Quality meaning in one word

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    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > quality

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    1) ка́чество (

    тж. филос.

    ); сорт;

    2) высо́кое ка́чество, досто́инство

    3) сво́йство; осо́бенность; характе́рная черта́;

    4) тембр;



    положе́ние в о́бществе;

    people of quality, the quality вы́сшие кла́ссы о́бщества, знать, господа́ (противоп. the common people)


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > quality

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    Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (ISO 9000*).

    Note 1.— The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent.

    Note 2.— “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic.

    *ISO Standard 9000 — Quality Management Systems — Fundamentals and Vocabulary.

    Official definition added to An 15 by


    29 (05/11/1998) and modified by


    34 (2007)..

    Степень, c которой совокупность собственных характеристик выполняет требования.

    Примечание 1. Термин ‘качество’ может применяться c такими прилагательными, как плохое, хорошее или отличное.

    Примечание 2. Термин ‘собственный’, в противоположность термину ‘запланированный’, означает существование в чем-то, особенно если это касается постоянной характеристики.

    *Международный стандарт (ИСО) 9000:2000 ‘Системы менеджмента качества. Основные положения и словарь ‘.

    International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > quality

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > quality

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    Персональный Сократ > quality

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > quality

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    art quality художественное качество average quality среднее качество bad quality низкое качество best quality высшего качества best quality высшее качество choice quality высокое качество draft quality грубое качество extra quality высшее качество quality свойство; особенность; характерная черта; to give a taste of one’s quality показать себя, свои способности good commercial quality хорошее коммерческое качество good merchantable quality хорошее коммерческое качество good quality высокое качество image quality вчт. качество изображения inferior quality низкое качество quality уст. положение в обществе; people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people); a lady of quality знатная дама low quality низкое качество medium quality среднее качество medium quality средний сорт merchantable quality качество, пригодное для торговли merchantable quality коммерческое качество quality качество (тж. филос.); сорт; of good quality высокосортный ordinary quality обычное качество quality уст. положение в обществе; people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people); a lady of quality знатная дама photographic quality фотографическое качество picture quality качество изображения poor quality низкое качество prime quality высшее качество prime quality первый сорт print quality вчт. качество печати quality уст. актерская профессия; собир. актеры quality высокое качество, достоинство quality высокое качество quality достоинство quality качество (тж. филос.); сорт; of good quality высокосортный quality качество, сорт quality качество quality уст. положение в обществе; people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people); a lady of quality знатная дама quality уст. положение в обществе; people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people); a lady of quality знатная дама quality признак quality свойство; особенность; характерная черта; to give a taste of one’s quality показать себя, свои способности quality свойство, особенность, характерная черта quality свойство quality сорт quality тембр; the quality of a voice тембр голоса quality характерная особенность quality тембр; the quality of a voice тембр голоса quality of life качество жизни recipient quality planning планирование входного качества second quality второй сорт second-rate quality второй сорт selected quality выборочное качество slide quality качество на уровне слайда standard quality стандартное качество top quality высшее качество typeset quality полиграфическое качество uniform quality однородное качество warranted quality гарантированное качество

    English-Russian short dictionary > quality

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    4) свойство; характеристика

    5) энерг. массовое паросодержание

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > quality

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    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > quality

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    Англо-русский строительный словарь > quality

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    1. n качество, сорт; свойство

    2. n уровень качества, класс, калибр

    3. n высокое качество; достоинство, ценность

    4. n часто качество, свойство, признак; характерная особенность

    5. n физ. тембр

    6. n уст. знатность; положение в обществе

    7. n уст. знать

    8. a высококачественный, высокого качества

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. excellent (adj.) A1; bang-up; banner; blue-ribbon; bully; capital; champion; choice; classic; classical; excellent; famous; fine; first-class; first-rate; first-string; five-star; front-rank; Grade A; number one; outstanding; par excellence; prime; royal; select; skookum; sovereign; stunning; superior; top; top-notch; whiz-bang

    3. aristocracies (noun) aristocracies; blue bloods; carriage trade; creme de la creme; elites; flowers; gentilities; gentries; patriciates; societies; upper classes; upper crusts

    4. aristocracy (noun) aristocracy; aristoi; blue blood; elite; flower; gentility; gentry; haut monde; optimacy; patriciate; society; upper class; upper crust; who’s who

    7. property (noun) affection; attribute; character; characteristic; feature; mark; peculiarity; property; savor; savour; trait

    8. rank (noun) caliber; calibre; class; condition; description; grade; kind; merit; rank; refinement; stature; value; virtue; worth

    9. status (noun) capacity; footing; place; position; situation; standing; state; station; status

    Антонимический ряд:

    disqualification; failure; incapacity; inferior; inferiority; negation; nondescript; weakness

    English-Russian base dictionary > quality

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    1. сущ.
    1) а) качество тж. филос. quantity and quality ≈ количество и качество He is not interested in quality, all he cares about is making money. ≈ Его не интересует качество, только деньги. б) степень качества, добротность, кондиционность;
    сорт excellent, superior quality ≈ выдающееся, превосходное качество fine, good, high quality ≈ высокое качество low, poor quality ≈ плохое качество quality of work ≈ качество работы certificate of quality ≈ свидетельство качества quality of life ≈ уровень жизни quality control ≈ контроль за качеством продукции в) высокое качество goods of quality ≈ высококачественные товары
    2) свойство;
    характерная черта He has the right qualities to be a politician. ≈ Он обладает всеми качествами, необходимыми для политика. admirable quality endearing quality moral quality personal quality redeeming quality Syn: characteristic
    3) тембр;
    (точность воспроизведения о звуке)
    4) уст. положение в обществе;
    знатность lady of quality people of quality the quality
    2. прил. качественный;
    высококачественный, высокого качества quality cars ≈ автомобили высокого качества That’s a real quality job you’ve done. ≈ Ты сделал работу очень качественно.
    качество, сорт;
    свойство — adequate * доброкачественность — bottom * низкое качество — premium /prime/ * высшее качество — milk * удойность( коровы) — cutting * режущая способность — goods of high * товары высокого качества — the better * of cloth is more expensive материя высшего качества дороже — to manufacture /to make/ goods in various qualities производить /выпускать/ товары различного качества — to aim at * rather than quantity предпочитать качество количеству — transition from quantity to * (философское) переход количества в качество уровень качества, класс, калибр — to upgrade the * of incoming students повышать требования к отбору студентов высокое качество;
    достоинство, ценность — goods of * высококачественные товары — wine of * отборное /высокосортное/ вино — to admire the * of smth. восхищаться( превосходным) качеством чего-л. — to be up to * соответствовать требованиям часто pl качество, свойство, признак;
    характерная особенность — moral * моральные качества — * of leadership качества руководителя — a person of excellent qualities человек, обладающий прекрасными качествами — to be distinguished by noble qualities отличаться душевным благородством — to be possessed of rare qualities обладать редкими качествами — to possess healing qualities обладать целебными свойствами — qualities of the pine-wood отличительные свойства сосны — to give a taste of /to show/ one’s * показать /проявить/ себя;
    обнаружить черты своего характера — to test another’s qualities испытывать чей-л. характер — primary * (философское) первичное качество (физическое) тембр — the * of a voice тембр голоса (устаревшее) знатность;
    положение в обществе — people of * высшее общество, аристократия, знать, господа — a lady of * знатная дама (the *) знать высококачественный, высокого качества
    art ~ художественное качество
    average ~ среднее качество
    bad ~ низкое качество
    best ~ высшего качества best ~ высшее качество
    choice ~ высокое качество
    draft ~ грубое качество
    extra ~ высшее качество
    ~ свойство;
    характерная черта;
    to give a taste of one’s quality показать себя, свои способности
    good commercial ~ хорошее коммерческое качество
    good merchantable ~ хорошее коммерческое качество
    good ~ высокое качество
    image ~ вчт. качество изображения
    inferior ~ низкое качество
    ~ уст. положение в обществе;
    people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа ( противоп. the common people) ;
    a lady of quality знатная дама
    low ~ низкое качество
    medium ~ среднее качество medium ~ средний сорт
    merchantable ~ качество, пригодное для торговли merchantable ~ коммерческое качество
    ~ качество (тж. филос.) ;
    of good quality высокосортный
    ordinary ~ обычное качество
    ~ уст. положение в обществе;
    people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people) ;
    a lady of quality знатная дама
    photographic ~ фотографическое качество
    picture ~ качество изображения
    poor ~ низкое качество
    prime ~ высшее качество prime ~ первый сорт
    print ~ вчт. качество печати
    quality уст. актерская профессия;
    собир. актеры ~ высокое качество, достоинство ~ высокое качество ~ достоинство ~ качество (тж. филос.) ;
    of good quality высокосортный ~ качество, сорт ~ качество ~ уст. положение в обществе;
    people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people) ;
    a lady of quality знатная дама ~ уст. положение в обществе;
    people of quality, the quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people) ;
    a lady of quality знатная дама ~ признак ~ свойство;
    характерная черта;
    to give a taste of one’s quality показать себя, свои способности ~ свойство, особенность, характерная черта ~ свойство ~ сорт ~ тембр;
    the quality of a voice тембр голоса ~ характерная особенность
    ~ тембр;
    the quality of a voice тембр голоса
    ~ of life качество жизни
    recipient ~ planning планирование входного качества
    second ~ второй сорт
    second-rate ~ второй сорт
    selected ~ выборочное качество
    slide ~ качество на уровне слайда
    standard ~ стандартное качество
    top ~ высшее качество
    typeset ~ полиграфическое качество
    uniform ~ однородное качество
    warranted ~ гарантированное качество

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > quality

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    качество; уровень качества

    quality testing [test] — проверка качества

    quality manual — руководство по обеспечению [повышению] качества (продукции)



    asset quality, bank quality, customer quality, management quality, manager’s qualities, product quality, quality certificate, quality certification, quality competition, quality control, quality defect, quality guarantee, quality label, quality of design, quality of service, quality manager, satisfier, dissatisfier, delighter, premium quality



    высокое качество; добротность



    качество, свойство, признак; характерная особенность

    to show one’s qualities — показать [проявить] себя, обнаружить [проявить] черты своего характера

    physical [chemical] qualities of smth. — физические [химические] свойства чего-л.

    He’s got all the qualities to be a leader. — У него есть все качества, необходимые для того, чтобы стать лидером.





    знатность, положение в обществе




    качественный; высококачественный, высокого качества

    If a company requires a high quality advertisement in all markets, it could be preferable to use the best local agencies for each target market. — Если компании нужна высококачественная реклама, то желательно на каждом целевом рынке прибегать к услугам лучшего местного рекламного агентства.


    * * *

    «качество»: степень устойчивости и кредитоспособности компании или ценной бумаги, определяемая с помощью рейтингов и др. методов.

    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > quality

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    1) качество; сорт

    2) высокое качество; ценность

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > quality

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    1) качество; сорт

    2) высокое качество; ценность

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > quality

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    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > quality

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    Англо-русский технический словарь > quality

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    English-Russian electronics dictionary > quality

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    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > quality

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    1. [ʹkwɒlıtı]

    1. 1) качество, сорт; свойство

    premium /prime/ quality — высшее качество

    goods of high [of poor] quality — товары высокого [низкого] качества

    the better quality of cloth is more expensive — материя высшего качества дороже

    to manufacture /to make/ goods in various qualities — производить /выпускать/ товары различного качества

    2) уровень качества, класс, калибр

    to upgrade the quality of incoming students — повышать требования к отбору студентов

    3) высокое качество; достоинство, ценность

    wine of quality — отборное /высокосортное/ вино

    to admire the quality of smth. — восхищаться (превосходным) качеством чего-л.

    2. качество, свойство, признак; характерная особенность

    a person of excellent qualities — человек, обладающий прекрасными качествами

    to be distinguished by noble qualities — отличаться душевным благородством

    to be possessed of rare [fine] qualities — обладать редкими [прекрасными] качествами

    to give a taste of /to show/ one’s quality — показать /проявить/ себя; обнаружить черты своего характера

    to test another’s qualities — испытывать чей-л. характер

    primary [secondary] quality — первичное [вторичное] качество

    1) знатность; положение в обществе

    people of quality — высшее общество, аристократия, знать, господа

    2) (the quality) знать

    2. [ʹkwɒlıtı]

    высококачественный, высокого качества

    НБАРС > quality


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Quality — degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (p. 3.1.1 ISO 9000:2005). Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • quality — 1 Quality, property, character, attribute, accidentall denote one of the intelligible marks or indications by means of which a thing may be identified or its constitution be understood. Quality is the term of widest application and may designate… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Quality — • Various definitions of quality and its forms or divisions Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Quality     Quality     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Quality — Qual i*ty, n.; pl. {Qualities}. [F. qualit[ e], L. qualitas, fr. qualis how constituted, as; akin to E. which. See {Which}.] 1. The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quality — qual·i·ty n pl ties 1: a special, distinctive, or essential character: as a: a character, position, or role assumed those acts of ownership, which the person called to the succession can only do in quality of heir Louisiana Civil Code b: the… …   Law dictionary

  • quality — [kwôl′ə tē, kwäl′ə tē] n. pl. qualities [ME qualite < OFr < L qualitas < qualis, of what kind: see QUALE] 1. any of the features that make something what it is; characteristic element; attribute 2. basic nature; character; kind 3. the… …   English World dictionary

  • quality — (n.) c.1300, temperament, character, disposition. from O.Fr. qualite (12c., Mod.Fr. qualité), from L. qualitatem (nom. qualitas; said to have been coined by Cicero to translate Gk. poiotes), from qualis of what sort, from PIE pronomial base *kwo… …   Etymology dictionary

  • quality — [n1] characteristic, feature affection, affirmation, aspect, attribute, character, condition, constitution, description, element, endowment, essence, factor, genius, individuality, kind, make, mark, name of tune*, nature, nature of beast*,… …   New thesaurus

  • Quality — Quality. См. Качество. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • quality — is descriptive of organic composition of substance, expressed in definite quantitative units, and definitive of character, nature and degree of excellence of an article. Dean Rubber Mfg. Co. v. U. S., C.A.Mo., 356 F.2d 161, 163. In respect to… …   Black’s law dictionary

  • quality — ► NOUN (pl. qualities) 1) the degree of excellence of something as measured against other similar things. 2) general excellence. 3) a distinctive attribute or characteristic. 4) archaic high social standing. ORIGIN Latin qualitas, from qualis of… …   English terms dictionary

Quality means “Performance upon expectations” and “fit for functions.”

A product is said to be of good quality if it satisfies the customer requirements in terms of performance, grade, durability, appearance and intended use/purpose, etc.

Quality Definitions | Meaning

The word “Quality” has a variety of meanings and definitions which are mentioned below:

Fitness for use/purpose: The component is said to possess good quality if it works well in the equipment for which it is meant. In other words, the product should be suitable for the intended use/purpose. Thus it is defined as fitness for purpose.

For example, a gear utilized in a sugarcane juice extracting machine might not possess a good quality surface finish, tolerance, and accuracy as compared with the gear utilized in the top stock of a lathe.

But still, it may be considered of good quality if it works satisfactorily in the juice extracting machine. Therefore, quality is defined as “the fitness for use/purpose” at the foremost economical level.

Conformance to requirements: It is the ability of the material/component to perform satisfactorily in the application for which it is intended by the user. Quality of a product, thus, means conformance to customer’s requirements. This is a Manufacturing-based definition.

Grade: It is a distinguishing feature or grade of the product in appearance, performance, life, reliability, taste, and maintainability, etc. This is generally called quality characteristics.

Degree of Excellence: It is a measure of a degree of excellence at a suitable price and control of variability at a suitable cost. this is often a Value-based definition.

Degree of preference: It is the degree to which a particular product is preferred over competing products of similar grade, supported comparative test by customers, normally called as customer’s preference.

Measure of the fulfillment of promises: The Quality of a product may be a measure of the fulfillment of the guarantees made to the purchasers/users.

British Defence Industries Quality Assurance Panel : Quality is conformance to specifications.

Definition by ISO: The totality of features and characteristics of product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs revolving around the customer.

Quality Definitions by “QUALITY GURUS”

Quality Definitions | Quality Meaning

Quality Definitions | Quality Meaning  | Quality Gurus

For better clarity of “Quality” term, we must learn and understand the concept/ meaning of the following topics:

Quality Assurance

QA contains all those planned and systematic actions necessary to supply adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy/fulfill given requirements for Quality.

QA includes QC, but it emphasizes quality in the design of products and processes.

Quality Control

QC is the process through which we measure the actual quality performance and compare it with the set standards.

And if there is a deviation then we take corrective actions.

The typically quality control program is based on the periodic inspection, followed by feedback of the results and change or adjustment whenever required.

Quality System

A Quality System is the company-wide and plant-wide operating work structure, responsibilities, procedures, and processes for guiding the coordinated actions of the workforce, the machines, and the information of the organization in the best and most practical ways to assure customer satisfaction. Quality Assurance and Quality Control both are part of the quality system.

Total Quality Management – TQM

It basically aims to involve every person from every function or department of an organization working together to eliminate defects/errors and prevent 3M Waste from the manufacturing process.

Six Sigma Quality

Six Sigma is a quality management concept/philosophy and a methodology that emphasizes on variation reduction, defects elimination, and improving the process and product quality, and services. Six Sigma is also defined as a methodology for quality problem solving. A product is said to be of 6sigma (6σ) quality if there are no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities(DPMO) at the part and process step level.

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Quality Management System Standards

The quality system standards define the method of managing quality in a company to ensure that products conform to the set quality level.

A company is free to set the quality standard or level for its products on the basis of marketing considerations and customer requirements.

Seven Basic Quality Tools

Also known as 7 QC Tools of problem-solving. These are graphical and statistical tools that are widely used to analyze and solve work-related problems.

Quality Circle

Originally known as Quality Control Circle. QCC’s objective is to get associates involved in the improvement process and problem-solving.

QCC is a group of employees whose assignment is to identify problems, formulate solutions, and present their results to management with suggestions for implementation.

Statistical Quality Control-SQC

Use of statistical techniques (like SPC, MSA, Gage R &R, Quality Control tools, Control Charts etc.) in controlling product and process quality.

Statistical Process Control-SPC

SPC technique is used to measure the Process Capability of the production process. This technique is widely applied in the Automotive, Engineering, and Manufacturing industries to monitor and control the manufacturing process and eliminate the Common cause and Special cause of variations.

Quality Audit

A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements or defined standard operating procedures.

> Explore System Audit, Process and Product Audit

Quality Characteristics

An element that makes the product fit for use is the quality characteristics.

A physical or chemical property, a dimension, appearance, temperature, pressure, taste, smell, or any other requirements used to define the nature of the product or service is a Quality Characteristic.

Cost of Quality

COQ is a measure of the cost to the firm for a lack of quality.

COQ is divided into two main categories – Cost of conformance and Cost of Non-conformance.

Cost of conformance is that the cost of providing products or services as per the specified standards. This can be termed as a good amount spent and is categorize into Prevention & Appraisal costs.

On the other hand, the Cost of non-conformance is the failure cost associated with a process not being operated as per the requirements. This can be termed as the unnecessary amount spent and is categorized into Internal & External failure costs.

Quality Function Deployment

Helps to ensure that customer needs are translated into both the design of the product and the design of the process. QFD is a systematic strategy that employs seven management and planning tools to rapidly and efficiently identify and prioritize customer expectations.

Quality Policy

It refers to the basic principles which are used to guide the actions of the organization, in order to meet the quality objectives and to achieve the company’s goals or mission.

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качество, высокое качество, сорт, высококачественный


- качество, сорт; свойство

- уровень качества, класс, калибр

to upgrade the quality of incoming students — повышать требования к отбору студентов

- высокое качество; достоинство, ценность

goods of quality — высококачественные товары
wine of quality — отборное /высокосортное/ вино
to admire the quality of smth. — восхищаться (превосходным) качеством чего-л.
to be up to quality — соответствовать требованиям

- часто pl качество, свойство, признак; характерная особенность

- физ. тембр

the quality of a voice — тембр голоса

- знатность; положение в обществе

people of quality — высшее общество, аристократия, знать, господа
a lady of quality — знатная дама

- (the quality) знать


- высококачественный, высокого качества

Мои примеры


the outstanding quality of your work — выдающееся качество вашей работы  
diluting the quality of our products — ухудшение качества нашей продукции  
control the quality of the product — контроль качества продукта  
The fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday. — Чудинка и впрямь была: умение видеть луну посреди белого дня.  
to check a product for quality — проверять качество изделия  
to clothe with quality — придавать (определённое) качество  
competitive quality — конкурентоспособное качество  
degraded audio quality — плохое качество звука  
water (quality) deterioration — ухудшение качества воды  
extra quality — высшего качества  
to put quantity before quality — ставить количество выше качества  
indifference of quality — среднее качество  
to inspect for quality — разбраковывать  

Примеры с переводом

He had a quality education.

У него было хорошее образование.

Quality is our watchword.

Наш девиз — качество.

That was a quality job you did.

Вы выполнили работу качественно.

The house has many fine qualities.

У этого дома много прекрасных качеств.

We are monitoring the air quality.

Мы контролируем качество воздуха.

The quality of students has risen.

Уровень подготовки учащихся возрос.

The picture quality, to my eye, is excellent.

Качество изображения, на мой взгляд, превосходное.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…there’s a canned quality to the screenplay that reminds you of countless other action movies…

… the pearls were of inferior quality; they looked like pearlized globs of varying wrinkly shapes.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

equality  — равенство, равноправие
inequality  — неравенство, разница, различие, неодинаковость, изменчивость, непостоянство
poor-quality  — простенький
low-quality  — низкого качества
high-quality  — высококачественный, высокосортный
coequality  — равенство, равное положение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): quality
мн. ч.(plural): qualities


Honesty is a desirable quality.

Stubbornness is one of his bad qualities.

She has strong leadership qualities.

The house has many fine qualities.

His music has a primitive quality.

They offer quality at a reasonable price.


The restaurant offers quality service.

The store sells quality furniture at reasonable prices.

It can be difficult to find quality childcare.

He had a quality education.

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Recent Examples on the Web

All of this quality doesn’t come without a cost.

Amanda Prahl, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

This stunning investment bag can last for many years thanks to high-quality materials and a timeless design.

Austa Somvichian-clausen, Travel + Leisure, 7 Apr. 2023

With all the upgrades to the athletic fields at Arlington, the district hopes the school can act as a hub for others in the area to use for practices and events, but Murphy said the number one goal is to make sure students at Arlington have access to high-quality sports facilities.

Caroline Beck, The Indianapolis Star, 7 Apr. 2023

And both offer high-quality, fresh seafood in a friendly environment at reasonable prices.

Pam Kragen, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Apr. 2023

The Dark Horse starts at $59,565, so a high-quality cabin will be important for convincing customers to spend that much coin.

Caleb Miller, Car and Driver, 7 Apr. 2023

Adrian Aoun is founder and CEO of Forward, a startup aiming to be the first health care system to deliver high-quality health care to a billion people for free.

Fortune Editors, Fortune Well, 7 Apr. 2023

These bottles represent all of these qualities and more.

Jonah Flicker, Robb Report, 6 Apr. 2023

For those who attend a lot of video calls, Apple’s Continuity Camera feature is a great way to make your iPhone into a high-quality webcam.

Corey Gaskin, Ars Technica, 6 Apr. 2023

Universal Motor Clipper is a long-time fan favorite thanks to its bulletproof, pro-quality design.

Men’s Health, 14 Feb. 2023

When the Tops Friendly Market on Jefferson Avenue shut down after the Buffalo mass shooting, the community lost its only grocery store — a lifeline in a predominantly Black neighborhood that fought for years to obtain access to affordable and quality fresh food.

Deena Zaru, ABC News, 15 July 2022

The community promised safe streets, quality public schools and great parks and recreation.

Genevieve Redsten, Journal Sentinel, 8 Mar. 2023

However, poorer-quality housing leaves rural homeowners and renters vulnerable to rising heating and cooling costs, as well as additional maintenance costs.

Stephen Weiler, Fortune, 27 Jan. 2023

Don’t make the mistake of overusing a sub-quality bag—or at the very least, check it frequently for thinning materials, catching zippers, or anything else that could spell trouble when it’s packed full of pricey gear.

Suzie Dundas, Popular Mechanics, 24 Jan. 2023

For much of the 20th century, segregation encouraged by the federal redlining policies forced most people of color to live in neighborhoods with more crowded and poorer-quality housing.

National Geographic, 13 Jan. 2023

Additionally, most quality broad-spectrum CBD brands make their lab results easily accessible on their website.

Dallas News, 22 Nov. 2022

Simply Nourish offers a long line of potent and quality pet foods, but this is among the best of the best.

Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 18 Oct. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘quality.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Quality refers to how good something is compared to other similar things. In other words, its degree of excellence. When used to describe people, it refers to a distinctive characteristic or attribute that they possess. In this sense, we can also use the term for things. If I think that Mary’s best attribute is her honesty, I can say “Mary’s best quality is her honesty.”

When we refer to ‘people of quality’ we usually mean people of high social standing. However, the term, with this meaning, is less common today than in the past.

In business, especially manufacturing, it is a measure of excellence. In this context, it can also refer to a state of being defect-free.

The ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as:

“The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.”

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, an international standard-setting body. ISO consists of representatives from several national standards organizations.

The term contrasts with the word ‘quantity.’  When somebody says ‘how much,’ we think about quantity. If they say ‘how good,’ on the other hand, we think about quality.

Quality in business

In business, manufacturing, and engineering, the term has a pragmatic interpretation as the superiority or non-inferiority of something. It also refers to a product as ‘fit for purpose,’ while at the same time satisfying consumer expectations.

Quality is mostly a subjective and perceptual attribute. Different people may not have the same understanding of the meaning of the term.

Product quality

In a SlideShare presentation, Arpan Garg says: “The Importance of product quality can be seen through two sides: 1. For companies: This is because, bad quality products will affect the consumer’s confidence, image and sales of the company. It may even affect the survival of the company. 2. For consumers: They are ready to pay high prices, but in return, they expect best-quality products. If they are not satisfied, they will purchase from the competitors.” (Image data: slideshare.net/gargarpan/)

Customer’s and producer’s interpretation

Wikipedia says the following regarding customers’ and producers’ perception of the word:

Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace.”

Producers might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced correctly. Support personnel may measure quality in the degree that a product is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable.”

In this context, the word ‘consumer‘ means the same as ‘customer‘ (this is not always the case).

Quality management

In business, there are many aspects to quality. It may refer either to goods or services. The key aspects of how good or ‘fit for purpose’ goods are, are rooted in the concept of quality management, which covers four areas:

1. Quality planning

This is a means of developing the goods, systems, and processes required to meet consumer expectations. In many cases, the producer tries to exceed them.

2. Quality assurance or QA

QA is a program for the systematic monitoring of all aspects of production, a project, or a service. The aim is to make sure that the producer and what the producer makes meet the required standards.

Quality control or QA

QC is a system in manufacturing of maintaining standards. Here, the focus is on the finished product, i.e., making sure it is defect-free and meets specifications and standards.

While QC focuses on what happens after the producer makes the product, QC focuses on what happens before completion.

Quality improvement or QI

QI is the systematic approach to the elimination of waste and losses in the production process. Sometimes, it also includes the reduction of waste and losses. QI involves weeding out what is not working properly, and either improving it or getting rid of it.

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