Question word exercises with answers

Сегодня мы потренируем вопросительные слова в английском языке (Wh-слова).

В этом уроке 12 упражнений с ответами на отработку вопросительных слов what, who, which, whose, where, when, how much, how many, why. Все ответы внизу страницы.

Let’s go!

Упражнение 1. Соотнесите вопросительные слова и ответы

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски вопросительными словами what, when, where

Упражнение 3. Вставьте вопросительные слова how many или how much в предложения

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски словами when или where

Упражнение 5. Напишите вопросительные слова what или who

Упражнение 6. Перетащите вопросительные слова whose, which, what, when, where в подходящие вопросы

Изучать также:

  • Упражнения на to be (am/is/are) с ответами
  • Тест на притяжательные местоимения

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски словами who, what, which, whose

Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из рамочки

long      often        many        tall        far        old        big

Упражнение 9. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы

Упражнение 10. Заполните пропуски необходимыми вопросительными словами.

Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски в диалоге необходимыми вопросительными словами

Упражнение 12. Выберите вопрос, ответом на который могут стать следующие фразы


Упражнение 1.

  1. Where? In the room
  2. What time? 11 o’clock.
  3. When? In the evening.
  4. Why? Because it’s hot.
  5. Who? My sister.
  6. How many? Twelve.
  7. What? A house.
  8. Whose? John’s.
  9. How much? 3 dollars.
  10. When? Today.

Упражнение 2.

  1. Where do you live? In America.
  2. When do you usually take a shower? In the evening.
  3. What is your favorite game? Hide and seek.
  4. When is your next English lesson? On Thursday.
  5. What sports do you like? Swimming and tennis.
  6. Where is the library? It’s near the park.
  7. When does he walk his dog? In the morning.
  8. What do you do at the weekend? I go to the countryside.
  9. Where do they play football? In the yard.

Упражнение 3.

  1. How many sisters do you have?
  2. How much does it cost?
  3. How many chairs are there in the room?
  4. How much juice do you drink every day?
  5. How much water is there in the cup?
  6. How many trees can you see?
  7. How many books did you read last summer?
  8. How much milk is there in the fridge?

Упражнение 4.

  1. When will they come? Tomorrow.
  2. Where is your room? It’s upstairs.
  3. Where can we meet? In the café.
  4. When does Sam play tennis? On Tuesdays and Saturdays.
  5. When did you watch this video? Last week.
  6. Where is the library? It’s near the museum.
  7. Where are your parents now? They are at work.
  8. When does the lesson start? At 12.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Who is your best friend? Mary.
  2. Who can help me? I can.
  3. What are you going to do? I’m going to read.
  4. Who called you? My mom.
  5. Who is this boy? This is my brother.
  6. What is your favorite sport? Tennis.
  7. What did you do yesterday? I played football.
  8. What is his name? Nick.

Упражнение 6.

  1. When do you have your English classes? On Mondays and Wednesdays.
  2. Where did you buy these shoes? In Macy’s.
  3. Which color do you like more – red or yellow? Red.
  4. Whose bag is this? It’s Lora’s.
  5. What is your favorite animal? Lion.
  6. How do you get to school? By bus.
  7. When is your birthday? In May.
  8. What music do you prefer? Rock.
  9. How are you today? Great, thanks.

Упражнение 7.

  1. What flowers do you like?
  2. Who is your best friend?
  3. Whose pen is this? It’s Nina’s.
  4. Who did you talk to 5 minutes ago?
  5. Which of the streets do you live in?
  6. What is your teacher’s name?
  7. Who is this girl in white dress?
  8. Whose notebooks are these? Bella’s.
  9. Which cake is more delicious – this or that one?
  10. What is your hobby?
  11. Which task is easier for you? Task 5.
  12. This is not your cup. Whose cup is it?

Упражнение 8.

  1. How long is this river? Around 15 km.
  2. How old is your father? 41 years old.
  3. How long are your holidays? 3 weeks.
  4. How far is the station? It’s 2 km away.
  5. How tall are you? 1 m 67 cm.
  6. How long is this movie? 2 hours.
  7. How big is this house? It’s quite small.
  8. How often do you play basketball? Twice a week.
  9. How many lessons do you have today? Only 3.

Упражнение 9.

  1. What did you have in your bag? Documents and money.
  2. When did you last go shopping? Last Sunday.
  3. What kind of music is your favorite? Jazz.
  4. How much is this hat? It’s 45 euros.
  5. Who did you meet at the museum? Lara and Keith.
  6. Whose laptop are you using? Ben’s.
  7. What did you write in the letter? Some wishes.
  8. How much do you usually sleep? About 8 hours.
  9. How long was the meeting? Not long, just 30 minutes.
  10. Which shirt looks better – the blue or the red one? The red one.
  11. Where is the teachers’ room? On the 2nd floor.

Упражнение 10.

  1. What’s the weather like today? – It’s sunny. Where do you want to go?
  2. What time is it? – It’s only 7 a.m. Why are you in a hurry?
  3. Where is my backpack? – I don’t know. Why are you asking me?
  4. When is Rob’s birthday? – Next month. What present are we going to give him?
  5. What do you think about a road trip? – It’s a lot of fun. Where would you like to go? Maybe Samara?
  6. When did you last go to the theatre? – A year ago. How about you?
  7. How do you say “апельсин” in English? – Orange.
  8. What time is the meeting? – At 14. What are you going to talk about?

Упражнение 11.

Mr. Smith came home and told his family that they would go to the theatre.

Alice: Great! When are we going? Tomorrow?

George: How are we getting to the theatre? By metro or by car?

Mrs. Smith: But where are we going to buy the tickets? It’s late and the ticket office is closed.

Mr. Smith: No worries, we can buy them online.

Mrs. Smith: That’s great! Which dress should I wear – the blue or the green one?

Mr. Smith: The green dress suits you very well. But who is going to stay with our dog?

Mrs. Smith: I’ll ask my mother. I’m sure she’ll be happy to help us.

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  • Упражнения на общие вопросы
  • Упражнения на условные предложения в английском языке

question words

1. Подберите к каждому вопросительному слову подходящий ответ.

  1. What?                                              a. Last summer
  2. Why?                                               b. George
  3. When?                                             c.He is 18.
  4. Where?                                            d. $ 16.99           
  5. Which?                                            e. Because I don’t have a car.       
  6. How?                                               f. Once a month.
  7. How much?                                      g. In Sochi.
  8. How old?                                          h. The green one.
  9. How often?                                       i. A cup of coffee.
  10. Who?                                               j. By train.

2. Составьте вопросительные предложения, расставив слова по порядку. Переведите вопросы.

  1. does – for dinner – Emma – have – what – usually ?
  2. this – how much – is – sweater ?
  3. they – start work – do – what time ?
  4. how – go – does – to the Institute – Sally ?
  5. languages – you – do – how many – foreign – speak ?
  6. is – why – so – your sister – nervous ?
  7. where – live – do – your parents ?
  8. favourite – your – is – who – writer ?
  9. old – are – how – your pupils ?
  10. sandwich – which – you – like – would ?

3. Поставьте вопросительные слова.

  1. ___ kind of bike have you got?
  2. ___ river is longer: the Volga or the Mississippi?
  3. ___ did you get here: by metro or by bus?
  4. ___ is your little son crying?
  5. ___ was the weather like yesterday?
  6. ___ did you find my bag? – Under the bed.
  7. ___ is your girlfriend speaking to?
  8. ___ are your jeans? – They are very expensive.
  9. ___ tall is that sportsman? – Over 190 cm.
  10. ___ time do you finish school?

4. Какое вопросительное слово необходимо для составления вопроса к выделенным словам?

Например:  He phoned Michael. (Он позвонил Майклу.) – Whom? (Кому?)

  1. Kevin likes Italian food so much.
  2. We can go to the beach on Friday.
  3. They went to New-York by car.
  4. My flat is on the fifth floor.
  5. The tickets cost 40 euros.
  6. I am so sad because my dog is ill.
  7. She danced with Tim at the party.
  8. Both actors are talented but I prefer Vin Diesel.
  9. My dad’s hobby is fishing.
  10. We stayed in Greece for two weeks.



  1. i
  2. e
  3. a
  4. g
  5. h
  6. j
  7. d
  8. c
  9. f
  10. b


  1. What does Emma usually have for dinner? (Что обычно Эмма съедает на ужин?)
  2. How much is this sweater? (Сколько стоит этот свитер?)
  3. What time do they start work? (Во сколько они начинают работать?)
  4. How does Sally go to the Institute? (Как Сэлли добирается до института?)
  5. How many foreign languages do you speak? (На скольких иностранных языках ты разговариваешь?)
  6. Why is your sister so nervous? (Почему твоя сестра так нервничает?)
  7. Where do your parents live? (Где живут твои родители?)
  8. Who is your favourite writer? (Кто твой любимый писатель?)
  9. How old are your pupils? (Сколько лет твоим ученикам?)
  10. Which sandwich would you like? (Какой бутерброд ты бы хотел?)


  1. What (Какой у тебя велосипед?)
  2. Which (Какая река длиннее: Волга или Миссисипи?)
  3. How (Как вы сюда добрались: на метро или на автобусе?)
  4. Why (Почему твой маленький сын плачет?)
  5. What (Какой была погода вчера?)
  6. Where (Где ты нашел мою сумку? – Под кроватью.)
  7. Who (С кем разговаривает твоя подруга?)
  8. How much (Сколько стоят твои джинсы? – Они очень дорогие.)
  9. How (Какой рост у того спортсмена? – Более 190 см.)
  10. What (Во сколько ты заканчиваешь учиться в школе?)


  1. Who?
  2. When?
  3. How?
  4. Where?
  5. How much?
  6. Why?
  7. Who … with?
  8. Which actor?
  9. Whose?
  10. How long?

Упражнения на вопросительные слова (с ответами)4.1 out of
based on
42 votes

Упражнения на вопросительные слова.

Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers. (Соедини вопросы с ответами).

1.      Why?

2.      When?

3.      Where?

4.      How?

5.      How many?

6.      What?

7.      Whose?

8.      How old?

a)      Twelve years old

b)      Chocolates

c)      Because I like them.

d)      Twenty-seven

e)      Quickly

f)       Yesterday

g)      At home.

h)      Michael’s

Упражнение 2. Look at these answers and find one answer for each question word. (Посмотри на вопросы и найди к ним ответы).

1.      What?

2.      Who?

3.      Whose?

4.      How?

5.      Where?

6.      When?

7.      Why?

a)      Today

b)      My friend’s

c)      Diana

d)      A book

e)      At school

f)       Because it’s late

g)      Slowly

Упражнение 3. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.

  1. _____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o’clock.

  2. _____ does Molly have lunch? – At school.

  3. _____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book.

  4. _____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o’clock.

  5. _____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home.

  6. _____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.

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