотландии. Немо — в Австралии. Амелия — в Швейцарии.

5. a) Read the text and answer the questions. — Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is the weather like in Scotland now? — Какая погода сейчас в Шотландии?
  2. What is Gus doing in Scotland? — Что Гус делает в Шотландии?
  3. Where is it snowing? — Где идет снег?
  4. What season is it in Australia now? — Какое время года сейчас в Австралии?


  1. It is raining heavily at the moment/It’s raining all the time. — Идет сильный дождь/Дождь идет все время.
  2. He’s studying. — Он учится.
  3. It’s snowing in Switzerland. — Снег идет в Швейцарии.
  4. It’s summer in Australia. — В Австралии лето.

b) Find phrases/idioms which mean: — Найдите фразы/идиомы, которые означают:

  1. I am tired of — Я устал от…
  2. It doesn’t suit me — Это мне не подходит…
  3. How are you doing? — Как дела?


  1. I’m fed up with. — Я сыт по горло…
  2. That’s not my kind of place. —  Это место точно не для меня
  3. How are things going for you? — Как у вас идут дела?

6. What’s the weather like in Scotland, Switzerland, Australia? Make notes, then tell the class. — Какая погода в Шотландии, Швейцарии, Австралии? Сделайте пометки, затем расскажите классу.


  • In Scotland, in winter, it rains all the time and it’s grey almost every day. — В Шотландии зимой все время идет дождь и целый день серая хмарь.
  • In Switzerland, it’s freezing and snowing.  — В Швейцарии холодно и идет снег.
  • In Australia it’s very, very hot. — В Австралии очень, очень жарко.

7. Use the international weather forecast from a newspaper or the Internet. Imagine you are in different parts of the world. Use the language in the box to act out a short telephone conversation.
Используйте международный прогноз погоды из газеты или Интернета. Представьте себя в разных частях мира. Используйте выражения из таблицы, чтобы разыграть небольшой телефонный разговор.

Responding Negatively — Негативные ответы.

  • It’s awful! — Ужасно!
  • It’s terrible! — Отвратительно!
  • It’s freezing! — Морозно!
  • It’s cold. — Холодно.

Responding Positively — Позитивные ответы.

  • It’s a lovely/beautiful day! — Прекрасный день!
  • It’s warm! — Тепло!
  • It’s very hot! — Очень жарко!
  • It’s fabulous! — Великолепно!

A: Hi, Tanya. Where are you? — Привет, Таня. Где ты?
B: I’m in Belfast. — Я в Белфасте.
A: What’s the weather like in Belfast today?  — Какая там сегодня погода?
B: It’s awful. It rains all the time. — Ужасная. Дождь льет все время.

Возможные ответы:

A: Hi, Svetlana. Where are you? — Привет, Светлана. Где ты?
B: I’m in Moscow. — Я в Москве.
A: What’s the weather like in Moscow today? — Какая там сегодня погода?
B: It’s freezing! It’s snowing. — Морозно. Идет снег.

B: Hi, Dima. Where are you? — Привет, Дима. Где ты?
A: I’m in Madrid. — Я в Мадриде.
B: What’s the weather like in Madrid today? — Какая там сегодня погода?
B: It’s fabulous. It’s sunny and warm. — Превосходная. Солнечно и тепло.

8. Portfolio: Imagine you are in two different countries. Write a chat log telling each other about the weather. Use Ex. 4 as a model. — Портфолио: Представь себя в двух разных странах. Напишите запись в чат, рассказывающую другим о погоде. Используйте в качестве модели упражнение 4.

Возможный ответ:

[Maksim] Hi, Kristina.What’s the weather like in Russia? — Привет, Кристина.Какая сейчас погода в России
[Kristina] It’s very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows. — Очень холодно. Кроме того, дует сильный ветер
[Maksim] Oh! I forgot that now it’s so cold in your country. What`s the temperature? — О! Я забыл, что сейчас в твоей стране так холодно. Сколько градусов?
[Kristina] It`s 15 degrees below zero. — минус 15 градусов
[Maksim] Is it snowing? — Идет снег?
[Kristina] No, now it isn’t.But it was snow-storm 3 days ago. — Нет, сейчас не идёт. Но была метель 3 дня назад.
[Maksim] It’s summer here in Australia and I’m having a great time. — А у нас в Австралии лето и я прекрасно провожу время.


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1.1 Before you read the text, answer these questions.

1. Do you prefer to study
A at school or college
B in a library
C at home?

2. Do you study best
A early in the morning
B during the day
C at night?

3. Do you prefer to work
A with friends
B with background music
C in silence?

1.2. Now complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There may be more than one possible answer so try to use each verb once only.

Even the most studious among you will probably have difficulty studying at some stage in your academic career. If or when this happens, the only way to (1) _____ this problem is to go back to basics. First, make sure you have a comfortable environment to (2) _____ in. Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t (3) _____ if there are too many distractions. Others need some sort of background noise, such as music or the company of friends. Whatever your personal preference is, you need to (4) _____ this first of all. Next, make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you need. For example, if you are (5) _____ a geography course and you have to (6) _____ about countries and their capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand. If you’re (7) _____your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment or project. but are trying to (8) _____ for an exam. If so, you need to know exactly what is on your curriculum. You should also (9) _____ your notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your lecturers have (10) _____ you. Of course, people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to work harder than others at their studies as they often struggle to read even relatively simple texts.

1.3 Now read the text again and find a word or phrase to match these definitions.

1. describes someone who studies a lot _____

2. things that stop you from working _____

3. a sound you can hear, but do not actively listen to _____

4. two different types of homework or school task _____ and _____

5. to study for an exam _____

6. another word for syllabus _____

7. to check your work _____

8. to do something with great difficulty _____

1.4 Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1. I would really like to learn about / study about the ancient Egyptians.

2. We need to find out / know where to buy the tickets for the concert.

3. I got into trouble at school because I didn’t know / find out my multiplication tables.

4. I did well in the test because I had known / learned how to spell all of the words on the list.

5. Excuse me, do you find out / know where the nearest post office is?

6. It was difficult for me to learn / study at home, because we didn’t have a lot of space.

7. I want to learn how / study how to drive a car.

8. I think you can only really learn from / learn with experience.

2.1 Replace the words in italics below with ONE word. Then listen to the recording and check your answers.

Teacher: Can you tell me about your early education?


Can you tell me about your early education?
Well, I went to 1a school for very young children from the age of four and I remember that I didn’t enjoy it very much at all. My 2from the age of 5 to 11 school was a little better, especially because my mum was a teacher in the school. She taught in the 3younger part of the school and she was actually my teacher in first 4level, but when I went up to the 5older part of the school I didn’t see very much of her. After that I was lucky enough to receive a 6chance to go to school without paying fees for a very good 7from age 11 to 18 school. My parents couldn’t have afforded to send me to a 8not free school so it was a really great opportunity for me. It was a 9only for one sex school, so there were no boys. I’m glad I didn’t go to a 10for boys and girls school because I think there are fewer distractions so everyone can just concentrate on their studies.

2.2 WORD BUILDING Complete the table.

2.3 Complete the sentences with suitable words from the table.

1. I’ve always wanted to go on an archaeological dig to try to find fossils and ancient artefacts.

2. Have you seen a copy of the a_____ plan for the new building?

3. My daughter is a l_____ ; she speaks six different languages.

4. The government has a good e_____policy. I’m sure the recession will be over soon.

5. I’m studying j_____ I’ve always wanted to be a political writer.

6. I’m not very familiar with the g_____ of that part of the world.


3.1 You will hear part of a talk for students. Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Continuing your studies after graduation
Writing your dissertation

Important considerations:

  • Many students struggle to find a research (1) _____
  • Writing a (2) _____ is easier if you make the right choice.

You need to:

  • Study the (3) _____
  • Have a wide (4) _____ of your field of study.
  • Establish what is (5) _____ in your field.
  • Have a clear idea of the (6) _____ of your study.
  • Consider whether there are any (7) ______ in existing research.
  • Think about your (8). carefully.
  • Ask about (9) _____from outside sources.
  • Ask your (10) _____ to check your results.

3.2 Listen to the talk again and write synonyms for the words in italics in 3.1.

after graduation = postgraduate, …

4 PRONUNCIATION Mark the stress on these words. Then listen and check to see if you were correct. Practise saying the words.



1 overcome 2 study 3 concentrate / study 4 organise 5 taking / studying 6 learn 7 doing 8 revise 9 review 10 taught


1 studious 2 distractions 3 background noise 4 project, assignment 5 revise 6 curriculum 7 review 8 struggle


2 find out 3 know 4 learned 5 know 6 study 7 learn how 8 learn from


Other possible answers are in italics.
1 kindergarten / nursery
2 primary / elementary
3 junior
4 grade
5 senior
6 scholarship / grant
7 high / secondary (high school = US and Australia, secondary school = UK)
8 private / public (UK)
9 single-sex
10 mixed


2 architectural 3 linguist 4 economic 5 journalism 6 geography


1 topic 2 thesis 3 (current) literature 4 knowledge 5 relevant 6 limits / scope 7 controversies 8 financial resources 9 funding / a grant 10 tutor


dissertation = thesis, is easier = more straightforward, wide = broad, field of study = area of specialisation / research area, establish = ascertain, consider = ask yourself, think about = take into account, results = findings


assignment, consideration, concentrate, controversy (UK) or controversy (US), conduct, distraction, dissertation. economist, educational, educated, research (n), thesis, theory, theoretical

Read the text and answer the
1.      When was Rudyard Kipling born?
2.   What books and stories did Rudyard
Kipling write?
3.      When did he win the Nobel Prize?
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) is one of the
most famous British writers and poets. He
was born in India which was a colony of
Great Britain at that time. He wrote his books
for adults and for children. Many people
from all over the world like his funny stories
about animals. We can read them in his book
which is called Just so stories. For example,
The Elephant’s Child or The Cat that Walked
by Himself. But his most famous work is
The Jungle Book which consists of short
stories. They are Mowgli’s Brothers, Tiger!
Tiger!, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and others. Mowgli’s
Brothers is about a small boy who was lost in
the jungle. He grows up with the help of Baloo
the bear, Bagheera the Black Panther and then
fights with the tiger, Shere Khan.
In 1907, R. Kipling won the Nobel Prize for
Literature, and he was the first English writer
who got this prize.

We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, and when not dreaming, we аге completely without consciousness. Even the humble fruit fly sleeps while some creatures, such as dolphins, sleep with half their brain at а time. Sleep matters: go one night without it and we suffer the next day; go too long and we would die. As we fall asleep, the rapid electrical activity found in normal waking fades away and slow, deep waves start coursing throughout the cortex. Most sensory input is blocked and nerve signals to muscles are interrupted, preventing us from acting out our dreams. Despite this, the brain remains almost as active as when we are awake. Sleep is usually divided into three stages of increasing depth, plus the «rapid eye movement» (REM) stage in which brain activity is similar to waking and most dreams occur. There are many theories about why we sleep. Some researchers think sleep helps consolidate memories from the previous day.

Others believe it rebalances neurotransmitter levels. Dreams are even more mysterious. Freud believed that they represent wish fulfillment of the subconscious. А more recent theory argues that they are just the brain making sense of its own activity when cut off from the world.Dream consciousness is different from normal consciousness. When dreaming, we easily accept bizarre events, show reduced self-awareness, and generally lack experiences of volition. This may have to do with lower activity in the prefrontal cortex during dreaming. And dreaming is not limited to REM sleep – dream reports are also common after waking from early «slow wave» sleep, though these dreams are relatively static, snapshot-like images and usually lack а «self» character.

How does the dreaming state differ from the normal consciousness, according to the text?
1) Critical perception of uncommon situations is reduced.2) Concept of personality becomes diluted.3) A dreamer lacks the free will.4) Control of peristaltic activity is lost.5) Dreams that occur in the “slow wave” stage are static.6) Dreamer experiences connection to dolphins and fruit flies.

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