Read and translate the following words and word combinations

Read and translate the words and word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 5. Let’s Save the Earth, Our Home. Номер №74


Перевод задания
Читайте и переведите слова и словосочетания. Используйте их в своих предложениях.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

энергия − источник энергии, природная / солнечная / волновая энергия, биомасса / геотермальная энергия
электричество − создавать электричество; электричество на ископаемом топливе; электростанция, электроэнергия
мощность, энергия − солнечная энергия; гидроэнергетика; электроэнергия
технология − возобновляемые технологии; экологически чистые / зеленые технологии
зеленый − зеленые технологии / продукты / материалы
1. Biomass is a renewable energy because it contains energy which comes from the Sun.
2. Solar power is light and heat from the Sun.
3. A truly ‘smart house’ uses only green energy.

Перевод ответа
1. Биомасса − это возобновляемая энергия, поскольку она содержит энергию, исходящую от Солнца.
2. Солнечная энергия − это свет и тепло Солнца.
3. По−настоящему «умный дом» использует только зеленую энергию.

1. Listen and repeat after the speaker. Practice the pronunciation of the following.

[æ] nationality,
[eι] radio,
[aι] specialized,
[k] telemechanics,

  1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations:

first-year student, secondary school, nationality, day department,
establish, correspondence, specialized field, philology, foreign
language, course, drawing, industry, laboratory works, lectures,
research, hostel, reference-book, literature, specialists.

  1. Read and try to memorize the following active word combinations:

    1. to
      enter a University поступить

    2. to
      быть основанным; быть

    3. day-time
      department дневное

    4. correspondence
      department факультет
      заочного отделения

    5. training
      course учебный курс

    6. academic
      year учебный

    7. to
      last длиться,

    8. to
      take an examination (a test) сдавать

    9. practical
      производственная практика

    10. to
      attend classes посещать

    11. to
      вести научно – исследовательскую

    12. reference

    13. basic
      (general) subjects основные

  • higher
    mathematics высшая

  • chemistry

  • physics

  • descriptive
    geometry начертательная

  • theoretical
    mechanics теоретическая

  • heat
    engineering теплотехника

  • electrical
    engineering электротехника

  • drawing

  • strength
    of materials сопромат

  1. Try to arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms and translate them:

  1. free
    education 1. oral test

  2. term
    2. to take part in

  3. practical
    training 3. scholarship

  4. to
    do well at the exams 4. apparatus

  5. to
    be founded 5. free of charge

  6. department

  7. quiz
    7. to be

  8. to
    participate in 8. faculty

  9. stipend
    9. to pass with

  10. instrument
    10. practical know-how

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Помогите срочно пожалуесто
Read and translate the following words and word combinations
1. Chamber: the heart consists of two separate chambers; the right atrium and the right ventricle are in the right chamber;
2. thick: a thick wall; the walls of the left atrium are thick; the left ventricle has thick walls;
3. pulmonary: pulmonary artery; pulmonary circulation; pulmonary function; pulmonary valve;
4. to dilate: dilated; to be dilated; the vessels dilate; the heart dilates and contracts


Автор ответа: katuhakolodaznaa18


Ответ:1. Камера: сердце состоит из двух отдельных камер; правое предсердие и правый желудочек находятся в правой камере;

2. толстая: толстая стена; стенки левого предсердия толстые; левый желудочек имеет толстые стенки;

3. легочная: легочная артерия; легочная циркуляция; легочная функция; легочной клапан;

4. расширить: расширено; быть расширенным; сосуды расширяются; сердце расширяется и сжимается

не из переводчика

Автор ответа: dashkaromashka10



1. Камера: сердце состоит из двух отдельных камер; правое предсердие и правый желудочек находятся в правой камере;

2. Толстая: толстая стенка; толстые стенки левого предсердия; левый желудочек имеет толстые стенки;

3. Легочная: легочная артерия; легочная циркуляция; легочная функция; легочной клапан;

4. Расширить: расширено; расширенный; сосуды расширяются; сердце расширяется и сжимается

Интересные вопросы

Предмет: История,
автор: gordeigordienko

Exercise 23. Find the words with similar meanings.

Exercise 22. Find the synonym of each word.

Exercise 21. Find the meaning of each word.

Exercise 20. Insert the necessary word. Consult the text.

1. Technology is often … of science and engineering.

2. The … knowledge may be used by engineers to create … and machines.

3. Science is the reasoned … or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing scientific … .

4. In immediate wake of World War II in the United States it was widely considered that technology was simply «… science» and that to fund basic science was to … technological results in due time.

5. The development of … may draw upon many fields of knowledge, including scientific, engineering, mathematical, linguistic, and historical knowledge, to … some practical result.

6. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy … such as utility, … and safety.

(achieve, technology, to reep, usability, method, consequence, applied,

new-found, requirement, tools, investigation).

1. способность a) opportunity,
b) ability, с) difficulty,
d) property
2.значение a)understanding,
b) beginning,
c) meaning,
d) opening
3. повреждать a) to injure, b) to kill, c) to explode, d) to abolish
4. избегать a) to threaten, b) to expect, c) to avoid, d) to deserve
5. заслуживать a) to respect, b) to encourage, c) to occur, d)to deserve
6. выбирать a) to choose, b) to offer, c) to develop, d) to install
7. выигрывать a) to grow, b) to need, c) to win, d) to build
8. отмена, упразднение
a) consideration, b) education, с) competition, d) abolition
9. шахта a) site, b) mine, c) field, d) tube
10. оправдывать a) to justify, b) to threaten, c) to cause, d)introduce
1. plenty of a) much, b) little, с) enough, d) few
2. to occur a) to injure, b) to avoid, c) to happen, d) to justify
3. to make a) to choose, b) to do, c) to master, d) to win
4. believe a) to respect b) to abolish, c) to deserve, d) consider
5. to care a) to like, b) to encourage, c) to govern, d) to use come back a) to leave, b) to return, c) to retreat, d) to avoid
7. too a) while, b) almost, c) again, d) also
seldom peace
excellent to open
plenty of now
never busy
useless to leave
to come back rich
full empty
easy difficult
poor often
then usefull
war always
to close bad
free little
to offer to refuse
to care for children to have an excellent opportunity
while he was translating the article to win victory
scientific research work to be injured at the car accident
to be a famous scientist to invest the capital into the new
fields of industry
it occurred during the war to master two foreign languages
to come back late to choose the best translation
to see something with one’s own eyes to avoid driving during rush hours
to think about the meaning of life the explosion occurred in the old mine
to justify one’s hopes to use explosive materials for the experiment
to find the meaning of the new word to work in the mine
to be seldom free the threat of nuclear war
to achieve excellent results to encourage one’s initiative
to be a really good doctor to respect old people
to have plenty of tree time to deserve a good mark for the answer
to believe in progress to win the first prize at the championship

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