Read and strike the odd word out in each sentence he is been being work

the odd word out

    1. black, raw,
instant, filtered coffee

    2. traditional,
artificial, vegetarian, spicy dish

    3. roast,
fried, scrambled, grilled beef

    4. cold, fake,
sparkling, still water

    5. crash,
strict, special, fresh diet

Choose and complete the most
suitable verb forms in each sentence.

Why didn’t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn’t feel / wouldn’t feel / wouldn’t
have felt
so tired.

Terry is so sensitive! If he catches
/ caught/had caught
fish while fishing, he throws
/ would throw
it back!

What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall / hadn’t fallen / wouldn’t
over, he won /
would win / would have won

If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.

If I ___________ (win) a lot of money,
I ______________ (buy) a new car.

When water ___________ (freeze), it
___________ (turn) into ice.

If I ____________ (be) you, I
_____________ (follow) your mum’s advice.

Use the prefixes ( pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-, over- )
to form compound words

You must____________this essay as it is
badly-done . WRITE

The ghost disappeared and
________________ after a while. APPEAR

___________________ children aren’t
allowed to watch this film.  AGE

When you ___________, you lose control
of your emotions. REACT

You must ____________ the oven for 10
minutes before you put the cake in. HEAT

Fill in: off, away, back, up
(2). Phrasal verbs.

They have given _________ hope of
finding the two drivers alive.

He has decided to give __________

Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book
you lent her?

The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty
smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________ all her old

VI. Put down the correct

1. He’s in hospital recovering
___ his operation.

2. She suffers ___ headaches.

3. He can’t cope ___ the

4. Not exercising enough can
result ____ problems later in life.

5. The doctor advised me __
fatty food.


2f, 3a, 4b, 5c ,6g ,7h, 8e

Raw 2. Artificial 3. Scrambled 4. Fake 5. Fresh

Had told/would have helped

2. smoked/wouldn’t

3. catched/throws

4. hadn’t
fallen/would have won

5. lent/would pay

6. won/would pay

7. freezes/turns

8. were/would

reappeared, underaged, overreact, preheat

up, back, off, away

from, with, in, against

6 Spotlight 10

I. Choose the odd
word out

1. cold, fake,
sparkling, still water

2. steamed,
boiled, grilled, fried rice

3. healthy,
strict, special, fresh diet

4. grilled, raw,
bitter, oily fish

5. boiled, fried,
scrambled, grilled eggs

Fill in: keep, fight, prescription, feel, pain, spices, soothing, starving, sour, carrots, rumbling. One is extra.

1. I’ve had this ___________ in my back since yesterday.

2. In case of insomnia drink something _______ like
camomille tea.

3. The soup is very tasty. What _________ did you use?

4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor’s ___________.

5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ___________.

6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I
_________ down in the dumps too.

7. To make anything  _____________, you should add lemon
juice in it!

8. He can’t ___________ his emotions under control.

9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and____________.

10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the
only way to ________ off infections.

Complete the
sentences with the correct form of the verb.

If I __________
(not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

I _________ (enjoy) the
play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

If I __________ (know)
how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

If I were you, I
__________ (go) to see a dentist.

If you hadn’t
eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you __________ (not/get) red spots all over
your body.

If you ___________
(work) out regularly, you _________ (keep) fit.

If he __________ (not/forget) his
mobile at work, he ___________ (not/call) his boss from a phone box.

If you ______________ (leave) ice in
the sun, it ___________ (melt).

Use the prefixes to form
compound words to complete the sentences.

Don’t_________________your chances to
pass exams without revision .  ESTIMATE

If Milan wins the _____________
football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. FINAL

The sun ________________ suddenly from
the sky and the storm started. APPEAR

You must _______________ the oven for
10 minutes before you put the cake in. HEAT

Spiderman is the most famous
________________ in the world. HERO

Fill in: off, away, back, up
(2). Phrasal verbs.

He has decided to give __________

The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty
smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

They have given _________ hope of
finding the two drivers alive.

Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book
you lent her?

Put down the correct

1. Not exercising enough can
result ____ problems later in life.

2. She suffers __ headaches.

3. He can’t cope __ the stress.

4. The doctor advised me _____fatty

5. He’s in hospital recovering
___ his operation.



1. Pain    2.
Soothing  3. Spices   4. Prescription   5. Rumbling   6. Feel   7. Sour    8.
Keep   9. Carrots   10. Fight

1. Didn’t have

2. would have enjoyed

3. knew

4. would go

5. wouldn’t have got

6. work, will keep

7. hadn’t forgotten, wouldn’t have called

8. leave, melts

1. Overestimate   2.
Semi-final   3. Disappeared   4. Preheat   5. Superhero



На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 8h.

Exercise 1. Match the definitions to the sports.
Упражнение 1. соотнесите виды спорта с их определениями.


1) rugby
2) badminton
3) ice climbing
4) zorbing
5) skydiving
6) snowboarding
7) paragliding

a) A sport in which a person jumps out of a plane with a parachute that allows them to fly for long distances before landing.

b) A sport where someone jumps from a plane and falls through the sky for as long as possible before opening a parachute.

с) A sport in which a person goes down a snow-covered slope on a board attached to one of their feet.

d) A game played by two teams in which players try to score points by either carrying a ball to their opponents’ end of the field or kicking it between two posts.

e) A sport which requires the use of boots, rope and an ice axe to reach the top of an icy summit.

f) A game where two or four players try to hit a small rounded object which has feathers on one end to the other side of a net using a racquet.

g) A sport in which a person travels down a hill in a transparent, plastic sphere.

1) rugby – A game played by two teams in which players try to score points by either carrying a ball to their opponents’ end of the field or kicking it between two posts.
Регби – игра, в которую играют две команды, в которых игроки пытаются набрать очки либо пронеся мяч до конца зоны противника либо забив его между двумя штангами.

2) badminton – A game where two or four players try to hit a small rounded object which has feathers on one end to the other side of a net using a racquet.
Бадминтон – игра, в которой двое или четверо игроков пытаются при помощи удара ракеткой перебросить маленький круглый предмет, на одном конце которого есть перья, на другой конец сетки.

3) ice climbing – A sport which requires the use of boots, rope and an ice axe to reach the top of an icy summit.
Ледолазание – это спорт, в котором нужны бутсы, веревка и ледовый топорик, чтобы достичь ледяной вершины.

4) zorbing – A sport in which a person travels down a hill in a transparent, plastic sphere.
Зорбинг – это спорт, в котором человек перемещается вниз по холму в прозрачном пластиковом шаре.

5) skydiving – A sport where someone jumps from a plane and falls through the sky for as long as possible before opening a parachute.
Скайдайвинг – это спорт, в котором кто-то выпрыгивает с самолета и опускается вниз как можно ниже, до того как раскрыть парашют.

6) snowboarding – A sport in which a person goes down a snow-covered slope on a board attached to one of their feet.
Сноубординг – спорт, в котором человек двигается вниз по покрытому снегом склону на доске, прикрепленной к его ногам.

7) paragliding – A sport in which a person jumps out of a plane with a parachute that allows them to fly for long distances before landing.
Парапланеризм – спорт, в котором человек выпрыгивает из самолета с парашютом, который позволяет ему лететь на длинные расстояния, перед тем как приземлиться.

Exercise 2. Mandy loves playing sports. Look at the notes and write sentences using go, play and do, as in the example.
Упражнение 2. Мэнди любит спорт. Постройте предложения о Мэнди, как в примере.


jogging: every morning
tennis: twice a week
ice climbing: once a month in the winter
aerobics: three times a week
swimming: at the weekends in the summer

ПРИМЕР: She goes jogging every morning.

jogging (пробежка): every morning (каждое утро)
tennis (теннис): twice a week (дважды в месяц)
ice climbing (ледолазание): once a month in the winter (один раз в месяц зимой)
aerobics (аэробика): three times a week (три раза в неделю)
swimming (плавание): at the weekends in the summer (на выходных летом)

1) She goes jogging every morning. – Они ходит на пробежки каждое утро.
2) She plays tennis twice a week. – Она играет в теннис дважды в неделю.
3) She goes ice climbing once a month in the winter. – Она занимается ледолазанием раз в месяц зимой.
4) She does aerobics three times a week. – Она занимается аэробикой три раза в неделю.
5) She goes swimming at the weekends in the summer. – Она ходит плавать по выходным летом.

Exercise 3. Put the words from the list in the correct column, then write sentences, as in the example.
Упражнение 3. Распределите слова по категориям. Затем придумайте предложения с этими словами, как в примере.


football | court | racquet | stick | pitch | tennis | golf | clubs | rink | ice hockey | football boots | course

SPORT: ___
PLACE: ___

ПРИМЕР ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ: Football is played on a pitch. To play football you need (to wear) football boots.

SPORT (спорт): football (футбол), tennis (теннис), golf (гольф), ice hockey (хоккей на льду).

PLACE (место): pitch (поле, площадка), court (корт, площадка), rink (каток, ледяная площадка), course (поле, площадка).

EQUIPMENT (оборудование, оснащение): football boots (футбольные бутсы), racquet (ракетка), stick (бита, клюшка), clubs (клюшки).

Football is played on a pitch. To play football you need (to wear) football boots. – В футбол играют на футбольном поле. Чтобы играть в футбол, вам нужны футбольные бутсы.

Tennis is played on a court. To play tennis you need to have a racquet. – В теннис играют на корте. Чтобы играть в теннис, вам нужны ракетки.

Golf is played on a golf course. To play golf you need to have golf clubs. – В гольф играют на площадке для гольфа. Чтобы играть в гольф, вам нужны клюшки для гольфа.

Ice hockey is played on a rink. To play ice hockey you need to have a stick. – В хоккей на льду играют на ледяной площадке. Чтобы играть в хоккей, вам нужна клюшка.

Exercise 4. Circle the odd word out.
Упражнение 4. Определите лишнее слово.


1) badminton, rugby, tennis, squash
2) climbing, fishing, scuba diving, swimming
3) pitch, court, rink, club
4) racquet, bat, golf, helmet
5) win, beat, gain, lose
6) competition, sport, match, game

1) badminton (бадминтон), rugby (регби), tennis (теннис), squash (сквош)
Лишнее слово rugby (регби), так как для всех остальных видов спорта требуется ракетка.

2) climbing (лазание), fishing (рыбалка), scuba diving (ныряние с аквалангом), swimming (плавание)
Лишнее слово climbing (лазание), так как все остальное связано с водой.

3) pitch (поле, площадка), court (корт, площадка), rink (каток, ледовая площадка), club (клюшка)
Лишнее слово club (клюшка), так как все остальное – это места для занятия спортом.

4) racquet (ракетка), bat (бита), golf (гольф), helmet (шлем)
Лишнее слово golf , так как все остальное – это оснащение для занятия спортом.

5) win (выиграть), beat (одолеть противника, победить), gain (выиграть), lose (проиграть)
Лишнее слово lose (проиграть), так как все остальное связано с победой.

6) competition (соперничество), sport (спорт), match (матч), game (игра)
Лишнее слово competition (соперничество), так как все остальное связано со спортом, а соперничество может быть не только спортивным.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct word.
Упражнение 5. Определить правильное слово.


1) Tom agreed to go to the meeting in my place, so that got me off the hook/bell.
2) While underwater, he slid/caught the puck into the opposing team’s goal.
3) The coach/instructor put in his star player early on in the game.
4) Many of her ideas have gained/won popular support.
5) Fay is interested in designing/organising her own clothes.
6) Let’s get the towel/ball rolling and start the game.
7) The gym instructor explained the rules of the team/game.
8) Two of the competitors/rivals failed to finish the race.

1) Tom agreed to go to the meeting in my place, so that got me off the hook. – том согласился прийти на встречу со мной ко мне домой, чтобы вызволить меня из трудного положения.

2) While underwater, he slid the puck into the opposing team’s goal. – Под водой он забил шайбу в ворота команды противников.

3) The coach put in his star player early on in the game. – Тренер выпустил своего звездного игрока на раннем этапе игры.

4) Many of her ideas have gained popular support. – Многие из ее идей приобрели всеобщую (дословно: популярную) поддержку.

5) Fay is interested in designing her own clothes. – Фей заинтересована в создании своей собственной одежды.

6) Let’s get the ball rolling and start the game. – Давайте начнем игру.

7) The gym instructor explained the rules of the game. – Инструктор в спортзале объяснил правила игры.

8) Two of the competitors failed to finish the race. – Двум из соперников не удалось завершить гонку.

1. Circle the odd word out:

  1. cotton
    / wool / silk / elegant
  2. trousers
    / blouse / /floral / socks
  3. tsunami
    / collapse / cyclone / flood
  4. ears
    / eyelashes / lips / bushy
  5. velvet
    / nylon / linen / muscular
  6. baggy
    /sporty /scruffy/editor

Underline the correct item:

  1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.
  2. His eyebrows are too thin/ short.
  3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind
    her hair.
  4. Does my hat match / go my coat?
  5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for
    tonight’s party?
  6. Look at Sarah. She has grown / developed taller since the
    last time I saw her.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as
in the example: I’m not old enough to drive a car.

He’s too busy to help us.

pretty skinny classy shy troubled

  1. Lisa should put on a little weight;
    she’s………………….. .
  2. Chris thinks that jeans aren’t ……………. to wear to a
  3. There are many teens who are ……………… about their
  4. Olga believes that she isn’t ………………. to be a
    fashion model.
  5. Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s……………
    around new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

  1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
  2. The government supports endangered species.
  3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
  4. Have John finished his project?
  5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Fill in: slim, frizzy, suits, bushy, try, overweight.

1. Tom is … . He must go on a diet.

2. Tony made a nasty remark about Betty’s … eyebrows.

3 . I don’t think that red hair … her.

4. She’s got a very … figure.

5. Would you like to … on that dress?

6.I am not happy with my … hair! I wish it was straight.

1. Circle the odd word out:

  1. cotton
    / wool / silk / elegant
  2. trousers
    / blouse / /floral / socks
  3. tsunami
    / collapse / cyclone / flood
  4. ears
    / eyelashes / lips / bushy
  5. velvet
    / nylon / linen / muscular
  6. baggy
    /sporty /scruffy/editor

Underline the correct item:

  1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.
  2. His eyebrows are too thin/ short.
  3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind
    her hair.
  4. Does my hat match / go my coat?
  5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for
    tonight’s party?
  6. Look at Sarah. She has grown / developed taller since the
    last time I saw her.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as
in the example: I’m not old enough to drive a car.

He’s too busy to help us.

pretty skinny classy shy troubled

  1. Lisa should put on a little weight;
    she’s………………….. .
  2. Chris thinks that jeans aren’t ……………. to wear to a
  3. There are many teens who are ……………… about their
  4. Olga believes that she isn’t ………………. to be a
    fashion model.
  5. Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s……………
    around new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

  1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
  2. The government supports endangered species.
  3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
  4. Have John finished his project?
  5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Fill in: slim, frizzy, suits, bushy, try, overweight.

1. Tom is … . He must go on a diet.

2. Tony made a nasty remark about Betty’s … eyebrows.

3 . I don’t think that red hair … her.

4. She’s got a very … figure.

5. Would you like to … on that dress?

6.I am not happy with my … hair! I wish it was straight.

to Variant 2:

1. ответы

    1. elegant
    2. floral
    3. collapse
    4. bushy
    5. muscular
    6. editor


  1. eyebrows
  2. short
  3. protruding
  4. match
  5. borrow
  6. grown


  1. too
  2. classy
  3. too
  4. pretty
  5. too


        1. Two letters were written by Mike yesterday.
        2. Endangered species are supported by the government.
        3. The house is being reconstructed by the builders.
        4. Have the project been finished by John?
        5. Some sweets will be brought to us / We’ll be brought some
          sweets by my mother.

Задание 5.1.overweight, 2.bushy, 3.suits, 4.slim, 5.try, 6.frizzy

6. 1С, 2В, 3D, 4Е, 5А

Find and circle the odd word out in each line.
1. wait, wish, handbell, prepare, strike
2. money, gift , lamb, sack, pumpkin
3. ghost, greeting, garden, fireplace, gift
4. quiet, religious, special, afraid, lantern
5. Santa, Halloween, Easter, midnight, Christmas

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Three. VI. Just for Fun. Номер №39


Перевод задания
Найдите и обведите лишнее слово в каждой строке.
1. ждать, желать, колокольчик, готовиться, ударять
2. деньги, подарок, ягненок, мешок, тыква
3. призрак, приветствие, сад, камин, подарок
4. тихий, религиозный, особенный, испуганный, фонарь
5. Санта, Хэллоуин, Пасха, полночь, Рождество

1. handbell (все остальное – глаголы)
2. money (все остальное – имеет отношение к праздникам)
3. fireplace (все остальное – слова, начинающиеся на g)
4. lantern (все остальное – прилагательные)
5. midnight (все остальное – слова, которые начинаются на заглавную букву)

Перевод ответа
1. колокольчик
2. деньги
3. камин
4. фонарь
5. полночь

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Test 1

Part 1

1 Complete
the sentences with the words below.

tend   hardly  
would   often   rarely   used   will   constantly

1 I tend to
listen to music every morning nowadays.

2 Jack
doesn’t often go to the cinema. In fact, he only goes once or twice a month.

3 When she
was on holiday, Emily would get up early and go walking each day.

4 Amy constantly
criticises me. She never stops!

5 These
days, my grandfather will sit and read his newspaper in the morning.

6 We rarely
go abroad now. It’s too expensive.

7 In my
youth, I used to live in the country.

8 I hardly
ever see Josie nowadays. In fact, I’ve only seen her three times in the last


2 Complete
the sentences with two words in each space. Use one word from line A and one word
from line B.

A   not   rule  
time   very   would   and   much   the

B   as   the  
whole   again   a   to   rarely   regularly

1 I don’t
go out as much as I used to.

2 She plays
computer games all the time.

3 We tend not to go out much these days.

4 Only very rarely do we work on Sunday.

5 Ten years
ago, I would regularly practise my tennis skills for hours on end.

6 On the whole, I find reality TV programmes a bit boring.

7 We go
clubbing now and again.

8 As a rule, it only really rains heavily in India during the monsoon.


3 Rewrite
the sentence. Put the adverb in brackets in the correct place. You can copy the sentence and paste it in the space provided and then type in the adverb in the correct place.

1 The man
in the photograph is smiling at the photographer. (directly)

The man in the photograph is smiling directly at the photographer.
2 It’s a
well-known portrait of the Queen. (fairly)

It’s a fairly well-known portrait of the Queen.
3 Anna
seems to be upset in the painting. (slightly)

Anna seems to be slightly upset in the painting.
4 The
painter didn’t make any money during his lifetime. (unfortunately)

Unfortunately, the painter didn’t make any money during his lifetime.
5 We’ll
look at the paintings in the long gallery. (later)

We’ll look at the paintings in the long gallery later.
6 Art has
become more and more popular. (gradually)

Art has gradually become more and more popular.
7 I have
been to an art gallery. (never)

I have never been to an art gallery.
8 He
produced hundreds of painting, but he didn’t sell any in his lifetime. (sadly)

He produced hundreds of painting, but, sadly, he didn’t sell any in his lifetime.
9 Harry
left home after the argument . (soon)

Harry left home soon after the argument.

4 The
adjectives in the second column are synonyms of the words in the first column. Complete
the words.

1 funny — hilarious

2 strange —

3 boring —

4 inspiring
— uplifting

5 upsetting
— disturbing

6 exciting
— gripping

7 terrible
— awful


5 Choose
the correct options to complete the descriptions of pictures.

1 The painting has __ colours — bright reds and deep blues!bold;subtle1

2 The meaning is very __ — it isn’t clear what it is about.dramatic;ambiguous2

3 The artist is trying to __ a sense of fear.create;appear1

4 Her work is very __, which is to say that it is neither new nor different.intimate;conventional2

5 The painting seems to __ an example of Turner’s early;being1

6 Complete
the sentences with one word in each space.

1 The
artist’s role is open to interpretation.

2 The woman
in the picture looks as if she has just heard terrible news.

3 I get the
impression that the artist wants us to share his feelings of amazement.

4 It could
well be the most valuable painting we have in the collection.

5 Her
paintings are so realistic that they look like photos.


7 Choose
the correct verb to complete each sentence.

1 In the story, the central character is __ in poverty when we first meet;seeking1

2 The magician __ a secret which nobody knew before.revealed;asserted1

3 The baddie __ his power and forced other people to do what he wanted.presented;asserted2

4 In order to get into the castle, the young hero __ himself as an old woman.pretends;disguises2

5 The farmer wants to kill the king. He is __ revenge for the death of his father.revealing;seeking 2

6 All the characters __ insight into the true meaning of trust.gained;pretended1

7 The evil king hoped to __ away with killing the prince and taking power.get;gain1

8 Our hero __ many problems during his journey and overcame them all.encountered;presented1

Part 2

1 Complete
the sentences with the correct preposition.

1 There was
a confrontation between two motorists.

2 Does it
strike you as odd?

3 There’s a
lot of tension between the two communities.

4 Many
drivers soon tire of the same routine.

5 What’s
your interpretation of the painting?

6 She was
jealous of her brother’s success.

7 He was
the dominant partner in their relationship.

8 They were
threatened by a group of youths.


2 Choose
the correct preposition.

1 He’s been banned __ driving.from;of1

2 The flowers are symbolic __ death.for;of2

3 He’s been glued __ his computer all;on1

4 I could sense the friction __ them.with;between2

5 The cat was seated __ my lap.on;by1

6 He disguised himself __ a medical;in1

7 Let me be frank __;with2

8 There is one major obstacle __;with1

3 Complete
the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold.

1 an
uplifting experience — feel uplifted by a speech

2 the
tension builds throughout the novel — the atmosphere in the room was very tense

3 Her early
work is quite ambiguous — he answered rather ambiguously

4 We will
have to confront the problem immediately — a violent confrontation with the

5 The
statue had to undergo important restoration — It took fifty years to fully restore
the building


4 Tick the
words which are both a noun and a verb.

Tick as many as necessary


5 Match the
adjectives to the nouns.

  • a big-budget
  • his fatal
  • an intimate
  • a dominant
  • her initial
  • a hilarious
  • relationship
  • impression
  • film
  • flaw
  • joke
  • personality


6 Write the
missing adjectives from the unit. Use the clues in brackets.

1 a really gripping novel (g _ _ p _ _ _)

2 I found
the film deeply disturbing (d _ _ t _ _ b _ _ g)

3 a hilarious
joke (h _ _ _ r _ _ _ s)

4 she was
perfectly willing (w _ _ _ _ _ g)

5 The
ending was utterly predictable (p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e)

6 a highly conventional
approach to art (c _ _ v _ _ t _ _ _ _ l)


7 Complete
the sentences with the correct nouns.

impression (x2)   obstacles   tears   deed   interpretation   temptation

1 After the
accident, she burst into tears.

2 He was
rewarded for his good deed.

3 His
family now faces bankruptcy.

4 She’s had
to overcome a lot of obstacles.

5 I don’t
want you to get the wrong impression.

6 I tried
to resist the temptation to read the message.

7 I got the
distinct impression we weren’t welcome.

8 Her
intentions are open to interpretation.


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  • Read and strike the odd word out in each sentence has been being
  • Read again and underline the correct word listen and check 5 класс ответы
  • Read and strike the odd word out in each sentence grammar rules
  • Read again and find the correct word for each gap what is the authors purpose
  • Read and say the word ответы