Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar,
syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word
below to see details of the word’s grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (1) sūrat l-fātiḥah (The Opening)
Translation | Arabic word | Syntax and morphology |
(1:1:1) bis’mi In (the) name |
P – prefixed preposition bi N – genitive masculine noun جار ومجرور |
(1:1:2) l-lahi (of) Allah, |
PN – genitive proper noun → Allah
لفظ الجلالة مجرور |
(1:1:3) l-raḥmāni the Most Gracious, |
ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective
صفة مجرورة |
(1:1:4) l-raḥīmi the Most Merciful. |
ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective
صفة مجرورة |
(1:2:1) al-ḥamdu All praises and thanks |
N – nominative masculine noun
اسم مرفوع |
(1:2:2) lillahi (be) to Allah, |
P – prefixed preposition lām PN – genitive proper noun → Allah جار ومجرور |
(1:2:3) rabbi the Lord |
N – genitive masculine noun
اسم مجرور |
(1:2:4) l-ʿālamīna of the universe |
N – genitive masculine plural noun
اسم مجرور |
(1:3:1) al-raḥmāni The Most Gracious, |
ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective
صفة مجرورة |
(1:3:2) l-raḥīmi the Most Merciful. |
ADJ – genitive masculine singular adjective
صفة مجرورة |
(1:4:1) māliki (The) Master |
N – genitive masculine active participle
اسم مجرور |
(1:4:2) yawmi (of the) Day |
N – genitive masculine noun → Day of Resurrection
اسم مجرور |
(1:4:3) l-dīni (of the) Judgment. |
N – genitive masculine noun
اسم مجرور |
(1:5:1) iyyāka You Alone |
PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun → Allah
ضمير منفصل |
(1:5:2) naʿbudu we worship, |
V – 1st person plural imperfect verb
فعل مضارع |
(1:5:3) wa-iyyāka and You Alone |
CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and) PRON – 2nd person masculine singular personal pronoun → Allah الواو عاطفة |
(1:5:4) nastaʿīnu we ask for help. |
V – 1st person plural (form X) imperfect verb
فعل مضارع |
(1:6:1) ih’dinā Guide us |
V – 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb PRON – 1st person plural object pronoun PRON – implicit subject pronoun → Allah فعل أمر و«نا» ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به |
(1:6:2) l-ṣirāṭa (to) the path, |
N – accusative masculine noun
اسم منصوب |
(1:6:3) l-mus’taqīma the straight. |
ADJ – accusative masculine (form X) active participle
صفة منصوبة |
Verse 1-6 | 7
Learning Quran word by word is easily obtainable now online. As a new Muslim, you should know that studying the Holy Quran is obligatory for all of us. We have to get the meanings and tajweed of the Holy Quran ayat. The Quran is a holy book full of orders, pieces of advice, and stories of the last people. Undoubtedly, Muslims worth learning their religious science and Holy Quran to get closer to their creator. The holy Quran includes infinite knowledge. It is the book of wisdom and our guideline to enjoy this life successfully. Also, it shows us Allah’s orders to be good people and win paradise later. However, before you start learning about Islam and the Holy Quran, you should choose a trusted website. In this article, you would find everything about studying the Holy Quran word by word.
Learning Quran word by word
Holy Quran is the primary book of Islam. It was sent in Arabic because it is the main language of our beloved prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and his people. However, learning the Arabic language and the holy Quran is not impossible. Like any science, we need the help of experienced tutors to learn easily and perfectly. And this is exactly what we offer to our students; talented teachers with advanced methods of learning. Now studying the Quran word by word is the best method to understand, recite, and memorize the Holy Quran easily.
Surah Al Baqarah
“This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqeen [the pious]”
In order to understand every verse well, you require to learn the Holy Quran word by word. Tajweed also helps to understand the right meaning of the word. If we could get the meanings of Quran ayat, what about the reading? Studying the Quran word by word helps you to pronounce Arabic words perfectly. Teachers follow you up to assure that your Arabic accent is right to be able to read in the best way. Once you got this, you can read the holy Quran every day properly without any guides.
Quran reciter word by word
Surah Al Muzammil
“Recite the Quran in slow, measured rhythmic tones.”
This is a clear order from Allah to recite the Holy Quran in a slow and right way. In addition, the daily holy Quran recitation gives the Muslim an opportunity to increase his belief. But to read and recite your special holy book, you have to learn how to do it.
Shy new Muslims, either teenagers or even adults, face some problems learning the Holy Quran recitation. Usually, they feel hesitant to ask the Sheikh how to read ayat. They may feel shy to repeat after the teacher because they are afraid of reading in a bad way. Also, people who are working most times and it is hard to go and get lessons in the masjid, need something more simple to help them.
Quran reciter word by word is a very useful methodology that can overcome those problems. It is designed to help busy and shy people. It offers the explanation of the Quran words one by one. Also, it may display records of some of the best Quran reciters to listen to the ayat in tajweed. First, you can learn the pronounce of Arabic alphabets in Quran. Then, it is time for the variant quranic symbols, pauses, and continuation. Besides, your recitation of the Quranic verses would be revised well to correct the reading mistakes. Quran reciter makes your studying journey easier because it aims to solve all the troubles that might face you.
Word by word Quran memorization
“Whoever treads a path in search of knowledge, Allah makes for him the path to Jannah”
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said.
Quran word by word memorization is a good technique to keep the ayat and verses of the Holy Quran. There are some tips to help you on this interesting spiritual trip:
- Ask Allah to help you because dua’ is our confirmed password to tell Allah about our dreams and desires.
- When you pray for Allah, remember to be honest and sincere to get what you asked for.
- Prepare a silent beautiful comfortable place for your Islamic studies; this may help you to get in a spiritual mood.
- Read the Holy Quranic ayat in your native language to understand well their meanings and so memorizing will be easier.
- Memorize the Quran word by word and remember the Tafseer (the meaning) at the same time.
- Repeat the aya more than one time then test yourself until you keep it perfectly.
*Note: to save your memorized ayat, there is a good trick; listen regularly to it from your favorite Quran reciter while you are working, driving, or even cleaning your home.
Search Quran by word
One of the greatest search engines nowadays is that one specialized with Quranic words only. When you log onto the Quranic dictionary, you can start typing the words or ayat in the shown text box. This search engine is designed to recorrect the word if it was written in the wrong way. Some programs support the type completion which helps you to choose the word exactly you search for, especially if you are not sure of the letters. Also, it shows you the different meanings of the word.
Details of the words can be available too, such as being in variable verses and chapters. Search is not in English only, but also you can find it in Urdu, Spanish, French, and more. Some engines offer a voice option; they put several recitations of one or more famous Quran reciters to listen to the searched word. Few engines give you the whole Tafseer of the aya to understand the meaning of the word better. This idea is amazing because it is considered as a certified voice Quranic dictionary at your home.
Studying the Holy Quran word by word is the modern way to understand everything about Quran. I have mentioned the steps and the benefits of this type of education. Now it is your turn to start.
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Quran is the Holy Book of Allah which was revealed on Prophet Muhammad SAWW. At the time of the revelation of the Holy Quran to the heart of Prophet Muhammad SAWW, He starts reciting by the tongue as explained in the Quran. Sahaba (companions of Prophet Muhammad SAWW) learned the Quran recitation from the basic source of the complete Religion, Prophet Muhammad SAWW and they teach the Tabiyeen. Then every generation learned it from the previous one. The Holy Quran has been revealed in pure Arabic, so its accent should be like the Arabs. Prophet Muhammad SAWW said:
“Read the Holy Quran according to the Arabs style of reciting”
Allah SWT has ordered his Messenger Prophet Mohammad SAWW and all Muslims also to recite the Quran like the way it was revealed. Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran:
“Read the Quran calmly.” [Surah Muzammel: 4]
Read the Quran with beautiful voices that enhance the beauty of the Holy Quran. If you want to be from the ones who are best in the eyes of Allah, learn the Quran, excel in it, and then teach it to others. The Prophet Muhammad SAWW said:
“The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)
The Holy Quran
Quran is the sacred, the most authentic, and unchanged book of the Almighty Allah SWT after passing over 14 centuries from its revelation. Quran is a source of light and guidance to Muslims around the world. Quran is written and recited in the Arabic language, many Muslims with different native languages attempt to learn the Arabic language to understand the message of the Quran. Quran has approximately 77430, there are only 5155 words used repeatedly or at least once to make up those words.
Firstly you have to learn the sounds and proper pronunciation of each word. By learning the voices of all the 29 Arabic letters, you will be able to pronounce the words of the Quran. It is very easy and is similar to every language that we learn while studying, you need to learn the letters and then words that will lead to the sentences of that language. Studying the translation of the Holy Quran word by word requires deep learning and it is only possible by learning the sayings of Prophet Muhammad SAWW, the exegesis of the Sahaba, and the fundamental rules of the Arabic language.
The first step is to learn the Recitation of the Quran:
The first step to learn the Quran is to learn the Norani Qaida in the sub-continent. This is a fundamental book and teaches how to pronounce the letters of the Arabic language and the joining of these letters to form the words of the Quran. This is the most important way to learn the correct Arabic accent. Certainly before start the Quran reading we should learn Arabic letters, pronunciation, the possible connection of Arabic letters, and different vowels. All of it must be according to Tajweed which is a list of rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Quran. It means every letter of the Arabic language should be pronounced appropriately, i.e. the place of the mouth and tongue from which every word is to be pronounced is called Maharaj. These Makharijs with the combination of the basic recitation rules such as prolongation (Madd), merging (Edgham), conversion (Iqlab), and pauses (Waqf), etc. This level of learning is compulsory for every Muslim. By learning this, the Quran can be recited without making mistakes that will change the meaning.
The Second Step is to Learn Tajweed deeply:
Tajweed is a very important knowledge if you want to make your recitation beautiful. The knowledge of Tajweed not only guides in reading the Quran but also it makes recitation beautiful. Acquiring the depth of this knowledge is not compulsory but it is proposed for Muslims to read the Holy verses in the same way our Prophet Muhammad SAWW did. It is pleasing in the eyes of ALLAH SWT if you learn Tajweed. Tajweed and its application can only be learned with a qualified Quran scholar. The rule of Tajweed can be learned individually, but the appropriate application and proper pronunciation of the letters can only be done by reading to, listening to, reciting to, and being corrected by qualified scholars of the Quran. Despite the apparent clarity of this step, it has huge significance for successful Quran learning.
The third step is to memorize the Quran:
The Prophet Muhammad SAWW said:
“Whoever reads the Quran, memorizes it, and acts upon it, on the Day of Judgment he will be clad (by angels) with a crown of light, its light is like the sunlight and his parents will be clad with two garments better than the whole world and whatever it contains.”
When you have learned basics Arabic letters and recited the Quran many times. You should go forward to start memorizing the Quran. To memorize the Quran you have to find a Hafiz that listens to the Quran from you. At this stage the most important thing is consistency. You should learn new ayah or repeat memorized every day. The Quran scholars who will listen to you, check your pronunciation and help you in difficult and similar verses which are difficult to memorize.
The fourth step is to learn the translation:
We all know that the Quran is in Arabic language and non-speakers cannot understand the language of the Holy Book. Learning translation is the most important and difficult aspect to learn although the translation of the Holy Quran is obtainable in many languages. But reading the translation is another thing and doing the translation requires years of learning. It is important to understand the meaning of the verses because it enhances attention while reciting and listening to the Holy Quran. If somebody has time and will they should learn Uloom of Quran and Hadith.
The fifth step is to learn Tafseer
Translation of the Quran is the basis of Tafseer. But Tafseer also involves the exegesis of the Quran like when and at which moment this verse was revealed etc. So Tafseer is the detailed knowledge of the Quran. The word Tafseer means “expose” so when we learn it, we can understand the hidden meaning of the verses. In the Quran, the word Tafseer is used as a further explanation.
This archive consist of Holy Quran in arabic along with the word by word translation in urdu. This translation is simple and easy to understand and makes the understanding of the Divine Book more easy.
Please download these files and share them to your friends and family to spread the message of Islam to millions of people that can understand urdu or hindi language. Since the best amongst us is the one who learns quran and teach it to others. Also it our religious obligation to spread the message of islam to humanity at large . so if you know a single verse of the Glorious Quran spread it to others.
Abdullah Qureshi667
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
October 29, 2022
very good translation
marjaan hani
May 16, 2020
A mistake
Salam u Alaikum ….I wanted to bring into your notice a mistake in para 19, surah shua’ra ayat 119….the last word of it…I checked two mushafs and both of them had a fatha on meem in MASH-HUN , instead of damma…..Here’s the correct ayah. .فَاَنۡجَيۡنٰهُ وَمَنۡ مَّعَهٗ فِىۡ الۡـفُلۡكِ الۡمَشۡحُوۡنِۚ
please make sure you correct it.May ALLAH reward you !
favoritefavorite —
July 9, 2019
Very large (Gigabites)file
Arshad Abbas
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 6, 2019
Please tell me how i download this holy Quran
Tayyiba Sherjan
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
January 19, 2019
very helping
kindly prepare a list of repeated words with meaning seperately so that if any one is interested get benefit from it.
very helping and i read translation very easily, is there any recitation or tajweed also in this site.
MUHAMMAD khalid khan
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
January 18, 2019
Very good effort but need to switch book orientation
It’s a bit confusing when I go to next page it feels like I am going to previous page.
Right to left orientation is suggested
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 18, 2018
Much Appreciated
I also much appreciate for this. That this type of translation is easy available any where.
✔ What’s Cool
1. Quran Word by Word provides Quran with word by word translation, suitable for understanding Quran.
⚠ Cons:
— Search capabilities could be improved
— Some users have reported issues with sound and app crashes on newer iPhones
✔ Pros:
— Helpful tool for memorizing, reading, and understanding the Quran
— Word for word translations available for memorizing
— Easy to play Quran from iPhone and follow along
— Root word details available for better understanding
— Inline word meanings facilitate reflecting on Quran
— Great app for English speakers learning Arabic
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On your computer, goto the Downloads folder » click to install Bluestacks.exe or Nox.exe » Accept the License Agreements » Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation. - Using Quran Word by Word on PC [Windows 7/ 8/8.1/ 10/ 11]:
- Open the Emulator app you installed » goto its search bar and search «Quran Word by Word»
- The search will reveal the Quran Word by Word app icon. Open, then click «Install».
- Once Quran Word by Word is downloaded inside the emulator, locate/click the «All apps» icon to access a page containing all your installed applications including Quran Word by Word.
- Now enjoy Quran Word by Word on PC.
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Check for APK → | Fuwafuwa Inc | 2910 | 4.73367 | 3.3 | 4+ |
How to download and install Quran Word by Word on Windows 11
To use Quran Word by Word mobile app on Windows 11, install the Amazon Appstore. This enables you browse and install android apps from a curated catalog. Here’s how:
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- Storage: SSD
- Processor: Intel Core i3 8th Gen, AMD Ryzen 3000 or Qualcomm Snapdragon 8c (minimum)
- Processor architecture: x64 or ARM64
- Check if there’s a native Quran Word by Word Windows app ». If none, proceed to next step.
- Install the Amazon-Appstore ».
- Click on «Get» to begin installation. It also automatically installs Windows Subsystem for Android.
- After installation, Goto Windows Start Menu or Apps list » Open the Amazon Appstore » Login (with Amazon account)
- Install Quran Word by Word on Windows 11:
- After login, search «Quran Word by Word» in search bar. On the results page, open and install Quran Word by Word.
- After installing, Goto Start menu » Recommended section » Quran Word by Word. OR Goto Start menu » «All apps».
Quran Word by Word On iTunes
Download | Developer | Rating | Score | Current version | Adult Ranking |
Free On iTunes | Fuwafuwa Inc | 2910 | 4.73367 | 3.3 | 4+ |
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Software Features and Description
We understand the importance of finding the right Reference app for your needs, which is why we are happy to give you Quran Word by Word by Fuwafuwa Inc. this app by Word provides the app with word by word translation, suitable for understanding the app.
Available Word by Word translation:
— English
— Indonesia
— Bengali
— Urdu
— Germany
— Turkey
— Russia
— Ingushetia
And many translations and tafseers in various languages
Demo Video:
If Quran Word by Word suits your needs, download the 86.61 MB app for Free on PC. If you need help, contact us →.
Top Pcmac Reviews
Great app!
By mrprofessorx (Pcmac user)
May Allah swt bless the makers of this app and grant them janaatulfirdaus. This is a very helpful tool for memorizing/reading/and understanding the the app. I like to use word for word translations for memorizing and now have it on the iPhone for portability. Easy to play the app from my iPhone and follow along, read, memorize, and learn Quranic Arabic simultaneously. Keep up the good work. May Allah swt reward your efforts!
Excellent !
By Ather Kazi (Pcmac user)
It’s a great app! With its recent enhancements it has gotten better with root word details.
But for anyone who is proficient in reading Arabic but is struggling with its meaning, this is the app that gets you to scan the word meanings inline thereby facilitating the process of reflecting in the app.
I hope the app is further enhanced with better search capabilities. -
Great App!!
By N3W5M4N (Pcmac user)
Alhamduillah this is an awesome app, especially for anyone that is not a native Arabic speaker and is learning Quranic Arabic. I won’t say this is a “one of a kind” app, however I have not found a better app out there for English speakers learning Arabic. I am so glad to have this app as a learning tool, Jazakallah Khair!
Doesn’t work with Iphone xs Max
By ummsumya (Pcmac user)
This app worked on my old iPhone but not on the new one. After completely downloading the reciter and selecting it from the options there is no sound. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and downloading the reciter again. I even tried to download a different reciter, but after selecting it it still does not recite either reciter. sometimes after opening the app it just crashes.
Learn Quran word by word with Tajweed or Tafseer with our best teachers from Arab countries and Pakistan as well. The teachers will give you very good instructions on the Arabic and Tajweed of each word of the Quran. You can learn the meanings of each word and understand the concept of the whole verse as well. For learning the Quran word by word we will help you to be fluent in reading and understanding as well if you want to know Tajweed and Tafseer at the same time.
How you can Learn Quran Word By Word?
Learn Quran Word By Words only possible by learning the basics of the Arabic language and the Alphabet of Arabic as well. You will learn first of all the sounds and proper pronunciation of each letter. By going word by word once you will complete all 28 Arabic alphabets, you will be able to know and pronounce the words of Arabic. The teacher will help you do exercises of the related lessons on each successive lesson and go advance in learning Quran word by word. It is very simple like every language, you need to learn the letters and then words that will lead to the sentences of that language.
Learn the words and then meanings
Before you go for the meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran, you must learn how to recite them. There are few rights of the Holy Quran upon Muslims as bellow:
- To believe on it that this is the last book of Allah Almighty to mankind.
- To learn how to recite with Tajweed and proper pronunciation as well.
- To understand its meaning and the message into it for the Creator.
- To act upon the commands of Allah Almighty in the Quran.
- To spread the message of Allah Almighty to the whole mankind so that others can be benefited as well from it.
So, there were 5 rights of the Quran to observe on each human especially all Muslims should consider them in their life.