Quiz find a word


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A metal found in the envIRONment. The answer is ‘iron’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 27 15


20432 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: wealthy jeRICHo. The answer is ‘rich’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Jan 04 15


8800 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: writing fluid used by kevIN Kline. The answer is ink. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Jun 15 07


7678 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: This currency is tROUBLEsome. The answer is the Russian ‘rouble’ or ‘roubles’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Dec 13 08


4833 plays


This quiz is dedicated to my friends down under. It is all about some of the unusual and unique animals found in New Zealand and Australia. Pay close attention to letter counts, they may help you with some of these unusual animal names.

Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Apr 01 14


823 plays


Each sentence will have a colour in capitals, you need to find the shade of that colour hidden in the sentence.

Easier, 10 Qns, leith90,
Sep 23 19

gold member

Sep 23 19
836 plays


There are ten different words to find in this quiz. All are a reference to an animal’s gender, and there are clues with every sentence. Can you find all of them? Remember most animals have more than one word that can be used to identify gender.

Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Sep 10 14


1189 plays


This is the first in a series of quizzes that asks you to spell a word from a sentence.
Example: Loud in noise = din. Take either the first or last letter of each word to spell out the answer. These will progress in difficulty as they go on. Good luck!

Average, 10 Qns, silverginger,
Apr 06 20

gold member

Apr 06 20
5966 plays


A color is hiding in each sentence. Can you find them all? If you run into trouble check the clues for help.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Aug 29 15

Very Easy

1470 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: duRAN Duran spend the currency of South Africa. The answer is ‘rand’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 19 04


6153 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description for that word. For example: Volcano in vi(ETNA)m. The answer is Etna. Good luck and happy quizzing.

Tough, 20 Qns, inquizition,
Sep 15 08


3631 plays


Welcome to Team Red’s 100 Question Quiz: Part 2.
Can you find the different shades of red hidden in the sentences?

Easier, 10 Qns, leith90,
May 26 19

gold member

May 26 19
698 plays


Find the missing word: For example …admiral, …carpet, …herring, the answer is ‘red’. Red admiral, red carpet etc. The answers can be part of a word or part of a two word phrase ie fortnight or Fort Knox. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Nov 13 14


3414 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: an unripe tANGERine leads to a feeling of great annoyance. The answer is ‘anger’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 15 08


5476 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: a floor covering found in bRUGes. The answer is ‘rug’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 30 12


6166 plays


Several animals have escaped from the zoo and are hiding in these sentences. Can you find them?

Easier, 10 Qns, Kankurette,
Apr 05 19

gold member

Apr 05 19
454 plays


There is a doggie hiding in each of these sentences. Some of the words are a type of dog while others are a breed of dog. For example; the dachshund is a breed of dog and a type of hound. Check each question for clues.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Dec 31 15


1015 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: African country of nebuCHADnezzar. The answer is Chad. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Oct 09 12


5274 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A bird found on the CROWded beach. The answer is crow. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Feb 04 11


5132 plays


The words you seek are hidden in sentences, either as homophones, fractured words or synonyms. Clues are given in the wording of each question. Read them aloud for extra help.

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Aug 20 12

gold member

861 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: A sultanate in southeast Arabia is located in rOMANia. The answer is Oman. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Sep 25 18


Sep 25 18
4535 plays


Find these ten words related to the Inca Empire hidden in the sentences. (Note that some of the answers are more generic but will lead to more specific concepts).

Easier, 10 Qns, bernie73,
Mar 19 21

gold member

Mar 19 21
283 plays


Can you find the hidden animals in this quiz? They all live in Africa. Watch for hints and pay close attention to letter counts. Let’s go on a quiz safari!

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Feb 07 13


1230 plays


Take a look around you and you will see a forest of trees. Although they are right in front of you, they are hiding. Remember to look at the hints for help.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Dec 31 15


865 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: My cousin rACHEl is a continuous dull pain. The answer is ‘ache’. Good luck and have fun.

Tough, 20 Qns, Inquizition,
Aug 11 02


4807 plays


Can you find the hidden style or genre of dance hidden in each sentence? Study the sentence, as they will all provide a hint. American spellings used throughout.

Easier, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Oct 05 14


848 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: This Roman emperor likes a fiNE ROmance. The answer is ‘Nero’. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 25 Qns, Inquizition,
Mar 31 03


4336 plays


In the tradition of the Trojan Horse, there is something hidden within these sentences. Not murderous soldiers this time, but instead the name of an Ancient Greek city, island, or personality.

Easier, 10 Qns, reedy,
Nov 19 14

gold member

319 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: The bACHElor is a pain. The answer is ache. Good luck and happy quizzing.

Average, 15 Qns, Inquizition,
Jul 22 11


2404 plays


A word is hidden in a sentence along with a description of that word. For example: writing fluid used by kevIN Kline. The answer is ink. Good luck and have fun.

Average, 15 Qns, Inquizition,
Jun 13 12


711 plays

Puzzlemaker Home

Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word lists.

To create your word search puzzle, follow the steps below and click the “Create My Puzzle” button when you are done.

Step 1

Enter a title for your puzzle
The title will appear at the top of your page. (49 characters or fewer.)

Step 2

Enter the size of your word search puzzle

Your puzzle can be up to 40 letters by 40 letters and still fit on one page. The optimum puzzle size is 15 letters by 15 letters.

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Number of Letters Down

Step 3

Word search puzzle options
Puzzles where the words do not share any letters are faster to generate and easier to solve. If you choose to share letters as much as possible, the computer will take a little longer to generate the puzzle.

Use each letter only once.

Share letters occasionally.

Share letters as much as possible.

Step 4

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Step 5

Case Options
Choose if you would like your puzzle to be built using all uppercase, all lowercase or mixed case letters.

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Mixed Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

All Lowercase Letters

Step 6

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Separate your words with commas, spaces or type each word on a new line. Any character that is not a letter will be considered a space.

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2000 of 2000 words remaining

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Step 8

Check your puzzles
Puzzlemaker uses a word filter to prevent the random creation of offensive words. After you create your puzzle, proofread it carefully to check for the placement of unintended words created by random letter combinations. You can regenerate your puzzle by selecting the «Back» button in your browser and pressing the «Create My Puzzle» button again.

Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

Enter your word list in the box below.

  • Use a comma or press enter between words.
  • Minimum word length: 3 letters
  • Maximum word length: 16 letters
  • Recommended number of words: 20

Level — Intermediate

· 18 x 12 grid
· Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
· No backwards words
· Medium font size
· Recommended for grades 2 — 4

Please note:

  • There may be a limit to the number and lengths of words hidden. If you have too many words or your words are too long, they may be left out of the puzzle. Please check your puzzle carefully to make sure all of your words are there.
  • Our word search generator uses a basic word filter to prevent the accidental, random creation of offensive words. When you create your puzzle, please check it over it carefully to be sure unintended words were not added by our random letter generator.

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Sample Word Search Puzzle Generator Images

Below are two examples of beginner and intermediate Word Searches! The Word Search Maker creates the puzzle page as well as a solution page.

Word Search Maker

Word Search Maker Solution

Word Search Puzzle Generator

Word Search Puzzle Generator Solution

Головоломка – Найди слова

Одной из составляющих генератора заданий для детей является головоломка — Найди слова. Благодаря ей Вы сможете с лёгкостью формировать несложные головоломки, с помощью которых, составляя слова из букв, ребёнок будет иметь возможность усовершенствовать, практиковать навыки чтения и развивать внимательность. Генератор составления слов будет отличным помощником для родителей школьников и дошкольников, а также учителей и воспитателей.

Генератор составления слов

Слова для головоломки выбираются самостоятельно, и Вы всегда сможете контролировать уровень сложности. Генератор составления слов составит задание и, в случае необходимости, Вы сможете помочь своему малышу разгадать головоломку. Каждое задание, для удобного использования, можно распечатать на обычном принтере. В таком случае, его можно будет использовать не один раз, чтобы закрепить в памяти ребёнка слова, которые Вы для него выбрали. Более того, так намного легче научить ребёнка чтению. Ища зашифрованное слово, малыш также сможет повторять буквы по ходу игры и в итоге ещё лучше их запомнит.

Генератор заданий по составлению слов и его эффективность

Генератор заданий — Найди слова часто используют в дошкольных заведениях и в школах для учеников начальных классов, что ещё раз доказывает эффективность игры в обучении. Кроме того, головоломка — Найди слово воспринимается ребёнком не как серьёзное задание, а как игра, где просто нужно составлять слова из букв. В большинстве случаев, найти зашифрованные слова не составляет для малыша никаких трудностей, ведь можно начать, например, с названий животных или же фруктов. Также, используя генератор заданий по составлению слов, у детей не возникает чувства, что им скучно, что является ещё одним преимуществом генератора.

Генератор — Найди слова от сайта Childdevelop

Генератор — Найти слова заинтересует не только маленьких деток, но и детей постарше, которые с удовольствием будут помогать своему братику или сестричке в расшифровке сложных слов, усовершенствуя и свою внимательность тоже. Что интересно, такие задания неплохо влияют и на творческое развитие ребёнка, ведь не всегда получается составить слово с первого раза и ребёнок начинает придумывать что-то своё. Генератор слов на сайте Childdevelop к вашим услугам 24 часа в сутки и пользоваться им Вы можете абсолютно бесплатно.

10000+ результатов для ‘find a word’

Fruit find a word

Fruit find a word
Найди пару

от Englikatpt

Find a different word

Find a different word
Найди пару

от Mrsog

Rainbow 2

Rainbow 2
Поиск слов

от Iradamika80

search a word


Поиск слов

от Iradamika80

search a word

find a word

find a word
Поиск слов

от Polinabrilts

Find a word!

Find a word!
Поиск слов

от Es4

Find a word

Find a word
Поиск слов

от Dextersnow6

Find a word

Find a word
Поиск слов

от Natanatanata

Find a word

Find a word
Поиск слов

от Margarita113

Find a word

Find a word
Поиск слов

от Irenen

Find a word

Find a word
Найди пару

от Olgabrui

Spotlight 4

Find a word

Find a word
Поиск слов

от Elenapshenitsyna

find a word

find a word
Поиск слов

от Lena840684

Find a word! Unit 10

Find a word! Unit 10
Поиск слов

от Morevaks

Find a word! Unit 7

Find a word! Unit 7
Поиск слов

от Morevaks

Find a word! Unit 9

Find a word! Unit 9
Поиск слов

от Morevaks

Find a pair (a word + a picture)

Find a pair (a word + a picture)
Совпадающие пары

от 1buryaninaalexa

9-й класс

Find a right word. Grammar basic

Find a right word. Grammar basic
Пропущенное слово

от Xsyrova

Find a word for a definition

Find a word for a definition
Найди пару

от Uliasolo851

Find a word - Days of the week

Find a word — Days of the week
Поиск слов

от Annglukhova

Find a synonym for each word

Find a synonym for each word
Найди пару

от Gallyamova21

Высшее образование

 Past Simple Irregular Find-A-Word

Past Simple Irregular Find-A-Word
Поиск слов

от Michaelbk

Find the definition of a word 1

Find the definition of a word 1

от Ashkrykina

Find a correct word (-ment / -ness)

Find a correct word (-ment / -ness)
Групповая сортировка

от Chenmenli

Find a word: Over the garden wall

Find a word: Over the garden wall
Поиск слов

от Tsama1897

International Women's Day (Find a word)

International Women’s Day (Find a word)
Поиск слов

от Csc


Групповая сортировка

от Dmitriyperm

9-й класс

OGE/EGE Word formation

OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Ma1204

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation

Find a missing word.

Find a missing word.
Пропущенное слово

от Zshelemba

10-й класс
11 класс

find the appropriate word

find the appropriate word
Пропущенное слово

от Nicolemilaeva

Find the right word

Find the right word
Пропущенное слово

от Shrvski

Средняя школа

The Parent trap 30-40 find a word

The Parent trap 30-40 find a word
Пропущенное слово

от Maiborodaed


Find the right word

Find the right word
Пропущенное слово

от Pegajane

5-й класс
Средняя школа
Afanasyeva Workbook

find the word

find the word
Пропущенное слово

от 2happynatalie

Find a word As3 p 6-7 lesson 1

Find a word As3 p 6-7 lesson 1
Откройте поле

от Nastyaovchinnik1

Find the word/ Spotlight 2/ Letters A-H

Find the word/ Spotlight 2/ Letters A-H

от Nel777

Find the word 2

Find the word 2
Найди пару

от Lovelypost

Find the word 1

Find the word 1
Найди пару

от Lovelypost

Packing - find a pair

Packing — find a pair
Совпадающие пары

от Olgabalitskaya

Spotlight 4

Find mistakes

Find mistakes
Случайные карты

от Arisha2103

many/much/a lot of/ a few/ a little

Drinks - find a pair

Drinks — find a pair
Совпадающие пары

от Katerinastashev

discover english starter

FF_2 find the word

FF_2 find the word
Поиск слов

от World2112

Find the missing word

Find the missing word
Пропущенное слово

от Melenatel30

Things find the word

Things find the word
Поиск слов

от Heini92

Module 2. Find the word.

Module 2. Find the word.
Найди пару

от Aleks4ndrakoste

Spotlight 4

Find the odd word

Find the odd word

от Katesa

Find the word

Find the word
Поиск слов

от Vedrwxdcvfde

Find the missing word

Find the missing word
Пропущенное слово

от Rymes

Find the odd word!

Find the odd word!
Случайное колесо

от Ann1606

Find the correct word

Find the correct word

от Irinagrishanova

find the word!

find the word!
Поиск слов

от Dasalublina

Find the word

Find the word

от Amint

Find the word

Find the word
Случайные карты

от Annaschipanova2

Find the word

Find the word

от Umrashed1981s

Find the word

Find the word
Поиск слов

от Mkurkova1

Find an extra word

Find an extra word

от Elvina34

emotions: find the word

emotions: find the word
Поиск слов

от Lakhmanovas

Spotlight 4 Unit 4A Find a match

Spotlight 4 Unit 4A Find a match
Найди пару

от Olesiaviews

Spotlight 4

Find the different word

Find the different word
Диаграмма с метками

от Lana2300

Find the word

Find the word
Поиск слов

от Bokuwaerudes

8 класс
Spotlight 8

Hey, have you ever played Boggle? It’s like a word search game where you look for words in a grid of letters. You can go up, down, left, right, or diagonal, but you can only use each letter ONCE. So for example, in this grid:

Andy Golder / BuzzFeed

I could spell out ROT like this:

Andy Golder / BuzzFeed

But I wouldn’t be able to do TOT because I’d be using the T twice.

So, in this quiz, you’re going to find increasingly larger words. Ready?

Word of The Year Quiz

The word of the year quiz asks you 20 questions to reveal the term you resonate within 2023. Find out what word summarizes your year based on your vision.

Word of the Year Quiz Explained

The test is a series of questions with the goal of revealing your word of the year. It reviews your visions, memories, and experiences to discover the term that fits into your life for the upcoming days.

Your word indicates what kind of year is expecting you and how you’ll approach the happenings. For instance, 2021’s term was “perseverance,” implying the struggle and hard work in facing the pandemic. So, what expression or word do you think could explain your life? Take the quiz to find out.

Word of the Year Year
They 2019
Pandemic 2020
Vaccine 2021
Embrace 2022

Find Your Guiding Word of the Year 2023

For many, discovering the year’s term is somewhat spiritual, like a message from their guardian angel—or something along the same line. The good news is that the quiz helps you identify the dictionary term that recaps your upcoming year. Plus, it offers a brief but comprehensible explanation of why we think your life resonates with a specific word.

Who Chooses the Word of the Year?

There’s no specific organization to select the word of the year. However, Dictionary.com chooses a trending word that describes the gist of the happenings annually.

The organization offered “Allyship” as the best fit for the 2021 events, claiming that “[it] acts as a powerful prism through which to view the defining events and experiences of [the year].”

How to Find Your Own Word (No Quiz Required)

It doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Discovering a term or expression that guides you through the year should be pretty straightforward. You just need to know what to consider and where to look at. Here’s a 4-step guide in case you’re not a fan of quizzes and want to hunt your own words.

#1. Choose it based on your goals and resolutions.

You want a word that guides—or at least motivates you—through the year. So, it’s crucial to look into your expectations before choosing one. What do you want to happen? How are you going to fight the struggles? Do you need more “STRENGTH,” or are you already feeling “BLESSED?”

#2. Choose your word of the year based on last year’s happenings.

It’s cliché, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So, what happened last year that made you even tougher? Such events or turning points in your life can also determine your word of the year—before you opt to take a quiz. Did you survive an unbelievably challenging year? Then your year’s term should be “THRIVE.” Did you go through a loss? “Growth” might be the word you’re looking for.

#3. Go with the vibe of the whole world.

Another way to discover your word of the year is by listening to humankind. Each year, certain struggles and happenings form mutual concerns and visions. You can use them to come up with your own relatable term and seek guidance along with all other humans. Google’s Year in Search is an excellent tool to see what the world is going through and how one word could describe it.

#4. Revisit your browser history.

It may sound too geeky but bear with me. Your search history has some profound pieces of info to offer. It can be a door into your visions, expectations, wishes, and plans. So, for the sake of finding your word of the year without a quiz, open your browser history. See if you can find any meaningful relationship between the queries and your wants for the new year.

How the Word of the Year 2023 Quiz Works

The test goes through the most critical aspects of your life. The goal here is to decipher your resolutions to see what word can best describe them.

It analyzes your vision.

You start the word of the year quiz by answering somewhat philosophical questions. We’d want to know more about your personal views and opinions about fundamental topics, such as finance, love, career, family, etc.

It reviews your speech patterns.

Unlike most other word of the year quizzes, we value your word choices to come up with the most fitting suggestion, a word that you’d be willing to use in your daily speeches. Some alternative online tests leave you with cumbersome terms that require a dictionary to decipher. But here, we analyze your responses to guess how you talk before revealing your special word of the year.

It also considers your recent memories.

What you’ve been through so far should shape the word of the next year—because our memories make us who we are. Some quiz questions focus on your experiences and the boldest recollections to help finetune the results.

Finally, it searches through our database to find the fitting word.

We use your responses to the word of the year quiz to create an accurate profile. Then, the algorithm goes through the database of terms and expressions, revealing the one with the highest matching percentage.

Bonus: Christian Words of the Year Are Included, too.

As you know, the word of the year is somewhat of a spiritual thing for some people. That’s why the quiz includes suggestions for Christians. The terms for this section are handpicked from the Bible itself, making it easier for you to seek guidance.


Quiz By

Lauren adores five things: Kids, animals, books, coffee, and sleep. She spends most of her “awake time” writing, though. As a QuizExpo contributor, Lauren enjoys making entertaining quizzes with an educational undertone.

How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.”
Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true.
For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

How many questions does this quiz have?

20 questions

How long does it take to complete this quiz?

7 minutes

Questions of the quiz

  • Question 1

    How would you describe your year in one word?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 1

    • Memorable

    • Promising

    • Critical

    • Successful

    • Unsuccessful

    • Meh

  • Question 2

    What do you think about the challenges you face in life?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 2

    • Life’s meaningless without them

    • I’m ready for them

    • I think they teach me lessons

    • I try hard not to give up against the challenges

    • I’m tired of them

    • I’m numb to life in general

  • Question 3

    Why do you want to know your word of the year?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 3

    • It sounds fun

    • I need guidance

    • I need support

    • I want to ensure I’m on the right path

    • I’m bored

    • I don’t even know

  • Question 4

    Choose a word that summarizes your memories of the past couple of months.

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 4

    • Enjoyable

    • Real

    • Harsh

    • Valuable

    • Traumatic

    • Meh

  • Question 5

    What do you think is the best strategy to face life’s hardships?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 5

    • Holding onto your faith

    • Acceptance

    • Education and experience

    • Toughness and consistency

    • I don’t know anymore

    • No strategies could help with that

  • Question 6

    What was the pandemic like for you? How did it affect your life?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 6

    • It taught me a lot of lessons

    • It made me a better person

    • It made me grow up

    • It turned into a tougher person

    • It hurt me deeply

    • It didn’t have a significant effect

  • Question 7

    What are your hopes for the next year?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 7

    • I hope the pandemic ends.

    • I want my family and friends to be happy and healthy

    • I want to succeed in my business/job

    • I hope that I make it

    • I hope that I can recover

    • I want the next year to be a bit more exciting

  • Question 8

    What’s something that you really want to do in the upcoming years?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 8

    • Spend more time with loved ones

    • Focusing on my mental and physical health

    • Educating myself and becoming a better person

    • Keep trying and not focusing on my goals

    • Giving myself some time to let everything sink in

    • Have fun and enjoy my time on earth

  • Question 9

    What do you think is the key to having peace of mind?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 9

    • Believing in the greater good

    • Befriending your faith

    • Never stop learning

    • Believing in yourself

    • Not overthinking your past

    • I don’t really know

  • Question 10

    Which one sounds like a better definition of happiness?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 10

    • Having a lovely, healthy family

    • Living with peace of mind

    • Following your passion

    • Surviving the hardships and achieving your goals

    • Getting along with life’s challenges

    • Not overthinking anything about life

  • Question 11

    What’s something your life is missing right now?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 11

    • Mercy

    • Love

    • Challenge

    • Stability

    • Peace

    • All of them

  • Question 12

    What’s the feeling you get when thinking about the future?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 12

    • Hope

    • Excitement

    • Fear

    • Stress

    • Uncertainty

    • Indifference

  • Question 13

    How would you describe your relationship with the past?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 13

    • I appreciate my experiences

    • I respect my past

    • I don’t like it

    • I’m proud of it

    • I can’t stop thinking about my past

    • Meh. I don’t have anything to say about that.

  • Question 14

    Why do you think some people give up and never try to fix their lives?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 14

    • They don’t have faith in what they do

    • They don’t believe in themselves

    • They don’t have the proper resources

    • They’re not tough enough for the challenges

    • They are tired of failing

    • They just don’t want to waste their time

  • Question 15

    Fill in the blank. I’d like to focus on my relationship with__________.

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 15

    • My family

    • My friends

    • My coworkers

    • My future

    • My past

    • My classmates

  • Question 16

    Choose a word that you think gives off positive or soothing vibes.

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 16

    • God

    • Angel

    • Ocean

    • Mountain

    • Home

    • Party

  • Question 17

    What do you usually do to calm yourself down and get rid of stress?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 17

    • I pray

    • I meditate

    • I talk to a friend

    • I devote more time to work

    • I watch movies and avoid working

    • It’s completely random

  • Question 18

    How would you score the past five years of your life on a scale of 0 to 5?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 18

    • 5

    • 4

    • 3

    • 2

    • 1

    • 0

  • Question 19

    What motivates you to keep going and try even harder?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 19

    • My beliefs

    • My loved ones

    • My goals and achievements

    • My responsibilities

    • The promises that I’ve made

    • I’m not motivated, TBH.

  • Question 20

    Final question; how old are you?

    Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately 20

    • 60 or older

    • 45-59

    • 30-44

    • 20-29

    • 15-19

    • 14 or younger

Last Played

February 28, 2023 — 03:32 PM

There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper.

From the quiz author

This game is a little different. From all the words that are shown in this picture, there are only 10 that we are looking for and that you can click. How fast can you find them?

Your Scorecard

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Highscores    (4,388 registered players)
Member Score Time Date
1 HappySnowman 100% 0:08.1 min 15 Apr, ’17
2 AWOL 100% 0:08.1 min 23 Dec, ’13
3 Jonas 100% 0:08.3 min 20 Nov, ’11
4 heateh 100% 0:08.6 min 3 Oct, ’11
5 equestenebrarum 100% 0:08.9 min 26 May, ’07
6 sven-the-man2 100% 0:09.3 min 23 Jun, ’10
7 RaniMukherjee 100% 0:09.7 min 14 Dec, ’07

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Find 10 Words — Quiz Information

This is an online quiz called Find 10 Words

There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper.

From the quiz author

This game is a little different. From all the words that are shown in this picture, there are only 10 that we are looking for and that you can click. How fast can you find them?

This quiz is filed in the following categories.

Play Lovatts Free Daily Online Wordsearch

Locate the word list at the side or bottom of the screen. Its location will change for landscape or portrait mode. Find all the words from the themed word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally.

As you find a word in the grid, click/tap and drag from one end of the word to the other. If you are correct, the word will be highlighted in the grid and will be crossed off the word list.

See below the puzzle for further instructions.

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About Wordsearch Puzzles

FindaWord, or Word search puzzles have a hidden mystery answer. The words may be placed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Cross off the listed words and the leftover letters will reveal an interesting or amusing answer related to the puzzle’s theme.

The word search puzzle (also known as WordSeek, WordFind, FindaWord, WonderWord, etc.) was originally designed and published by Norman E. Gibat in the Selenby Digest on March 1, 1968, in Norman, Oklahoma, although the Spanish puzzle creator Pedro Ocón de Oro was publishing “Sopas de letras” (Spanish “Soup of Letters”) before that date.

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