Question word simple present continuous

10000+ результатов для ‘questions present simple continuous’

Interview (30 questions)

Interview Present Continuous & present Simple

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Drill Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect

Verbs with different meanings in present simple and continuous

Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions

Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Continuous

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Present Simple, Present Continuous

Present simple and present continuous (Right or wrong?)

9B_Present Continuous & present Simple

present simple fill out a word

EF pre-inter 1C Present Continuous (action and state verbs)

Present Simple or Present Continuous, Spotlight 7, M1

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Present Simple drilling affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences

Verbs with different meaning in present simple and cont. Revision

Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Present Continuous

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Present Continuous/Present Simple for kids

Usually but today

Present Simple / Present Continuous - Jobs

Present Simple vs Present Continuous adverbs of time

Interview questions in Present Simple and Present Continuos

Make up questions (pres sim / pres cont)

Make questions and answer them

Simple or Continuous? Stative verbs.

Present Simple and Continuous Spotlight 6 M6

Put these words in the correct order and make questions!

Present Simple (s-forms driller)

TAG questions (present simple)

Answer questions (Present Simple or Continuous) EF inter 1A

present simple vs continuous interview

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Pr S/C always/now +/-/? + Verbs

#5 Present Simple Continuous +/-/?

Present Times. Verb forms

Present Times. Verb forms
Групповая сортировка

8 класс
9-й класс
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Simple

 Interview Present Continuous & present Simple

Usually they do, but today they are doing

check yourself

check yourself
Случайные карты

Present Continuous
past simple
present simple

What did you do? (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple, Present Cont, Past Cont, Present Perfect)

Present Simple vs Present Continuous (negative + questions)

Tenses Quiz

Tenses Quiz

past simple
present continuous
present simple

What do they usually wear? What are they wearing now?

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Game Present simple Present continuous

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Present Simple sentence structure

Questions and answers: James

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

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Present Continuous
past continuous
past perfect
past simple
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
present simple

Назови грамматическое время

Stative verbs

Stative verbs
Случайные карты

Present Continuous
Present Simple
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Spotlight 8
Stative verbs


Викторина с изображением

present continuous
present simple

Here are some ideas you can use to practice making questions in Present Simple and Present Continuous with your beginner and elementary levels students. Some of the students confuse usage of “do” and “does” or replace with “am/is/are”, some students forget to use “am/is/are” in questions with Present Continuous. These activities may create vivid associations (they may be useful even for adults, they also need some fun), they are suitable for one-on-one and group lessons.

Check this out as well:

  • Teach Past tenses using songs
  • Teach Future tenses using songs

Понравилась статья? Подпишитесь и получайте свежие материалы прямо на почту!

These present simple and present continuous conversation questions are part lesson of a complete lesson on the present simple and present continuous. The exercises for this topic are here. This lesson is part of a free Intermediate English grammar course. You can see all of our grammar courses here.

The best way to understand when to use the present simple and when to use the present continuous is to practise in conversation.

Use these questions to practise when to use these tenses in context in speaking exercises.

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous (Habitual Vs. Progressive)

We often ask about usual things with the present simple. We can use the present continuous to talk about things in progress at this moment or around this time.

Use the questions below to practise speaking about habitual actions and actions in progress.

Present Simple Present Continuous
What kind of books do you usually read? What are you reading at the moment?
What type of TV series do you like? What series are you watching at the moment?
What type of books do you like? Are you reading anything at the moment?
Do you enjoy studying? What are you studying these days?
What type of clothes do you usually wear? What are you wearing right now?
What type of music do you usually listen to? What are you listening to at the moment?

If you want to practise the basic rules of these tenses, try this test!

Present simple (for permanent states)

We use the Present Simple tense to talk about permanent states, things that don’t really change.

Ask and answer these questions with a partner or in groups. All of these questions can be answered with the present simple.

  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from?
  • How old are you?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Do you live in a house or a flat?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What is your favourite food?
  • How many languages do you speak?

Present Simple for Habitual Things (with adverbs & expressions of frequency).

When we talk about how often we do things we usually use adverbs or expressions of frequency.

Use the questions below to practise talking about how often you do things. Try to use adverbs of frequency and expressions of frequency where appropriate.

  • How often do you…
    • have a shower in the morning?
    • watch a film in the evening?
    • get to work late?
    • lose your wallet / keys / phone?
    • eat take away food?
    • cook?
    • go to the gym?
    • go to the park?
    • see your friends?
    • see your family?
    • play games? what type of games do you play?
    • go to the cinema?
    • go on holiday?
    • drive?
    • use public transport?
    • dance?
    • listen to music?
    • have English class?

If you want to revise how to use adverbs and expressions of frequency, check the grammar presentation in the Materials tab of this lesson. If you want to test your comprehension of adverbs of frequency and expressions of frequency in this interactive exercise. You can download the reference graphic above to help study.

Present Simple (for non-action verbs).

Some verbs, like want, need, believe or know are described as “non-action verbs” or “stative verbs” because they don’t describe actions, they describe states. We generally avoid these verbs in the continuous tenses and leave them in the simple tense.

Use these questions to practise using stative verbs / non-action verbs in conversation.

  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Do you know anyone famous?
  • Do you need any help with anything at the moment?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Is there anything that you hate doing?
  • What food do you love?
  • What food do you hate?
  • Why do you want to speak English well?

Present continuous (for things in progress).

All of these questions can be answered with the present continuous tense and all refer to things in progress at the moment.

Ask and answer these questions with a partner or in groups. There are examples to help you start each answer.

  • Are you reading anything at the moment?
    • “At the moment, I’m reading….”
  • What (apart from English) are you studying at the moment?
    • “I’m studying…”
  • Are you watching any TV series at the moment?
    • “I’m watching…”
  • Are you doing anything at the moment that you don’t usually do?
    • “These days I’m ….”
  • What are you wearing today?
    • “Today I’m wearing….”
  • What are you thinking of doing this weekend?
    • “I’m thinking of…”

Present continuous and present simple for describing photos and pictures.

When we describe photographs, we use the present continuous, as if the action in the photo is happening now. We also use the present continuous to describe what someone is wearing at that time. We use the present simple to say what there is or are in the photo and we use the present simple to speculate with verbs like “looks like” or “seems”.

Practise describing what people are wearing and what is happening in the following photographs.For more information about how to describe photographs, check out this lesson here.

Example: In the first picture, two people who look like tourists are talking to two women in the reception of a hostel or hotel. The man is wearing a grey hoodie or sweater and the woman is wearing a green sweater. One of the receptionists is wearing a grey dress or top over a white long-sleeved T-shirt or top. They are talking and smiling. They look like they are happy to be on their holidays. Behind them there are some shelves and a bicycle on the wall.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Images to practise using the present continuous tense in English grammar to describe photos and what people are wearing.

Present continuous (for plans & arrangements).

We can also use the present continuous to talk about plans for the future.

Use these example questions to start a conversation.

  • What are you doing after class?
  • What are you doing this weekend?
  • What are you eating tonight?
  • When are you going away on holiday next?
  • When are you planning to see your family next?

You should now have a good idea when to use each of these tenses and this practice should help you easily remember which you need next time you’re speaking English! If you want to test yourself, try this exercise.

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Elementary English (A1/A2)

Start here to master the basics!


Intermediate English B1

Intermediate English (B1)

Improve your English grammar!


Upper-Intermediate English (B2)

Dealing with some tricky grammar!


Young woman studying English online with a laptop computer.

Advanced English (C1)

Dominate some advanced forms.

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Урок 2

На первом уроке мы говорили о том, что глаголы to have и to be образуют вопросительные предложения путем инверсии: глагол-сказуемое ставится перед подлежащим. Это справедливо и для модальных глаголов:

Have you (got) a flat?
У вас есть квартира?

Are you a doctor?
Вы врач?

Can I help you?
Могу я вам помочь?

May I come in?
Можно мне войти?

Все остальные глаголы (во всех грамматических временах) образуют вопросительные предложения только с помощью вспомогательного глагола. Именно он и ставится перед подлежащим в вопросительном предложении.

Сперва об образовании вопросительных предложений в Present Continuous.

Как вы знаете, это грамматическое время строится при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и Participle I смыслового глагола.
Очевидно, что если у времени Present Continuous есть свой вспомогательный глагол, то он и будет участвовать в образовании вопросительных предложений, становясь перед подлежащим:

She is reading. – Is she reading? – Yes, she is.
Она читает. – Она читает? – Да.

They are playing football. – Are they playing football? – Yes, they are.
Они играют в футбол – Они играют в футбол? – Да.

What is she doing?
Что она делает?

Is she cooking dinner? – Yes, she is.
Она готовит обед? – Да.

What are you doing?
Что ты делаешь?

Are you doing your homework?
Ты делаешь домашнее задание?

Yes, I am. I am trying to learn a poem by heart.
Да. Я пытаюсь учить на память стихотворение.

Where are you going to?
Куда вы идете?

Are you going home? – Yes, I am.
Вы идете домой? – Да.

Отрицательные предложения в Present Continuous образуются при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола:

She is not cooking dinner, she is laying the table.
Она не готовит обед, она накрывает на стол.

I am not doing my homework, I am writing a letter.
Я не делаю домашнее задание, я пишу письмо.

They are not reading a text, they are listening to their teacher.
Они не читают текст, они слушают своего учителя.

А теперь поговорим об образовании вопросительных предложений в Present Simple Tense.

Вы знаете, что утвердительные предложения в Present Simple образуются только при помощи смыслового глагола:

I often work in the library.
Я часто работаю в библиотеке.

He lives in Moscow.
Он живет в Москве.

Но ведь в начале урока я утверждал, что все глаголы (кроме to have, to be и модальных) образуют вопросительные предложения при помощи вспомогательных глаголов, причем во всех грамматических временах. Это утверждение остается в силе. Просто за неимением в Present Simple своего собственного вспомогательного глагола, вопросительные предложения в этом грамматическом времени образуются с помощью искусственно введенного вспомогательного глагола do (does) (основное значение этого глагола: делать). Именно этот глагол и ставится перед подлежащим в вопросительных предложениях:

They work at the factory. – Do they work at the factory? – Yes, they do.
Они работают на фабрике. – Они работают на фабрике? – Да.

I live in London. – Do you live in London? – Yes, I do.
Я живу в Лондоне. – Вы живете в Лондоне? – Да.

Если подлежащее в предложении стоит в 3-м лице единственного числа (he, she, my brother, his sister и т. д.), то в вопросительном предложении именно вспомогательный глагол do согласуется с подлежащим, принимая окончание —es (does) вместо смыслового глагола:

He lives in Kiev. – Does he live in Kiev? – Yes, he does.
Он живет в Киеве. – Он живет в Киеве? – Да.

My sister goes to school every morning.
Моя сестра ходит в школу каждое утро.

Does your sister go to school every morning? – Yes, she does.
Твоя сестра ходит в школу каждое утро? – Да.

Do you read much?Yes, I do.
Ты много читаешь? – Да.

Are you reading?No, I am not. I am writing.
Ты читаешь? (сейчас) – Нет. Я пишу.

Does he work at the factory?Yes, he does.
Он работает на заводе? – Да.

Is he working?Yes, he is. He is doing his room.
Он работает? – Да. Он убирает свою комнату.

When do you get up?Usually I get up at 7 oclock.
Когда вы встаете? – Обычно я встаю в 7 часов.

When does your brother get up?He gets up very early.
Когда встает твой брат? – Он встает очень рано.

Отрицательные предложения в Present Simple образуются при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола do (does):

I do not go to the Institute every day. Подсказка
Я не хожу в институт каждый день.

Не does not live in London.
Он не живет в Лондоне.

I don’t know this man.
Я не знаю этого человека.

Не doesn’t know my sister.
Он не знает мою сестру.

Повторяя на первом уроке глагол to have, мы рассматривали его в качестве самостоятельного глагола со значением «иметь, обладать»:

I have a good friend.
У меня есть хороший друг.

My friend has many English books.
У моего друга много английских книг.

В этом значении глагол to have редко употребляется в форме Continuous и способен образовывать вопросительные предложения без вспомогательного глагола.

Однако глагол to have входит в состав многих выражений, в которых он утрачивает свое значение ‹иметь›:

to have breakfastзавтракать;
to have dinnerобедать;
to have a restотдыхать;
to have a showerпринимать душ;
to have a bathпринимать ванну;
to have a look (at) – посмотреть на и др.

И в таком случае глагол to have употребляется в форме Continuous, как и каждый самостоятельный смысловой глагол, а в форме Present Simple в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях требует вспомогательного глагола do (does):

As a rule they have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
Как правило, они завтракают в 8 часов.

When do they have breakfast?
Когда они завтракают?

They do not have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
Они не завтракают в 8 часов.

Wait a minute. They are having breakfast.
Подождите минутку. Они завтракают.

Are they having breakfast? – No, they are not.
Они завтракают? – Нет.

They are not having breakfast. They are washing up.
Они не завтракают. Они моют посуду.

Рассмотрим еще несколько предложений:

Do you always do your homework after supper? – Yes, I do.
Ты всегда делаешь домашнее задание после ужина? – Да.

В этом вопросительном предложении смысловой глагол to do – делать (стоящий после подлежащего you), как и всякий другой самостоятельный глагол в форме Present Simple образует вопросительную форму при помощи вспомогательного глагола do (стоящего, как и положено, перед подлежащим).

Are you doing your homework? – Yes, I am.
Ты делаешь домашнее задание? (сейчас) – Да.

Глагол to do стоит в форме Present Continuous, так как выражает действие, происходящее в момент речи.

Далее несколько вопросительных предложений с глаголами, которые не употребляются в форме Continuous:

Do you know her sister? – No, I do not.
Вы знаете его сестру? – Нет.

Does he want to go to the cinema? – Yes, he does.
Он хочет пойти в кино? – Да.

Do you like such weather? – No, I do not. I don’t like the rainy weather.
Вы любите такую погоду? – Нет. Я не люблю дождливую погоду.

II. Контрольные предложения для перевода

  1. Когда вы ложитесь спать? – Как правило, я ложусь спать очень поздно.
  2. Вы ложитесь спать? – Да. Я очень устал.
  3. Когда она обычно встает? – Обычно она встает в 7 часов.
  4. Посмотри. Она встает? – Нет. Она все еще спит.
  5. Вам нравится наш город? – Да.
  6. Вашему брату нравится наш город? – Да.
  7. Куда он ходит после занятий? – Я не знаю.
  8. Ключ

  9. Куда он идет? – Я думаю, он идет домой.
  10. Где твой брат? – Он разговаривает с учителем.
  11. Что они делают? – Они смотрят телевизор.
  12. Мы часто слушаем радио.
  13. Что они делают? – Они слушают радио.
  14. Я вижу нескольких мальчиков, читающих книги.
  15. Он читает слишком много.
  16. Ваш брат любит читать? – Да.


III. Дополнительный грамматический материал

Типы вопросительных предложений

1. Общий вопрос – ко всему предложению, имеет обратный порядок слов, т. е. сказуемое (вспомогательный глагол, если он требуется) стоит перед подлежащим.

Are you a student?
Do you love her?

Произносятся восходящим тоном.

2. Альтернативный вопрос (с союзом or – или) строится на базе общего, повторяя его до or, а после or идет альтернатива с нисходящим тоном:

Are you a pupil or a student?

3. Специальные вопросы к второстепенным членам предложения – строятся на базе общего, перед глаголом (вспомогательным, если он есть) ставится вопросительное слово (what, when, where, why, how many, how much и т. д.). Произносится с нисходящим тоном.

Where do you live?
What are you doing?

4. Вопрос к подлежащему – строится на базе утвердительного предложения, но в нем подлежащее заменяется вопросительным словом (who, what):

Who is a student?
Who are students?
What is beautiful?

5. Разделительный вопрос (с хвостиком) состоит из 2-х частей. Первая его часть – это утвердительное или отрицательное предложение, вторая его часть состоит из вспомогательного глагола в противоположной главному предложению форме и подлежащего, выраженного местоимением. Интонация «хвостика» восходящая или нисходящая.

Pete lives in Sumy, doesn’t he?

Вопросы типа:

What is he?
What are you?
Who is he?
Who are you?

Когда нас интересует имя, мы задаем вопрос: Who are you? и получаем ответ: I am Pete Brown.
Когда нас интересует род занятий собеседника, мы спрашиваем: What are you? и узнаем: I am a student.


a flat – [flæt] – квартира
can – [kæn] – мочь, быть в состоянии
may – [mei] – мочь, иметь возможность
to help – [help] – помогать
to come in – [kʌm in] – входить
to cook dinner – [kuk ‘dɪnə] – готовить обед
to try – [trai] – попробовать, пытаться
to learn – [lɜːn] – учить(ся)
heart – [hɑːt] – сердце
to learn by heart – [lɜːn bai hɑːt] – учить наизусть
to lay (on) – [lei] – класть, положить
to lay the table – [lei ðə ‘teibl] – накрыть на стол
to listen to – [‘lisn tu] – слушать
library – [‘laɪbr(ə)rɪ] – библиотека
early – [‘ɜːlɪ] – рано
to wash – [wɔʃ] – мыть(ся)
to wash up – [wɔʃ ʌр] – мыть посуду
such – [ sʌʧ ] – такой
weather – [‘weðə] – погода
rain – [rein] – дождь
rainy – [‘reini] – дождливый
to go to bed – [gou tu bed] – идти спать
to be tired – [bi: ‘taɪəd] – быть усталым
still – [stil] – все еще
to sleep – [sli:p] – спать
to think – [θɪŋk] – думать
to talk (to, with) – [tɔːk] – разговаривать (с)
to watch TV – [wɔʧ ti: vi:] – смотреть телевизор
radio – [‘reidiou] – радио
some – [ sʌm ] – несколько
too – [tu:] – слишком
much – [mʌʧ] – много (для неисчислимых существительных)

Make present simple and present continuous questions.

Where do you work?
I work in Leeds.

Online exercises to practise the forms and use:

Present simple — online exercises

Present continuous — online exercises

Present simple vs. continuous — online exercises

PDF exercises to download for free:

Present simple — PDF exercises

Present continuous — PDF exercises

Present simple vs. continuous — PDF exercises

Present simple and present continuous questions

Present simple questions are made with the auxiliary verb do or does.
Do you know? Does he know?

In negative questions we add not in the following way.
Do you not know? (Don’t you know?) Does he not know? (Doesn’t he know?)

The auxiliary verb do is not used to make questions with modal verbs and the verb to be.
Are you hungry? Is she at work?
Can you do it for me? May I ask you a question?

How to make wh-questions:

If the wh- pronoun introducing the question (who, which) is the subject of the question, we do not use the auxiliary verb do. Compare the following sentences.
Who helps you? (‘who’ is the subject)
Which car belongs to you? (‘which car’ is the subject)
Who do you help? (‘who’ is the object)
Which car do you like? (‘which car’ is the object)

Present continuous questions are made by changing the word order of the sentence.
Are you sleeping? Is he doing his homework?

In negative questions we add not in the following way.
Are you not sleeping? (Aren’t you sleeping?) Is he not doing his homework? (Isn’t he doing his homework?)

The negative questions normally express surprise or annoyance.
Don’t you listen to me?
Doesn’t he work?
Aren’t you going to work?
Isn’t she wearing a jacket?


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