Putin uses the n word

Дональд Трамп

Дональд Трамп. Фото: Ron Sachs / dpa / Globallookpress.com

Кандидат в президенты США от Республиканской партии Дональд Трамп рассказал журналистам во Флориде, что слышал, как Владимир Путин упомянул «плохое слово», начинающееся на букву «н» (N-word). Как пишет The Independent, этот эпитет, вероятно, относился к американскому лидеру Бараку Обаме.

По словам миллиардера, глава российского государства за последний год «наговорил много плохих вещей». «Я был шокирован, когда услышал, как однажды он произнес слово на букву «н». У него (Путина — прим. «Ленты.ру») полностью отсутствует уважение к Обаме, и он его не любит», — добавил Трамп.

Британская газета отмечает, что это слово носит расистский характер, однако полностью его не указывает. В отрывке выступления самого Трампа не фигурируют какие-либо намеки на дискриминационный толк эпитета.

В марте 2016 года Обама рассказывал, что его российский коллега ведет себя на встречах как откровенный и пунктуальный политик. «Правда в том, что Путин на всех наших встречах подчеркнуто вежлив и очень откровенен. Он никогда не заставляет меня ждать по два часа, как это делают многие другие», — отмечал американский лидер. Президент России в свою очередь называл Обаму порядочным и сильным человеком.

N-word — эвфемизм, употребляемый в американском варианте английского языка вместо неполиткорректного nigger, также nigga или nigra. «Ниггер» и ему подобные — грубый вариант таких слов, как «чернокожий», «негр». Помимо этого, n-word является эвфемизмом для любого слова на букву n, почему-либо считающегося неприличным в конкретном речевом контексте, и может обозначать слово Nazi.

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Donald Trump has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin keeps using the “n-word”, as in “nuclear”, and he has claimed that Mr Putin is a “different” man than the one he interacted with during his time in the White House.

“I listen to him constantly using the n-word, that’s the n-word, and he’s constantly using it, the nuclear word,” Mr Trump told Fox Business Network on Monday.

“He says ‘we’re looking at their nuclear power,’ but we’re a greater nuclear power,” Mr Trump added.

Mr Trump said the US nuclear arsenal is “immensely powerful and hope to god, you’d never have to use it because it would be that would be the tragedy of all tragedies. But if we didn’t have it, we couldn’t talk”.

“We say ‘oh, he’s a nuclear power,’ but we’re a greater nuclear power. We have the greatest submarines, the world’s most powerful machines ever built,” Mr Trump said.

“You can’t let this tragedy continue,” Mr Trump said about the war in Ukraine. “You can’t let these thousands of people die. It’s going to be hundreds of thousands and maybe millions of people by the time it ends.”

The former president said Mr Putin is a “different person” compared to when he was in office.

“I got along with him, loving this country, and he loves his country, okay. But he’s a different person than he was, he seems to be different,” he said. “It just doesn’t seem to be the same person I was dealing with.”

“We did well with Russia,” Mr Trump said. “They didn’t attack any other countries under us. I’m the only one where that didn’t happen. And with Bush, they took Georgia, and they took Crimea with Biden and Obama. And now he said ‘to hell with it. Let’s take the whole thing’.”

“But even ‘sleepy eyes’ Chuck Todd on NBC said the other day when he was interviewing, I think it was [Secretary of State Antony] Blinken. He said, ‘how come this never happened under Trump?’ China didn’t do anything. Russia didn’t do it. Nobody did anything in fact, and we got along with North Korea,” Mr Trump claimed.

(Press Association Images)

Jessica Pisano, an associate professor of politics at the New School for Social Research, wrote in an op-ed for Politico that a likely explanation as to why Mr Putin didn’t invade Ukraine during Mr Trump’s presidency was that “with Trump in office, Putin was already getting what he wanted. The election changed all that”.

“Consider where Trump and Biden stand on three key issue areas the Kremlin cares deeply about: NATO, political leadership in Ukraine and undermining democracy,” she added. “Under Trump, there was little daylight between Russia and the United States on these issues.”

“The truth is that during his administration, Trump’s policy alignment with Putin advanced the aims of Russia’s political elites, who could imagine that the United States was on their side,” she wrote.

Russia committing a ‘real act of genocide’ in Mariupol, says Ukrainian defence minister

The Independent has a proud history of campaigning for the rights of the most vulnerable, and we first ran our Refugees Welcome campaign during the war in Syria in 2015. Now, as we renew our campaign and launch this petition in the wake of the unfolding Ukrainian crisis, we are calling on the government to go further and faster to ensure help is delivered. To find out more about our Refugees Welcome campaign, click here. To sign the petition click here.  If you would like to donate then please click here for our GoFundMe page.

July 28 2016, 11:03


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Трамп: Путин не уважает американского президента на букву «Н»

«Н» – это производная от американского эвфемизма N-word, использующегося когда нужно произнести слово, которое произносить нельзя – «негр». То есть Трамп рассказал Америке о том, что Путин называет Обаму негром. В России эта история звучит несколько анекдотично. Но совсем другое дело помешанные на расизме США.

Расовая сегрегация была нормой для Соединённых Штатов вплоть до 50х (для южных штатов до 70х). Гагарин уже полетел в космос, а в просвещенных США напряженно разбирались с законностью табличек «no dog, no…». Несмотря на воинствующую политкорректность (а, может быть, отчасти и благодаря ей), расовая сегрегация в США по мнению ряда американских экспертов сохраняется и сегодня, принимая всё более «гибкие» формы.

Потому тема «Обаму назвали негром» – это крайне острый и скандальный для США вопрос. И обратите внимание на то, в какой формулировке об этом говорит Трамп:


Трамп говорит, что Путин называет Обаму негром, не любит Обаму и не уважает Обаму. А если американцы выберут Трампа, то Путин, как надеется Трамп, будет уважать и любить нового президента США. Критерий уважения / неуважения Трамп вводит только один – президент США на букву «Н» или не на букву «Н». Для России очевидным образом актуален вопрос будет ли президент США на букву «М» или нет. Но Трамп в США разыгрывает именно карту «Н», то есть даже не слишком тонко вводит расовую тему в свою предвыборную кампанию (как бы сваливая всё на Путина). И в этом есть своя логика, ведь тема политкорректности очевидным образом на стороне Х.Клинтон и Трамп может захотеть включить другие страсти.

On Monday, former President Donald Trump raised quite a few eyebrows for his description of talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump told Fox Business’ Stuart Varney of talks with Putin that “I listen to him constantly using the n-word. That’s the n-word.”

While many viewers would undoubtedly think of “the n-word” as the racially charged slur, Trump clarified, saying, “and he’s constantly using it, the nuclear word.”

Trump made his comments during an interview on Fox Business.

«I listened to [Putin] constantly using the n-word. That’s the n-word,» former President Trump told @FoxBusiness host Stuart Varney before clarifying he meant the «nuclear word.» pic.twitter.com/127sy5JiA4

— Mediaite (@Mediaite) March 21, 2022

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Trump On Nuclear Deterrence

After the strange description from Trump, he got down to brass tacks on how he would deter Putin.

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“We say, ‘Oh, he’s a nuclear power,’ but we’re a greater nuclear power,” Trump continued. “We have the greatest submarines in the world, the most powerful machines ever built and they got built under me. The most powerful machines ever built and nobody knows where they are.”

Trump then said what he thinks Biden should do about the situation.

“He should say, ‘If you mention that word one more time, we’re gonna send over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,” Trump said.

The 45th President has maintained that Russia would not have dared to invade Ukraine if he were still President. 

In an interview shortly after the war began, Trump told Clay Travis and Buck Sexton:

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine,” Trump said in his interview. “I used to talk to him about it.”

On Russia invading Ukraine, Trump said he told Putin, “I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.”

The 34-minute interview on The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show aired on Feb. 22. In it, former U.S. President Donald Trump described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stated Ukraine strategy as “genius” and “savvy.» https://t.co/w4fx8P8QOf

— snopes.com (@snopes) March 3, 2022

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Trump at CPAC: ‘Putin is playing Biden like a drum’

Trump also said during that interview, “The problem is that our leaders are dumb…and so far, allowed [Putin] to get away with this travesty and assault on humanity.”

Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month, “Putin is playing [President Joe] Biden like a drum and it’s not a pretty thing to watch.”

The Slatest

Donald Trump holds a press conference on Wednesday in Doral, Florida.

Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images

Donald Trump gave a wide-ranging and bizarre press conference on Wednesday that the Washington Post described as “falsehood-laden.”

Getting the most attention out of the event was Trump’s request that Russia hack and release some of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as secretary of state.

But perhaps even more bizarre was another portion of the event in which Trump made a puzzling reference to Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama, and “the N-word.” Here’s the quote in question:

Putin has said things over the last year that are really bad things. He mentioned the N-word one time. I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word. You know what the N-word is, right? He mentioned it. I was shocked. He has a total lack of respect for President Obama. No. 1, he doesn’t like him and No. 2, he doesn’t respect him.

Several journalists (including myself) initially took this to mean that Trump was suggesting that Putin had referred to the president using a racial slur. Indeed, the cryptic nature of Trump’s comments suggest that if he wasn’t outright saying this, then it least might have been a dog whistle to some of his more racist supporters. Basically, he may have been intentionally vague in order to be provocative, or to throw some red meat to the worst elements of his coalition.

But there is no sourcing whatsoever saying that Putin actually ever used that racial epithet. And the few instances to him saying the word in reference to Obama come from random message boards. This would seem to indicate that Trump was not talking about the racial epithet, at least not explicitly.

The more likely answer is that by “N-word,” Trump meant “nuclear.”

There are at least two recent references to Putin either discussing or considering the possibility of using nuclear weapons, either of which Trump might have been referring to.

First, in December, the English-language Russian propaganda network Russia Today reported that Putin had suggested that Russia was capable of using nuclear weapons in the fight against ISIS, saying the country had cruise missiles capable of being outfitted with nukes.

“We now see that these are new, modern and highly effective high-precision weapons that can be equipped either with conventional or special nuclear warheads,” he said. “Naturally we do not need that in fighting terrorists and I hope it will never be needed.”

It would be odd, though, for Trump to criticize Putin for refusing to rule out the use of nuclear weapons in the fight against ISIS when he himself has done the same thing. Also, earlier in the press conference, Trump said he’d like to partner with Russia in battling ISIS. “There’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do than have Russia friendly as opposed to the way they are right now so that we can go and knock out ISIS together,” he said.

So that doesn’t appear to be the “nuclear” reference in question. The other option that I found was a less definitive report, but one that made more sense in this context. In February, the conspiracy theory espousing website Infowars cited former AP and Newsweek reporter Robert Parry, who now edits the website Consortium News, to report that Putin had threatened NATO ally Turkey with the use of tactical nuclear weapons were it to invade Syria.

“A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin told me that the Russians have warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary to save their troops in the face of a Turkish-Saudi onslaught,” Parry wrote. “Since Turkey is a member of NATO, any such conflict could quickly escalate into a full-scale nuclear confrontation.”

If this was the “N-word” usage in question, it would make sense. Trump in the past has not been afraid to parrot unsubstantiated reports as fact. He has appeared on the radio program of Alex Jones, who operates the site Infowars. And the premise here—that Putin was using the concept of nuclear weapons to threaten U.S. interests—would seem to make some sense in the context of Trump’s remarks.

I have reached out to Trump’s press team and to his press secretary Hope Hicks asking them to clarify the comments but had not heard back from them as of publication time.

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