Quite the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the texts

be alive, to be still full of life and energy, to have well-kept,
longish grey hair, broad-minded, to be very sensible, sympathetic, to
be rather tall for smb’s age, imaginative, to be naughty.

ten questions based on the text and answer them

Give a summary of the text ”Your Nearest and Dearest’’.

Complete these sentences.Use active words and word combinations

He looks… . 2. They are interested in … . 3. She is busy with …
. 4. I am
married to …
. 5.
are fond of …
. 6.
friend is keen on …
. 7.
he too independent…?
cousin is crazy about …
. 9.
Are they rather … for their age?
His uncle is …in his fifties.
his last year…
. 12.
general she is not naughty, but …

Translate into English.

Моя мати виглядає на 10 років молодше,
ніж їй насправді. 2. Вона має доглянуте,
довге та сиве волосся та засмаглу шкіру.
3. Ці близнюки завжди зайняті читанням
класичної літератури, і тому вони
належать до кращих учнів класу. 4. Він
більш терплячий, ніж його сестра. 5. Я
знаю недосконало англійську мову ,тому
не можу швидко розмовляти нею. 6. Ми з
Іваном практично одного зросту і обидва
в дуже гарній формі, оскільки займаємося
спортом. 7. Катерина стрункіша за середню
статуру. Вона 6 футів зросту. 8. Я більш
комунікабельна людина, ніж мій брат. 9.
Мій сусід навчається в університеті на
останньому курсі. 10. Чи любить вона
вивчати іноземну мову? 11. Не дивно, що
він такий примхливий. 12. Ви одружені з


Words and Expressions

Family relations




grandmother, a grandfather


daughter, a son


granddaughter, a grandson


sister/a brother, an aunt/an uncle, a niece/a nephew, a cousin


mother/a father — in-law, a daughter/son-in- law,






















a beard /a moustache




broad-shouldered (M);


m./medium/average/below average/tall(ish)/short(ish);


































Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием
Choose the proper words, and fill in the blanks (Выберите необходимые слова и заполните пропуски):

1. Our family is neither big. small.

A nor В or С and D but

A nor В even С only D enough

A the same В twice С near D far

4. It. me half an hour to get to the college.

A goes В takes С looks D consists

A at В by Con D in

A mother В parents С appearance D father

7. Everybody in our family is easy to get. with.

A each other В along

С others D together

A away В down С off D up

A some В same С more D most

A shelves В bookcase С wardrobe D furniture

2) Choose the proper grammar form of the verb and fill in the gaps (Выберите необходимую грамматическую форму глагола и заполните пропуски):

A has spent В spends С is spent D was spent

A knits В is knit С has knit D had knit

A invited В have invited С invite D were invited

4.All that morning my brother. computer games.

A is playing В was playing С play D plays

A spend В spent С will spend D is spent

A visited В were visited С was visited D have visited

A will go В go С have gone D went

8.I. to music all the evening.

A listen В was listening

С has listening D is listening

A has cooked В cook

A helps В help С helping D shall help

4) Answer these multiple-choice questions about your friend

(Ответьте на следующие вопросы множественного выбора о вашем друге).

1. What is his father?

A a worker В as a worker С a kind man

2. Where does he study?

A at the college В in the street С in one of the houses

3. How many people does his family consist of?

A four relatives В three members С two brothers

4. What is his height?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

5. What is his weight?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

6. Where does he live?

A in the firm В at the firm С in the flat

7. Where does he spend his free time?

A at the disco В at the college С at the school


Методическое пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса СПО

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Самарский колледж сервиса производственного оборудования имени Героя Российской Федерации Е.В. Золотухина»


Методическое пособие для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса всех специальностей очной и заочной форм обучения.

Рекомендовано к изданию

зам. директора по УМР

______________ /Дудникова Ю.И /

Разработала: Морозова Т.Е.

Рецензент: Русяйкина Г.Н.

Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов первых курсов всех специальностей очной и заочной форм, обучающихся в Самарском колледже сервиса производственного оборудования. Пособие включает темы, с которыми в процессе изучения английского языка сталкиваются студенты всех специальностей.

Структура тематического материала проста и эффективна, так как содержит не только тексты, но и задания к ним, что способствует их продуктивному усвоению. Задания к текстам направлены на активное использование лексико-грамматической информации и на закрепление данной темы. В текстах предлагается материал общей лексической ориентации, который позволяет учащимся ознакомиться с основными сведениями по лексике и грамматике английского языка.

Методика преподавания иностранного языка предполагает как работу с преподавателем, так и самостоятельную работу студентов как во время занятия так и в свободное время дома. Структура данного методического пособия позволяет успешно выполнять эти задачи.

Пособие может быть рекомендовано к использованию в образовательном процессе.

4) foreign, a foreign language.

7) to knit (knit, knit)

10) to take(took, taken)

11) favourite, favourite subjects

13) slim and slender

18) entire, entire South

21) to get along with

22) to take care of

24) to go down to the country

26) the same, the same colour

35) fashion, to be in fashion

36) satisfaction, job satisfaction

37) conditions, good conditions

1)With dark short hair-

4) at the secondary school-

5) a student of the college-

8) in a modern style-

10) to go to the swimming pool-

11) in the North Caucasus-

12) in the entire South of Russia-

13) on the right high bank of the river-

16) to go to the theatre-

17) on the fifth floor-

19) on the wall above the beds-

20) near the window-

24) for our parents

25) the hall of our flat-

29) between an American and a Russian student-

1.I was a pupil … a secondary school, now I am a student … a college.

2. I go … my college … bus because it is far … our house.

3.My mother is a slim and slender woman … blue eyes and fair hair.

4.There is a picture … the table … the wall.

5.There are two chairs … the desk.

Text My family and me

I an 14. I am a student of the college. My college is far from our house, and it takes me half an hour to get there by bus. We are studying different subjects there, but my favourite ones are History and English. As to my appearance, I’m slim and slender. My hair is fair, my eyes are blue. I look like my mother. I like to dress in a modern style. Music is my hobby. I am fond of dancing at the disco. I like to buy and read English books too. Twice a week, I go to the swimming pool.

We live in Rostov-on-Don, the biggest city not only in the North Caucasus, but in the entire South of Russia. It is located on the right high bank of the Don river. We have a three-room flat in a new block of houses. There is a nice green park near our house, where we spend a lot of our free time. There are many different shops not far from our house. My brother and I often go shopping.

Our family is nice, and everybody is easy to get along with. We take care of each other. We spend much time together. Recently we have bought a car, and now we often go down to the country to have a rest on weekends. In the evening, all members of our family watch TV, discuss everyday problems. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to the concert.

Text The place we live in

We live a comfortable flat in a new house. It is on the fifth floor. It is neither large nor small. There are three rooms in it: a living room, two bedrooms. We have also a kitchen, a bathroom, and a hall. It is a great pity that we have no balcony.

Our living room is large and light because there are two wide windows in it. The walls of the room are blue, the curtains on the windows, and the carpet on the floor are of the same colour. There is no much furniture there: a sofa, a table with four chairs, two armchairs, and a TVset in the corner. All the members of our family spend a lot of time there

Our parents occupy one bedroom which is not large but very cosy. There are two beds, a wardrobe, two armchairs, and a TV set in it. There is a large thick carpet on the floor, and a nice picture on the wall above the beds.

My brother and I share another bedroom. There you can see two beds, a small desk near the window, two chairs at the desk; for me and my brother. The bookcase is near the door. There are many books in it. Besides, we have many shelves on the walls. There is a musical centre on one of them. We have a lot of friends. And when they come to see us, we invite them into our room. We usually listen to music or play different games.

Our kitchen is big enough. As a rule, we have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen together. Our mother is cooking for us, but sometimes we prepare some tasty things with my brother for our parents.

The hall of our flat is not narrow. There is a big wardrobe there. And besides, there is a telephone on a small round table.

We like our flat very much. We are happy when our relatives and friends visit us.

1) neither big nor small,

3) far from our house,

4) it takes me half an hour,

5) as to my appearance,

6) in a modern style,

10) easy to get along with,

12) go down to the country,

13) it is a great pity,

14) of the same colour,

16) listen to music,

ни большая, ни маленькая; она состоит из; работает менеджером; много времени; светлые волосы; моложе, чем; иностранные языки; находит время готовить, шить, вязать; мне требуется полчаса; на автобусе; любимые предметы; что касается моей внешности; изящная; похожа на маму; люблю танцевать; дважды в неделю; Северный Кавказ; весь юг России; квартал домов; ходить за покупками; легко ладят; ездим за город; очень жаль; этого же цвета; в углу; кроме того; достаточно большая.

1) Our family is n… big nor small.

2) He works a…a manager at the firm.

3) My mother is a tall woman w… blue eyes and f… hair.

4) She is y… than he.

5) She finds time e… to help me with my homework.

6) It takes me h…an hour to get the college.

7) I look l… my mother.

8) I am f… of dancing.

9) I go to the swimming pool t. a week.

10) Everybody is easy to get a… with.

Theme: How We Spend Our Free Time

EXERCISE 1. Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues.

to be divided into-

to paint-
oil paints-

to offer-
to offer a choice-

to climb-
to climb the mountains-

to present-
a present-

a research-
to research-

a science-
science fiction-

to print-
printing style-

an application program-

EXERCISE 2. Translate the following world combinations

1) any type of activity-

2) during their leisure time-

4) for development of new interests-

5) after periods of hard work-

6) are divided into-

8) with their hands-

10) are engaged in needlework activity-

11) to be popular with many hobbyists-

12) thousands of hobbyists-

13) take part in sports-

16) have presented to the universities-

17) may be used for study-

17) many types of book collections-

18) concentrate on the works-

19) the autograph of the author-

20) books on a particular subject-

21) books about sports-

22) with thousands of volumes-

23) are translated into different languages-

24) with unique illustrations-

25) for their collections-

26) in rare-book shops-


Hobby can be any type of activity, which people do during their leisure time. Most people choose a hobby for relaxation, pleasure, or for development of new interests. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies. A hobby offers a way to relax after periods of hard work. Almost any kind of leisure activity can become a hobby. Most hobbies are divided into four general categories, which may overlap. They are the arts, collecting, handicrafts, games and sports.

There are such art forms, as dancing, drama, painting, graphic arts, and music. Each art form has many possibilities for a hobby. For example, music may include singing, playing an instrument, collecting records and tapes, learning ballet, or attending concerts or operas. Painting offers the hobbyist a wide choice of materials, such as oil paints or watercolours.

Collecting is probably the most widespread kind of hobby, because almost any thing can be collected. Stamps and coins are the most popular items. Hobbyists also collect such things as autographs, books, dolls, buttons, etc.

Handicrafts attract hobbyists who can work skillfully with their hands. Many of them are engaged in needlework activities, crocheting, knitting, and sewing. Some use kits to make model aeroplanes, boats, and trains. Other handicrafts include ceramics, metalworking, jewellery making, etc.

Games and sports are popular with many hobbyists who enjoy competition, physical activity, and exercise. Thousands of hobbyists take part in sports, such as bowling, fishing, mountain climbing, skiing, and tennis. Popular indoor games include card games, chess. Nowadays, electronics-related hobbies are becoming increasingly popular. Many people, especially children, play computer games.

EXERCISE 4. Read and give a summary of the text.


Book collecting is a popular hobby, Many people collect books because they enjoy reading and like to collect things. Private book collections have formed the nucleus of some of the world’s most important libraries. Some people have also presented their collections to universities, where the books may be used for study and research. There are many types of books collections, such as author collections, subject collections, title collections, unique or ancient book collections.

Author collections concentrate on the works of a single author. Book collectors especially value editions with the autograph of the author.

Subject collections include books on a particular subject, such as science fiction, or books about sports or sportsmen. Some subject collections are vast with thousands of volumes, but most are much smaller.

Title collections consist of as many as possible editions of a Single title. The editions, which are translated into different Languages, are also included. Unique or ancient book collections focus on books that are unusually beautiful, rare, very old, or of an unusual shape and size. These collections may contain books with unique illustrations, with rare printing styles.

Collectors find books for their collections in rare-book shops, antiquarian bookshops, secondhand bookshops, and at jumble-sales.

EXERCISE 5. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the texts:

1) any type of activi ty-

2) are divided into-

4) such art forms as-

5) a wide choi с e of materials-

7) the most widespeard-

8) can be collected-

9) the most popular items-

10) attract a hobbyist-

11) can work skillfully-

12) are engaged in needlework activity-

14) take part in sports-

15) electronics-related hobbies-

16) have formed the nucleus-

17) the world’s most important libraries-

18) a single author-

19) on a particular subject-

20) as many as possible editions-

22) of an unusual shape-

EXERCISE 6. Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the following sentences, the first letter of each word has been given to help you.

2) People of a… any age can enjoy hobbies.

3) Almost any kind of l… activity can become a hobby.

4) Hobbies of different categories may o… each other.

5) Hobbyists have many p… in each art form.

6) The most w… kind of hobby is collecting.

7) Some hobbyists can work s… with their hands.

8) Some people are engaged in n… activities.

9) Hobbyist may use k… to make model aeroplanes.

10) J… making is a kind of handicrafts.

EXERCISE 7. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary

I have a hobby. I like to cook. During my leisure time I make… cakes and pies. It is not difficult to make … pie. Sometimes my brother helps me. He is a good boy, and we get along well with … each other. My brother usually goes … shopping and buys … different things, which are necessary for … cooking. My cakes are tasty but I like … pies … best of all.

EXERCISE 8. Read and state the function of the verbs be, have.

Hobby is a kind of activity. Hobbies are chosen by most people for relaxation. When a person has chosen a hobby his Life becomes more interesting. There are different kinds of hobbies, and they are divided into four categories: the arts, collecting, handicrafts, games and sports. Each art form has many possibilities for a hobby

EXERCISE 9. Fill in the blanks with the proper auxiliary verb.

1. She … attending courses for stud у ing the English language.

3. They … singing songs now.

4. She … playing the piano all the evening yesterday.

5. He… presented his collection to the museum.

6. My Friend … bought this rare book at the jumble-sale.

7. The unique Collection of ancient books … presented to him by his father.

8. The books … found by the collectors in rare-book shops.

9. Books on a particular subject … included in subject collections.

10. Some books … translated into different languages.

EXERCISE 10. Mind the word order: a) Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.

1.People choose a hobby (most, for, relaxation, and, pleasure ).

2. Hobbies are divided into for categories (general, most ).

3. The widespread hobby is collecting (most, probably ).

4. Games are popular (sports, and, very, many, hobbyists, with).

5. Hobbyists take part in sports (of, thousands).

EXERCISE 11. Put the words in the following sentences in order, the first word in each sentence in is italics.

1. because, reading, people, Many, collect, enjoy, books, they.

4.a particular subject, include, books, Subject, collections, on.

5. find, Collectors, their, for, shops, rare-book, books, collections, in.

EXERCISE 12. Give possible beginnings of the sentences.

1. Hobby can be any type of activity which …

2. Most people choose a hobby for …

3. Most hobbies are divided into four…

4. There are such divided into four …

5. Each art form has many possibilities for …

6. Music may include singing, playing an instrument, …

7. The most widespread kind of hobby is collecting because…

9. There are many types of book collections ….

10. Collectors find books for their collections in…

11. Handicrafts include a hobbyist who …

13. Games and sports are popular with hobbyist who …

15. Popular indoor games include…

Большинство людей выбирают хобби для того, чтобы расслабиться после тяжёлой работы.

Люди почти любого возраста могут иметь увлечения.

Большинство увлечений могут быть разделены на четыре общие категории: различные виды искусства, коллекционирование, ручной труд, игры и спорт.

Существуют различные виды искусства, и каждый из них имеет массу возможностей для хобби.

Например, музыка может включать пение, игру на музыкальном инструменте, коллекционирование пластинок, посещение концертов и т.д.

Самый Распространенный вид увлечений – это, вероятно, коллекционирование.

Люди собирают марки, монеты, книги, автографы, куклы, пуговицы и т.д.

Очень популярное увлечение- коллекционирование книг.

Многие люди коллекционируют книги, потому что они любят читать.

Некоторые коллекционеры собирают редкие или старинные книги, другие- красивые или необычные.

Для своих коллекций коллекционеры обычно находят книги в антикварных магазинах, на ярмарках-распродажах.

Некоторые люди дарят свои коллекции книг музеям, библиотекам.

В нашей семье есть уникальная коллекция книг.

Они очень красивые, с замечательными иллюстрациями о различных видах искусства.

В свободное время мы часто читаем их.

EXERCISE 15. Compare different kinds of hobbies. Answer the questions and complete the grid.

Theme Different Types of Education

EXERCISE 1. a) Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues;

1. experience, learning experiences.

2.a sense, in the broadest sense

3.a skill, to learn skills

4. to gain, to gain knowledge

8.manner, with good manners

9.to ride, to ride a horse, to ride a bicycle

10.to pass, to pass an exam

11.to be in charge of

15.gifted, physically or mentally handicapped

21.a heritage, a cultural heritage

24.further, further education

EXERCISE 2. Translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions .

2 about themselves

5 during their daily life

9 in the same formal manner

10 with good manners

11 on their own initiative

12 without a teacher

13 look at a videotape

14 listen to a radio

15 at different kinds school

16 in most countries

17 a system of formal education

18 during their early childhood

19 in this type of education

20 in charge of education

21 with the teachers at the head

22 to come to school

23 in their learning

24 at the end of their learning

25 the school systems of all modern nations

26 for gifted children

27 after leaving school

28 a large amount of time

29 aims at producing

30 in secondary schools

31 the aim of vocational education

33 between the ages of 5 and 16

36 in secondary school

37 the aim of vocational education

38 by public funds

39 by correspondence

40 in their own homes

42 is responsible for

EXERCISE 3 . Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions:

1 I study… the college

2 It is rather far… my house and I go there … bus

3 I finish classes … 15.00

4…. leaving the college I have a large amount… time.

5. I go shopping together… my brother.

6. My brother is a pupil, he goes… school

7. His school is …our house.

8…. shopping we do our homework.

9.Then …the evening, we watch TV, listen…radio.

EXERCISE 4 Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

I study…the college. It is rather far … my house and I go there … bus. I finish classes … 15.00. … leaving the college I have a large amount … time. I go shopping together … my brother. My brother is a pupil, he does … school. His school is … our house. … shopping we do our homework. Then … the evening, TV, listen … radio.

EXERCISE 5. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts, and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph.

What is Education 2)Formal Education 3)Informal Education 4)Different of Formal Education


Education includes different kinds of learning experiences. In its broadest sense, we consider to be the ways in which people iearn skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and about themselves. One useful scheme for discussing education is to divide these ways learning into two types: informal and formal

We consider formal education to be the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities. In most countries, people enter a system of formal education during their early childhood. In this type of education, the people, who are in charge of education, decide what to teach. Then learners study those things with the teachers at the head. Teachers expect learners to came speed as their classmates, and to pass tests and exams. Learners have to pass the exams to show how well they have progressed in their learning. At the end of their learning, learners may earn a diploma, a certificate, or a degree as a mark of their success over the years

The school systems of all modern nations provide both general and vocational educational. Most counties also offer special education programs for gifted or for physically or mentally handicapped children. Adult education programmes are provide for people who wish to take up their education after leaving school. Most countries spend a large amount of time and money for formal education of their citizens

EXERCISE 6. Read and give a summary of the text

General education aims at producing intelligent, responsible, well- informed citizens. It is designed to transmit a common cultural heritage rather than to develop trained specialists.

Almost all elementary education is general education. In every country, primary school pupils are taught skills they will use throughout their life, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. They also receive instruction in different subjects, including geography, history, etc. In most countries almost all young people continue their general education in secondary schools.

The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for a job. Some secondary schools specialize in vocational programmes. Technical school are vocational secondary schools, where students are taught more technical subjects, such as carpentry, metalwork, and electronics. technical school students are required to take some general education courses and vocational training. Universities and separate professional school prepare students for careers in such fields as agriculture, architecture, business, rngineering, law, medicine, music, teaching, ets.

EXERCISE 7 Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text:


2. Quote the sentences in which these word combinations are used in the text

British customs, a substantial breakfast, usually consists of, a light dessert, traditionally served, with milk, of the 40 days, with frying pans, on 5thNovember, bonfires, to the Tower of London, German tradition, get their presents, the most important meal.

3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Pumpkins, trick-or-treating, Christmas tree, ghosts, Christmas, witches, Hallowe’en, presents (2), funny, goblins, decorated, lanterns

1 .

  • Hello, Alex!

  • Hi, Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?

  • Oh, I was at my relatives’.

We celebrated …… 1. It was wonderful!

We ….. the house and the ……3 . I love this tradition. I bought ……4for my relatives and I got a lot of nice …..5 .

  • You’re lucky. Did you go out anywhere?

  • Yes, we also visited some of their friends.

  • Do you plan to go there next ….6 ?

  • Y es, I’d love to.

2. Hello, Nadia! What are your plans for October 31st?

  • Hi, Pete! Don’t you know we are celebrating ….. 1? It’s an old English tradition and we also like it.

  • Yes, I heard something about it, but I never took part in it. Could you tell me about it?

  • Sure! Listen. On that day many homes are decorated and lit by .….2made from ….that have been hollowed out.

  • Really? That’s interesting. Go on, please.

  • We dress up as …..4, ……5 and ……6 and go ……to neighbours.

  • But why?

  • Well, it’s an old tradition. Besides, it’s rather …8 .

  1. 1) Christmas, 2) decorated, 3) Christmas tree, 4) presents, 5) presents, 6) Christmas)

  2. 1) Hallowe’en, 2) lanterns, 3) pumpkons, 4) goblins, 5) ghosts, 6) witches, 7) trick-or-treating, 8) funny

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Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


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переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Цитата предложения, в которых эти слова и комбинации слов используются в тексте

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


цитата из фраз, которые используют эти слова и комбинации слов в тексте<br>

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Learn the topical vocabulary.

boomerang – бумеранг

desert — пустыня

kangaroo – кенгуру

to differ from smth. — отличаться от чего-либо

vast – обширный

to lie — находиться

to be situated — быть расположенным

mainland — материк

Latin — латинский

Commonwealth of Australia — Австралийский Союз

federation — федерация

state — штат

territory — территория

capital — столица

once upon a time – однажды

Commonwealth — Содружество наций

decade — десятилетие

to be covered with smth. — быть покрытым чем-либо

to disappear — исчезнуть

eucalyptus – эвкалипт

influence — влияние

real roads — наземные дороги

prisoner — заключенный

ridiculous — смехотворный, смешной

government — правительство

tie — связь

Commonwealth of Nations — Британское Содружество наций

income — доход

standard of living — уровень жизни

Read the text and get ready to discuss it.


When we hear the world Australia, we imagine boomerang, kangaroo, crocodiles, snakes, etc.

Australia is a vast sub-continental land. Australia is the only in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is situated about 11000 km southwest of North America and about 8200 km southeast of mainland Asia. The name of the country derives from the Latin word “australis” which means southern. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia.It is today an independent member of the Commonwealth, self-governing since January 1, 1901. There are 6 states and an island Tasmania: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government. Australia has two territories – the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The capital of the country is Canberra. The biggest city of Australia is Sydney. It is located in the state of New South Wales. It’s the best known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue coloured eucalyptus trees. The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil. When the sun shines, the air of the Blue Mountains is a real, beautiful blue colour.

South Australia is the driest of all the states. The only big river in this place is the Murray River. In the early of the Australian history, the Murray River was South Australia’s main road. Before real roads and railways came, the river carried people and goods from the east up into the country. Some towns on the Murray still keep the old riverboats, and visitors can ride them.

Tasmania is an island in the south of Australia. It is not big. It’s the same size as England. It also differs from the other Australian states. There are no deserts in Tasmania. It often rains, both in winter and summer. Only half a million people live in Tasmania, and a large part of the island is still covered with beautiful wild forests. These forests are full of wonderful flowers and interesting animals. Once upon a time, there was living a nation of Tasmanian people. They spoke their own language, had own culture. In a few decades after arrival of white people, they disappeared as a nation.

Talking about the history of Australia, we should add that Australia as a whole has always been within the British sphere of influence. Firstly, it was the big colony for prisoners. It is a ridiculous fact but it is true. Later, it became an ordinary south country.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The nation is administered under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country’s head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an association formed by Britain and some of its former colonies.

Australia is one of the world’s developed countries. Australia has modern factories, highly productive mines and farms, and busy cities. It is the world’s leading producer of wool and bauxite (the ore from which aluminium is made). It also produces and exports large amounts of other minerals and farm goods. Income from the export enables Australians to have high standard of living. The most import trading partners of Australia are Japan and the United States.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit Ayers Rock that is located in the Northern Territory and a strange group of huge red stones, which are holy to the aboriginals.

II. Quote the sentences in which these words and word-combinations are used in the text.

а vast sub-continental land millions of microscopic drops

An independent member to keep the old riverboats

to be situated to be the same size

to be located a constitutional monarchy

the best known place to be administered under

to be covered with to serve mainly as a symbol of

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