Read text from picture to word

Преобразование отсканированных документов и изображений в редактируемые форматы Word, Pdf, Excel и Txt (простой текст)

Доступно страниц: 10 (Вы уже использовали 0 страниц)

Если вам нужно распознать больше страниц, пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь

Загрузите файлы для распознавания или перетащите их на эту страницу

Поддерживаемые форматы файлов:

pdf, jpg, bmp, gif, jp2, jpeg, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, tga, tiff, wbmp

  • Китайский OCR
  • Немецкий OCR
  • Нидерландский OCR
  • Английский OCR
  • Французский OCR
  • Итальянский OCR

Как распознать текст с изображения?

Шаг 1

Загрузите изображения или PDF-файлы

Выберите файлы с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox, по ссылке или перетащив их на страницу

Шаг 2

Язык и формат

Выберите все языки, используемые в документе. Кроме того, выберите .doc или любой другой формат, который вам нужен в результате (поддерживается больше 10 текстовых форматов)

Шаг 3

Конвертируйте и скачивайте

Нажмите «Распознать», и вы можете сразу загрузить распознанный текстовый файл

Optional Settings

OCR Method

Source language of your file

To get the best results, select all languages that your file contains.

Improve OCR

Apply Filter:

PDF Converter

We currently support the following image to text conversions: JPG to text, PNG to text, TIFF to text, SVG to text, BMP to text, WEBP to text, and many more!


  • Способ 1: Convertio
  • Способ 2: Img2txt
  • Способ 3: Online OCR
  • Способ 4: Free Online OCR
  • Способ 5: Onlineconvertfree
  • Способ 6: Aspose
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_018

Способ 1: Convertio

Convertio умеет распознавать текст на многих языках и конвертировать его в DOC для работы с Word. Взаимодействует с различными форматами изображений. В режиме бесплатного использования можно отсканировать до 10 фотографий.

Официальный сайт сервиса Convertio

  1. Нажмите на кнопку «Выберите файлы», найдите нужный файл через открывшееся окно «Проводника», кликните по «Открыть». При необходимости можно загрузить картинку из облачного хранилища.
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_001

  3. Укажите языки, используемые в загруженном изображении. Измените формат и настройки выбора – для вывода в Word выберите вариант «Документ Microsoft Word (.docx)». Нажмите на «Распознать».
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_002

  5. Поднимитесь в верхнюю часть страницы, нажмите на кнопку «Скачать» напротив готового документа.
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_003

  7. Convertio корректно сохраняет разметку документа, но может распознавать с ошибками при работе с многоцветным фоном.
  8. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_019

Способ 2: Img2txt

Img2txt – ещё один популярный бесплатный сервис по распознаванию текста. На данный момент позволяет загружать файлы только с компьютера пользователя – инструмент работы со ссылками находится в разработке.

Официальный сайт сервиса Img2txt

Обратите внимание! Размер загружаемой фотографии не должен превышать 8 Мб.

  1. Нажмите на «Выберите файл с изображением» и укажите путь к картинке. Можно просто перетащить изображение в указанную область.
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_004

  3. Выберите язык текста, нажмите на «Загрузить» (сервис умеет работать только с изображениями, текст на которых написан на одном конкретном языке).
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_005

  5. Результат распознавания откроется на сайте сервиса. Чтобы скачать его в формате DOCX (для работы в Word), спуститесь в конец страницы, раскройте список «Скачать» и выберите вариант «Microsoft Word».
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_006

  7. В отличие от Convertio, Img2txt сохраняет переносы слов.
  8. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_020

    Ключевая особенность Img2txt заключается в возможности предварительного просмотра результата распознавания.

Способ 3: Online OCR

Online OCR – бесплатный сервис оптического распознавания. Поддерживает около 46 языков, умеет обрабатывать фотографии объёмом до 15 Мб.

Официальный сайт сервиса Online OCR

  1. Для распознавания текста нажмите на кнопку «Файл…» и выберите нужную картинку, укажите язык и выходной формат, кликните по кнопке «Конвертировать». Все действия выполняются на одной странице.
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_007

  3. Нажмите на «Скачать выходной файл» для запуска загрузки документа в формате DOCX.
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_008

  5. Результат сканирования разворота книги в Word отображается в альбомной ориентации.
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_021

    Для конвертации больших изображений и работы с архивами придётся зарегистрироваться, при этом работу с обычными картинками можно вести без учётной записи.

Способ 4: Free Online OCR

Free Online OCR – сервис, который умеет автоматически определять язык, используемый в распознаваемом тексте.

Официальный сайт Free Online OCR

  1. Нажмите на кнопку «Обзор…», выберите нужный файл.
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_009

  3. Спуститесь ниже по странице и кликните по «Preview».
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_010

  5. Убедитесь, что сервис правильно определил исходный язык. При необходимости укажите на необходимость поворота изображения или выделите участок, который нужно обработать. Нажмите на «OCR» для запуска процедуры распознавания.
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_011

  7. Спуститесь в конец страницы к результату работы сервиса, нажмите на «Download», выберите «Microsoft Word (DOC)».
  8. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_012

  9. Итоговый результат представлен на скриншоте ниже.
  10. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_022

    Free Online OCR не умеет работать в пакетном режиме и конвертирует только в DOC. В отличие от других сервисов, этот позволяет вручную определять сканируемую область.

Способ 5: Onlineconvertfree

Onlineconvertfree – простейший онлайн-сервис, с помощью которого можно без регистрации быстро распознать текст на 10 фотографиях.

Официальный сайт сервиса Onlineconvertfree

  1. Нажмите на «Выберите файл», укажите путь к интересующему изображению.
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_013

  3. Выберите используемые языки, настройте формат вывода. Нажмите на «Распознать».
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_014

  5. Кликните по кнопке загрузки, расположенной напротив готового документа.
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_015

  7. Стоит отметить, что ошибок при распознавании возникает больше, чем при использовании других сервисов.
  8. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_023

Способ 6: Aspose

Aspose– сервис, который способен извлечь текст из любого изображения и вставить его в документ DOC или DOCX.

Официальный сайт сервиса Aspose

  1. Для преобразования введите ссылку на картинку или загрузите файл через кнопку «Выберите JPG файлы», укажите язык и формат сохранения, нажмите на кнопку «Начать OCR».
  2. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_024

  3. Для скачивания нажмите на кнопку загрузки. При необходимости файл можно отправить на электронную почту.
  4. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_025

  5. С получившимся текстом можно работать в Word любой версии.
  6. Как распознать текст из JPG в Word онлайн_026

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Table of Contents:

  • Image to Text Converter
  • How to extract text from images?
  • Features offered by Image to Text
  • Why Prepostseo Image to Text Converter?
  • Use Picture to Text converter – Why it is important?
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Image to Text Converter

Image to Text is a free online tool that lets you copy text from images accurately. It features the latest optical character recognition (OCR) technology to accurately convert photos into text.

It can extract text from any image format such as:

  • PNG
  • JPG
  • BMP
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • TIFF

Jpg to text tool can extract text from images, official documents, screenshots of web pages, or any image with a few characters.

 To convert an image to text using the above tool, follow the steps below:

  • Upload the image using the Upload Picture button. If you want to crop the image, you can use our crop image

image to text upload file

  • Or paste the URL of the image.

image to text PASTE URL

  • Click the Submit button to get a text from uploaded images.
  • Hooray! You got it right.
    You will get the text in the container where you can copy the text to the clipboard, download the text as a .txt file, or save it as a document.
  • If you want to convert an image that includes text from other languages, you can choose another language from the side panel.

image to text multilingual

You can also convert pdf images to text online using this photo to text converter.

Features offered by Image to Text

The  Following key features of our picture to text converter make it a competitive and perfect tool to copy text from images.

Let’s explore some of the classic features of this image to text app.

1. Extract text from low-resolution images

Students often take photos of book pages and notes for exams. These pictures are usually blurred due to poor camera quality.

Our online text extractor can take out text from low-resolution and blurry images as well with high accuracy. 

2. Identify math equations

image to text math equations find

You may have some pictures of algebraic or geometric formulas if you are a math geek. The good news is, this picture to text converter not only gets simple text for you but also extracts complex mathematical equations like a pro.

3. Free of cost

You can upload as many scanned books, notes, images, and photos as you want.

Our free pic to text converter extracts correct text each time without asking you to sign up or paid subscription.

4. Trustworthy and secure

You are safe and secure with us. We always aim and promise to keep your data safe and secure. We adhere to our policy that we will neither pass your data to any third party nor it will be stored in our database.

5. Multiple language support

This online OCR tool provides multilingual support. It can translate images into text in more than 30 languages.

It supports Multiple languages including English, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Czech, Swedish, Polish, Netherlands, French, Indonesian, Romania, Thai, Italian, Georgian, Dansk, Korean, Filipino, Turkish, and Arabic.

6. Extract text via URL

Apart from uploading, a picture can be converted to text by inserting the URL of the pic into the URL box.

This feature is very useful when you browse the Internet and come across an image that contains the text.

7. Download the text file

Data can be lost or misplaced if not saved appropriately. You can directly download converted text as a file instead of copying the text.

image to text download

This feature saves time and important data in the local storage of your device.

8. Copy to the clipboard

You can copy the converted text to the clipboard and paste it into the desired file or directory.

9. Convert the image to a word file

After converting a photo to text, you can save the output directly to a Microsoft Word file by using Save as Document feature.

image to text

This way, you can convert images to text in Microsoft Word and can use it for further purposes.

10. Accessible from any device

This jpeg to text converter can be used on a mobile device and performs the text conversion perfectly. You can access this tool from any device by using the web browser.

Why Prepostseo Image to Text Converter?

Here are the best reasons that make our tool unique:

💡 Formats  JPG, PNG, JPEG, GIF, and more
🎯 Result  Highly accurate
💲 Price  Fremium
🌐 Languages  20+ Languages supported
✔️ Save  Time and Money
🥰 Improves  Work Efficiency and Productivity
  • Convert images, scanned documents, and photos to editable text
  • No registration or personal data required
  • No installation required
  • 100% free of charge
  • Exact image to text conversion
  • Save your time and money
  • Save you from retyping

Use Picture to Text converter – Why it is important?

There are millions of reasons to use text extractor tools, some of which are:

  • Save time & efforts

Productivity needs more time and with this picture to text converter, you can save your precious time by converting scanned images into editable text, saving time and reducing errors from manual typing.

  • Boost your business

You can extract text from all your business documents and store it in one place. This data can be used to create analysis and audit reports.

  • Extract content from social media 

You may encounter interesting images on your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These media files can be converted to text and you can use this text wherever you need.

image to text extract from social media

Whenever you wish to send any of that to your friends in text form, you can simply generate the text from social media images using this OCR tool.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I extract text from JPEG?

You can use our Jpg to word converter to extract text from a JPEG, OR follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Prepostseo image to text tool.
  • Upload a JPEG image and hit Submit.
  • Download or copy the text using the relevant buttons.

Tip: you can also use to extract text from image. 

How do I convert handwritten notes to text?

Follow the steps below to convert handwritten notes to text:

  • Take a picture of the note using a camera.
  • Go to the Prepostseo image to text tool
  • Upload the image and click Submit.
  • Copy the text or download the file into your device.

Do I need to pay to use Workbench?

Nope! Workbench is 100% free, up to 5 uses a day per user. No license, subscription or even email addresses required.

Will you be adding new tools to Workbench in the future?

Yes! Our team will continue to build out useful resources and release them over time. To get full access to all digital asset management features, check out Brandfolder’s DAM software.

How does AI auto-tagging work?

AI auto-tagging is a feature utilized by Digital Asset Management (DAM) platforms to help users save time by eliminating manual work, encouraging organization, and making files easy to locate.

The technology works by analyzing objects within an image and generating a set of tags returned from a machine learning system. Based on a confidence score, the tags with the highest likelihood of accuracy will be applied to the image. When used within a DAM software like Brandfolder, metadata and auto-tagging provide a convenient method to search by. You can read more about metadata auto tagging in our blog.

How does the color palette generator work?

The Workbench color palette generator extracts a series of HEX colors from an image upon upload. It counts every pixel and its color, and generates a palette of up to 6 HEX codes of the most recurring colors.

What is metadata?

Metadata provides information about an asset’s content.

For example, an image may include metadata that describes how large the picture is, the color depth, the image resolution, the creation date, and other data. A text document’s metadata may include information about length of document, the author, publish date, and a short summary of the document.

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital Asset Management (DAM) has, in recent years, become a critical system for companies of all industries and sizes. A DAM is a software platform brands use to store, edit, distribute and track their brand assets. DAMs are intended to encourage the organization of a company’s digital architecture, eliminating the use of buried files and folders typically housed in Google Drive or Dropbox.

DAM systems scale to store massive quantities of digital assets, including but not limited to: photos, audio files, graphics, logos, colors, animations, 3D video, PDF files, fonts, etc. In addition to meticulous organization within the DAM’s central file system, these files are discoverable using unique identifiers such as their metadata and tags (auto and manual).

When used for distribution, DAMs encourage asset permissioning and expiration, ensuring only the correct content is available to the correct recipient for a specified amount of time. Once published or distributed, DAMs can analyze how, where and by whom assets are being used.

Digital asset management platforms are used by marketing, sales and creative teams at some of the world’s largest brands. Want to learn more about how a DAM could benefit your team? Sign up for a free Brandfolder trial or schedule a demo with one of our DAM experts here.

Extract text from image using this image to text converter. Stop wasting time on manual typing and start using this tool to get an editable text file (PDF, DOC). You are free to upload any image (JPG, JPEG, WebP, etc.) in the photo to text converter to make it into a readable text document.

How Our Tool Works?

This text scanner is loaded with a simple UI (user interface) that lets you upload an image and extract text from it easily. It functions swiftly if you follow these steps:

  • Tap on the UPLOAD IMAGE button to upload an image 
  • You can also paste the URL of the image directly in the designated field to extract text from it
  • Select language from the upper right corner if your image contains text in some other language
  • You can also select an image from DropBox directly to perform the conversion


You can upload batch files by using different uploading ways for each image containing text in any language.


The online OCR converter does the following functions:

  • Extract text from the image 
  • Prepare a document containing the original text as in the image

Features of Image To Text Converter:

Following are the features of the photo to text converter that make it the most trustworthy tool!

🔤 Multiple Language Support
🛡  Secure Conversion
🏖 Multiple Image Formats
🛠 Free Services
🎯 High Accuracy

Multiple Language Support:

Now extract text in multiple languages. The image to text converter can recognise text in any language and turn it into a content file that you can download and flee away.

Secure Conversion:

Your image to text extraction will be 100% secure! Now whatever data you convert from image to text is encrypted and no one can access it. We are not able to read it. 

Multiple Image Formats:

By using an image to text extractor, you can drag text from multiple image formats including

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • JFIF
  • GIF

Free Service:

You do not need to pay even a single penny to extract text from an image. The image to text converter does this all for you absolutely free of cost. You do not need to purchase any premium subscription and perform photo to text conversions as many times as you want.

Downloadable Text File:

Once your conversion is complete, tap “Download” to save the text file in several formats including:

  • PDF
  • HTML
  • DOC and Others

High Accuracy:

Our tool uses an advanced OCR (optical character recognition) algorithm to process photo to text conversions at an optimal level.

Extract Text From Blur Images:

It does not matter how blurred your uploaded image is, you will get a non-compromised text file with no spelling mistakes. Also, the tool will recognise any design text and paste it into the file.

No Retype Hustle:

Get text from image in such a way that you are left with no further revision to improve any text or grammatical mistakes. So no retyping is a time saver as well!

Access from Multiple Devices:

You can use this converter to convert image into text file on any device you want.


Use can use the image to text converter to

  • Share important news with your mates. You can immediately scan it and share it in text format with anyone you want
  • Digitalize a hard document to make changes to it 
  • Scan important classroom notes and use them on your mobile device 
  • Do your data entry job quite simply and fast by scanning images containing sensitive data and converting it to a legitimate text file that is both encrypted and saved on your device
  • Scan and save important contacts and social media posts including WhatsApp status, Instagram reels, Twitter feed and more


What Is the Use of Image to Text?

Image into text is an advanced OCR technology that recognises all the text in any image and translates it to a file of electronically designated characters. Our image to text converter uses the same technology to let you make unlimited photo-text conversions straightaway.

Can We Convert Image to Text In Word?

Yes of course you can! MS Word has a built-in OCR algorithm that immediately transforms images into understandable text.

Can I Save a Picture as Text?

Just drag and drop the picture in the image to text converter. It will instantly convert it to a text file that you can save later.

Other Languages: Resimdeki Yazıyı Metne Çevirme, Konwerter Zdjęć Na Tekst, Mengubah Gambar Menjadi Text Online, Bild In Text Umwandeln, 画像 文字 抽出, 이미지 텍스트 추출, Převod Obrázku Na Text, Converter Imagem Em Texto, Extraire Texte D’une Image, Convertir Imagen A Texto, Estrarre Testo Da Immagine, Текст С Картинки, تحويل الصورة الى نص, Kuvasta Tekstiksi.

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Sometimes you scanned a document but want to make changes to it but do not know how to; there is a feature in Microsoft Word that can extract text from images, especially if it’s an image of a document. The images are usually in JPEG format. Extracting text from images to a word document is an excellent option for businesses, schools, and institutions to save and convert their scanned documents to a word document where they can update them anytime.

Open Microsoft Word.

How to extract Text from an Image in Microsoft Word

Insert a text image or a scanned document image into the Word document.

Do not use a random image off the internet.

To extract the text from the image, you need to save the image as a PDF file.

To save the image as PDF, go to the File tab.

On the Backstage View, click Save As.

On Save As, click Browse.

A Save As dialog box will pop up.

In the File Name section, name the file.

In the Save as Type section, click on the drop-down arrow and select PDF from the list.

Then, Save the file.

The file is saved as a PDF.

Now, we will open the PDF we just created.

Click the File tab.

On the Backstage View; Click Open.

On Open, click Browse.

An Open dialog box will appear; click the saved PDF file, then click Open.

A message box will pop up; click Ok.

The file will start to convert to text.

Now we have an image converted to text in a word document, and you can make necessary changes to the text by editing.

We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to extract text from an image in Microsoft Word; if you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.

Other posts that may interest you:

  • How to extract Text from Image using OneNote
  • Extract Text from Images using Photo Scan app.


Shantel has studied Data Operations, Records Management, and Computer Information Systems. She is quite proficient in using Office software. Her goal is to become a Database Administrator or a System Administrator.

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