Random one word names

For those who are looking to create a random name or who are looking for a name randomizer, the Random Name Generator is the perfect tool for you. The tool is quite easy to use. The first step is to choose the actual way you want to use it. There are two distinct ways it can be used depending on whether you want to create entirely new random names or if you want to use a name randomizer as a name picker from a list of names you already have.

The name randomizer from a list is pretty simple and straightforward. Once you choose it, a box will appear and all you need to do is paste your list of names into the name randomizer. The first way this can be used is as a random name picker. In this case, you choose the number of names you want to appear. For example, if you’re picking a single winner from a list of names, you would choose «1» and the one name generated would be the winner. If you wanted the random name picker to choose two winners, you would choose «2» and two names from the list would appear. Another example of using this as a name picker is if you want to make two teams out of a list of names. If you had 30 people on the list and you wanted two teams, you would choose «15» and the fifteen random names that showed up from the list would be one team while the other 15 names would be the other team.

Another option is to use the name randomizer to randomize all the names on your list. In this case, you aren’t using it as a random name picker, but as a true name randomizer. For example, if you have a list of 20 students that you want to put into a random order, you would choose «20» and all of the students’ names would appear in random order. This can be a great way to assign the names on the list to something specific. For example, if you have a list of chores for your kids to do and they are complaining that you don’t assign the chores fairly, you can use the name randomizer to make those assignments. It can be useful for school student assignments and work-related assignments as well where it’s important for the assignment to be fair and random.

The other use for this tool is as an actual new name generator. In this case, the first step is to choose the number of random names you want to be displayed. You then need to indicate whether you want female names, male names, or a combination of the two. Finally, you get to decide if you want only first names, last names, or full names. Once you’ve made these choices, you hit the «Generate Random Names» button and a list will appear. The tool has thousands of girl names and boy names, as well as thousands of last names. Together, they can create hundreds of thousands of random names.

People who stumble across this free name generator often wonder why it’s better than the typical way to
find names in a baby book or from a long list of names on a website. There are a few distinct advantages
that come with using this free online name tool that you can’t get with a name book or long list of
names. Most importantly, you have the option to specify the exact types of names you want to see which
isn’t possible in a name book or from a list of names. For example, if you only want to see girl names
or boy names that begin with the letter «S» you can indicate that on this name generator to get exactly
the names you want.

A second benefit of this generator over traditional ways to search for names is that you get to determine
the exact number of results you want to read each time. Long lists and books filled with boy and girl
names can easily become overwhelming. It can then be difficult to give each name the proper
consideration it deserves. By seeing names in bunches that are easier for you to digest, you’re much
more likely to find the perfect name with the Random Name Generator than with other ways of searching
for names.

The above-mentioned two benefits can make this random name generator a wonderful way to search for any
number of types of names you may need. The best way to see if this free name tool would benefit your
name search is to spend some time using it. Another option is to read some of the many different ways
people who visit this name generator commonly use it.

Character Names

Those writing novels or other books may need to come up with various character names. Coming up with the
perfect name for a minor or secondary character can often be difficult, but using this tool as a
character name generator can make doing so a lot easier. Creating random results is a great way to
brainstorm character names. Seeing random names can also help the author find the perfect character name
for each particular character in their stories to make their writing the best it can be.

Baby Names

Looking through pages and pages of baby names can be quite tiring and frustrating. For soon-to-be
parents, it’s sometimes more effective to have random girl names or random boy names appear in smaller
random groups. In this way, this tool can become a wonderful baby name generator. This will give you the
chance to read the baby names listed individually to see if each sounds and looks perfect. Being able to
choose specifically between baby girl names and baby boy names can also make the process a lot less

Create a Nickname

Using this random name generator can be a wonderful way to create a new nickname for yourself or your
friends. With the option of choosing the first and last letters, along with the number of syllables, you
should be able to find fun nicknames that perfectly fit your needs. Using this tool as a random nickname
generator and seeing the random nicknames it produces should help inspire your creativity so that you
can find the best nickname for your situation.

Pet Names

For those who are looking to come up with a unique name for their pet, going through a list of random
names can be a wonderful way to brainstorm to ultimately find perfect pet names. The Random Name
Generator instantly transforms into a pet name generator. It doesn’t matter what type of pet you’re
searching for. The generator will help you find great dog names, wonderful cat names, interesting bird
names, and the perfect name for any other pet you may have.

Pen Names

There may be times when you don’t want to use your real name when writing an article, book, or column.
This free online generator can be a great way to create a new identity through a pen name. The fun
aspect is that even if you’re a man, you can choose a female name, or if you’re a woman, you can choose a
male name as your pen name. There are a lot of people who write under pen names and if you decide that
finding a pen name is correct for you, you want to spend time thinking about different pen names so you
finally settle on one that’s perfect for you.

Website Signups

It’s common to have to sign up with websites these days, but there will be times when you want to sign up
but you don’t necessarily want to give your real name in the process. Coming up with a new name to use
for these purposes is a way to solve this problem. In fact, you may want to create a unique name for
each time you create a new account. By doing this you can see how each site uses your information since
the random name you use is unique to that specific website.

Online Activity

There are many people who are online who wish to keep their identity secret for a variety of legitimate
reasons. For those who don’t use their real name, finding a random name is important so they can remain
anonymous. Again, it can often make sense to create a number of random names for online activity
specific to certain groups or websites you frequent so you can follow exactly how your information is
being used.

Change Your Name

If you have a name that you don’t like or you come from a foreign country where your given name is
difficult for English speakers to pronounce, coming up with an alternative name to go by makes a lot of
sense. The fun part is that you get to name yourself which most people never get the chance to do. You
should spend a lot of time considering which random name best suits you and your personality since it’s
a name you will likely use for a long time. Creating a new name for yourself can make life easier for
you and those around you.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the ways the Random Names Generator can be used. The
above are just a few examples of why someone might use this online name generator. We always try to make
our online tools as useful as they can be. If you have ideas on how we could make this tool better,
please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pick a random name?

It’s actually quite simple to pick a random name with our name generator, and you have a lot of options that you can utilize to get the perfect name. You can choose a female name or a male name (or both), choose what letters if any you want the first name and last name to begin with, and indicate the number of syllables in the name and the length of the name you want. All these options allow you to narrow the name and pick a random name that’s best for your specific needs. Then all you do is press the generate button and you will be given a list of names with your specific qualifications. That’s how simple it is to pick a random name.

What are good fake names?

Good fakes names are names that bring a character or person to life. A good fake name for one character may be a terrible fake name for another. Understanding the character and their overall personality will go a long way to finding a good fake name for them. Generating random names is an excellent way to find good fake names.

Can I use the names I find with this name generator?

Yes! Feel free to use any of the names that you find will fit your needs that come from this random name generator.

Why are their so many naming options?

Depending on where you are in your search for a name, you may be broadly or narrowly looking at names. When you first begin you often are just looking for ideas and therefore don’t need many options, but as you narrow down what exactly you want in a name, having options can help quite a bit to find that perfect name. You don’t have to use the option available, but they’re there for those who do.

Other Random Generators

Here you can find all the other Random Generators:

  • Random Word Generator
  • Random Noun Generator
  • Random Synonym Generator
  • Random Verb Generator
  • Random Name Generator
  • Random Adjective Generator
  • Random Sentence Generator
  • Random Phrase Generator
  • Random Paragraph Generator
  • Weird Words
  • Fake Words
  • Random Letter Generator
  • Random Number Generator
  • Cursive Letters
  • Random Password Generator
  • Random Bible Verses
  • Random Pictures
  • Wedding Hashtags Generator
  • Random List
  • Dinner Ideas Generator
  • Breakfast Ideas
  • Yes or No Oracle
  • Pictionary Generator
  • Motivational Quotes
  • Random Questions
  • Random Facts
  • Vocabulary Words
  • Writing Prompts
  • Coin Flip
  • Dice Roll
  • Never Have I Ever Questions
  • Would You Rather Questions
  • Truth or Dare Questions
  • Decision Maker
  • Charades
  • Hangman Words
  • Random Color Generator
  • Random Things to Draw
  • Random Coloring Pages
  • Tongue Twisters

Usernames don’t need to be complicated or cryptic. Choosing just one word can help you create a simple but impactful and memorable username.

Shorter usernames also look cleaner to the eye. Longer usernames that include multiple words, numbers, special characters, and “keyboard smash” letter combinations are harder to read and look less aesthetically pleasing.

See our list of options on our list below, or scroll past the list for a name generator and tips on creating your own one-word username.

  1. Eclipse

  2. Vital

  3. Legacy

  4. Schism

  5. Mystic

  6. Cosmic

  7. Infinity

  8. Static

  9. Vertical

  10. Inspired

  11. Orion

  12. Iconic

  13. Indigo

  14. Mystery

  15. Toast

  16. Depth

  17. Havoc

  18. Threat

  19. Phoenix

  20. Wireless

  21. Logic

  22. Strike

  23. Hammer

  24. Mosaic

  25. Trouble

  26. Theory

  27. Viper

  28. Elite

  29. Atomic

  30. Force

  31. Combat

  32. Clutch

  33. Seeker

  34. Rogue

  35. Sunrise

  36. Judicial

  37. Intent

  38. Domain

  39. Adjacent

  40. Maverick

  41. Justice

  42. Phantom

  43. Optimist

  44. Arctic

  45. Lecturer

  46. Polaris

  47. Onyx

  48. Warrant

  49. Forum

  50. Unity

  51. Proof

  52. Saga

  53. Variable

  54. Champion

  55. Original

  56. Audio

  57. Nectar

  58. Tension

  59. Tangible

  60. Endeavor

  61. Python

  62. Relevant

  63. Bionic

  64. Absolute

  65. Capture

  66. Intense

  67. Attitude

  68. Priority

  69. Medieval

  70. Anchor

  71. Rugged

  72. Infinity

  73. Tactical

  74. Epic

  75. Strategist

  76. Delay

  77. Momentum

  78. Audit

  79. Crucial

  80. Panther

  81. Quiver

  82. Spartan

  83. Stealth

  84. Mirage

  85. Noodle

  86. Swan

  87. Tempest

  88. Schemer

  89. Abstract

  90. Antics

  91. Linear

  92. Animal

  93. Serious

  94. Eventual

  95. Ghost

  96. Wolf

  97. Aloof

  98. Storm

  99. Ornery

  100. Forced

  101. Asset

  102. Noble

  103. Vantage

  104. Equal

  105. Evidence

  106. Kerfuffle

  107. Alliance

  108. Leverage

  109. Abandon

  110. Feral

  111. Maven

  112. Thirteen

  113. Profound

  114. Virtual

  115. Mohawk

  116. Rival

  117. Integral

  118. Revised

  119. Pending

  120. Laser

  121. Penalty

  122. Apocalypse

  123. Agenda

One-Word Username Generator

How to Create a Cool One-Word Username

There are thousands upon thousands of words in the English language, no matter which dictionary you use.

With so many options to choose from when creating a one-word username, keep the following tips in mind to narrow down your options:

  • Pick a set number of letters. Perhaps the site or app you’re creating a username for has a minimum character limit, or you have a favorite single-digit number. Choosing a set number of letters for your username is an easy way to narrow down your options. For some ideas, see our lists of three-letter, four-letter, and five-letter usernames.
  • Pick a letter to start your username. You can use your favorite letter, the first letter of your first or last name, or just pick one at random. Looking for words within a particular letter is another easy way to narrow down those thousands of choices! You can also combine this with our previous tip, choosing both one letter and a certain number of letters, to come up with a very focused list of options.
  • Get inspiration from a different language! As noted above, there is no shortage of options for one-word English usernames, but you can also get inspiration from other languages. Whether you’re fluent in another language or just want to find a unique username, try translating some of your favorite English words or browsing a translated dictionary. For some suggestions to get you started, see our list of cool Latin words for usernames.
  • African

  • Albanian

  • Arabic

  • Armenian

  • Azerbaijani

  • Basque

  • Belarusian

  • Bengali

  • Bosnian

  • Breton

  • Bulgarian

  • Catalan

  • Chinese

  • Croatian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • English

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French

  • Frisian

  • Galician

  • Georgian

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hausa

  • Hawaiian

  • Hebrew

  • Hungarian

  • Icelandic

  • Igbo

  • Indian

  • Indonesian

  • Irish

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Kazakh

  • Khmer

  • Korean

  • Latvian

  • Limburgish

  • Lithuanian

  • Macedonian

  • Malay

  • Maori

  • Native American

  • Nepali

  • Norwegian

  • Persian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Scottish

  • Serbian

  • Slovak

  • Slovene

  • Spanish

  • Swahili

  • Swedish

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Ukrainian

  • Urdu

  • Vietnamese

  • Welsh

  • Yoruba

  • Zulu

  • Mythology

  • Celtic

  • Egyptian

  • Greek

  • Near Eastern

  • Norse

  • Roman

  • Ancient

  • Anglo-Saxon

  • Celtic

  • Germanic

  • Greek

  • Norse

  • Roman

  • Arthurian

  • Biblical

  • Hinduism

  • History

  • Literature

  • Pop Culture

  • Theology

  • Whimsical

  • Fairy

  • Goth

  • Hillbilly

  • Hippy

  • Kreatyve

  • Rapper

  • Transformer

  • Witch

  • Wrestler

  • Fantasy

  • Gluttakh

  • Monstrall

  • Romanto

  • Simitiq

  • Tsang

  • Xalaxxi

Enter a name or any word and this tool will create interesting usernames for you

How it works

Our totally free online tool uses a database of thousands of random words to create unique and hard-to-guess usernames.

Creating a unique username is more important than you might think. The more random your username is, the harder it is for hackers to guess it. In other words, if your name is John Doe and you were born in 1980, your username shouldn’t be “JohnDoe1980.” That is far too easy to guess. If you need help with this, we can make you some random usernames!

How to generate a random username

Using our online service to create random usernames couldn’t be simpler. As soon as the page loads, you’ll automatically see two dozen unique handles you can use. If you need more, just hit the GENERATE MORE button.

If you’d rather your username incorporate a keyword, you can feel free to enter it into the keyword text box. The word must only include Latin characters and be between 3 and 20 characters long. Once you’ve entered your word, hit the GENERATE button to create 24 random usernames that incorporate that word.

If you spot a username you like, you can hit the COPY button (the icon of two rectangles overlapping each other). Once copied, paste the username wherever you might need it.

If you see a few usernames you’d like, you can use the STAR button. This saves those names to your SAVED IDEAS list. Hit the SAVED IDEAS button to see your list, and then hit the DOWNLOAD button to grab a text file with all your saved names.

Ready to start again? Hit the DELETE ALL button to clear your list and generate more random usernames.

Feel free to use this tool as much as you like. There is no limit to the number of times you can generate new usernames.

Name Generator

This name generator combines the random first name and last name generators into one doubly random tool for a full name. Find your new identity and disappear.

Also available: male names or female names.

Also try:

or just create your own list.

Discover a wealth of random name generators and find awesome character names

Whether you need random character names for your next fantasy tale, the protagonist in your novel or even a real name for a child, The Story Shack can provide you with the perfect name for your use case. Each name generator on here will provide you with original names that you can use in any project you like, no strings attached. Naming options available range from thousands to millions, so it’s highly unlikely that you’ll run into a name that anyone else already uses.

How to find perfect name ideas for your project

Choose one of the name categories above or use the search function to filter the list of hundreds of random name generators directly on this page. As an example, you could type «character» to directly find the Character Name Generator,, «business» to find the Business Name Creator or try «fantasy» to immediately filter out all tools in the Fantasy Name Generators section of this site.

Once you generate names that you like, be sure to use the handy save and copy options. Each idea can be stored for later reference in your own storage chest, an account-free place to come back to your favorite names.

Discover a business name and potential brand names

The tools on The Story Shack can be used for much more than only character names. As an example, there’s a dedicated business name generator that can give you thousands of ideas on how to call your company. If you’re looking for a creative brand name, I can also help with that. The brand name generator provides you with an easy-click solution to get unique, brandable names. Use them as your actual end results or as ideas to kickstart a brainstorming session.

Use a random name picker to find perfect nicknames

A good use of the various kinds of name generators on this site is to find nicknames for yourself (perhaps you’d like to change your real name), your friends or your characters, either with the dedicated random nickname generator or any other kind that fits your use case. Perhaps this is not for you, but rather for your WoW or ESO character, in which case you could try some of the dedicated online name generators for games on this site.

Easily find a name for your baby

Many parents (I’m one myself) know this: your baby is on the way and you and your partner just cannot decide on a fitting name. Most baby name sites are pretty tedious to use and have you spending hours just clicking through pages and pages of results. Why not make it easy? The baby name generator offers a wide range of male and female names (there’s also a tool for gender neutral names if that’s what you’re after). With the save options, you can quickly generate loads of ideas and bookmark them for easy usage later on.

Generate names for your pets

Pets are another wonderful addition to your life and another potential reason for many headaches. Some people prefer naming pets like humans, others prefer more playful names like Rocket or Sergeant Paws. Whichever your preference, you can either try the pet name generator or search the collection of animal name ideas.

Recommended name generator resources

The Story Shack follows in the footsteps of many staples in the name and idea generation world, some of which have been around since the 90s and still keep the lights on to this very day. If you want to explore some of these veterans and in the process discover some more amazing tools, here’s a list:

  • Seventh Sanctum
  • fantasynamegenerators.com
  • donjon
  • Behind the Name

Have fun exploring the site, and enjoy using the random name generators!

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