Read and underline the correct word 15 marks


5 Read and underline. (15 marks)
ulan: Hello, Kanat! 0) What/Where are you doing?
Kanat: Hi, Ulan. I’m 1) fish/fishing.
vlan: 2) Fishing/Fish is fantastic!
Kanat: That’s 3) who/why summer is my favourite

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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 4 класс


Task1. Read and underline the odd(лишнее) word.

1. cap gloves sweater lemon jeans

2. angry grass tired worried

3. aspirin doctor dentist skin cream strawberry

4. lime lemon lemonade melon mango

5. cheese juice coconut honey water

Task2. Read and complete.

0. The cheetah is faster (fast) than the python.

1. The python is_____________(long) than the lizard.

2. The whale is the ___________________(big) of all.

3. The lizard is the _________________(small) of all.

4. The cheetah is __________________(tall) than the lizard.

5. The whale is the _________________(fat) of all.

Task 3. Read and underline the correct word.

0. How much/many loaves of bread do we need?

1. Have you got some/any eggs?

2. Is there many/much honey in the jar?

3. There are a few/a little onions and potatoes in the bag.

4. I haven’t got any/some biscuits.

5. There aren’t many/much green peppers in the salad.

Task 4. Read and choose a or b.

1. Is this______________car?

a.your b.yours

2.This umbrella isn’t________________ . b.mine

3. Are these books_________________?

a.their b.theirs

4. ____________bags are in the car.

a.our b.ours

5.That dress is_________________.

a.her b.hers

Task 5. 1.Read the text. (Прочитайтетекст).

Hello! My name is Nick. I am 10. I want to tell about professions my parents and relatives. Also I want to tell you about what I going to be. My father works in hospital. He helps sick people. I think that it is important work to help different people. He is a doctor. My mother works in a school. I love my mother because she teaches history to children. She is smart and helpful. She is a teacher. It is an interesting job. I have got a sister. Her name is Ashley. She is very clever and talented. Ashley is going to be an actress or a writer.  My uncle is good at playing football. He is a sportsman. My aunt is tall and beautiful. She wears wonderful clothes. She is a model. I am going to be an actor. I am going to act in plays and films, too. That is great! And I am going to be famous and happy actor. If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.


going to be – собираюсьбыть;         

job – работа;                                     

writer – писатель.

profession – профессия;

Task 5.2. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный ответ.

1. My name is Nikita.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

2. I am 12.

A) True                                   B) False                                     C) Doesn’t say

3. I want to tell about professions my parents and relatives.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

4. Also I want to speak you about what I going to be.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

5. My father works in school.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

6. My mother works in a school.  

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

7. Her name is Ann.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

8. She is very silly and talented.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

9. She wears wonderful clothes.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

10. And I am going to be famous and unlucky actor.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 4 класс


Task 1. Read and underline the odd(лишнее) word.

0.cap gloves sweater lemon jeans

1. rash headache cold countryside stomachache

2. milk meat melon water salt

3. castle knight hunt queen quarter

4. lemons oranges strawberry cheese limes

Task 2. Read and complete.

0. The cheetah is faster (fast) than the hippo.

1. The snail is the_____________(slow )of all.

2. The hippo is the ___________________(fat) of the four.

3. The giraffe is _________________(tall) than the hippo.

4. The snail is __________________(small) than the cheetah.

5. The hippo is the _________________(big) of all.

Task 3. Read and underline the correct word.

0. How much/many loaves of bread do we need?

1. Have you got some/any lemons?

2. Is there many/much flour left?

3. There are a few/a little eggs in the fridge.

4. I haven’t got any/some sugar for my tea.

5. There aren’t many/much apples in the basket .

Task 4. Read and choose a or b

1. Is this______________black cat?

a.your b.yours

2.That hat is______________.

a.her b.hers

3.This pen isn’t_______________. b.mine

4. ___________books are on the desk.

a.our b.ours

5.Is this dog ______________?

a.their b.theirs

Task 5. 1.Read the text. (Прочитайтетекст).

Hello! My name is Nick. I am 10. I want to tell about professions my parents and relatives. Also I want to tell you about what I going to be. My father works in hospital. He helps sick people. I think that it is important work to help different people. He is a doctor. My mother works in a school. I love my mother because she teaches history to children. She is smart and helpful. She is a teacher. It is an interesting job. I have got a sister. Her name is Ashley. She is very clever and talented. Ashley is going to be an actress or a writer.  My uncle is good at playing football. He is a sportsman. My aunt is tall and beautiful. She wears wonderful clothes. She is a model. I am going to be an actor. I am going to act in plays and films, too. That is great! And I am going to be famous and happy actor. If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.


going to be – собираюсьбыть;         

job – работа;                                     

writer – писатель.

profession – профессия;

Task 5.2. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный ответ.

1. My name is John.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

2. I am 20.

A) True                                   B) False                                     C) Doesn’t say

3. I want to tell about hobby of my parents.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

4. Also I want to speak you about what I going to be.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

5. My father works in hospital.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

6. My mother works in a school.  

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

7. Her name is Ann.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

8. She is very silly and talented.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

9. She wears wonderful clothes.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

10. And I am going to be famous and unlucky actor.

A) True                                       B) False                                         C) Doesn’t say

Адрес публикации:

Underline the correct word.
e.g. Jane’s tall with short/little hair.
11. Lisa is a baby. She’s big/small.
12. My sister’s got long/big hair.
13. Paul’s naughty and noisy/quiet.
14. Dad’s tall with fair/good hair.
15. My teacher’s got a kind/small nose.
16. Wendy’s short and thin/tall.
17. Patty’s got old/black hair.
18. Ann’s room is tall/big.
19. Grandpa’s plump with a kind/tall face.
20. Joy’s a good student. She’s very noisy/clever.

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 4 A (Module 4). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Подчеркните правильное слово.
например: Джейн высокая с короткими / маленькими волосами.
11. Лиза − младенец. Она большая / маленькая.
12. У моей сестры длинные / большие волосы.
13. Пол капризный и шумный / тихий.
14. Папа высокий, со светлыми / хорошими волосами.
15. У моего учителя добрый / маленький нос.
16. Венди невысокого роста и худощавая / высокая.
17. У Пэтти старые / черные волосы.
18. Комната Энн высокая / большая.
19. Дедушка полный и с добрым / высоким лицом.
20. Джой хорошо учится. Она очень шумная / умная.

11. Lisa is a baby. She’s big/ small.
12. My sister’s got long/big hair.
13. Paul’s naughty and noisy/quiet.
14. Dad’s tall with fair/good hair.
15. My teacher’s got a kind/ small nose.
16. Wendy’s short and thin/tall.
17. Patty’s got old/ black hair.
18. Ann’s room is tall/ big.
19. Grandpa’s plump with a kind/tall face.
20. Joy’s a good student. She’s very noisy/ clever.

Перевод ответа
11. Лиза − младенец. Она маленькая.
12. У моей сестры длинные волосы.
13. Пол капризный и шумный.
14. Папа высокий, со светлыми волосами.
15. У моего учителя маленький нос.
16. Венди невысокого роста и худощавая.
17. У Пэтти черные волосы.
18. Комната Энн большая.
19. Дедушка полный и с добрым лицом.
20. Джой хорошо учится. Она очень умная.

“Spotlight 7” Module 4. TEST YOURSELF.

I. Underline the correct word.

1). I like the fashion and beauty strips advice in this magazine.

2). What does the weather article report say?

3). Steve came up to with the idea of organizing a Christmas bazaar.

4). My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all brave proud of her.

5). I was really interested worried for the boy who was in accident.

6). I heard all my favourite songs on the radio documentary last night!

7). I was cooking just as while Rachel was watching TV.

8). Our class took part in with a clean-up campaign.

9). Who’s the demonstration mayor of your city?

10). Do you have to attend go classes at university?

11). Are there any insects stray animals on the streets of your city?

12). How many weddings members does your swimming club have?

13). Tom was helped awarded with the prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.

14). Did you take place part in the clean –up day last week?

15). I was so sad excited to hear about our holiday plans.

Test 1


and write the word.

e.g. You can open the door
with these. YKES — keys

put it on your head. MTEELH

can tell the time with this. WCHTA

can talk to your friend on this. OILMEB POHEN

can play music with this. IGTUAR

can wear these on your hands. GELSVO

and write the numbers.

e.g.  sixty-five — 65

eighty-four     4)

twenty-seven  5)


and choose.

e.g. The hairbrush is next to the clock.   (in
/ next to)

are roller blades … the chair.   (under / in)

the helmet… your head.    (behind / on)

Jane? She’s … the garden.   (in / on)

the dog … the door?    (behind / on)

your uncle … England?    (in front of / from)

the correct word

e.g. Bob is/are diving into the sea.

Rose and Tom is/are

They can/are skiing very well.

I’m play /playing
the violin.

is he /you doing?

Dan surfing? No, he is/isn’t.

and match.

 e.g.  1с

does Nanny Shine look like?        a) She’s thirty-five.

b)	No, they aren’t.
c)	She’s tall and slim.
d)	He’s painting.
e)	He’s kind and funny. 
f)	 It’s on the table.
What’s Larry like?

old is your aunt?

my camera?

Fred doing?

Are they
playing in the garden?

Test 1


and write the word.

e.g. You can open the door
with these. YKRES — keys

1 ) You can take photos
with this. RCAAME

2) You can brush your
hair with this. HIBUSHARR

3)You can go very fast on

4 ) You can tell the time
with this. WCHTA

5) You can play music
with this. IGTUAR

2. Read and write the

 e.g. sixty-five —

1   ) fifty                        

2   ) forty-two                 5) thirty-eight

3   ) seventy-three

3.   Read and choose.

e .g. The hairbrush is next
the clock. (in / next to)

1 ) There is a mobile phone … the chair. (under / in)

     2)Where’s John? He’s
… the park. (in / on)

     3)Are the shoes…
the door?  (behind / on)

4) Is your aunt… Canada?  (in front of / from)

the gloves … your hands. (behind / on)

4.   Underline the correct

 e.g. Bob is/are diving into the sea.

1)Look! Wendy and Dan is/are

2)We can / are
ski very well.

3) Listen! Im play/playing the guitar.

4) What are he /you doing?

Lulu making a sandcastle? Yes, she is/isn’t.

5.   Read and match.

 e.g.   le

1)    How old is your friend?              
a) He’s funny.

2)    Where’re your keys?                  
b) No, he isn’t.

     3)What does Anna
look like?           c) She’s got dark hair and green eyes.

     4)Is he riding a
bike?                       d) He likes playing soccer.

5)What’s his brother
like?                e) She’s ten.

     6)What does Tony
like doing?          f) They’re in my school bag.

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