Read and complete the letters write one word for each space

Complete the letter from Anne to her grandfather .
Write ONE word for each space.

Dear grandpa,

How (1) … you doing? I hope you’re well. I’m fine. Thanks (2) … the rucksack. It’s really great. I’ve got all my books and things in it now.
Our new house is beautiful (3) … there aren’t many shops around here. There’s only a restaurant and a library but there are a (4) … of shops and cafes in the centre of Blackpool. My cousin Gina and I sometimes go there on Sunday morning and (5) … the evening we often go (6) … Little Marton. You mustn’t play football in the street because (7) … isn’t safe. Sadie loves it here in Blackpool (8) … there’s a lot of open space everywhere.
I must finish now. There isn’t much time (9) … dinner and I’ve (10) … a lot of homework.

Love from Anne.

[start-answers-block type=1 columns=2 textTransform=none]

Помогите пожалуйста!)
Complete the letter.
Write ONE word for each space.

Would you like to come on a camping ….26…. weekend? We are going to …..27….. to the forest in the school bus and shop and you …..31….. rent bicycles there. The trip …..32….. £25. It is very cold there …..33….. night, so you should take warm clothes and you will …34… to wear strong shoes.
…..35….. You want to come, tell me today


Student Secretary

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Complete these letters.
Write ONE word in each space.
1.Dear Sir,
I’m (0)…to thank you
(41)…the tourist information which y sent. My students enjoyed reading everything. Some of (42)…are planning(43)…visit Cardiff soon. I (44)…sure they will have (45)…good time.

2.Dear Mr Martins,
I (46)….very happy to (47)…
your letter. We send information to thousands of people (48)….year and many choose to visit Wales. I hope that your students enjoy (49)….trip. Please telephone me (50)….you need any more help.

1 ответ:



1. Dear Sir, I’m (0) thank you (41).for..the tourist information
which you sent. My students enjoyed reading everything. Some of
(42).them..are planning(43).to..visit Cardiff soon. I (44).am..sure they will
have (45).a..good time.
2. Dear Mr Martins, I (46)..was..very happy to (47).get your
letter. We send information to thousands of people (48)..every..year and
many choose to visit Wales. I hope that your students will enjoy
(49).the…trip. Please telephone me (50) need any more help.

Читайте также

1. Fred doesn’t eat many soup. 2. They’ve got a little rice. Buy some more, please. 3. How a few teeth did your sister lose? 4. Give me a little butter, please! 5. – Has Kate got few T-shirts? — Oh, no! She’s got much T-shirts. I saw only two of them in her rucksack.  

1) Practices
2) do you like
3) is taking off
4) does your mom drive
5) is limping
6) improves

   read  — read  — didn’t read

  look- looked-didn’t look

  draw-drew=didn’t draw

  go-went-didn’t go

  make=made=didn’t make

  lay -laid-didn’t lay

  do-did-didn’t do

  feed-fed-didn’t feed

  run-ran- didn’t run

Рональд Руэл Джон Толкиен.1) Джон Р.Р. Толкиен известный английский писатель.2) Он родился в конце 19 века, в 1892 году.3) В школе Толкиен любил языки, но не только современные языки — он также любил древние языки. Он говорил на шести древних языках и даже сделал свои собственные языки.4) В Оксфордском университете он изучал английский язык и литературу.5) Джон Р.Р. Толкиен стал выдающимся лингвистом.6) Он прославился, однако, когда были опубликованы его книги. Он написал несколько книг «Хоббит», «Властелин колец» и т.д. В своих книгах Джон Р.Р. Толкиен описывает сказочный мир, где живут хоббиты, маг, эльфы и воины.<span>7) Джон Р.Р. Толкиен умер в 1973 году.</span>

Hi,her name is Marina Smirnova. She is 12 years old. She lives in St.P. She gets up…. After a quick breakfast she walks to school……..Every day she has 5-6 lessons. There are… her class. Her favorite……On Tuesday and Thursday she has….. After school she goes home and eats a snack. After eat she does her homework. She has dinner with her family at 5 o’clock. On weekdays…..she has to relax and be together as her family. After dinner she usually watchs TV.

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