Read and choose the right word an elephant bigger the biggest

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В. Назови животных. Read and choose the right word. Прочитай и выбери нужное слово.

Назови животных. Read and choose the right word

This is a crocodile. It is green. It has got a long body. it has got a long tail. It can swim. — Это крокодил. Он зеленый. У него длинное тело. У него длинный хвост. Он умеет плавать.

This is a spider. It is small. It has got eight legs. It is black. It can’t dance. — Это паук. Он маленький. У него восемь ног. Он черный. Он не умеет танцевать.

This is a monkey. It can climb trees. It has got a long tail. It is brown. — Это обезьяна. Она умеет лазить по деревьям. У нее длинный хвост. Она коричневая.

This is a horse. It has got a long neck. It can’t fly. It is white. — Это лошадь. У нее длинная шея. Она не может летать. Она белая.

This is an elephant. It is very big. It is grey. It has got a very long trunk. It can’t jump. — Это слон. Он очень большой. Он серый. У него очень длинный хобот. Он не умеет прыгать.

This is a bird. It can fly. It has got two legs. It doesn’t like cats. — Это птица. Она умеет летать. У нее две ноги. Она не любит кошек.

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Task 1: Choose the right word. • A cat • A horse • A

Task 1: Choose the right word. • A cat • A horse • A dog

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

An elephant A lion A tiger

An elephant A lion A tiger

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A bear A dog An elephant

A bear A dog An elephant

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A wolf A fox A hare

A wolf A fox A hare

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A pig A horse A sheep

A pig A horse A sheep

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A goat A dog A sheep

A goat A dog A sheep

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A hamster A cat A hare

A hamster A cat A hare

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

A fox A lion A hare

A fox A lion A hare

You are right!

You are right!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

I am sorry, you are wrong!

Task 2: Is it domestic or wild? Ex: A cat is a domestic animal.

Task 2: Is it domestic or wild? Ex: A cat is a domestic animal.

Степени сравнения прилагательных Big – bigger – (the) biggest Long – longer – (the)

Степени сравнения прилагательных Big – bigger – (the) biggest Long – longer – (the) longest Short – shorter – (the) shortest A wolf is bigger than a hare. A bear is the biggest animal.

Task 3: Compare animals. Ex. : An elephant is bigger than a bear.

Task 3: Compare animals. Ex. : An elephant is bigger than a bear.

is (small) than A hamster is smaller than a hare. is (big) than A

is (small) than A hamster is smaller than a hare. is (big) than A dog is bigger than a puppy. is (tall) than A giraffe is longer than a lion.

Task 4: Agree or disagree. The elephant is the biggest animal. Yes, it is.

Task 4: Agree or disagree. The elephant is the biggest animal. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. The fox is smaller than the mouse. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. The lion is stronger than the cat. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. The bear is weaker than the wolf. The giraffe is the tallest animal. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. The hare is the bravest animal. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Compare the animals, using the words. clever funny strong weak

Compare the animals, using the words. clever funny strong weak

Task 5: Read the text about Sam's favorite animal and be ready to answer

Task 5: Read the text about Sam’s favorite animal and be ready to answer the questions. My favorite animal is a giraffe. It is very tall. It has brown and yellow spots. The giraffe has a long neck, long legs and a small head. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves of the trees and grass. It is very beautiful.

Answer the questions. 1. What is Sam's favorite animal? Sam`s favorite animal is the

Answer the questions. 1. What is Sam’s favorite animal? Sam`s favorite animal is the giraffe. 2. What color is the giraffe? It is brown and yellow. 3. Where does it live? It lives in Africa. 4. What does it eat? It eats leaves and grass.

Now tell us about your favorite animal. • • My favorite animal is …

Now tell us about your favorite animal. • • My favorite animal is … It is … (color) It is …(big/ small) It has … It lives … It eats … I like it because …

Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!


Match the words to the right picture.

a crocodile

a cobra

a lion


Cross the odd word out.

1. a cobraa liona dog

2. an elephanta cowa rhino


Find the words in the chain of letters. 



Put the words in the right column.



a lion

a leopard

a tiger

a rhino

an elephant

a camel


Choose the right word.

1. A rhino eat / eats grass.

2. Leopards run / runs fast.

3. An elephant drink / drinks a lot of water


Look at the picture and read the text.

This is a lion. Lions live in Africa. They usually hunt at night. They eat antelopes, zebras and gazelles. Lions like to drink water when they eat. They spent much of the day sleeping or resting.

Lions live in Europe.

They usually hunt at night.

They eat meat.

They sleep at night.

They like to play.


Complete the text.

Hi! My

is Nick. I

like to tell you about my

wild animal. My favorite

animals are bears. I like them very much. They

big and strong. They can be black, brown

white. They

in the forest. I like to read books about them.  


Match the phrases with their translations. 


Put the words in the right order to build up sentences.



200 liters





Put the words in the right order to build up sentences.



with an








Choose the correct response. 

What colour are crocodiles?


Build up questions from the following words.









Do you




Translate the text.

Крокодилы дикие животные.

Они опасные.

Они не жуют еду.


Choose the right word.

1. Your brother read / reads books about the.

2. I don’t / doesn’t play the violin.

3. Do / Does your mother like cooking

Подчеркни правильное прилагательное.

1. Elephants are big / bigger animals.

2. Dolphins are small / smaller than whales.

3. Monkeys are clever / cleverer than hippos.

4. In summer it is usually hot / hotter than in spring.

5. In winter it is cold / colder than in summer.

6. Apples are a tasty / tastier fruit.

7. Whales are friendly / friendlier animals.


Вы перешли к вопросу Подчеркни правильное прилагательное?. Он относится к категории Английский язык,
для 1 — 4 классов. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот
вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического
умного поиска можно найти другие вопросы по этой же теме, в категории
Английский язык. В случае если ответы на похожие вопросы не раскрывают в полном
объеме необходимую информацию, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой в верхней части
сайта и сформулируйте свой вопрос иначе. Также на этой странице вы сможете
ознакомиться с вариантами ответов пользователей.

Look, read and choose the right words.
Задание рисунок 1
0. It’s got a short tail / hair.
Задание рисунок 2
1. They’ve got hair on their feet / arms.
Задание рисунок 3
2. It’s got big ears / eyes.
Задание рисунок 4
3. He’s got a big nose / mouth.
Задание рисунок 5
4. It’s got three hands / heads.

Английский язык STARLIGHT 3 класс (часть 1) Баранова. MODULE 3. Checkpoint. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Посмотрите, прочитайте и выберите правильные слова.
0. У него короткий хвост / волосы.
1. У них волосы на ногах / руках.
2. У него большие уши / глаза.
3. У него большой нос / рот.
4. У него три руки / головы.

1. They’ve got hair on their feet/ arms.
2. It’s got big ears / eyes.
3. He’s got a big nose / mouth.
4. It’s got three hands / heads.

Перевод ответа
1. У них волосы на ногах / руках.
2. У него большие уши / глаза.
3. У него большой нос / рот.
4. У него три руки / головы.

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