Question word main verb

There are two main types of questions: Yes/No questions and WH- question. WH-questions are questions starting with WH-words including: what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.

Question words are used to ask about specific qualities, times, places, people and so on. Below is a list of question words and example sentences:

Question words




Used to ask about things

— What are you doing?

— What do you think about the movie?


Used to ask about time

— When will the meeting start?

 — When are you leaving?


Used to ask about places

— Where’s my bag?

— Where do you live?


Used to ask about people

— Who do you love the most in your family?

— Who told you that story?


Used to ask about people (object of verb)

— Whom did you see in the morning?  I saw Mr. Mark, my English teacher.

— Whom was Jim talking to? He was talking to Jack, his new roommate.


Used to ask about choices

— Which one do you choose? The left or right?

— Of all the drinks in the menu, which one would you like?


Used to ask about possession

— Whose pencil is this? Is it yours?

— Whose books are these?


Used to ask about reasons/ causes

— Why did it happen? I didn’t understand.

— Why is he crying?


Used to ask about manner/ process

— How can you explain this problem? Please tell us.

— How can you get here?

I. How to form WH-questions?

1. with an auxiliary


  • Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs (not main verbs).
  • Common auxiliary verbs include be, do, have. Others are will, shall, would, can, could, must, should, may, might, etc.
  • What do you do for a living?
  • Why should we read books?
  • When is she coming?
2. without any auxiliary
(when WH-words replace subjects already)


  • What happened to Peter?
  • A bad accident happened to him today.
  • Who won the game?
  • Tio won the game.
  • Who gave you this present?
  • My cousin gave me this present.

II. Responding to WH-questions

1. What

  • What is it?
  • It’s a table.
  • What color is your dress?
  • It’s purple.
  • What is your mom doing?
  • She’s cooking in the kitchen.
  • What do you think about the party?
  • Well. It’s fun. I like the music best.
  • What will happen if our team loses this time?
  • We’ll be out of the game.
2. When

  • When will the train arrive?
  • The train will arrive in 30 minutes.
  • When does she get up?
  • She gets up at 6 am.
  • When did the party end?
  • It ended before 8 pm.
  • When are you going to visit James?
  • I’m going to see him tomorrow.
3. Where

  • Where do you live?
  • I live in Washington D.C.
  • Where are you going?
  • I’m going to the zoo.
  • Where’s the coffee bar?
  • It’s between the supermarket and the cinema.
  • Where did you leave my jacket?
  • I left it in my bedroom.
  • Where have you been?
  • I’ve been in the library reading books.
4. Who

  • Who’s this?
  • She’s my new roommate.
  • Who wants to be a scientist in the future?
  • My sister does. I don’t.
  • Who would you like to travel with?
  • I would like to travel with my best friend, Kim.
  • Who told you that secret?
  • Jenny did. She told me everything.
  • Who do you like the most in this class?
  • I like Henry. He’s so friendly.
5. Whom

  • Whom should we talk to?
  • We should talk to the principal. She’s responsible for student issues.
  • Whom did you see yesterday?
  • I saw Kevin and his girlfriend.
  • Whom would you like to interview?
  • I would like to interview Mr.Patrick, the director.
  • Whom do we have to contact?
  • We have to contact the representative of that company.
  • Whom did you meet in front of the building last week?
  • That was Annie, my secretary.
  • Whom do you know in this class?
  • I only know Danny.
  • Whom are you going to invite?
  • I’m going to invite all of my classmates
  • With whom do you agree?
  • I agree with Henry’s team.
6. Which

  • Which shirt do you like?
  • I like the one with the big yellow star on it.
  • Which color do you choose?
  • I choose red.
  • Which part do you like the most in this story?
  • I love the 2nd part when the prince came and proposed to the princess.
  • Which is the longest river in the world?
  • That’s the Nile.
  • Which one is yours?
  • Mine is the biggest one.
7. Whose

  • Whose jacket is this?
  • It’s my mom’s.
  • Whose birthday is today?
  • It’s Jenny’s.
  • Whose pencil is on the floor?
  • That’s mine.
  • Whose team is better?
  • Will’s team is much better.
8. Why

  • Why don’t we visit him now?
  • It’s a good idea.
  • Why did you leave so early?
  • Because I didn’t enjoy the party.
  • Why do you think that he loves you?
  • Because he’s given me lots of chocolate on Valentine’s day.
  • Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • Because it’s a special day.
  • Why can’t I go to the cinema now?
  • Because you haven’t done your homework.
  • Why are you so late?
  • Sorry, teacher. I missed the bus.
9. How

  • How’s the weather?
  • It’s sunny and hot.
  • How do you feel?
  • I feel much better now.
  • How did you know him?
  • We were old friends.
  • How’s your new job?
  • It’s interesting. I enjoy it.
  • How often do you go to the movie theater?
  • I sometimes go there. I’m quite busy.
  • How far is it from your house to school?
  • Not too far. I walk to school every day.
  • How much did it cost?
  • It cost $4.
  • How many people are there in your class?
  • There are 30 of them.
  • How come you lost the game?
  • I couldn’t answer the first question well enough.

Wh Questions Test

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How much money. Порядок слов в прямых и косвенных английских вопросах

Question word

Help verb


Main verb

Other parts of the sentence






to the library






of this film


How much money










a holiday






him to the party


How long




to get to the city-center












to do next weekend


How long



been working

for this company






at 5 pm yesterday


Второй пример – это косвенный вопрос. Это вопрос внутри утверждения или другого вопроса. В косвенном вопросе всегда прямой порядок слов:

Question or statement

Question word

Main verb

Other parts of the sentence


Could you tell me


can get

to the library


Tell me please




of this film


Do you know

how much money





Do you mind telling me



will have

a holiday


I don’t understand




him to the party


I wonder

how long



to get to the city-center


I don’t know



are thinking



I don’t remember



are going 

to do next weekend


Could you tell me

how long


have been working

for this company


I know



was doing

at 5 pm yesterday



В заключение, вот Вам упражнение на тренировку прямых и косвенных вопросов:

Вы не знаете, сколько бутылок надо собрать, чтобы стать миллионером?
Я не знаю, отмечают ли коты, падавшие с 9 этажа, день ВДВ.
Вы не могли бы сказать, есть ли жизнь с другой стороны эскалатора?
Если Москва – мать городов русских, то кто отец?
Скажите, пожалуйста, как выспаться за 50 секунд?

Wh Question words are called Wh words because in such words, ‘Wh’ letters have existed, and these words are used to ask certain types of questions in sentences.

For example, What, How, etc.

Wh-questions Structure

  • Wh-word + main verb + object?– (When the auxiliary verb is absent)
  • Wh-word + auxiliary + subject + main verb + object?– (When the auxiliary verb is present)

wh-questions words


  • The word ‘What’ is used to ask something or ask for any information through a question.
  • It can also use for asking for the repetition of any word to reconfirm.


  1. What is your good name?
  2. What time did you say? I didn’t hear that.
  3. You did what? Say again.
  4. What are you talking about?
  5. What is the color of the dress he wears?


  • It is used to ask in something
  • To ask at what place or position something is placed.


  1. Where are they going?
  2. Where is her residence?
  3. Where did you go that day?
  4. Where is the cafeteria?
  5. Where is she coming from?


  • It is used for asking for any reason or cause.
  • The word ‘Why don’t’ is used for suggesting something.


  1. Why don’t you go for a ride?
  2. Why did you ask me about it?
  3. Why is he looking at me?
  4. Why don’t you help me last time?
  5. Why are you doing such a stupid thing?


  • It is used for asking the time in a sentence


  1. When will you go to the US?
  2. When did he come to my home?
  3. When are they leaving this place?
  4. When did we eat KFC last time?
  5. When will be the holidays start?


  • ‘Which’ is used for asking about the choice and likes of someone.


  1. Which one will you select for your kid?
  2. Which one is your favorite superstar?
  3. Which door will you want to open?
  4. Which one is your baby?
  5. Which building in the world is the highest one?


  • ‘Whose’ word is used for asking about the ownership.


  1. Whose pet is missing?
  2. Whose pencil is this?
  3. Whose answer is more correct?
  4. Whose picture do you like to watch?
  5. Whose performance is better?


  • ‘Whom’ is used to ask about ‘what’ or ‘which’ regarding person and place or object.


  1. Whom should we ask now?
  2. Whom did you meet last time?
  3. To whom are you going to ask?
  4. Whom do you know personally in this class?
  5.  From whom did you receive these flowers?


  • ‘Who’ word is used to ask for a person (subject in a sentence)


  1. Who is he?
  2. Who will win this game?
  3. Do you know who am I?
  4. Who told you this?
  5. Who wants to take a ride on this horse?


  • ‘How’ is used for asking about the period, condition, manner, process, or quality.


  1. How old are you?
  2. How many chocolates do we have?
  3. How dare you say that?
  4. How did you get my number?
  5. How long will it take to reach there?

Все виды вопросов – почему, зачем и как

Надеемся, у вас накопилось много вопросов по поводу вопросительных предложений, поэтому в этой статье мы решили рассказать о них все-все: что такое грамматическая инверсия, на какие вопросы ответ не требуется, как задать несколько вопросов к одному предложению и какую интонацию выбрать, если мы хотим переспросить что-либо.

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Инверсия в вопросах

При построении большинства видов вопросов нужно помнить, что порядок слов в вопросительном предложении отличается от того, какой принято использовать в повествовательных предложениях. Он называется обратным (инвертированным): предложение начинается с вопросительного слова и заканчивается сказуемым.

Итак, вспомним схему, знакомую со школьных лет:

«Вопросительное слово / question word (может отсутствовать, например, в общем вопросе),  вспомогательный глагол / auxiliary verb/ подлежащее / subject (местоимение, имя существительное), главный глагол / main verb»


What do you usually sing? / Что ты обычно поешь?


Who is who? / Кто есть кто?

Если в вопросе  вопросительное слово «who» (кто) вводит вопрос к подлежащему, порядок слов не меняется. Если данное слово  стоит в начале вопроса к дополнению, не забудьте о грамматической инверсии:

Who called you? / Кто тебе звонил? who» вводит вопрос к подлежащему)

Who did you visit? / Кого ты навестил? («who» вводит вопрос к дополнению)

Косвенные вопросы (Indirect questions)

Задавая косвенные вопросы , мы не меняем интонацию на вопросительную. Это означает, что в конце таких предложений вопросительный знак не ставится. Например,

Tell me where you live. / Расскажи мне, где ты живешь.


Вопрос-утверждение (Declarative question)

Если вы поняли услышанное, но желаете лишний раз уточнить информацию, задайте вопрос-утверждение:

This is your car? It is awesome! / Это твоя машина? Она потрясающая!

Как правило, интонация в таких вопросах является восходящей, а порядок слов не меняется, если нет вопросительного слова (после вопросительного слова всегда есть грамматическая инверсия).

Риторические вопросы (Rhetorical questions)

Вопросы, на которые не требуется давать ответ, называются риторическими. Такой прием часто применяется писателями и поэтами. В большинстве случаев ответ на такие вопросы известен всем, поэтому его не произносят.

What’s the use of asking her?Какой смысл спрашивать ее?

Do you know what time it is? / Ты знаешькоторый час сейчас(если собеседник опоздал)

«Отрицательные» вопросы и бесповоротное «да»

Отрицательные «да/нет»  вопросы (negative yes/no questions) не дают возможности выбрать ответ: на такие вопросы всегда отвечают «да»:

Didn’t I tell you it would be rainy? / Разве я не говорил, что будет дождь?

«Echo questions» − «вопросы- эхо»

Если вы хотите переспросить что-либо, можно просто повторить последнюю реплику собеседника с вопросительной интонацией:

» I’m going to London.» / Я отправляюсь в Лондон.

» You’re going to London?» / Ты отправляешься в Лондон?


«Where are you going?» / Куда ты отправляешься?

«Where am I going?» / Куда я отправляюсь?


Reply questions / Отвечаем вопросом

Хотите показать заинтересованность в том, что говорит собеседник? Переспросите его, задав маленький, но точный (относительно последней реплики) вопрос, состоящий лишь из вспомогательного глагола или глагола-связки и местоимения:

«It was a nice party.» / Это была прекрасная вечеринка.

«Was it?» / Правда?

That-clauses in questions  (Придаточные предложения со словом «что» в вопросах)

Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных слов, как правило, встречаются в главном предложении. Однако если в предложении присутствует придаточное предложение, вводимое «that» (что),  то вопрос может заключаться в этой части сложного предложения.

What did you say (that) you wanted for Christmas?Чтоты сказалты хочешь на Рождество?

Основные типы вопросов

Выделяют 4 типа вопросов:

1)      Общий вопрос (ко всему предложению):

Cats catch mice. — Do cats catch mice?

Кошки ловят мышей. — Кошки ловят мышей?

2)      Специальный вопрос (к конкретному члену предложения):

Cats catch mice. —  What do cats catch?

Кошки ловят мышей. — Кого ловят кошки?

3)      Альтернативный вопрос (предлагается выбор из двух):

Do cats catch mice or spiders? — Кошки ловят мышей или пауков?

4)      Разделительные вопросы (чтобы переспросить информацию):

Cats catch mice, don’t they? — Кошки ловят мышей, не так ли?


С ранних лет мы любим задавать вопросы, интересуясь всем тем, что происходит вокруг. Задавать вопросы – хорошо, а задавать вопросы правильно – еще лучше. Вопросительные предложения – несложная тема в английском языке, но она требует должного внимания.

Надеемся, у вас не осталось вопросов по этой теме. Не так ли?

The question word what and who can act both as a subject or an object. Depending on that, the structure of the sentence will be different.

Study these examples

What happened?

What did you see?

Who owns this company?

Who did Mike call?

Questions to the subject with what and who

If «what» or «who» is the subject in the sentence, we don’t need an auxiliary verb. The main verb goes right after the question word:

What/Who + main verb + …?

Examples of what and who as a subject

What is her name? Her name is Christy.

What happened to Paul? He fell down the ladder.

What is hanging on the wall? A painting is hanging on the wall.

What makes you happy? Love makes me happy.

Who is knocking at the door? A postman is knocking at the door.

Who made this armchair? My grandfather made it himself.

Who knows the answer? Jenny knows the answer.

Questions to the object with what and who

If what/who is the object in the sentence, we need an auxiliary verb.

What/Whom + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + …?

Examples of what and who as an object

What did you learn at the lesson? I learnt some new grammar rules.

What does John want from me? He wants some help.

What has the dog been doing? The dog has been swimming in a mud puddle.

Who is Amanda calling now? She is calling a friend of hers.

Who do we believe? We believe them.

Who did they sell their car to? They sold it to the Fishers.

We use «what» both as a subject and an object to make questions about things, abstract terms, but not about people.

We use the question word «who» when we ask questions about a person.

If the question word is a subject (= we can replace it with a personal pronoun in its basic form: Who did it? He did it. Who cares? She cares.), then we always say «who«.

But, if the question word is an object (= we can replace it with a personal pronoun in the objective case: Whom do you help? I help him.), we should say «whom» according to the official grammar rules. Especially, when the verb requires a preposition. However, whom is rarely used in modern spoken English, it sounds very formal.

Examples of whom with a preposition

Whom is he talking to? (=Who is he talking to?)

Whom are we going to the theatre with? (= Who are we going to the theatre with?)

Whom did you bake the cake for? (= Who did you bake the cake for?)

If we sum up the above written, we’ll get a following table:

question to subject question to object
what/who + main verb + …? what/who + aux. verb + subject + main verb + …?
What makes you happy?
Who has just called?
What did you make at the art lesson?
Who have you just called?
also possible whom
Whom are you going out with?
Whom did they offer the job to?

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