Наречие — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и описывает где, когда и как это действие совершается. Often, usually и always относятся к наречиям частотности и отвечают на вопрос «Как часто?». Где ставятся often, usually и always в предложении — рассмотрим ниже.
В английском различают наречия места, времени, образа действия, меры и степени, наречия частоты действия и наречия-вопросительные слова. Оften, usually и always относятся к наречиям частоты действия или иначе частотности — Adverbs of Frequency, но не являются единственными представителями этой группы.
Примеры наречий частоты действия:
Это далеко не все существующие Adverbs of Frequency, их великое множество. Условно их можно разделить на наречия определенной частоты (definite frequency) и наречия неопределенной частоты (indefinite frequency). Наречия обеих групп отвечают на один и тот же вопрос: «How often?».
Наречия определенной частоты действия:
- Daily — ежедневно
- Annually — ежегодно
- Every day / hour / month / year — каждый день / час / месяц / год
- Once a week / month / year etc. — раз в неделю / месяц / год и т.д.
На группе наречий неопределенной частоты действия остановимся подробнее, поскольку оften, usually и always представляют именно эту группу. Наиболее распространенные наречия неопределенной частоты иногда представляют в виде шкалы, на которой ярко видна разница между ними. Частота выполнения действия представлена в процентном соотношении.
При использовании этих наречий в речи большую роль играет субъективное мнение говорящего: для кого-то «часто» — это три раза в день, а для кого-то — три раза в месяц.
Наречия частоты действия, в том числе, оften, usually и always, относятся к временным маркерам Present Simple. Простое настоящее время связано с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходно и значение его маркеров-наречий частотности.
Оften, usually и always в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах
По общему правилу, если сказуемое выражено одиночным смысловым глаголом, то наречие частоты следует поставить перед глаголом.
He often visited us. — Он часто нас посещал.
I usually drink tea in the morning. — Я обычно пью чай по утрам.
В вопросах наречия частоты также занимают место в середине предложения, после подлежащего.
Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — Он всегда пил чай на завтрак?
Также наречия неопределенной частоты употребляются в коротких ответах на вопросы перед вспомогательным глаголом, когда говорящий соглашается или не соглашается со сказанным ранее.
Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.
Мэри опять расстроена. — Она всегда такая.
Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.
Том говорит только о себе. — Да, он всегда так делает.
Must he always come here at 8 o’clock? — Yes, he always must.
Он всегда должен приходить сюда в восемь часов? — Да, всегда.
Что касается отрицаний, то частица not обычно ставится перед наречиями частоты.
I do not usually go to the gym. — Обычно я не хожу в спортзал.
They are not always very friendly. — Они не всегда дружелюбные.
Таким образом, наиболее типичное место наречия частоты в предложении — до или после глагола в середине высказывания.
Место оften, usually, always в предложении до и после глагола
- В утверждениях наречия частоты чаще всего занимают место в середине предложения, после вспомогательного глагола (если он есть) и перед смысловым.
Не always comes early. — Он всегда приходит рано.
Не often goes there. — Он часто ходит туда.
I usually get up at seven o’clock. — Я обычно встаю в семь часов.
- Если в предложении единственный глагол — to be, то наречие частоты должно стоять после него
She is always happy to help us. — Она всегда рада помочь нам.
Не is always here at five o’clock. — Он всегда здесь в пять часов.
He is usually at home in the morning. — С утра он обычно дома.
- Если в предложении есть вспомогательный (am, is, are, have, has, will) или модальный глагол (can, may, must, should), то наречие частоты находится после этого глагола.
You can usually find him in his office. — Его обычно можно найти у себя в кабинете.
I will always love you. — Я всегда буду любить тебя.
I don’t often go to parties. — Я не часто хожу на вечеринки.
Parents can’t always be around. — Родители не могут всегда быть рядом.
Birds don’t always fly south in October. — Птицы не всегда улетают на юг в октябре.
Место оften, usually, always в предложении: в конце или в начале?
Не все наречия частоты могут стоять в конце или в начале предложения. Но always, usually и often, относящиеся к наречиям частотности с положительным значением, иногда ставят в конец предложения.
My neighbours go out in the evening, usually. — Мои соседи обычно ходят гулять вечером.
Does he call you often? — Он часто тебе звонит?
He doesn’t call me very often. — Он не очень часто мне звонит.
Наречия частоты always и never часто стоят в начале повелительных предложений.
Always tell the truth. — Всегда говори правду.
Home » Unit 94 Куда ставить наречия: always, usually, often, sometimes и т.д. – Word order (2)
ТЕСТ always, usually, often, sometimes и т.д.? →
Где в предложении правильно поставить следующие наречия:
always [‘ɔːlweɪz] всегда
usually [‘juːʒ ə)lɪ] обычно
often [‘ɔfən] часто
sometimes [‘sʌmtaɪmz] иногда, временами
rarely [‘reəlɪ] / seldom [‘seldəm] редко, нечасто
never [‘nevə] никогда, ни разу
ever [‘evə] когда-либо,
also [‘ɔːlsəu] тоже, также, к тому же
just [ʤʌst] сейчас, прямо, точно, только
still [stɪl] до сих пор, всё ещё, по-прежнему
already [ɔːl’redɪ] уже
и местоимения: both [bəuθ] оба, обе / all [ɔːl] все, всё
Видеоурок Куда ставить наречия: always, usually, often, sometimes и т.д.?
1. Наречия: always / usually / often / never / ever и др. очень часто идут в середине предложения
– My brother never speaks to me. Мой брат никогда со мной не разговаривает.
– She’s always late. Она всегда опаздывает.
– Do you often eat in restaurants? Вы часто кушаете в ресторанах?
– I sometimes eat too much. или Sometimes I eat too much. Я иногда ем слишком много.
2. Наречия: always / never и др. идут перед глаголом (описывают глагол)
– I always go to work by car. Я всегда езжу на работу на машине.
– Ann often plays tennis. Аня часто играет в теннис.
– We rarely (or seldom) watch television. Мы редко смотрим телевизор.
– I’ve got three sisters. They all live in London. У меня есть три сестры. Они все живут в Лондоне.
3. Но наречия: always / never и др. идут после глагола BE (am / is / are / was / were)
– I am never ill. Я никогда не болею.
– They are usually at home in the evenings. Они обычно дома по вечерам.
– In winter it is often very cold here. Зимой часто очень холодно здесь.
– When I was a child, I was always late for school. Когда я был ребёнком, я всегда опаздывал в школу.
4. always / never и др. идут между глаголами have … been / can … find и т.д.
– I will always remember you. Я буду всегда помнить тебя.
– It doesn’t often rain here. Здесь не часто идут дожди.
– Do you usually go home by car? Вы обычно едите домой на машине?
– I can never find my keys. Я никогда не смогу найти свои ключи.
– Have you ever been to Rome? Вы когда нибудь были в Риме. (время настоящее совершённое – present perfect>)
ТЕСТ always, usually, often, sometimes и т.д.? →
Смотри также
< 93 He speaks English very well, (порядок слов 1)
95 still yet already >
Сегодня мы потренируемся в употреблении наречий частотности (Adverbs of Frequency) always, never, rarely, hardly ever, often, usually, sometimes и их места в предложении.
В этом уроке 7 упражнений на отработку наречий частотности в английском языке с ответами.
Итак, let’s go!
Упражнение 1. Соотнесите наречия частотности с процентами
Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее наречие в предложения
Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения из слов
Упражнение 4. Напишите предложения с наречиями частотности, указанными в скобках
Упражнение 5. Выберите и напишите подходящее наречие частотности
Упражнение 6. Отметьте правильные предложения
Упражнение 7. Напишите в пропусках подходящие наречия из рамочки
never sometimes often rarely always usually
Упражнение 1.
- 100% – always
- 90% – usually
- 70% – often
- 50% – sometimes
- 30% – rarely
- 10% – hardly ever
- 0% – never
Упражнение 2.
- They never go to the cinema. They watch movies on TV.
- He sometimes plays football in his free time, every Sunday.
- Sue always does her homework. She’s the best student in my class.
- We rarely have a picnic, maybe once a month.
- I usually make my bed, but today I don’t have time.
- Daniel rarely helps his mom about the house, he’s lazy.
- I hardly ever cry when I read a sad story, I’m not very emotional.
Упражнение 3.
- Hugh usually reads comic books.
- I am never late for my classes.
- They go to the theatre once a month.
- We hardly ever travel by train.
- My cat always sleeps in my bed.
- Mary rarely walks the dog.
- Do you take a shower every morning?
- My brother goes fishing twice a week.
- Jim often loses his keys.
- Marta is usually tired after work.
Упражнение 4.
- Nancy is never bored.
- I often drink coffee.
- Mary is always late.
- He usually eats out.
- Susan hardly ever cooks.
- They normally stay at home.
- Ben rarely works late.
- I am always sleepy.
- Do you often read news?
- He is hardly ever sick.
Упражнение 5.
- Nick goes swimming every Monday / sometimes because it’s his day-off.
- I often / once a week go to the countryside.
- Gary is usually / every day in the office at this time.
- We never / rarely play any games, because we don’t have much time.
- They sometimes / hardly ever have a barbeque, because they like it.
- I don’t usually / never cook at home.
- Bella always / sometimes comes on time, she’s very punctual.
- You rarely / often get up late, you’re an early bird.
Упражнение 6.
- I have dinner with my friends on Saturdays. ✓
- She usually has coffee in the morning. ✓
- He sleeps often in the afternoon.
- I can never wake up early. ✓
- Kate always is happy.
- My grandma goes sometimes shopping on Sundays.
- They never watch TV. ✓
- We meet hardly ever after work.
Упражнение 7.
- Kate is always right, she knows everything.
- Bill never calls me anymore, we broke up last week.
- They often spend time together, they’re very close friends.
- I usually wear jeans, but today I’m wearing a dress.
- We sometimes eat in a restaurant, but mostly we cook at home.
- They are always late, never on time.
Вам может быть интересно:
- Упражнения на Present Simple с ответами
- Тест на Present Simple для начинающих
What’s the difference between always and constantly?
1.I constantly listen to music.
2.I always listen to music
I’m pretty confused.
To do something constantly means a great deal of the time.
To do something always means that when the question of doing it arises, you do it.
People also get confused between continuous and continual:
continuous = all the time, without a break
continual = most of the time, but off and on (i.e. with breaks)
CONSTANTLY is defined by Oxford as «continuously», but in everyday language it’s more widely used to mean «continually»
My children constantly complain about each other
The «real» meaning of ALWAYS is ever/forever (= all the time, in perpetuity), but it’s also used in many other ways – as it probably is in every language.
I constantly listen to music would normally be taken to mean I listen to music a lot of the time.
I always listen to music would normally be taken to mean I listen to music on a regular basis.
There is really very little difference.
Always can also refer to opportunities — «When I go to San Francisco I always drive» = every time I do X I do Y. It does not mean I am constantly driivng to San Francisco
I don’t disagree at all with Julian. The whole subject is very complex! But in terms of the examples given, there is little difference.
I don’t disagree at all with Julian. The whole subject is very complex! But in terms of the examples given, there is little difference.
Okay, so, constantly= often, a lot of time, and always= habit, on a regular basis
Constantly doesn’t mean that something happens on a regular basis. Sometimes, that thing may not happen.
1.The world is constantly changing (The world often changes, but that doesn’t mean that this should happen forever)
2.The world is always changing (The world will always change, which means that this is a something will happen forever)
Is my conclusion true?
Constantly doesn’t mean that something happens on a regular basis. Sometimes, that thing may not happen.
I don’t use the expression ‘on a regular basis’, but ‘constantly’ can easily mean repeatedly, regularly.
‘Always’ strictly means ‘without fail’.
Okay, so, constantly= often, a lot of time, and always= habit, on a regular basis
Constantly doesn’t mean that something happens on a regular basis. Sometimes, that thing may not happen.
1.The world is constantly changing (The world often changes, but that doesn’t mean that this should happen forever)
2.The world is always changing (The world will always change, which means that this is a something will happen forever)
Is my conclusion true?
It’s admirable that you’re trying so hard to understand how English «works». But the problem is that people studying English as a second or subsequent language – especially those whose mother tongue is very different – constantly try to elicit hard and fast rules where there are none. It’s a very diverse language, the subtleties of which vary from decade to decade and from region to region, let alone from country to country and continent to continent.
Here, the point is that words such as «always» and «constantly» and «continually» have come to be used in very similar ways, to the extent that in some contexts they’re more or less interchangeable.
It’s admirable that you’re trying so hard to understand how English «works». But the problem is that people studying English as a second or subsequent language – especially those whose mother tongue is very different – constantly try to elicit hard and fast rules where there are none. It’s a very diverse language, the subtleties of which vary from decade to decade and from region to region, let alone from country to country and continent to continent.
Here, the point is that words such as «always» and «constantly» and «continually» have come to be used in very similar ways, to the extent that in some contexts they’re more or less interchangeable.
So, what am I supposed to do? Can’t you please give a clear difference between these two words and give some examples?
So, what am I supposed to do? Can’t you please give a clear difference between these two words and give some examples?
Okay. So let’s go back to your original 2 sentences.
1. I constantly listen to music. To me this means: «I listen to music a lot, pretty much as often as I can, every day.»
2. I always listen to music. There is a nuance here.
(a) For it to mean almost exactly the same as sentence 1, you’d probably use the imperfect tense: I’m always listening to music. In other words, whatever the time of day, the chances are that you’ll catch me listening to music.
(b) «I always listen to music» could be used when comparing two things: Q. In the evenings, do you watch TV or listen to music? A. I always listen to music.
But, as I said, there are many more subtle variations in use. Plenty of examples can be found on online dictionary and thesaurus sites, and elsewhere on WR.
Can you give me some examples where only constantly can be used and not always? And it would be great if you explains the meaning of constantly in those sentences.
Here are some sentences using the word constantly (meaning continually, i.e. not the entire time without a break, but very frequently over a long period of time) together with some alternative ways of saying the same thing. The sentences in blue (using the word always) all mean something slightly different, as explained in brackets.
He couldn’t keep up with his partner’s constantly changing moods.
He couldn’t keep up with his partner’s ever-changing moods.
Their relationship was rocky and they argued constantly.
Their relationship was rocky and they argued all the time.
Their relationship was rocky and they were always arguing.
When she worked at the hospital, she constantly had to deal with drunks.
When she worked at the hospital, she was always having to deal with drunks.
When she worked at the hospital, she always had to deal with drunks [because no one else was willing to do it].
I constantly get woken up by next door’s dog barking.
I’m always being woken up by next door’s dog barking.
I always get woken up by next door’s dog barking. [It happens every single day.]
The man constantly turned up late for work.
The man was always turning up late for work.
The man always turned up late for work. [It happened every time.]
The woman’s condition meant she constantly fell over when hanging out the washing.
The woman’s condition meant she was always falling over when hanging out the washing.
The woman’s condition meant she always fell over when hanging out the washing. [It happened every time.]
Okay, so, constantly means that something happens very much but not always, and always means something that happens everyday. Am I right?
Why are you constantly/always asking for hard and fast rules? See comments in #9!
It depends on the context and the construction of the sentence.
As the above examples are intended to show, always (especially with the imperfect tense) can, and very often does, mean the same as constantly. Only in the examples in blue is its meaning closer to the sense of every single time.
Why are you constantly/always asking for hard and fast rules?
See comments in #9!
It depends on the context and the construction of the sentence.
As the above examples are intended to show, always (especially with the imperfect tense) can, and very often does, mean the same as constantly. Only in the examples in blue is its meaning closer to the sense of every single time.
Because it would be hard without any rules. And I have noticed that all the examples you have mentioned show that constantly means very often. I can’t think of another use for it, but if there’s a one, let me know.
I would like to list all the uses of constantly, so that I don’t get confused when someone use it in a different way. Get it? For examples, I’ll write in my notebook
Constantly is used when:
I think it’s clear now. Apparently you didn’t comprehend what I wanted.
I do appreciate how frustrating it must be, trying to analyse such an inconsistent language as English, with all its variations and leniencies. But I’ve already given lots of examples in an attempt to help and that’s as far as I can go with this. Maybe if you start a new thread someone else will step in.
I’d also suggest consulting www.oxforddictionaries.com, www.merriam-webster.com and other dictionary sites – who list all the different definitions for always and constantly. I’ve no doubt their explanations will be clearer than mine.
When she worked at the hospital, she constantly had to deal with drunks.
When she worked at the hospital, she was always having to deal with drunks.
When she worked at the hospital, she always had to deal with drunks [because no one else was willing to do it].
Does all the time not work at all for the above examples or it works different than constantly and always do?
«All the time» wouldn’t fit your blue sentence.
When she worked at the hospital, she was the one who always had to deal with drunks.
It would be fine for the other two sentences, but please show us how you would use it there.
It can’t just be inserted in place of your bolded phrases.