Questions without answers word

10000+ результатов для ‘questions without answers’

Find the match: Questions and Answers in Present Continuous (full)

Find the match: Questions and Answers in Present Continuous (full)
Найди пару

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Continuous
yes/no questions

Find the match: Present Continuous general questions and answers

Find the match: Present Continuous general questions and answers
Найди пару

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Continuous
yes/no questions

General questions

General questions

от Ria04

2-й класс
Английский 2 Комарова Ларионова
General questions/answers


Перевернуть плитки

от Veenera22

possessive adjective
Question words
Short answers
Вопросительные слова

Questions without auxiliaries 1

Questions without auxiliaries 1

от Konovalovamaria

Unit 1 to be Q&A's short answers

Unit 1 to be Q&A’s short answers
Групповая сортировка

от Veenera22

English Plus Starter
English Plus starter Unit 1
Short answers
Verb to be

Present Passive (Questions & Answers)

Present Passive (Questions & Answers)

от Maiyakushko

7-й класс
8 класс
Present Passive

Our World 1 p.130-131 - Present Simple Questions & Answers

Our World 1 p.130-131 — Present Simple Questions & Answers
Привести в порядок

от Lordfranklin

General questions
Present Simple
yes/no questions
Our World 1

Questions & answers

Questions & answers
Случайное колесо

от Richie

Wider World 3

Questions without auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliaries

от Anastacey

SpeakOut Pre-Inter

Conditionals (without answers)

Conditionals (without answers)
Перевернуть плитки

от Kosha96

Questions without auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliaries
Правда или ложь

от Eesperas

Questions without auxiliaries 2

Questions without auxiliaries 2
Привести в порядок

от Konovalovamaria

Questions and answers

Questions and answers

от Annakudelinaa


Questions without auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliaries
Случайные карты

от Veronikasirida


To be Questions and Short answers

To be Questions and Short answers
Случайные карты

от Englishmood

to be

Questions and answers OGE

Questions and answers OGE
Откройте поле

от Ned84

To be questions and short answers

To be questions and short answers
Правда или ложь

от Englishmood

to be

Переводим вопросы

Переводим вопросы
Случайные карты

от Elenaklinova


Question words

Question words

от Peperinka

3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
6 класс
7-й класс
Spotlight 3
Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5
Spotlight 6

Unit 1 to be Q&A's short answers QUIZ

Unit 1 to be Q&A’s short answers QUIZ

от Veenera22

After school
English Plus Starter
English Plus starter Unit 1
Short answers
Verb to be

SM2 U4 questions-answers

SM2 U4 questions-answers

от Tinkerbelldi

Pr.Cont. questions and answers

Pr.Cont. questions and answers

от Lovelypost

English World 2

Questions 2

Questions 2
Откройте поле

от Mukoseevamaria


Question words

Question words

от Tpakholkova


Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

от Apan1994

Questions without auxiliaries 2

Questions without auxiliaries 2

от Konovalovamaria


Пропущенное слово

от Dmitrivkatia

Questions + Answers

Questions + Answers
Привести в порядок

от Katerinakarazanova


Найди пару

от Dinapan

Questions answers

Questions answers

от Engbuddha

answers + questions

answers + questions
Откройте поле

от Viktoriapetcenk

Questions - answers

Questions — answers

от Moscow2

Reported Speech (without questions)

Reported Speech (without questions)
Откройте поле

от Thebarsiks

questions answers

questions answers

от Nastyaaa037

Answers - questions

Answers — questions
Откройте поле

от Optpess

English File Elementary



от Fmp0695

Questions + Answers

Questions + Answers

от Katerinakarazanova

Questions / Answers

Questions / Answers

от Idlekarpas

Questions -Answers

Questions -Answers

от Olgabirioukova



от Dreambiggest51

4-й класс
5-й класс

Spotlight 2 Questions & Answers

Spotlight 2 Questions & Answers

от Bulashevich

Spotlight 2

Questions-answers (beginner)

Questions-answers (beginner)

от Khmeld

Friends 1

Questions + Answers.

Questions + Answers.
Пропущенное слово

от Katerinakarazanova

Friends 1

Unjumble questions + answers

Unjumble questions + answers
Привести в порядок

от Shnurka4212

Questions + answers

Questions + answers

от Daryab

Questions without auxiliries - check

Questions without auxiliries — check

от Eesperas

Questions without auxiliaries 1

Questions without auxiliaries 1
Привести в порядок

от Konovalovamaria

Questions without auxiliaries 1

Questions without auxiliaries 1

от Eesperas

Questions without auxiliaries 1

Questions without auxiliaries 1
Привести в порядок

от Julia63

Questions - Answers

Questions — Answers

от Lizavetkina99

Questions - Answers

Questions — Answers

от Gulnazgumerova2

Questions - answers

Questions — answers

от Gruzdeva199022



от School1718

Questions without auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliaries

от Eesperas

To Be questions and answers

To Be questions and answers
Привести в порядок

от Alla1

2 Unit Questions and answers

2 Unit Questions and answers

от Kostyukovaev

Headway Beginner

FF4 Unit 3 Questions&answers

FF4 Unit 3 Questions&answers

от Ikossovska

Family and friends 4

sm1 un6 questions + answers

sm1 un6 questions + answers

от Myphonesamsungm

Spotlight 2 Answers and questions

Spotlight 2 Answers and questions

от Bulashevich

Family and Friends 1
Spotlight 2

I am sure you have bumped into one of the Unanswerable Questions at some point in your life.

They push you beyond your boundaries and force you to rethink the world’s norms. It also determines your future choices and present views.

Most people don’t know the answer to these questions yet try to solve them pursuing their own approaches.

While some dial the wisest in the group, a few Google for the answers, the rest enlisting all the formulas that we know in the hopes of discovering the answers.

Still, they remain unanswered.

Even though science has evolved a lot in the past years, there’s still a list of questions that has no answer, whatsoever.

Exactly why, I have hand-crafted this list subdivided into various heads with some of the most perplexing questions (…which is almost impossible to answer!)

300+ Unanswerable Questions that will make you Tongue-Tied!

300+ Unanswerable Questions that will make you Tongue-Tied!

So, let’s first begin with…

Humans are curious beings and it’s in their nature to ask questions. In history, we have learned to answer most of them, but there are still a few that have no answer.

It can be a lame thought, a basic scientific fact, or even a funny comparison – but unfortunately, it seems that it will remain that way until human life ceases to exist.

If you wish to challenge your understanding and step out of your comfort zone, start by asking these questions.

  1. Do you think time flows forward only, or does it move differently also?
  2. Do you think you can discover traveling through time?
  3. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
  4. Are body transplants the same as a brain transplant?
  5. Why do people call it plastic surgery when it involves the living body?
  6. If you enjoyed it while you were wasting time, would it still be called wasted time?
  7. If you are shorter than someone, will you be able to ‘talk down’ to them?
  8. Is ketchup a smoothie since tomatoes are fruits?
  9. Why isn’t bacon baked and cookies cooked?
  10. If early birds get advantages, why is patience a virtue?
  11. Why do feet don’t run and noses don’t stink?
  12. If you are waiting for the waiter to take your order, are you a waiter yourself then?
  13. When your temperature goes up, why is it said that you have a cold?
  14. Who invented the art of milking a cow?
  15. If you go to a dance exhibition and dance, are you a portrait of an artist?
  16. Why are monkeys around if humans are their evolved counter?
  17. Why are buildings called that, when they are already built?
  18. How was a calendar even invented?
  19. How can you ever throw away a garbage can?
  20. If quizzes are quizzical, then what are tests?
  21. Why are caregivers and caretakers the same thing?
  22. Why is an electrical outlet not called an inlet for plugging things into it?
  23. If you hate prejudiced people, do you become a hypocrite?
  24. If you hate all the haters, aren’t you a hater yourself?
  25. Why does mineral water have an expiry date?

I am sure, most of you are bamboozled with these questions.

But don’t just stop there… continue exploring with these

Impossible Questions to Answer

If you have heard Impossible means I’m Possible – it may be philosophically right.

But some questions actually become impossible to answer. They can prove to be thought-provoking conversation starters, and sometimes so entertaining that it will make you laugh.

You will understand only when you either ask each other or maybe reflect on it personally.

  1. Do you believe life exists always to end, even after 100 years?
  2. Are we the only life in the universe?
  3. Does the center of the earth impact the temperature of our land?
  4. How did you arrive at this point in your life?
  5. How can a closed brain inside our skull ever be called an open mind?
  6. How long before artificial intelligence will collapse stock markets?
  7. Is there a risk to ever be completely dependent on AI?
  8. Can emotions ever be controlled via technology?
  9. What disease did Cured Ham have originally?
  10. Why is the boxing ring square in shape?
  11. Why do black olives come in cans and green ones in jars?
  12. Have you ever wondered why kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
  13. Who said it was a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
  14. Why do banks charge money for insufficient balance, even when they know there isn’t any money?
  15. Why does every rule somehow always have exceptions?
  16. Why do bubble bath bubbles always rise up white, even if the bath is pink in color?
  17. Can anyone know how the rainbow tastes like?
  18. Why are ‘lingeries’ so popular, when love is said to be blind?
  19. Why is ‘bra’ singular and ‘panties’ plural for women?
  20. Why do we count sheep and not dogs when we can’t go to sleep?
  21. If the train station is set where the train is bound to stop, what is a workstation then?
  22. Why are mattresses always on sale?
  23. Why is it said that you act IN a movie but then, you show up ON tv?
  24. Is a turtle homeless or naked, without a shell?
  25. What was used instead of drawing boards, before their invention?

Haash! That was a lot…

To lighten your head, here are a few…

Unanswerable Questions Funny

Unanswerable questions don’t always mean that they have to be serious. They can also be funny!

The good ol’ “What came first, chicken or egg?” can always trigger a great light-hearted banter. Don’t believe me? Well, just try asking a few and you will know what I am talking about.

  1. Will you ever agree that eyebrows are facial hair?
  2. Have animals ever committed suicide?
  3. Children are allowed to act in ‘R’ rated movies, why?
  4. When you are on a flight, which armrest is yours?
  5. Is daydreaming at night possible?
  6. Can bald people have dandruff issues?
  7. Do prison buses ensure to have emergency exits?
  8. Do stairs take you up or down?
  9. Do people have their braces on when buried?
  10. Is the word ‘dictionary’ in the dictionary?
  11. How can you yawn in your sleep?
  12. If something is new, can it be improved at the same time?
  13. Why do only toes and fingers get all wrinkly in the shower?
  14. Is it a dog pile if a bunch of cats jump on top of each other?
  15. If one doctor gets a heart attack amidst a surgery, do the other doctors work on him or the patient?
  16. If a gum has 5 calories, do you get those just from chewing it, or do you need to swallow the gum?
  17. Would a bubble blown in space, pop?
  18. Is the bible put in the fiction or non-fiction section at libraries?
  19. Can someone ever be allergic to water and survive?
  20. Have you ever seen an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? Is it okay?
  21. Is a question with no answer, still a question?
  22. Do the French say ‘Pardon my English’ once they swear?
  23. Why do easter bunnies carry eggs (rabbits don’t lay eggs right)?
  24. Shouldn’t the hair in your armpits get split ends too?
  25. Why is vanilla ice-cream colored white when the vanilla extract is brown?

Try making your answers more lame. Trust me, half of you will end up on the floor! 😉

Had a good laugh?

Then let’s move onto some deep philosophical questions that will leave you high and dry!

Unanswerable Philosophical Qs

Human life, the universe, and everything around you have so much to ponder upon.

And if you wish to start a philosophical discussion or may just introspect and test waters, this list will give you some great conversation starters.

Be prepared to be baffled!

  1. Well, which one came first, time or the universe?
  2. What is your true purpose in life?
  3. Do you think God exists?
  4. When does the future start?
  5. Where does our future go after we face it?
  6. What happens to our future if we die tomorrow?
  7. Was it easier to love in the early 1900s?
  8. Why is death inevitable?
  9. Does God believe that Atheism exists?
  10. Is the glass always half empty or half full?
  11. If a kid becomes a parent, who becomes the kid then?
  12. Is there any good time or good day to say ‘I love you’
  13. What is a belief but can never be proven scientifically?
  14. Are lies better than harsh truths?
  15. Can anyone cry underwater?
  16. Why do you recite at a play and play at a recital?
  17. Has destiny led you to the important purpose in your life or have you directly willed it?
  18. Can you honestly define what is good and what is evil in life?
  19. If life in the universe ends this year, will humanoids exist on the planet?
  20. Are bad people important for the balance of the universe?
  21. Is human creativity infinite or bounded?
  22. Is morality a fad, a reality, or a synonym of faith?
  23. Can you ever define your character the way others see it?
  24. Will humans ever be able to measure the weight of truth?
  25. Can humans truly understand the nature of reality?

Now that you are already making intellectual discussion triggered by these questions, let’s dive deep with some…

Deep Unanswerable Questions

Some unanswerable questions often shake your insides and intimidate you on a deeper level.

The answers to the questions mentioned below will give you a glimpse into a person’s viewpoints and also help you analyze their understanding of the individual.

While it may leave you tongue-tied, your approach to the question reveals a lot about you.  

  1. Why do things exist?
  2. Have you figured out how does the universe exists?
  3. How does something in this world occur from nothing?
  4. Is true love God-given realism or a man-made myth?
  5. Will you ever kill 20 people to save one person?
  6. Why is free will said to be free when not everyone can have it?
  7. Do you think religion will ever stop existing?
  8. Do animals have the experience of consciousness like human beings?
  9. Do humans have more freedom than animals?
  10. Will you ever be able to achieve perfect health for yourself?
  11. Why are humans called humans?
  12. Can you ever conclude how replaceable you are?
  13. Should human nature ever be changed without knowing the impact of it?
  14. How has human potential been utilized in the best way?
  15. Is pain a form of happiness or a road to seeking pleasure?
  16. Does the human language differently affect human thinking? By how much?
  17. Do human rights ever change based on age or do they evolve?
  18. Can beauty ever be the solution to all problems of mankind? Why is it treated like it is?
  19. Do you think anything was created before the universe existed?
  20. Will there ever be an accepted cure for cancer?
  21. Can people dying from hunger ever not feel hungry?
  22. It is said that the entire world is on the stage, so where is the audience?
  23. Why do slim chances and fat chances mean the same thing?
  24. Doesn’t everyone stop smoking, sooner or later in life?
  25. Do the fountain of youth and that of knowledge rise from the same water body?

Well, that was really heavy!

So, let’s add some fun with these…

Stupid Unanswerable Questions

Sensibility 24*7 invites boredom. You got to be silly sometimes.

It not only keeps you sane but also allows your mind a little breathing space. And if you are sitting, in a group, some stupid unanswerable questions will help them to loosen up and also add some laughter to the conversation.

  1. Who will be the next man on the moon?
  2. Can sandwich meat ever be used to generate electricity?
  3. A bread is mostly square in shape in standard form, why so?
  4. How will you handcuff a one-armed man?
  5. Does synonym have a synonym?
  6. Why is it illegal to park on parkways but legal on driveways?
  7. If olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?
  8. Why do people shower when they get dirty right after it?
  9. What will happen if you eat yourself, will you disappear or become twice in size?
  10. If love is blind, can it also be deaf?
  11. How can a real estate company sell its own entire office without creating a ruckus?
  12. Why do we call it daybreak and nightfall?
  13. Do fortune cookie predictions have a time limit?
  14. If a vacuum cleaner is said to suck, is it a good product?
  15. Hawaii has interstate highways, why?
  16. Does opposite have an opposite?
  17. If electricity arises from electrons, does morality arise from morons?
  18. If the eye of the cyclops is closed, will that be called blinking or winking?
  19. If revenge is sweet and it is a dish served cold, can we call it an ice cream sandwich?
  20. Can a seedless fruit be grown?
  21. What would happen to the earth’s water if everyone jumped into the ocean together?
  22. Why can’t time differences and time zones be abolished?
  23. Does the mirror in your house have a color?
  24. What would the water look like if the sky didn’t exist?
  25. Why do we keep our garments in the suitcase and our suits in a garment bag?

Enjoyed that fun conversation?

So, now let’s explore some…

Unanswerable Physics Qs

None of us can deny, physicists have helped us resolve some of the biggest mysteries.

Even after the historical discoveries from Newton and Einstein, we have come really really far. Yet, there are so many things that are unanswered.

There are so many unresolved problems in physics, including…

  1. After a million years from now, which modern world things will be impossible, which new things will be possible?
  2. Do high energies mean more quantity or more power?
  3. How will you quantify the size of the universe?
  4. How will screen time impact our minds and our society in the next 70 years?
  5. Where do you think matter arises from?
  6. Do dark matter and dark energy have the same impact?
  7. Are matter and antimatter polar opposite phenomena?
  8. Why are particles called particles?
  9. Why does the Higgs boson exist when it doesn’t make sense anymore?
  10. Is the big bang the only way that our existence came into being?
  11. Who and what balances out the universe for life to thrive?
  12. How many total dimensions are yet to be discovered?
  13. What is the exact definition of gravity?
  14. Humans expect a world full of chaos to be fair, why do you think so?
  15. Karma is often called a human construct, is it real or not?
  16. What is a singularity?
  17. Can mankind ever survive entering the black hole?
  18. Do you think a singularity will happen in this century?
  19. Can living life exist after a singularity?
  20. Can a unified theory of physics ever be found?
  21. Are atmospheric gases only limited to the atmosphere?
  22. When immovable objects meet an unstoppable force, what goes on?
  23. Does quantum theory always lead to quantum mechanics?
  24. Why is electricity used for electrical charge, but water not used for water charge?
  25. Can cosmic rays ever match the speed of sound?

Did you just widen your eyes?

Don’t worry, I did too.

Now moving onto…

Life’s Unanswered Questions

There are some questions from your daily life that are often left unanswered. Even though you ask these questions to yourself daily, you still fail to find the answer.

But don’t worry, you are not alone in this!

They might be unanswerable, but can still trigger different emotions in a human being, leading to different actions that are further followed by positive or negative results.   

  1. What can guarantee that your time has not been altered by anyone?
  2. Why do we fail and succeed in life?
  3. Why is it called rush hour when it is actually the slowest time of the day due to heavy traffic?
  4. Why do people use driver’s licenses to purchase alcohol, when you can’t drive after drinking?
  5. If you choke a smurf, what color would it turn into?
  6. Why is the weak force weak and not forceful?
  7. Can you define nothing?
  8. Why do we say ‘cheese’ when our photos are taken?
  9. Why don’t tomb, comb, bomb, and womb sound similar?
  10. Why does Donald duck wear everything but pants?
  11. If quantum mechanics is a law, what is quantum gravity?
  12. Do your achievements end when we die? Erased from existence?
  13. Should the world have more countries or fewer ones?
  14. Is citizenship something that should be gamified?
  15. Can poverty be erased while keeping the social construct intact?
  16. Will the current government model last after 500 years?
  17. Is there a limit to the smartness of an individual?
  18. Do you think humans will be able to download their brains into computers?
  19. When will human cloning become a safe option?
  20. What brings cosmologists and particle physicists together?
  21. What are the primordial degrees of freedom of string theory?
  22. Do you get stuck in heaven/hell in the same clothes you died in?
  23. Is the big rip related to the big bang only?
  24. Would you be hungry after eating antipasto?
  25. Can there be a world with zero hypothetical situations?

All that said and done.

Here are some…

Surprising Unanswerable Questions

Everyone is chasing the truth. EVERYONE!

But sometimes, the truth is so deeply hidden that we leave it undiscovered in the hopes that someday, with the development of human intelligence, we might be able to uncover these answers.

Well, human development or divine interference, anything that can help us solve these mysteries and help grasp the reality.

Until then, let’s all keep thinking! 😉

  1. When did you think time began?
  2. Do you think the earth is a living organism on the inside?
  3. Do you think anyone of the human race will ever be able to travel towards the center of the earth?
  4. Can a homeless kid ever be given homework?
  5. Can the universe ever expand? If yes, to what?
  6. Was math invented or was it discovered?
  7. Who defined good, bad, right, and wrong?
  8. Why should we set goals if we are all going to die anyway?
  9. Chicken or egg – What came first?
  10. Does freedom really exist for everyone?
  11. Do soul mates happen by luck or are they nurtured into existing?
  12. Why are you here in this path of life, at this exact point in your life?
  13. What happens to an idea when you forget it?
  14. Is knowledge good, bad, or neutral?
  15. Will it be easier to be successful in the future or in the past?
  16. Is there any connection between misbehavior and anonymity?
  17. How much can you control the most important moment in your life?
  18. Life after death, is it a possibility?
  19. Why is abbreviation a long word to use?
  20. Why doesn’t Tarzan ever have a beard?
  21. Who decided to put and use the letter ‘s’ in the word ‘lisp’?
  22. Why can an adult say that they ‘slept like a baby’ but a baby can never sleep like an adult?
  23. If a zombie bites a vampire, do both become vampires or both become zombies?
  24. Do dogs also name their owners?
  25. Why isn’t there pine or apple in a pineapple?

Wait, that’s not it!

Here are some more…

Confusing Unanswerable Questions

Confusion has its own fun.

While most of the questions on this list have no set answers and force you to think, these few will leave you confused.

So, if you want to keep your friends and family preoccupied with great debates, just pick a few from this list and raise it as an open-ended question.

  1. Can nuclear forces stop existing ever?
  2. Can you quantitatively measure talent?
  3. Can happiness ever be an end goal of life?
  4. Why do fruit flavors never smell the way the actual fruit smells?
  5. If we say ‘the sky’s the limit’; what do we call space then?
  6. If an ambulance is rushing to save someone and runs someone over, will they stop to save them or not?
  7. Can you ever be cornered in a round room?
  8. Do circular beds ever have corners to fall off from?
  9. Who tests and confirms if Dog food is ever improved?
  10. Is a male ladybird called a man bird?
  11. Why do bars have parking when drinking and driving are illegal?
  12. Why is it called a TV set when you just have a single tv?
  13. How far off you can go towards the west before going east?
  14. If you hit yourself and get hurt, are you strong or are you weak?
  15. Are we living longer or dying slowly?
  16. Do deaf people hear what they think?
  17. Is French kissing called French kissing in France?
  18. Who decided the alphabetical order and why isn’t it changed?
  19. Do blind people also dream?
  20. Why is the work done by doctors called ‘practice’ and not doctor work?
  21. If two left-handed individuals fight, who comes out as right?
  22. How many planets are there in the entire universe?
  23. When you trip down the stairs, are your feet up or down?
  24. Can you measure the depth of your love?
  25. Are eternal and infinity the same thing?

If these are not enough, here are some more…

Unique Unanswerable Qs

As I said, we all have bumped into an unanswerable question at some point in our lives.

But most often these are the same good-old funny ones like “Chicken or egg, what came first?’

If you want to level up your game, here are a few never-heard-before unanswerable questions.

  1. Why is it said only a penny for your thoughts when our thoughts are highly valued?
  2. Was their life on the moon before we figured out how to reach it? Did everyone on the moon go into hiding?
  3. Do fountains ever waste any water?
  4. Why aren’t houses ever recycled?
  5. Which orange was invented first, the color or the fruit?
  6. If orange is orange in color, why isn’t apple colored apple or ginger colored ginger?
  7. Why is it said screaming on top of your lungs when we use our mouth to scream?
  8. How often should one visit the temple to achieve entry to heaven?
  9. What came first, the seed, or the fruit?
  10. Why isn’t it proved yet if neutrinos have mass?
  11. Often called high energy particles, what gives life to them?
  12. What will happen when the earth’s temperature crosses 100 degrees Celsius?
  13. Why are roads less traveled by and not paths?
  14. How many people can remember the atomic table for their entire lives?
  15. Why has nobody ever launched mouse-flavored cat food?
  16. When you conclude that something is inconclusive, isn’t a conclusion already drawn?
  17. Do cemetery workers always choose the graveyard shift?
  18. How can anyone ever be the ‘living dead’?
  19. Why does the sun lighten the hair color but only darkens our skin tone?
  20. Why is it called tanning and not darkening?
  21. Who can differentiate between what is bright and what is light?
  22. Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
  23. If people from Poland are called ‘Poles’, why aren’t people from Auckland called ‘Auckes’?
  24. Do we need to be friends to watch FRIENDS?
  25. Are we alive on this earth or is the Earth alive that nurtures us?

Oh, wait.

We aren’t finished just yet.

Weird Unanswerable Qs

What’s the fun without some “weird” fun to it?

Don’t worry, we also got you there! Just keep reading!

  1. Do we ever say that water is wet?
  2. What is the definition of peace?
  3. Can one ever remember that they have amnesia?
  4. Why doesn’t McDonald’s sell hotdogs?
  5. Why is a pizza called a pizza and not veggie bread?
  6. If a jogger starts running exactly at the speed of sound, will he hear his phone ring?
  7. When can you say it is partly cloudy and partly sunny?
  8. Why is it called sunset and not sundown?
  9. How do vampires dress so fancy if they can’t see their reflections?
  10. If a baby pops out their head at 11.59 pm but gets their legs out at 12.01 am, which day were they born in?
  11. Does Satan have a last name?
  12. If God sneezes, does that mean we will get rain?
  13. Why does quicksand work slowly in action?
  14. Do atheists swear on the bible in court?
  15. Why are lethal deadly injections sterilized?
  16. Do Siamese twins pay for one ticket or both at various events?
  17. Why aren’t house drapes made pretty on both sides?
  18. How do you differentiate ketchup and fancy ketchup?
  19. Why is it called junk food and not unhealthy food?
  20. Why is it fries in one country but chips in another?
  21. Do bald people use shower caps?
  22. Why are crop circles never squares?
  23. Do mime people have the right to talk post-arrest?
  24. Why are fast drivers called careless while slow drivers are called stupid?
  25. Who said the Ranchers were jolly enough to be called ‘Jolly Ranchers’?

In the end, let me answer the unanswerable question, in all of your minds

How to answer an Unanswerable Question?

(Ofcourse, you wanted to know that! 😉)

These unanswerable questions can be asked to you by anyone – a leader, teacher, or even your interviewer. But just because it’s called “unanswerable” doesn’t mean you can’t form an honest opinion around it.

Keep these few tips in mind and it will help you craft a satisfying (if not perfect) answer to these questions.

1. Learn to acknowledge your confusion

Find the balance to your emotional turbulence during such times. If you do not acknowledge your doubts, people will keep having expectations. In fact, be honest and don’t deny your own angst. Dig deep and share your thoughts, control your anxiety and let go of the negative feelings.

2. Identify the underlying need of the question

Don’t let the situation conquer you. Patiently listen to the question and anticipate the need for it. The underlying need for the question is the way to rightly answer them. Take your time, and figure out the need to help yourself prepare to answer.

3. Use broader questions to light deeper concerns

Don’t rush into answers and always take a pause. Infact, try responding to concerning questions with a broader question to gain clarity. You can ask about learnings in times of a crisis, hope in the time of a challenge, and other stories. This gives more fortitude and direction to the conversation.

4. Choose compassion instead of critique

Try not to be too defensive when asked such questions. Keep the forum open and portray compassion first. Remind yourself to be considerate and understand the people who approach you. Don’t miss people’s feelings and ignore their doubts. Be truthful but at the same time, be empathetic.

5. Remember you are the real answer

A caring and honest response works like a charm, only if you remember your true self. Your effort, your resilience, and your knowledge is the real answer. Always be composed and don’t worry even if you blow up the conversation. Just circle back, retry and bring back things to normal.


Over to you…

Well, there you have it!

…your handy list to make anyone tongue-tied.

Don’t forget to make note of how people are answering it. Trust me, it will later be a fun activity to reflect back on it! 😉

Now, what’s the wait worth for?

Just shoot and watch the crowd go berserk in confusion! 😛

We get little commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Our editors carefully choose to promote only those products/services that resonate with our readers.

It is human nature to ask questions. We’re a curious species, driving us to discover and learn about everything around us. Throughout human history, we’ve come up with every question you could think to ask, and we’ve answered many of them. But several hundred others remain unanswered and unfortunately, it seems they might remain that way until humans cease to exist.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Mind Blowing Questions
  • 2 More Confusing Questions
  • 3 Funny Unanswerable Questions
    • 3.1 Related Posts

If you’re just like the rest of us, then you might find it interesting to play around with a few confusing questions now and then. Challenge your understanding and that of your family and friends by tossing around these questions that mess with your mind the next time you’re at a get together.

Mind Blowing Questions

We strive to learn the truth, but there are some truths that are so hard to discover that our human logic fails to calculate the right understanding. So we end up leaving these questions unanswered, hoping that some day, the development of human intelligence – or perhaps even divine intervention – will reveal the answers to us and help us get a better grasp of the realities around us.

  1. When did time begin?
  2. Did we invent math or did we discover it?
  3. Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?
  4. Do we have free will or is everything predestined?
  5. Is there life after death?
  6. Is it really possible to experience anything objectively?
  7. What are dreams?
  8. What is the goal of humanity?
  9. How long will you be remembered after the day that you die?
  10. Which orange came first – the fruit or the color?
  11. What is ‘god’?
  12. Who decided what’s right and wrong?
  13. What is the purpose of setting goals if we all die anyway?
  14. What is freedom and does it really exist?
  15. Which came first – the chicken or the egg?
  16. What makes you, you?
  17. What age should a person be considered old enough to die of old age?
  18. How do you know you’re not crazy and just hallucinating your whole life?
  19. To what degree have you been able to control the course that your life has taken?
  20. Is the Earth alive?
  21. Is it possible to know what is truly good and what is evil?
  22. If we learn and improve from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make mistakes?
  23. Do you ever really do anything out of your own conscious choice, or are we always controlled by some external stimulation or motive?
  24. Why are you here at this very moment in your life?
  25. Did you arrive at this point in your life because you willed it or because you were destined to be here?
  26. Are soul mates a real thing?
  27. If we need to follow rules at all costs, then why do we make exceptions to these rules?
  28. Is there an end to the universe, or does it just keep going?
  29. Why does anything exist?
  30. What is the purpose and meaning of time?
  31. Do our human accomplishments have a long-term, universal significance, or when the world ends, do we all end with it, including what we’ve achieved?
  32. Why do people have to die?

More Confusing Questions

More Confusing Questions

While the initial list of questions explores more provocative, deep contemplation, these confusing questions might not feel as urgent or important. But the confusion they cause can make them a great point of conversation if you want to keep your family and friends preoccupied with debates on your next get together.

  1. If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you wear or are you strong?
  2. Why is it that if a premature baby is born earlier than a full-term baby, the preemie is considered older despite existing for a shorter period of time?
  3. If you took a ship and replaced all of its parts until none of the original parts are intact anymore, is it the same ship or a completely different ship?
  4. What shape is your field of vision?
  5. If you describe something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it?
  6. Are we living or slowly dying?
  7. Isn’t good health just a slower rate at which to die?
  8. What do people who are born deaf hear when they think?
  9. How far up do bald people go when they wash their face?
  10. If a person dies at sea and only their arm is recovered, how would he be displayed in a casket? Does it need to be a full sized casket?
  11. If a baby’s butt pops out of its mother at 11:59 PM, and the head comes out at 12:01 AM, what day will the baby be declared to be born on?
  12. What do they call french kissing in France?
  13. If killing people is wrong, then why do we kill people that kill people?
  14. If you’re trying to fail and you succeed, did you fail or did you succeed?
  15. If you expect the unexpected, doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
  16. How is it possible that the world is in debt?
  17. How important do you have to be to be considered assassinated and not just murdered?
  18. When you get to heaven, do you look as you do at the age that you die?
  19. Why do people say that they ‘slept like a baby’ if they slept through the night when babies are known for not sleeping?
  20. Why is the alphabetical order that way? Who said that that’s the order that it had to be?
  21. Why is Goofy considered a person and Pluto considered a pet when they’re both dogs anyway?
  22. Can blind people dream?
  23. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
  24. When they say that something is ‘new and improved’, how can it be improved if it’s new? What is it improving on?
  25. Why is the objective of golf to play the least amount of golf?
  26. If a vampire bites a zombie, does the zombie become a vampire or does the vampire become a zombie?
  27. If God created Adam and Eve, did they have belly buttons?
  28. Why do we hit our hands together when we like something? (clapping)
  29. Why do we base our age off of the number of times we went around a burning ball of gas?
  30. How do you know that you see colors the same way that another person sees them? For instance, what if what’s red to you is blue to them, but they still call it red?
  31. Is your answer to this question ‘no’?
  32. In the word ‘scent’, which letter is silent? S or C?
  33. Isn’t the word ‘queue’ just the letter Q followed by four silent letters?
  34. What would a room made of mirrors look like if there was nothing inside that room to create a reflection?
  35. Was there ever a time when nothing existed or has something always been in existence?
  36. If a cyclops were to close its eye, is it winking or blinking?
  37. Is a body transplant just the same as a brain transplant?
  38. What is the color of a mirror?
  39. If you had fun while you were wasting time, can you still say that you wasted time?
  40. Which arm rest is yours in the movie theater?
  41. Do dentists go to other dentists or do they treat their own dental care problems?
  42. How far east do you have to go before you start going west?
  43. If you were to dig a hole that went through the center of the earth and you jumped through, would you be falling or floating upwards?
  44. Where do they put the bible in libraries – fiction or non-fiction section?
  45. What happens when an immovable objects meets an unstoppable force?
  46. What would happen to the world’s oceans if every person on Earth jumped into the water at the same time?
  47. When does it stop being partly sunny and start to become partly cloudy?
  48. Why is vanilla ice cream color white when vanilla itself is color brown?

Funny Unanswerable Questions

Funny Unanswerable Questions

Hey, just because a question doesn’t seem to have an answer to it, doesn’t mean it has to be serious. There are lots of funny unanswerable questions out there that can give you a good laugh and start a lot of lighthearted banter between you and friends. Try tossing these funny mindblowing questions around to get the laughs started.

  1. Are children who act in R-rated movies allowed to watch the film when it’s done?
  2. Do you consider eyebrows facial hair?
  3. If you were shorter than someone, would it be possible to talk down to them?
  4. What hair color do they put in bald people’s driver’s licenses?
  5. Do prison buses have emergency exits?
  6. Can you stand backwards on a flight of stairs?
  7. Do they bury people with their braces still on or do they remove them?
  8. Why did they put the word ‘dictionary’ in the dictionary?
  9. What do you call a fly without its wings?
  10. Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?
  11. How do you grow a seedless fruit?
  12. If tomatoes are a fruit, is ketchup considered a smoothie?
  13. If you had a dream that none of your dreams would come true, and you woke up and had none of your real-life dreams come true, would that be a dream come true?
  14. If you told someone to ‘be a leader and not a follower’, wouldn’t they become a follower by following your advice?
  15. If everyone says that life is unfair, doesn’t that mean that life is fair?
  16. If the early bird gets the worm, why do good things come to those who wait?
  17. If you hate haters, does that make you a hater and will you hate yourself?
  18. What would happen if Pinocchio said ‘My nose will grow now’?
  19. If the fountain of youth can make you live forever, can you drown in it and still die?
  20. If Cinderella’s shoe fit her perfectly, then why did it fall off?
  21. Who taught the first ever teacher?
  22. If nothing is impossible, then would it be possible for something to be impossible?
  23. Why do noses run but feet smell?
  24. Why do they say that you have a cold when your temperature goes up?
  25. If you drop your soap on the floor, does the floor become clean or does the soap become dirty?
  26. Isn’t it that when you wait for the waiter to come back with your order, you become the waiter in the process?
  27. When you buy something that’s made in China while you’re in China, does it still have the made in China tag?
  28. If the number 2 pencil is the most popular, why is it number 2?
  29. What was the first man to milk a cow trying to do?
  30. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, will we ever know it?
  31. Do caterpillars know that they’re going to be butterflies or do they build the cocoon not knowing what will happen?
  32. If God sneezed, what would you say?
  33. If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
  34. If life is so short, why do we do things that we don’t like and like so many things that we don’t do?
  35. When all is said and done, would you have said more than you have done?
  36. If a tree fell in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  37. How did the person who invented the calendar know what day it was?
  38. Why did we decide to give February just 28 days when lots of other months have 31 days? Couldn’t we have just taken some of the 31st days from other months and added them to February?
  39. If revenge is a dish that’s best served cold, and revenge is sweet, then is revenge ice cream?
  40. Why are they called buildings if they’re already built?

Susan Mann

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

Questions and AnswersКак известно, вопрос – это предложение, требующее ответа. С типами английских вопросов мы уже знакомились, а теперь давайте научимся задавать вопросы в устной речи. Когда мы задаем вопрос, мы хотим выяснить что-то или получить какую-либо информацию. Но прежде чем обратиться к кому-то с вопросом, мы спрашиваем разрешения это сделать, что — по сути — также является вопросом. Многие не знают, как сделать это, поэтому мы решили вмешаться, чтобы решить эту проблему.

Asking permission to ask a question

Прежде чем задать сам вопрос, мы говорим одну из следующих фраз:

  • I have a question to you – у меня есть к вам вопрос
  • I want to put a question to you – я хочу задать вам вопрос
  • I need your expertise with a problem I have – мне нужен ваш совет для решения своей проблемы
  • There is something I have been meaning to ask – есть что-то, о чем я хочу спросить
  • Do you mind if I ask you a question? – вы не возражаете, если я задам вам вопрос?
  • Could I pick your brains? – можно расспросить вас о чем-то?
  • Would it be OK for you if I ask a question? – можно задать вам вопрос?

Questions without answers

Может показаться странным, но не все вопросы требуют ответа. Иногда мы желаем выразить, как мы себя чувствуем, или показать, насколько мы расстроены, и при этом строим вопросительное предложение. Такой вопрос называется риторическим (RHETORICAL).

  • Could my day get any worse? – что еще плохого должно сегодня случиться?
  • How am I going to pay the money back? – как же я верну деньги?
  • Am I going crazy? — я, что схожу с ума?
  • Do you think I am going to stay here and listen to you? – Вы думаете, я останусь здесь и буду вас слушать?

How to answer questions

Отвечать на вопросы нетрудно. Перед вами два выбора – либо вы знаете ответ, либо нет. Если вы не знаете ответа, вы просто говорите “I don’t know” (я не знаю). Но есть ситуации, когда вы не хотите отвечать, поскольку считаете, что вопрос является грубым или личным, поэтому вы отказываетесь отвечать. Что нужно сказать в таком случае.

  • I’m sorry, I don’t want to answer that – извините, но я не хочу отвечать на это
  • That is not a good question to ask – это не очень уместный вопрос
  • You should not ask me that – вам не следует задавать мне этот вопрос
  • I cannot tell you – не могу вам сказать
  • No comment – без комментариев
  • That is for me to know and for you to find out – знать нужно только мне, а вам не обязательно
  • Mind your own business – не лезьте не в свое дело

В следующий раз, когда будете задавать вопросы, подумайте, будет ли уместно задавать вопрос, и пожелает ли другой человек ответить.

prosba avtora

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But what many do not know Mathematics educators, is the child of elementary school has no conservation, by this


all the time, the first fact notable development is the creativity and the second is the regularity and generality of the stages you see that clearly in the elementary school and as didn’t have a preparation right in elementary schools do


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Но многие не знают преподавателей математики, ребенок начальная школа имеет не сохранения, этот


все время, первый факт заметным событием является творчество и второй является регулярность и общность этапов вы увидите, что ясно в Начальная школа и не имеют право подготовки в начальных



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Контрольное устройство должно давать возможность держателя карточки игнорировать данный вопрос, не отвечая на него или


положительно или отрицательно.


Finally, the most important question without answering which»connection» to any»information field» is simply meaningless,

sounds something like this:»Is the requested information useful if you successfully receive and understand it?


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И наконец, самый главный вопрос, без ответа на который« подключаться» к любому« информационному полю» попросту бессмысленно,

звучит примерно так-« Какую пользу принесет запрашиваемая информация в случае ее успешного получения и осознания Вами»?


Even though the Court had pointed out in the same paragraph that it was addressing only the immunity of the State itself from the jurisdiction of the courts of other States,

the paragraph had the merit of raising the question(without answering it because it had not been an issue in that case)

of whether, and if so to what extent, immunity might apply in criminal proceedings against an official of the State.


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Даже несмотря на то, что Суд указал в том же пункте, что речь идет исключительно об иммунитете самого государства от юрисдикции судов других государств, этот пункт важен уже в силу того,

что в нем поднимается вопрос( оставленный без ответа, потому что он не фигурирует в данном деле)

о том, может ли, и если да, то в какой степени, указанный иммунитет применяться в рамках уголовного преследования в отношении должностного лица государства.


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В его нынешнем виде в докладе лишь ставятся вопросы, но не дается ответов на них.


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Современные технологии позволяют получать необходимые консультации, ответы на интересующие вопросы, не отходя от экрана монитора.


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Представьте, каково вам было бы жить, если бы вы не могли получить ответы на большинство самых простых вопросов!


There are also other basic questions, and without answers to them, the inclusion in the draft resolution of such categorical

and far-ranging wording as is in this draft seems to us unjustified.


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Имеются и другие фундаментальные вопросы, без ответа на которые включать в резолюцию столь категоричные и далеко идущие формулировки,

как это делается в проекте, нам представляется неоправданным.


If there are, for example,

and positive answers to all questions(1,2,8 and 15) which have checklist


the formula will be as follows.


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Если, скажем, дано 6 утвердительных


из 12 на вопросы, не содержащие подвопросов,

и утвердительные ответы на все


1, 2, 8 и 15), снабженные подвопросами, формула принимает следующий вид.


Helena Bjorn and Bjorn were incredibly helpful and

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Елена Бьорн и Бьорн были невероятно полезны и

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Это они изобрели« коаны»- вопросы, на которые не существует рационального, логического, интеллектуального ответа.


The category of disciplines that ask such»questions without answers» includes practically all fields using

critical theory in their methodology.


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К дисциплинам, ставящим такие« вопросы без объективных ответов» можно отнести практически все дисциплины,

использующие в своей методологии критическую теорию.



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Отвечу на этот вопрос— потеряю твое уважение.

Results: 31467,
Time: 0.2318





Similar words: questions without answers

  • there is some question about — есть какой-то вопрос о
  • heading of the question — заголовок вопроса
  • honest question — честный вопрос
  • beside the question — помимо вопроса
  • One thing more will complete this question — Еще одна вещь завершит этот вопрос
  • answer to her question — ответить на ее вопрос
  • in reply to the question — в ответ на вопрос
  • in relation to the question — в связи с вопросом
  • in replying to a question — в ответ на вопрос
  • but to answer your question — но ответить на ваш вопрос
  • good question — хороший вопрос
  • conflict in question — конфликт в вопросе
  • tend to question — как правило, вопрос
  • event in question — обсуждаемое событие
  • Synonyms & Antonyms: not found

    Examples: questions without answers

    He put all these questions to himself without replying to them.

    Он задавал себе все эти вопросы, не отвечая на них.

    The brigadier, calm and dignified as the law he represented, passed through the crowd, without answering the thousand questions addressed to him, and re — entered the hotel.

    Бригадир, спокойный и величественный, как закон, который он представлял, прошел сквозь толпу, не отвечая на тысячу обращенных к нему вопросов, и вернулся в гостиницу.

    I’m gonna need to ask you a few more questions , so don’t leave town without checking with me first.

    Мне нужно задать тебе еще несколько вопросов, так что не уезжай из города, не посоветовавшись со мной.

    Emmy’s contribution, paid over cheerfully without any questions , kept the little company in half — rations however.

    Тем не менее, вклад Эмми, щедро оплаченный без лишних вопросов, держал маленькую компанию в половинном пайке.

    She wanted to conduct her business quickly and be gone without questions .

    Она хотела быстро вести свои дела и уйти без вопросов.

    Because you are a man of principle You will follow orders without any questions .

    Поскольку вы принципиальный человек. Вы будете подчиняться приказам без каких-либо вопросов.

    James intrigues Emily; he is quiet and asks personal questions without being demanding or rude.

    Джеймс интригует Эмили; он тихий и задает личные вопросы, не требуя и не грубо.

    Indirect speech is a means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech.

    Косвенная речь-это средство выражения содержания высказываний, вопросов или других высказываний, не цитируя их явно, как это делается в прямой речи.

    English questions can also be formed without an interrogative word, by changing the intonation or punctuation of a statement.

    Вопросы на английском языке можно также формировать без вопросительного слова, изменяя интонацию или пунктуацию высказывания.

    After de Valera had spent sixteen years in power without answering the crucial questions of partition and republican status the public demanded a change from Fianna Fáil government.

    После того, как де Валера провел у власти шестнадцать лет, не ответив на важные вопросы о разделе и республиканском статусе, общественность потребовала смены правительства Фианны Файл.

    I can’t do without an air conditioner in the summer.

    Я не могу обойтись без кондиционера летом.

    I can’t see you without thinking of your mother.

    Я не могу видеть тебя, не думая о твоей матери.

    Have your soup without making noise.

    Ешьте суп без шума.

    It goes without saying that money can’t buy happiness.

    Само собой разумеется, что за деньги счастья не купишь.

    No smoke without fire.

    Нет дыма без огня.

    There is no rose without thorns.

    Нет розы без шипов.

    Without water, the soldiers would’ve died.

    Без воды солдаты умерли бы.

    It goes without saying that smoking is bad for your health.

    Само собой разумеется, что курение вредно для вашего здоровья.

    This is something we can’t do without .

    Это то, без чего мы не можем обойтись.

    I can’t look at this photo without being reminded of my school days.

    Я не могу смотреть на эту фотографию, не вспоминая о своих школьных днях.

    And so we retrofit these with sensors and processors, and these robots can fly indoors. Without GPS.

    И поэтому мы дооснащаем их датчиками и процессорами, и эти роботы могут летать в помещении. без GPS.

    You look cute without glasses.

    Ты мило выглядишь без очков.

    Many who became believers had come from faraway places and were without enough provisions to extend their stay in Jerusalem.

    Многие из тех, кто стал верующими, приехали издалека и не имели достаточно продовольствия, чтобы продлить свое пребывание в Иерусалиме.

    Their remarkable lives remind us that we are nothing without nature.

    Их замечательные жизни напоминают нам, что мы ничто без природы.

    Cancel first, ask questions later.

    Сначала отмените, потом задавайте вопросы.

    The thing is, I know you boys have got enough reach… to maybe get the van back without no big dustup.

    Дело в том, что я знаю, что у вас, ребята, достаточно возможностей… чтобы, может быть, вернуть фургон без большой пыли.

    I guess this, this… beautiful mess is best ended without notification.

    Я думаю, это, это… красивый беспорядок лучше всего заканчивать без уведомления.

    Building on this foundation, they set new limits and requirements for Judaism, giving direction for a day — to — day life of holiness without a temple.

    Опираясь на этот фундамент, они установили новые границы и требования для иудаизма, давая направление для повседневной жизни святости без храма.

    Those who wish to obtain God’s blessing must act decisively, without delay, in harmony with his requirements.

    Те, кто желает получить Божье благословение, должны действовать решительно, без промедления, в согласии с его требованиями.

    So here you have it, grid — level storage: silent, emissions — free, no moving parts, remotely controlled, designed to the market price point without subsidy.

    Итак, вот оно, сетевое хранилище: бесшумное, без выбросов, без движущихся частей, дистанционно управляемое, рассчитанное на рыночную цену без субсидий.

    That year we held, without any restrictions, our first district conventions since the ban had been placed on our work nearly 40 years earlier.

    В этом году мы провели без каких-либо ограничений наши первые районные съезды с тех пор, как запрет был наложен на нашу работу почти 40 лет назад.

    Without a telecommunication track.

    Без телекоммуникационного пути.

    Without your disk this is the best I can do.

    Без вашего диска это лучшее, что я могу сделать.

    This is a method of converting data from a computer into images on microfilm without intermediate photographic steps.

    Это метод преобразования данных с компьютера в изображения на микрофильме без промежуточных фотографических шагов.

    I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for?

    Я не могу жить без умственной работы. А для чего еще жить?

    These two words are always together, without exception.

    Эти два слова всегда вместе, без исключения.

    The apostle Paul answers : “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive.”.

    Апостол Павел отвечает: “будьте послушны тем, кто руководит вами, и будьте покорны”.

    Look, my hands are a little tied without Nina here.

    Слушай, мои руки немного связаны без Нины.

    I clicked without reading!

    Я нажал не читая!

    Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge.

    Но ни один из них не упадет на землю без ведома твоего отца.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    вопросы без ответов

    вопросов без ответов

    вопросов без ответа

    Will they live long? — questions without answers.

    Again, questions without answers: worked as local agents of the enemy?

    The politicians are speeding the process, and entrepreneurs have many questions without answers.

    The participants were asked to agree or disagree with certain statements, such as «I don’t know what’s wrong with me,» and «I have a lot of questions without answers

    Участники исследования должны были согласиться или не согласиться с определенными утверждениями, к примеру, такими «Я не знаю, что со мной происходит» или «У меня есть много вопросов без ответов».

    For me there are no «closed» topics or questions without answers.

    How many questions without answers?

    To you Gemini I give the questions without answers so that you may bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him.

    Вам, Близнецы, я даю вопросы без ответов, с тем чтобы вы могли принести всем понимание того, что человек видит вокруг себя.

    Since then, the windy nature of light seemed to be studied in detail, but the observation of the light echo of ancient blast again raise questions without answers.

    С тех пор ветреный характер светила, казалось, был детально изучен, но наблюдения светового эха древнего взрыва снова поднимают вопросы без ответов.

    replied the topic MH-17 in the Donbas: questions without answers.

    They evaluated interviewees’ health ambiguity or uncertainty by their agreement with statements like, «I don’t know what’s wrong with me,» and «I have a lot of questions without answers

    Степень, до которой оставшиеся в живых испытывали медицинскую двусмысленность, или неуверенность по поводу результатов их болезни, была оценена их соглашением с заявлениями, такими как, «Я не знаю что случилось со мной,» и «У меня есть много вопросов без ответов

    According to the Russian news agency TASS, the diplomatic mission noted that they intend to send Evan Hope the «Salisbury: questions without answers» report, prepared for the anniversary of the incident in Salisbury.

    В дипломатической миссии отметили, что намерены послать Эвану Хоупу доклад «Солсбери: вопросы без ответов», подготовленный к годовщине инцидента в Солсбери.

    There will always be questions without answers.

    Questions without answers, but there is something more important.

    Next Next post: Questions without answers

    For me there are no «closed» topics or questions without answers.

    Why are there are so many questions without answers?

    «Inquiry» may be a buzzword in education these days, but for Tohoku students and parents, there are too many questions without answers.

    Сегодня весьма популярно проводить «опросы» в области образования, однако у живущих в Тохоку школьников и их родителей слишком много вопросов до сих пор остаются без ответа.

    At the first glance, a field of study may be familiar and easy to understand, but when we look thoroughly, there is always a lot of questions without answers.

    Questions without answers started pouring into my head.

    Strange phenomena that occur in the world almost every day and put into a stupor, even the most experienced scientists, continue to manifest themselves, leaving behind a whole bunch of questions without answers to them.

    Странные феномены, которые происходят в мире практически каждый день и вводят в ступор даже самых опытных учёных, продолжают проявляться, оставляя после себя…

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 20. Точных совпадений: 20. Затраченное время: 86 мс


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    Unanswerable Questions

    The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.

    Albert Einstein

    Humans love puzzles. The unknown drives us to solve the puzzle and get an adrenaline rush when we find the answer. It is challenging for the brain, and we chase a sense of closure when the mystery is solved. 

    Think about it; Why do people love Sherlock Holmes? 

    He always solves the mystery!

    Unfortunately, there are many questions out there that man may never learn the answers to. The world is a vast, mysterious place, and there are many things that even scientists don’t understand. Let’s explore some of the questions that there are no answers to.

    Here is my list of 100 unanswerable questions: 

    Tough Unanswerable Questions

    1. At what time did time begin?
    2. Which came first: the sun or the earth?
    3. Is the opposite of opposite the same or opposite?
    4. Why is there a fridge light but no freezer light?
    5. Does a staircase go up or down?
    6. How far east can you travel before you are travelling west?
    7. Is there another word for “thesaurus”?
    8. Why is a “manhole” round?
    9. Why do we call them buildings if buildings are already built?
    10. If you decide to be indecisive, which are you?
    11. Did humans invent maths or discover maths?
    12. When you forget a thought, where does it go?
    13. If God invented humans, who created God?
    14. What came first: the seed or the plant?
    15. How do you know that you are not hallucinating?
    16. Why do we make exceptions to rules if we all should follow the rules?
    17. How can you describe something indescribable?
    18. Are we living, or are we dying?
    19. Who is the world in debt to if humans invented money?
    20. Can someone blind from birth see in their dreams?

    Next: 80 Funny Questions to Ask – Sorry, Not Sorry!

    Funny Unanswerable Questions 

    1. Can you have a daydream at night-time?
    2. Are child actors in adult-rated movies allowed to watch the film?
    3. If you are bald, can you get dandruff?
    4. Can you yawn when you are asleep?
    5. If the sky is the limit, then what is space?
    6. Does a dentist go to other dentists for their teeth?
    7. Why does Tarzan never have a beard?
    8. Where do the missing socks go?
    9. If a cave has a cave-in, is it still called a cave?
    10. Do cannibals think clowns taste funny?

    Animal Questions 

    1. How do we know that a new dogfood has an “improved taste”?
    2. If heaps of cats are lying on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?
    3. Is it okay for an endangered animal to eat an endangered plant?
    4. Why does the Easter Bunny bring eggs when rabbits don’t lay eggs?
    5. Can a fish get seasick?
    6. Why did the chicken cross the road?
    7. Are animals that don’t live in houses homeless?
    8. How can a jellyfish stand up for itself when it has no backbone?
    9. Do you call “a fly” a fly if it can’t fly?
    10. Why do we say spineless snake when a snake has a spine?

    Next: 110 Hypothetical Questions 

    Food Questions

    1. Why is a pizza box square when a pizza is round?
    2. Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?
    3. Why is vanilla ice cream white but vanilla extract brown?
    4. Why are bread square and sandwich meat round?
    5. Can you drink something without eating it?
    6. If a grape is sweet, why did we call the grapefruit by its name?
    7. A tomato is a fruit, so why is ketchup not called a smoothie?
    8. If you have dinner for breakfast, is it still dinner?
    9. If you can be allergic to anything, can you have an allergy to water?
    10. How can anyone taste the rainbow?

    Questions of the World

    1. How do you learn about something that doesn’t exist?
    2. If the truth is different for each of us, how can we call it the truth?
    3. Why are cars made that go faster than the worlds speed limits?
    4. Does a mirror have a colour, or does it reflect a colour?
    5. If you have fun wasting time, is it time wasted?
    6. How do we know we all see the same colours in the same way?
    7. If, in an instant, a moving object looks the same as an unmoving object, is movement possible?
    8. If a tree falls and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
    9. Will tomorrow ever come?
    10. Who decided what makes us human?
    11. If anything is possible, can anything be impossible?
    12. Is it possible to know everything?
    13. Why is it a raindrop but a snowfall?
    14. Is it possible to know if something is good or bad?
    15. Which came first: the universe or time?
    16. Will you exist in the future if you can’t ever go there?
    17. What is the purpose of death?
    18. If you restore a ship piece by piece, is it the same ship?
    19. Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?
    20. How do you expect the unexpected?
    21. If you try to fail to succeed, then which have you done?
    22. Why is abbreviated a long word?
    23. Why is a stage ring square in shape?
    24. Did Adam and Eve have a bellybutton?
    25. Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
    26. How can you throw away a garbage can?
    27. If you hate a hater, do you hate yourself?
    28. Why does bottled water expire?
    29. Why do we count sheep before bed?
    30. On a flight, which armrest is yours?
    31. If something is new, how can it be both new and improved?
    32. Why does the early bird get the worm, but patience is a virtue?
    33. What existed before the universe?
    34. Could you drown in the fountain of youth?
    35. Would time continue if everything in the world was frozen?
    36. Is the world eternal?
    37. When does the future begin?
    38. Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
    39. Do you have to swallow gum to get the calories?
    40. How do you know that you exist?
    41. Can you cry underwater?
    42. If you are halfway from your destination, is it from the beginning or the end?
    43. Is the earth alive?
    44. Why are we called humans?
    45. Why does “slim chance” and “fat chance” have the same meaning?
    46. Can we ever reach the future?
    47. How does the universe expand if there is nothing outside of it?
    48. What is a dream?
    49. Can God create a stone that is too heavy for even him to lift?
    50. Is a question with no answer still called a question? 

    I hope you enjoyed this list of unanswerable questions. Did you find any of the answers?

    Let me tell you a secret! Wisdom doesn’t come from finding the correct answer – but from asking the right question!

    More Questions You’ll Love :
    110 Hypothetical Questions  // 101 Philosophical Questions // 101 Thought Provoking Questions // 120 What If Questions

    To Ask People:
    154 Weird Questions To Ask // 118 Random Questions To Ask // 100 Dumb Questions to Ask
    100 Stupid Questions to Ask // 200 Deep Questions to Ask // Funny Questions to Ask

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