Put two things together word

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поставить эти две вещи вместе

Put these two things together and it’s clear that teens will increasingly connect online.

It put these two things together that I loved.

I have got to put these two things together.

You realize that people, they’re not able to put these two things together.

So we put these two things together.

These people have total cognitive dissonance so that they can’t put these two things together.

When you put these two things together, you will get a quiet, occupied kid who is not just having fun, but learning something new as well.

Когда вы кладете эти две вещи вместе, вы получите тихую, занимаемое ребенком, который не просто весело, но, узнав, что-то новое, а также.

Put these two things together and it is obvious that such civilisations will be constantly seeking to colonise other planets.

Соедините их вместе и будет естественным постоянное желание этих цивилизаций колонизировать другие планеты.

You put these two things together, the net result is that all side forces on the glass are small and are mainly dominated by aerodynamic effects, which at these speeds are negligible.

Всё вместе это приводит к тому, что боковые силы, действующие на бокал, незначительны и вызваны аэродинамическими эффектами, которыми можно пренебречь на столь малых скоростях.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  • #1

Hello there :),,

I don’t know how to say put something together in English.

Here is the thing that I’d like to express.

There were two courses in my school before, but the school has decided to put them together as one.

I’m looking for a word that would fit into this case. I’ve thought of «combine», however, I don’t think it works.

Could anyone help me?


  • dadane

    • #2

    I think ‘merge’ might be the word you are looking for.


    • #3

    ‘Combine’ seems the obvious word to me. The school has combined the two courses into one. Why don’t you think it works?



    • #4

    Thank you dadane and heypresto..

    I wasn’t sure if combine would work before being told by you.

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    We know that sometimes it’s a bit boring to learn because we want to be playing but

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Мы знаем, что иногда это немного скучно, чтобы узнать, потому что мы хотим, чтобы играть,

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    And then, six months later, I saw a photo of


    adorable puppies, with 32 hex digits above them,

    context icon

    А затем, шестью месяцами позже, я увидел фотографию с


    прелестными щенками и тридцатью двумя шестнадцатеричными цифрами над ними,

    и я подумал:“ Почему то и другое сложили вместе?

    Fewer sites would mean fewer environmental impacts and

    fewer safety risks, and those two things together would mean fewer health impacts and risks, and

    also smaller cost.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Меньшее число площадок означало бы меньшее воздействие на окружающую среду и

    меньшие риски для безопасности, а эти два обстоятельства совместно означали бы меньшее воздействие на здоровье и риски для здоровья,

    а также меньшие затраты.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Пара- набор из 2— х предметов, которые используются вместе или рассматриваются как единое целое.

    context icon

    Which means that the two things are really going together: the new movement and the apparent disorder.

    context icon

    Это значит, что, действительно, эти две вещи идут рядом: новое движение и видимый беспорядок.*.

    If I can have the two things that I love together for one night… I would be satisfied to give up.

    context icon

    Если б я мог совместить эти две любимые вещи на один вечер… то я был бы готов отказаться.

    to buy new equipment, which, in turn, will normally spend the autumn harvesting campaign», he stressed.

    context icon

    купить новую технику, что, в свою очередь, позволит осенью нормально провести уборочную кампанию»,- подчеркнул он.

    And of course, you ought to own two things that are polar opposites yet work well together:

    context icon

    И, конечно же, вы должны иметь две вещи, которые являются полярными противоположностями еще хорошо работают вместе:

    context icon

    Ты связываешь воедино то, что я никогда не связывал.

    There are two things that shouldn‟t be lumped


    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    context icon

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    The two things were not comparable and could not be taken up


    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Also, when you combine two things that don’t go together… like boobs and a bulge, or creativity and

    research… you get something special.

    context icon

    А также, когда ты сочетаешь две несочетаемые вещи, как грудь и пенис или творчество и исследования,

    можно получить что нибудь особенное.

    I completely understand that, but once he calms down,

    context icon

    Я хорошо вас понимаю, но когда он успокоится,

    может быть, у вас появится шанс пройти через все это вместе.

    Results: 1039722,
    Time: 0.2266





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    put together

    1. verb To build or assemble something; to create something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «put» and «together.» I thought it would take me less than an hour, but I’ve been putting this table together all evening! I just need to put an outfit together for my interview tomorrow. Please put together an outline of your plan and have it on my desk by Friday.

    2. verb To combine two or more people or things into a pair, group, mixture, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «put» and «together.» Just make sure you don’t put those three together—they always cause trouble when they’re in a group. When you put these two chemicals together, you get an explosive reaction.

    3. verb To consider or contemplate multiple things in order to arrive at some conclusion or deduction. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «put» and «together.» There were so many elements to the case that I just couldn’t put them all together. When I put all the evidence together, it seemed pretty clear that the firm was lying to me.

    4. verb To imagine that two people would make a suitable romantic couple. Usually used in negative, past-tense constructions. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «put» and «together.» Dan and Billy are going out? Huh, I never would have put those two together.

    5. adjective In a stable and successful condition. I can’t believe she’s had such a terrible addiction problem for so long—she always seemed so put together to me. I always felt inadequate next to my brother, who has always been exceptionally put together in his career and his home life.

    6. adjective In good physical or mental health. I’ve been really paying attention to my diet, as well as getting enough sleep and exercise, and I feel a lot more put together recently as a result.

    7. adjective Sophisticated and polished in appearance due to one’s attentiveness to fashion and grooming. I can’t go out in public wearing sweats with my hair in a messy bun! I have to be at least a little more put together than that. What to do you think of this blouse-jacket combo? Do you think I look put together enough for the job interview?

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    put people or things together

    to join or combine people or things. We will put Sam and Trudy together at the dinner table. Let’s put all the crystal goblets together.

    put something together


    1. Lit. to assemble something. How long will it take to put dinner together? This model was put together incorrectly.

    2. Fig. to consider some facts and arrive at a conclusion. I couldn’t put everything together to figure out the answer in time. When I put together all the facts, I found the answer.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    put together

    1. Build, assemble, create, as in We put together the new bookcase, or This writer can’t put together a coherent sentence. [First half of 1500s]

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    put toˈgether

    used when comparing or contrasting somebody/something with a group of other people or things to mean ‘combined’ or ‘in total’: Your department spent more last year than all the others put together.

    Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

    put together


    1. To construct or create something out of pieces or parts: The carpenter put together a new bookcase. The broker put a revised insurance package together.

    2. To group together some set of people or things: Let’s put the children together in the guest room.

    3. To understand something by considering many pieces of information or ideas: The police reviewed the clues presented by the evidence, but couldn’t put them together. The jury tried to put together all of the facts.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    See also:

    • (something) to go on
    • a whole different animal
    • a whole different ball of wax
    • a whole different beast
    • (something) is not your daddy’s
    • (something) is not your dad’s
    • (something) is not your father’s
    • a/the feel of (something)
    • (I) wouldn’t (do something) if I were you
    • a straw will show which way the wind blows

    What’s a word that means two things work together and add to each other to make them better? I have a specific word that I want in the back of my mind but I can’t remember what it is.

    • word-choice

    Community's user avatar

    asked Mar 10, 2015 at 14:52

    user18028's user avatar


    131 gold badge1 silver badge3 bronze badges


    • It’s not «collaborate»…

      Mar 10, 2015 at 14:52

    • No not synergy either… Let’s see if I can rephrase to make it easier to come up with the word… Two things are different, but they both contribute to the same goal. Together they get at the truth and attain the goal.

      Mar 10, 2015 at 15:07

    • Compatible, harmonious, in-sync, cooperative, isomorphic, paired? Even if it’s not the word you’re looking for, synergy is perfect for what you’ve defined. It literally means «when something is greater than the sum of its parts».

      Mar 10, 2015 at 15:25

    • do you mean «complement/complementary»?

      Mar 10, 2015 at 15:32

    • How about symbiosis?

      Mar 10, 2015 at 16:24

    2 Answers

    My first thought was complement, but Gary beat me to it. This would particularly apply to the usage of «providing all that is necessary to make a whole».

    If not that, I suggest reinforce, in the sense of «to strengthen, by adding materials», but applied to something other than physical objects.

    answered Mar 10, 2015 at 17:38

    WhatRoughBeast's user avatar

    Are you thinking of symbiotic/symbiosis?

    answered Mar 10, 2015 at 16:50

    0rbital's user avatar


    • Welcome to ELL! I think that you have the start of a good answer here, but that it needs more explanation. The way it’s written, it reads more like a comment than an answer. An answer doesn’t have to be exactly what the asker had in mind; maybe your idea is actually a more precise word. I think if you explained why symbiotic is a good choice, this could be a great answer.

      Mar 10, 2015 at 17:12

    • Be confident! Your answer sounds like you’re trying to guess what user18028 is thinking of, but you should just suggest some good words that fit the meaning. Quotations from and links to dictionary definitions are a big help.

      Mar 11, 2015 at 6:18

    • @EsotericScreenName — When I see an answer like this, I often wonder if the O.P. tried to type a one- or two-word answer, ran into the minimum character requirement, and then simply couched it in the form of a question to get past the character count minimum. That said, you’ve given the correct advice; instead of putting it in the form of a question, a copied (and properly cited) dictionary definition is far better. A usage taken from a book or news article could boster an answer even more. Sometimes it takes awile for newer users to become accustmoed to the «Stack Exchange way.»

      Mar 14, 2015 at 10:42

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