Read and choose the right word the monkey is bigger smaller than the elephant

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В. Назови животных. Read and choose the right word. Прочитай и выбери нужное слово.

Назови животных. Read and choose the right word

This is a crocodile. It is green. It has got a long body. it has got a long tail. It can swim. — Это крокодил. Он зеленый. У него длинное тело. У него длинный хвост. Он умеет плавать.

This is a spider. It is small. It has got eight legs. It is black. It can’t dance. — Это паук. Он маленький. У него восемь ног. Он черный. Он не умеет танцевать.

This is a monkey. It can climb trees. It has got a long tail. It is brown. — Это обезьяна. Она умеет лазить по деревьям. У нее длинный хвост. Она коричневая.

This is a horse. It has got a long neck. It can’t fly. It is white. — Это лошадь. У нее длинная шея. Она не может летать. Она белая.

This is an elephant. It is very big. It is grey. It has got a very long trunk. It can’t jump. — Это слон. Он очень большой. Он серый. У него очень длинный хобот. Он не умеет прыгать.

This is a bird. It can fly. It has got two legs. It doesn’t like cats. — Это птица. Она умеет летать. У нее две ноги. Она не любит кошек.

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«___»_______2022 г.

Протокол №______

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2022 год

Заполнитепропускиформамиглагола to be – am, is or are.

Example: The weather is very nice today.

1. I … not happy.

2. This tree … very tall.

3. The palm … on the beach.

4. Look! There … Tom.

5. I … hot. Can you open the window, please?

6. This hotel … near the beach.

7. My brother and I … good tennis players.

8. I … on holiday but my brother … at home.

9. I … a student. My sister … a teacher.

10. My parents … at work. My mother … a secretary and my father … a driver.

Заполните пропуски формами глагола to be – am, is or are.

1. What … your name? – My name … Tom Johnson. 2.What … your address? – My address … 175 Gran Bay. 3.What … your phone number? – My phone number …754 832. 4. Where … you from? – I … from New York. 5.How old … you? – I … eighteen. 6. … you a student? –Yes, I am. 7. … your family big? — Yes, it … . 8. … your father a teacher? – No, my father … a scientist. 9. What … your mother? – She … a doctor. 10. … your brother young? – Yes, he … fifteen. He … at school now. 11. … your sister a student? – No, she … not. She … a typist. 12. … they at home? – No, they …not at home, they … at work now. 13. … you happy? – No, I … not happy today. 14. Where … my cigarettes? – Your cigarettes … in your bag.


1. Он врач. ………………………………………

2. Я студент. …………………………………….

3. Она учитель. …………………………………

4. Мы студенты. ……………………………….

5. Они врачи. ……………………………………

6. Я дома. ……………………………………….

7. Они на работе. ………………………………

8. Он молодой. ………………………………….

9. Я из России. ………………………………..

10. ОнаизИспании. ……………………………


cat and … dog are on the ground. … dog is thin, … cat is round. …

snake and … frog are at the zoo. … snake is pink and … frog is blue. …

apple and … egg are from my mum. … egg is chocolate – yum, yum, yum!!!!

Впишите a или an.

1. Tom is … economist. He works in … office.

2. I have got … brother and … sister.

3. He has got … aunt and … uncle.

4. My mother is … teacher.

5. My friend wants to be … pilot.

6. Is he … engineer? – No, he isn’t. He is a pilot.

7. They’ve got … dog and … cat.

8. His daughter is … doctor.

Вставьтеартикль, гденеобходимо.

1. I’d like to be … pilot when I grow up.

2. Is this … ball you lost?

3. John hit … winning run.

4. The children said they had seen … elf in the garden.

5. Is this … way to the swimming pool?

6. … ink bottle is on the table.

7. Megan is … best runner in our school.

Вставьтеартикль, гденеобходимо.

There is … boy in my grade who is … best football player in … school. He

is … very good swimmer too, but he is not … good citizen because he has

bad temper. One day he threw … football through … open door. It hit

boy who was sitting in … old chair near … table that belongs to …

teacher. … teacher was upset and told … boy he would not be allowed to

comeon … field trip we were having.

Вставьтеартикль, гденеобходимо.

1. This is … pen. … pen is red. 2. These are … pencils. … pencils are black.

3. This is … soup. … soup is so tasty. 4. In the morning I eat … sandwich

and drink … tea. 5. She gave me … coffee and … cake. … coffee was hot.

cake was very tasty. 6. Do you like … ice cream? 7. I see… book in your

hand. 8. Do you need … camera? 9. He never eats … meat, he always

eats … vegetables, … cereals, … seeds, … fruit and … nuts. 10. This is …

pineapple. … pineapple is delicious. 11. Alice, … apples are good for you!

12. My … cousin is upset. He’s got a sore throat. 13. This is … cottage

cheese. … cottage cheese is fresh. 14. She bought … meat, … butter and …

potatoes yesterday. She also bought … cake. … cake was … delicious.

We ate … cake with … tea. 15. This is my … table. On … table I have …

book, two … pencils, … pen, and … paper. 16. This is … bag. …. bag is

brown. It is my sister’s … bag. And this is my … bag. Itisyellow.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. I have got two … sisters. My … sisters are … elder sisters. 2. We are at

home. 3. My brother is not at … home, he is at … school. 4. My mother

is at … work. She is … doctor. 5. I am not … doctor. 6. I have no … sisters. 7. He is not … pilot. 8. I have got thirty-two … teeth. 9. He has got… child. 10. She has got two … children. Her children are at … school. 11. Is your … father at … home? – No, he is at … work. 12. Where is your… brother? – He is at … home.

Вставьтеартикли, гденеобходимо.

1. … Tom and … Mike re … pupils. They are at … school. 2. Is your … friend from … Africa? 3. Hashegot … unclein … America.4. I have got …

cat. … cat has got … kitten. 5. She has got … bag. … bag is big. 6. My aunt

is … engineer. 7. Ann wants to be … doctor. 8. They want to be … doctors.

9. Kate has got … aunt. 10. They are … pupils.

Вставьтеартикли, гденеобходимо.

1. She wants to be … doctor. 2. I like to play with … cats. 3. They want to

be … economists. 4. Tom wants to be … engineer. 5. Ann has got … uncle.

6. He is … sportsman. 7. They are … sportsmen. 8. Mr. Black has got …

child. 9. They are … teachers. 10. It’s time to go to … school. 11. It’s time

to play … basketball. 12. It’s time to go … home. 13. It’s time to go to …

Russia. 14. We are … good swimmers. It’stimetoswim.

Вставьте артикли,гденеобходимо.

1. Have you got … friend? 2. When do you do … exercises? 3. Do you take

shower in the morning? 4. She is … economist, she works in … office.

5. We are … pupils. We want to be … hockey players.


house, advice, painting, holiday, tennis, cup, city, bread, cat, clock, petrol, office, doctor, coffee, park, book, cheese, table, news, bed, cinema, shoe, toast, jumper, car, tea, cigar, pen, luggage, shirt, sock, cloud, coat, ball, teacher, sugar, chair, money, nose, milk, snow, museum, film, homework, banana, exam, water, bike, lemon, apple, rain, watch, information, hour, school, television.

Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.

1. (slice, piece, cup) I’d like a … of coffee, please.

2. (glass, slice, spoonful) Would you like a … of cheese on your toast?

3. (pieces, cups, bottles) My father gave me two … of advice.

4. (slice, bottle, piece) Could you buy a … of milk at the shop?

5. (spoonful, piece, cup) That was a difficult … of homework!

6. (glass, piece, slice) Would you give me a … of water?

7. (slices, cups, pieces) How many … of luggage do you have?

8. (spoonfuls, glasses, cups) I normally take three … of sugar in my tea.

9. (pieces, slices, litres) I’ve just put forty … of petrol in the car.

10. (piece, slice, glass) I need a … of information.

11. (piece, kilo, slice) I’d like half a … of coffee, please.

Отметьте правильные предложения, исправьте неправильные.

1. The car needs a petrol.

2. She takes a milk in her tea.

3. Mary likes tea; I prefer coffee.

4. He’s got some new CDs.

5. Two glasses of water.

6. A table and two chairs.

7. Give me two toasts.

8. A snow comes in winter.

9. Give me some cup of tea.

10. Tim doesn’t eat meat.

11. Two coffees, please.

12. Please buy some sugar.

13. Two kilos of bread.

14. We have two homeworks.

15. I need some information.

16. We need some information.

17. Have we got a butter?

18. I like some egg for breakfast.

19. I can see some young women.

20. Can you see the moon?

Заполните пропуски (many или much).

1. Do you have … friends? 2. Does your friend have … work this week? 3. Do … children like to play computer games? 4. Do these people have … money? 5. Does this woman give … love to her children? 6. How … colleagues have you got in your office? 7. How … times do you play tennis this week? 8. How … time do you learn English every week? 9. How … friends do you usually invite to your parties? 10. How … water do you buy every week? 11. How … computers have you got at home? 12. How … pictures have you got in your room? 13. Do you usually have … coffee every day? 14. Do you like to ask people … questions? 15. Do you cook … meat every day?

Замените many, much вотрицательныхпредложенияхнаfew, afew, little, alittle вутвердительныхпредложениях.Переведитенарусскийязык.

1. My brother hasn’t got many friends. 2. My mother usually doesn’t ask me many questions. 3. My sister doesn’t play these computer games many times. 4. We don’t have many programmers in the office. 5. Our parents don’t buy many newspapers every day. 6. Many people don’t like to listen to bad news. 7. This lawyer doesn’t have much work. 8. Our chief is busy. He doesn’t have much time today. 9. These people don’thave much money. 10. This woman doesn’t buy much coffee. 11. Idon’thave much sugar in my tea.

Заполните пропуски (few или little).

1. Can I have … bananas, please?

2. Let’s make … sandwiches.

3. There is … milk in the carton.

4. We have got … lemons in the fridge.

5. Terry has got … juice in the glass.

6. Would you like … sugar in your coffee?

7. May I have … water?

8. There’s … olive oil in the bottle.

9. I’d like … apples, please.

10. Can we have … strawberries, please?

Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

a) a vase, a horse, a table, a cage, a bottle, an eye, a shoe;

b) a lamp, a kitten, a lesson, a stick , a word, a shirt, a stocking;

c) a fox, a box, a glass, a dress;

d) a star, a car, a chair, a year, a swallow;

e) a driver, a sister, a saucer;

f) a boy, a toy, a turkey;

g) a fly, a daisy, a puppy, a lorry, a berry, a butterfly;

h) a wolf, a leaf, a knife, a penknife.

Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число.

a pen, a room, a table, a teacher, a doctor, a lamp, a college, a computer, a boy, a girl, a sister, a book, a map, a class, a box, an inch, a baby, a lady, a man, a woman, a child, a foot, a mouse.


1. Mr. Smith has got two … on his arm. (watch, watches)

2. Freya has got three blue … . (dress, dresses)

3. The gardener cut down all the … . (tree, trees)

4. The fairy gave me three … . (wish, wishes)

5. My mother took all the … . (brush, brushes)

6. There are a lot of … at our school. (class,classes)

Заполните пропуски существительным в единственном числе.

1. I killed the … that landed on the cake. (flies)

2. I saw a … in the pasture. (donkeys)

3. Ian ate the … for lunch. (jellies)

4. The ice cream had a … on top. (cherries)

5. The … looks clear today. (skies)

6. I saw a laser … hit his body. (rays)

Заполните пропуски существительным во множественном числе.

1. There were three … in the forest. (wolf)

2. The waiter put all the … on the table. (knife)

3. The police caught the three … . (thief)

4. Put the books on the … . (shelf)

5. We cut the oranges into … . (half)

6. It is said that a cat has got nine … .(life)


Through, during, in, over, up, under

1. There were six eggs …. the nest.

2. A lot of homes were damaged … the storm.

3. The kangaroo jumped … the fence.

4. The children walked … the forest.

5. The little kitten was … the table.

6. She was the first person to climb all the way … the mountain.

Заполнитепропускипредлогами up, over, into, out of.

My kitten is very funny. Sometimes it likes to jump … the chair. And it can jump … the window. My kitten can throw a ball … the basket. Thekittencanclimb … theladder.


1. The cat is climbing (on, up) the tree.

2. A woman is walking (into, through) the door.

3. A boy is jumping (over, through) the fence.

4. The bird is flying (from, out of) the nest.

5. The girl is walking (down, over) the stairs.

6. A man is getting (out of, through) the car.

7. The man is throwing an apple (into, out of) the bin.

Выберите подходящий по смыслу предлог.

1. Did they shout (at, for) you for breaking the window?

2. The teacher was angry (with, to) me.

3. The pear fell (off, about) the tree.

4. The bottle is full (of, with) water.

5. Let’s sit here and wait (after. for) Ian.

6. Karen fell (off, into) the pool.

7. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу предлог.

1. Matt ran all the way … the shop.

2. The dog sleeps … a kennel.

3. The frightened kitten hid … the table.

4. I saw him running … the street.

5. She leaned the shovel … the wall.

6. The cat climbed quickly … the tre

Заполните пропуски предлогами in,on,at.

1. I get up … 7 o’clock.

2. She has a shower … 7:30 a.m.

3. Do you go to bed late … night?

4. It’s sunny … summer.

5. My granny watches TV … the evening.

6. He has lunch … 12 o’clock.

7. They do homework … the evening.

8. Kate swims … the afternoon.

9. My dad goes to work … 8 a.m.

10. He goes to bed late … night.

11. I go to bed … 9 o’clock.

12. Samuel has lunch … the morning.

13. He goes jogging … the evening.

14. We go to school … 8 o’clock.

15. People sleep … night.

16. It is always cold … winter.

17. I don’t go to school … Sunday

Вставьте соответствующие местоимения.

1.Itisarobot.It is … box.

2. She has got two children. These are … sons.

3. Sam is there. That is … bike.

4. That isn’t Tom’s dog. … dog is little.

5. This isn’t Nina’s bike. … bike is green.

6. Is this … book? – No, it isn’t. My book is in my bag.

7. That isn’t Ann’s sister. … sister is at home.

8. Mr. Black is a businessman. This is … office.

9. Is that your school? – No, it isn’t. … school is here.

10. The dog has got a ball. … ball is little.


My, their, her, its, our, your, his

1. The cat licked … paws.

2.… friend is funny.

3.Is that … car in the garage?

4.… dress and earrings were very expensive?

5.It was … dog that bit … dog.

6.Jane has got a book. This is … book.

7. Peter has got a school-bag. This is … school-bag.

8.Mr. Black has got a new car. This is … new car.

9.Mike and Dan have got bicycles.

10.We have got a kitten. This is … kitten.

11. They have got a house. This is … house.

12. The girls have got nice dresses. Thesearenicedresses

Переведите словосочетания

1. этот стул

2. эта чашка

3. это яблоко

4. тот стол

5. та игрушка

6. эти книги

7. эти орехи

8. те деревья

9. эти мальчики

10. те девочки

11. та кукла

12. эта ручка

13. те парты

14. эти сумки.

15. те розы

Употребите подчеркнутые слова во множественном числе.

1. This book is interesting. 2. That doll is nice. 3. This boy has got a pet.

4. I like this flower. 5. That child is from London. 6. This sportsman is a

teacher. 7. That sportsman has got a question. 8. That sheep likes the

farmer. 9. This city is beautiful. 10. That shelf is old.

Переведите словосочетания

1. тот апельсин

2. этот дом

3. эта корзина

4. те дни

5. эти дети

6. эти автобусы

7. эти вазы

8. те города

9. эти семьи

10. те полки

11. тот мужчина

12. те мужчины

13. эта женщина

14. эти женщины

15. те спортсмены

Впишитеthis или these.

1. This is a ball. 2. … are feet. 3. … re teddies. 4. … are women. 5. … is a

game. 6. … are children. 7. … is a doll. 8. … are mice. 9. … are robots.

10. … is a person. 11. … are dogs. 12. … is a cat. 13. … is a child. 14. … isa

foot. 15. … isatooth.

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.

Hot, long. short, clever, silly, great, red, black, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.

Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово.

1. The monkey is (bigger, smaller) than the elephant.

2. The cheetah is (slower, faster) than the tiger.

3. The tiger is (angrier, better) than the cat.

4. The panda is (slimmer, fatter) than the dog.

5. The giraffe is (shorter, taller) than the horse.

6. The kangaroo has got a (longer, shorter) tail than the bear.

7. The elephant is (bigger, smaller) than the snail.

8. The lion is (faster, slower) than the cheetah.

9. The hippo is (taller, smaller) than the panda.

10. The monkey is (faster, slower) than the tortoise.

11. The zebra is (shorter, taller) than the giraffe.

12. The kangaroo is (faster, slower) than the tortoise.

13. The bear is (fatter, slimmer) than the monkey.

14. The giraffe is (taller, smaller) than the zebra.

15. The tortoise is (slower, faster) than the snail.

16. The elephant is (fatter, slimmer) than the hippo.


1. Jack is busier/the busiest than Fred.

2. The bathroom is the smallest/smaller room in our house.

3. August is hotter /the hottest month of the year.

4. Everest is the highest / higher mountain in the world.

5. May is hotter / the hottest than March.

6. My dog is smaller / the smallest than your dog.

Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме.

1. Angela is (tall) girl in the class.

2. Tom is (short) boy in the class.

3. My dad is (fat) person in my family.

4. My grandma is (old) person in my family.

5. Gill has got (pretty) dress in the class.

6. Kelly’s dog is (ugly) animal in the world.

7. James is (clever) child in the class.

8. This is (exciting) book I’ve got.

9. Mr. Beef is (strong) man in the world.

10. Our living room is (big) room in the house.

11. Sally is (naughty) girl in the class.

12. This is (beautiful) flower in the garden.

13. Your camera is (good) than my camera.

14. My pencil sharpener is (good) than tour pencil sharpener.

15. Alex is the (bad) child in the class.

16. Your photo is the (good) of all.

17. Maria’s English is (bad) than Dima’s English.

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке и напишите вопросы.

1. is, she, where, from?

2. Billy, is, how old?

3. her, is, what, brother?

4. is, what, Charles?

5. the elephant, is, a pet?

6. a teacher, is, a student?

7. is, where, the cat?

8. his cousin, how old, is?

9. is, her, what, brother’s name?

10. he, is, Canada, from?


1. I have / has got a brother.

2. We haven’t / hasn’t got a TV.

3. Jill and Pat have / has got bikes.

4. You haven’t / hasn’t got a kite.

5. You and Anna haven’t / hasn’t got brown eyes.

6. Jenny have / has got a dog and a cat.

7. By dogs have / has got short tails.

Заполните пропуски словами have,havent,has,hasnt.

1. You … got a bike. (×). 2. Tony and Alex … got a football. (+). 3. Pat …

got a beautiful cat (×). 4. Ben … got a dog. (+). 5. Kim and I … got blue Tshirts. (×). 6. YouandTimgotnicehats. (+). 7. WE

Напишите вопросы, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

1. got you have balloon a?

2. brother she has got a ?

3. cakes they have got?

4. big has it ears got?

5. blue have I eyes got?

6. he has bike got a ?

7. got have you eraser an?

8. your has got sister eyes blue?

9. it got a tail long has?

10. books we have new got?

Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму.

1. Jason has got black hair.

2. Gill and Angela have got a brother.

3. I have got many friends.

4. You have got ten pencils.

5. We have got a new teacher.

6. Sally has got a rabbit.

7. You and Jane have got nice dresses.

8. Tom and I have got big books.

9. You have got sandwiches.

10. They have got ice creams.

Заполните пропуски словами havegot/hasgot.

1. We … five chairs in the room.

2. You … three sons.

3. The hen … ten yellow chicken.

4. My mother … two daughters.

5. They … a very old car.

6. That boy … a very good horse.

7. My grandparents … a very big house.

8. His friends … two funny monkeys.

9. Her grandmother … five grey ducks.

10. The duck … ten yellow ducklings.

Заполните пропуски словами havegot/hasgot.

1. They … a small green and red bird.

2. She … a blue dress.

3. Her sister … a grey and black puppy.

4. We … three flags.

5. My mother … eleven cups.

6. My brother … four chairs and one table in the room.

7. My friend and I … six copy-books.

8. He … a toy star.

9. We … four pigs and one cow.

10. My cousin … two nice pets.

Напишите предложения во множественном числе, сделайте все необходимые изменения.

1. This schoolboy has got a new schoolbag.

2. The girl has got a dragonfly.

3. That woman has got black hair.

4. The doll has got long legs and arms.

5. The child has got a nice funny toy.

6. My sister has got a new friend.

7. This man has got a big modern car.

8. The goose has got a short white tail.

9. Her grandmother has got an old house in the country.

10. His cousin has got German books.

Напишите предложения во множественном числе, сделайте все необходимые изменения.

1. That schoolgirl has got green and orange pencils.

2. This woman has got a beautiful fur coat.

3. The mouse has got a long grey tail.

4. His sister has got two nice butterflies.

5. That man has got a modern motorcycle.

6. The boy has got a nice little toy hippo.

7. The policeman has got a uniform.

8. Her uncle has got a new computer.

9. The postman has got a big black bag.

10. Her child has got a toy ladybird.

Напишите предложения во множественном числе, сделайте все необходимые изменения.

1. Our grandfather has got many bees.

2. My father has got two new bicycles.

3. The sheep has got a short grey tail.

6. My brother has got a modern telephone.

7. I have got a little toy puppy.

8. He has got two German textbooks.

9. My sister has got a beautiful vase.

10. The cat has got kittens.

4. Their pet has got green, red and white wings.

5. Our family has got a new flat.

Переведите предложения и определите тип условного предложения:

If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.

If you heat the water, it boils.

If I had 1 million $, I would go abroad.

If I went abroad, I would visit many interesting places.

I wish I would study abroad.

I wish I would go to the party with my friends.

I wish you would be next to me.

Придумайтевторуючасть предложения:

1.If the weather is sunny, we will go _________

2. I wish I would ____________

3. If I had much money, I would ___________

4. If I were you, I would ____________

5. If people hadn’t polluted the nature, it wouldn’t be ____________

Английский язык, 4 класс.

Урок №14. Wild about animals! (раздел В зоопарке)

Цели урока:

Познакомиться с образованием сравнительной степени прилагательных и с месяцами.

Задачи урока:

Научиться сравнивать животных и употреблять в речи названия месяцев. Закрепить лексические единицы по теме урока. Развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.


Сравнение животных в рассказе и диалоге с использованием сравнительной степени прилагательных. Употребление названий месяцев. Лексические единицы по теме урока.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Мы узнаем принцип образования сравнительной степени прилагательных, названия месяцев и научимся употреблять их в речи. Мы сможем правильно употреблять исключения в сравнительной форме прилагательных.

Учебник: (учебник, которому соответствует урок):

Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2018. — (Английский в фокусе)

In this lesson

  • You will listen, read, and speak about animals and their characteristics.
  • You will learn to use the comparative form of the adjectives.
  • You will learn the exceptions.
  • Ключевые слова: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Good-better-the best, as…as, …than. Nice, funny, small, big, clever, tall, short, fat…

Блок 3. Тестовые вопросы.

Task 1. Put the names of the months in the correct order. (Восстановление последовательности элементов).

October, July, January, August, March, April, May, June, February, November, September, December


January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Task 2. Fill in the missing letters. (ввод с клавиатуры пропущенных букв)

  1. Febr_ary
  2. A_ril
  3. J_ne
  4. Se_tember
  5. De_ember


  1. February
  2. April
  3. June
  4. September
  5. December

Task 3. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

1. ujly _ _ _ _

2. jnrayau _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. suguta _ _ _ _ _ _

4. hrcma _ _ _ _ _

5. ronmebev _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. July
  2. January
  3. August
  4. March
  5. November

Task 4. Fill in the crossword. (английский кроссворд)

По горизонтали

4. It’s the last month of summer

5. It’s the last month of a year

По вертикали

1. It’s the first month of a year

2. It’s the last month of spring

3. It’s the first month of summer

6. It’s the first month of spring


По горизонтали

4. August

5. December

По вертикали

1. January

2. May

3. June

6. March

Task 5. Match the words. (ребус-соответствие)


















nice хороший

funny забавный

small маленький

big большой

clever умный

tall высокий

short невысокий

fat толстый

Task 6. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)










Task 7. Put the words into three columns. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в таблице)



двойной согласный + -er










согласный + -er







Task 8. Colour the answer. (выделение цветом)

  1. Crocodiles are long/longer than lizards.
  2. Elephants are strong/stronger than monkeys.
  3. Giraffes are taller/tall than elephants.
  4. Monkeys are funnier/funny than giraffes.
  5. My grandmother is older/old than my mother.


  1. Crocodiles are long/longer than lizards.
  2. Elephants are strong/stronger than monkeys.
  3. Giraffes are taller/tall than elephants.
  4. Monkeys are funnier/funny than giraffes.
  5. My grandmother is older/old than my mother.

Task 9. Write the comparatives. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. funny ______
  2. small ______
  3. big ______
  4. short ______
  5. fat ______


  1. funnier
  2. smaller
  3. bigger
  4. shorter
  5. fatter

Task 10. Fill in the gaps with the words. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте)






  1. Elephants are ____________ than giraffes.
  2. Cats are ____________ than lizards.
  3. Dolphins are ____________ than whales.
  4. Giraffes are ____________ than hippos.
  5. It’s ____________ in summer than in autumn.


  1. fatter
  2. nicer
  3. cleverer
  4. thinner
  5. hotter

Task 11. Choose the answer. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

1. The elephant is __________.



2. I am a __________ pupil.



3. They are __________ than me.



4. Parrots are __________ than pandas.



5. Dolphins are very __________ mammals.




  1. big
  2. good
  3. older
  4. smaller
  5. clever

Task 12. Translate the sentences. (Ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Жираф выше морского котика. _________
  2. Зимой холоднее, чем летом. _________
  3. Июнь теплее сентября. _________
  4. Крокодил длиннее ящерицы. _________
  5. Слоны больше обезьян. _________


        1. A giraffe is taller than a seal.
        2. Winter is colder than summer.
        3. June is warmer than September.
        4. A crocodile is longer than a lizard.
        5. Elephants are bigger than monkeys.

Task 13. Match. (ребус-соответствие).

as long as crocodiles

Spring isn’t

Cats are

as cold as February

Hippos aren’t

January is

as hot as summer

smaller than tigers

as big as elephants

Some snakes are


January is as cold as February.

Hippos aren’t as big as elephants.

Cats are smaller than tigers.

Some snakes are as long as crocodiles.

Spring isn’t as hot as summer.

Task 14. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)











Блок 4. Контрольный модуль.

Вариант 1

Task 1. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

Ученик ставит буквы в словах в правильный порядок и впечатывает их в клеточки.

  1. jarnuay _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. deemecbr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  3. usatgu _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. alslm _ _ _ _ _
  5. osrth _ _ _ _ _


  1. January
  2. December
  3. August
  4. small
  5. short

Task 2. Choose the answer. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

1. Seals are __________ than cats.



2. The whale isn’t __________.



3. Is English __________ than Maths?



4. January is __________ than May.



5. Summer is a __________ season.




  1. bigger
  2. funny
  3. better
  4. colder
  5. hot

Task 3. Fill in the gaps. Use comparative forms of big, long, short, small, thin. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Dogs are ___ than horses.
  2. Cows have got ___ bodies than giraffes.
  3. Insects have got ___ legs than mice.
  4. Lizards have got ___ eyes than frogs.
  5. Monkeys have got ___ tails than sheep.


  1. smaller
  2. thinner
  3. longer
  4. bigger
  5. shorter

Вариант 2

Task 1. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

  1. uenj _ _ _ _
  2. neci _ _ _ _
  3. igb _ _ _
  4. ltla _ _ _ _
  5. etbocor _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. October
  2. June
  3. nice
  4. big
  5. tall

Task 2. Fill in the gaps. Use comparative forms of big, cold, nice, old, tall. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Giraffes are ___ than horses.
  2. It is ___ in winter than in spring.
  3. Grandfathers are ___ than fathers.
  4. Elephants are ___ than cats.
  5. Seals are ___ than crocodiles.


  1. taller
  2. colder
  3. older
  4. bigger
  5. nicer

Task 3. Write the sentences in English. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Декабрь – последний месяц года.
  2. Жирафы выше слонов.
  3. Крокодилы длиннее ящериц.
  4. Обезьяны – смешные животные.
  5. Собаки не такие сильные, как слоны.


  1. December is the last month of a year.
  2. Giraffes are taller than elephants.
  3. Crocodiles are longer than lizards.
  4. Monkeys are funny animals.
  5. Dogs are not as strong as elephants.

Английский язык 4 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова, Дули, Поспелова, Эванс. 14. Magic moments!. Номер №2

Read and correct the word in bold.
1. The giraffe is tallest than the elephant. – taller
2. Our room is nicer of their room.
3. Our holidays in Italy were the better.
4. Janet is the kinder person I know.
5. It is easiest to make a salad than a cake.
6. He was the strongest person than all.
7. The Arctic is the colder place in the world.
8. Hippos are fattest than monkeys.

Английский язык 4 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова, Дули, Поспелова, Эванс. 14. Magic moments!. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Прочтите и исправьте слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом.
1. Жираф выше слона.
2. Наша комната лучше, чем их комната.
3. Наши каникулы в Италии были лучшими.
4. Джанет − самый добрый человек, которого я знаю.
5. Сделать салат легче, чем торт.
6. Он был самым сильным человеком из всех.
7. Арктика − самое холодное место в мире.
8. Бегемоты толще обезьян.

1. The giraffe is tallest than the elephant. – taller
2. Our room is nicer of their room. – than
3. Our holidays in Italy were the
4. Janet is the kinder person I know. – kindest
5. It is easiest to make a salad than a cake. − easier
6. He was the strongest person than all. – of
7. The Arctic is the colder place in the world. – coldest
8. Hippos are fattest than monkeys. – fatter

1. The giraffe is taller than the elephant.
2. Our room is nicer than their room.
3. Our holidays in Italy were the best.
4. Janet is the kindest person I know.
5. It is easier to make a salad than a cake.
6. He was the strongest person of all.
7. The Arctic is the coldest place in the world.
8. Hippos are fatter than monkeys.

Перевод ответа
1. Жираф выше слона.
2. Наша комната лучше, чем их комната.
3. Наши каникулы в Италии были лучшими.
4. Джанет − самый добрый человек, которого я знаю.
5. Сделать салат легче, чем торт.
6. Он был самым сильным человеком из всех.
7. Арктика − самое холодное место в мире.
8. Бегемоты толще обезьян.

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  • Read and underline the right word
  • Read and choose the right word if you are looking
  • Read and underline the correct word перевод
  • Read and choose the right word an elephant bigger the biggest
  • Read and underline the correct word please