Question word questions present simple exercises

Put the words in the correct order to make Wh-questions.

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How do you relax after school?

  1. 1.


    What do you usually have for lunch?

  2. 2.


    What time do they have breakfast?

  3. 3.


    Where does she usually buy vegetables?

  4. 4.


    How much time do you need for revision?

  5. 5.


    Where do they usually spend their vacation?

  6. 6.


    What time does the match start?

  7. 7.


    How well do you know Spanish?

  8. 8.


    How does she get to work?

  9. 9.


    What do they think of the new film?

  10. 10.


    How much does this suit cost?

  11. 11.


    How often do you talk to your son?

  12. 12.


    Where do they hide their money?

  13. 13.


    When do they usually meet for lunch?

  14. 14.


    How long do you exercise every day?

  15. 15.


    Where does Emma keep her diary?

Next ➔

Try this exercise as a worksheet

  • Present Simple — Wh-question — Word order

Similar Exercises

  • Present Simple with to be — Positive — Exercise 1
  • Present Simple with to be — Positive — Exercise 2
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 1
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 2
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Short forms

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Present Simple, word order - questions

Present Simple, word order — questions
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Put these words in the correct order and make questions!

Put these words in the correct order and make questions!
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Present Simple

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Make questions and answer them
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Present Simple questions

TAG questions (present simple)

TAG questions (present simple)

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Present Simple
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Interview (30 questions)
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Present Simple Questions Word order
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Questions and answers: James

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Present simple — самое легкое время в английском языке.
С правилами и использованием можно ознакомиться здесь >>


Как задать вопрос в Present Simple

Посмотрите наглядно порядок слов. Увеличение при клике.

Чтобы задать вопрос в простом настоящем времени в начало вопроса ставим -Do-

Do you hear me? Ты меня слышишь?
Do they sleep? Они спят?

Если надо задать вопрос о Нем/Ней к do добавляется -s-

Does she sing? Она поет?
Does he smoke? Он курит?

Вопросительные предложения примеры в презент симпл

1. Are they happy? Они счастливы?
2. Does your dog like cheese? Твоя собака любит сыр?
3. Does your mum read magazines? Твоя мама читает журналы?
4. How do children get to school in China Как в Китае дети добираются в школу?
5. Does he drive a BMW? Он ездит на БМВ?

6. Is he a good man? Он хороший человек?
7. Do you have any pets in your class? У вас есть в классе домашние животные?
8. Does she like Brad Pitt? Твоей сестре нравится Бред Пит?
9. Do they teach French? Они преподают французский?
10. Does Kate work every day? Катя работает каждый день?

Вопросительные слова: кто? что? куда? где? когда? почему? сколько? ставим в начале предложения.
What? When? Where? Who? How? How many? How much? Why?

1. What time do you go to bed? Во сколько ты ложишься спать?
2. What do they like for breakfast? Что они любят кушать на завтрак?
3. What is the time? Который час?
4. What can you draw? Что ты можешь нарисовать?
5. Where does he go on vacations? Куда он едет на каникулы?

6. What kind of a pen do you want? Какую ручку ты хочешь?
7. What do you do on Sundays? Что ты делаешь по воскресеньям?
8. Why do you drink so much water? Зачем ты пьешь так много воды?
9. When do your parents have lunch? Когда у твоих родителей обед?
10. How many days a week does she work? Сколько дней в неделю она работает?

УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА Present Simple — задаем вопросы

Упражнение #1 Задайте на английском вопросы в простом настоящем времени

1. Твои родители дома?
2. Что ты имеешь ввиду?
3. Ты помнишь мою сестру?
4. Какой сегодня день?
5. Ты слышишь меня?
6. Он курит?
7. Что кушает кошка?
8. Ты работаешь?
9. Она заботится о тебе?
10. Во сколько ты встаешь?

Правильные ответы к упражнению #1

1. Are your parents at home?
2. What do you mean?
3. Do you remember my sister?
4. What’s the date today?
5. Do you hear me?
6. Does he smoke?
7. What does a сat eat?
8. Do you work?
9. Does she care about you?
10. What time do you get up?

Упражнение #2. Вставьте пропущенные do / does / is / are

1. Where ___ you? Ты где?
2. ___ you have a family? У тебя есть семья?
3. ___ you work? Ты работаешь?
4. ___ you jog? Ты бегаешь? /по утрам или в спортзале/
5. What city ___ you live in? В каком городе ты живешь?

6. ___ you work or study? Ты учишься или работаешь?
7. Where ___ the children? Где дети?
8. ___ she like dogs? Она любит собак?
9. ___ he live in Japan? Он живет в Японии?
10. ___ your last name Ivanov? Ваша фамилия Иванов?

Правильные ответы к упражнению #2

1. Where are you?
2. Do you have a family?
3. Do you work?
4. Do you jog?
5. What city do you live in?
6. Do you work or study?
7. Where are the children?
8. Does she like dogs?
9. Does he live in Japan?
10. Is your last name Ivanov?

Упражнение #3 Скажите следующие предложения на английском языке в Present Simple

1. Ты живешь с родителями?
2. Она знает что-нибудь о России?
3. Она любит поспать?
4. Ты живешь в Москве?
5. Ты хочешь кушать?
6. Где кот?
7. Какой у тебя адрес?
8. Ты пьешь кофе по утрам?
9. Это твои часы?
10. Какие упражнения ты делаешь?

Правильные ответы к упражнения #3

1. Do you live with your parents?
2. Does she know anything about Russia?
3. Does she like to sleep?
4. Do you live in Moscow?
5. Do you want to eat?
6. Where is the cat?
7. What’s your address?
8. Do you drink cofee in the morning?
9. Is this your watch?
10. What kind of exercises do you do?

Questions in simple present. English grammar with exercises. English ESL Worksheet: Questions present tense and Short Answers. Free eBook and Free printable PDF

Questions in simple present

Questions in simple present

Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions are questions which we answer with Yes or No. Look at this statement:

They are working hard.

We make Yes/No questions by putting the first part of the verb in front of the subject:

Are they working hard? 

Look at these questions:

Do you play the piano?
Where do you live?

Does Jack play football?
Where does he come from?

Do Rita and Angela live in Manchester?
Where do they work?

We use do and does to make questions with the present simple. We use does for the third person singular (she/he/it) and do for the others.

We use do and does with question words like where, what and when:

Where do Angela and Rita live?
What does Angela do?
When does Rita usually get up?

But questions with who often don’t use do or does:

Who lives in London?
Who plays football at the weekend?
Who works at Liverpool City Hospital?

Here are some useful questions:

Where do you come from?
Do you come from …?
Where do you live?
Do you live in …?
What work do you do?
Do you like …?
Do you know …?


Questions: wh-questions

Wh-questions begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how. We use them to ask for information. The answer cannot be yes or no:

A:When do you finish college?

B:Next year.

A:Who is your favourite actor?

B: Johnny Depp

Short Answers

Short answers are special forms to answer a question. They are usually used because they are more polite. If you answer with yes or no only, it sounds unpolite.

They are easy to form. After the word “yes” or “no” you have to take the person and the first word of the question. In negative answers you have to use the short form.

Forms of the short answers

Present tense
  Positive answers Negative answers
Am I? Yes, I am. No, I ‘m not.
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Present tense
  Positive answers Negative answers
Do I? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does she? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Does it? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Do we? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do you? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Do they? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

 Present tense
  Positive answers Negative answers
Have I got? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Have you got? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Has he got? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Has she got? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has it got? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
Have we got? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have you got? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Have they got? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

  Present tense
  Positive answers Negative answers
Can I? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Can you? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can he? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.
Can she? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.
Can it? Yes, it can. No, it can’t.
Can we? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
Can you? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can they? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

Questions in simple present: exercises



Fill in the spaces with what, how, when and why.

e.g.     What    is your name?

________ is your birthday?

________ are you smiling?

________ do you do. –_______ do you do.

________ do you do on Saturdays?

________ do you go on Friday nights?

________ do you want to learn English?

________ are you?

________ are you at work?


Write the questions for the following answers.

e.g. What does she look like?

She’s tall with blue eyes.


He’s old with white hair.


He’s foreign, I think.


Yes, it’s very interesting.


Yes, I have.


Yes, I do.


I’m tired.


 I have three children, two girls and a boy.



Create questions for the following answers.

E.g What’s your name?

My name is Bob.


    I live in Milan.


He is 45 years old.


She is married.


They have three children.


He is Italian.


     He is an engineer.


She likes her job.


    I speak English and French.



Answer the following questions.

e.g. Can you play tennis? Yes, I can/No, I can’t

   Do you like watching TV? Yes, I do/No, I don’t

   Are you Italian? Yes, I am/No, I’m not

1. Are you a doctor? ________________________

2. Do you work in a hospital? __________________

3. Can you cook? ___________________________

4. Can you play tennis? _______________________

5. Can you speak any foreign languages? __________

6. Do you work on Saturdays? _________________

7. Can you drive a car? ______________________

8. Are you Italian? _________________________

9. Do you have lunch at home? _________________

10. Are you a good student?  __________________

All downloads are in PDF format

The Saxon Genitive and Family exercises: eBook and PDF



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