Rainbow words in word

Как сделать радужную надпись в Microsoft Word

Microoft Word — это больше, чем просто приложение для обработки текста. Помимо создания личных и деловых документов, вы можете использовать это программное обеспечение для веселых проектов. Используйт


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Microsoft Word — это больше, чем просто приложение для обработки текста. Помимо создания личных и деловых документов, вы можете использовать это программное обеспечение для веселых проектов. Используйте встроенные функции, чтобы добавить интересные вещи в ваш текст, в том числе украшения, такие как радужные буквы.


Добавьте тексты к вашему документу в формате радуги (словесное изображение Эдвина Селимовича из Fotolia.com)

Создать текст

Откройте программное обеспечение Microsoft Word, дважды щелкнув значок программы или выбрав его в меню «Программы».

Создайте свой документ. Введите текст, который вы хотите отобразить в виде радужных букв. Это должно быть короткое предложение.

Сохраните документ, прежде чем продолжить. Выберите «Файл», а затем «Сохранить» в строке меню в версиях Word до 2003 года. В Word 2007 команда «Сохранить» находится под кнопкой «Office» в верхнем левом углу экрана.

Введите имя для вашего документа. Word автоматически называет имена, используя символы в первой строке текста. Если вы предпочитаете использовать другое имя, измените этот параметр в поле «Имя файла».

Выделите текст, который вы хотите изменить на формат радуги, перетаскивая курсор мыши над ним. Удерживайте кнопку мыши во время перетаскивания. Отпустите кнопку мыши после выделения всего текста.

Выберите «Вставить» в строке меню Word 2003, а затем выберите «Изображение». Нажмите «Word Art» в раскрывающемся меню «Изображение». В Word 2007 перейдите на вкладку «Вставка» и выберите «Word Art» на панели «Текст». Меню Word Art и его параметры идентичны в обеих версиях программы. Вы увидите экран параметров форматирования. Слово представляет их в отдельных коробках. Каждый из них отображает образец уже отформатированного текста для каждого варианта Word Art.

Выберите образец цветного текста в формате радуги, нажав на него. Это легко найти, потому что есть только одна опция Word Art, которая имеет более одного цвета.

Просмотрите поле форматирования Word Art, отображаемое в Word. Он показывает ваш ранее выбранный текст. Измените шрифт и размер текста по умолчанию, нажимая стрелки рядом с каждым разделом поля параметров форматирования. В этих полях есть выпадающие списки, в которых хранятся ваши варианты выбора.

Добавьте улучшения, если хотите. Вы можете выбрать полужирный и курсив, нажимая кнопки на экране параметров форматирования. Если вы передумали, нажмите кнопку еще раз, чтобы отменить этот выбор.

Нажмите OK, когда вы закончите с вашими выборами. Word автоматически отобразит текст радуги в вашем документе. Сохраните документ перед печатью.

Как сделать радужный текст в ворде?

Добрый вечер. Для этого надо зайти в Word, и найти кнопку А под кнопкой «Чтение».Нажать кнопку, выбрать любой нужный цвет, нажать на него, и писать текстом нужного цвета.

Надеюсь, мой ответ вам помог.

С уважением, Filosof2233(А.Бурбон­ овский).

Как сделать буквы Microsoft Word в форме радуги — Вокруг-Дом — 2021

Table of Contents:

К счастью, есть два способа украсить ваш документ Microsoft Word радужным текстом. Примените градиент цвета радуги к любому тексту в документе, изменив настройки цвета шрифта, или используйте WordArt, чтобы создать «картинку» текста радуги с несколькими вариантами настройки цветов радуги и форматирования текста.

Вы можете применить градиент цвета радуги к любому шрифту в Microsoft Word.credit: cg-vaibhav / iStock / Getty Images

Выбор текста

Выберите текст в документе, который должен отображаться в цветах радуги. На вкладке «Главная» в группе «Шрифт» щелкните стрелку вниз рядом со значком цвета шрифта и нажмите «Градиент» со значком цветового градиента, а затем выберите «Больше градиентов». Откроется панель «Формат текстовых эффектов», позволяющая настроить градиент.

Форматирование текстовых эффектов

На панели «Форматировать текстовые эффекты» установите переключатель «Градиентная заливка». Вы можете выбрать предустановленный градиент, хотя они используют только два цвета. (Только в Word 2010 вы также можете выбрать одну из двух предустановок «Радужный градиент».) Для «Радужного градиента» в Word 2013 щелкните каждый ползунок на цветовой шкале в разделе «Градиентные остановки» и выберите собственный цвет с помощью значка «Цвет». Вы также можете отрегулировать ширину каждого цветового сечения и добавлять или вычитать ползунки, чтобы изменить количество цветов. Вы увидите, что каждая настройка применяется в реальном времени к выбранному вами тексту. Каждый цвет также можно настроить на прозрачность и яркость ниже раздела Градиентные остановки.

Создание WordArt

Перейдите на вкладку «Вставка» на ленте и нажмите WordArt в группе «Текст», чтобы вставить WordArt в документ. На ленте появится вкладка «Инструменты для рисования». Нажмите стрелку вниз рядом с «Заливка формы» в группе «Стили формы», нажмите «Градиенты», а затем нажмите «Дополнительные градиенты», чтобы открыть панель «Формат формы». Эта панель аналогична панели «Форматировать текстовые эффекты», описанной выше, и градиент можно настроить аналогичным образом.

Формирование WordArt

Вы также можете сформировать свой WordArt как радугу. Для этого нажмите значок «Эффекты текста» в группе «Стили WordArt» на вкладке «Формат инструментов рисования» и выберите форму радуги в параметре «Преобразование» в меню. Word предлагает несколько вариантов для изменения этой формы, доступ к которым можно получить, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши WordArt и выбрав «Формат формы». Вы также можете нажать и перетащить углы поля WordArt, чтобы изменить дугу радуги.

Проблемы режима совместимости

Текстовые эффекты градиента и настраиваемые градиенты WordArt доступны только в Microsoft Word 2010 и более поздних версиях. Эти функции недоступны в Office Online. Если вы используете Word 2010 или более позднюю версию, а параметры градиента недоступны, Word работает в режиме совместимости. Чтобы отключить режим совместимости только для текущего документа и включить эффекты градиентного текста, нажмите «Файл», а затем «Конвертировать».

You can also shape your WordArt like a rainbow. To do this, click the Text Effects icon in the WordArt Styles group on the Drawing Tools Format tab, and choose a rainbow shape from the Transform option on the menu.

Just so, How do you make a rainbow font?

To add a rainbow effect to your text, first select the text you want to apply the effect to, then on the Font group of the Home tab, click the arrow next to the font color button. At the bottom of the dropdown, select Gradient | More Gradients.

Besides, How do I make the text rainbow color in Word?
To get the rainbow effect, do the following:

  1. Select the font you want changed.
  2. Using the other mouse button, choose Font from menu.
  3. Click the Text Effects button at the bottom of the window.
  4. Choose Text Fill.
  5. Choose Gradient Fill.
  6. Now you need to fiddle with Gradient Stops and Colour to get the effect you want.

How do you get the rainbow color on word?

Subsequently, How do I make text a rainbow shape in Word? Go to Insert > WordArt, and pick the WordArt style you want. Replace the WordArt placeholder text with your own text. Select your WordArt text. Go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format, select Text Effects >Transform and pick the look you want.

How do you get the rainbow color on Word?

What are the rainbow words?

Rainbow Words requires students to write six different sight words in the bands of the rainbow, in either red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. The cool thing about this printable is that it is totally customizable–you can write whatever words you want on the lines next to the colors.

How do you make bubble letters on Word?


  1. Open a blank 8.5-by-11 document in Publisher.
  2. Click the “Insert” tab at the top of the screen. Click the “WordArt” button on the “Insert” tab’s ribbon.
  3. Click the third WordArt style from the left. When the “Edit WordArt Text” window pops up, type the words to convert into bubble letters into the “Text” box.

How do I make text fancy in Word?

Creating WordArt

  1. Select the text box, or select some text inside of the text box. Selecting text inside of a text box.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Quick Styles command in the WordArt Styles group. A drop-down menu of text styles will appear. …
  3. The text will appear in the selected style.

What is the rainbow color code?

The color indigo (rainbow) with hexadecimal color code #233067 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #233067 is comprised of 13.73% red, 18.82% green and 40.39% blue. In the HSL color space #233067 has a hue of 229° (degrees), 49% saturation and 27% lightness.

How do I make text two colors in PowerPoint?

How to add multi-color Text in PowerPoint

  1. Open the PowerPoint app.
  2. Choose your Slide.
  3. Navigate to Format.
  4. Go to More Gradient.
  5. Click on Gradient Fill.
  6. Navigate directly to the Gradient Stops.
  7. Choose your preferred color.

How do you make bubble letters on word?


  1. Open a blank 8.5-by-11 document in Publisher.
  2. Click the “Insert” tab at the top of the screen. Click the “WordArt” button on the “Insert” tab’s ribbon.
  3. Click the third WordArt style from the left. When the “Edit WordArt Text” window pops up, type the words to convert into bubble letters into the “Text” box.

How do I do curved text in Word?

With your text highlighted, click on the “Format” tab in the toolbar. Click the “Text Effects” button. Place your cursor over “Transform.” In the fourth row of the “Warp” section, choose between the “Curve: Up” or the “Curve: Down” option.

How do I do curved text in Word?

Click on the “Text Effects” button. Hover your cursor over “Transform.” In the fourth row of the “Warp” section, choose between the “Curve: Up” or the “Curve: Down” option. Click and drag the yellow circle to adjust the curve of your text.

What is rainbow color code?

The color indigo (rainbow) with hexadecimal color code #233067 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #233067 is comprised of 13.73% red, 18.82% green and 40.39% blue. In the HSL color space #233067 has a hue of 229° (degrees), 49% saturation and 27% lightness.

How many words can I make with rainbow?

Words that can be made with rainbow

93 words can be made from the letters in the word rainbow.

What is rainbow writing in kindergarten?

As teachers who used rainbow writing in kindergarten, we’re happy to supply the answer. It is an engaging activity used to help students practice writing or drawing something multiple times. Simply put, rainbow writing is tracing repeatedly with different colors.

Is WordArt still a thing?

Office 365/2013 most certainly does have the WordArt feature. However, if you are looking for the same WordArt as in Word 97-2003 or 2007, then you will need to save the document in Word 97-2003 format. Otherwise, the WordArt is the same as in Word 2010.

What is the bubble letter font called?

BLUM – Cute & Lovely Bubble Font

Blum is arguably the best bubble font on the web that’s most suited for children’s designs and quirky items.

How do you add aesthetic Font in Word?

Open up the Control Panel. Enter the “Appearance and Personalization” category and then select Fonts. Drag and drop your new font into this window, and it’ll be available in Word now.

How do I use Font effects in Word?

Add or remove text effects

  1. Select the text that you want to add an effect to.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Effect.
  3. Click the effect that you want. For more choices, point to Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow, and then click the effect that you want to add.

How do I make an aesthetic Font in Word?


Install Your Own Aesthetic Fonts for Microsoft Word

  1. To install a font in Windows 10, all you need to do is double-click the OTF or TTF file and Windows Font Viewer will open automatically. …
  2. Then simply select your aesthetic new font from the format options inside Microsoft Word.

  • Reference 1
  • Reference 2
  • Reference 3
  • Reference 4
  • Reference 5

Add a bit of zing to your document, Word has a fun little feature that allows you to add color gradients or rainbow effects to your text, the background of a text box or inside an Office shape.

The rainbow effect is a bit gaudy but demonstrates the possibilities of more subtle gradients.

The rainbow is just a slightly more complicated gradient with multiple colors.  If you can do that, you can make a simpler gradient as well! There are two ways to add a gradient to your text – you can apply it either to regular text, or to Word Art.  And we’ll show how to add a gradient or rainbow effect to the background of a text box.

Regular Text as gradient or rainbow

To add a rainbow effect to your text, first select the text you want to apply the effect to, then on the Font group of the Home tab, click the arrow next to the font color button. At the bottom of the dropdown, select Gradient | More Gradients.

This will open the Format Text Effects sidebar on the right-hand side of your screen. Under Text Fill, select Gradient Fill.

You can now set how many colors you want to appear in your gradient and select which colors to use. You do this with the Gradient Stops slider.

Rainbow effect

We’re going to make a basic six-color rainbow.

First, click the Add Gradient Stops button to add in extra stops according to how many colors you want.

Then drag them to create the spacing you want. I want six evenly spaced colors, so have dragged them so they are more or less the same distance apart. You can also use the Position setting below the slider to set more exact positioning if you prefer.

Now, click on each of the stops, and select a different color for each one.

You can now use the Type, Direction, and Angle controls above the slider to fine tune how the gradient appears. The easiest way to master these is just to experiment with them till you find a setting that looks right to you.

When you’re happy with the appearance of your rainbow text, just close the Format Text Effect sidebar and enjoy your artwork!

Word Art

Word Art is another way of adding fancy text effects to your document, and you can do gradients and rainbow effects this way as well.

Word Art is a long standing Word features, often overused or misused.  These days WordArt is hidden on the menus but works much the same way it always has.

This can be especially useful if you want to combine your gradient with other effects such as drop shadow, outline or reflection.

To create Word Art, go to Insert | Word Art and choose a text style from the dropdown. For this example, we’ll choose an outline style.

A text box will appear with the text highlighted, ready for you to type your own text in.

Type in whatever text you want, dragging the box boundaries to fit, if necessary.

The Format tab on the ribbon should now be open. Go to Shape Fill on the Shape Styles group, and select Gradient | More Gradients.

The Format Shape sidebar will open, where we then need to select Text Options and select Gradient Fill. The rest of the process here is exactly the same as described above for regular text. (You may need to re-select the text to apply the gradient.)

Rainbow background in text box

Here’s the really neat trick, putting the rainbow/gradient into the text box, rather than the text.

If you don’t select Text Options on the Format Shape sidebar, the gradient will be applied to the background rather than the text itself, which gives you another creative possibility.

Bonus – Rainbow Shape!

As an extra bit of fun, you can change your rainbow-colored text to a rainbow shape as well! Still on the Format tab, click on the Text Effects button on the WordArt Styles group, then go down to Transform at the bottom of the list.

Choose a nice curved shape (we’ve used the first of the Follow Path shapes, but the Warp shapes may work as well), and then drag the edges of the word art box until you have the shape you want.

If you find that your rainbow starts to lose definition a bit after you curve the text, you can go back to the Format Shape sidebar and try different gradient directions until you get it looking right.

Gradient Effects and Text in Word – in depth
Ten ways to Reverse, Mirror or Flip Text in Microsoft Word

* Update 10 March 2016 – New info from Eudes Martins & free eBook from Vaclav Krejci. Thanks! 

Where are my Presets?

Office 2013/2016 generally improved the usability & productivity of Word, PowerPoint, etc. However, for some reason, WordArt wasn’t fully ported over in Word 2013/2016.

For example, when I wanted to create Rainbow text in Word 2007, I just “Insert -> WordArt” & select the Rainbox preset, but in Word 2013/2016, this is what we’ll all get.

WordArt in Word 2013

Blah! All the effects are missing!

After some searching on MS Office forum, I found someone who suggested saving your document in Word 97-2003 format, then Insert WordArt & you’d get the usual WordArt that we’re all familiar with, like so…

Legacy WordArt

Updated solution!

Thanks to Eudes Martins (his comments below), I now know that you can just go to File -> Convert and the WordArt effects will carry forward to the new DOCX format correctly after following the previous steps.

However, the port is not 100% compatible because when you click inside the Textbox, the rendered text looks different, like so.

Manual Rainbow Text Converted

Strangely, the rendered text shrank and it became a double-rainbow! 😀 Oh well at least it works! You can also see that the new Office 2013/2016 way of doing rainbow text is to use Text Fill -> Gradient Fill -> Add Gradient Stop 4 times, then choose Color for each Gradient Stop. Don’t you agree it is just a big hassle?

So here’s hoping the Microsoft Office Team adds more Quick Styles instead of the 15 bland and boring styles that we see now. Maybe they can sort out the imported WordArt from Word 97-2003 as well? 😉

Now I like how everything in Word 2013/2016 is a Live Preview, no more entering Text in dialog box business. But, they should quickly port over all these older Preset because, Yes, there’re still people using them a decade after they’re introduced. I have the number of hits this page gets to proof it! 🙂

Just a bit of fun to show how powerful the new Format Shape Gradient Fill feature is, check this out! I use “Gradient Fill” for both Shape Options AND Text Options. Yeah yeah, you wouldn’t see me using this in a professional report but I’m sure there’re many people who would find this useful!

Manual Rainbow Text

Incidentally, have you checked out the AWESOME Free eBook on how to create the “7 Best Text Effects in Word” by Vaclav Krejci? It’s the first comment in this post!

All comments and questions are welcome. Click Comment button now if you don’t see the comments.

Be sure to Like Button this article if you find it useful and Facebook Share buttonshare it with your friends and family, or colleagues who can benefit from it! Button are all over my website just waiting for you to click them! 🙂

Click the Follow Button button at the bottom right to receive more technology related article written by me! Or follow me @EricTayET on Twitter to see what I’m reading and writing.

Note: . Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
Search More words for viewing how many words can be made out of them
There are 3 vowel letters and 4 consonant letters in the word rainbow. R is 18th, A is 1st, I is 9th, N is 14th, B is 2nd, O is 15th, W is 23rd, Letter of Alphabet series.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english language. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same length as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

I love when an activity can be used exactly the same from when a child is a toddler all the way through to my year 3 (3rd grade) without any additional thinking or activities. This Rainbow Word activity is something that I have used with both of my kids since they could hold a crayon and were making marks on paper. From learning the letter sounds to your weekly spelling lists there are so many applications for this that I can’t believe I have never included it before on Rainy Day Mum.

Rainbow words a simple literacy activity that can be used with children from toddler onwards. Use for pre-writing, letter formation, and spelling practice.

This week’s theme for the Virtual Book Club for kids is Rainbows with the featured book A Rainbow of my Own by Don Freeman but don’t worry if you can’t find this book scroll down and later on I have 4 other books that you could use for a Rainbow themed book choice or add to your book box this week. And don’t forget to check out the Rainbow themed activities at the end of the post from the co-hosts of the weekly virtual book club for kids.

Related article – Rainbow number bonds

What You’ll Find on This Page

Materials needed for Rainbow Words


Ball Point Pen

A full rainbow of coloured markers – we use a dark blue for indigo and purple for violet

How to use Rainbow Words

This is such a simple activity and like I said I use it over and over again with my kids so today I roped in my 6 year old to give me a hand with the pictures and help her with her weekly spellings but don’t worry it’s not aimed at that age group as it was something that we started with when she was a toddler.

First with all activities cut up your paper in strips – this means that it is easier to get started you can quickly set up one line, shape, letter, name or word and then work on others. I try and do no more than 5 at a time.

Rainbow words a simple literacy activity that can be used with children from toddler onwards. Use for pre-writing, letter formation, and spelling practice.

Using a ball point pen draw or write your symbol and hand over the card to your child.

Then let them trace it with first red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Rainbow words a simple literacy activity that can be used with children from toddler onwards. Use for pre-writing, letter formation, and spelling practice.

It will be a little messy looking but the repetition of following the same pattern is good for muscle memory.

Rainbow words a simple literacy activity that can be used with children from toddler onwards. Use for pre-writing, letter formation, and spelling practice.

Why not try this CVC Word Building Blocks Activity too to help your child with learning to read.

Rainbow Words for Toddlers and Early Preschoolers

With this age group we worked on two different versions of the activity the first a pre-writing version of rainbow words working on tracing lines and shapes and the second learning our names with rainbow words. In the first activity draw common line forms like straight lines, circles, v, w, l, n shapes. Dots are good as well as you will find that eventually they will draw around the dot to form a circle.

With learning their name write the name – DON’T skip the capital and it’s best if you use a mix of times when you write their name in all caps and other where you use UPPER and lowercase as you would expect them to write their names eventually.

Pre-writing activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

  • Pinkalicious Salt Tray
  • Yarn Letter and Shapes
  • Draw and Erase

Rainbow Words for Preschoolers

In preschool when the child is ready transition from just their names on to letters leading into diagraphs and trigraphs and eventually the very first words and your first few sight words. Start with the letters and maybe coordinate them with letter of the week or the letters sounds and phonics you are working with them on or you know they are working on in their preschool setting.

Form the letters as you would expect them to write them and before you hand over the red trace the way they are to write the letters and trace them with your finger, then their finger and then they trace with their finger independently. Good formation of letters can start early so try and follow this pattern as it’s easier to learn to form them correctly from the start than try and correct the formation later on.

Rainbow Words for your Sight Words and Spellings

Rainbow words can be used right through to when you are helping your child learn to spell, our weekly sight words and spellings one of my arsenal of ideas for helping my struggling speller to get to grisps with the words each week is using rainbow words.

More Spelling and Sight Word Activities

  • Sight Word Dino Babies
  • Spelling in the Gloop
  • Penguin Number Words

Rainbow Themed Books for your Weekly Book Box

Do you have a book box where you store your book for the week – we still use the DIY box I made back when my eldest was a toddler but it doesn’t have to be as fancy as that instead a simple crate or wicker basket that your children can easily reach is perfect. If you are following with our weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids and have joined our Facebook Group then either the week before or very early in the week we will share with you a fuller list of themed books for that week that you can see if you can find. However, for us, I’ve always just used 5 books on a theme – although with common themes like Frogs and our Seasons  I tend to add more and switch them out as we go through the weeks.

This week our featured book is A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman – a story about a young boy trying to find a rainbow of his own to play with because what child doesn’t want to find that rainbow.

 Other books we recommend for your book box this week

>Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

>How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow by Monica Sweeney


>The Story of the Kindness Elves by Anna Ranson

>Elmer and the Rainbow by David McKee

Rainbow Activities

  • Confetti Rainbow Pictures
  • DIY rainbow game for movement activities
  • Salt Dough Rainbow Fish

Rainbow Week Lesson Plan

Check out these activities for the Rainbow week from the cohosts of the Virtual Book club for kids to add to your week of learning at home or in your setting.

5 Math Games using Painted Rainbow Counters – The Educators’ Spin On It 

Rainbow Alphabet Activity- Growing Book by Book

Easy rainbow name game – Toddler approved 

Find the Unicorn Rainbow Sensory Bin – Inspiration Laboratories

Taste Safe Rainbow Sensory Play – Adventures and Play

Preschool Color Activities – Roll and Cover Rainbow

Awesome Rainbow Experiments for Kids- Teach Beside Me

Construction Paper Rainbow Craft from The Moments at Home

Mixing Colors to Make a Rainbow – Mama Smiles

CVC Word Family Rainbow Puzzles – Sea of Knowledge

Rainbow Words -YOU ARE HERE

Rainbow Preschool Music Craft & Song – Preschool Powol Packets

Rainbow words a simple literacy activity that can be used with children from toddler onwards. Use for pre-writing, letter formation, and spelling practice.

Cerys Parker

Cerys is a marine biologist, environmental educator, teacher, mum, and home educator from the UK. She loves getting creative, whether it is with simple and easy crafts and ideas, activities to make learning fun, or delicious recipes that you and your kids can cook together you’ll find them all shared here on Rainy Day Mum.

10000+ результатов для ‘rainbow words’

Rainbow English,2 Step33, words

Rainbow English,2 Step33, words

от Kalininanatalia

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow 3 Unit 7 Step 3 Words

Rainbow 3 Unit 7 Step 3 Words

от Masha5

Rainbow English 3

Rainbow English

Rainbow English

от Victoriapopadinets

5-й класс
Rainbow English



от Albellealisoy

5-й класс
rainbow english

Rainbow English 3 words

Rainbow English 3 words

от Amynoom45

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Rainbow English 3

Rainbow English 3 words from unit 4

Rainbow English 3 words from unit 4

от Oreshkinayulya

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Rainbow English
Rainbow English 3

Rainbow English 3, Unit 4, Step 5 words

Rainbow English 3, Unit 4, Step 5 words

от Kalininanatalia

3 класс
Rainbow English 3

Rainbow English 4 Unit 6  Step 1 words

Rainbow English 4 Unit 6 Step 1 words

от Kalininanatalia

4-й класс
Rainbow English 4

Words Rainbow 2 класс

Words Rainbow 2 класс
Поиск слов

от Borisova7

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow English 4, Unit 1 Step 5 words

Rainbow English 4, Unit 1 Step 5 words

от Kalininanatalia

4-й класс
Rainbow English 4

Rainbow English 4 Unit 3 Step 5 words

Rainbow English 4 Unit 3 Step 5 words

от Kalininanatalia

4-й класс
Rainbow English 4

Rainbow English 4 Unit 4 Step 5 words

Rainbow English 4 Unit 4 Step 5 words

от Kalininanatalia

4-й класс
Rainbow English 4

Rainbow English

Rainbow English

от Victoriapopadinets

5-й класс
Rainbow English


Поиск слов

от Iradamika80

Rainbow 2

Rainbow English 6 Unit 5 words

Rainbow English 6 Unit 5 words
Найди пару

от Visloguzova

6 класс
Rainbow English 6

Rainbow 2. Step 46. Words

Rainbow 2. Step 46. Words

от Mashakuzina79

rainbow 2 st 47

Rainbow English 5 (p.58_6 words)

Rainbow English 5 (p.58_6 words)
Найди пару

от Mrsmit

5-й класс
Rainbow English 5

Rainbow English 5 unit 3 step7 words

Rainbow English 5 unit 3 step7 words

от Minadash80

5-й класс
Rainbow English

rainbow - words

rainbow — words
Случайные карты

от Sadyrinaolga

rainbow words

rainbow words

от Nadezhdatutor

Rainbow 3 Unit 7 Step 3 Words

Rainbow 3 Unit 7 Step 3 Words

от Masha5

Rainbow English 3



от Imnotsaint24

Rainbow 1

Rainbow. Words

Rainbow. Words

от Silenumsoul

words Rainbow

words Rainbow

от Anilasova

Rainbow words

Rainbow words

от Silenumsoul

Rainbow words

Rainbow words

от Anilasova

Rainbow English 4 Unit 5 Step 3 words

Rainbow English 4 Unit 5 Step 3 words

от Kalininanatalia

4-й класс
Rainbow English 4

rainbow english 2

rainbow english 2

от Osheich

2-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
rainbow english

Rainbow English 5 Unit 4

Rainbow English 5 Unit 4
Найди пару

от Eskleban

5-й класс
rainbow english

Rainbow English 3 unit 6

Rainbow English 3 unit 6
Найди пару

от Eskleban

3 класс
rainbow english

Rainbow. 2. Step 38

Rainbow. 2. Step 38
Привести в порядок

от Evstratovaangel

rainbow 2



от Abcstudioenglish1




от Tnvmipt


Rainbow English 6, Unit 5 Step 8 words

Rainbow English 6, Unit 5 Step 8 words

от Kalininanatalia

6 класс
Rainbow English 6

Rainbow Englixh 6 unit 5 words

Rainbow Englixh 6 unit 5 words

от Visloguzova

Rainbow English 6

rainbow english 2

rainbow english 2

от Osheich

2-й класс
rainbow english

Rainbow English 6, Unit 3 Step 2 words

Rainbow English 6, Unit 3 Step 2 words
Совпадающие пары

от Kalininanatalia

6 класс
Rainbow English 6

Rainbow English 3, Unit 2, Step 3 words

Rainbow English 3, Unit 2, Step 3 words

от Kalininanatalia

3 класс
Rainbow English 3

Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words

Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words
Найди пару

от Kirsanova1978

Rainbow English 4 класс
4-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
английский язык

Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words (Introduction)

Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words (Introduction)
Случайные карты

от Kirsanova1978

Rainbow English 4 класс
4-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
английский язык

Rainbow 2 Unit3(15) Words

Rainbow 2 Unit3(15) Words
Найди пару

от Vesna2000

ABC (rainbow)

ABC (rainbow)

от Alyona001lav202

Rainbow 2

Halloween "to be"

Halloween «to be»

от Abcstudioenglish1


Rainbow Units 2-4

Rainbow Units 2-4

от Alexandrapimenk

Rainbow 2

3 Rainbow English unit 3

3 Rainbow English unit 3

от Oreshkinayulya

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Rainbow English
Rainbow English 3

Ex. 6, p. 64 words Rainbow English 4 part 1

Ex. 6, p. 64 words Rainbow English 4 part 1

от Oreshkinayulya

4-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Rainbow English

rainbow english 2 words

rainbow english 2 words
Откройте поле

от Anechkasun



от Abcstudioenglish1


ordinal numbers

ordinal numbers

от Abcstudioenglish1


Rainbow English,2 The ABC

Rainbow English,2 The ABC

от Kalininanatalia

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow English 2 step 28

Rainbow English 2 step 28
Групповая сортировка

от Bagdasaedr

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow English 4 Unit 5 Food_1

Rainbow English 4 Unit 5 Food_1

от Smartfoxenglish

Rainbow 4

Rainbow English,2 Step20

Rainbow English,2 Step20

от Kalininanatalia

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow English 4 Unit 2

Rainbow English 4 Unit 2
Групповая сортировка

от Jivaseva

Rainbow English 4

Rainbow 3 Transport

Rainbow 3 Transport
Найди пару

от Masha5

Rainbow English 3

Rainbow english-4 U2

Rainbow english-4 U2

от Irinakhab

Rainbow English 4

Rainbow 2 ABC matching

Rainbow 2 ABC matching

от Jivaseva

Rainbow English 4
Spotlight 1

Rainbow English,2 Step 50

Rainbow English,2 Step 50
Привести в порядок

от Kalininanatalia

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2

Rainbow English,2 Step 52

Rainbow English,2 Step 52

от Kalininanatalia

2-й класс
Rainbow English 2


Угадай буквы

от Albellealisoy

5-й класс
rainbow english

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