Questions beginning with the word who

Одной из самых сложных тем на уроках считаются вопросы с who в английском языке. Но на самом деле всё довольно просто, так как в данных вопросах даже не нужно использовать вспомогательные глаголы. А еще порядок слов остаётся точно таким же, как в обычном повествовательном предложении. Вопросы с who в английском встречаются довольно часто, поэтому важно научиться формулировать их правильно.

Вопросы с who в английском.  Схема построения

Что касается порядка слов в вопросах с who в английском, то он является универсальным. Обратите внимание на следующую схему:

Who + основной глагол (часто в 3-м лице ед.ч.) + остальные члены предложения

Почему в этих вопросах не применяется вспомогательный глагол? По той причине, что вопрос адресован лицу или предмету, вместо которого в нашем вопросе применяется who. Рассмотрим примеры:

1. A: Who wrote that novel? – Кто написал тот роман?

    B: Anna did. – Анна.

2. A: Who is speaking? – Кто говорит?

    В: Tom is. – Том.

Следует отметить, что подобные вопросы встречаются не только со словом who. Могут применяться which, what, whose и даже how many. Как тогда разобраться? Можно просто попробовать заменить вопросительное слово или фразу на who. Если при этом смысл предложения не изменится, нужно использовать правила для вопросов с who в английском.


A: How many people came to the meeting? – Сколько людей пришло на встречу?

В: Six people came to the meeting. – Шесть людей пришло на встречу.

Вопросы с who в английском языке. Примеры

Ниже приведены другие примеры вопросов с who (which, what, whose…) в английском языке.



Who looked at me when I was singing? Кто посмотрел на меня, когда я пела?
Who plays piano as well as Alex? Кто играет на пианино так хорошо, как Алекс?
Whose son came to the party yesterday? Чей сын пришёл вчера на вечеринку?
How many people speak Japanese in your office? Сколько людей говорит по-японски в вашем офисе?
Who talked to Anna when I was away? Кто говорил с Анной, когда меня не было?
Which manger looks more serious? Какой менеджер выглядит более серьезным?
What specialist has more information? У какого специалиста больше информации?
Which team lost the game? Какая команда проиграла?

Есть еще один интересный вопрос, который всегда звучит без вспомогательного  глагола. Это What happened? (Что случилось?)

Почему так важны вопросы, начинающиеся с who?

Стоит ли заострять внимание на данной теме? Почему так важны вопросы, начинающиеся с who? Попробуем разобраться с помощью следующих предложений.

Who does Linda like? – She likes Mario.

Кто нравится Линде? – Ей нравится Марио.

Who likes Linda? – Bob likes Linda.

Кому нравится Линда? – Линда нравится Бобу.

В первом случае вопрос был задан к дополнению. Поэтому мы применили вспомогательный глагол. Во второй ситуации мы уже интересовались не дополнением, а подлежащим. Именно из-за такой разницы и приходится выделять вопросы с who в английском как отдельную тему.

Если у вас есть трудности с другими вопросительными предложениями, рекомендуем статью 5 типов вопросов в английском языке.

Удачи! CoolKissInnocent

The question word what and who can act both as a subject or an object. Depending on that, the structure of the sentence will be different.

Study these examples

What happened?

What did you see?

Who owns this company?

Who did Mike call?

Questions to the subject with what and who

If «what» or «who» is the subject in the sentence, we don’t need an auxiliary verb. The main verb goes right after the question word:

What/Who + main verb + …?

Examples of what and who as a subject

What is her name? Her name is Christy.

What happened to Paul? He fell down the ladder.

What is hanging on the wall? A painting is hanging on the wall.

What makes you happy? Love makes me happy.

Who is knocking at the door? A postman is knocking at the door.

Who made this armchair? My grandfather made it himself.

Who knows the answer? Jenny knows the answer.

Questions to the object with what and who

If what/who is the object in the sentence, we need an auxiliary verb.

What/Whom + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + …?

Examples of what and who as an object

What did you learn at the lesson? I learnt some new grammar rules.

What does John want from me? He wants some help.

What has the dog been doing? The dog has been swimming in a mud puddle.

Who is Amanda calling now? She is calling a friend of hers.

Who do we believe? We believe them.

Who did they sell their car to? They sold it to the Fishers.

We use «what» both as a subject and an object to make questions about things, abstract terms, but not about people.

We use the question word «who» when we ask questions about a person.

If the question word is a subject (= we can replace it with a personal pronoun in its basic form: Who did it? He did it. Who cares? She cares.), then we always say «who«.

But, if the question word is an object (= we can replace it with a personal pronoun in the objective case: Whom do you help? I help him.), we should say «whom» according to the official grammar rules. Especially, when the verb requires a preposition. However, whom is rarely used in modern spoken English, it sounds very formal.

Examples of whom with a preposition

Whom is he talking to? (=Who is he talking to?)

Whom are we going to the theatre with? (= Who are we going to the theatre with?)

Whom did you bake the cake for? (= Who did you bake the cake for?)

If we sum up the above written, we’ll get a following table:

question to subject question to object
what/who + main verb + …? what/who + aux. verb + subject + main verb + …?
What makes you happy?
Who has just called?
What did you make at the art lesson?
Who have you just called?
also possible whom
Whom are you going out with?
Whom did they offer the job to?

как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском

The subject is the main member of the sentence that answers the question «Who?» or «What?»

English interrogative pronouns What and Who

! In letter combination wh Only one letter is «read»: a sound is pronounced [w] or [H] !

Who [hu:] — who?
What [wOt] — what?, what?, who is by profession / occupation? (if the question is about a person)

*** I wonder what native English speakers can pronounce wh at the beginning of words is not easy  [w], and [hw], Sounds [w] и [H] both sound, but change places (you can listen, for example, on the website In dictionaries in the transcription of such words, you will see [(h) w] — this means that the sound [H] may or may not be pronounced, for example what [(h) wɔt].

One of the exercises used in teaching English is to ask a question to a specific member of a sentence. The easiest way is to ask a question about the subject, because for this you only need replace subject with a question wordwithout forgetting about coordination of the verb with the subject (!).
In these examples, pay attention to the verbs is и (S):

this boy is happy. He s to sing. — This boy is happy. He likes to sing. These girls are happy. They to sing. — These girls are happy. They like to sing. — Who is happy? — Who is happy? — The boy is. / The girls are. — Boy. / Girls. — Who s to sing? — Who likes to sing? (or Who likes to sing?) — The boy does. / The girls do. — Boy. / Girls.

The question is asked the same for the subject in singular (boy) and plural (girls). Everything is the same as in Russian. It doesn’t matter if one or more people can play the guitar:

Who plays the guitar? — Who plays the guitar? (He plays guitar. — He  plays the guitar. )

To ask a question to the subject, replace the subject with an interrogative word (i.e., an interrogative pronoun), and the following verb should be the same as in the affirmative sentence with He (or  She or It).

Question to the subject Is a sentence that preserves the word order of a declarative (affirmative) sentence, in which the interrogative pronoun Who or What plays the role of the subject (replaces the subject), followed by a verb in the form third person singular.

Examples of subject questions for different forms of verbs

It remains to be seen when the “3rd person singular” complicates our life.

A detailed consideration of the agreement of the subject and predicate in person and number is a topic for a separate article, and here I will finally give different cases in which, in order to form a question to the subject, you need to change the form of the verb of the original sentence:

Affirmative sentence Subject question

 verb to be — to be, to appear, to be, or an auxiliary verb, a linking verb; present tense forms —  am, are, is, elapsed time —  was и Were3 person unit number: is | was
I am hot. — I feel hot. Who is hot? — Who’s hot?
My friends Were in the park. — My friends were in the park. Who was in the park? — Who was in the park?
We shall be free. — We’ll be free. Who will be free? — Who will be free?
 verb to have — have or an auxiliary verb; present tense forms —  have, has, one form of the past tense —  HAD3 person unit number: has | HAD
They Have a lot of interesting books. — They have a lot of interesting books. Who has a lot of interesting books? — Who has a lot of interesting books?
My friends have been in the park. — My friends visited the park. Who Has Been in the park? — Who visited the park?
By the 1st of September, 2012, I shall have been working at school for ten years. — By September 1, 2012, I will be working at the school for 10 years. Who will have been working at school for ten years by the 1st of September, 2012? — Who will be working at the school for 1 years by September 2012, 10?
 verb to do — do or auxiliary verb; present tense forms —  do, does [dAz], one form of the past tense —  did3 person unit number: does| did
I usually do the dishes in the evening. — I usually wash the dishes in the evening. Who usually does the dishes in the evening? — Who usually washes the dishes in the evening?


How to ask questions in English?

как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском

There are the following types of sentences in English: affirmative, negative and interrogative. Today we will focus on the last of them. It is an integral part of oral and written speech, without studying this issue, subsequent immersion in the world of a foreign language is impossible.

Some students encounter problems in this topic, but we can safely assure you: it is enough just to carefully study the theoretical material and consolidate it by solving practical problems. 

The first thing worth noting is the change in the structure of affirmative sentences to transform them into interrogative ones. This is a fairly common procedure, but it is not always required. So, the auxiliary verb in this case is placed before the subject, and the main one after it. 

5 types of questions in English 

Now it is necessary to consider in more detail each of the existing interrogative types. They have their own characteristics and structure. 

General question

As a rule, it assumes a monosyllabic «yes» or «no» answer. 

For example: 

— Do you love flowers? — Do you flowers?

— Yes — Yes, I do.

As you can see from the example, in order to form it, you need to do the above procedure: place the subject between the auxiliary and main verbs. If you need to use a modal verb (for example, could or may), you need to put it in the place of an auxiliary. 

For example:

— May I come in?

It should be noted that in questions with the verb «to be» the use of the auxiliary question is not required.

For example:

— Is she a doctor?

To form a negative interrogative sentence, it is enough to add the particle «not» after the subject. It is worth remembering that in the case of the abbreviated form n’t, it is in front of this member of the sentence. Compare two examples:

— Does he not go to school on Monday? 

— Doesn’t he go to school on Monday?

Special question

This construction allows you to ask a question to any member of the proposal. It requires a detailed answer, which significantly differs it from the previous type. Special question “markers” include the words: what ?, when ?, where ?, why ?, which ?, whose ?, whom ?.

Thus, to one of the above question words, we add an auxiliary or modal verb, then the subject follows, if there is an addition, as well as all the other previously unused members of the sentence. 

It will be easier to understand with a specific example: What (interrogative sentence) are (auxiliary verb) you (subject) doing (main verb) now (circumstance)?

A special question helps to find out almost any information of interest.

Alternative question

This construction is easily recognizable by the presence of the «or» particle. From this we can conclude that by asking a question, we give the interlocutor the right to choose one of several options. It’s easier to understand with an example: Will you go to the theater or cinema? — Will you go to the theater or cinema?

The construction of education is the same as in the general question, but it is supplemented with a particle by the aforementioned word «or». Take a look at an example: Were you in London in 2004 or 2006?

Separation issues

This is an interesting kind of question because it is divided into two parts. The first is affirmative or negative, and the second is a short clarification. Most often, the separating construction is used if the speaker is not sure of something and wants to confirm or deny the information.

The parts are separated by a comma. In English, it is called «tag», which translates as «tail». In view of this, such questions are sometimes referred to as “tail” ones.

This type is quite common in spoken and written English. This is due to several factors. First, it can express a fairly wide range of feelings and emotions: from distrust to admiration. Secondly, he quite gently prompts the interlocutor to answer without the need to ask the question directly. Thirdly, the grammatical construction of such a question is simple: here the direct word order is used, which is only supplemented by this «tail».

By the way, these «tails» can take different interpretations. The most common of them are: «Isn’t it?», «Isn’t it?» etc. 

Check out examples:

— He is your brother, is not he? — He’s your brother, isn’t he?

— You are kidding me, are not you? — You’re kidding me, right?

As you can see, the ponytails are formed with the addition of the «not» particle. The rule works in the opposite direction if the main sentence is not affirmative, but negative. 

— You are not a doctor, are you? “You’re not a doctor, are you?

It is worth remembering that if the first part of the construction contains words with a negative meaning (for example, never), then the tail will necessarily be affirmative.

— They never be in Paris, do they? “They’ve never been to Paris, have they?

Question to the subject

In this case, there are no auxiliary verbs in the construction. Formation scheme: interrogative word + predicate + secondary syntactic members. It is only required to put a question word (who or what) instead of the subject and pronounce the sentence with competent intonation.


— Who wrote this book? — Who wrote this book?

Very often this type is confused with a special question for an addendum. That is why it is important to clearly know that the question is being asked specifically to the subject. Most often, it is addressed to the person who commits or has performed this or that action, as in the example above.

So, we got acquainted with 5 questions in English, it can be seen from the material that the topic is quite simple to understand and further memorize. To hone your skills better, try to practice questions more often in dialogues with friends, acquaintances and teachers. A great solution is to make a penpal from another country.

The dating stage involves asking a lot of questions in order to get to know each other better. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: practice the application of the knowledge gained and make an interesting acquaintance with a person of a different culture.

By the way, not so long ago we prepared an interesting article for you that will help you tell a new friend about your family in a competent and interesting way. Hurry up to get to know her.


Subject question in English — rules, examples

как задать вопрос к подлежащему в английском

Having good spoken English is not only about asserting, but also about asking. Often we need to answer a question or ask it ourselves. Question to the subject in English (Question to the subject) can be structured according to a certain scheme. When asking a question, you must also take into account the time at which it was asked.

Question to the subject in English — what is it and how to ask it?

First, let’s clarify what is a subject question? The subject is the main protagonist of the proposal, who possesses some feature or performs a specific function. Accordingly, he is asked the question.

  • She is clever and beautiful.

Question: Is she clever and beautiful (Is she smart and beautiful?).

  • Smoking is not allowed here.

Question: Is smoking allowed here? (Can I smoke here?)

The subject in English can be expressed:

  • Noun: My book is written => My book is written.
  • Pronoun: She is a good student => She is a good student.
  • Gerundum: Smoking is not allowed here => Smoking is prohibited.
  • Infinitive: To sleep all day long is bad for your health => Sleeping all day is bad for your health.
  • Numerals: Seven people were asked to help us => Seven people were asked to help us.

You can ask a question to a subject at different times. Today we will look at the easiest times. By doing some simple exercises (answering What? And Who ?, you will quickly learn to ask the right questions).

Subject questions in English examples

The question to the subject can be asked using the words:

The first option is used when it comes to living things, the second is applied to non-living things, for example, to things, plants, nature, etc. Who or What is put in the first place in the sentence, replacing the main character.

Maya lives in London Who lives in London?
I play football every Sunday Who plays football every Sunday?

These were the Who examples. Now let’s look at the options with What:

Cooking is ready What is ready?
Green plants are essential for Earth health What is essential for Earth health?

In English, a question to a subject can be posed very easily. There is no need to change the order of words in a sentence. This feature distinguishes the subject question from other questions where you need to change the word order. This means that you do not need to add auxiliary verbs — do / does, did, etc.

Help: To correctly build a question, you just need to take an affirmative sentence and put who or what in the first place instead of the main character.

Subject question scheme => Who + place / sign / action?

Let’s look at a few examples:

Ann plays volleyball => Anna plays volleyball

Who plays volleyball? => Who plays volleyball?

When asking a question for such a sentence, you do not need to use an auxiliary verb (in this case, does) and put it in the first place. All you have to do is change the main character from (Mary) to who. The rest of the members of the proposal remain in their places.

On a note! When we use who / what, it automatically means that the subject must be in the singular — she (she), he (he), it (it).

Here is an example:

Children play the piano. Then the question is: Who plays the piano? This means that an English sentence should be constructed as if he / she was in place of who / what.

Information: To ask a question to a subject in simple present tense, you need to use the following scheme:

Who / what + verb ending -s / -es

To correctly formulate such a question, you need to: replace the character in the affirmative sentence with the word who add the ending -s / es to the verb (action).

Affirmative sentence Question to the subject
She s rabbits => She loves rabbits. Who s rabbits? Who Loves Rabbits?
People go to work => People go to work. Who goes to work? Who goes to work?

To ask a question to a subject, you need to use the following scheme:

Who / what + is + -ing verb

To correctly formulate such a question, you need to: replace the character in the affirmative sentence with the word who + the ending -ing.

Affirmative sentence Question to the subject
She is playing the guitar => She plays the guitar. Who is playing the guitar? Who plays the guitar?
Selena is writing the book => Selena is writing a book. Who is writing the book? => Who is writing the book?

Several interrogative sentences:

Who is trying to stole my cake? => Who’s trying to steal my cake?

My little son. He is trying to get your attention or

My children. They are bored sitting every day home nothing to do.

My little son. He’s trying to get your attention /

My kids. They are tired of sitting at home all day and doing nothing.

As you can see, who + is + -ing => the same scheme for all sentences — single and plural.


These were the basic rules for asking questions about a specific subject. Explore other lessons and you will learn how to ask questions in other times, and there are a lot of them in English. Good luck and patience!

And remember: the language barrier can be easily overcome online!


How to ask questions in English. Types of questions

One of the key topics that will be useful even for the greenest beginner is questions in English.

Why is it useful to be able to ask questions at the very beginning of the training?

Let’s imagine a situation: you are abroad and want to know the way. You run up to the first person you meet and, intently, looking into his eyes with hope, name your destination. Will you get the answer you want? Who knows. It is not a fact that the passer-by has information or speaks English. However, your chances of finding a hotel, attraction, or acquaintances will increase with your ability to ask and answer questions.


Almost all questions in English are formed by inversion (reverse word order in a sentence). An auxiliary verb is placed before the subject:

Assertion / Response Question
I will run. Will I run?
She is driving. Is she driving?
They were smiling. Why were they smiling?
The horse has slept. Has the horse slept?
My sisters had been sitting. Had my sisters been sitting or standing?

Will the next news program be at 10 pm or at 11 pm? — Will the next news program be at 10 pm or 11 pm?

Answer: The next news program will be at 10 pm — The next news program will be at 10 pm.

Were the runners running the last lap? — Did the runners run the last lap?

Answer: Yes. The runners were running the last lap. — Yes. The runners ran the last lap.

When have we seen a Japanese cherry tree blooming? — When did we see the cherry blossoms?

Answer: We have seen a Japanese cherry tree blooming in April. — We saw the cherry blossoms in April.

Auxiliary verb «to do»

In cases where the formation of a verb is carried out without an «innate» auxiliary (to be, to have), a special auxiliary verb is introduced — «todo«. It is needed at times:

  • Present Simple: with all plural subjects (we, you, they) and with the first singular subject (I), use — do; with subjects in the third person singular (he, she, it) is used — does;


How to ask a question in English where are you. Common questions in English: rules, schemes, examples

Our topic today is English language issues. Namely: how to ask them correctly, about the difference between general and special questions, questions to the subject, and also talk about the use of various interrogative words.

This topic is relevant for students of any level of language proficiency, because making mistakes is possible even at a higher level when it comes to constructing questions in English. They confuse word order, skip auxiliary verbs, use incorrect intonation.

Our mission is to prevent such errors from occurring. Can we start?

The first thing to know about questions in English is that they differ from the structure of affirmative sentences. We usually (but not always!) Ask questions in English, changing the word order: we put an auxiliary verb in the first place before the subject. Another (main) verb is placed after the subject.

Continuing to delve into this topic, it should be mentioned what are the types of questions in the English language. The differences in the construction of those very questions in English depend on this.

5 types of questions in English

Common question in English

We ask this question when we want to know general information. Are you learning English? We can answer it with one word «yes» or «no».

Special question

We need such questions in order to find out certain, specific information that interests us. When did you start learning English?

Question to the subject

We set it when we want to know who is performing the action. Who teaches your English courses?

Alternative question

This is a question that gives a choice of 2 options. Do you study English with a teacher or on your own?

Separated question

This question assumes confirmation of some information. You continue to learn English in the summer, don’t you?

Now let’s take a look at how each of these questions are structured in English.

General questions

Reverse word order is used to form such questions. This means that we put the auxiliary verb first, the subject second, and the main verb third.

Tom s swimming in the sea. — Does (auxiliary) Tom (subject) (main verb) swimming in the sea? She goes to work everyday. — Does (auxiliary) she (subject) go (main verb) to work everyday?

Common questions in English are also built with modal verbs. In this case, the modal verb will replace the auxiliary, that is, it will be placed in the first place.

Could you close the door, please? «Could you close the door please? May I come in?» — Can I come in? Should I put on sweater? — Should I wear this sweater?

We draw your attention to the verb to be … We can safely consider it special — in general questions, you do not need to add an auxiliary verb to it.

Is he a teacher? «Is he a teacher? Was the weather good yesterday?» — Was the weather good yesterday?

We form a negative general question. To do this, you need to add a particle Note… It will stand right after the subject. However, if we use the shorthand form not — n’t, she will stand in front of him. Let’s see an example:

Does she not go to work on Sunday? = Doesn’t she go to work on Sunday? — Does she not go to work on Sunday? = Haven’t you watched this movie? — Have you seen this movie?

Special Issues

This type of question requires a detailed and detailed explanation. A special question can be asked to any member of an interrogative sentence in English. The word order in such questions is the same as in general, only at the beginning you need to put one of the interrogative words:

  • What? — What?
  • When? — when?
  • Where? «Where?»
  • Why? — Почему?
  • Which? — Which the?
  • who? — Whose?
  • Whom? — Whom?

In a descriptive format, we will build a special question according to the following scheme:

Question word + auxiliary (or modal) verb + subject + predicate + object + rest of the sentence.

Easier — for example:

What (question word) are (auxiliary) you (subordinate) cooking (predicate)? — What are you cooking?What (question word) do (auxiliary glagol) you (subordinate) want to eat (predicate)? — What do you want to eat?When (question word) did (auxiliary) you (subordinate) leave (predicate) the house (addition)? — When did you leave home?

Due to the fact that a special question in English is posed to almost any member of the proposal (addition, circumstance, definition, subject), with its help you can find out any information.

Questions to the subject

This type of question differs from the previous topics discussed, since it does not use auxiliary verbs. You just need to replace the subject with who or what, add interrogative intonation and a veil — the question is ready.

The scheme for constructing a question to a subject in English is as follows:

Question word + predicate + minor clauses

Who went to the supermarket? — Who went to the supermarket? «What happened to your friend? Who did that?» — Who did this?

At first glance, it is very simple. But you should not confuse questions to the subject and special questions in English to the supplement.

An addendum is a member of a sentence that provides some additional information and answers questions in English: “who?”, “What?”, “Who?”, “Why?”, “What?”. And more often than not, a question to an object begins with the interrogative pronoun who or whom and what.

This is the similarity with the questions to the subject. Only the context will help to understand. Examples for comparison:

The girl saw me yesterday. — The girl saw me yesterday.
Whom (Who) did the girl see yesterday? — Who did the girl see yesterday? — We’re waiting for the train.
What are you waiting for? — What are you waiting for?

Alternative questions

As the name suggests, these questions involve an alternative or a right to choose. By asking them, we give the interlocutor two options.

Will you fly to England or Ireland? — Will you fly to England or Ireland?

In such a question, there is always the conjunction «or» — or. The question itself is built as a general one, only at the end with the help of the above or we add selection.

Scheme for constructing the question:

Auxiliary verb + character + action to be performed + or


Features of composing questions to the subject in English

Greetings, my dear reader.

Do you know how to correctly formulate a question for a subject in English? Probably, many of you now do not even understand what this is about. Therefore, today I will tell you what it is — a question to the subject, how it is formed and even what forms it has in different times. After studying, you can proceed to exercise и online test on this topic.



So what is it?

Subject question is one of the types of questions in English. And, as you might guess from the name, it will refer exactly to the one who performs the action. The main words used here are «Who — who «or «What — what». Let’s take a look at some examples:

Who is having a birthday party today? — Who’s having a birthday party today?

As you can see, the action is performed by a person, so we use the pronoun who — who.

What is lying on the floor? — What’s on the floor?

Here we are already referring to an inanimate object, therefore we use the word what — what.

The structural diagram of the proposal is as follows:

Who What + auxiliary verb + predicate main verb + object.

Who has (auxiliary) broken (main verb) the window (object)? — Who broke the window?

How to use at different times?

In general, the sentence structure does not change over time. But to make it easier for you to remember the basic principle of constructing a sentence — I have a wonderful table for you.

In the present tense, we only change the verbs at the appropriate tense. But be careful:

В Present simple we add an ending -S to the verb — and no auxiliary verbs!!!

Present simple Who drives more safely: Jean of Bill? Who drives more carefully: Jin or Bill?
Present continuous Who is making all the noise? Who is making all this noise?
Present Perfect Who has moved the sofa? Who moved the sofa?

In the past tense, we also change only the forms of the verbs, and by analogy with the present tense


5 types of questions in English. Examples!

Details Karina Galchenko Category: BEGINNER — ELEMENTARY

: 01 March 2016


: 4/5

Today we will consider 5 types of questions in English And, of course, Examples with them. In order not to be mistaken, the main thing is to understand three things: 1) what question you will have, 2) at what time you need to ask it, and 3) what should be the order of words in the interrogative sentence. In this article we will deal with the first point.

5 types of questions in English and examples with them

Usually allocate 5 types of questions in English… We will briefly dwell on each of them and consider Examples.

1. General question. You don’t even need question words here, as the type of question itself does not imply their use. When asking a general question, the interviewee expects to hear a short positive or negative answer from you.


Are you doing your homework now? — Are you doing your homework now?

Do they go to the cinema every Friday? — Do they go to the movies every Friday?

Was he reading a newspaper when I phoned? — He read the newspaper when I called?

Will you give me a couple of recommendations? — Will you give me a couple of recommendations?

Is your brother at work? — Is your brother at work?

2. Special question. Here you will already need a question word or even a phrase. From this point on, a special question should begin. Next, you should adhere to the standard structure of the question.


How much do these books cost? — How much do these books cost?

What is he doing here? — What is he doing here?

Where were you yesterday? — Where were you yesterday?

What city did he visit last week? — Which city did he visit last week?

Whose beg was stolen? — Whose bag was stolen?

3. Alternative question. This type of question implies the presence OR… Before or, everything looks the same as in the general question, and then a complement that is appropriate in meaning follows.


Would you a cup of tea or coffee? — Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

Is he doing his homework or playing computer games? — Does he do his homework or play computer games?

Will they go on a business trip on Tuesday or Wednesday?

Does Bob speak Spanish or Italian? — Does Bob speak Spanish or Italian?

Were they in Egypt or Turkey last summer? — Were they in Egypt or Turkey last summer?

4. The dividing question.

5. Question to the subject.

The last two types of questions require special attention, so we will consider them separately.

How to ask a separation question in English? Examples of

If you do not know how to ask dividing question in english, then it is worth brushing up on the knowledge of auxiliary verbs, as you will definitely need them. Pay attention to the structure of the question and Examples.

Declarative sentence +, + auxiliary verb + not + face

Negative sentence +, + auxiliary verb + face

He is doing his homework now, isn’t he? — He does his homework, right?

Miranda was in Germany last week, wasn’t she? “Miranda was in Germany last week, wasn’t she?

They speak Russian, don’t they? — They speak Russian, don’t they?

You haven’t forgotten to phone her, have you? “You didn’t forget to call her, did you?

They won’t leave for Prague, will they? — They won’t go to Prague, will they?

As you can see, the second part of the question (tail) depends on where you started. One of the parts (not two at the same time) must be negative.

How to ask a question about a subject in English? Examples of

Now see how to ask a question to the subject in english. Examples and explanations will help you avoid mistakes.

The good news for this type of question is that you don’t need an auxiliary verb. But you need to be 100% sure that you will have a question specifically for the subject.

Most often, these questions begin with who and are addressed to the person who is performing the action. That is, we will answer with the very person we are asking about.


Who is singing over there? — Mark.

Who sings over there? — Mark.

How many people (= who) came to the meeting? — Seven people came.

How many people came to the meeting? — Seven people came.

Who speaks in the living room? — Your aunt.

Who is speaking in the living room? — Your aunt.

We really hope that our article on the topic “5 types of questions in English«and Examples helped you figure it out. And if you need practice, sign up for our courses!


Using the interrogative words who and whom

The question words who and whom are very similar, so there are often doubts about their use. What is the difference between these words and is there any?

Questions with who

Consider how the question word who is used.

First of all — who is used in questions about a person, that is, we use who only in relation to people.

Translated into Russian, who is “who?”, But at the same time who we can also translate as “who? to whom? by whom?». What is the reason for such a translation? The fact that with who we can ask two different types of questions.

If we ask a question to the subjectthen who we have it «who?«, a ifto supplementthen who will already mean «whom?to whom? by whom?».

Subject and Object

To make it easier to understand, let’s remember what the subject is and what the complement is using the example of the following sentence: 

Nick called Kate.

Who? — Nick. What was Nick doing? — Nick called.

Nick is the subject (in English subject — the subject), the main character in the sentence. Who in our offer performed the action, who called? Nick. This is the subject.

So, we parse the proposal further:

Nick called Kate.

whom did Nick call? — He called Kate.

Kate is an addition (in English, an object), that is, it is the one at whom the action is directed. Who is the action in the sentence directed at? Who did Nick call? Kate. This is the addition.

Accordingly, if we need to ask a question to the subject, we will ask “Who called Katya?”. If we are interested in “Who did Nick call?”, Then this is already a question for the supplement.

So, to ask these questions, we’ll use who. At the same time, the most interesting thing here is that the structure of the questions will be different.

Who in question to the subject

To ask a question to the subject and ask “Who called Katya?”, Instead of the subject (in our case it is Nick), put the question word who.


Who called Kate?Nick… Nick called.
Whocalled Katya? — Nick… Nick called.

The peculiarity of questions to the subject is that in such questions the auxiliary verb is not placed at the beginning of the sentence: instead of the unknown subject, we simply put who and we get a question. Moreover, who in such a question becomes the subject (instead of Nick), hence the direct word order, as in the affirmative sentence.

Question to the subject — direct word order (as in an affirmative sentence, who takes the place of the subject), translated — who?

He invited her to go to Paris. — He invited her to go to Paris.
Who initiated her to go to Paris? — Who invited her to go to Paris?

Who in question for the supplement

To ask a question for an add-on and ask “Who did Nick call?


Subject question in English

In order to ask a question to a subject in English, you must first understand 3 things: what is the subject (the main member of the sentence, answers the question who? What?), What types of questions are there in English and how to compose these questions in English.

A special question for a subject in English. Structure

1. My colleague is writing a report in the office.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who is writing a report at the office?
Who writes the report in the office?

2 students came to school.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

How many pupils came to school?
How many students came to school?

3. Porridge is burning in the kitchen.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

What is burning in the kitchen?
What’s burning in the kitchen?

Negative form of subject questions in English

The negative form of questions to the subject in English is built on the principle of negative sentences, that is, the auxiliary verbs do, does, did are used. We put the NOT particle after the modal or auxiliary verb.

4. This student hasn’t answered my question yet.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who hasn’t answered my question yet?
Who hasn’t answered my question yet?

5. Kate doesn’t speak English.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who doesn’t speak English?
Who doesn’t speak English?

How to formulate a subject question in English?

  1. Find a subject in a sentence.
  2. Replace it with a suitable interrogative pronoun
    — Who? (who?) or What? (what?).
  3. Maintain direct word order, while leaving all members of the sentence in their places.
  4. When composing a question for a subject in English, remember to reconcile the verb with the subject — in Present Simple we use the verb in the third person singular. — add the ending -s (es) to

    verb (eg Who wants tea?).

Questions to determine the subject in English:

  1. What film is the best? What’s the best movie?
  2. How many students attend lectures? How many students
    attends lectures?

Example 1

John is going to England next week.

1. Subject — John

2. Replace John with who

3. Maintain direct word order (that is,
subject + predicate)

Question to the subject: Who is going to england
next week?
Who’s going to England next

Example 2.

Viktuk’s play was staged.

Questions to the subject:

Whose play was staged?
Whose play was performed on stage?

What was staged? What did you do on stage?

Example 3.

The girls are happy.

Question to the subject: Who is happy? Who

Example 4.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Example 5.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Exercise 2. Compare pairs of sentences, find the subject in each sentence, determine which of the questions is a question to the subject — a) or b), translate the sentences into English. In one of the pairs, both sentences are questions to the subject.

  1. a) Who will you go with? versus b) who will go
    with you?
  2. a) What does he do? versus b) Who does it?
  3. a) Who thought about his health? versus b) What did he think about?
  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who
    scratched your car?
  5. a) Which girl has served dinner? versus
    b) Who has to serve dinner?
  1. a) Who will you go with? Who are you going with? versus b) Who will go with you? Who will go with you? b) — question to

    subject to

  2. What does he do? What does he do? versus Who does it?
    Who is doing this? b) — a question to the subject
  3. Who thought about his health? Who thought about their health? versus What did he think about? What is he talking about

    thought? a) — a question to the subject

  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who scratched your car? Who scratched your car? b) — question to

    subject to

  5. Which girl has served dinner? Which of the girls served dinner? versus Who has to serve dinner? Who Should Serve Dinner? a) and b) — questions to

    subject to

Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes

  1. Who to sing?
  2. Who did was in the park?
  3. What does make you think so?
  4. Who did see the accident?
  5. What does washing need?
  6. Who did make you feel disappointed?
  1. Who’s to sing (singing)?
  2. Who was in the park?
  3. What makes you think so?
  4. Who saw the accident?
  5. What washing needs?
  6. Who made you feel disappointed?

Exercise 4. Translate into English

  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who upset you?
  3. What’s next to the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who prompted her to do this?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who usually does the dishes in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters did you receive in the afternoon?
  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who disappointed you? (Who made you feel
  3. What is near the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who influenced her to do that?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who washes up in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters arrived in the afternoon?

Subject question in English


English grammar for kids

— write plural nouns
— write plural nouns in English.
— plural nouns — exceptions

Possessive nouns.

Personal pronouns.
— replace nouns with pronouns (grade 2) — 1, 2, 3, 4
— answer questions using personal pronouns
— I or me? She or her?
— Replace phrases with the correct pronoun.
— Read phrases and replace them with pronouns, write pronouns in the blanks
— Read the sentences and choose the appropriate pronoun form

Possessive pronouns.

Demonstratives This, That, These, Those

— listening — listen to the recording and choose the appropriate picture
— choose the correct demonstrative pronouns for the pictures
— repetition — this / that / these / those and Present Simple
— Vereshchagin 3. Lesson 3. translate into English
— choose the correct demonstrative pronoun
— choose the correct pronoun form

Pronouns SOME / ANY.

Pronouns something / anything / nothing / somebody / anybody / nobody

Pronouns MUCH / MANY



Comparison of adjectives.

— pick up pairs (Russian meaning and translation into English)
— Read the sentences and choose the desired adjective form
— Vereshchagin grade 3. Lesson 53. Comparative degrees of adjectives.

Read and choose the correct English translation of the adjective
— in each sentence, choose the correct option for the degree of comparison of adjectives in English

Links to exercises on the degree of comparison from other sites:
— 10+, fill in the sentences with superlative adjectives;
— 6+, compare people and cartoon characters;
— 8+, in this exercise you will repeat the comparative degree of adjectives and animal names in English;
— 7+, compare people and objects;
— 9+, we train to form a comparative degree of adjectives in English;
— 9+, fill in the blanks;
— 9+, choose the required form of the adjective — comparative or superlative;


— Numbers 1-10 — spelling numbers from 1 to 10
— Numbers 1-30 — spelling numbers from 1 to 30
— Numbers 1-100 — spelling numbers from 1 to 100
— write how many objects are drawn in the picture
— Combine digital and written ordinal notations to help the animals get ready for the concert
— Listen to the audio recording, look at the picture and determine which number each child is under
— Connect alphabetic and numeric designations of ordinal numbers from 11 to 20 in English

— Body, colors, numbers — Body parts, colors, numbers
— Vereshchagin 3. Lesson 4. Repetition — colors, animals, numbers
— write how many animals are drawn in the picture
— English songs for children — I candy — English score
— We repeat the numbers from 1 to 10 — write down the numbers in words
— Numbers from 1 to 10.

Listen to the recording and try to identify the address of the speaker by ear
— Listen to the recording and enter the missing numbers in the dialogues
— Dictation. Numerals (tens, hundreds, thousands)
— Dictation. Numerals — years
— Dictation. Ordinal numbers and dates
— Dictation of the date
— Listening. Numerals in oral speech (intermediate)
— Listening.

Numbers in oral speech 2



Types of questions in English

There are 4 types of interrogative sentences in English: general (general or yes / no questions), special (special or wh-questions), alternative (alternative) and separating (disjunctive or tail / tag-questions).

I propose to consider each of these types in more detail.

General or Yes / no questions

Common questions are those that can be answered «yes» or «no», hence the name «yes / no questions».

As a rule, this kind of question refers to the whole proposal, and not to a separate element of it.

For example:

  • Do you this country? — Do you like this country?
  • Does Jane know about your new job? «Does Jane know about your new job?»
  • Can I call my sister? — Can I call my sister?
  • Is it cold outside? — It’s cold outside?
  • Are they ready for the trip? — Are they ready for the trip?
  • Are you hungry? — Are you hungry?

General questions should be pronounced with a corresponding increasing intonation.

You can answer as briefly “Yes./No. «, And more fully -«Yes, I do./No, donationthis country.»These answers depend on which verb is in the question.

Try to remember the following diagram: as they ask, so we answer.

If the question starts with a verb form to be = am, is, are; then answer: Yes, I am / he is / they are; or No, I am not / he isn’t / they aren’t.

Likewise with auxiliary verbs (of/does, did, will, Have/has):

  • Did she clean the room? — Yes, she did / No, she didn’t.
  • Have you done your homework? — Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
  • Will you buy that dress? — Yes, I will / No, I won’t.

Special or Wh-questions

Special questions, as you might guess, are posed to a specific word, a member of the sentence. For this, question words are used: who (Who), what (what), Where (where, where), When (when), why (why, why) how (as), how many (how much), etc., which are placed at the beginning of the sentence.

For example:

  • Where is he from? — Where is he from?
  • When did you come here? — When did you come here?
  • How did you meet her? — How did you meet her?
  • How many eggs do we need for this cake? — How many eggs do we need for this cake?
  • Whose children are playing in the yard? — Whose children are playing in the yard?

Please note that questions for the subject (who? What?) Have their own special structure: they do not require an auxiliary verb, we simply replace the subject with a question word.

For example:

  • We go to the cinema. — Who goes to the cinema?
  • The glass is on the table. — What is on the table?
  • most girls here wear skirts. — Who wears skirts here?

That is, after the question words who / what verbs are used as for the 3rd person singular.

We use special questions to get specific information. This implies a detailed answer.

alternative questions

Alternative interrogative sentences are suggestions for choosing one of the options. They consist of two parts connected by a union or (or).

Alternative questions can be of both general and special (specific) nature. If the question does not concern the subject, a complete answer is required.

For example:

  • Does she ice-cream or sweets? — She s ice-cream.
  • Where would you go: to the cinema or to the theater? — I would go to the cinema.
  • Is he a teacher or a student? — He is a student.

But when the question is about the subject, then the auxiliary verb is used before the second option, and the answer will be short:

  • Does she make it or do you? — She does.
  • Did they buy that house or did she? — They did.

Disjunctive or Tag-questions

Separating or «questions with a tail» in English have their equivalent in Russian: The tea is too sweet, isn’t it? Very sweet tea, isn’t it / isn’t it?

This type of interrogative sentences also consists of two parts, where the first goes in the affirmative, and the second (short) in the negative, and vice versa.

Basically, the first part of the sentence defines the expected response: affirmation is a positive answer, denial is a negative answer.

For example:

  • She sent him an invitation didn’t she? — Yes, she did.
  • You aren’t getting married, are you? — No, I am not.
  • Jane isn’t in France, is she? — No, she isn’t.
  • Our dad will come soon won’t he? — Yes, he will.

And also as an exception:

I am going with you aren’t I? — Yes, you are.

You cannot say: I am a great person, am not I? It won’t be right. Just remember that for the pronoun I (i) the ponytail uses the shape are / aren’t.

Ponytail questions are used exclusively in colloquial speech to clarify information, confirm or deny this information, if in doubt.

Good luck in learning English!


Types of questions in English —

How to build and when to use

There are 5 types of questions in English. Today we will look at which one to use when, as well as their construction. We recommend this article first of all to those who have only recently started to learn English, because the ability to correctly formulate questions is the basis for full-fledged communication.

First, let’s see what types of questions exist in English:

  1. General
  2. Special
  3. Question to the subject
  4. Alternative
  5. Separation (question «with a ponytail»)

Now we will consider each of them in turn.

If you just need to brush up on your knowledge, you can download handy signs here: questions

General questions in English

Common questions are those that can be answered in the affirmative or negative (either «yes» or «no»).

Such questions are formed with the help of auxiliary verbs or the verb to be (in the necessary form), which are placed in the first place before the subject.

An auxiliary verb is a verb that we do not translate in any way. He only indicates to us that this is a question, and also, at the time in which our question is built. More details for what tense, what auxiliary verb is used can be found here.

The outline of the general question looks like this:

Auxiliary verb (or to be verb in the desired form) + subject + main verb + other parts of speech.

Also, such a question can be built using a modal verb, which is placed in the first place (instead of to be or an auxiliary verb)

Examples of common questions:

— Do you swimming? — Yes, I do.

Do you like to swim? — Yes.

— Did you live in London? — No, I didn’t live there.
Have you lived in London? — No, I didn’t live there.

— Are you a doctor? — Yes, I am.
Are you a doctor? — Yes.

Are you attending college?

Also, such a question can be built using a modal verb, which is placed in the first place (instead of to be or an auxiliary verb)


Dog you help me? — Can you help me?

In Russian, we sometimes start a question with a negation, in English we can do that too, just put an auxiliary verb or to be in a negative form. Often such questions in English correspond to our questions with the word «is not». That is, they convey some surprise.

For example:

Didn’t you visit your mom? — Didn’t you visit your mother?
Aren’t you a doctor? — Aren’t you a doctor?

No. “Isn’t he a suspect?

Special questions in English

Special questions are questions that use the words “where”, “how”, “when”, etc. They already need to be answered in full. To form such a question, we put the question word (why / where / when) first, then put the words in the same order as in the general question, that is, the auxiliary verb, then the subject and the rest of the speech.

The scheme looks like this:

Question word + auxiliary verb / to be in the required form + subject + main verb + other parts of speech


— When did you visit London? — When were you in London?

— Why should I go there? — Why should I go there?

— Where is your brother? — Where is your brother?

Why are you smiling?

By the way, sometimes in colloquial speech in English, as in Russian, such questions are conveyed by one question word and intonation:

 — I have to go. — Where?

I have to go. — Where?

— You should go with me. — Why?

You must come with me. — Why.

— I bought that T-shirt. — Which one?

I bought that T-shirt. — Which one?

It is also worth noting that special questions can be conditionally divided into simple (which we discussed above) and complex. By complex we mean questions in which the question word comes with a clarification. To make it clearer what is meant, here are examples in Russian: how long, how far, at what time, etc.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

— How long are you going to stay here? — How long do you plan to stay here?

— What dress do you want? — What dress do you want?

— What time is it? — What time is it now?

How far is Elmira?

Subject questions in English

We think there is no point in explaining the essence of such questions :).

There is no auxiliary verb in this type of question. The question word comes first: who (for animate objects) and what (for inanimate objects). Basically, who / what replaces the subject in the clause.

Here is the scheme:

Who / what + to be (if it’s a long time) + main verb + other parts of speech.

It is worth noting that we put the verb in the form in which it would stand in our affirmative sentence: for the past tense ed, for Present Simple — the ending -s for the third person.


— What is your favorite movie? — What’s your favorite movie?


Subject question in English: basic rules with examples

Sometimes you need to find out who is doing or taking an action. For example, someone gave your friend a gift. To clarify exactly who gave you a gift, you will ask the question: «Who gave you a gift?»

Every day we ask similar questions: “Who called you? Who is messaging you? Who will go to the store? «

In English, this type of question is called questions to the subject… It is very easy to construct such questions.

Below I have written detailed instructions on how to ask these questions.

In the article you will learn:

What is a subject question?

Subject matter — this is the main character in the proposal who performs the action or has some feature. That is, the one about whom (what) is said in the sentence.

Ребенок riding a bike.
(The child is the actor taking the action.)

His sister clever.
(A sister is a character with a trait.)

Therefore, we ask the question to the subject when we do not know who performed the action or has a sign.

Who riding a bike?
Who clever?

Let’s take a look at how to ask such questions in English.

Attention! Confused about English rules and making mistakes? Learn how easy it is to learn English grammar with this free lesson.

In English, we ask a question to a subject using the words:

  • who — who (for living beings: people, animals, birds, etc.)
  • what — what (for inanimate objects: plants, things, nature, etc.)

We put these words in the first place in the sentence, replacing them with the character.

Tom late for work.

Who late for work?

In English, the subject question is considered very simple. Its peculiarity and difference from other questions is that we do not need to change the order of words in a sentence.

That is, we do not add auxiliary verbs (do / does, did, etc.). To construct such a question, we simply take an affirmative sentence and put who / what in the first place instead of the character.

The outline of such a question will be as follows.

Who + action / attribute / place?

For example, we have an affirmative sentence.

mary played tennis.
Mary played tennis.

When we ask a question to a subject, we don’t need to remember an auxiliary verb and put it first. We just replace the actor (Mary) with who. Everything else in the proposal remains the same.

Who playing tennis?
Who played tennis?

IMPORTANT: when we put who / what, then we imagine that it is someone singular: she (she), he (he), it (it). There is nothing difficult in this, because in the Russian language we do the same.

Affirmative sentence: «Children smashedи vase «.
Question: «Who broke the vase?» (We say smashed, not smashed.)

Therefore, an English sentence should be constructed as if he / she was in place of who / what.

For example, take an affirmative sentence.

They Were at school. 
They were at school. 

Despite the fact that they are in the affirmative, when we ask a question to the subject, we represent he / she in place of who. Therefore, we replace with was.

Who was at school?
Who was at school?

Let’s look at the subject matter formation for basic grammatical constructions. 

Question to the subject in Present Simple time

The question to the subject over time Present Simple is asked according to the following scheme:

Who / what + a verb ending with -s / -es?

To ask this question, you must:

  • replace the character in the affirmative sentence with the word who;
  • add the ending -s / es to the verb (action).

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Affirmative sentence Question to the subject


What it is?

So-called subject question in English — this is a clarification with the word Who (denotes people) or What (denotes inanimate things and animals). «Who told you?», «What are you doing?»

Subject — the main subject or the acting living person. We are talking about it, or it is performing active actions. In Russian speech, it may be absent (implicitly implied).

But in affirmative and exclamatory English-language sentences, it is necessarily present in an explicit form. Moreover, it takes a clearly assigned place among other words. Usually expressed by a pronoun or noun, less often — a complex phrase.

And only when asking questions about the subject in English, the subject is replaced with a question word.

How to ask a question?

The word order is preserved, and this is the simplicity of such phrases. Instead of a noun or pronoun denoting a subject, what or who is substituted. Question words accompanied by verbs usually in the singular, although the answer can be received in the plural.

Accordingly, the verbs, modal and semantic, remain the same or change. If they were in the plural in the affirmative (exclamatory) sentence, they should be replaced with analogues in the singular. The exception is to be in the individual cases discussed below. Various times will be given for better understanding.

Will help you put it right subject question in English exampleswhich are given in the text.

Present simple

Here are the narrative sentences:

  • Child plays football — a child plays football;
  • The sun shines every day — the sun shines every day;
  • Children play tennis — children play tennis;
  • Clouds close the sun — clouds cover the sun;
  • I stand here — I stand here;
  • He stands there — he stands there;
  • They walk anywhere — they walk everywhere.

Note that the subject of the sun is made up of two separate words. In a simple present actions occur «generally» or regularly, not necessarily at the moment… If asked, the relevant questions for the subject in English would be:

  • Who plays football?
  • What shines every day?
  • Who plays tennis?
  • What closes the sun?
  • Who stands here?
  • Who stands there?
  • Who walks anywhere?

The plural has been replaced by a single everywhere. Inanimate persons are designated by the word Who, inanimate objects — by What.

Past Simple

Any question to a subject in English in the past tense is composed according to the same scheme as in the present, only instead of the first dictionary form of the verb, the second is used. For correct ones — with the standard -ed ending. For the wrong ones, look at the table if the memory fails.

  • Who played today? — Who played today?
  • Who ran yesterday? — Who ran yesterday?
  • What prevented you to come? — What prevented you from coming?

Future simple

In the future tense, the scheme of the question to the subject in English is the simplest, since the modal verb will is not inflected in numbers and persons.

For example:

  • Who will play today? — Who will play today?
  • What will remain here? — What will stay here?

A small nuance should be noted: the main verb is used here without the ending -s (-es), characteristic of the third person singular. the numbers… This is not surprising, even in Russian “lies” and “will lie” are different word forms.

Present with to be

To be is used in the same way as any other verb when posing a question to a subject in English. But it has many different forms, not similar to each other in spelling and pronunciation. They should be properly selected and substituted.

For example:

  • Who is here?
  • Who is rich?
  • What is bread?
  • Who are you?

Typically, to be is used as is. The characteristic phrase «What is» is translated as «What is» and is often used in search engines. An exception is a direct question to the subject in English, addressed to one or many interlocutors — Who are You? Also, are is substituted if there are obviously many persons or things in the subject.

Elapsed tense with to be

When asking about a state or action in the past, use Who (What) + was +?

In the second person, this way they ask questions with who in english: Who were you? — Who were you? It is also necessary to substitute were if it is known in advance that the subject is numerous or, in principle, is never single.

Future tense with to be

Without options, will be used:

  • Who will be?
  • What will be?

Use with to be

Although most often questions to a subject in English are asked in the singular of a third person, the answer is different. On «Who’s Here?» (Who is here?) You can answer: I am, She is, We are. In the past tense — I was, He was, They were.

With modal verbs

All modal verbs are the same when using different persons and numbers, so they are very easy to use.

For example: Who can come for a breakfast? — Who can come for breakfast?

With there is or there are

In this case, the word order changes, first comes is (or are, was, were), then there. Who is there? or What is there?

Negative question form

The position of the negating particle not remains the same, as usual, only the subject is replaced by the question word:

  • What does not bring good luck? — What doesn’t bring good luck?
  • Who will not come home? — Who won’t come home?

How to answer?

Reply to subject question in English can be short and complete. Even a short, competent answer should have a verb, not just a subject.

For example:

  • Who came yesterday? — Who came yesterday?
  • Your brother John did.
  • Who plays today? — Who is playing today?
  • Manchester United does.
  • Who may enter? — Who can come in?
  • All the people may.

Complete (long) answers to similar questions in English with who build by substituting the subject in place of the question word:

  • Your brother John came yesterday.
  • Manchester United plays today.
  • All the people may enter.

Хотите расслабиться и не думать о порядке слов в предложении? У нас есть способ: это who- questions, или вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке.

Допустим, вы знаете основные типы вопросов. Вам знакомы вопросительные слова, такие, как Who, Why, When, What и How.

Положим, вы осведомлены даже о таком понятии, как инверсия.

На всякий случай, напомним: инверсия — это когда в предложении меняется порядок слов. Она часто используется, чтобы задать вопрос в английском. Для русского языка такой способ формирования вопросов нехарактерен.

Может быть, вам встречались предложения, на конце у которых было isn’t it? — и, таким образом, вы познакомились с еще одним типом вопроса — разделительным.

И вы твердо усвоили, что вспомогательный глагол do незаменим, когда надо задать вопрос в простом времени (конечно, только когда речь идет о глаголах действия).

Наверное, после всего узнанного у вас появилась мысль, что непростое это дело, вопросы в английском задавать. И действительно, почему бы не пользоваться интонацией, без всяких вспомогательных глаголов и перестановок? Вот как в русском:

Ты сегодня ел.

Ты сегодня ел?

Достаточно поставить знак вопроса на письме, а в устной речи повысить ноту на слове «ел».

Просто задумайтесь, насколько чудовищно по сравнению с этим выглядит конструкция «Делал ты есть сегодня?». А именно так неосведомленный человек переведет фразу «Did you eat today?».

Если вы злы на английских грамматистов и негодуете, расслабьтесь. Выдохните. Есть тип вопроса, который не требует выворачивания мозга наизнанку. Это вопрос к подлежащему, английский вопрос без затей. Просто ставим в ряд вопросительное слово, глагол и, если есть, дополнение:


Насладитесь тем, насколько легко, слово за словом, переводятся эти фразы. Не нужно ничего переставлять, вычислять, просто переводим подряд:

Кто cъел печеньки?

Что помогает тебе концентрироваться?

Кто построил Берлинскую стену?

Как бы было хорошо, если бы все вопросы были такими простыми. Но эта структура становится возможна только в том случае, если ответ на вопрос — подлежащее. Вопросы к подлежащему в английском языке, примеры которых вы видите в табличке выше, используют вопросительные слова.
Это могут быть слова who, what, how many (кто, что, как много). Главное, чтобы эти слова задавали вопрос о подлежащем.

Но ведь если есть вопросительные слова, то это просто специальные вопросы?

Сравним два предложения, в которых вопрос задается с помощью how many:

How many cookies are in the box? (Как много печенек в коробке?)

How many cookies did you eat? (Как много печенек ты съел?)

Во втором предложении многое выстроено иначе, чем в первом, несмотря на одинаковое начало.

Во-первых, там есть тот самый вспомогательный глагол do. Он в форме Past Simple: did.

Соответственно, по-другому выглядит и eat — смысловой глагол. Он в форме инфинитива, а не в форме прошедшего времени, потому что вместо него уже изменился вспомогательный do.

Порядок слов тоже меняется — did вынесен на место перед подлежащим.

В общем, много изменений произошло с предложением. Вывод: этот вопрос относится к типу специальных вопросов.

В первом же предложении нет ни инверсии, ни вспомогательных глаголов, потому что вопрос касается подлежащего.

А что же такое подлежащее? Это, ни много ни мало, именно тот человек или предмет, который совершает действие. То есть, не сам человек, конечно, а та часть речи, которая его обозначает.

Подлежащее — это главный герой предложения, его действующее лицо.

Что может делать герой? Да что угодно, например, петь, есть, смеяться:

Katja sings a song. (Катя поет песню).

Vanja eats his breakfast. (Ваня ест свой завтрак).

Bobby laughs at me at school. (Бобби смеется надо мной в школе).  

А еще герой может просто быть, и тогда будет использоваться глагол to be:

Katja is a singer. (Катя певица).

Vanja is a sales manager. (Ваня менеджер по продажам).

Bobby is a bully. (Бобби задира).

Катя, Ваня и Бобби — это подлежащие в своих предложениях.

Давайте теперь сделаем нечто захватывающее: зададим к этим подлежащим вопросы! Вы догадались, какое вопросительное слово мы будем использовать? Конечно, Who (кто).

Who sings a song? (Кто поет песню?)

Who eats his breakfast? (Кто ест свой завтрак?)

Who laughs at me at school? (Кто смеется надо мной в школе?)

И с глаголом to be:

Who is a singer? (Кто певица?)

Who is a sales manager? (Кто менеджер по продажам?)

Who is a bully? (Кто задира?)

Что мы сделали? Мы просто поставили слово who на место подлежащего. Ведь подлежащее — это и есть часть речи, которая отвечает на вопрос кто? или что?

Это действительно настолько просто.

Вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке: примеры

Who eats mosquitoes?

Кто ест комаров?


What makes me happy?

Что делает меня счастливым?


What makes the frog happy?

Что делает лягушку счастливой?


Ответы на вопросы в примерах будут начинаться с подлежащего, а в остальном строение предложений не изменится:


The frog eats mosquitoes.

Лягушка ест комаров.


Ice cream makes me happy.

Мороженое делает меня счастливым.


Mosquitoes make the frog happy.

Комары делают лягушку счастливой.


Только не забудьте, что в ответе глагол нужно менять в соответствии с числом подлежащего:


What makes the frog happy? — Здесь глагол make в единственном числе;

Mosquitoes make the frog happy — а здесь make уже в форме множественного числа, потому что москитов, или комаров, много.


Кстати, а как понять, в какое число ставить глагол в вопросе, если мы не знаем, сколько действующих лиц — много или одно?

По умолчанию используется единственное число. Это не сложно для восприятия, потому что в русском языке наблюдается то же самое.

Например, вы заглядываете в холодильник у себя на работе, и обнаруживаете, что бутерброды, а о них вы мечтали все утро, исчезли (в который раз). Вы догадываетесь, что вам никто не ответит, но все равно со смесью неприятных чувств говорите:

Кто постоянно крадет мои бутерброды?

Глагол красть вы используете в единственном числе — крадет, хотя не исключено, что к бутербродам приложили руку многие ваши сотрудники.

Вы не говорите:

Кто постоянно крадут мои бутерброды?

Этот насущный вопрос на английском будет звучать так:

Who constantly steals my sandwiches?

Аналогично, глагол steal принял форму единственного числа и третьего лица, прибавив окончание -s: steals.

Еще это правило можно запомнить так: представляете на месте подлежащего слово «somebody» — кто-то. Somebody в английском всегда в единственном числе, так что и форма глагола будет ему соответствовать.

Somebody is in the house. (Кто-то дома).

Who is in the house? (Кто дома?)

Внимание, ошибка!

Иногда так и хочется завернуть грамматически сложную фразу, чтобы показать, чему мы обучались так долго в разных учебных заведениях. Не поддавайтесь соблазну! Не нужно говорить:

Who did steal my food?

Вы же помните, что глагол do не нужен в этой разновидности вопросов?

Исключение составляют случаи, когда он используется для усиления выразительности. Примерно, как наша частица «же»:


— I didn’t steal your sandwiches

(Я не крал твои бутерброды)


— But who did steal them then?

(Но кто же тогда их украл?)


Как задать такой вопрос в разных временах?

Грамматическое время может быть любым, но правило одно и то же: порядок слов остается прямым.

Вот небольшой отрывок из дневника человека, которому не дают спать шумные соседи. Прочтите его, и попытайтесь задать вопросы к подлежащему в разных временах.

Дневник этот английский, вопросы к подлежащему составляем тоже на английском.

Dear diary,

It’s 11 p.m. Our neighbours are drilling and hammering. Another guy next door had a party yesterday at 5 a.m. The neighbour upstairs has been drilling in the exact same spot for 3 weeks. I will call the police one day.


Дорогой дневник!

Сейчас 11 вечера. Наши соседи сверлят и стучат молотком. Другой парень из соседней квартиры вчера проводил вечеринку в пять утра. Сосед сверху сверлит в одной точке уже три недели. Однажды я вызову полицию.

Вот, какие вопросы получились у нас:

Вопрос к подлежащему в Present Continuous

Who is drilling and hammering?

Кто сверлит и стучит молотком?


Past Simple


Who had the party yesterday at 5 a.m.?

Кто устроил вечеринку вчера в пять утра?


Present Perfect Continuous


Who has been drilling in the exact same spot for 3 weeks?

Кто сверлит в одном и той же точке уже три недели?


Future Simple


Who will call the police?

Кто вызовет полицию?

Who, whom, кто и кого

Когда вы читаете на английском или слушаете английскую речь, очень важно не перепутать, кто является объектом действия, а кто — субъектом. Иначе можно сделать неправильные выводы.

Субъект — это тот, кто (то, что) совершает действие. Часть речи — подлежащее.

Объект — тот, или то, над кем (чем) совершается действие. Часть речи — дополнение.

То слово, к которому можно задать вопросы кого, чего, кому, чему, о чем, то есть вопросы ко всем падежам, кроме именительного, и будет дополнением.

Официальное правило гласит, что если вопрос относится к подлежащему, надо использовать слово Who.

А для дополнения есть вопросительное слово Whom (кого).


Who framed Roger rabbit?

Кто подставил кролика Роджера?



Whom did Roger rabbit frame?

Кого подставил кролик Роджер?


На практике Whom можно встретить чаще в письменной речи, а в устной вполне допустимо использовать Who для вопросов к дополнению:

Who do you love? (Кого ты любишь?)


Как отвечать на вопросы к подлежащему?

На прямой (с прямым порядком слов) вопрос и отвечать нужно прямо. То есть, сначала подлежащее, потом глагол, потом дополнение.


— Who killed Sam? (Кто убил Сэма?)

— Mike killed Sam. (Майк убил Сэма).


Можно заменить смысловой глагол на did, для краткости.

— Mike did. (Майк).

В предложениях, где фигурирует глагол to be, в ответе тоже будет to be в соответствующей форме:

— Who is fixing the computer? (Кто чинит компьютер?)

— My husband’s friend is doing it. (Друг моего мужа этим занимается).


— My husband’s friend is. (Друг моего мужа).

Часто встречается совсем простой вариант, когда в ответ на вопрос к подлежащему говорящий просто называет подлежащее без глагола:


— Who is on the team?

— (Кто в команде?)


— Guys from all over the world. (Ребята со всего мира).

Чтобы лучше прочувствовать subject questions, можно включить в свой обиход следующие выражения, которые часто можно слышать от англоговорящих людей:

1) Who cares?

Риторический вопрос. Дословно — кто заботится (об этом), смысловой перевод — «кому какое дело», «ну и что». С легким оттенком безысходности и/или безразличия, потому что обычно подразумевается ответ «nobody» (никому нет дела).


— If you don’t practice, you will fail your test.  

— Who cares?

( Если ты не будешь заниматься, то провалишь тестирование.
Ну и что?)


2) Who told you (that)?

«Кто (это) тебе сказал?»

Еще одно полезная фраза, она пригодится для выражения несогласия с тем, что было сказано.


Who told you I didn’t love you?

(Кто сказал тебе, что я тебя не люблю?)


3) Who’s there?

Такой вопрос к подлежащему в Present Simple задается, чтобы спросить «кто там?»


— Knock-knock! (Тук-тук!)

— Who’s there? (Кто там?).


4) What happened?

Незаменимая фраза, переводится без труда и означает «что случилось?».


— What happened?

— Nothing, it’s just a scratch.


( Что случилось?
Ничего, просто царапина).

Чтобы у вас с легкостью получалось задавать вопрос к подлежащему в английском языке, упражнения необходимы, несмотря на простоту этой темы. Мы предлагаем вам сделать небольшое веселое упражнение прямо сейчас!

Переводчик главаря мафии

Тридцатые годы, США. Идет криминальная разборка. Поводом для собрания явилась череда жестоких убийств в мафиозной среде:


Mike killed Sam

Mike killed Henry

Lucky killed Mike

Frank killed Lucky


Главарь мафии приехал из Италии и до сих пор не очень хорошо говорит по-английски. К тому же, он уже старый и забыл, кто кого убил. Помогите ему узнать следующие вещи:


Кто убил Сэма?

Кто убил Генри?

Кто убил Майка?

Кто убил Лаки?


И вообще,

Кто остался жив?

А вот и вопросы. Получилось ли у вас так же?


Who killed Sam?

Who killed Henry?

Who killed Mike?

Who killed Lucky?


Who is still alive?

*при составлении этого упражнения ни один мафиози не пострадал.

Wh Questions

In English, there are two types of questions all students must learn about. These are Wh- questions and yes/no questions. Wh- questions, also known as ‘open questions’, are question words that begin with Wh (with the exception of ‘how’). There are seven Wh questions in English. These are who, what, when, where, why, which, and how.

Wh- questions are known as open questions because when answering Wh- questions there are many possible responses you can give. Yes/no questions, on the other hand, can only be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and this is why these types of questions are known as ‘closed questions.’ In this post, we have put together an extensive list of Wh questions with examples to help you and your students learn about Wh questions in English.

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The seven types of Wh Questions are who, what, when, where, why, which, and how. Let’s take a look at what each of these wh questions are used for, and some useful wh question examples.


Who - Example Questions

Who is used in questions to ask about people. Here are many examples of wh questions starting with who:

  1. Who are you?
  2. Who is he?
  3. Who is she?
  4. Who do you like?
  5. Who is your best friend?
  6. Who is on the phone?
  7. Who did it?
  8. Who did you meet?
  9. Who made this cake?
  10. Who do you think will win?
  11. Who wants some ice cream?
  12. Who said that?
  13. Who is stronger?
  14. Who is faster?
  15. Who is the most beautiful?
  16. Who is the fastest?
  17. Who do you think will win?
  18. Who won the game?
  19. Who told you that?
  20. Who can answer this question?


What - Example Questions

What is used in questions to ask about something? Here are many examples of wh questions with what

  • What is it?
  • What‘s this?
  • What‘s that?
  • What‘s your name?
  • What‘s your last name?
  • What‘s his name?
  • What‘s her name?
  • What day is it today?
  • What‘s the weather like today?
  • What‘s the date?
  • What are you doing?
  • What is she doing?
  • What are they doing?
  • What time is it? 
  • What do you want to eat?
  • What would you like?
  • What do you want to be?
  • What‘s your favorite food?
  • What do you do?
  • What‘s your job?
  • What does your father do?
  • What does she look like? 
  • What do you have?
  • What do you have in your bag?
  • What grade are you in?
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What time do you go to bed?
  • What is our homework today?
  • What are you good at?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What do you do in your spare time?


When - Example Questions

When is used in questions to ask about time. Here are some examples of wh questions with when

  • When is your birthday?
  • When is his birthday?
  • When were you born?
  • When is the field trip?
  • When is their anniversary?
  • When does the party start?
  • When do you do your homework?
  • When is the soccer game on TV?
  • When are the banks open?
  • When does the train arrive?
  • When does the class finish?
  • When are you free?
  • When should we meet?
  • When will you finish work?
  • When is dinner ready?
  • When do you get up?
  • When does the movie start?


Where - Example Questions

Where is used in questions to ask about place. Here are some examples of wh questions with where

  • Where is my pencil case?
  • Where is your book?
  • Where are my glasses?
  • Where is the post office?
  • Where are you from?
  • Where is he from?
  • Where does she live?
  • Where are Chris and Kelly from?
  • Where is Canada on the map?
  • Where do you eat lunch?
  • Where do you want to eat lunch?
  • Where do you work?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Where is your school?
  • Where did you go last weekend?
  • Where did you buy that dress?
  • Where were you yesterday?
  • Where was the meeting?


Why - Example Questions

Why is used in questions to ask the reason for something. Here are some examples of wh questions with why

  • Why are you so happy?
  • Why are you laughing?
  • Why are you crying?
  • Why were you late?
  • Why did you do that?
  • Why was Chris not at work yesterday?
  • Why do you think he did that?
  • Why are you running?
  • Why do we need to study English?
  • Why does he always complain?
  • Why do people exercise?
  • Why do people celebrate Christmas?
  • Why are cars so expensive?
  • Why do students have to wear school uniforms?
  • Why can’t you come to school tomorrow?


Which - Example Questions

Which is used in questions to ask about choices. Here are some examples of wh questions with which

  • Which do you prefer? The red one or the blue one?
  • Which teacher do you like the most?
  • Which of my books would you like to borrow?
  • Which one is it?
  • Which way is it to the library?
  • Which restaurant shall we go to?
  • Which dress do you like?
  • Which team do you think will win?
  • Which mountain is the tallest in the world?
  • Which one is bigger?
  • Which one is mine?
  • Which one is yours?
  • Which one tastes better?


How - Example Questions

How is used in questions to ask about various things including way/manner, condition/quality, and extent/degree. Although ‘how’ doesn’t start with Wh- , how is still considered a Wh- question word. Here are some examples of wh questions with how

  • How are you?
  • How old are you?
  • How many pencils are there?
  • How was your vacation?
  • How tall is he?
  • How big is the house?
  • How long is the river?
  • How far is the restaurant?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • How did you do that?
  • How do you cook spaghetti?
  • How can I improve my English?
  • How much is it?
  • How many times do you brush your teeth a day?
  • How is that possible?
  • How do you make a cup of tea?

Related Resources

Thanks for reading. I hope you found these wh questions useful. Before you go, check out these related resources you can use when teaching about wh questions in English: Wh Questions PowerPoint / Wh Questions Worksheets


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