Range insert vba word

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Range.InsertAfter method (Word)








Range.InsertAfter method (Word)

Inserts the specified text at the end of a range.


expression. InsertAfter( _Text_ )

expression Required. A variable that represents a Range object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Text Required String The text to be inserted.


After this method is applied, the range expands to include the new text.

You can insert characters such as quotation marks, tab characters, and nonbreaking hyphens by using the Visual Basic Chr function with the InsertAfter method. You can also use the following Visual Basic constants: vbCr, vbLf, vbCrLf and vbTab.

If you use this method with a range that refers to an entire paragraph, the text is inserted after the ending paragraph mark (the text will appear at the beginning of the next paragraph). To insert text at the end of a paragraph, determine the ending point and subtract 1 from this location (the paragraph mark is one character), as shown in the following example.

Set doc = ActiveDocument 
Set rngRange = _ 
 doc.Range(doc.Paragraphs(1).Start, _ 
 doc.Paragraphs(1).End - 1) 
rngRange.InsertAfter _ 
 " This is now the last sentence in paragraph one."

However, if the range ends with a paragraph mark that also happens to be the end of the document, Microsoft Word inserts the text before the final paragraph mark rather than creating a new paragraph at the end of the document.

Also, if the range is a bookmark, Word inserts the specified text but does not extend the range or the bookmark to include the new text.


This example inserts text at the end of the active document. The Content property returns a Range object.

ActiveDocument.Content.InsertAfter "end of document"

This example inserts text from an input box as the second paragraph in the active document.

response = InputBox("Type some text") 
With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range 
 .InsertAfter "1." & Chr(9) & response 
End With

See also

Range Object

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Редактирование документов Word из кода VBA Excel. Добавление и форматирование текста. Объект Word.Range, свойство Text, методы InsertAfter и InsertBefore.

Работа с Word из кода VBA Excel
Часть 3. Редактирование документов Word
[Часть 1] [Часть 2] [Часть 3] [Часть 4] [Часть 5] [Часть 6]

Добавление текста в новый документ

Основные объекты, использующиеся в VBA Word для определения места вставки, добавления и форматирования текста – это Selection (выделение), Range (диапазон) и Bookmark (закладка).

Selection и Range позволяют заполнять текстом новые документы или редактировать существующие. Закладки можно использовать для вставки изменяемых реквизитов в шаблоны различных документов: договоры, акты, справки.

Объект Range имеет преимущество перед объектом Selection, так как он может быть создан только программно и не зависит от действий пользователя. Если для вставки и форматирования текста будет использоваться объект Selection, а пользователь во время работы программы просто поставит курсор в другое место документа, результат будет непредсказуем.

Word.Range кардинально отличается от объекта Range в Excel. В приложении Word он представляет из себя набор из одного или множества символов. А также он может вообще не содержать ни одного символа, а быть указателем ввода текста (виртуальным курсором).

Объект Range возвращается свойством Range других объектов приложения Word: Document, Selection, Bookmark, Paragraph, Cell (объект Table).

Вставка текста без форматирования

Если текст вставляется без форматирования, достаточно одной строки кода (myDocument – это переменная):

  • Вставка текста с заменой имеющегося: myDocument.Range.Text = "Вставляемый текст"
  • Добавление текста после имеющегося: myDocument.Range.InsertAfter "Добавляемый текст"
  • Добавление текста перед имеющимся: myDocument.Range.InsertBefore "Добавляемый текст"

Методами InsertAfter и InsertBefore можно вставить текст и на пустую страницу, также, как с помощью свойства Text. Перейти на новый абзац и начать предложение с красной строки можно с помощью ключевых слов vbCr (vbNewLine, vbCrLf) и vbTab.

Вставка текста с форматированием

Для форматирования отдельных участков текста необходимо указать диапазон символов, входящих в этот участок. Здесь нам также поможет объект Range, которому можно задать любой набор символов, содержащихся в документе Word.

Синтаксис присвоения диапазона символов объекту Range:

myDocument.Range(Start:=n, End:=m)

‘или без ключевых слов Start и End

myDocument.Range(n, m)

  • myDocument – переменная;
  • n – номер точки перед начальным символом;
  • m – номер точки после конечного символа.

Счет точек вставки начинается с нуля. Знаки переноса строки, возврата каретки и табуляции учитываются как отдельные символы. 0 – это для объекта Word.Range виртуальная точка вставки на пустом документе, 1 – точка между первым и вторым символом, 2 – точка между вторым и третьим символом и т.д.

На пустом документе объекту Range можно присвоить только виртуальную точку вставки:
myDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0)

Первый символ в документе с текстом:
myDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=1)

Диапазон с 11 по 20 символ:
myDocument.Range(Start:=10, End:=20)

Реальная точка вставки (курсор) принадлежит объекту Selection, который создается вручную или программно с помощью метода Select.

Вставка курсора в начало документа:
myDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).Select

Эта строка вставит курсор между пятым и шестым символами:
myDocument.Range(Start:=5, End:=5).Select

Вставка курсора в конец документа:
myDocument.Range(.Range.Characters.Count - 1, .Range.Characters.Count - 1).Select

Ссылку на объект Range можно присвоить переменной, но при форматировании ее придется каждый раз переопределять и код получится длиннее. Пример присвоения ссылки объектной переменной:

Dim myRange As Word.Range

Set myRange = myDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=20)

Для Range(Start:=0, End:=20) в документе должно быть как минимум 20 символов.

Однострочные примеры редактирования и форматирования текста

Вставка дополнительного текста внутри имеющегося после заданной точки:
myDocument.Range(Start:=10, End:=10).InsertAfter "Вставляемый текст"

Новый абзац с красной строки (предыдущая строка должна заканчиваться символом возврата каретки или переноса строки):
myDocument.Range.InsertAfter vbTab & "Красная строка"

Присвоение шрифту заданного диапазона зеленого цвета:
myDocument.Range(Start:=10, End:=65).Font.ColorIndex = wdGreen

Меняем обычное начертание на курсив:
myDocument.Range(Start:=10, End:=65).Font.Italic = True

Указываем размер шрифта:
myDocument.Range(Start:=10, End:=65).Font.Size = 22

Применение стандартных стилей:
myDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=16).Style = "Заголовок 1"

Если вас заинтересуют другие команды форматирования текста, запишите их макрорекордером в VBA Word и примените к объекту Range.

Пример 1
Добавление текста в новый документ без форматирования:

































Sub Primer1()

On Error GoTo Instr

Dim myWord As New Word.Application, _

myDocument As Word.Document

Set myDocument = myWord.Documents.Add

myWord.Visible = True

With myDocument

.Range.Text = «Заголовок по центру» & vbCr

.Range(Start:=0, End:=19).ParagraphFormat.Alignment _

  = wdAlignParagraphCenter

.Range.InsertAfter _

  vbTab & «Первый абзац с красной строки» & vbCr & _

  «Второй абзац не с красной строки» & vbCr & _

  vbTab & «Третий абзац с красной строки»

End With

Set myDocument = Nothing

Set myWord = Nothing

Exit Sub


If Err.Description <> «» Then

  MsgBox «Произошла ошибка: « & Err.Description

End If

If Not myWord Is Nothing Then


  Set myDocument = Nothing

  Set myWord = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Пример 2
Добавление текста в новый документ с форматированием:






































Sub Primer2()

On Error GoTo Instr

Dim myWord As New Word.Application, _

myDocument As Word.Document

Set myDocument = myWord.Documents.Add

myWord.Visible = True

With myDocument

.Range.Text = «Заголовок по центру» & vbCr

.Range(Start:=0, End:=19).Style = «Заголовок»

.Range(Start:=0, End:=19).ParagraphFormat.Alignment _

  = wdAlignParagraphCenter

.Range.InsertAfter «Заголовок 1 не по центру» & vbCr

.Range(Start:=20, End:=44).Style = «Заголовок 1»

.Range.InsertAfter vbTab & «Шрифт по умолчанию « _

  & «с красной строки» & vbCr

.Range.InsertAfter «Зеленый курсив, размер 20»

.Range(Start:=82, End:=107).Font.Italic = True

.Range(Start:=82, End:=107).Font.Size = 20

.Range(Start:=82, End:=107).Font.ColorIndex = wdGreen

End With

Set myDocument = Nothing

Set myWord = Nothing

Exit Sub


If Err.Description <> «» Then

  MsgBox «Произошла ошибка: « & Err.Description

End If

If Not myWord Is Nothing Then


  Set myDocument = Nothing

  Set myWord = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Вы можете запустить эти примеры в редакторе VBA Excel на своем компьютере и посмотреть результаты.

In this Article

  • VBA PDF (Free Downloads)
  • Word VBA Examples “CheatSheet”
    • Select / Go To
    • Bookmarks
    • Document
    • Columns
    • Font
    • Insert
    • Loops
    • Paragraph
  • Word VBA Macro Tutorial
  • Simple Word Macro Example
    • Word Macro Basics
  • Word Document Object
    • Application
  • Documents
    • Document Methods
  • Range, Selection, Paragraphs
    • Range
    • Selection
    • Paragraphs
    • Word VBA Tutorial Conclusion
  • Word Macro Examples
    • Word VBA FAQs

Welcome to our Word VBA / Macros Mega-Guide!

This page contains:

    1. Word VBA Tutorial PDF (Free Download)
    2. Word VBA “Cheat Sheet” containing a list of the most commonly used Word VBA code snippets
    3. Full Word VBA / Macro tutorial.
    4. Searchable list of all of our Word VBA Macro Tutorials

You might also be interested in our Interactive VBA Tutorial for Excel.  While some of the examples / exercises are specific to Excel VBA, much of the content is generic to all VBA and you may find it useful to learn concepts like If Statements, Loops, MessageBoxes, and more.

VBA PDF (Free Downloads)

Download our free Microsoft Word VBA Tutorial! Or VBA Tutorials for other Office Programs!

word vba tutorial pdf


Word VBA Examples “CheatSheet”

Below you will find simple VBA code examples for working with Microsoft Word.

Select / Go To



Select Entire Document

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory


Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Insert After

Selection.InsertAfter “text”

Beginning of Line

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine

End of Line

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine

Select All


Select Entire Line

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend

Move Up Paragraph

Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1

Move Right One Character

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Move Right One Cell in Table

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell

Go To Start of Doc

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

Go To End of Doc

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory

Go To Page 1

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Name:=”1″

Go To Top of Page

    Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=”Page”
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Return to Top



With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:=”Name”
.DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
.ShowHidden = False
End With


Dim n as Integer
n = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count




If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(“BookmarkName”) = True then
‘Do something
End If

Go To

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=”BookmarkName”



Replace Text

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=”BookmarkName”
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.InsertAfter “New Text”
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _

Return to Top




Add to Variable

Dim doc As Document
Set doc = Documents.Add

Add (From Another Doc)

Documents.Add Template:=”C:FormsFormDoc.doc”, _



Close – Save Changes

Documents(“Example.doc”).Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges

Close – Do Not Save

Documents(“Example.doc”).Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

Close – Prompt to Save

Documents(“Example.doc”).Close SaveChanges:=wdPromptToSaveChanges

Return to Top


Save As

Documents(“Example.doc”).SaveAs (“C:ExampleExample.doc”)




Documents(“Example.doc”).Protect Password:=”password”


Documents(“Example.doc”).UnProtect Password:=”password”

Number of Pages

Dim varNumberPages as Variant
varNumberPages = _



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Selection.Font.Size = 12


Selection.Font.Bold = True


Selection.Font.Italic = True


Selection.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle

All Caps

Selection.Font.AllCaps = True


Selection.Font.TextColor = vbRed


Selection.Font.Name = “Abadi”


Selection.Font.Subscript = True


Selection.Font.Superscript = True

Highlight Color

Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow


Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(“Normal”)

Return to Top


Insert AutoText

Selection.TypeText Text:=”a3″

Insert File

Selection.InsertFile (“C:DocsSomething.doc”)

Insert Page Break

Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak

Insert Paragraph Symbol

Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr$(182)

Insert Tab

Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab

Insert Text

Selection.TypeText Text:=”Any Text”

Insert Type Paragraph


Insert Paragraph


Return to Top


Do Until End of Doc

Do Until ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(“Sel”) = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(“EndOfDoc”)
‘Do Something

For Each Doc in Docs

Dim doc As Document
ForEach doc In Documents
‘Do Something
Next doc

Loop Through Paragraphs

Sub through Paragraphs
Dim i As Long, iParCount As Long
iParCount = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.CountFori = 1 To iParCount
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
Next i

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Selection.ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether = True


Selection.ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True

Space After

Selection.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 12

Space Before

Selection.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 0

Align Center

Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

Align Right

Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight

Align Left

Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft

Left Indent

Selection.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = InchesToPoints(3.75)

Right Indent

Selection.ParagraphFormat.RightIndent = InchesToPoints(1)

Line Spacing

With Selection.ParagraphFormat
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = 12
End With

Loop Through All Paragraphs

Sub through Paragraphs
Dim i As Long, iParCount As Long
iParCount = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.CountFori = 1 To iParCount
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
Next i

Return to Top

Word VBA Macro Tutorial

This is a tutorial for using VBA with Microsoft Word. This tutorial will teach you how to write a simple Macro and interact with Documents, Ranges, Selections, and Paragraphs.

Note: If you’re brand new to Macros / VBA you might also find this article useful: How to write VBA Macros from Scratch.

VBA is the programming language used to automate Microsoft Office programs including Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Access.

Macros are blocks of VBA code that perform specific tasks.

When you Record a Macro, Word will write VBA code into a Macro, allowing you to repeat your actions. You can see a list of all available Macros from View > Macros.

word macros view

After recording a Macro, you will be able to edit the Macro from the Macro List:

word vba macros list

When you click Edit, you open the VBA Editor. Using the VBA Editor you can edit recorded Macros or write a Word Macro from scratch. To access the VBA Editor use the shortcut ALT + F11 or click Visual Basic from the Developer Ribbon.

word vba editor

Simple Word Macro Example

This is a simple example of a Word VBA Macro. It performs the following tasks:

  • Opens a Word Document
  • Writes to Document
  • Closes and Saves the Word Document.
Sub WordMacroExample()

    'Open Doc & Assign to Variable
    Dim oDoc As Document
    Set oDoc = Documents.Open("c:UserssomeoneNewDocument.docx")
    'Write To Doc
    Selection.TypeText "www.automateexcel.com"
    'Save and Close Doc
End Sub

Word Macro Basics

All VBA code must be stored within procedures like this. To create a procedure in VBA type “Sub WordMacroExample” (Where “WordMacroExample” is your desired Macro name) and press ENTER. VBA will automatically add the parenthesis and End Sub.

learn word vba

Word Document Object

When interacting with Microsoft Word in VBA, you will frequently reference Word “Objects”. The most common objects are:

Application Object – Microsoft Word itself

Document Object – A Word document

Range Object – A part of a Word document

Selection Object – A selected range or cursor location.

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Application is the “top-level” object. All other objects in Word can be reached through it.

In addition to accessing other Word objects, there are “application-level” settings that can be applied:

Application.Options.AllowDragAndDrop = True

This is an example of accessing the “Selection” of “Windows(1)” with in the Application:


However, the most common Word objects can be accessed directly, without typing the full hierarchy. So instead, you can (and should) just type:




Often, you will have two or more documents opened in Word and you will need specify which specific Word Document to interact with. One way to specify which document is to use ActiveDocument. For example:


…would print the ActiveDocument. The ActiveDocument is the document in Word which “has focus”

To switch the ActiveDocument, use the Activate command:



Instead of using ActiveDocument to reference the active document, you can use ThisDocument to reference the document where the macro is stored. ThisDocument will never change.


Document Variables

However, for more complicated macros, it can be hard to keep track of the Active Document. It can also be frustrating to switch back and forth between documents.

Instead, you can use Document variables.

This macro will assign the ActiveDocument to a variable and then  print the document using the variable:

Sub VarExample()
    Dim oDoc As Document
    Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
End Sub

Document Methods

Open Document

To Open a Word Document:

Documents.Open "c:UsersSomeOneDesktopTest PM.docx"

We recommend always assigning a Document to a variable upon opening it:

Dim oDoc as Document
Set oDoc = Documents.Open("c:UsersSomeOneDesktopTest PM.docx")

Create New Document

To create a new Word Document:


We can instruct Word to create a new doc based on some template:

Documents.Add Template:="C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeTemplatesMyTemplate.dotx"

As always, it is useful and huge problem saver to assign document to variable upon creating or opening:

Dim oDoc as Document
Set oDoc = Documents.Add (Template:="C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeTemplatesMyTemplate.dotx")

Save Document

To save a document:


or SaveAs:

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:= c:UsersSomeOneDesktoptest2.docx", FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument

Close Document

To close a Document and save changes:

ActiveDocument.Close wdSaveChanges

or without saving changes:

ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Print Document

This will print the active Document:


Range, Selection, Paragraphs

Range and Selection are probably the most important objects in Word VBA, certainly the most used.

Range refers to some portion of document, usually, but not necessarily, text.

Selection refers to selected text (or other object like pictures) or, if nothing is selected, an insertion point.

Paragraphs represent paragraphs in document. Its less important than it sounds, because you can’t directly access paragraph text (you need to access particular paragraph range to make modifications).

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Range can be any part of document, including entire document:

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Content

or it can be small as one character.

Another example, this range would refer to first word in document:

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Range.Words(1)

Usually, you would want to get range which refers to specific part of document and then modify it.

In the following example we will make the first word of second paragraph bold:

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(2).Range.Words(1)
oRange.Bold = True

Set Range Text

To set the text value of a Range:

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(2).Range.Words(1)
oRange.Text = “Hello ”

(Tip: Note the space after “Hello”. Because word object includes space after word, with just “hello” we would get “Hellonext word”)

There are hundreds of things which you can do with ranges. Just a few examples (these assume you are already made object variable oRange referring to range of interest):

Change font

oRange.Font.Name = "Arial"

Display in message box number of characters in particular range

MsgBox oRange.Characters.Count

Insert some text before it

oRange.InsertBefore "this is inserted text "

Add a footnote to range

ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Add Range:=oRange, _
Text:="Read more at automateexcel.com."

Copy it to clipboard

Often you need to change to what is particular range referring. So you can start it’s start and end
oRange.Start = 5
oRange.End = 50

After above code, oRange would refer to text starting with fifth and ending with 50th character in document.


Selection is even more widely used than Range, because it is easier to work with Selections than Ranges, IF your macro ONLY interacts with the ActiveDocument.

First select the desired part of your document.  For example select the second paragraph in active document:


Then you can use the Selection Object to type some text:

Selection.TypeText "Some text"

We can type some paragraphs bellow “Some text”:

Selection.TypeText "Some text"

Often, it’s necessary to know if some text is selected or we have just a insertion point:

If Selection.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
    Selection.Font.Bold = True
    MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If

When working with Selection object we want to place insertion point to particular place, and issue commands starting from this point.

Beginning of document:

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove

Beginning of current line:

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdMove

The Extend parameter wdMove moves the insertion point. Instead, you could use wdExtend which will select all text between the current insertion point.

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend

Move Selection

The most useful method for changing position of insertion point is Move. To move Selection two characters forward:

Selection.Move Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2

to move it backwards, use negative number for Count parameter:

Selection.Move Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-2

Unit parameter can be wdCharacter, wdWord, wdLine, or more (use Word VBA help to see others).

To move words instead:

Selection.Move unit:=wdWord, Count:=2

Selection is easier to work with (compared to ranges) because it is like a robot using Word, mimicking human user. Where Insertion point is – some action would take place. But, this means that you must take care where insertion point is! This is not easy after many steps in code. Otherwise, Word would change text in not desired place.

In the case you need some property or method not available in Selection object you can always easily obtain range associated with selection:

Set oRange = Selection.Range

TIP: Using Selection is often easier than using ranges, but also it’s way slower (important when you deal with big documents)


You can’t directly use Paragraphs object to change text:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Text = "No, it wouldn't work"

Above wouldn’t work (actually it will throw an error). You need to first obtain range associated with particular paragraph:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text = "It works now :)"

But you can directly change its style:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Style = "Normal"

or change its paragraph level formatting:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).LeftIndent = 10

or maybe you want to keep this paragraph on the same line with next paragraph:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).KeepWithNext = True

Make paragraph centered:

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

It is VERY useful to assign a particular paragraph to object variable.  If we assign particular paragraph to variable we don’t have to worry if the first paragraph becomes the second because we inserted one paragraph before it:

dim oPara as Paragraph
Set oPara = Selection.Paragraphs(1) ‘here we assign first paragraph of current selection to variable

Here is an example where we insert a paragraph above the first paragraph, but we can still reference the old first paragraph because it was assigned to a variable:

Sub ParagraphExample()
    Dim oPara As Paragraph
    Set oPara = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1)
    MsgBox oPara.Range.Text
    oPara.Range.InsertParagraphBefore 'Insert Paragraph
    MsgBox oPara.Range.Text
End Sub

Paragraph object is very frequently used in loops:

Sub LoopThroughParagraphs()

    Dim oPara As Paragraph
    For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        'do something with it. We will just display
        'paragraph text if its style is "Heading 4"
        If oPara.Style = "Heading 4" Then
            MsgBox oPara.Range.Text
        End If
    Next oPara

End Sub

Word VBA Tutorial Conclusion

This tutorial covered the basics of Word VBA. If you’re new to VBA, you should also review our general VBA Tutorial to learn more about Variables, Loops, MessageBoxes, Settings, Conditional Logic and much more.

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Word Macro Examples


What is a Word Macro?

A Macro is a general term that refers to a set of programming instructions that automates tasks. Word Macros automate tasks in Word using the VBA programming language.

Does word have VBA?

Yes, Microsoft Word has the VBA Editor. It can be accessed with by pressing ALT + F11 or by navigating to Developer > Visual Basic.

How do I use VBA in Word?

1. Open the VBA Editor (ALT + F11 or Developer > Visual Basic)
2. Go to Insert > Module to create a Code Module
3. Type ‘Sub HelloWorld’ and press Enter
4. In between the lines ‘Sub HelloWorld’ and ‘End Sub’, type ‘MsgBox “Hello World!’
5. You’ve created a Macro!
6. Now press ‘F5’ to run the Macro

Why Do You Need to Insert Anyway?

There are instances where we might forget to add data while creating a Word document or Excel spreadsheet. When we realize our mistake later, we can go in and add it using insert rows/columns, insert pages/shapes/images, etc., and by using the context menu of Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. Also, some data might need to be appended to the document on a conditional basis in a particular order, which again might result in needing to insert data.

Let’s look at the different types of data insertion one-by-one.

Insert Rows or Columns in Microsoft Excel

Rows or columns can be inserted into existing spreadsheets either manually or through VBA.

Select a row 🡪 insert menu 🡪 insert one blank row above the selected row.

In this image, the inserted row would be row 3 (the row immediately above it):

The format of the inserted row would be as in row 3

Select a column 🡪 right-click 🡪 insert menu 🡪 insert a blank column to the left of the selected column.

In this image, the inserted column would be column B (the column immediately before it):

The format of the inserted column would be as in column B.

When we select a cell and then choose the “insert” option from the context menu, we can find a small dialog box with four options as shown in the image below:

The “insert option” from the context menu presents a small dialog box with four options

The option we choose determines whether:

  1. Only a cell will be inserted, pushing existing cells to bottom/right or
  2. An entire row/column needs to be inserted.

The table below explains further what the options mean:

S. no Option Description
1 Shift cells right Moves all the cells to the right of the selected cell to the right by one position as a new cell gets created in the place of the selected cell.
2 Shift cells down Moves all the cells at the bottom of the selected cell to the bottom by one position as a new cell gets created in the place of the selected cell.
3 Entire row Inserts a new row in the place of the selected cell by pushing all the rows below + current row down.
4 Entire column Inserts a new column in the place of the selected cell by pushing all the columns on the right + current column to the right.

But what if your task is enormous? For example, what if we need to insert around 100 rows at different positions based on different criteria? That is when we need to rely on the help of VBA code.

Insert Rows and Columns Using VBA Code

Using VBA Range or selection we can insert rows or columns to an Excel spreadsheet or even the tables in a Word document.

Insert Function in Excel VBA to Insert Rows/Columns

Here is the syntax for the insert function in VBA:


Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove


  1. The Shift parameter indicates the direction in which the selected and cells below or to the right have to be moved. The value would be xlDown for row insertions and xlRight for column insertions,
  2. The CopyOrigin parameter has two possible values for xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    1. 0  is a default value which copies the formatting from the cells on the row above.
    2. 1 is a specific value if you do not want any formatting to be copied. 

Example of Inserting a Row Using VBA

This program selects the fourth row of an active spreadsheet and inserts a new row above it using the insert function.

Sub insertions()

'select row number 4

'insert a row above row number 4
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

End Sub

Example of Inserting a Column Using VBA

This program selects the fourth row of an active spreadsheet and inserts a new row above it using the Insert function.

Sub insertions()

'select column C

'insert a row above row number 4
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

End Sub 

Output After Running Both the Examples Above

In this output, we can see that the 4th row is a new/blank row that is inserted. Similarly, Col C is the new blank column inserted.

New 4th row and C column are blank.

Insert Text in Word Using VBA

The Selection.InsertAfter and Selection.InsertBefore functions can be used to insert text in the open Word document using VBA.


This code snippet inserts the text in the parameter in the open/associated Word document after the selected range of text or content. If nothing is selected, it is inserted after the cursor.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()
Selection.InsertAfter ("I'm in a dreamland.")
End Sub


This code snippet inserts the text in the parameter in the open/associated word document before the selected range of text or content. If nothing is selected, it is inserted before the cursor.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()
Selection.InsertBefore ("I'm well educated.")
End Sub

Run both the procedures above, placing the cursor at different positions/selecting different text on an existing document. The output can help you understand how it works.

Inserting a Page Break

Selection.InsertBreak is the statement/function used to insert a page break in an existing document.

Here is the document in which we are going to insert a page break.

Word document in which we are going to insert a page break

We have to place the cursor in between two lines and run the subprocedure below:

Sub selectioninsert_demo()

' code to insert a page break

End Sub

The output is:

Output of inserting a page break in a  Word document

Insertions in a Table in Microsoft Word

Insertions like cells, rows, or columns can be performed on a table object inserted in a Word file.

Insert Cells to a Table

Selection.InsertCells without a parameter can insert the same number of cells (rows and columns) at the bottom of the selected table in the document.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()

' select the first table in the document ( specified in the index as 1)
' insert same no of cells as in the selected table. This does not add another table. Just increments the no of cells
End Sub

Before running the code:

Before inserting rows to a table in Word.

After running the code:

Output of selection.insertcells code without a parameter.

Insert Rows to a Table in Microsoft Word

Selection.InsertRows (< number of rows >) can insert the specified number of rows on top of the table, pushing down the existing content.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()
' select the table
Selection.InsertRows (3)

End Sub

The code above will insert three rows at the top of the selected table.

Output of code that inserts three rows into table in Word.

InsertRowsAbove and InsertRowsBelow

Functions like InsertRowsAbove and InsertRowsBelow can explicitly be used to insert the rows above or below the table respectively.

Insert Columns to the Table in Microsoft Word

Selection.Insertcolumns can insert the existing number of columns to the left of the table pushing the existing content to the right. It does not support any parameters.

Selection.insertcolumns inserting the existing number of columns to the left of the table pushing the existing content to the right.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()
' select the table
End Sub

The code above will insert three columns to the left of the selected table.

Output of code inserted three columns to the left of the selected table.

Insert Columns to the Right of the Table

In the above example we noticed that the new columns get inserted to the left of the table by default. When the function “InsertColumnRight” is used, the columns get inserted to the right of the column.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()
' select the table
End Sub

Here are the newly inserted columns to the right of the table when the above program is run:

Output of newly inserted columns to the right of the table.

Insertion of Date and Time

The code below helps in inserting the current date and time in the place of the cursor or selected text.


Output of code inserting current date and time in place of cursor or selected text.

Please run the code above to see the output visually, as the current date keeps changing every day. 😊

Inserting a Formula

Formulas can be inserted in the selected area using the InsertFormula function.


Selection.Insertformula ([<formula>] ,[<Number Format>])

Where formula can be any Excel formula and the number format parameter represents the format in which are expecting the output value to be.


Selection.InsertFormula ("=sum(C1:C10)") 

Insert a New Page

The code below can help in inserting a new page using VBA in Microsoft Word.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()

' insert a new page

End Sub

Insert a Paragraph

The InsertParagraph function can help in inserting a new paragraph in the place of the selected text or the cursor.

Sub selectioninsert_demo()

' insert a new paragraph
With Selection
End With
End Sub

Similarly, InsertParagraphAfter and InsertParagraphBefore functions can be used to insert the paragraphs before/after the selections respectively.

InsertFile, InsertXML, InsertSymbol, and InsertStyleSeparator are the other insertions that can be  achieved using VBA codes.


Insertion of rows/cells/columns are mostly useful with Microsoft Excel and the table objects of Microsoft Word. There are many other insertions discussed in this article that can be of much use in Microsoft Word.

These can be used in VBA macro of a Word document when the insertion is recursive based on the need.

Tagged with: context menu, Excel, Insert, insert columns, insert data, insert images, insert rows, insertion, VBA, VBA For Excel, VBA for Word, Word

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Working with Range Objects

A common task when using Visual Basic is to specify an area in a document and then do something with it, such as insert text or apply formatting. For example, you may want to write a macro that locates a word or phrase within a portion of a document. The portion of the document can be represented by a Range
object. After the Range object is identified, methods and properties of the Range object can be applied in order to modify the contents of the range.

A Range object refers to a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position. Similar to the way bookmarks are used in a document, Range objects are used in Visual Basic procedures to identify specific portions of a document. A Range object can be as small as the insertion point or as large as the entire document. However, unlike a bookmark, a Range object only exists while the procedure that defined it is running.

The Start, End
and StoryType
properties uniquely identify a Range object. The Start and End properties return or set the starting and ending character positions of the Range object. The character position at the beginning of the document is zero, the position after the first character is one, and so on. There are eleven different story types represented by the WdStoryType constants of the StoryType property.

Note  Range objects are independent of the selection. That is, you can define and modify a range without changing the current selection. You can also define multiple ranges in a document, while there is only one selection per document pane.

Using the Range method

The Range
method is used to create a Range object in the specified document. The Range method (which is available from the Document
object) returns a Range object located in the main story given a start and end point. The following example creates a Range object that is assigned to a variable.

    Sub SetNewRange()
    Dim rngDoc As Range
    Set rngDoc = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=10)
End Sub

The variable refers to the first ten characters in the active document. You can see that the Range object has been created when you apply a property or method to the Range object stored in a variable. The following example applies bold formatting to the first ten characters in the active document.

    Sub SetBoldRange()
    Dim rngDoc As Range
    Set rngDoc = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=10)
    rngDoc.Bold = True
End Sub

When you need to refer to a Range object multiple times, you can use the Set statement to set a variable equal to the Range object. However, if you only need to perform a single action on a Range object, there’s no need to store the object in a variable. The same results can be achieved using just one instruction that identifies the range and changes the Bold

    Sub BoldRange()
    ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=10).Bold = True
End Sub

Like a bookmark, a range can span a group of characters or mark a location in a document. The Range object in the following example has the same starting and ending points. The range does not include any text. The following example inserts text at the beginning of the active document.

    Sub InsertTextBeforeRange()
    Dim rngDoc As Range
    Set rngDoc = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0)
    rngDoc.InsertBefore "Hello "
End Sub

You can define the beginning and end points of a range using the character position numbers as shown above, or use the Start and End properties with objects such as Selection, Bookmark, or Range. The following example creates a Range object beginning at the start of the second paragraph and ending after the third paragraph.

    Sub NewRange()
    Dim doc As Document
    Dim rngDoc As Range

    Set doc = ActiveDocument
    Set rngDoc = doc.Range(Start:=doc.Paragraphs(2).Range.Start, _
End Sub

For additional information and examples, see the Range

Using the Range property

The Range property appears on multiple objects, such as Paragraph, Bookmark, and Cell, and is used to return a Range object. The following example returns a Range object that refers to the first paragraph in the active document.

    Sub SetParagraphRange()
    Dim rngParagraph As Range
    Set rngParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
End Sub

After you have a Range object, you can use any of its properties or methods to modify the Range object. The following example selects the second paragraph in the active document and then centers the selection.

    Sub FormatRange()
    Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End Sub

If you need to apply numerous properties or methods to the same Range object, you can use the With…End With structure. The following example formats the text in the first paragraph of the active document.

    Sub FormatFirstParagraph()
    Dim rngParagraph As Range
    Set rngParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
    With rngParagraph
        .Bold = True
        .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
        With .Font
            .Name = "Stencil"
            .Size = 15
        End With
    End With
End Sub

For additional information and examples, see the Range
property topic.

Redefining a Range object

Use the SetRange
method to redefine an existing Range object. The following example defines a range as the current selection. The SetRange method then redefines the range so that it refers to current selection plus the next ten characters.

    Sub ExpandRange()
    Dim rngParagraph As Range
    Set rngParagraph = Selection.Range
    rngParagraph.SetRange Start:=rngParagraph.Start, _
        End:=rngParagraph.End + 10
End Sub

For additional information and examples, see the SetRange method.

Note  When debugging your macros, you can use the Select
method to ensure that a Range object is referring to the correct range of text. For example, the following example selects a Range object, which refers the second and third paragraphs in the active document, and then formats the font of the selection.

    Sub SelectRange()
    Dim rngParagraph As Range

    Set rngParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(2).Range

    rngParagraph.SetRange Start:=rngParagraph.Start, _

    Selection.Font.Italic = True
End Sub

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