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2 года назад
Английский язык
5 — 9 классы
Going sightseeing Read the sentence and type in only one missing word. I was with my aunt when I was in Almaty. Steve was photos of all the sights of Almaty
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(3 оценки)
1 год назад
Английский язык
Read the sentence and type in only one missing word.
I was
a cable ride at that moment.
Phil was
the shopping all day.
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Read the sentence and type in only one missing word. <br />
I was<br />
a cable ride at that moment.<br />
Phil was<br />
the shopping all day.
Going sightseeing Read the sentence and type in only one missing word. I was with my aunt when I was in Almaty. Steve was photos of all the sights of Almaty
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Going sightseeing Read the sentence and type in only one missing word. I was with my aunt when I was in Almaty. Steve was photos of all the sights of Almaty
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Ответ:1.staying2.takingОбъяснение:я сам лично проверил и пожертвовал балом ради ответа.
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Упражнение 2, с. 53
2. b) Read the text again. Four sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-E) to the gaps (1-4). There is one extra sentence. — Прочитайте текст ещё раз. Не хватает четырёх предложений. Сопоставьте предложения (A-E) с пробелами (1-4). Есть ещё одно предложение.
A The river bounced Blake around and hit his head against the ice.
Река подбросила Блейка и ударила его головой о лёд.
B When he reached a river, he realised it was too wide for him to swim across without getting hypothermia!
Добравшись до реки, он понял, что она слишком широка, чтобы переплыть её без переохлаждения!
C An oar surfaced in the water near Neil, and he grabbed it.
Рядом с Нейлом в воде всплыло весло, и он схватил его.
D “You look amful“ Blake said to Neil when he first saw him, laughing and crying with relief.
«Ты выглядишь ужасно,» — сказал Блейк Нейлу, когда впервые увидел его, смеясь и плача от облегчения.
E He also took a penknife and made a shelter out branches.
Он также взял перочинный нож и сделал укрытие из веток.
1 A The river bounced Blake around and hit his head against the ice. (river bounced, Blake, hit, head)
Река подбросила Блейка и ударила его головой о лёд.
2 E He also took a penknife and made a shelter out branches. (get warm soon – made a shelter)
Он также взял перочинный нож и сделал укрытие из веток.
3 B When he reached a river, he realised it was too wide for him to swim across without getting hypothermia! (problem – river, too wide) Добравшись до реки, он понял, что она слишком широка, чтобы переплыть её без переохлаждения!
4 D “You look amful“ Blake said to Neil when he first saw him, laughing and crying with relief. (“You look …“ Blake said – “You don’t look …” Neil replied.) «Ты выглядишь ужасно,» — сказал Блейк Нейлу, когда впервые увидел его, смеясь и плача от облегчения.
Упражнение 3, с. 53
3. Match the words in bold to their synonyms: physical energy, in the sky, walked towards, arose, answered, started, frighten, shortage, collected him. — Сопоставьте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, с их синонимами: физическая энергия, в небе, шла навстречу, встала, ответила, встрепенулась, напугала, недостача, собрала его.
set off – started
отправился – тронулся
surfaced – arose
всплыл – возник
made their way – walked towards
направился – пошёл навстречу
scare off – frighten
отпугнул – напугал
strength – physical energy
сила – физическая энергия
lack – shortage
отсутствие – нехватка
overhead – in the sky
над головой – в небе
picked him up – collected him
подобрал – забрал его
replied – answered
ответил – откликнулся
Упражнение 4, с. 53
4. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильное слово.
1 Their boat crashed into the river bank.
Их лодка врезалась в берег реки.
cracked — треснула
2 To their horror the boat started to sink slowly.
К их ужасу, лодка начала медленно погружаться.
alarm — тревога
3 He crawled on his hands and knees towards the tent.
Он пополз на четвереньках к палатке.
moved — переехал (в дом)
4 The storm sucked their boat under the water.
Шторм утянул их лодку под воду.
drew — нарисовал
5 They lost their compass and didn’t know which way to go.
Они потеряли компас и не знали, в какую сторону идти.
missed — пропустили
6 Six days later the rescue team spotted them on an isolated islated.
Шесть дней спустя спасательная команда обнаружила их на изолированном островке.
noticed — замеченный
Conditional types 2 & 3 — Wishes
Упражнение 5, с. 53
5. Read the examples. How do we form conditional types 2 and 3, wishes? Find examples in the text. — Прочитайте примеры. Как мы формируем условные типы 2 и 3, пожелания? Найдите примеры в тексте.
If you wore some warmer clothes, you wouldn’t be cold. If I were you, I‘d take a first and kit on your camping trip. (Type 2) Если бы ты надела что-нибудь потеплее, тебе бы не было холодно. Если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы взял с собой в поход аптечку. (Тип 2)
If we had heard the weather forecast, we wouldn’t have gone on the trip. (but we did) (Type 3) Если бы мы услышали прогноз погоды, то не отправились бы в путешествие. (но мы это сделали) (Тип 3)
I wish/If only it wasn’t that cold. (but it is — with for the present)
Если бы только не было так холодно. (но это — с на данный момент)
I wish/If only I hadn’t left my I hadn’t left my umbrella at home. (but I did — regret about the past)
Жаль, что я не оставил свой зонтик дома. (но я сделал это — сожалею о прошлом)
We form the type 2 conditional with if + past simple + would + bare infinitive and we use it to talk about imaginary situations in the present of future or to give advice.
Mы формируем условный тип 2 с помощью if + past simple + would + инфинитив и используем его, чтобы говорить о воображаемых ситуациях в настоящем или будущем или давать советы.
We form the type 3 conditional with if + past perfect + would have + past participle and we use it to talk about imaginary situations in the past.
Мы формируем условный тип 3 с помощью if + past perfect + would have + причастие прошедшего времени и используем его для разговора о воображаемых ситуациях в прошлом.
We use wish/if only + past simple to talk about sth we wish was true in the present and wish/if only + past perfect to talk about sth we regret/wish was different in the past.
Мы используем wish/if only + past simple, чтобы говорить о том, что мы хотим, чтобы было правдой в настоящем, и wish/if only + past perfect, чтобы говорить о том, о чём мы сожалеем/желаем чтоб было другим в прошлом.
If the water hadn’t been so fast-flowing, they would have been able to crawl onto the ice …
If he built a signal fire, any planes flying overhead would hopefully see him.
“If only I hadn’t left my father!”
Упражнение 6, с. 53
6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. What type of conditional is each? — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время. Какой тип условного является каждый из них?
1 If Neil hadn’t grabbed the oar, he probably wouldn’t have (type 3)
Если бы Нил не схватился за весло, он, вероятно, не сделал бы этого (тип 3)
2 If you did more exercise, you would feel better. (type 2)
Если бы вы больше упражнялись, то чувствовали бы себя лучше. (тип 2)
3 If the river had been narrower, Blake would have been able to cross it. (type 3)
Если бы река была уже, Блейк смог бы пересечь её. (тип 3)
4 If it stopped raining, we would go for a walk. (type 2)
Если бы дождь прекратился, мы бы пошли прогуляться. (тип 2)
5 If I were you, I wouldn’t go out in such bad weather. (type 2)
На твоём месте я бы не выходил в такую плохую погоду. (тип 2)
6 If Neil and Blake hadn’t slept by a fire, they would have died of cold. (type 3)
Если бы Нейл и Блейк не спали у костра, они бы умерли от холода. (тип 3)
Упражнение 7, с. 53
7. a) Write what each person wishes for/regrets. — Напишите, что каждый человек желает/сожалеет.
1 I wish/If only I had known Tom was in hospital.
Если бы я только знал, что Том в больнице.
2 I wish/If only I had brought my coat.
Жаль, что я не захватил с собой пальто.
3 I wish/If only I hadn’t gone hiking in the rain, then I wouldn’t have got ill.
Я бы хотел/Если бы только я не пошёл в поход под дождём, тогда я бы не заболел.
4 I wish/If only we had a lighter to light a fire.
Я хотел бы/Если бы только у нас была зажигалка, чтобы разжечь огонь.
5 I wish/If only I hadn’t eaten so much, I wouldn’t have got stomachache.
Если бы я только не ел так много, у меня не болел бы живот.
6 I wish/If only I didn’t have to work this weekend, I could go camping with my friends.
Я хотел бы/Если бы только мне не пришлось работать в эти выходные, я мог бы отправиться в поход со своими друзьями.
b) Write two things you wishfor the present and regret about the past. — Напишите две вещи, которые вы хотите в настоящем и сожалеете в прошлом.
I wish I had a lot of money.
Жаль, что у меня нет много денег.
I wish I had a big house.
Жаль, что у меня нет большого дома.
If only I hadn’t failed my Maths test.
Если бы только я не провалила тест по математике.
If only I hadn’t lost my keys.
Если бы только я не потеряла ключи.
Speaking & Writing
Упражнение 8, с. 53
8. Listen to and read the text again.Complete the sentences. Use the sentences to tell your summary to tell your partner a summary of the story. — Прослушайте и прочитайте текст ещё раз.Закончите предложения. Используйте предложения, чтобы рассказать своё резюме, чтобы рассказать своему партнё ру краткое изложение истории.
1 Blake Stanfield and his father Neil went rafting in Alaska.
Блейк Стэнфилд и его отец Нил отправились на рафтинг на Аляску.
2 They left on a warm day in June 2003.
Они уехали тёплым июньским днем 2003 года.
3 Unfortunately their raft crashed into a huge wall of ice.
К сожалению, их плот врезался в огромную стену льда.
4 The two men fell into the water.
Двое мужчин упали в воду.
5 Blake helped his dad out of the river and started a fire.
Блейк помог отцу выбраться из реки и развёл костёр.
6 Neil was suffering from hypothermia.
Нил страдал от переохлаждения.
7 Blake left his dad alone to find help.
Блейк оставил своего отца одного, чтобы найти помощь.
8 Blake lit a signal fire which helped a rescue helicopter to find him and his dad.
Блейк зажёг сигнальный огонь, который помог спасательному вертолёту найти его и его отца.
Упражнение 8, с. 53
9. Think! Imagine you were Neil waiting for Blake to come back. In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell your partner or the class. — Подумай! Представьте, что вы были Нейлом, ожидающим возвращения Блейка. За три минуты напишите несколько предложений. Расскажите об этом своему партнёру или классу.
I feel scared and alone. I wish we hadn’t fallen into the river and lost all our supplies. I’m worried about Blake. I wish he hadn’t left me here alone. I hope he finds help and comes back soon.
Мне страшно и одиноко. Жаль, что мы упали в реку и потеряли все наши припасы. Я беспокоюсь о Блейке. Лучше бы он не оставлял меня здесь одного. Я надеюсь, что он найдёт помощь и скоро вернётся.
Vocabulary Bank 3 pp. VB8—VB9
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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.
Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook
Английский язык. 7 класс
Test 6 A (Module 6)
A Fill in the
missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use.
Native, beneath, give,
varied, drive, catch, snaps, unspoilt, majestic, sunstroke, boat, landmarks
1. I can’t stand
Ben and Liz. They ______ me crazy.
2. You should wear
a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid __________ .
3. We had a
_________ view of the ocean from our hotel room.
4. All the flights
are delayed, so we are all in the same ________ .
5. Did you know
that the _______ people of Australia are called Aborigines?
6. I was cleaning
out my room and found some old _________ from our childhood holidays.
7. Can you please
_________ me a lift to school, Dad?
8. The area was
__________ countryside, before the town was built.
9. There was a
________ menu at the hotel restaurant.
10. If we hurry,
we can _______ the 8 o’clock train.
B Underline
the correct item.
11. What time does the plane arrive/reach
in London?
A team of scientists is on an excursion/expedition in Antarctica to
study the climatic conditions there.
13. Tom threw the
ball for his dog to fetch/bring .
14. Is there place/room
for one more person in your car?
15. The
documentary follows Colombus’ journey/ voyage to the West Indies.
C Rewrite the
following statements in reported speech.
16. “It’s so
chilly this evening,” Jill said. 19. “We’ll go to Italy next year,”
said Jane.
17. “I visited
Spain last year,” he said. 20. “They are going away on holiday
next week,” Sue said.
18. “Tom was late
this morning,” Ben said. 21. “I haven’t talked to Jane recently,” Ann
D Rewrite
the following sentences in reported speech.
22. “Learn about
local laws and customs,” she told me. 25. “Do you like French food?” he
asked Ann.
23. “How old is
the Taj Mahal?” a tourist asked me. 26. “Where is the nearest bus
stop?’ he asked.
24.” Don’t talk
about religion or politics,” he told me. 27. “Have you ever lived
abroad?” Ben asked Sam.
Test 6 A (Module 6)
E Fill
in: at, off, in, on, for, without, aside
28. Winter has
started to set … already, so we can go skiing. 32. The boat sank with six
passengers … board.
29. There are
many boats … hire at Heritage Port. 33. We set … some
money for a special holiday.
30. They will
send you the tickets by Friday … delay. 34. He rented a jeep
and set …to the village.
31. Shall we book
our train tickets … advance? 35. She is spending a
few days… the seaside.
Everyday English
F Complete
the exchanges with the phrases below.
a) What a shame!
b) Sounds good! c) It was fantastic. d) Good for you! e) Thank
36. I spent my
whole holiday in bed with the flu. ____
37. Did you enjoy
your trip around Europe? ____
38. I lost my
passport, but it was found and returned to me 2 days later.
39. We didn’t let
the rain stop us from seeing the
sites. ____
40. She’s planning
to spend 3 weeks on a Greek island this summer. ____
G Read the
text and mark the statements as true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).
Test 6 A (Module 6)
41. Gustave Eiffel
also built the Statue of Liberty. ___
42. Guy de
Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower. ___
43. Over 2 million
people have climbed the Eiffel Tower. ___
44. It took 5
years to complete the Eiffel Tower. ___
45. Different
colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower. ___
H Listen to
the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question.
46. Listen to a
woman talking about choosing a holiday. What advice does she give?
A choose something
suitable for you
B plan ahead
C visit many museums
and landmarks
47. Listen to a
man describing a business trip. How did he feel when he reached the hotel?
A Frustrated
B Annoyed
C Relieved
48. Listen to a
man talking about his trip to Paris. What was he surprised with?
A The quality of
B The friendly
C The prices of
49. Listen to a
man talking about taking pictures. Which of the following the true?
A He only takes pictures of people
B He prefers taking pictures of
unusual things
C He doesn’t take pictures of
50. Listen to a
girl talking about exchange programme. How was her experience?
A Strange
B Boring
C Exciting
Test 6 B (Module 6)
A Fill in the missing
word. There are two answers you do not need to use.
Native, beneath,
varied, drive, catch, snaps, missed, sunstroke, boat, landmarks, booked,
1. Sam is going to
Madrid with British Airways. He has already _____ a seat.
2. You aren’t the
only one waiting in this long queue. We’re all in the same _____.
3. I took some
_______ at the party.
4. As he walked,
the leaves crunched _______ his feet.
5. Goulash soup is
part of the traditional Hungarian ______.
6. Famous for its
________ landscapes, Canada is very outdoor enthusiast’s dream.
7. We only have a
few minutes to ________ the bus. Let’s hurry.
8. Oh, you poor thing!
You got _____ from lying on the beach for too long.
9. I don’t know
how Ann babysits those naughty children. They ____ me up the wall!
10. Ben was late
going to the airport. Sadly, he _____ his flight.
B Underline
the correct item.
11. We arrived/
reached Rome early in the evening.
Ann, can you bring/fetch a towel from the bathroom?
13. We went on a
guided tour/ excursion of the museum.
14. This would be
a nice room/place for a picnic.
15. Helen is going
on a business trip/voyage to Japan next week.
C Rewrite the
following statements in reported speech.
16. “We won the
final match,” Charlie said. 19. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to
17. “It’s so
chilly this evening,” Jill said. 20. “We’re living in New York
now,” Steve said.
18. “I can speak
German,” he said. 21. “I haven’t heard from Bob for quite
some time,” Paul said.
D Rewrite
the following sentences in reported speech.
22. “Do not carry
large amounts of cash,” she told me. 25. “What are you doing?” Rick asked
23. “What is
Moscow like?” David asked Bill. 26. “Have a valid passport,”
the travel agent told me.
24.” Have you ever
been to the USA?’ he asked me. 27. “Do not leave your luggage
unattended,” he told me.
Test 6 B (Module 6)
E Fill
in at, off, in, on, for, without, aside
28. I booked my
holidays … advanced this year. 32. Hotels offer special rates
if you travel … season.
29. Please send
me the information … delay. 33. They spent a week … the
seaside last summer.
30. There are
many bikes … hire in Helsinki. 34. I’ve been setting … a
bit of money all year for my
31. We had to set
… early in the morning to catch the holidays.
35. The plane crashed with 126 passengers … board.
Everyday English
F Complete
the exchanges with the phrases below.
a) Sounds good! b)
Thank goodness! c) What a shame! d) Good for you! e) It was
36. I lost my
passport, but it was found and returned to me 2 days
later. ___
37. Did you enjoy
your trip around
38. We didn’t let
the rain stop us from seeing the
sites. ___
39. She’s planning
to spend 3 weeks on a Greek island this
summer. ___
40. I spent my
whole holiday in bed with the flu.
G Read the
text and mark the statements as true ( T), false ( F) or doesn’t say ( DS) .
Test 6 B (Module 6)
41. Different
colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower. ___
42. Gustave Eiffel
also built the Statue of Liberty. ___
43. It took 5
years to complete the Eiffel Tower. ___
44. Guy de
Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower. ___
45. Over 2 million
people have climbed the Eiffel Tower. ___
H Listen to
the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question.
46. Listen to a
woman talking about choosing a holiday. What advice does she give?
A visit many
museums and landmarks
B plan ahead
C Choose something
suitable for you
47. Listen to a
man describing a business trip. How did he feel when he reached the hotel?
A Frustrated
B Relieved
C Annoyed
48. Listen to a
man talking about his trip to Paris. What was he surprised with?
A The friendly
B The quality of
C The prices of
49. Listen to a
man talking about taking pictures. Which of the following the true?
A He only takes pictures of people
B He doesn’t take pictures of landmarks
C He prefers taking pictures of
unusual things
50. Listen to a
girl talking about exchange programme. How was her experience?
A Exciting
B Boring
C Strange
6 A
A 1
drive 4 boat 7
give 10 catch
sunstroke 5 native 8
majestic 6 snaps 9 varied
B 11
arrive C 16 Jill said that it was so
chilly that evening.
expedition 17 He said that he had visited Spain
the last/ previous year.
13 fetch
18 Ben said that Tom had been late that morning.
room 19 Jane said that they would go to
Italy the following year.
15voyage 20 Sue said that they were going
away on holiday the following week.
21 Ann said that she hadn’t talked to Jane recently.
22 She told me to learn about local laws and customs.
23 A tourist asked me
how old the Taj Mahal was.
24 He told me not to
talk about religion or politics.
25 He asked Ann
if/whether she liked French food.
26 He asked where the
nearest bus stop was.
27 Ben asked Sam
if/whether he had ever lived abroad.
28 in 32 on
for 33 aside
without 34 off
31 in 35
36 a G 41 F
H 46 a
37 c
42 T 47 c
38 e
43 DS 48 a
39 d
44 F 49 b
40 b 45
F 50 b
6 B
A 1 booked
4 beneath 7 catch 10
2 boat
5 cuisine 8 sunstroke
3 snaps
6 varied 9 drive
B 11 reached
C 16 Charlie said that they had won the final match.
fetch 17 He said that it was so chilly
that evening.
13 tour
18 He said that he could speak German.
14 place
19 She told me that she would call me the next/ following
15 trip
20 Steve said that they were living in New York then.
21 Paul said that he hadn’t heard from Bob for quite some time.
22 She told me not to carry large amounts of cash.
23 David asked Bill
what Moscow was like?
24 He asked me if/ whether
I had ever been to the USA.
25 Rick asked me what
I was doing.
26 The travel agent
told me to have a valid passport.
27 He told me not to
leave my luggage unattended.
28 in 32 off
29 without
33 at
30 for
34 aside
31 off
35 on
36 b G 41
F H 46 c
37 e
42 F 47 b
38 d
43 F 48 b
39 a
44 T 49 c
40 c
45 DS 50 b
Tape script
Tape script
Ответы 2
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1.там, куда не мог проникнуть человек, спокойно жили большие птицы.
2.я приехал оттуда, где недолго радует короткое полярное лето.
3.я ухожу по утру блуждать в роще, где нахожу единение с природой.
Ответ разместил: 1TeD
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Ответы будут доступны после просмотра рекламы
there are many environmental problems in the world, such as
to help animals and plants
take care of the plants
i feed birds and animals
i never make a fire in the forest
never throw garbage in the forest
*по моему я нормально написал(изложил всё на )*
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