Quotation marks in word

“ ”

Double typographic quotes

‘ ’ » » ‘ ‘
Single typographic quotes Neutral double quotes Neutral single quotes

In English writing, quotation marks or inverted commas, also known informally as quotes, talking marks,[1][2] speech marks,[3] quote marks, quotemarks or speechmarks, are punctuation marks placed on either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation, direct speech or a literal title or name. Quotation marks may be used to indicate that the meaning of the word or phrase they surround should be taken to be different from (or, at least, a modification of) that typically associated with it, and are often used in this way to express irony. (For example, in the sentence ‘The lunch lady plopped a glob of «food» onto my tray.’ the quotation marks around the word food show it is being called that ironically.) They also sometimes appear to be used as a means of adding emphasis, although this usage is usually considered incorrect.[4]

Quotation marks are written as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles: single (‘…’) or double (“…”). Opening and closing quotation marks may be identical in form (called neutral, vertical, straight, typewriter, or «dumb» quotation marks), or may be distinctly left-handed and right-handed (typographic or, colloquially, curly quotation marks); see quotation mark glyphs for details. Typographic quotation marks are usually used in manuscript and typeset text. Because typewriter and computer keyboards lack keys to directly enter typographic quotation marks, much of typed writing has neutral quotation marks. Some computer software has the feature often called «smart quotes» which can, sometimes imperfectly, convert neutral quotation marks to typographic ones.

The typographic closing double quotation mark and the neutral double quotation mark are similar to – and sometimes stand in for – the ditto mark and the double prime symbol. Likewise, the typographic opening single quotation mark is sometimes used to represent the ʻokina while either the typographic closing single quotation mark or the neutral single quotation mark may represent the prime symbol. Characters with different meanings are typically given different visual appearance in typefaces that recognize these distinctions, and they each have different Unicode code points. Despite being semantically different, the typographic closing single quotation mark and the typographic apostrophe have the same visual appearance and code point (U+2019), as do the neutral single quote and typewriter apostrophe (U+0027).[5] (Despite the different code points, the curved and straight versions are sometimes considered multiple glyphs of the same character.)[6]


In the first centuries of typesetting, quotations were distinguished merely by indicating the speaker, and this can still be seen in some editions of the Christian Bible. During the Renaissance, quotations were distinguished by setting in a typeface contrasting with the main body text (often italic type with roman, or the other way around). Long quotations were also set this way, at full size and full measure.[7]

Quotation marks were first cut in metal type during the middle of the sixteenth century, and were used copiously by some printers by the seventeenth. In some Baroque and Romantic-period books, they would be repeated at the beginning of every line of a long quotation. When this practice was abandoned, the empty margin remained, leaving the modern form of indented block quotation.[7]

In Early Modern English, quotation marks were used to denote pithy comments. They were used to quote direct speech as early as the late sixteenth century, and this practice became more common over time.[8][9]


Quotations and speech[edit]

Single or double quotation marks denote either speech or a quotation. Double quotes are preferred in the United States, and also tend to be preferred in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Single quotes are more usual in the United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa, though double quotes are also common there.[10] A publisher’s or author’s style may take precedence over regional general preferences. The important idea is that the style of opening and closing quotation marks must be matched:

‘Good morning, Frank,’ said Hal.
«Good morning, Frank,» said Hal.

For speech within speech, the other style is used as inner quotation marks:

‘Hal said, «Good morning, Dave,«‘ recalled Frank.
«Hal said, ‘Good morning, Dave,» recalled Frank.

Sometimes quotations are nested in more levels than inner and outer quotation. Nesting levels up to five can be found in the Christian Bible.[11] In these cases, questions arise about the form (and names) of the quotation marks to be used. The most common way is to simply alternate between the two forms,[12] thus:

» … ‘ … » … ‘ … ‘ … » … ‘ … «

If such a passage is further quoted in another publication, then all of their forms have to be shifted up by one level.

In many cases, quotations that span multiple paragraphs are set as block quotations, and thus do not require quotation marks. However, quotation marks are used for multiple-paragraph quotations in some cases, especially in narratives, where the convention in English is to give opening quotation marks to the first and each subsequent paragraph, using closing quotation marks only for the final paragraph of the quotation, as in the following example from Pride and Prejudice:

The letter was to this effect:

«My dear Lizzy,

«I wish you joy. If you love Mr. Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham, you must be very happy. It is a great comfort to have you so rich, and when you have nothing else to do, I hope you will think of us. I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much, and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help. Any place would do, of about three or four hundred a year; but however, do not speak to Mr. Darcy about it, if you had rather not.

«Yours, etc.»

As noted above, in some older texts, the quotation mark is repeated every line, rather than every paragraph.

When quoted text is interrupted, such as with the phrase he said, a closing quotation mark is used before the interruption, and an opening quotation mark after. Commas are also often used before and after the interruption, more often for quotations of speech than for quotations of text:

«Everything», said Hal, «is going extremely well.»

Quotation marks are not used for indirect speech. This is because indirect speech can be a paraphrase; it is not a direct quote, and in the course of any composition, it is important to document when one is using a quotation versus when one is just giving content, which may be paraphrased, and which could be open to interpretation.

For example, if Hal says: «All systems are functional», then, in indirect speech:

Incorrect: Hal said that «everything was going extremely well».
Correct: Hal said that everything was going extremely well.


Another common use of quotation marks is to indicate or call attention to ironic, dubious, or non-standard words:

He shared his «wisdom» with me.
The lunch lady plopped a glob of «food» onto my tray.
He complained about too many «gummint» regulations.

Quotes indicating verbal irony, or other special use, are sometimes called scare quotes. They are sometimes gestured in oral speech using air quotes, or indicated in speech with a tone change or by replacement with supposed[ly] or so-called.

Signalling unusual usage[edit]

Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realises that a word is not being used in its current commonly accepted sense:

Crystals somehow «know» which shape to grow into.

In addition to conveying a neutral attitude and to call attention to a neologism, or slang, or special terminology (also known as jargon), quoting can also indicate words or phrases that are descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy, startling, humorous, metaphoric, or contain a pun: Dawkins’s concept of a meme could be described as an «evolving idea».

People also use quotation marks in this way to distance the writer from the terminology in question so as not to be associated with it, for example to indicate that a quoted word is not official terminology, or that a quoted phrase presupposes things that the author does not necessarily agree with; or to indicate special terminology that should be identified for accuracy’s sake as someone else’s terminology, as when a term (particularly a controversial term) pre-dates the writer or represents the views of someone else, perhaps without judgement (contrast this neutrally distancing quoting to the negative use of scare quotes).

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017),[13] acknowledges this type of use but, in section 7.57, cautions against its overuse: «Quotation marks are often used to alert readers that a term is used in a nonstandard (or slang), ironic, or other special sense …. [T]hey imply ‘This is not my term,’ or ‘This is not how the term is usually applied.’ Like any such device, scare quotes lose their force and irritate readers if overused.»

Use–mention distinction[edit]

Either quotation marks or italic type can emphasise that an instance of a word refers to the word itself rather than its associated concept.

Cheese is derived from milk. (concept)
«Cheese» is derived from a word in Old English. (word)
Cheese has calcium, protein, and phosphorus. (concept)
Cheese has three Es. (word)

A three-way distinction is occasionally made between normal use of a word (no quotation marks), referring to the concept behind the word (single quotation marks), and the word itself (double quotation marks):

When discussing ‘use’, use «use».

The logic for this derives from the need to distinguish use forms, coupled with the mandate to retain consistent notation for like use forms.[14] The switching between double and single quotes in nested citation quotes reveals the same literary device for reducing ambiguity.

In linguistics[edit]

Precise writing about language often uses italics for the word itself and single quotation marks for a gloss, with the two not separated by a comma or other punctuation,[15] and with strictly logical quotation around the gloss – extraneous terminal punctuation outside the quotation marks – even in North American publications, which might otherwise prefer them inside:[16]

Latin ovis ‘sheep’, canis ‘dog’, and equus ‘horse’ are nouns.

Titles of artistic works[edit]

Quotation marks, rather than italics, are generally used for the titles of shorter works. Whether these are single or double depends on the context; however, many styles, especially for poetry, prefer the use of single quotation marks.

  • Short fiction, poetry, etc.: Arthur C. Clarke’s «The Sentinel»
  • Book chapters: The first chapter of 3001: The Final Odyssey is «Comet Cowboy»
  • Articles in books, magazines, journals, etc.: «Extra-Terrestrial Relays», Wireless World, October 1945
  • Album tracks, singles, etc.: David Bowie’s «Space Oddity»

As a rule, the title of a whole publication is italicised (or, in typewritten text, underlined), whereas the titles of minor works within or a subset of the larger publication (such as poems, short stories, named chapters, journal papers, newspaper articles, TV show episodes, video game levels, editorial sections of websites, etc.) are written with quotation marks.

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Dahl’s short story «Taste» in Completely Unexpected Tales

Nicknames and false titles[edit]

Quotation marks can also set off a nickname embedded in an actual name, or a false or ironic title embedded in an actual title; for example, Nat «King» Cole, Frank «Chairman of the Board» Sinatra, or Simone Rizzo «Sam the Plumber» DeCavalcante.

Nonstandard usage[edit]

Quotes are sometimes used for emphasis in lieu of underlining or italics, most commonly on signs or placards. This usage can be confused with ironic or altered-usage quotation, sometimes with unintended humor. For example, For sale: «fresh» fish, «fresh» oysters, could be construed to imply that fresh is not used with its everyday meaning, or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh. As another example, Cashiers’ desks open until noon for your «convenience» could be interpreted to mean that the convenience was for the bank employees, not the customers.[4]

Order of punctuation[edit]

With regard to quotation marks adjacent to periods and commas, there are two styles of punctuation in widespread use. These two styles are most commonly referred to as «American» and «British», or sometimes «typesetters’ quotation» and «logical quotation». Both systems have the same rules regarding question marks, exclamation points, colons, and semicolons. However, they differ in the treatment of periods and commas.[17][18]

In all major forms of English, question marks, exclamation marks, semicolons, and any other punctuation (with the possible exceptions of periods and commas, as explained in the sections below) are placed inside or outside the closing quotation mark depending on whether they are part of the quoted material.[19]

Did he say, «Good morning, Dave»?
No, he said, «Where are you, Dave?»
There are three major definitions of the word «gender»: vernacular, sociological, and linguistic.
Type «C:» at the DOS prompt to switch from a floppy disk to a hard drive.

A convention is the use of square brackets to indicate content between the quotation marks that has been modified from, or was not present in, the original material.

British style[edit]

The prevailing style in the United Kingdom – called British style,[17][19] logical quotation,[20] and logical punctuation[21] – is to include within quotation marks only those punctuation marks that appeared in the original quoted material and in which the punctuation mark fits with the sense of the quotation, but otherwise to place punctuation outside the closing quotation marks.[21] Fowler’s A Dictionary of Modern English Usage provides an early example of the rule: «All signs of punctuation used with words in quotation marks must be placed according to the sense[22]

When dealing with words-as-words, short-form works and sentence fragments, this style places periods and commas outside the quotation marks:

«Carefree», in general, means «free from care or anxiety».
The title of the song was «Gloria», which many already knew.
She said she felt «free from care and anxiety».

When dealing with direct speech, according to the British style guide Butcher’s Copy-editing,if a quotation is broken by words of the main sentence, and then resumed, the punctuation before the break should follow the closing quote unless it forms part of the quotation. An exception may be made when writing fiction, where the first comma may be placed before the first closing quote.[14] In non-fiction, some British publishers may permit placing punctuation that is not part of the person’s speech inside the quotation marks but prefer that it be placed outside.[14] Periods and commas that are part of the person’s speech are permitted inside the quotation marks regardless of whether the material is fiction.[14]

«Today,» said Cinderella, «I feel free from care and anxiety.» (fiction)
«Today», said the Prime Minister, «I feel free from care and anxiety.» (preferred in non-fiction)
«Today I feel happy,» said the woman, «carefree, and well.» (regardless)

Hart’s Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the British style «new» quoting. It is also similar to the use of quotation marks in many other languages (including Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, Dutch and German). A few US professional societies whose professions frequently employ various non-word characters, such as chemistry and computer programming, use the British form in their style guides (see ACS Style Guide).

According to the Jargon File from 1983, American hackers (members of a subculture of enthusiastic programmers) switched to what they later discovered to be the British quotation system because placing a period inside a quotation mark can change the meaning of data strings that are meant to be typed character-for-character.[23]

Some American style guides specific to certain specialties also prefer the British style.[18] For example, the journal Language of the Linguistic Society of America requires that the closing quotation mark precede the period or comma unless that period or comma is «a necessary part of the quoted matter».[16] The websites Wikipedia and Pitchfork use logical punctuation.[21]

American style[edit]

In the United States, the prevailing style is called American style,[19] whereby commas and periods are almost always placed inside closing quotation marks.[24][25][26][27][28] The American style is used by most newspapers, publishing houses, and style guides in the United States and, to a lesser extent, Canada as well.

When dealing with words-as-words, short-form works, and sentence fragments, standard American style places periods and commas inside the quotation marks:

«Carefree,» in general, means «free from care or anxiety.»
The title of the song was «Gloria,» which many already knew.
She said she felt «free from care and anxiety.»

This style also places periods and commas inside the quotation marks when dealing with direct speech, regardless of whether the work is fiction or non-fiction:

«Today,» said Cinderella, «I feel free from care and anxiety.» (fiction)
«Today,» said the Prime Minister, «I feel free from care and anxiety.» (non-fiction)

Nevertheless, many American style guides explicitly permit periods and commas outside the quotation marks when the presence of the punctuation mark inside the quotation marks leads to ambiguity, such as when describing keyboard input, as in the following example:

In the programming language Pascal, the statement «end.«, including the period/full stop, signifies the end of a program.

The American style is recommended by the Modern Language Association’s MLA Style Manual, the American Psychological Association’s APA Publication Manual, the University of Chicago’s The Chicago Manual of Style, the American Institute of Physics’s AIP Style Manual, the American Medical Association’s AMA Manual of Style, the American Political Science Association’s APSA Style Manual, the Associated Press’ The AP Guide to Punctuation, and the Canadian Public Works’ The Canadian Style.[29] This style is also used in British news and fiction.[30][14]

Ending the sentence[edit]

In both major styles, regardless of placement, only one end mark (?, !, or .) can end a sentence. Only the period, however, may not end a quoted sentence when it does not also end the enclosing sentence, except for literal text:[18][31][32]

«Hello, world,» she said. (American style)
«Hello, world», she said. (British non-fiction)
She said, «Hello, world.» (both styles)
«Hello, world!» she exclaimed. (both styles)
«Is anybody out there?» she asked into the void. (both styles)

With narration of direct speech, both styles retain punctuation inside the quotation marks, with a full stop changing into a comma if followed by attributive matter, also known as a speech tag or annunciatory clause. Americans tend to apply quotations when signifying doubt of veracity (sarcastically or seriously), to imply another meaning to a word or to imply a cynical take on a paraphrased quotation, without punctuation at all.

Typographical considerations[edit]

Primary quotations versus secondary quotations[edit]

Primary quotations are orthographically distinguished from secondary quotations that may be nested within a primary quotation. British English often uses single quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus double quotation marks for inner, nested quotations. By contrast, American English typically uses double quotation marks to identify the outermost text of a primary quotation versus single quotation marks for inner, nested quotations.

British usage does vary, with some authoritative sources such as The Economist and The Times recommending the same usage as in the US,[33] whereas other authoritative sources, such as The King’s English, Fowler’s, and New Hart’s Rules, recommend single quotation marks.[34] In journals and newspapers, quotation mark double/single use often depends on the individual publication’s house style.


In English, when a quotation follows other writing on a line of text, a space precedes the opening quotation mark unless the preceding symbol, such as an em dash, requires that there be no space. When a quotation is followed by other writing on a line of text, a space follows the closing quotation mark unless it is immediately followed by other punctuation within the sentence, such as a colon or closing punctuation. (These exceptions are ignored by some Asian computer systems that systematically display quotation marks with the included spacing, as this spacing is part of the fixed-width characters.)

There is generally no space between an opening quotation mark and the following word, or a closing quotation mark and the preceding word. When a double quotation mark or a single quotation mark immediately follows the other, proper spacing for legibility may suggest that a thin space ( ) or larger non-breaking space ( ) be inserted.

So Dave actually said, «He said, ‘Good morning’ »? (thin-space)
Yes, he did say, «He said, ‘Good morning.’ » (non-breaking space)

This is not common practice in mainstream publishing, which will generally use more precise kerning. It is more common in online writing, although using CSS to create the spacing by kerning is more semantically appropriate in Web typography than inserting extraneous spacing characters.


Straight quotation marks (or italicised straight quotation marks) are often used to approximate the prime and double prime, e.g. when signifying feet and inches or arcminutes and arcseconds. For instance, 5 feet and 6 inches is often written 5′ 6″; and 40 degrees, 20 arcminutes, and 50 arcseconds is written 40° 20′ 50″. When available, however, primes should be used instead (e.g. 5′ 6″, and 40° 20′ 50″). Prime and double prime are not present in most code pages, including ASCII and Latin-1, but are present in Unicode, as characters U+2032 PRIME and U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME. The HTML character entity references are ′ and ″, respectively.

Double quotation marks, or pairs of single ones, also represent the ditto mark.

Straight single and double quotation marks are used in most programming languages to delimit strings or literal characters, collectively known as string literals. In some languages (e.g. Pascal) only one type is allowed, in some (e.g. C and its derivatives) both are used with different meanings and in others (e.g. Python) both are used interchangeably. In some languages, if it is desired to include the same quotation marks used to delimit a string inside the string, the quotation marks are doubled. For example, to represent the string eat ‘hot’ dogs in Pascal one uses 'eat ''hot'' dogs'. Other languages use an escape character, often the backslash, as in 'eat 'hot' dogs'.

In the TeX typesetting program, left double quotes are produced by typing two back-ticks (``) and right double quotes by typing two apostrophes (''). This is a continuation of a typewriter tradition of using ticks for opening quotation marks; see Quotation mark § Typewriters and early computers.

Typing quotation marks on a computer keyboard[edit]

Standard English computer keyboard layouts inherited the single and double straight quotation marks from the typewriter (the single quotation mark also doubling as an apostrophe), and they do not include individual keys for left-handed and right-handed typographic quotation marks. In character encoding terms, these characters are labeled unidirectional. However, most computer text-editing programs provide a «smart quotes» feature to automatically convert straight quotation marks into bidirectional punctuation, though sometimes imperfectly (see below). Generally, this smart quote feature is enabled by default, and it can be turned off in an «options» or «preferences» dialog. Some websites do not allow typographic quotation marks or apostrophes in posts. One can skirt these limitations, however, by using the HTML character codes or entities[35] or the other key combinations in the following table. In Windows, AutoHotkey scripts can be used to assign simpler key combinations to opening and closing quotation marks.

How to type typographic quotation marks (and apostrophes) on a computer keyboard

  Windows Alt code combinations Macintosh key combinations Linux (X) keys Unicode point HTML entity HTML decimal
Single opening    Alt+0145 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+] Compose+<+' or Alt Gr+⇧ Shift+V U+2018 &lsquo;
Single closing
(& apostrophe[36][37])
   Alt+0146 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+] Compose+>+' or Alt Gr+⇧ Shift+B U+2019 &rsquo;
Double opening    Alt+0147 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+[ Compose+<+" or Alt Gr+v U+201C &ldquo;
Double closing    Alt+0148 (on number pad) ⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+[ Compose+>+" or Alt Gr+b U+201D &rdquo;

(For additional characters used in other languages, see quotation mark glyphs.)

Smart quotes[edit]

To make typographic quotation marks easier to enter, publishing software often automatically converts typewriter quotation marks (and apostrophes) to typographic form during text entry (with or without the user being aware of it). Out-of-the-box behavior on macOS and iOS is to make this conversion. These are known as smart quotes (“…”). Straight quotation marks are also retronymically called dumb quotes («…»).[38]

The method for producing smart quotes may be based solely on the character preceding the mark. If it is a space or another of a set of hard-coded characters or if the mark begins a line, the mark will be rendered as an opening quote; if not, it will be rendered as a closing quote or apostrophe. This method can cause errors, especially for contractions that start with an apostrophe or text with nested quotations:

Text as typed Desired result Example erroneous results
’14 14 14
I forgot my ‘phone. I forgot my ’phone. I forgot my ‘phone.
‘Twas the night before Christmas …[39] ’ Twas the night before Christmas … ‘ Twas the night before Christmas …
«‘Hello,’ he said, ‘to you'» ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’
  • ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’
  • ’Hello,’ he said, ‘to you’

In Windows, if it is necessary to follow a space with a closing quotation mark when Smart Quotes is in effect, it is usually sufficient to input the character using the Alt code shown above rather than typing " or '.

See also[edit]

  • Guillemet, the French quotation mark
  • International variation in quotation marks
  • Modifier letter double apostrophe
  • ʻOkina
  • Typewriter conventions
  • Western Latin character sets (computing)


  1. ^ Lunsford, Susan (December 2001). 100 skill-building lessons using 10 favorite books : a teacher’s treasury of irresistible lessons & activities that help children meet learning goals in reading, writing, math and more. p. 10. ISBN 0439205794.
  2. ^ Hayes, Andrea (April 2011). Language Toolkit for New Zealand 2, Volume 2. p. 17. ISBN 978-1107624702.
  3. ^ Barber, Katherine, ed. (2005). Canadian Oxford Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-541816-6.
  4. ^ a b Zwicky, Arnold (29 January 2006). «Dubious Quotation Marks». itre.cis.upenn.edu. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  5. ^ «Smart» apostrophes The Chicago Manual of Style Online (17th ed.). Part 2, Chapter 6.117. Retrieved 3 January 2019. Subscription required (free trial available).
  6. ^ Chagnon, Bevi (December 2013). «Fonts, Typography, and Accessibility». Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  7. ^ a b Bringhurst, Robert (2002). The Elements of Typographic Style. ver. 2.5. Point Roberts, Washington: Hartley & Marks. p. 86. ISBN 978-0-88179-132-7.
  8. ^ Higgins, John (1587). The Mirror for Magistrates.
  9. ^ Truss, Lynne (2003). Eats, Shoots & Leaves. p. 151. ISBN 1-59240-087-6.
  10. ^ Trask, R. L. (1997). The Penguin Guide to Punctuation. p. 94. ISBN 9780140513660.
  11. ^ Jeremiah 27:1–11; 29:1–28; 29:30–32; 34:1–5; Ezekiel 27:1–36
  12. ^ Stilman, Ann (1997). Grammatically Correct. p. 181. ISBN 978-0-89879-776-3.
  13. ^ «The Chicago Manual of Style Online». University of Chicago Press. Section 7.57. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  14. ^ a b c d e Butcher, Judith; Drake, Caroline; Leach, Maureen (2006). Butcher’s Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders (4th ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. p. 273. ISBN 978-0-521-84713-1.
  15. ^ «Style Sheet», Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, (undated), p. 2
  16. ^ a b «Language Style Sheet» (PDF). Language. Washington DC: Linguistic Society of America. 2015. Retrieved 21 December 2018. 4. Punctuation: a. … The second member of a pair of quotation marks should precede any other adjacent mark of punctuation, unless the other mark is a necessary part of the quoted matter …. 6. Cited Forms: … e. After the first occurrence of non-English forms, provide a gloss in single quotation marks: Latin ovis ‘sheep’ is a noun. No comma precedes the gloss and no comma follows, unless necessary for other reasons: Latin ovis ‘sheep’, canis ‘dog’, and equus ‘horse’ are nouns.
  17. ^ a b Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors and Publishers. Council of Biology Editors / Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 9780521471541. Retrieved 21 December 2018. In the British style (OUP 1983), all signs of punctuation used with words and quotation marks must be placed according to the sense.
  18. ^ a b c «The Chicago Manual of Style Online». University of Chicago Press. Sections 6.9-6.11. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  19. ^ a b c Lee, Chelsea (11 August 2011). «Punctuating Around Quotation Marks». APA Style Blog. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  20. ^ «Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies» (PDF). University of Aberdeen, Scotland: Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies. 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2018. Punctuation marks are placed inside the quotation marks only if the sense of the punctuation is part of the quotation; this system is referred to as logical quotation.
  21. ^ a b c Yagoda, Ben (12 May 2011). «The Rise of «Logical Punctuation»«. Slate. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  22. ^ Burchfield, R. W., ed. (1996). The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 646. ISBN 978-0-19-869126-6. Emphasis in original.
  23. ^ «The Jargon File, Chapter 5. Hacker Writing Style». catb.org. Retrieved 7 November 2010.
  24. ^ «Punctuation». The Associated Press Stylebook. p. 337.
  25. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Q&A. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  26. ^ Strunk, William Jr.; White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style (4 ed.). Pearson Education Company. p. 36. ISBN 9780205313426.
  27. ^ McFarlane, J. A. (Sandy); Clements, Warren (2003). The Globe and Mail Style Book (9th ed.). p. 237. ISBN 978-0771056857.
  28. ^ Brinck, Tom; Gergle, Darren; Wood, Scott W. (2002). Usability for the Web. Morgan Kaufmann. p. 277. doi:10.1016/B978-1-55860-658-6.X5000-7. ISBN 978-1-55860-658-6.
  29. ^ Other style guides and reference volumes include the following: U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual (2008, p. 217), US Department of Education’s IES Style Guide (2005, p. 43), The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing (1997, p. 148), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, International Reading Association Style Guide, American Dialect Society, Association of Legal Writing Directors’ ALWD Citation Manual, The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference by K. D. Sullivan (2006, p. 52), Webster’s New World Punctuation by Geraldine Woods (2005, p. 68), The New Oxford Guide to Writing by Thomas S. Kane (1994, pp. 278, 305, 306), Merriam-Webster’s Manual for Writers and Editors by Merriam-Webster (1998, p. 27), Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers by Lynn Troyka, et al. (1993, p. 517), Science and Technical Writing by Philip Rubens (2001, p. 208), Health Professionals Style Manual by Shirley Fondiller and Barbara Nerone (2006, p. 72), The Gregg Reference Manual by William A. Sabin (2000, p. 247), The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus(2007, p. 61), The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage by Allan M. Siegal, The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge (2004, p. 788), The Copyeditor’s Handbook by Amy Einsohn (2000, p. 111), The Grammar Bible by Michael Strumpf, Auriel Douglas (2004, p. 446), Elements of Style by William Strunk and Elwyn B. White (1979, p. 36), Little English Handbook by Edward P. J. Corbett (1997, p. 135), Commonsense Grammar and Style by Phillip S. Sparks (2004, p. 18), Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald Alred et al. (2006, pp. 83, 373), MIT Guide To Science and Engineering Communication by J. Paradis and M. L. Zimmerman (2002, p. 314), Guide to Writing Empirical Papers by G. David Garson (2002, p. 178), Modern English by A. L. Lazarus, A. MacLeish, and H. W. Smith (1971, p. 71), The Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers (8th ed.) by John Ruszkiewicz et al., Comma Sense by Richard Lederer, John Shore (2007, p. 138), Write right! by Jan Venolia (2001, p. 82), Scholastic Journalism by Earl English and Clarence Hach (1962. p. 75), Grammar in Plain English by Harriet Diamond and Phyllis Dutwin (2005, p. 199), Crimes Against the English Language by Jill Meryl Levy (2005, p. 21), The Analytical Writer by Adrienne Robins (1997, p. 524), Writing with a Purpose by James McNab McCrimmon (1973, p. 415), Writing and Reporting News by Carole Rich (2000, p. 60), The Lawyer’s Guide to Writing Well by Tom Goldstein (2003, p. 163), Woodroof’s Quotations, Commas And Other Things English by D. K. Woodroof (2005, pp. 10–12), Journalism Language and Expression by Sundara Rajan (2005, p. 76), The Business Writer’s Handbook by Gerald Alred et al. (2006, p. 451), The Business Style Handbook by Helen Cunningham (2002, p. 213), Essentials of English by Vincent Hopper (2000, p. 127).
  30. ^ March, David (19 May 2011). «‘The British style’? ‘The American way?’ They are not so different | Mind your language». the Guardian. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  31. ^ Ritter, R. M., ed. (2005). New Hart’s Rules. ISBN 978-0-19-861041-0.
  32. ^ Merriam-Webster (2001). Merriam-Webster’s Guide to Punctuation and Style (2nd ed.). ISBN 978-0-87779-921-4.
  33. ^ «American and British English». The Economist Style Guide (Fourth ed.). London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd. 1996. p. 85. ISBN 0241135567. Tim Austin, Richard Dixon (2003) The Times Style and Usage Guide. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0007145055
  34. ^ «Quotation Marks. Fowler, H. W. 1908. The King’s English». Bartleby.com. Retrieved 7 November 2010.
  35. ^ «Character entity references in HTML 4». W3.org. 24 December 1999. Retrieved 30 May 2015.
  36. ^ «Unicode Character ‘RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK’ (U+2019)». FileFormat.info. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  37. ^ «General Punctuation: Range: 2000–206F» (PDF). Unicode.org. Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  38. ^ Spencer, Dave (31 January 2011). «Typographic Train Wrecks». Glyphic. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  39. ^ Moore, Clement Clarke (1823), «A Visit from Saint Nicholas», first published in the Troy Sentinel. The quotation in the Huffington Post exhibits the problem with «smart quotes».

External links[edit]

  • Curling Quotes in HTML, SGML, and XML
  • Quotation marks in the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
  • ASCII and Unicode quotation marks – discussion of the problem of ASCII grave accent characters used as left quotation marks
  • Commonly confused characters
  • Quotation mark

Word for Microsoft 365 Word 2021 Word 2019 Word 2016 More…Less

As you type text, Word automatically changes straight quotation marks ( ‘ or » ) to curly quotation marks (also known as «smart quotes» or typographer’s quotes). And now with your feedback we have improved smart quotes feature. Any quote following an em dash(—) is now formatted as an open quote (rather than closed quote).

You can turn this feature on or off. To disable smart quotes,

  1. On the File tab, click Options.

  2. Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.

  3. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, do the following:

    • Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and under Replace as you type, select or clear the «Straight quotes» with “smart quotes” check box.

    • Click the AutoFormat tab, and under Replace, select or clear the «Straight quotes» with “smart quotes” check box.

  4. Click OK.

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«x22» redirects here. Not to be confused with X22.

Quotation marks (also known as quotes, quote marks, speech marks, inverted commas, or talking marks[1][2]) are punctuation marks used in pairs in various writing systems to set off direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The pair consists of an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark, which may or may not be the same character.[3]

“ ”   « »
‘ ’   ‘ ’

English quotation marks

« » 「 」
Guille­mets CJK brackets

Quotation marks have a variety of forms in different languages and in different media.


The single quotation mark is traced to Ancient Greek practice, adopted and adapted by monastic copyists. Isidore of Seville, in his seventh century encyclopedia, Etymologiae, described their use of the Greek diplé (a chevron):

[13] ⟩ Diple. Hanc scriptores nostri adponunt in libris ecclesiasticorum virorum ad separanda vel [ad] demonstranda testimonia sanctarum Scripturarum.[4][5]

[13] ⟩ Diplé. Our copyists place this sign in the books of the people of the Church, to separate or to indicate the quotations drawn from the Holy Scriptures.

The double quotation mark derives from a marginal notation used in fifteenth-century manuscript annotations to indicate a passage of particular importance (not necessarily a quotation); the notation was placed in the outside margin of the page and was repeated alongside each line of the passage.[6] In his edition of the works of Aristotle, which appeared in 1483 or 1484, the Milanese Renaissance humanist Francesco Filelfo marked literal and appropriate quotes with oblique double dashes on the left margin of each line.[7] Until then, literal quotations had been highlighted or not at the author’s discretion.[7] Non-verbal loans[clarification needed] were marked on the edge. After the publication of Filelfo’s edition, the quotation marks for literal quotations prevailed.[7] During the seventeenth century this treatment became specific to quoted material, and it grew common, especially in Britain, to print quotation marks (now in the modern opening and closing forms) at the beginning and end of the quotation as well as in the margin; the French usage (see under Specific language features below) is a remnant of this. In most other languages, including English, the marginal marks dropped out of use in the last years of the eighteenth century. The usage of a pair of marks, opening and closing, at the level of lower case letters was generalized.[6]

Guillemets by the Imprimerie nationale in Bulletin de l’Agence générale des colonies, No. 302, May 1934, showing the usage of a pair of marks, opening and closing, at the level of lower case letters

Clash between the apostrophe and curved quotation marks in a phrase meaning “the crimes of the ‘good Samaritans’ ”

By the nineteenth century, the design and usage began to be specific to each region. In Western Europe the custom became to use the quotation mark pairs with the convexity of each mark aimed outward. In Britain those marks were elevated to the same height as the top of capital letters: “…”.

Clearly distinguishable apostrophe and angular quotation marks.

Blank space (in yellow) provoked by elevated quotation marks; some type designers consider this excessive.[8]

In France, by the end of the nineteenth century, the marks were modified to an angular shape: «…». Some authors[8] claim that the reason for this was a practical one, in order to get a character that was clearly distinguishable from the apostrophes, the commas, and the parentheses. Also, in other scripts, the angular quotation marks are distinguishable from other punctuation characters: the Greek breathing marks, the Armenian emphasis and apostrophe, the Arabic comma, the decimal separator, the thousands separator, etc. Other authors[8] claim that the reason for this was an aesthetic one. The elevated quotation marks created an extra white space before and after the word, which was considered aesthetically unpleasing, while the in-line quotation marks helped to maintain the typographical color, since the quotation marks had the same height and were aligned with the lower case letters.[6] Nevertheless, while other languages do not insert a space between the quotation marks and the word(s), the French usage does insert them, even if it is a narrow space.

The curved quotation marks («66-99») usage, “…”, was exported to some non-Latin scripts, notably where there was some English influence, for instance in Native American scripts[9] and Indic scripts.[10] On the other hand, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic and Ethiopic adopted the French «angular» quotation marks, «…». The Far East angle bracket quotation marks, 《…》, are also a development of the in-line angular quotation marks.[citation needed]

In Central Europe, the practice was to use the quotation mark pairs with the convexity aimed inward. The German tradition preferred the curved quotation marks, the first one at the level of the commas, the second one at the level of the apostrophes: „…“. Alternatively, these marks could be angular and in-line with lower case letters, but still pointing inward: »…«. Some neighboring regions adopted the German curved marks tradition with lower–upper alignment, while some adopted a variant with the convexity of the closing mark aimed rightward like the opening one, „…”.

Sweden (and Finland) choose a convention where the convexity of both marks was aimed to the right but lined up both at the top level: ”…”.

In Eastern Europe,[clarification needed] there was hesitation between the French tradition «…» and the German tradition „…“. The French tradition prevailed in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus), whereas the German tradition, or its modified version with the convexity of the closing mark aimed rightward, has become dominant in Southeastern Europe, e.g. in the Balkan countries.

The reemergence of single quotation marks around 1800 came about as a means of indicating a secondary level of quotation.[citation needed] In some languages using the angular quotation marks, the usage of the single guillemet, ‹…›, became obsolete, being replaced by double curved ones: “…”, though the single ones still survive, for instance, in Switzerland. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the curved quotation marks, „…“, are used as a secondary level when the angular marks, «…» are used as a primary level.

In English Edit

In English writing, quotation marks are placed in pairs around a word or phrase to indicate:

  • Quotation or direct speech: Carol said «Go ahead» when I asked her if the launcher was ready.
  • Mention in another work of the title of a short or subsidiary work, such as a chapter or an episode: «Encounter at Farpoint» was the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Scare quotes, used to mean «so-called» or to express irony: The «fresh» bread was all dried up.

In American writing, quotation marks are normally the double kind (the primary style). If quotation marks are used inside another pair of quotation marks, then single quotation marks are used. For example: «Didn’t she say ‘I like red best’ when I asked her wine preferences?» he asked his guests. If another set of quotation marks is nested inside single quotation marks, double quotation marks are used again, and they continue to alternate as necessary (though this is rarely done).

British publishing is regarded as more flexible about whether double or single quotation marks should be used.[11] A tendency to use single quotation marks in British writing is thought to have arisen after the mid-19th century invention of steam-powered presses and the consequent rise of London and New York as distinct, industrialized publishing centers whose publishing houses adhered to separate norms.[12] The King’s English in 1908 noted that the prevailing British practice was to use double marks for most purposes, and single ones for quotations within quotations.[13] Different media now follow different conventions in the United Kingdom.

Different varieties and styles of English have different conventions regarding whether terminal punctuation should be written inside or outside the quotation marks. North American printing usually puts full stops and commas (but not colons, semicolons, exclamation or question marks) inside the closing quotation mark, whether it is part of the original quoted material or not.[14][15] Styles elsewhere vary widely and have different rationales for placing it inside or outside, often a matter of house style.

Regarding their appearance, there are two types of quotation marks:

  • ‘…’ and «…» are known as neutral, vertical, straight, typewriter, dumb, or ASCII quotation marks. The left and right marks are identical. These are found on typical English typewriters and computer keyboards, although they are sometimes automatically converted to the other type by software.
  • ‘…’ and “…” are known as typographic, curly, curved, book, or smart quotation marks. (The doubled ones are more informally known as «66 and 99».[16][17]) The beginning marks are commas raised to the top of the line and rotated 180 degrees. The ending marks are commas raised to the top of the line. Curved quotation marks are used mainly in manuscript, printing, and typesetting. Type cases (of any language) generally have the curved quotation mark metal types for the respective language, and may lack the vertical quotation mark metal types. Because most computer keyboards lack keys to enter typographic quotation marks directly, much that is written using word-processing programs has vertical quotation marks. The «smart quotes» feature in some computer software can convert vertical quotation marks to curly ones, although sometimes imperfectly.

The closing single quotation mark is identical in form to the apostrophe and similar to the prime symbol. The double quotation mark is identical to the ditto mark in English-language usage. It is also similar to—and often used to represent—the double prime symbol. These all serve different purposes.

Summary tableEdit

Other languages have similar conventions to English, but use different symbols or different placement.

Language Standard Alternative Spacing Names Notes & references
Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
Afrikaans [i] aanhalingstekens (quotation)
Albanian thonjëza (quotes)
Amharic «» [18][19] [19] ትምህርተ ጥቅስ (timihirite t’ik’isi, quote)
Arabic «» optional علامات تنصيص‎ (ʻalāmāt tanṣīṣ, quotation marks) [ii]
Armenian «» չակերտներ (chakertner, quotation marks)
Azerbaijani «» 0–1 pt dırnaq işarəsi (fingernail mark)
Basque «» [20] komatxkak
Belarusian «» [21]
  • двукоссе (dvukossie, double commas)
  • лапкі (lapki, little paws)
  • navodnici, наводници, znaci navoda, знаци навода (quotation marks)
  • polunavodnici, полунаводници (half-quotation marks)
»« is used only in printed media.
  • [iii]
[22][iv] «»[iii]
  • [iii]
[22][iv] кавички (kavichki) (or стандартни кавички, двойни кавички (standartni/dvoyni kavichki) for the main types of quotation marks (also called double quotation mark(s)), and единични кавички, вторични кавички (edinichni/vtorichni kavichki) for the secondary quotation marks (also called single quotation mark(s)).
  • is sometimes replaced by «« or very rarely by
  • and are sometimes written as , or
  • There is some limited use of alternative secondary quotation marks: ; ,; ; ,; .
Catalan «» [iv][v] [iv] none
  • «» cometes franceses (French quotation marks)
  • cometes angleses (English quotation marks)
  • cometes simples (Simple quotation marks)
Chinese, simplified
  • [vi]
  • [vi]
[23] Fullwidth form
  • 双引号 (pinyin: shuāng yǐn hào, double quotation mark)
  • 单引号 (pinyin: dān yǐn hào, single quotation mark)
  • Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese agree on the names of the vertical rectangle quotation marks (and ) but disagree on which pair being the primary one.
  • In Simplified Chinese, rectangle quotation marks are only used in vertical texts. The horizontal rectangle quotation marks are not commonly used in Simplified Chinese, and in the rare cases where they are used, often the convention of Traditional Chinese is followed.
  • In Traditional Chinese, curly quotation marks are not commonly used, and in the rare cases where they are used, often the convention of Simplified Chinese is followed.
Chinese, traditional
  • [vii]
  • [vi]
  • [vii]
  • [vi]
[24][25] Fullwidth form
  • 單引號 (pinyin: dān yǐn hào; Jyutping: daan1 jan5 hou6, single quotation mark)
  • 雙引號 (pinyin: shuāng yǐn hào; Jyutping: soeng1 jan5 hou6, double quotation mark)
Croatian [iv] »«
  • and »« navodnici (quotation marks)
  • polunavodnici (single quotes)
»« is used only in printed media.[26]
Czech »« uvozovky (introduce)
  • »«
  • citationstegn (citation marks)
  • anførselstegn (quotes)
  • gåseøjne (goose eyes)
Dutch [29] ,
  • enkele aanhalingstekens, dubbele aanhalingstekens (single/double citation marks)
  • zogenaamdfunctie (scare quotes)[29]
  • Double citation marks are only used in literal citations
  • The sequence when using primary and secondary level is a recommendation, not a rule.
English, UK [30][viii] 1–2 pt Quotation marks, double quotes, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks Usage of single or double as primary varies across English varieties.
English, US; English, Canada [viii]
Esperanto [ix]
  • «»
citiloj (lit. quoting tools)
Estonian «»
  • jutumärgid (speech marks)
  • hanejalad (goose feet)
Filipino [31][viii] [31] panipi
Finnish [32] »» [32] lainausmerkit (citation marks)
French «  » «  »[a] [iv] ‹  › [iv]
  • NNBSP[b]
  • NBSP[c]
guillemets (William)
[d] none
French, Switzerland[e] «»
Galician «» [33] [33]
  • comiñas[34]
  • aspas[35]
Georgian none [1] none ბრჭყალები (brč’q’alebi, claws)
German »«
  • Anführungszeichen (quotation marks)
  • Gänsefüßchen (little goose feet)
  • Hochkommas, Hochkommata (high commas)
German, Switzerland; Swiss German[e] «»
Greek «» [36][37] εισαγωγικά (eisagogiká, introductory marks)
Hebrew «« [38] מֵירְכָאוֹת (merkha’ot) Not to be confused with גֵּרְשַׁיִם (gershayim, double geresh typographical mark).[ii]
Hindi [39] उद्धरण चिह्न (uddharan chihn)
Hungarian »« [iv]
  • idézőjel (quotation mark)
  • »« belső idézőjel, lúdláb (inner quotation mark, goose feet)
  • félidézőjel (half quotation mark, tertiary quotation mark)
  • «« macskaköröm (cat claws)
The three levels of Hungarian quotation: »«[40]
Icelandic gæsalappir (goose feet)
Ido «  » ‘  ’ cito-hoketi (quotation hooks)
Indonesian [41] tanda kutip, tanda petik (quote mark) Usage of alternative marks seen among the literature by Jehovah’s Witnesses in Indonesian.
Interlingua [ix] virgulettas (small commas)
Irish 1–2 pt liamóg (William)
Italian «» [42] [42] virgolette (small commas)
Italian, Switzerland[e] «»
  • [vii]
  • [vi]
  • [vii]
  • [vi]
Fullwidth form
  • 鉤括弧 (kagi kakko, hook bracket)
  • 二重鉤括弧 (nijū kagi kakko, double hook bracket)
Occasionally, other symbols, such as , are used stylistically.
Kazakh «» тырнақша (тırnaqşa) [43]
Khmer «» [f] សញ្ញាសម្រង់ (saññā samráng, quotation mark)
Korean, North Korea
  • 홑화살괄호 (hot’hwasalgwalho, arrow bracket)
  • 겹화살괄호 (gyeop’hwasalgwalho, double arrow bracket)
Korean, South Korea [44] [44] [vi] [vi]
  • 쌍따옴표 (ssang-ttaompyo, double quotation mark)
  • 따옴표 (ttaompyo, quotation mark)
  • 낫표 (natpyo, scythe symbol)
  • 겹낫표 (gyeomnatpyo, double scythe symbol)
Lao ວົງຢືມ (vong yum)
Lithuanian [45] kabutės
Lojban lu li’u lu “” li’u Double quotes are not officially named in Lojban, but sometimes called lubu, following the same pattern as vowel letters, e.g. ⟨a⟩ = abu Lojban uses the words lu and li’u, rather than punctuation, to surround quotes of grammatically correct Lojban.[46] Double quotes can also be used for aesthetic purposes. Non-Lojban text may be quoted using zoi.[47]
Macedonian [48] [48]
  • наводници (navodnitsi, double quote)
  • полунаводници (polunavodnitsi, single quote)
Maltese Virgoletti
Mongolian, Cyrillic script «» [iv]
Mongolian, Mongolian script [x][49]
New Tai Lue [50]
Norwegian «» [51] ,
  • anførselstegn (quotation marks)
  • gåseauge, gåseøyne (goose eyes)
  • hermeteikn, hermetegn
  • sitatteikn, sitattegn
  • dobbeltfnutt
Occitan «» «» guilheumets, verguetas
Pashto «» [52] [ii]
Persian «» گیومه (giyume, guillaume) [ii]
Polish »« [iv] «»[xi] [xii] none cudzysłów (someone else’s word)
Portuguese, Brazil [iv]
  • aspas[53] (quotation marks)
  • aspas duplas (double quotation marks)
  • aspas simples (single quotation marks)
  • aspas curvas, aspas inglesas, aspas altas,[54] aspas levantadas,[55] aspas elevadas[56] (curved quotation marks)
  • «» aspas angulares,[55] aspas latinas, vírgulas dobradas,[57] aspas em linha[55] (angular quotation marks)
Portuguese, Portugal «» [58][iv] [58]
Romanian «» [59][iv] none ghilimele (quotes)
Romansh[e] «»
Russian «» [iv] none
  • кавычки (kavychki)
  • «» ёлочки (yolochki, little spruces)
  • лапки (lapki, little paws)
  • »«
  • наводници (navodnici)
  • знаци навода (znaci navoda)
Scottish Gaelic cromagan turrach
Slovak »« úvodzovky (introduce)
Slovene »« navednice
Spanish «» [60][iv] [iv][v]
  • comillas
  • «» comillas latinas, comillas angulares
  • comillas inglesas dobles
  • comillas inglesas simples
Spanish, Mexico [61][iv]
  • comillas
  • comillas inglesas
  • comillas simples
Swedish [62]
  • »»
  • »«
  • citationstecken, anföringstecken
  • citattecken (modern term)
  • dubbelfnutt (ASCII double quote)
  • kaninöron (bunny ears)
Tai Le [63]
Tamil [citation needed] மேற்கோட்குறி(mErkoL kuri)
Tibetan [64]
Tigrinya «» [19] [19]
Thai อัญประกาศ (anyaprakat, differentiating mark)
Turkish [65] «» 0–1 pt tırnak işareti (fingernail mark)
Ukrainian «»
  • [i]
  • [iii][xiii]
none лапки (lapky, little paws)
Urdu [67] واوین (wāwain) [ii]
Uyghur «» [68] none
  • قوش تىرناق (qosh tirnaq)
  • يالاڭ تىرناق (yalang tirnaq)
Uzbek «» [69] qoʻshtirnoq (nails)
Vietnamese [70] «  » NBSP (optional)
  • dấu ngoặc kép (paired parentheses)
  • dấu nháy kép (paired blinking marks)
Welsh 1–2 pt dyfynodau
  1. ^ a b Traditional.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Direction of text is right-to-left.
  3. ^ a b c d Rarely used.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q A quotation dash is preferred for dialogue.
  5. ^ a b A closing quotation mark is added to the beginning of each new paragraph.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Only used when text is written vertically (up-to-down and right-to-left).
  7. ^ a b c d Rotated for use in horizontal text; originally written ﹁﹂ and ﹃﹄ in vertical text
  8. ^ a b c Within a quotation, the opening quotation mark is repeated at the beginning of each new paragraph.
  9. ^ a b Usage may vary, depending on the native language of the author and publisher.
  10. ^ Direction of text is vertical.
  11. ^ In the scientific works as definitions and in literature
  12. ^ Tertiary quotation mark (very rare) and in the scientific works as definitions
  13. ^ Handwriting.
  1. ^ According to the French Imprimerie nationale. English quotes are more common on the second level.
  2. ^ According to French usage in print and the practice of the French Imprimerie nationale. A rule in the house style guide recommends NBSP, though.
  3. ^ According to a rule in the house style guide of the French Imprimerie nationale. Practice in the style guide and elsewhere shows use of NNBSP, though. Also used in word processing, where NBSP is not justifying, though (except in Word 2013, according to this forum thread).
  4. ^ According to French usage. The French Imprimerie nationale recommends double angle quotes even on the second level.
  5. ^ a b c d In Switzerland the same style is used for all four national languages.
  6. ^ Inferred from keyboard layout and fonts.

Specific language featuresEdit


Contemporary Bulgarian employs the em dash or the quotation dash (the horizontal bar) followed by a space character at the beginning of each direct-speech segment by a different character in order to mark direct speech in prose and in most journalistic question and answer interviews; in such cases, the use of standard quotation marks is left for in-text citations or to mark the names of institutions, companies, and sometimes also brand or model names.[citation needed]

Air quotes are also widely used in face-to-face communication in contemporary Bulgarian but usually resemble " ... " (secondary: ' ... ') unlike written Bulgarian quotation marks.


The standard form in the preceding table is taught in schools and used in handwriting. Most large newspapers have kept these low-high quotation marks, and ; otherwise, the alternative form with single or double English-style quotes is now often the only form seen in printed matter. Neutral (straight) quotation marks, « and , are used widely, especially in texts typed on computers and on websites.[71]

Although not generally common in the Netherlands any more, double angle (guillemet) quotation marks are still sometimes used in Belgium. Examples include the Flemish HUMO magazine and the Metro newspaper in Brussels.[72]


Different forms of German and English quotation marks and similar looking signs

The symbol used as the left (typographical) quote in English is used as the right quote in Germany and Austria and a «low double comma» (not used in English) is used for the left quote. Its single quote form looks like a comma.

Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description Wrong Symbols
  • U+201A (8218)
  • U+2018 (8216)
  • &sbquo;
  • &lsquo;
German single quotes (left and right)
  • , – comma (U + 002C) left
  • ‘ – apostrophe (U+0027) right
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201C (8220)
  • &bdquo;
  • &ldquo;
German double quotes (left and right) » – neutral (vertical) double quotes (U+0022)

Some fonts, e.g. Verdana, were not designed with the flexibility to use an English left quote as a German right quote. Such fonts are therefore typographically incompatible with this German usage.

Double quotes are standard for denoting speech in German.

Andreas fragte mich: „Hast du den Artikel ‚EU-Erweiterung‘ gelesen?“ (Andreas asked me: «Have you read the ‘EU Expansion’ article?»)

This style of quoting is also used in Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Georgian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovene and in Ukrainian. In Bulgarian, Icelandic, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Russian, single quotation marks are not used.[clarification needed]

Sometimes, especially in novels, guillemets (angle quotation mark sets) are used in Germany and Austria (albeit in reversed order compared to French): »A ›B‹?«

Andreas fragte mich: »Hast du den Artikel ›EU-Erweiterung‹ gelesen?«

Andreas asked me: «Have you read the ‘EU Expansion’ article?»

In Switzerland, the French-style angle quotation mark sets are also used for German printed text: «A ‹B›?»

Andreas fragte mich: «Hast du den Artikel ‹EU-Erweiterung› gelesen?»

Andreas asked me: ‘Have you read the «EU Expansion» article?’

Finnish and SwedishEdit

In Finnish and Swedish, right quotes, called citation marks, ”…”, are used to mark both the beginning and the end of a quote. Double right-pointing angular quotes, »…», can also be used.

Alternatively, an en-dash followed by a (non-breaking) space can be used to denote the beginning of quoted speech, in which case the end of the quotation is not specifically denoted (see section Quotation dash below). A line-break should not be allowed between the en-dash and the first word of the quotation.

Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
A U+2019 (8217) &rsquo; Secondary level quotation
A U+201D (8221) &rdquo; Primary level quotation
»A» U+00BB (187) &raquo; Alternative primary level quotation
– A U+2013 (8211) &ndash; Alternative denotation at the beginning of quoted speech


French uses angle quotation marks (guillemets, or duck-foot quotes), adding a ‘quarter-em space’[a] within the quotes. Many people now use the non-breaking space, because the difference between a non-breaking space and a four-per-em is virtually imperceptible (but also because the Unicode quarter-em space is breakable), and the quarter-em glyph is omitted from many fonts. Even more commonly, many people just put a normal (breaking) space between the quotation marks because the non-breaking space cannot be accessed easily from the keyboard; furthermore, many are simply not aware of this typographical refinement. Using the wrong type of space often results in a quotation mark appearing alone at the beginning of a line, since the quotation mark is treated as an independent word.

« Voulez-vous un sandwich, Henri ? »

“Would you like a sandwich, Henri?”

Sometimes, for instance on several French news sites such as Libération, Les Échos or Le Figaro, no space is used around the quotation marks. This parallels normal usage in other languages, e.g. Catalan, Polish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, or in German, French and Italian as written in Switzerland:

«Dies ist ein Zitat.» (Swiss Standard German)
«To jest cytat.» (Polish)
«Це цитата.» (Ukrainian)

“This is a quote.”
Sample Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
Quote Space
« A »
  • U+00AB (171) &laquo;
  • U+00BB (187) &raquo;
U+00A0 (160) &nbsp; French double angle quotes (left and right), legacy (approximative) spacing usual on the web, with normal (four per em) no-break space (justifying, thus inappropriate)
« A » U+202F (8239) French double angle quotes (left and right), correct spacing used by typographers, with narrow (six per em) non-breaking spaces, represented on the web using narrow no-break space
«A» French double angle quotes (left and right) without space (not recommended in French)
‹ A ›
  • U+2039 (8249) &lsaquo;
  • U+203A (8250) &rsaquo;
U+00A0 (160) &nbsp; French single angle quotes (left and right), alternate form for embedded quotations, legacy (approximative) spacing usual on the web, with normal (four per em) no-break space (justifying, thus inappropriate)
‹ A › U+202F (8239) French single angle quotes (left and right), alternate form for embedded quotations, correct spacing used by typographers, with narrow (six per em) non-breaking spaces, represented on the web using narrow no-break space
A French single angle quotes (left and right) without space (not recommended in French)

Initially, the French guillemet characters were not angle shaped but also used the comma (6/9) shape. They were different from English quotes because they were standing (like today’s guillemets) on the baseline (like lowercase letters), and not above it (like apostrophes and English quotation marks) or hanging down from it (like commas). At the beginning of the nineteenth century, this shape evolved to look like (( small parentheses )). The angle shape appeared later to increase the distinction and avoid confusions with apostrophes, commas and parentheses in handwritten manuscripts submitted to publishers. Unicode currently does not provide alternate codes for these 6/9 guillemets on the baseline, as they are considered to be form variants of guillemets, implemented in older French typography (such as the Didot font design). Also there was not necessarily any distinction of shape between the opening and closing guillemets, with both types pointing to the right (like today’s French closing guillemets).

They must be used with non-breaking spaces, preferably narrow, if available, i.e. U+202F narrow no-break space which is present in all up-to-date general-purpose fonts, but still missing in some computer fonts from the early years of Unicode, due to the belated encoding of U+202F (1999) after the flaw of not giving U+2008 punctuation space non-breakable property as it was given to the related U+2007 figure space.

Legacy support of narrow non-breakable spaces was done at rendering level only, without interoperability as provided by Unicode support. High-end renderers as found in Desktop Publishing software should therefore be able to render this space using the same glyph as the breaking thin space U+2009, handling the non-breaking property internally in the text renderer/layout engine, because line-breaking properties are never defined in fonts themselves; such renderers should also be able to infer any width of space, and make them available as application controls, as is done with justifying/non-justifying.

In old-style printed books, when quotations span multiple lines of text (including multiple paragraphs), an additional closing quotation sign is traditionally used at the beginning of each line continuing a quotation; any right-pointing guillemet at the beginning of a line does not close the current quotation. This convention has been consistently used since the beginning of the 19th century by most book printers, but is no longer in use today. Such insertion of continuation quotation marks occurred even if there is a word hyphenation break. Given this feature has been obsoleted, there is no support for automatic insertion of these continuation guillemets in HTML or CSS, nor in word-processors. Old-style typesetting is emulated by breaking up the final layout with manual line breaks, and inserting the quotation marks at line start, much like pointy brackets before quoted plain text e-mail:

« C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais, soutient
» le ministre. Ces investissements stimuleront la crois-
» sance économique. »

Unlike English, French does not set off unquoted material within a quotation by using a second set of quotation marks. Compare:

« C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais, soutient le ministre. Ces investissements stimuleront la croissance économique. »

“This is a great day for Montrealers, the minister maintained. These investments will stimulate economic growth.”

For clarity, some newspapers put the quoted material in italics:

« C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais, soutient le ministre. Ces investissements stimuleront la croissance économique. »

The French Imprimerie nationale (cf. Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’Imprimerie nationale, presses de l’Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 2002) does not use different quotation marks for nesting quotes:

« Son « explication » n’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.

«His ‘explanation’ is just a lie», the deputy protested.

In this case, when there should be two adjacent opening or closing marks, only one is written:

Il répondit : « Ce n’est qu’un « gadget ! ».

He answered: «It’s only a ‘gizmo’.»

The use of English quotation marks is increasing in French and usually follows English rules, for instance in situations when the keyboard or the software context doesn’t allow the use of guillemets. The French news site L’Humanité uses straight quotation marks along with angle ones.

English quotes are also used sometimes for nested quotations:

« Son “explication” n’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.

«His ‘explanation’ is just a lie», the deputy protested.

But the most frequent convention used in printed books for nested quotations is to style them in italics. Single quotation marks are much more rarely used, and multiple levels of quotations using the same marks is often considered confusing for readers:

« Son explication n’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.
Il répondit : « Ce n’est qu’un gadget ! ».

Further, running speech does not use quotation marks beyond the first sentence, as changes in speaker are indicated by a dash, as opposed to the English use of closing and re-opening the quotation. (For other languages employing dashes, see section Quotation dash below.) The dashes may be used entirely without quotation marks as well. In general, quotation marks are extended to encompass as much speech as possible, including not just nonverbal text such as «he said» (as previously noted), but also as long as the conversion extends. The quotation marks end at the last spoken text rather than extending to the end of paragraphs when the final part is not spoken.

« Je ne vous parle pas, monsieur, dit-il. : — Mais je vous parle, moi ! » s’écria le jeune homme exaspéré de ce mélange d’insolence et de bonnes manières, de convenance et de dédain.

(Dumas, Les trois mousquetaires)

«I am not speaking to you, sir», he said.
«But I am speaking to you!» cried the young man, exasperated by this combination of insolence and good manners, of protocol and disdain.


Greek uses angled quotation marks (εισαγωγικάisagogiká):

«Μιλάει σοβαρά;» ρώτησε την Μαρία.
«Ναι, σίγουρα», αποκρίθηκε.

and the quotation dash (παύλαpávla):

― Μιλάει σοβαρά; ρώτησε την Μαρία.
― Ναι, σίγουρα, αποκρίθηκε.

which translate to:

«Is he serious?» he asked Maria.
«Yes, certainly,» she replied.

A closing quotation mark, », is added to the beginning of each new quoted paragraph.

« Η Βικιπαίδεια ή Wikipedia είναι ένα συλλογικό εγκυκλοπαιδικό
» εγχείρημα που έχει συσταθεί στο Διαδίκτυο, παγκόσμιο, πολύγλωσσο,
» που λειτουργεί με την αρχή του wiki. »

When quotations are nested, double and then single quotation marks are used: «…“…‘…’…”…».

Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
  • U+00AB (0171)
  • U+00BB (0187)
  • &laquo;
  • &raquo;
Greek first level double quotes (εισαγωγικά)
― Α U+2014 (8212) Greek direct quotation em-dash


According to current recommendation by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the main Hungarian quotation marks are comma-shaped double quotation marks set on the base-line at the beginning of the quote and at apostrophe-height at the end of it for first level, („Quote”), reversed »French quotes« without space (the German tradition) for the second level, and thus the following nested quotation pattern emerges:

  • „Quote »inside« quote”

… and with third level:

  • „Quote »inside ’inside of inside’ inside« quote”

In Hungarian linguistic tradition the meaning of a word is signified by uniform (unpaired) apostrophe-shaped quotation marks:

  • die Biene ’méh’

A quotation dash is also used, and is predominant in belletristic literature.

  • – Merre jártál? – kérdezte a köpcös.
Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201D (8221)
  • &bdquo;
  • &rdquo;
Hungarian first level double quotes (left and right)
  • U+00BB (0171)
  • U+00AB (0187)
  • &raquo;
  • &laquo;
Hungarian second level double quotes (left and right)
A U+2019 (8217) &rsquo; Hungarian unpaired quotes signifying «meaning»


In Israel, the original practice was to use modified German-style „low-high” quote marks, however since the 1990s, American-style «quote marks» have become the standard. (Note that Hebrew is written from right to left.)


According to current PN-83/P-55366 standard from 1983 (but not dictionaries, see below), Typesetting rules for composing Polish text (Zasady składania tekstów w języku polskim) one can use either „ordinary Polish quotes” or «French quotes» (without space) for first level, and ‚single Polish quotes’ or «French quotes» for second level, which gives three styles of nested quotes:

  1. „Quote ‚inside’ quote”
  2. „Quote «inside» quote”
  3. «Quote ‚inside’ quote»

There is no space on the internal side of quote marks, with the exception of 14 firet (≈ 14 em) space between two quotation marks when there are no other characters between them (e.g. ,„ and ”).

The above rules have not changed since at least the previous BN-76/7440-02 standard from 1976 and are probably much older.

The rules on the use of guillemets conflict with the Polish punctuation standard as given by dictionaries, including the Wielki Słownik Ortograficzny PWN recommended by the Polish Language Council. The PWN rules state:

In specific uses, guillemets also appear. Guillemet marks pointing inwards are used for highlights and in case a quotation occurs inside a quotation. Guillemet marks pointing outwards are used for definitions (mainly in scientific publications and dictionaries), as well as for enclosing spoken lines and indirect speech, especially in poetic texts.[73]

In Polish books and publications, this style for use of guillemets (also known as »German quotes«) is used almost exclusively. In addition to being standard for second level quotes, guillemet quotes are sometimes used as first level quotes in headings and titles but almost never in ordinary text in paragraphs.

Another style of quoting is to use an em-dash to open a quote; this is used almost exclusively to quote dialogues, and is virtually the only convention used in works of fiction.

Mag skłonił się. Biały kot śpiący obok paleniska ocknął się nagle i spojrzał na niego badawczo.
— Jak się nazywa ta wieś, panie? — zapytał przybysz. Kowal wzruszył ramionami.
— Głupi Osioł.
— Głupi…?
— Osioł — powtórzył kowal takim tonem, jakby wyzywał gościa, żeby spróbował sobie z niego zażartować. Mag zamyślił się.
— Ta nazwa ma pewnie swoją historię — stwierdził w końcu. — W innych okolicznościach chętnie bym jej wysłuchał. Ale chciałbym porozmawiać z tobą, kowalu, o twoim synu.
The wizard bowed. A white cat that had been sleeping by the furnace woke up and watched him carefully.
“What is the name of this place, sir?” said the wizard.
The blacksmith shrugged.
“Stupid Donkey,” he said. [original English version is «Bad Ass», but that’s not a common phrase in Polish]
“Donkey,” repeated the blacksmith, his tone defying anyone to make something of it.
The wizard considered this.
“A name with a story behind it,” he said at last, “which were circumstances otherwise I would be pleased to hear. But I would like to speak to you, smith, about your son.”
(Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites)

An en-dash is sometimes used in place of the em-dash, especially so in newspaper texts.

Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
  • U+201A (8218)
  • U+2019 (8217)
  • &sbquo;
  • &rsquo;
Polish single quotes (left and right)
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201D (8221)
  • &bdquo;
  • &rdquo;
Polish double quotes (left and right)
— A U+2014 (8212) &mdash; Polish direct quotation em-dash
– A U+2013 (8211) &ndash; Polish direct quotation en-dash


Neither the Portuguese language regulator nor the Brazilian prescribe what is the shape for quotation marks, they only prescribe when and how they should be used.

In Portugal, the angular quotation marks[53][58] (ex. «quote») are traditionally used. They are the Latin tradition quotation marks, used normally by typographers. It is that also the chosen representation for displaying quotation marks in reference sources,[57][74][75] and it is also the chosen representation from some sites dedicated to the Portuguese Language.[76]

The Código de Redação[77] for Portuguese-language documents published in the European Union prescribes three levels of quotation marks representation, «…“…‘…’…”…»:

E estava escrito «Alguém perguntou “Quem foi que gritou ‘Meu Deus!’?” na folha de papel.
And it was written “Someone asked ‘Who shouted “My God”!?’.” on the sheet of paper.
  • in black: main sentence which contains the quotations;
  • in green: 1st level quotation;
  • in red: 2nd level quotation;
  • in blue: 3rd level quotation;

The usage of curved quotation marks (ex. “quote” and ‘quote’) is growing in Portugal.[78][better source needed] That is probably due to the omnipresence of the English language and to the corresponding difficulty or even inability of some machines (mobile phones, cash registers, calculators, etc.) to enter the angular quotation marks.

In Brazil, angular quotation marks are rare, and curved quotation marks (“quote” and ‘quote’) are almost always used. This can be verified by the difference between a Portuguese keyboard (which possesses a specific key for « and for ») and a Brazilian keyboard.

The Portuguese-speaking African countries tend to follow Portugal’s conventions, not the Brazilian ones.

Other usages of quotation marks (“quote„ for double, ‹quote› for single) are obsolete.[citation needed].

Belarusian, Russian, and UkrainianEdit

In Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian, the angled quotation (Belarusian: «двукоссе», Russian: «кавычки», Ukrainian: «лапки») marks are used without spaces. In case of quoted material inside a quotation, rules and most noted style manuals prescribe the use of different kinds of quotation marks.

Example in Russian:

Пушкин писал Дельвигу: «Жду „Цыганов“ и тотчас тисну».

(Pushkin wrote to Delvig: «Waiting for ‘Gypsies’, and publish at once.»)

Example in Ukrainian:

«І, звісно, не обійтись без користування словником. Один мій знайомий поет і літературознавець якось жартуючи сказав: “Я волію читати словники, ніж поеми. У словнику ті самі слова, що і в поемі, але подані в систематизованому порядку”. Це сказано жартома, але “читати словники” — не така вже дивовижна і дивацька річ, як може здатися».

(«And, of course, you can’t avoid using a dictionary. One of my acquaintances, a poet and literary critic, once jokingly said: ‘I prefer to read dictionaries than poems. The dictionary has the same words as in the poem, but is presented in a systematic way’. It’s a joke, but ‘reading dictionaries’ is not as amazing and bizarre as it may seem.»)


Spanish uses angled quotation marks (comillas latinas or angulares) as well, but always without the spaces.

«Esto es un ejemplo de cómo se suele hacer una cita literal en español».
«This is an example of how a literal quotation is usually written in Spanish.»

And, when quotations are nested in more levels than inner and outer quotation, the system is:[79]

«Antonio me dijo: “Vaya ‘cacharro’ que se ha comprado Julián”».
«Antonio told me, ‘What a piece of «junk» Julián has purchased for himself'».

The use of English quotation marks is increasing in Spanish,[citation needed] and the El País style guide, which is widely followed in Spain, recommends them. Hispanic Americans often use them, owing to influence from the United States.

Chinese, Japanese and KoreanEdit

Corner brackets are well-suited for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages which are written in both vertical and horizontal orientations. China, South Korea, and Japan all use corner brackets when writing vertically. Usage differs when writing horizontally:

  • In Japan, corner brackets are used.
  • In South Korea, corner brackets and English-style quotes are used.
  • In North Korea, angle quotes are used.[citation needed]
  • In Mainland China, English-style quotes (full width “”) are official and prevalent; corner brackets are rare today. The Unicode codepoints used are the English quotes (rendered as fullwidth by the font), not the fullwidth forms.
  • In Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, where Traditional Chinese is used, corner brackets are prevalent, although English-style quotes are also used.
  • In the Chinese language, double angle brackets are placed around titles of books, documents, movies, pieces of art or music, magazines, newspapers, laws, etc. When nested, single angle brackets are used inside double angle brackets. With some exceptions, this usage parallels the usage of italics in English:
«Have you read Romance of the Three Kingdoms?», he asked me.

White corner brackets are used to mark quote-within-quote segments in case corner brackets are used.

Samples Unicode (decimal) Description Usage
  • U+300C (12300)
  • U+300D (12301)
Corner brackets

  • Chinese: 單引號 [zh] (dān yǐn hào)
  • Japanese: 鉤括弧 [ja] (kagikakko)
  • Korean: 낫표 (natpyo)
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • U+FE41 (65089)
  • U+FE42 (65090)


For vertical writing:

  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • U+300E (12302)
  • U+300F (12303)
White corner brackets

  • Chinese: 雙引號 (shuāng yǐn hào)
  • Japanese: 二重鉤括弧 [ja] (nijū kagikakko)
  • Korean: 겹낫표 (gyeomnatpyo)
  • Japanese
  • Korean (book titles)
  • Traditional Chinese
文字 U+FE43 (65091), U+FE44 (65092)
For vertical writing:

  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • U+201C (8220)
  • U+201D (8221)
Double quotation marks

  • Korean: 큰따옴표 (keunttaompyo)
  • Chinese: 雙引號 (shuāng yǐn hào)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Traditional Chinese (acceptable but less common, happened in Hong Kong mainly as a result of influence from mainland China)
  • Simplified Chinese
  • U+2018 (8216)
  • U+2019 (8217)
Single quotation marks

  • Korean: 작은따옴표 (jageunttaompyo)
  • Chinese: 單引號 (dān yǐn hào)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Chinese (for quote-within-quote segments)
  • U+300A (12298)
  • U+300B (12299)
Double angle brackets

  • Korean: 겹화살괄호 (gyeophwasalgwalho)
  • Chinese: 書名號 (shū míng hào)
  • Korean (book titles)
  • Chinese (used for titles of books, documents, movies, pieces of art or music, magazines, newspapers, laws, etc. )
  • U+3008 (12296)
  • U+3009 (12297)
Single angle brackets

  • Korean: 홑화살괄호 (hothwasalgwalho)
  • Chinese: 書名號 (shū míng hào)
  • Korean (book sub-titles)
  • Chinese (for book titles within book titles.)

Quotation dashEdit

Another typographical style is to omit quotation marks for lines of dialogue, replacing them with an initial dash, as in lines from James Joyce’s Ulysses:

― O saints above! Miss Douce said, sighed above her jumping rose. I wished I hadn’t laughed so much. I feel all wet.
― O Miss Douce! Miss Kennedy protested. You horrid thing![80]

This style is particularly common in Bulgarian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.[70] James Joyce always insisted on this style, although his publishers did not always respect his preference. Alan Paton used this style in Cry, the Beloved Country (and no quotation marks at all in some of his later work). Charles Frazier used this style for his novel Cold Mountain as well. Details for individual languages are given above.

The dash is often combined with ordinary quotation marks. For example, in French, a guillemet may be used to initiate running speech, with a dash to indicate each change in speaker and a closing guillemet to mark the end of the quotation.

Dashes are also used in many modern English novels, especially those written in nonstandard dialects. Some examples include:

  • James Joyce’s prose
  • William Gaddis’ prose
  • Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
  • M/F by Anthony Burgess
  • The Book of Dave by Will Self, which alternates between standard English chapters, with standard quotation marks, and dialect chapters, with quotation dashes
  • A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick (not written in dialect)
  • The Ægypt Sequence by John Crowley, in extracts from the fictional writings of the character Fellowes Kraft, a historical novelist. According to another character, Kraft used dashes to indicate imaginary dialogue that was not documented in the original sources.
  • The Van by Roddy Doyle
  • You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers, in which spoken dialogues are written with the typical English quotation marks, but dialogues imagined by the main character (which feature prominently) are written with quotation dashes
  • A Winter in the Hills by John Wain in which conversations in English are indicated by ordinary quotation marks and in Welsh by quotation dashes

In Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Georgian, Romanian, Lithuanian and Hungarian, the reporting clause in the middle of a quotation is separated with two additional dashes (also note that the initial quotation dash is followed by a single whitespace character as well as the fact that the additional quotation dashes for the middle main clause after the initial quotation dash are all with a single whitespace character on both of their sides):

― Ай, ай, ай! ― вскрикнул Левин. ― Я ведь, кажется, уже лет девять не говел. Я и не подумал.
― Хорош! ― смеясь, сказал Степан Аркадьевич, ― а меня же называешь нигилистом! Однако ведь это нельзя. Тебе надо говеть.

«Oh dear!» exclaimed Levin. «I think it is nine years since I went to communion! I haven’t thought about it.»
«You are a good one!» remarked Oblonsky, laughing. «And you call me a Nihilist! But it won’t do, you know; you must confess and receive the sacrament.»

from Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (Louise and Aylmer Maude translation)
– Nem hagyják magukat, mozgásban maradnak – mondta Ron. – Ahogy mi is.
«Well, they keep on the move, don’t they?» said Ron. «Like us.»

From J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and its Hungarian translation by Tóth Tamás Boldizsár.

In Finnish, on the other hand, a second dash is added when the quote continues after a reporting clause:[81]

– Et sinä ole paljon minkään näköinen, sanoi Korkala melkein surullisesti, – mutta ei auta.

«You don’t seem to be anything special,» said Korkala almost sadly, «but there’s no help to it.»
– Frakki, älähti Huikari. – Missä on frakki?
– Räätälissä, sanoi Joonas rauhallisesti.

«Tailcoat», yelped Huikari. «Where is the tailcoat?»
«At the tailor’s», said Joonas calmly.

The Unicode standard introduced a separate character U+2015 HORIZONTAL BAR to be used as a quotation dash. It may be the same length as an em-dash, which is often used instead. Some software will insert a line break after an em-dash, but not after a quotation dash. Both are displayed in the following table.

Samples Unicode (decimal) HTML Description
 A U+2015 (8213) &horbar; Quotation dash, also known as horizontal bar
 A U+2014 (8212) &mdash; Em-dash, an alternative to the quotation dash
 A U+2013 (8211) &ndash; En-dash, used instead of em-dash for quotation dash in some languages (e.g. Swedish)

Electronic documentsEdit

Different typefaces, character encodings and computer languages use various encodings and glyphs for quotation marks.

Typewriters and early computers Edit

‘Ambidextrous’ or ‘straight’ quotation marks ‘ « were introduced on typewriters to minimise the number of keys on the keyboard, and were inherited by computer keyboards and character sets. The ASCII character set, which has been used on a wide variety of computers since the 1960s, only contains a straight single quote (U+0027 APOSTROPHE) and double quote (U+0022 « QUOTATION MARK).

Many systems, such as the personal computers of the 1980s and early 1990s, actually drew these ASCII quotes like closing quotes on-screen and in printouts, so text would appear like this (approximately):

″Good morning, Dave,″ said HAL.
′Good morning, Dave,′ said HAL.

These same systems often drew the backtick (the free standing character U+0060 ` GRAVE ACCENT) as an ‘open quote’ glyph (usually a mirror image so it still sloped in the direction of a grave accent). Using this character as the opening quote gave a typographic approximation of curved single quotes. Nothing similar was available for the double quote, so many people resorted to using two single quotes for double quotes, which would look approximately like the following:

«Good morning, Dave,′′ said HAL.
`Good morning, Dave,′ said HAL.

The typesetting application TeX uses this convention for input files. The following is an example of TeX input which yields proper curly quotation marks.

``Good morning, Dave,'' said HAL.
`Good morning, Dave,' said HAL.

The Unicode standard added codepoints for slanted or curved quotes (U+201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK and U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, described further below), shown here for comparison:

“Good morning, Dave,” said HAL.
‘Good morning, Dave,’ said HAL.

The Unicode mapping for PostScript Standard Encoding preserves the typographic approximation convention by mapping its equivalent of ASCII grave and single-quote to the Unicode curly quotation mark characters.

Keyboard layoutsEdit

Typographical quotation marks are almost absent on keyboards.

In typewriter keyboards, the curved quotation marks were not implemented. Instead, to save space, the straight quotation marks were invented as a compromise. Even in countries that did not use curved quotation marks, angular quotation marks were not implemented either[citation needed].

Computer keyboards followed the steps of typewriter keyboards. Most computer keyboards do not have specific keys for curved quotation marks or angled quotation marks. This may also have to do with computer character sets:

  • IBM character sets generally do not have curved quotation mark characters, therefore, keys for the curved quotation marks are absent in most IBM computer keyboards.[82]
  • Microsoft followed the example of IBM in its character set and keyboard design. Curved quotation marks were implemented later in Windows character sets, but most Microsoft computer keyboards[83] do not have a dedicated key for the curved quotation mark characters. On keyboards with the Alt Gr key or both the Alt key and the numeric keypad, they are accessible through a series of keystrokes that involve these keys.[c] Also, techniques using their Unicode code points are available; see Unicode input.
  • Macintosh character sets have always had curved quotation marks available. Nevertheless, these are mostly accessible through a series of keystrokes, involving the ⌥ Opt key.

In languages that use the curved “…” quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • none

In languages that use the angular «…» quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • Macintosh Arabic keyboard;[85]
  • Armenian keyboard[85][82][86]
  • Canadian keyboard[85][82][87]
  • French BÉPO keyboard[88]
  • Greek keyboard[85][82][89]
  • Khmer keyboard[85]
  • Latvian ergonomic keyboard[85][82][90]
  • Pashto keyboard[85][91]
  • Persian keyboard[85][82][92]
  • Portuguese keyboard[85][82][93]
  • Syriac keyboard[85][94]
  • Uyghur keyboard[85][95]

In languages that use the corner bracket 「…」 quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • Japanese keyboard[85][82]

In languages that use the angle bracket 《…》[e] they are available in:

  • Mongolian keyboard[85][96]
  • New Tai Lue keyboard[85]

In languages that use the curved „…“ quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • Bulgarian keyboard[85][97]
  • Georgian keyboard[85][82][98]
  • Macedonian keyboard[85][99]

In languages that use the curved „…” quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • Romanian Standard SR 13392:2004 keyboard[85][100]

In languages that use the curved ”…” quotation marks, they are available[d] in:

  • none

Curved quotes within and across applicationsEdit

Historically, support for curved quotes was a problem in information technology, primarily because the widely used ASCII character set did not include a representation for them.[f]

The term «smart quotes», “…”, is from the name in several word processors of a function aimed this problem: automatically converting straight quotes typed by the user into curved quotes, the feature attempts to be «smart» enough to determine whether the punctuation marked opening or closing. Since curved quotes are the typographically correct ones,[citation needed] word processors have traditionally offered curved quotes to users (at minimum as available characters). Before Unicode was widely accepted and supported, this meant representing the curved quotes in whatever 8-bit encoding the software and underlying operating system was using. The character sets for Windows and Macintosh used two different pairs of values for curved quotes, while ISO 8859-1 (historically the default character set for the Unixes and older Linux systems) has no curved quotes, making cross-platform and -application compatibility difficult.

Performance by these «smart quotes» features was far from perfect overall (variance potential by e.g. subject matter, formatting/style convention, user typing habits). As many word processors (including Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org) have the function enabled by default, users may not have realized that the ASCII-compatible straight quotes they were typing on their keyboards ended up as something different (conversely users could incorrectly assume its functioning in other applications, e.g. composing emails).

The curved apostrophe is the same character as the closing single quote.[101] «Smart quotes» features wrongly convert initial apostrophes (as in ’tis, ’em, ’til, and ’89) into opening single quotes. (An example of this error appears in the advertisements for the television show ‘Til Death). The two very different functions of this character can cause confusion, particularly in British styles,[g] in which single quotes are the standard primary.

Unicode support has since become the norm for operating systems. Thus, in at least some cases, transferring content containing curved quotes (or any other non-ASCII characters) from a word processor to another application or platform has been less troublesome, provided all steps in the process (including the clipboard if applicable) are Unicode-aware. But there are still applications which still use the older character sets, or output data using them, and thus problems still occur.

There are other considerations for including curved quotes in the widely used markup languages HTML, XML, and SGML. If the encoding of the document supports direct representation of the characters, they can be used, but doing so can cause difficulties if the document needs to be edited by someone who is using an editor that cannot support the encoding. For example, many simple text editors only handle a few encodings or assume that the encoding of any file opened is a platform default, so the quote characters may appear as the generic replacement character or «mojibake» (gibberish). HTML includes a set of entities for curved quotes: &lsquo; (left single), &rsquo; (right single or apostrophe), &sbquo; (low 9 single), &ldquo; (left double), &rdquo; (right double), and &bdquo; (low 9 double). XML does not define these by default, but specifications based on it can do so, and XHTML does. In addition, while the HTML 4, XHTML and XML specifications allow specifying numeric character references in either hexadecimal or decimal, SGML and older versions of HTML (and many old implementations) only support decimal references. Thus, to represent curly quotes in XML and SGML, it is safest to use the decimal numeric character references. That is, to represent the double curly quotes use and , and to represent single curly quotes use and . Both numeric and named references function correctly in almost every modern browser. While using numeric references can make a page more compatible with outdated browsers, using named references are safer for systems that handle multiple character encodings (i.e. RSS aggregators and search results).

In Windows file and folder names, the straight double quotation mark is prohibited, as it is a reserved character. The curved quotation marks, as well as the straight single quotation mark, are permitted.

Usenet and emailEdit

The style of quoting known as Usenet quoting uses the greater-than sign, > prepended to a line of text to mark it as a quote. This convention was later standardized in RFC 3676, and was adopted subsequently by many email clients when automatically including quoted text from previous messages (in plain text mode).

Unicode code point tableEdit

In Unicode, 30 characters are marked Quotation Mark=Yes by character property.[102] They all have general category «Punctuation», and a subcategory Open, Close, Initial, Final or Other (Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Po). Several other Unicode characters with quotation mark semantics lack the character property.

Quotation marks in Unicode (Character property «Quotation_Mark»=Yes)
Glyph Code Unicode name HTML Comments
« U+0022 quotation mark &quot; Typewriter («programmer’s») quote, ambidextrous. Also known as «double quote».
U+0027 apostrophe &apos; Typewriter («programmer’s») straight single quote, ambidextrous
« U+00AB left-pointing double angle quotation mark &laquo; Double angle quote (chevron, guillemet, duck-foot quote), left
» U+00BB right-pointing double angle quotation mark &raquo; Double angle quote, right
U+2018 left single quotation mark &lsquo; Single curved quote, left. Also known as inverted comma or turned comma[h]
U+2019 right single quotation mark &rsquo; Single curved quote, right[i]
U+201A single low-9 quotation mark &sbquo; Low single curved quote, left
U+201B single high-reversed-9 quotation mark also called single reversed comma, quotation mark
U+201C left double quotation mark &ldquo; Double curved quote, left
U+201D right double quotation mark &rdquo; Double curved quote, right
U+201E double low-9 quotation mark &bdquo; Low double curved quote, left
U+201F double high-reversed-9 quotation mark also called double reversed comma, quotation mark
U+2039 single left-pointing angle quotation mark &lsaquo; Single angle quote, left
U+203A single right-pointing angle quotation mark &rsaquo; Single angle quote, right
U+2E42 double low-reversed-9 quotation mark also called double low reversed comma, quotation mark
Quotation marks in Miscellaneous Technical
U+231C top left corner jointly, these are also called Quine corners, indicating quasi-quotation or Gödel numerals
U+231D top right corner
Quotation marks in dingbats
U+275B heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament Quotation Mark=No
U+275C heavy single comma quotation mark ornament Quotation Mark=No
U+275D heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament Quotation Mark=No
U+275E heavy double comma quotation mark ornament Quotation Mark=No
🙶 U+1F676 sans-serif heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament 🙶 Quotation Mark=No
🙷 U+1F677 sans-serif heavy double comma quotation mark ornament 🙷 Quotation Mark=No
🙸 U+1F678 sans-serif heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament 🙸 Quotation Mark=No
Quotation marks in Braille Patterns
U+2826 braille pattern dots-236 Braille double closing quotation mark; Quotation Mark=No
U+2834 braille pattern dots-356 Braille double opening quotation mark; Quotation Mark=No
Quotation marks in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK)
U+300C left corner bracket CJK
U+300D right corner bracket CJK
U+300E left white corner bracket CJK
U+300F right white corner bracket CJK
U+301D reversed double prime quotation mark CJK
U+301E double prime quotation mark CJK
U+301F low double prime quotation mark CJK
Alternate encodings
U+FE41 presentation form for vertical left corner bracket CJK Compatibility (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300C
U+FE42 presentation form for vertical right corner bracket CJK Compatibility (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300D
U+FE43 presentation form for vertical left white corner bracket CJK Compatibility (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300E
U+FE44 presentation form for vertical right white corner bracket CJK Compatibility (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300F
U+FF02 fullwidth quotation mark Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, fullwidth form corresponds with narrow U+0022
U+FF07 fullwidth apostrophe Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, fullwidth form corresponds with narrow U+0027
U+FF62 halfwidth left corner bracket Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, halfwidth form corresponds with wide U+300C
U+FF63 halfwidth right corner bracket Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, halfwidth form corresponds with wide U+300D

Explanatory notesEdit

  1. ^ U+2005 FOUR-PER-EM SPACE (&emsp14;)
  2. ^ a b These codes for vertical-writing characters are for presentation forms in the Unicode CJK compatibility forms section. Typical documents use normative character codes which are shown for the horizontal writing in this table, and applications are usually responsible to render correct forms depending on the writing direction used.
  3. ^ Using the numeric keypad, Alt+0145 through Alt+0148 yield, respectively, , , , and .[84]
  4. ^ a b c d e f in 1st or 2nd level access, i.e., specific key or using the ⇧ Shift key; not 3rd or 4th level access, i.e., using Alt Gr key or ⌥ Opt key, in conjunction or not with the ⇧ Shift key.
  5. ^ These should be rotated 90 degrees in vertical text.
  6. ^
    To use non ASCII characters in e-mail and on Usenet the sending mail application generally needs to set a MIME type specifying the encoding. In most cases (the exceptions being if UTF-7 is used or if the 8BITMIME extension is present), this also requires the use of a content-transfer encoding. (Mozilla Thunderbird allows insertion of HTML code such as and to produce typographic quotation marks; see below.)
  7. ^ UK English, Scots Gaelic and Welsh as described in the article.
  8. ^ Also sometimes used by 18th- and 19th-century printers for the small «c» for Scottish names, e.g. M‘Culloch rather than McCulloch.[103] For a printed example see the Green Bag reference or the Dictionary of Australasian Biography, page 290 (Wikisource).
  9. ^ The same U+2019 code point and glyph is used for typographic (curly) apostrophes. Both U+0027 and U+2019 are ambiguous about distinguishing punctuation from apostrophes.


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  9. ^ Peter T. Daniels, The World’s Writing Systems, p. 589
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  31. ^ a b Commission on the Filipino Language (2009). Gabay sa Ortograpiyang Filipino (in Filipino). Manila: Commission on the Filipino Language. ISBN 978-971-8705-97-1.
  32. ^ a b Regulated by the standard SFS 4175:2006, “Typing of numbers, marks and signs.» Released by the National standards organization of Finland.
  33. ^ a b González Rei, Begoña (2004). Ortografía da lingua galega. Galinova Editorial. ISBN 978-8497370417.
  34. ^ «Dicionario da Real Academia Galega». academia.gal.
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  44. ^ a b «한글 맞춤법 — 국립국어원». www.korean.go.kr.
  45. ^ According to the Microsoft Lithuanian Style Guide, Lithuanian quotation marks are low-99 high-66 style only.
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  49. ^ Inferred from keyboard layout and fonts; Mongolian Baiti font shows the wrong direction.
  50. ^ Inferred from keyboard layout and fonts.
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  52. ^ Inferred from keyboard layout.
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  64. ^ Inferred from fonts.
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  79. ^ This system follows the rules laid down in section 5.10 of the orthography guide Ortografía de la lengua española Archived 2009-01-26 at the Wayback Machine published by the Real Academia Española (RAE).
  80. ^ Joyce, James (1922). Ulysses. London: The Bodley Head. p. 335 lines 7–11.
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  93. ^ «Portuguese Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 21 June 2015.
  94. ^ «Syriac Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 7 February 2017.
  95. ^ «Uyghur Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 11 November 2016.
  96. ^ «Mongolian (Mongolian Script) Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 7 February 2017.
  97. ^ «Bulgarian (Phonetic) Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 7 February 2017.
  98. ^ «Georgian Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 22 April 2014.
  99. ^ «Macedonian (FYROM) – Standard Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 7 February 2017.
  100. ^ «Romanian (Standard) Keyboard Layout». www.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 24 October 2012.
  101. ^ «Smart» apostrophes The Chicago Manual of Style Online (17th ed.). Part 2, Chapter 6.117. Retrieved 3 January 2019. Subscription required (free trial available).
  102. ^ «Unicode 15.0 UCD: PropList.txt». 5 August 2022. Retrieved 19 September 2022.
  103. ^ «M’Culloch and the Turned Comma» (PDF). The Green Bag Inc. Retrieved 7 January 2014.

External linksEdit

  • «Curling Quotes in HTML, SGML, and XML», David A Wheeler (2017)
  • «ASCII and Unicode quotation marks» by Markus Kuhn (1999) – includes detailed discussion of the ASCII ‘backquote’ problem
  • The Gallery of «Misused» Quotation Marks
  • «Commonly confused characters», Greg’s References Pages, Greg Baker (2016)
  • «Smart Quotes», David Dunham (2006)
  • «How to type “smart quotes” (U+201C, U+201D)», on Unix/Linux, at Stack Exchange
  • Index of quotation-marks-related material at the EnglishGrammar website
  • «Œuvrez les guillemets» (in French), Pauline Morfouace (2002) – French quotation mark typography

Quotation mark use is specific to both direct and indirect forms of support to help prove ideas and arguments. We also use them in dialog to help make stories more interesting. 

However, using them requires knowing some very specific rules, especially concerning punctuation. Take a look at the particular ways you can use them to bring further understanding to your writing and ensure they are grammatically correct. 

What Are Quotation Marks?

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Quotation marks are punctuation marks used to begin and end quotations. They are either a double quotation mark (“and”) and used to enclose a full quotation, or a single quotation mark (‘and’) and are used to enclose a quote within a quote (also called closing quotation marks). In British English, the reverse is true, but this article is focused specifically on the American English method. 

Quotation Mark Rules with Examples

Quotations help provide interest and signify dialog and support to an argument by using somebody else’s words in your writing. It is essential to understand the different quotes you can use and which one requires quotation marks. 

Direct Quotations

A direct quotation requires double-quote marks representing a person’s exact words, speech, or thoughts. These can be presented as an uninterrupted sentence or as a phrase within another complete sentence. 

For Example:

  • “The past is but the beginning of a beginning.” – H. G. Wells
  • The famous author, H. G. Wells, offered philosophical musings in his writing, such as his statement of “the past [being] but the beginning of a beginning.” 

You can also use introductory, conclusion, or interrupting expressions with quotations. 

For Example:

  • H. G. Wells wrote, “the past is but the beginning of a beginning.” 
  • “The past is but the beginning of a beginning” was written by H. G. Wells. 

If you are using a quote between quotation marks, use the single-quote mark to avoid confusion. This single mark within quotation marks use infers the subject’s exact words. 

For Example:

  • The professor wanted to ensure her readers were aware of the studies surrounding H.G. Wells and “his invested interest in ‘social issues and political proceedings’ of the time in which he wrote his books”. 

Indirect Quotations

Indirect quotes do not require quotation marks as they report only the general meaning of what a person said or thought through paraphrasing. An indirect quote rephrases somebody else’s words but is not the exact words being quoted. 

For Example:

  • H. G. Wells philosophized that a new beginning was born of past events.  

Quotation Marks and Titles

If you are mentioning a title within a sentence, you must indicate it is a title through the use of either quotation marks or italics. The decision to use these is dependent upon the types of titles you are using.

If you are using a short work, you must include quotation marks. Longer works require italicization. For example, you would place a song title within quotations but italicize the album name. 

You can do the same thing with the titles of books. Be sure to check which style guide you may be following, however (i.e. MLA vs. APA). Guides often provide specific use of quotations or italics pertaining to titles. 

Quotation Marks and Rules of Punctuation

When you insert quotes and dialog into text, you need to punctuate it correctly. What to capitalize and when, as well as where punctuation marks belong, can become confusing. Pay attention to the following rules to correctly use quotations.

Rule #1

The first word of a quote is capitalized only when it falls at the beginning of a sentence (or is a proper noun). 

For Example:

  • In writing about social issues, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. called high school as being “closer to the core of the American experience than anything else.”
  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. when asked about current social issues. 

Rule #2

Use a comma or colon after using introductory expressions. 

For Example:

  • Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. wrote, “high school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of.”

If you use the he-said/she-said expression to show who is speaking the quote, or if a formal tone is taken, use a colon instead of a comma before the quotation.

For Example: 

  • The professor addressed the class: “Today, we will discuss Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.’s Slaughterhouse-Five.”

Rule #3

Use a comma, question mark, or exclamation mark after a quoted sentence when followed by a concluding expression. 

For Example:

  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience than anything else I can think of,” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 

Rule #4

Use a comma after part of a quoted sentence when followed by an interrupting expression. Then, use a comma after the expression. 

For Example:

  • “High school is closer to the core of the American experience,” wrote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.,  “than anything else I can think of.”

Rule #5

Use a comma, question mark, or exclamation mark after quotations that come before an interrupting expression. Then, use a period after the expression. 

For Example: 

  • “What does writing teach?” Ray Bradbury asked. “First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive.”

Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Quotation Mark Use

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To help further clarify the rules above, commonly asked questions concerning quote use are addressed below. 

Why Use Quotation Marks Around a Single Word?

When quotations are used around a single word, this often either emphasizes a specific term used by another person or ‌distances the author from the word and highlights an ironic use. It implies the author may disagree with the use of the word. 

Does a Period Belong Inside or Outside Quotes?

In American English, the period always goes inside the quotation marks. It is proper to place it outside the quotation marks in British English. 

Does a Comma Belong Inside or Outside Quotes?

In American English, commas always go inside the quotation marks. It is proper to place it outside the quotation marks in British English. 

How Do You Use Block Quotations?

Block quotes are defined as those that are longer than four lines of prose or three lines of poetry. It is used when quoting dialog and serves as a freestanding quote that does not include quotation marks.  

For Example:

  • In Wuthering Heights, Nelly actively dehumanizes Heathcliff, and views him as inferior:

They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw’s door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

How to Use Quotes in a Sentence?

See the following examples to help you address the rules explained above:

  • Proclaiming the friendship “wonderful,” Sarah was confident it would continue.
  • During the Winter Carnival, Finny stands up on the table to dance with the “wildest demonstration of himself” to show the others “his choreography of peace.” 
  • Mrs. Wilmot “always felt the center of heart go hard” when her children were present, but to the rest of the world, she appears to be a loving mother.
  • The war was not immediate to the boys. “Bombs in Central Europe,” said Gene, “were completely unreal to us here…because our place here was too fair for us to accept something like that.”
  • “It was,” asserted Robert, “a night made for hard thoughts.”

Unnecessary Quotation Mark Use

The unnecessary use of quotation marks is a sign of amateurish writing. In business writing and poorly written web articles, some writers use quotation marks to give emphasis.

For Example:

  • Most people already know full well that proper diet and exercise is the way to lose weight, and yet so many find themselves helpless to do what they know they “should” be doing. 

Some writers put unnecessary quotation marks around expressions or common phrases.

For Example:

  • Be patient and “roll with the punches.” 

When change comes it is best if we “get with the program” [iSnare]

And some writers use quotation marks for phrasal adjectives that should be hyphenated.

For Example:

This “back to the basics” [back-to-the-basics] approach resonated with fans and critics alike. [Pop Matters]

Fans of the “everything and kitchen sink” [everything-and-kitchen-sink] approach will love this offering from Panasonic. [Hub Pages]

Let’s Review

Using quotation marks is necessary whenever you directly use somebody else’s words in your writing. It helps provide the reader context and ownership of the thoughts and support for your own written musings and arguments. 

Be sure to attend to proper punctuation and capitalization use for grammatical purposes and reader understanding. Using the simple rules and examples above can help you integrate your quotes correctly into sentences. 

  • EM

  • Articles

  • Punctuation

  • Punctuation


Place quotation marks (or inverted commas) around direct speech or a quotation. Quotes may also enclose a word or a phrase used ironically or in some special sense other than its usual meaning. Also use quotes to enclose words used as themselves instead of functionally in a sentence. Quotation marks set off titles of shorter works that appear within a larger work (e.g., the title of a chapter, article, or poem).

Direct speech and quoted text

Use quotation marks (also known as inverted commas or quotes) to enclose the exact words of another person’s speech or text. Quotation marks always appear in pairs: use an opening quotation mark to indicate the start of quoted text and a closing quotation mark to indicate its end.


  • Maya said, “We need more time.”
  • Dash replied, “You always have a choice.”
  • Nemo predicts that the travel sector will grow by 20% this year. “We are already seeing overcrowded airports and full occupancy at hotels.”
  • “Where were you?”
    “At the park.”
  • “Stop!” he cried.
  • “I’m going to bake a cake,” said Lulu.
  • “Are you still there?” she typed.
  • She felt “a sudden, sharp pain” in her side.
  • A witness described it as “the loudest bang” and said she thought “the world was ending.”


Prefer to use smart or curly quotes over straight quotes in formal writing. Smart quotes are directional: the opening and closing quotation marks look different from each other, curving inward towards the quotation instead of being identical and unidirectional (“. . . ” instead of «. . . «). The HTML character codes for smart quotes are &ldquo; and &rdquo; with Unicode values and . Microsoft Word has a checkbox you can select to make sure your documents display smart instead of straight quotes.

Commas surrounding a quotation

Use a comma after verbs like said, wrote, replied, and asked when they introduce a quote that is a complete sentence.


  • Maya said, “I hope the train is on time.”
  • Farley asked, “Do you sell pumpkins?”
  • In a diary entry she wrote, “I now know why I’m here.”
  • Lulu replied, “None of them has the answer.”

The explanatory text may appear after the quote, in which case the quote ends in a comma.


  • “I hope the train is on time,” said Maya.
  • “I now know why I’m here,” she wrote.
  • “None of them has the answer,” replied Lulu.

If the quote ends in a question mark or exclamation point, don’t use a comma.


  • “Where have all the bees gone?” he asked.
  • “Run!” she cried.
  • “And then he was gone!” she wrote.
  • He asked, “Where are all the butterflies?”

If the explanatory text divides the quote into two parts, use commas both before and after.


  • “None of them,” she said, “has the answer.”

Don’t use commas if the quote appears in the flow of the surrounding sentence and cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence.


  • They call it “the song of the birds.”
  • She said it sent “a shiver right through her toes” to see him on TV.

Running quotations

Running quotations are those that span paragraphs. If a quote starts in one paragraph and continues into another, place an opening quotation mark at the start of each paragraph but a closing quotation mark only at the end of the final one. This indicates to the reader that it’s the same speaker or writer across paragraphs, whose quotation ends only at the end of the final paragraph.


  • Dash said: “Paragraph 1.
    “Paragraph 2.
    “Paragraph 3.
    “Final paragraph.”
  • She replied, “I don’t have any money.
    “I never have any money. Any money I have, I spend it. You know that.”

Scare quotes

Enclose a word or a phrase in quotation marks or “scare quotes” to indicate that it is being used ironically or in a nonstandard way (conveying a meaning other than the usual).


  • She said she was going to “call the doctor.”
  • That was some “meeting.” All he did was yell.
  • She said she likes “classical” literature and then quoted Dan Brown.


Be careful not to overuse scare quotes. In particular, don’t enclose a word or a phrase in quotes simply to emphasize it (use formatting options like italic instead).

Don’t enclose standard idioms or slang in scare quotes.


  • Incorrect: It’s time we gave him “a taste of his own medicine.”

    “A taste of someone’s own medicine” is a standard idiom in English with a defined meaning.

    Correct: It’s time we gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Words as words

To refer to a word or a term as itself in a sentence rather than using it functionally, you can enclose it in quotation marks.


  • “I” and “me” are both pronouns.

    The words “I” and “me” are not used functionally as pronouns, but are referred to as themselves, which is why they are enclosed in quotation marks.

  • I used to think the word “bell” was onomatopoeic.
  • How do you spell “onomatopoeic”?

Italics are preferred over quotation marks in formal writing to refer to a term (a letter, word, or phrase) used as itself in a sentence. Use quotes instead if doing so helps improve readability or clarity, or in media where italics are not easily available (chat messages, posts on social media such as tweets).


  • There’s no “I” in “team.” There’s no “J” either.
  • Sartre speaks of en soi, or “being-in-itself,” which is the self-contained existence of objects.

Titles of works

Titles of larger works are generally italicized (such as names of books, movies, journals, and magazines), but titles of shorter works that appear within a larger work are enclosed in quotation marks. For example, the title of a short story that appears within an anthology is enclosed in quotes, while the title of the larger anthology itself is italicized. Similarly, the title of a song is enclosed in quotation marks, while the name of a music album is italicized. Titles of articles are enclosed in quotation marks, while names of periodicals are italicized.


  • Her short story, “Cat Person,” was published in in 2017.
  • “Fade into You” is probably their most famous song.
  • Refer to Chapter 4, “Why Humans Talk.”

Titles of larger works (like names of books and movies) may also be enclosed in quotation marks in media where the use of italics is uncommon or impossible (e.g., chat messages, social media).


  • Did you know “The Silence” is a remake of a 1963 film?
  • One of his books that affected me deeply as a child is “Insomnia.”


Capitalize a quote that is a full sentence introduced by verbs like said and wrote or phrases like as she said or according to.


  • As Dash once said, “There is no life without hope.”
  • She wrote, “There is no life without hope. To live is to hope.”
  • According to Dash, “There is no life without hope.”
  • Minerva replied, “My childhood was a time full of hope.”

Don’t capitalize a quotation that appears within the flow of a larger sentence.


  • She once said that “there is no life without hope.”
  • She described her childhood as “a time full of hope.”

Don’t capitalize the second part of a quote that is interrupted by an explanatory phrase.


  • “My childhood,” she said, “was a time full of hope.”

A quotation of one or more full sentences may also be introduced using a colon in formal text. It is then capitalized.


  • Dash said: “There is no life without hope. To live is to hope.”

Quotes within quotes: Single and double quotes

Use single within double quotes to show quotes within quotes—to enclose in quotes a word or a phrase that appears within material already enclosed in quotation marks.


  • Leonard’s latest article, “Bacteria and Fungi Can ‘Walk’ across the Surface of Our Teeth,” may make you want to rinse your mouth out every five minutes.
  • She said, “The pronoun ‘me’ is generally used in place of ‘I’ after the ‘be’ verb in everyday usage.”
  • “Oh, so you had the ‘cookie.’

In British academic and creative writing, single quotes are the default, with double quotes reserved for quotes within quotes, as recommended by the New Oxford Style Manual (the style manual of the Oxford University Press). In British news copy however, double quotes are generally the default, as in American style.

Most U.S. style guides, like the Chicago Manual of Style, APA Publication Manual, AP Stylebook, and MLA Handbook, recommend enclosing quotations in double quotes, with single quotation marks reserved for quotes within quotes.

Periods and commas with quotation marks

In American writing, periods and commas always appear inside closing quotation marks.


  • “My mother,” she said, “could get quite angry.”
  • Use “I,” not “me,” as the subject of a sentence.
  • We decimate our forests, pollute our waters, poison our air, and call it “progress.”
  • I’m sure Poco, the “expert,” will be happy to advise us.

In British writing, a period or a comma precedes a closing quotation mark only if it part of the quoted text. If it is meant to punctuate the surrounding sentence instead, the comma appears after the closing quotation mark.


  • ‘My mother’, she said, ‘could get quite angry.’

    The commas punctuate the larger sentence and appear outside quotes. The period ends the quotation and therefore appears inside. Don’t use another period to end the sentence. Also note the use of single instead of double quotation marks in British style.

  • Use ‘I’, not ‘me’, as the subject of a sentence.
  • We cut down trees, pollute our waters, poison our air, and call it ‘progress’.
  • I’m sure Poco, the ‘expert’, will be happy to advise us.

Other punctuation with quotation marks

Other punctuation marks, like question marks and exclamation points, precede a closing quotation mark if they belong to the quoted content. If they belong to the surrounding sentence, they appear after the closing quotation mark.


  • She asked, “Where were you?”
  • He cried, “It can’t be!”
  • but

  • Did he just say, “I don’t want your money”?
  • What do you mean by the word “truth”?
  • She calls it “truth”!

Changing the Appearance of Quotation Marks in Microsoft Word

Straight vs. curly quotes makes a difference in the final document’s appearance

If you use Word to create content that will be used in web-based applications or other electronic formats, you could encounter some formatting issues. If you have trouble with quotation marks, learn how to flip quotation marks in Word to change curly quotes to straight ones, or vice versa.

Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010.

What Are Smart Quotes?

To help you produce documents that look great and behave as expected in other uses, Microsoft loaded Word with smart quotes. This feature automatically changes straight quotation marks to typographer’s quotes as you type.

The curly smart quotation marks curl toward the text they precede and away from the text they follow. While this feature makes for a nice printed document and attractive headlines, it can be troublesome if your work is going to be used electronically, where straight quotation marks are preferred—particularly with computer-code listings.

How to Toggle Smart Quotes On and Off

Decide which type of quotation marks you want in your document before you begin. Toggle smart quotes on or off to control the appearance of all quotations marks that are entered into the document after the change is made.

  1. Select the File tab and choose Options to open the Word Options window.

  2. Select Proofing.

  3. Select AutoCorrect Options to open the AutoCorrect dialog box.

  4. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  5. In the Replace As You Type section, select or clear the Straight quotes with smart quotes check box to turn smart quotes on or off.

    This setting doesn’t affect quotation marks that currently exist in the document.

  6. Select OK to save the changes and close the dialog boxes.

How to Change the Existing Quotation Mark Style

If you’ve done a considerable amount of work on your document and you want to change the quotation style in the existing portion of the document, use Find and Replace.

This procedure won’t work if you haven’t set the AutoCorrect setting to correct straight to smart quotes.

This process works for both single and double quotes, although you need to do separate replace operations, selecting the appropriate options for each. Microsoft Word uses your preference for current and future documents until you make a change in the AutoCorrect section.

  1. Press the Ctrl+H shortcut key to open the Find and Replace dialog box.

  2. Enter « in both the Find what and Replace with boxes.

  3. Select Replace All to convert all quotation marks in the document to your preferred style.

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I’d wager you’ve probably seen at least a handful of quotation marks so far today. They’re everywhere.

These upside-down commas can be tricky if you don’t understand the rules. 

For instance, when should you use a single quote or a double quote? Where does the punctuation go?

In this post, we’ll cover the differences in single and double quotation marks, common quotation mark rules (including the Golden Rule), and when to use quotation marks.

What’s the difference between single and double quotation marks? 

Single and double quotes have different uses but are commonly mixed up by writers. It’s hard to tell the purpose of the quotation marks if they’re used incorrectly.

In general, double quotes should be used to indicate direct speech in your writing. Double quotes look like this and are highlighted in the example below:

“Here’s an example of double quotes in a sentence,” she said. 

Single quotes aren’t used in the same way as double quotes, but they’re often used in the same sentence as them. Single quotes are used to indicate a quote within a quote. Single quotations can also be used to show a quote within a headline or a title placed within a quote.

Here’s an example of what that would look like with the single quotation marks highlighted:

He said, “She’s the author of ‘The Book of Life’ and three other titles.” 

It’s important to note that quotation grammar rules vary between American English and British English, which can be a challenge for international students. For this post, we’ll focus on quotation rules that affect American English writing and literature. If you’re writing in British English, be sure to consult your styleguide or other relevant writing references.

Before we dive into when you should use quotation marks, we first need to cover some ground rules.

What are common quotation mark rules?

When it comes to quotation mark usage, there is one Golden Rule you need to know:

Once a quote is open, it has to be closed.

Essentially, don’t start what you can’t finish. If you have an opening quotation mark, then you’ll need to close the word, sentence, or phrase with a closing quotation. This means that leaving a quote open like this is incorrect:

“I need to buy a new backpack, he said.

Can you spot where the closing quotation needs to go? The closing quote should be placed directly after the comma beside the word backpack. Think of quotes as existing in pairs. If you start a quote, it needs to be followed by its buddy.

Aside from the Golden Rule, there are a few additional quotation mark rules.

3 of the most common quotation mark rules you need to know

1. Using quotes within quotes

This was already mentioned above, but it’s an important rule to remember. When you’re quoting something inside of an existing quote, you should use single quotes within the quote.

Here’s an example of what a single quotation mark looks like for a quote within a quote:

“My favorite book in the series is ‘Testing 1, 2, 3,’” she said.

As you can see in the example above, the closing quotations almost look like three marks. That’s what it looks like when you have a single quote next to a double quote. It might seem odd, but it’s grammatically correct.

Here’s another example. In this case, the quote within the quote is smack-dab in the middle instead of butting up next to the closing double quote:

“No, he said, ‘I’ll meet you before class’ when I saw him last,” she stated.

2. Capitalization and quoting 

Text within quotation marks is sometimes capitalized and other times not. It strictly depends on the quote itself. The first letter of the text should be capitalized if you’re quoting a complete sentence. Here’s what that looks like as an example:

He said, “I want to take drama class next semester.”

This would be true even if the quoted phrase fell in the middle of a sentence. You would still need to start it with a capital letter in that instance.

But a quote doesn’t always have to start with a capital letter. If you’re simply quoting a piece of the sentence or a phrase, then you can start the quote with a lowercase letter. Here’s an example of that:

She claims they were “professional and well-qualified.”

3. Using quotes with other punctuation

It can be confusing for writers trying to figure out whether punctuation marks go inside or outside of quotes. For this rule, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help you place punctuation marks in the right spot.

For instance, punctuation marks that introduce the quote shouldn’t be placed within the quotation mark. But sentence-ending punctuation marks follow different guidelines. Sentence-ending periods and commas go within the quotation marks while semicolons, dashes, and colons are placed on the outside of the quote.

Here are two examples to show the difference in sentence-ending punctuation placement:

“I was so bored in history class,” he complained. She has two favorite characters from “A Sample Short Story”: Jane and John.

Exclamation and question marks are another story. They can go either inside or outside of the quote, depending on the context. If the punctuation mark applies to the quoted word or phrase, then they should be placed within the quotes. If they apply to the entire sentence instead, then they go outside of the quotation marks.

Here’s an example to show you the difference:

He asked, “Did anyone take notes from the last lecture?” Did you hear her say “I passed the exam”?

When to use quotation marks

Here are some examples of when quotation marks should be used and how they can be applied to your writing.

1. Quotes within quotes

As stated above, quotes within quotes are commonly used. These require a single quotation mark inside of double quotation marks.

He said, “I love the theater. I went to see ‘Sample Performance’ last week.”

In this example above, the single quotes are framing the title of a show.

2. Quotes within quotes

Remember that a single quote should still be used when it’s followed directly by a double quote, such as in this example:

She said, “My favorite album is ‘Sample Band Debut.’”

3. Words as words

You can also use quotation marks to refer to a word. Here’s an example:

Effective “copywriting” can persuade people to take a desired action.

The quotation marks in this example show that you’re talking about the word itself, and it’s not a direct quote from someone.

4. Scare quotes

Scare or shudder quotes are used to imply a term is being used in a nontraditional way or the writer is trying to distance themselves or the subject from the word. For example:

She thinks she’s a “talented” artist.

The use of quotation marks here shows that the writer doesn’t necessarily think the person is talented. Keep in mind that scare quotes can easily be overused, and you should try to use them sparingly in your writing.

5. Titles of short works

Titles of short works like poems, articles, blog posts, and chapters should use quotation marks. However, larger pieces of work such as novels and magazines would be italicized, according to many styleguides, including Chicago. Here’s an example of a short body of work in quotation marks:

‘How to Write’ was an interesting article.

6. Direct quotes

Direct quotes are possibly the easiest and most straightforward use of quotes. When you’re quoting someone’s direct speech, add quotation marks. Here’s an example:

“I only have two classes left today,” she said.

Quotation marks follow many rules, but they aren’t too complicated. Just keep practicing to get the hang of it. And of course, you can always bookmark this post to use as a reference.

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