Question word ever exercises

Read the following sentences.

  • You may do anything. I will support you.

These two sentences can be combined into one by using whatever.

  • Whatever you do I will support you.
  • Somebody may find the keys. He should hand them over to me.
  • Whoever finds the keys should hand them over to me.
  • It does not matter when you open the fridge. You will always find fresh fruits in it.
  • Whenever you open the fridge, you will find fresh fruits in it.


Combine the following sentences using whatever, whichever, wherever etc. Answers are provided at the end of this page; however, students should try to do this exercise on their own.

1. I went to many places. I saw people celebrating.

2. He tried very hard. He could not lift the box.

3. I call her often. And then she talks about her problems.

4. It may cost anything. I will buy it.

5. You may do it any way. You will arrive at the same answer.

6. The boy went from place to place. The dog followed him.


1. Wherever I went I saw people celebrating.

2. However hard he tried, he could not lift the box.

3. Whenever I call her, she talks about her problems.

4. Whatever may be the cost, I will buy it.

5. However you may do it, you will arrive at the same answer.

6. Wherever the boy went the dog followed him.

Spotlight 9 Module 6 Lesson 6c Question word + ever

Spotlight 9

Module 6 Lesson 6c

Question word + ever

Who Whom What Which Where When How ever









Whoever  — кто бы ни, кто-угодно  Whomever  — кого бы ни, кого угодно, кому угодно, кем угодно  Whatever   — что угодно, что бы ни  Whichever   — какой-угодно, какой бы ни  Wherever  — где угодно, где бы ни  Whenever  — когда угодно, когда бы ни  However  — как угодно, как бы ни

Whoever  — кто бы ни, кто-угодно Whomever  — кого бы ни, кого угодно, кому угодно, кем угодно Whatever   — что угодно, что бы ни Whichever   — какой-угодно, какой бы ни Wherever  — где угодно, где бы ни Whenever  — когда угодно, когда бы ни However  — как угодно, как бы ни

Whichever   используется, когда предполагается какой-либо выбор: Whichever book you choose, you should bring it back by Monday. — Какую бы книгу вы ни выбрали, вам нужно вернуть ее к понедельнику.  Whichever of us leaves last, it is important to turn off the lights. — Неважно, кто из нас уходит последним, важно выключать свет.

Whichever   используется, когда предполагается какой-либо выбор:

Whichever book you choose, you should bring it back by Monday. — Какую бы книгу вы ни выбрали, вам нужно вернуть ее к понедельнику.

Whichever of us leaves last, it is important to turn off the lights. — Неважно, кто из нас уходит последним, важно выключать свет.

Whatever  обозначает «любой, какой-угодно» и говорит об отсутствии выбора: Whatever questions you have, you can always ask you teacher for help. — Какие бы вопросы у тебя не появились, ты всегда можешь попросить помощи у преподавателя.  Whatever clothes they wear, we should not judge by appearances. — Какую бы одежду они не носили, мы не должны судить людей по внешности.

Whatever  обозначает «любой, какой-угодно» и говорит об отсутствии выбора:

Whatever questions you have, you can always ask you teacher for help. — Какие бы вопросы у тебя не появились, ты всегда можешь попросить помощи у преподавателя. Whatever clothes they wear, we should not judge by appearances. — Какую бы одежду они не носили, мы не должны судить людей по внешности.

Whomever как дополнение   Whomever  you marry, it is your choice. — На ком бы ты ни женился, это твой выбор.   Give the money to whomever you want. — Отдай деньги любому, кому захочешь.

Whomever как дополнение

Whomever you marry, it is your choice. — На ком бы ты ни женился, это твой выбор.

Give the money to whomever you want. — Отдай деньги любому, кому захочешь.

Whenever  относится ко времени: когда бы ни, когда угодно: You may call me whenever you want. — Можешь мне звонить когда захочешь.  Whenever you call, I will answer. — Когда бы ты не позвонил, я отвечу. Whenever I wash my car, it rains! — Каждый раз, когда я помою машину, идет дождь!  I visit my friends whenever I come to Prague. — Я навещаю своих друзей всякий раз, когда приезжею в Прагу.

Whenever  относится ко времени: когда бы ни, когда угодно:

You may call me whenever you want. — Можешь мне звонить когда захочешь. Whenever you call, I will answer. — Когда бы ты не позвонил, я отвечу.

Whenever I wash my car, it rains! — Каждый раз, когда я помою машину, идет дождь! I visit my friends whenever I come to Prague. Я навещаю своих друзей всякий раз, когда приезжею в Прагу.

Wherever   — это все, что касается мест: куда бы ни, откуда бы ни, где бы ни: I will find you, wherever you are! — Я найду тебя, где бы ты ни был!  Wherever you travel, you will find McDonalds there. — Куда бы ты не поехал, везде ты найдешь McDonalds.

Wherever   — это все, что касается мест: куда бы ни, откуда бы ни, где бы ни:

I will find you, wherever you are! — Я найду тебя, где бы ты ни был! Wherever you travel, you will find McDonalds there. — Куда бы ты не поехал, везде ты найдешь McDonalds.

However   относится к образу действия:  «как бы ни», «сколько бы ни» (в сочетании с  much  и  many ) However you stand, you will get tired very fast. — Как бы ты не стоял, ты быстро устанешь.  However much ice cream I eat, I always want more. — Сколько бы мороженного я не съел, я всегда хочу еще.

However   относится к образу действия: «как бы ни», «сколько бы ни» (в сочетании с  much и many )

However you stand, you will get tired very fast. — Как бы ты не стоял, ты быстро устанешь. However much ice cream I eat, I always want more. — Сколько бы мороженного я не съел, я всегда хочу еще.

ex. 8 page 95 Wherever Whatever Whenever Whoever However wherever Whatever whichever

ex. 8 page 95










Expert solutions

I’m still going to the game, ___ the weather’s like.

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You can use «-ever» words as subjects, objects, or adverbs in their own clauses. They can also be used to join a clause to the rest a sentence.

Terms in this set (19)

I’m still going to the game, ___ the weather’s like.

(I’m still going to the game, whatever the weather’s like.)
([It doesn’t matter what the weather is like. I’m still going.])

We can take a taxi or walk, ___ you prefer.

(We can take a taxi or walk, whichever you prefer.)
(Here, «whichever» is an object.)
([It doesn’t matter to me which you choose, taxi or walking.])

___ invented the umbrella was a very clever person indeed.

(Whoever invented the umbrella was a very clever person indeed.)
(Here, «whoever» is a subject.)
([I don’t know who invented the umbrella, but they were very clever.])

It always seems to rain ___ I go away.

(It always seems to rain whenever I go away.)
(Any time I go away, it rains.)

I always check the forecast for ___ I’m going to be.

(I always check the forecast for wherever I’m going to be.)
(I check the forecast for the place I am going to be, no matter where it is.)

If there’s a chance of rain, however small, I’ll take an umbrella.

(Here, «however» is an adverb.)
(If there’s a chance of rain, however small, I’ll take an umbrella.)
(I’ll take an umbrella, no matter how small the risk of rain.)

Whoever / Whatever choice you make, you know we’ll support you.


Buy red or green peppers, however/ whichever is the cheapest.


She moves every few years to wherever/ whatever her company asks her to go.


I love going to concerts and watching live music, whenever/whoever is playing.


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Как выучить английские вопросительные слова? Нужно делать много упражнений! Я предлагаю несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова в английском языке, которые помогут Вам закрепить тему. Ознакомьтесь также с правилами и таблицами использования вопросительных слов.

Первые из предложенных упражнений на английские вопросительные слова подойдут для детей, которые только начинают изучать английский, далее сложность упражнений возрастает.

Упражнения на вопросительные слова для детей.

Следующие упражнения подойдут для детей – учеников 3 – 4 классов.

Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers.

1.      Why?

2.      When?

3.      Where?

4.      How?

5.      How many?

6.      What?

7.      Whose?

8.      How old?

a)      Twelve years old

b)      Chocolates

c)      Because I like them.

d)      Twenty-seven

e)      Quickly

f)       Yesterday

g)      At home.

h)      Michael’s

Упражнение 2. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.

  1. _____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o’clock.
  2. _____ does Molly have lunch? – At school.
  3. _____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book.
  4. _____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o’clock.
  5. _____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home.
  6. _____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.

Упражнение 3. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why

  1. _______ is your name?
  2. _______ do you spell your name?
  3. _______ are you from?
  4. _______ do you live?
  5. _______ old are you?
  6. _______ is your birthday?
  7. _______ tall are you?
  8. _______ kind of films do you like?
  9. _______ is your favorite singer?
  10. _______ is your favorite TV programme?

Упражнение 4. Look at these answers Find one answer for each question word.

1.      What?

2.      Who?

3.      Whose?

4.      How?

5.      Where?

6.      When?

7.      Why?

a)      Today

b)      My friend’s

c)      Diana

d)      A book

e)      At school

f)       Because it’s late

g)      Slowly

 Английские вопросительные слова. Упражнения для 5 класса.

Следующие несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова окажутся полезными ученикам 5 класса.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

Why, what, how, where

  1. ______ is Molly thinking about?
  2. ______ don’t you wear this funny sweater?
  3. ______ does your boyfriend go on Mondays?
  4. ______ didn’t you come to school yesterday?
  5. ______ is Susan wearing?
  6. ______ do you think of Fred?
  7. ______ often does Derek go running?
  8. ______ don’t we go fishing this afternoon?
  9. ______ much are these pants?
  10. ______ tall is Rachel?
  11. ______ are they from?
  12. ______ far is your school from our house?

Упражнение 6. Choose and write.

How old, When, How often, How tall, How many

  1. _____ is your mum’s birthday? – It’s on the 21st of May.
  2. _____ should you eat fruit and vegetables? – Every day
  3. _____ is your dad? – He’s 1m 95cm tall.
  4. _____ is your dad? – He’s 30 years old.
  5. _____ apples do you eat every day? – Two.

Упражнение 7.  Fill in the question words

  1. _____ did your mum make? A cake.
  2. _____ did you decorate the Christmas tree? With ornaments.
  3. _____ do you play jokes?- On April 1st
  4. _____ presents did you get? Five.
  5. _____ do you celebrate New Year? At home.
  6. _____ do you like parties?-Because they’re fun.
  7. _____ were you on your last birthday? Nine.

Упражнение 8.  Вставьте вопросительные слова.

  1. _____ was your holiday like? – It was fantastic!
  2. _____ did you go there? – Last month.
  3. _____ did you go there with? – With my friends.
  4. _____ did you like best in the camp? – The picnics in the woods.
  5. _____ did you like the picnics? –Because they were fun.

Упражнение 9.  Choose and write.

What?  Where?  When?  Who?  Why?

  1. ____ lives at the seaside? – Mary’s grandad
  2. ____he go fishing? – In the morning
  3. ____does he collect shells? – On the beach.
  4. ____did Mary’s grandad find on the beach? – A bottle with a strange message
  5. ____does Mary visit her grandad? – Because she loves him.

Упражнение 10.  Write in how many, where, what, when or how old.

  1. ________is your school number? – Number 96
  2. ________ is your school? – 45 years old.
  3. ________lessons do you have on Friday? – Five.
  4. ________ is your last lesson on Monday? – English.
  5. ________do you play sports games? In the gym.
  6. ________ children are there in your class? -26.

Упражнение 11.  Write in what, where, when, who or why

  1. _______ did Pete do yesterday? – To the amusement park
  2. _______ did he go there? – In the afternoon.
  3. _______ did he go there with? – With Molly.
  4. _______ did he have lunch? –At home.
  5. _______ did he get home? – At 4 o’clock.
  6. _______ did he like best? – He liked the ponies very much.
  7. _______ did he like them? – Because they were fast.

Question words exercises. Более сложные упражнения.

Следующие упражнения на английские вопросительные слова несколько сложнее предыдущих. В любом случае, Вы сможете проверить себя, обратившись к ответам в конце статьи

Упражнение 12. Which question word is used to put the question to the italic type word or expression?

who, how, what, where, when, why, whom, with whom

  1. Jill phoned Amanda.
  2. Jane likes spaghetti so much.
  3. We can start working on Monday.
  4. The last test was the easiest.
  5. Janet met her friend at a party.
  6. Molly doesn’t want to dance with Greg.
  7. Megan’s worried about the test.
  8. We have seen this cartoon five times.
  9. My boyfriend’s family has got a flat on the seventy-fifth floor.
  10. It isn’t hot in England in the winter.
  11. Ann’s cousins are going to the concert tonight.
  12. Jannat was upset because she wasn’t invited to the concert.
  13. I’d like to listen to the radio.
  14. They went on an excursion by train.
  15. Molly borrowed money from my sisters.

Упражнение 13. Fill in.

 What / What’s

  1. ________ Sally doing?
  2. ________are Greg’s hobbies?
  3. ________your phone number?
  4. ________do you think of Molly’s new dress?
  5. ________in the news today?
  6. ________does Janet’s sister look like?
  7. ________Nickolas playing with?
  8. ________silver used for?
  9. ________the man in black doing?

Упражнение 14. Ask questions with what, who or which.

  1. _______ kind of books do you like?
  2. _______ hand do you write with?
  3. _______ is your favorite actor?
  4. _______ actor do you prefer –  Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson?

Упражнение 15. Complete the questions. Use question words.

  1. _____ kind of car have you got?
  2. _____ is your favorite sport?
  3. _____ ocean is bigger-the Atlantic or the Pacific?
  4. _____ book is this? Is it yours?
  5. _____ are you from? Are you English?
  6. _____ do you usually have your summer holiday? Do you have it in August?
  7. _____ are you in bed? Are you ill?
  8. _____ do you go to work? Do you go by car?
  9. _____ is your friend? Is he over 21?
  10. _____ are you? Are you over 1 meter 80?
  11. _____ children have you got?
  12. _____ were your shoes? Were they expensive?
  13. _____ do you go to the cinema? Do you go more than once a week?
  14. _____ have you lived in this town? Have you been here for very long?

Упражнение 16.  Ask questions. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

  1. _______ do you go to work? – By train
  2. _______ do you start work? – At 8.30
  3. _______ coffee do you drink every day? – Not very much
  4. _______ do you usually have lunch? – In a cafe
  5. _______ do you go out in the evenings? – Once or twice a week.
  6. _______ sleep do you have a night? – 9 hours
  7. _______ do you usually go to bed? – At about 11.00

Упражнение 17.  Вставьте вопросительные слова

How, when, where, how long, what, who

  1. _____ did you go on your last holiday? – To Greece
  2. _____ did you go there? – Last June
  3. _____ in Greece did you go? – To Crete.
  4. _____ did you go with? – I went with some friends.
  5. _____ did you go there? – We went by plane.
  6. _____ did you stay in Crete? – At a hotel
  7. _____ was the hotel like? – It was very good.
  8. _____ did you stay there? – For two weeks
  9. _____ was the weather like? – It was hot.

Ответы к упражнениям на английские  вопросительные слова:

Exercise 1.

1-с, 2-f, 3-g, 4-e, 5-d, 6-b, 7-h, 8-a

Exercise 2.

1 when, 2 where, 3 what, 4 when, 5 where, 6 what

Exercise 3.

1 what, 2 how, 3 where, 4 where, 5 how, 6 when, 7 how, 8 what, 9 who, 10 what

Exercise 4.

1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-f

Exercise 5.

1 what, 2 why, 3 where, 4 why, 5 what, 6 what, 7 how, 8 why, 9 how, 10 how, 11 where, 12 how

Exercise 6.

1 when, 2 how often, 3 how tall, 4 how old, 5 how many

Exercise 7.

1 what, 2 how, 3 when, 4 how many, 5 where, 6 why, 7 how old

Exercise 8.

1 what 2 when, 3 who, 4 what, 5 why

Exercise 9.

1 who, 2 when, 3 where, 4 what, 5 why

Exercise 10.

1 what, 2 how old, 3 how much, 4 what, 5 where, 6 how many

Exercise 11.

1 where, 2 when, 3 who, 4 where, 5 when, 6 what /who, 7 why

Exercise 12.

1 whom, 2 who, 3 when, 4 what, 5 where, 6 with whom, 7 what, 8 how many, 9 where, 10 when, 11 where, 12 why, 13 what, 14 how, 15 whom

Exercise 13.

1 what’s, 2 what, 3 what’s, 4 what, 5 what’s, 6 what, 7 what’s, 8 what’s, 9 what’s

Exercise 14.

1 what, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which

Exercise 15.

1 What, 2 what, 3 which, 4 whose, 5 where, 6 when, 7 why, 8 how, 9 how old, 10 how tall, 11 how many, 12 how much, 13 how often, 14 how long

Exercise 16.

1 how, 2 when, 3 how much, 4 where, 5 how often, 6 how much, 7 when

Exercise 17.

1 where, 2 when, 3 where, 4 who, 5 how, 6 where, 7 what, 8 how long, 9 what

По теме я могу предложить Вам также почитать:

  • Упражнения на построение вопросов в английском языке.
  • General questions или как составить общий вопрос.
  • Общий вопрос в английском — упражнения. General questions exercises.
  • Специальные вопросы упражнения. Special questions exercises.
  • Разделительные вопросы в английском. Tag Questions.

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